ILTS Social Science History Practice Exam

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The split among Muslims into Shi'a and Sunni branches in the seventh century stems from a dispute over which of the following issues? A. how the rightful leaders of the Muslim community should be chosen B. which region should host the capital city of the empire C. whether converts to the faith should be sought and welcomed D. how to respond to military threats from the Byzantine Empire


The principle of comparative advantage is most useful for illustrating the benefits of which of the following economic policies? A. reducing tariffs to encourage international trade B. raising government spending to achieve full employment C. maintaining a stable money supply to control inflation D. adjusting tax policy to finance government operations.


The replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the U.S. Constitution . primarily reflects which of the following concerns? A. the need for a strong federal government to respond to social unrest during a period of economic crisis B. the inability of a weak federal government to prevent the expansion of slavery into territories beyond the Mississippi C. the need for a strong federal government to respond to frequent conflicts between settlers and Native American tribes D. the inability of a weak federal government to prevent the seizure of forts along the Canadian border by Great Britain


A social science teacher frequently has students complete a short anticipation guide before reading a new informational or expository text. students read several carefully constructed statements related to the text's content and must decide whether each statement is true or false based on prior knowledge. after the students have read the text, they answer the same set of questions about the topic and compare the responses they made before and after reading. the anticipation guide activity as described supports students' content-area reading development primarily by: A. promoting students ' interest and engagement in reading new social science text . B. enhancing students ' understanding of new vocabulary encountered in a social science text . C. encouraging students to justify their thinking and opinions about a new social science text . D. helping students analyze the role of various language features in a social science text .


A social science teacher would like to improve students' ability to comprehend and retain essential info from social science texts. For example, the teacher would like students to attend carefully to a text's essential vocab and main ideas, including tracing the author's argument, claims, and evidence. The teacher could best achieve these goals by providing students with explicit modeling and guided practice in which of the following comprehension strategies? A. annotating a text systematically during reading B. identifying a text's organizational structure before reading C. predicting a text's outcomes before reading D. using visualization and mental imagery during reading


In a unit on Europe in the early modern period, a high school world history teacher shows students the excerpt below, from an interpretation of the Renaissance written by Jacob Burckhardt in 1860. In far earlier times, we can here and there detect a development of free personality, which in Northern Europe either did not occur at all, or could not display itself in the same manner .... But at the close of the thirteenth century, Italy began to swarm with individuality; the ban laid upon human personality was dissolved; and a thousand figures meet us, each in its own special shape and dress .... These people were forced to know all the inward resources of their own nature, passing or permanent; and their enjoyment of life was enhanced and concentrated by the desire to obtain the greatest satisfaction from a possibly very brief period of power and influence. This excerpt can best serve as the basis for an initial discussion exploring which of the following essential questions? A. To what extent did the humanism of the Renaissance represent a divergence from medieval patterns of thought? B. What role did the concept of the " Renaissance Man " play in the evolution of the commercial, economic system? C. What conditions in Renaissance Italy contributed to the artistic innovations of the fourteenth century? D. In what ways did the methods and ideals of the Renaissance contribute to the Protestant Reformation?


In anthropology, the concept of " cultural relativism " holds that when conducting research in the field, anthropologists should: A. refrain from making judgments based on the standards and norms of the anthropologist's own culture. B. attempt to collect data that reflects the totality of the subjects' culture. C. maintain relationships with subjects that conveys the anthropologist's positive regard for their culture. D. recognize their position as outsiders in relation to the subjects' culture.


In the late nineteenth century, the development of the philosophy of Social Darwinism served to justify: A. the political and economic dominance of wealthy industrialists. B. the necessity of labor organization for the survival of workers C. the reshaping of the natural landscape to suit the needs of economic growth. D. the establishment of state welfare programs and relief organizations.


The Marshall Plan, American military aid to South Vietnam, and the Bay of Pigs invasion are examples of which of the following U.S. foreign policies during the twentieth century? A. containment B. nation building C. deterrence D. collective security


The Nullification Crisis of 1832 primarily stemmed from which of the following developments in the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century? A. the divergence between a manufacturing economy in the North and an export-driven agrarian economy in the South B. pressure from frontier settlers in the Carolinas to remove Indian populations in preparation for white settlement C. increasing Congressional demand for prohibitions on the expansion of slavery in response to abolitionist political action D. the extension of suffrage to all white males regardless of property qualifications or taxpayer status


To support students' content - area reading and concept development, a social science teacher regularly has students engage in academic discussions focused on comparing different perspectives presented in various texts. To foster these discussions, the teacher explicitly teaches the students how to: - present a position using evidence or justification, - listen actively to opposing arguments, and -formulate statements that agree or disagree respectfully and objectively by referring to the specific claim ( s ) a speaker has made The teacher's actions are likely to support students ' reading and concept development in the social science classroom primarily in which of the following ways? A. by promoting their academic language development and critical thinking skills B. by helping them distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings of target vocabulary C. by enhancing their metacognitive skills and control of their metacognitive processes D. by encouraging them to engage in independent reading and research related to social science.


Use the information below to answer the question that follows. Data shows that the British colony of jamaica imported 77,100 Africans as slaves between 1676 and 1700. In 1713, the population in Jamaica of people of African origin numbered 55,000. Which of the following resources could a world history teacher best use to supplement this info to help students understand the nature of slavery in the 18th century Atlantic world? A. plantation owner's account of the daily operations of a Jamaican sugar plantation B. a table providing data on the number of free black inhabitants in Jamaica in 1713 C. a map showing the areas of Jamaica with the largest concentration of slaves D. a chart showing the number of slave imports to Jamaica for 1715 1750


Use the list of characteristics to answer the question below. -reliant on permanent agriculture -organized as a loose confederation of city-states -ruled by a bureaucracy of hereditary nobles This list describes characteristics of which of the following New World civilizations before contact with Old World powers? A. Aztec B. Inca C. Maya D. Olmec


Use the transit system map below to answer the question that follows. A transit system user would most likely use the map to determine the: A. order of stations. B. distance between stations. C. direction of routes. D. location of major landmarks.


Which of the following federal policies contributed to the growth of suburbs in the United States during the 1950s? A. the construction of interstate highways B. legislation prohibiting housing discrimination C. improvement of mass transportation systems D. funding for the creation of parks and public recreation areas


A social science teacher could best use the example of an individual from a working-class socioeconomic level in the United States during the second half of the twentieth century entering the workforce immediately after high school rather than pursuing post-secondary education to illustrate the influence of: A. social relationships on customs B. cultural norms on behavior. C. social class on life decisions. D. cultural values on social controls.


The teacher of a tenth-grade world history class plans to assign a guided research project to help students better understand the causes of the French Revolution. After narrowing the general research topic to conditions in the ancien régime that contributed to the revolution, the teacher could best share which of the following sources with students? A. translations of selected eighteenth-century French political cartoons satirizing the three-estate social structure B. an article from a contemporary popular history magazine commemorating the storming of the Bastille C. an entry from a general encyclopedia explaining the significance of the Enlightenment in France D. excerpts from academic journal articles analyzing the role of the poor in the outcome of the revolution


Which of the following policies would most likely be enacted by a country undergoing a transition from a command to a market economy? A. selling state-owned enterprises to elements within the private sector B . erecting protective trade barriers to limit imports and exports C. transferring oversight of five-year plans from the government to corporations D. establishing a mechanism for implementing counter-cycle fiscal policy


An important similarity between the Russian Revolutions of 1917 and the Chinese Revolution of 1945-1949 was that both revolutions: A. were responses to the rapid industrialization of their respective societies B. divided large agricultural estates in favor of small peasant holdings C. were influenced by the devastating impact of war on their respective countries D. sought to stabilize their societies' economies through foreign investment


A direct result of the production of an agricultural surplus in early civilizations was the: A. development of systematic, organized religious beliefs. B. specialization of labor and increased economic complexity . C. destruction of nomadic, non - agricultural societies. D. creation of legal codes that reinforced communal land ownership.


A high school history teacher is preparing a lesson on patterns of continuity in the history of labor relations in Illinois. The teacher provides students with the following document, an excerpt from the essay "The Case Against the Reds" written in 1920 by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer: My information showed that communism in this country was an organization of thousands of aliens, who were direct allies of Trotsky. Aliens of the same misshapen caste of mind and indecencies of character, and it showed that they were making the same glittering promises of lawlessness, of criminal autocracy to Americans that they had made to the Russian peasants. How the Department of Justice discovered upwards of 60,000 of these organized agitators of the Trotsky doctrine in the United States is the confidential information upon which the Government is now sweeping the nation clean of such alien filth. Which of the following resources would be most effective for teaching students about patterns of continuity in the history of Illinois labor relations? A.a political cartoon from the Chicago Tribune satirizing the actions of Palmer B. a newspaper editorial supporting the execution of the Haymarket defendants C. an article by a Chicago immigrant society citing U.S. democratic principles D. the transcript of an Illinois Supreme Court opinion on the Palmer Raids


A high school social science teacher could best use the adoption of the potato as a staple crop in Europe to illustrate how human activity can influence: A. soil alkalinity. B rates of population growth. C. desertification. D. incidence of communicable diseases.


A high school social science teacher could best use which of the following examples to illustrate the influence of physical geography on the historical development of a region? A. the development of the caste system in South Asia B. the spread of Greek culture in the Mediterranean basin C. the diffusion of Islam into Southeast Asia and West Africa D. the expansion of the slave trade into the Atlantic Ocean basin.


A high school social science teacher plans to take an interdisciplinary approach to instruction during a unit on the U.S. Civil War. The teacher could best use which of the following activities to introduce this approach? A. tracing the writing and popularization of the " Battle Hymn of the Republic " B. comparing the development of northern and southern states during the first half of the nineteenth century C. reading and discussing excerpts from transcripts of the 1858 Lincoln Douglas debates D. reviewing the coastal geography of the United States and comparing the coastlines of northern and southern states


A researcher studying early modern Europe would be most likely to use parish baptismal and burial records in investigating which of the following research topics? A. the origins of conflict between Catholics and Protestants B. patterns of change in birth rates and mortality rates C. the decline of organized religion in European society D. cultural factors behind the growth of bureaucratic institutions


A rule or guideline for appropriate behavior shared by most members of a society is generally identified as a: A. folkway. B. social norm. C. social network. D. positive sanction.


A significant cause of the early Spanish rule in Latin America was the nineteenth-century revolutions against desire of Creole elites to : A. eradicate the political and social privileges of the Catholic Church. B. remove the administrative and economic restrictions imposed by mercantilism. C. combat the growing military power of the United States in the region. D. create a democratic political system encompassing the mestizo population.


A social science researcher is analyzing the results of a survey, in which over 500 respondents rated their level of agreement with 25 statements on a scale of 1 to 5. The researcher discovers that on a small number of questionnaires, respondents gave multiple ratings to statements or gave contradictory ratings to statements that were very similar, suggesting they may have misread statements. Which of the following actions would be appropriate for the researcher to take to address this issue? A. repeating the survey with more detailed instructions B. removing self - contradictory questionnaires from the analysis C. conducting further research on the contradictory responses D. indicating in a report on the survey that the data may be flawed


A social science teacher could best use which of the following examples to illustrate the concept of sovereignty? A. A large nation takes control of a smaller nation's territory through military force. B. An autonomous region within a nation exercises authority within regional borders. C. One nation transfers territory along its border to a second, contiguous nation D. A nation establishes restrictions on its leaders ' power by adopting a constitution.


A social science teacher is evaluating instructional reading materials for an upcoming unit. Since the class includes students with a range of reading abilities, the teacher would like to select texts that qualify as " considerate " or user-friendly. Which of the following features should the teacher look for in a text to ensure that the text is "considerate"? A. The author uses almost exclusively simple sentences, avoiding compound sentences and transitional phrases. B. The text includes descriptive headings and emphasizes main ideas through explicit topic sentences. C. Each page of the text is filled with a variety of densely packed print and graphic features with minimal unused space. D. Text sections or chapters include a large number of interesting but nonessential facts about each topic addressed.


Artists and writers associated with the romantic movement reacted to spread of industrialism primarily by: A. participating in utopian communities. B. depicting the harsh realities of modern life. C. emphasizing emotional responses to nature. D. favoring abstraction over literal realism.


A social science teacher is planning a unit on continuity and change in African American history during the twentieth century for a high school class. The unit will include a summative assessment requiring students to work in groups to conduct research and deliver a presentation. Which of the following assignments would best accomplish this assessment goal? A. developing capsule biographies of major African American figures from the period B. creating annotated timelines of milestones related to the Great Migration and the civil rights movement C. collaborating on essays comparing the approaches of different leaders of the civil rights movement D. completing a rotating - stations activity on the African American experience in New York City and Chicago


A twelfth-grade economics teacher wants to help students develop an understanding of how the public and private sectors interact in a mixed economy like that of the United States. Which of the following activities would best help students understand this? A. Students construct a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting the laissez-faire and centralized planning models of a national economy. B. Students compile a list of private-sector economic activities and brainstorm government activities that could affect each one. C. Students graph statistics of annual employment growth in the public and private sectors and analyze patterns and trends. D. Students research the relationship of each department of the federal government to the components of gross domestic product.


An effective comparative analysis of the ancient empires of Rome and Han China would most likely seek to explain : A. the impact of the overland silk trade with China on the development of the Roman economy. B. the various factors that contributed to the longevity of both empires in their respective regions. C. details in Chinese and Roman texts that reflect awareness and knowledge of each other's civilization. D. the greater success of monotheism over polytheism as a means of politically unifying diverse cultures.


An important difference between the American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) was that: A. the AFL advocated the overthrow of capitalism, while the IWW took a more conservative approach to labor issues. B. the AFL organized skilled workers by trade, while the IWW promoted unity among skilled and unskilled workers. C. the AFL was concentrated primarily in the western United States, while the IWW established its base in eastern U.S. cities. D. the AFL derived its strength from recent immigrant workers, while the IWW was based more firmly among the established trades.


During a unit on geography, a high school social science teacher could best use a world population cartogram to promote students ' understanding of: A. changes that occurred in total world population over a given time period B. the relative size of the population of different countries or world regions. C. differences in the population growth rate of each country or world region D. the nature and scope of world population movements over a given time period.


During a unit on human development, a high school social science teacher plans to introduce Jean Piaget's model of child development and learning. The teacher could best use which of the following activities to support student understanding of this content? A. Students write personal reflections identifying and describing significant learning experiences in their lives and share their reflections in small groups. B. Students view videos of children performing tasks in preschool and elementary classrooms and identify the stages of development depicted. C. Students read instructional materials from different early elementary grade levels and list developmental differences they recognize. D. Students watch a presentation about education in various nations and contrast what they learn with their own experiences.


During a unit on political science, a social science teacher sets understanding issues, processes, and procedures related to international relations as a learning goal for students. Which of the following extended activities would best support students in achieving this learning goal? A . working in groups to prepare and deliver presentations on the activities of various international organizations B. as a class, planning and conducting an in-class simulation of a plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly C. independently researching a current international issue and writing a report explaining the issue and proposing a response D. working in pairs to research disputes considered by the International Court of Justice and conducting debates on the disputes.


In its provision of massive economic aid to postwar Europe, one of the primary purposes of the Marshall Plan was to: A. advance a framework for cooperation with the Soviet Union in rebuilding Eastern Europe. B. revitalize Western Europe in order to create a market for American manufactured goods. C. strengthen the hold of Great Britain and France over their colonial possessions in Africa and Asia. D. promote free elections and the spread of democratic politics in Eastern Europe.


Nineteenth-century reform movements in northern states, such as the temperance movement and the establishing of public education, can best be understood primarily as responses to which of the following developments? A. the geographic expansion of the nation B. immigration and urbanization C. tensions with southern sectional interests D. the growth of organized labor


Prior to assigning students to read an informational text for homework, a social science teacher introduces them to key discipline-specific vocabulary from the text. Which of the following strategies would be most appropriate for the teacher to use to differentiate the reading assignment for English language learners in the class who have advanced-level ( i.e., Level 5 bridging level ) language and literacy proficiency in English? A. teaching the content of the text to the English language learners using an oral - presentation format rather than requiring them to read the assigned text B. explicitly preteaching the English language learners any idiomatic expressions and general - academic vocabulary essential for comprehending the text C. providing the English language learners with a different text about a similar topic that was written in English for students at a lower grade level D. arranging for the English language learners to read a translation of the text or a similar text written in their primary language


In addition to the sectional conflict over slavery, a Marxist interpretation of the causes of the U.S. Civil War would most likely emphasize which of the following factors? A. the resistance of southern political elites to a centralizing federal government B. demographic trends that shifted political power decisively to northern states C. the conflicting economic goals of industrial and agrarian capitalists D. intractable cultural differences between northern and southern populations


Read the excerpt below from an 1890 article by former French Premier Jules Ferry; then answer the question that follows. The arrival on the stage of the latest industrial giants-the United States and Germany-along with the advent of the small states that are either asleep or exhausted, or the reborn Italy, of Spain enriched by French investments, of Switzerland, enterprising and shrewd, with Russia soon to join, has propelled the entire European would down a competitive course from which we will never be able to turn back. Beyond France's borders, protectionist regimes have multiple factories, reduced our traditional trading partners, and thrown new, aggressive competitors onto the European market. Which of the following developments provides the historical contest for the ideas expressed in the excerpt? A. the rapid transformation form an agrarian to an industrial society. B. imperial expansion and the acquisition of African and Asian colonies. C. the emergence of laissez-faire capitalism in the global economy. D. economic depression and the collapse of the markets for manufactured goods.


Read the passage below, then answer the question that follows. Humans are continually bringing new lands under cultivation. This occurs for two reasons. First, farmers in many regions often clear new land to replace existing farmland whose soil has been damaged by over-cultivation or other practices. Second, the increasing global consumption of food and luxury goods requires additional land to support expanded agricultural production. The United Nations Environment Programme estimates that as a result of these processes, total world cropland in 2050 will include 470,000 square miles more than it did in 2005. This expansion of cropland will alter Earth's biosphere. The most significant environmental impact of the changes described in the passage is an increase in: A. ozone depletion. B. deforestation. C. dust storm frequency. D. ocean acidification.


Students in a social science class plan to research the attitudes of their peers toward current events. The student researchers believe that their fellow students may be more willing to express their opinions anonymously than publicly. The student researchers could best protect the anonymity of their subjects by: A. interviewing subjects one-on-one rather than in a group setting. B. conduct written surveys using questionnaires that assign numbers to subjects. C. interviewing subjects and destroying notes after compiling a report. D. allowing subjects to make audio recordings of their responses to written questions.


The Federal Reserve typically reduces interest rates during a recession in order to establish which of the following incentives? A. encouraging household saving to increase the supply of money B. encouraging borrowing to fuel increased household spending C. encouraging the consumption of domestically produced goods D. encouraging bank lending to increase entrepreneurial activity.


The Mississippian cultures of native Americans shared which of the following cultural features with the Aztec civilization? A. worship of a central sun deity B. cultivation of maize as a staple crop C. creation of large ceremonial mounds D. organization into multiple chiefdoms


The works of the Harlem Renaissance broke with older literary and artistic traditions of African Americans primarily by: A. agitating for direct political action to improve social conditions in both North and South. B. reclaiming an affirmative cultural identity and self-determination with African roots. C. including music as a form of expressing the tensions of life in an oppressive society. D. involving the mass participation of African Americans across social classes.


Which of the following historical examples most clearly illustrates the concept of cultural diffusion? A. the creation of a Jewish Diaspora after the Romans destroyed Jerusalem in the first century CE B. the spread of Buddhism to East Asia in the third through sixth centuries CE C . the migration of the Mongols into China in the thirteenth century D. the assimilation of American Indians into colonial America in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries


Which of the following issues was the most significant cause of division within the women's suffrage movement in the United States during the second half of the nineteenth century? A. tension resulting from socioeconomic differences among the leaders of the movement B. disagreement over support for extending voting rights to African American men C. tension regarding violent tactics that had been employed by activists in Great Britain D. disagreement over whether to pursue a voting rights amendment to the U.S. Constitution


A high school history teacher could best illustrate the effect of industrialization on a nonindustrial society in the nineteenth century by providing instruction on: A. the conduct of the slave trade in East Africa. B. the spread of electrification in Polynesia. C. the decline of cotton textile exports from India. D. the displacement of indigenous peoples in Argentina.


A high school history teacher is preparing a lesson on the relationship between cultural developments in the North American colonies and the origins of the American Revolution. which of the following resources would be most appropriate for this purpose? A. a graph indicating changes in the diversity of the population of the colonies from 1730 to 1770 B. a map showing the location of universities in the New England and Middle Atlantic colonies C. a table characterizing the most popular books purchased in Boston and Philadelphia c. 1770 D. an excerpt from a sermon delivered at an Anglican Church service in North Carolina during the Stamp Act crisis


A high school social science teacher wants students to understand the tentative nature of historical interpretation. Which of the following pairs of sources would be most helpful to the teacher in accomplishing this goal? A. a narrative of the Battle of Gettysburg written by a Union soldier and a narrative written by a Confederate general B. an entry from the diary of wife of a Confederate senator and excerpts from the official records of the Confederate congress C. an analysis of the causes of the Civil War written during Reconstruction and a history of the Civil War written 50 years later D. oral testimony of former Union prisoners of war recorded in 1870 and a scholarly monograph on the Confederate prison at Andersonville


A historian analyzing the relationship between patriarchal social orders and gender roles in the history of China from the Han to the Qing Dynasty would most likely utilize which of the following historical concepts ? A. chronological thinking B. historical context C. patterns of continuity and change D. cause - and - effect relationships


A person has money saved for a foreseeable expense 18 months in the future and is choosing between savings options at a local bank. Which of the following considerations would lead the saver to put the money into a savings account instead of a one-year certificate of deposit? A. to get a higher rate of return on the principal B. to avoid paying income taxes on interest earned C. to assure access to the account for unforeseen expenses D. to gain the safety of government insurance for the account


A social science researcher is planning a study that will include human subjects. In order to maintain ethical practices, it is most important for the research to ensure that potential participants understand: A. that they may not disclose the results of the study. B. any and all procedures that are in place to reduce risk. C. that they may decline to participate and can opt-out at any time. D. all applicable policies related to the use of human research subjects.


A social science researcher would most likely use the concepts of algorithms and heuristics in studying which of the following psychology topics? A. human development and learning B. personality and identity C. cognition and decision-making D. motivation and behavior


Racial violence in East St. Louis in 1917 and Chicago in 1919 reflected which of the following developments? A. white working-class resentment at the promotion of African Americans to administrative and clerical positions B. attempts by the Illinois legislature to enforce desegregation on public transportation systems C. competition between recent African American migrants and white workers for factory jobs D. the admission of African Americans to leadership roles in labor unions in the steel and meatpacking industries


Read the excerpt below from Federalist Paper No. 51, by James Madison ( 1788 ); then answer the question that follows. But the great security against a gradual concentration of the several powers in the same department, consists in giving to those who administer each department the necessary constitutional means and personal motives to resist encroachments of the others... In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed, and in the next place, oblige it to control itself. A dependence on the people is, no doubt, the primary control on the government; but experience has taught mankind the necessity of auxiliary precautions. In the excerpt, Madison's argument most clearly addresses which of the following principles of constitutional government? A. federal structure B. popular sovereignty C. checks and balances. D. constitutional supremacy


Scientists consider the Amazon Rainforest critical to Earth's biodiversity and to controlling the atmospheric carbon that is driving climate change. This essential resource has long been threatened by rampant deforestation, typically the result of logging or clearing land for agriculture. Efforts by nations in the region succeeded in reducing rates of deforestation by more than 80 percent between 2004 and 2012. Sadly, policies protecting the rainforest have been undermined by powerful ranching and logging interests. In 2016 alone, deforestation rates increased 29 percent. Based on the evidence in the passage, the author's statement that efforts to protect the Amazon Rainforest were undermined by ranching and logging interests is best characterized as A. a fact. B. an interpretation. C. an assertion. D. an informed opinion.


The Great Awakening contributed to the social and cultural circumstances behind the outbreak of the American Revolution by encouraging ordinary people to: A. turn away from religion and embrace secular through of the Enlightenment B. advocate for the separation of religious and spiritual matters from political life C. question authority and participate actively in debates about their religious leaders D. demand political independence in addition to spiritual independence from Great Britain


The formation of identity and the ability to solve abstract problems are changes associated with: A. toddlerhood. B. late childhood. C. early adolescence. D. emerging adulthood.


The historical era that witnessed the origins of Confucianism can most accurately be characterized as a period of: A. rapid economic growth and increased social mobility. B. nomadic invasion and disruption of Chinese political unity. C. frequent warfare and the breakdown of traditional hierarchies. D. political expansion and absorption of non - Chinese cultural values.


The methodology of ethnography would most likely be critical in exploring which of the following social science topics? A. the impact of environmental changes on regional access to resources B. the effectiveness of government policies in promoting social reforms C. the effect of power dynamics in determining values within a group D. the influence of economic factors on the decisions of individuals


Use the information below to answer the question that follows. -Political power is concentrated among a small group. -Positions of power may be reserved by law for the elite. -Legal protections for political and economic rights may exist but are subverted by the elite. -Power is often handed down along generations of the elite. The characteristics above best describe which of the following types of political systems? A. autocracy B. constitutional monarchy C. oligarchy D. representative democracy


Which of the following concerns is reflected in the governmental structure established by the articles of confederation and in the inclusion of declarations of rights in several state constitutions of the period? A. the need for a strong government to defend U.S. territory against Spain and France B. the desire to spread revolutionary ideas to the peoples of colonial Latin America C. the fear of centralized federal authority that would replicate the rule of Great Britain D. the attempt to define citizenship for white citizens in relation to the free black population


Which of the following developments accurately reflects a significant trend in immigration to the United States during the period from about 1890 to 1910? A. Chinese immigrants moved into mining and specialized trades on the West Coast. B. Mexican immigrants moved into agricultural employment in the Southwest. C. Italian immigrants moved into factory and construction work in Northeastern cities. D. Irish immigrants moved into employment in textile mills in Southern rural areas.


Which of the following developments contributed most significantly to the economic growth of Illinois from approximately 1850 to 1880? A. construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal B. extension of the National Road to Vandalia C. completion of the Illinois Central Railroad D. proliferation of steamboat lines on the Mississippi


Which of the following developments has been most significant in the decline in manufacturing employment in the United States and Illinois since 1970? A. increases in global manufacturing capacity B. the growth of worldwide markets for U.S. goods C. advances in technology that minimize labor needs D. the expansion of employment in the U.S. service sector


Which of the following developments of religious reformers such as Martin Luther in sixteenth - century best helps explain the popular success Europe? A. the growth of market - oriented, capitalist economic ideas and structures B. scientific discoveries that questioned the medieval conception of the universe C. the widespread availability of inexpensive printed material D. the revival of interest in Greek and Roman culture


Which of the following events accurately reflects a significant cause of U.S. military involvement in Korea in 1950? A. the election of a militarist government in Japan B. the Soviet detonation of a hydrogen bomb C. the establishment of Communist rule in China D. the outbreak of rebellion in the Philippines


Which of the following functions is a primary purpose of the United Nations in the twenty-first century? A . facilitating international cooperation among criminal justice systems B. promoting global trade by negotiating agreements that reduce obstacles C . coordinating international responses to humanitarian crises D. combating global inequality through debt relief and developmental assistance


Which of the following statements most accurately explains why Ming China ceased its voyages of exploration in the Indian Ocean basin during the fifteenth century? A. The Confucian worldview was hostile to foreign ideas and influences. B. Ming emperors feared the expansion of Portuguese power in the region. C. The empire's resources were reallocated to defend China's northern D. Demand for Chinese silks declined in the Middle East and Western Europe .


Between 1910 and 1920, the African American population of Chicago increased nearly 150 percent, primarily as a result of: A. discriminatory practices that restricted homeownership in suburbs. B. anti-poverty programs that increased life expectancy in urban neighborhoods. C. improved agricultural technology in rural areas of southern states. D. increased employment opportunities in wartime manufacturing industries.


During the 1930s, the Tennessee Valley Authority influenced the economy of the South primarily through the: A. elimination of the sharecropper system. B. increase in federal funding for highway construction C. redistribution of land to tenant farmers. D. provision of electric power to rural communities.


A high school U.S. history teacher is preparing a lesson on the ways in which Native Americans have been depicted in U.S. popular culture. Which of the following resources would be most effective for implementing the lesson? A . excerpts from a journal describing life on a Navajo reservation B. examples of music and dance forms emerging in the 1920s C. items from a museum exhibit featuring distinctly American arts and crafts D. episodes from 1950s television series set in the American West


A high school social science teacher sets assessing the relative strengths and limitations of the sources as a learning goal for students, including sources reflecting different historical perspectives. The teacher would find which of the following pairs of documents most useful for facilitating this goal? A. letters from Martha Washington and Abigail Adams to their respective husbands B. excerpts fromm Six Crises by Richard Nixon and Profiles in Courage by John F. Kennedy C. inaugural speeches by Andre jackson in 1829 and Theodore Roosevelt in 1905 D. a 1990 interview with a World War II veteran and a war correspondent reporting from 1942


A social science teacher could best use which of the following examples to illustrate the influence of mass media on public policy? A. A political candidate makes extensive use of social media to reach potential voters. B. Complaints from parents/guardians lead to the cancellation of a popular television show for teenagers. C. Televised town hall meetings with the governor of a state earn strong ratings D. A newspaper series on nursing homes is followed by investigations and new regulations.


A social science teacher frequently presents students with a graph or data display related to the current unit of study and guides them in analyzing the data using relevant terminology. Afterward, the teacher asks students to write a short paragraph that explains their understanding of the concept or finding the data display represents. In their paragraph, they must use at least five discipline-specific terms associated with the unit. In addition to promoting students ' ability to interpret data displays, the teacher's practices are likely to support students ' content-area reading and concept development primarily by : A. providing them with practice tracing an author's argument, claims, and evidence presented in a social science text. B . helping them recognize the organizational text structures commonly used in social science texts and the vocabulary associated with each structure. C. enhancing their ability to distinguish between various graphic and textual features typically found in social science texts. D. reinforcing their understanding of new vocabulary and ability to use target vocabulary in the social science classroom.


An important cause of the conquest and annexation of the Philippine Islands by the United States was the desire to: A. develop naval bases to oppose the expansion of Japanese power. B. extract natural resources for the development of industry in the Pacific. C. demonstrate support for rebellion against French rule in Vietnam. D. secure access to Chinese markets for U.S. manufactured goods.


Historical analysis of the experiences of indigenous peoples and African Americans in the United States emerged in the context of which of the following developments? A. the reform and abolitionist movements of the 1840s B. the beginnings of the progressive movement of the 1890s C. the flowering of literary modernism during the 1920s D. the process of decolonization during the 1960s


In protesting the Townshend Acts of 1767, colonists in port cities such as New York, Boston, and Charleston primarily adopted which of the following strategies? A. violent resistance and open rebellion against British military authority B. promotion of local industries to compete directly with British manufactured goods C. open pursuit of trading relations with the French and Spanish governments D. non-importation and boycotting of British goods such as paper, glass, and tea


Prior to assigning a new informational text, a social science teacher regularly leads students in analyzing the graphics in the text. Later, when students read the text, the teacher has them look for statements or claims by the author that are supported by the information in the graphics. The teacher's actions are likely to support students ' content-area reading development primarily by promoting their ability to : A. summarize a text without plagiarizing the author's words. B. use graphic organizers to analyze a text's overall structure. C. make inferences about ideas the author states explicitly in a text. D. synthesize the information presented in different formats in a text.


Read the excerpt below from an 1892 speech by Elizabeth Cady Stanton; then answer the question that follows. The strongest reason for giving woman all the opportunities for higher education, for the full development of her faculties, forces of mind and body; for giving her the most enlarged freedom of thought and action; a complete emancipation from all forms of bondage, of custom, dependence, superstition; from all the crippling influences of fear, is the solitude and personal responsibility of her own individual life. In the excerpt, Stanton primarily addresses which of the following questions. A. Should women take responsibility for their own education? B. What citizenship rights have been denied to women? C. Should the women's movement seek full political equality? D. What do women need in order to be fully sovereign individuals?


Read the excerpt from What Is the Third Estate ? by Abbé Sieyès ( 1789 ); then answer the question that follows. In vain can anyone's eyes be of things have brought to pass Third Estate was in bondage mattered. Today the Third is everything and nobility are like the inequalities of age, sex, but a word .... Inequalities closed to the revolution that time and the force; it is none the less real. Once and the noble order was everything that upon a time the of wealth or ability they detract from the equality of citizenship. Which of the following developments in eighteenth-century Europe most accurately reflects the historical context of Sieyès's ideas? A. the decline in the political power of the Catholic Church B. the growth of socialism among the industrial working classes C. the revival of a feudal system of agriculture D. the increased economic importance of the urban middle classes


Read the passage below, an excerpt from the Inaugural Address of President James K. Polk in 1845 But eighty years ago, our population was confined on the west by the ridge of the Alleghenies. Within that period--within the lifetime, I might say, of some of my hearers- our people, increasing to many millions, have filled the eastern valley of the Mississippi, adventurously ascended the Missouri to its headsprings, and are already engaged in establishing the blessings of self-government in valleys of which the rivers flow to the Pacific. The world beholds the peaceful triumphs of the industry of our emigrants. Which of the following developments was a direct result of the ideas expressed in this excerpt? A. passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act B. creation of a system of national parks C. prohibition against the expansion of slavery D. annexation of Texas and Oregon


Read the passage below; then answer the question that follows. The Duties Relief Program of the Canadian government allows companies to avoid paying duties on imported goods in some circumstances. Canadian businesses that import goods to be later exported or to be used to produce other goods for eventual export may apply for the Duties Relief Program. They will then be exempted from customs duties and other excise taxes. The Duties Relief Program described in the passage most clearly illustrates which of the following concepts of international economics? A. economic interdependence B. comparative advantage C. balance of payments D. trade incentives


The Lincoln - Douglas debates during the Illinois campaign for U.S. Senate in 1858 centered primarily on which of the following issues? A. the constitutionality of secession B. the increase in violence against abolitionists C. the legitimacy of the Dred Scott decision D. the expansion of slavery into Western territories


The critical attitude towards human perfectibility that emerged in 20th-century philosophies such as existentialism may best be understood as a response to: A. the inability of science to improve human standards of living B. the decline inadequate state funding for scientific research C. the revival of fundamentalist religion critical of scientific rationality D. the destruction wrought by scientific technology in the world wars


The efforts of post-Civil War Reconstruction were most successful in which of the following ways? A. advancing the political rights of African Americans and other minorities B. addressing economic inequality among the classes in the South C. removing Confederate sympathizers from positions of power D. increasing educational opportunities for African Americans in the South


The emergence of nationalism in 19th-century Eastern Europe was most closely associated with which of the following trends? A. the rise of the labor movement and the formation of unions B. state policies favoring the acquisition of colonies in non - Slavic lands C. the removal of citizenship restrictions for minority populations D. increased anti - Semitic rhetoric and violence against Jews


The introduction of Islam into sub - Saharan West Africa by the tenth century CE occurred through which of the following circumstances? A. missionary activity to the interior from coastal trading outposts B . expansion of Somali and Ethiopian pastoral peoples across the Sahel C. military conquest by the Abbasid and Fatimid Caliphates D. diffusion along trans - Saharan gold and salt trading routes


Use the following image to answer the question that follows. The image above shows results for a local election in which 45 % of eligible voters cast ballots . What conclusion can you draw from these results? A . Early voting increased in popularity for all candidates ' supporters . B. Candidate C drew support equally from Candidates A and B. C . Either Candidate A or Candidate B was running as an incumbent . D. Candidate B won a majority during each of the three voting periods .


Which of the following developments most clearly reflects the domestic impact of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East during the 1970s? A. the emergence of the environmental movement B. the imposition of restrictions on immigration from the region C . a growing distrust of political institutions and processes. D. an economic downturn as a result of a steep increase in oil prices


Which of the following developments most contributed to the emergence of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain during the late eighteenth century? A. the implementation of government regulations protecting children and the poor B. the discovery of new coal deposits and refinements in the processing of metallic ores C. the introduction of vaccinations against epidemic diseases and advances in public sanitation D. the consolidation of agricultural lands and the migration of agricultural laborers to urban centers


Which of the following factors best explains why the Western Roman Empire collapsed and broke into regional kingdoms in the fifth century CE, while the Eastern Roman Empire maintained its political and territorial integrity? A. The Eastern Roman Empire was able to convert Germanic peoples to Christianity. B. The more centralized Western Roman Empire was weakened by an inefficient bureaucracy. C. The Western Roman Empire was divided by religious conflict. D. The more urbanized Eastern Roman Empire possessed greater financial resources.


Which of the following issues contributed most to international conflict in North Africa and Southwest Asia during the twentieth century? A. the emergence of democracy in competition with traditional monarchies B. the increased occurrence of drought and the resulting competition for water sources C. the spread of Christianity as a religious doctrine in competition with Islam D. the presence of petroleum and resulting competition over access to this resource


Which of the following social institutions typically plays a significant role in transmitting elements of culture from one society to another and across generations within societies? A. family groups B. government structures C. economic markets D. religious organizations


Which of the following statements related to the inhabitants of Cahokia in the period from approximately 950 to 1250 CE is best supported by archaeological evidence? A. They developed a highly organized matriarchal society. B. They waged wars of conquest with inhabitants of the Ohio Valley. C. They created a sophisticated system of record keeping and writing. D. They engaged in elaborate networks of trade via river systems


According to the standard model of supply and demand, an increase in production costs will result in: A. more products being sold at a lower price. B. fewer products being sold at a lower price. C. more products being sold at a higher price. D. fewer products being sold at a higher price.


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