Impact Assessments

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What is an Open Spaces Method?

"It is a self-organizing practice of inner discipline and collective activity which releases the inherent creativity and leadership in people. By inviting people to take responsibility for what they care about, Open Space establishes a marketplace of inquiry, reflection and learning, bringing out the best in both individuals and the whole."

What is a Strategic Environmental Assessment

"SEA is the proactive assessment of alternatives to proposed or existing PPPs, in the context of a broader vision, set of goals, or objectives to assess the likely outcomes of various means to select the best alternative(s) to reach desired ends"

Why do people use class EA's?

- A group (class) of projects that have common attributes, qualities or characteristics. - Provides sites specific analysis (scale, effects and/or level of public concern) - Facilitates better decision-making

What are the differences between Cumulative Effects Assessment and Environmental Impact Assessments?

- Assesses effects over a larger area - Assesses effects during a longer time period - Include other past, existing and future actions -Considers effects on VECs due to interactions with other actions, and not just the effects of the single action under review

What are the recommendations for the criteria for EIA's?

- Joint planning of the impact assessment between proponents and the government agency responsible - Identify valued ecosystem components (VECs) - Define a context for impact significance

What is an Ontario Environmental Assessment?

- The Ontario EA Act provides for the protection, conservation and wise management of the environment - Responsible and accountable (transparency) process for decision-making before a project is undertaken - Environmental accountability through public involvement and appeal

What are Cumulative Effects Mechanisms?

-Time crowding: repeated so frequently that the ecosystem has no time to recover/ assimilate effects -Space crowding: so close together that effects overlap -Synergistic effects: different impacts combine Indirect effects: delayed impact via complex pathways -Precedent setting: development leads to further development - Combination of one or more of above

What are the Requirements for a BIA?

1. Boundaries - time and space boundaries 2. Quantification - quantitative study should dominate 3. Modeling - conceptual and quantitative modeling very useful 4. Prediction - EA = impact prediction, that is prediction of change from baseline 5. Study design - need clear direction on study strategy or framework for investigation

What are the steps of a Resilience Assessment?

1. Describe the System 2. Acting on the Assessment 3. System Dynamics 4. System Governance 5. Interactions

What are the main steps of a Federal EA?

1. Determine if EA is required/ Who is involved 2.Plan the EA 3. Conduct Analysis and prepare EA report 4. Review EA Report 5. Make EA Decision 6. Mitigate implementation and Follow up

What is the importance of an Environment Assessment?

1. EA was developed as a way for decision-makers to evaluate the impacts of development on the environment 2. Core principal of trying to manage for EFFECTIVENESS, EFFICIENCY, and FAIRNESS 3. EA provides opportunities and enhancement of public participation (PERSPECTIVES) 4. Integrative of ecological, social, and economic factors

What are three factors to consider when looking at significance?

1. Excedance of a threshold 2. Effectiveness of mitigation 3. Size of study area

Canadian Environmental Assessments involve the following what:

1. Identify regional issues 2. Select appropriate regional VECs 3. Identify spatial and temporal boundaries 4. Identify other actions 5. Identify potential impacts

What are the key steps in an Environmental Assessment

1. Project Description 2. Screening 3. Scoping 4. Alternatives 5. Impact Prediction and Evaluation 6. Impact Management 7. Review and Decision 8. Implementation, Follow-up and Monitoring

What are the Two main policy provisions for panning an ESA?

1. Requirement of the proponent of any land use change to prepare an environmental impact study following guidelines set out in the official plan to determine the sensitivity of the designated area to the proposed changes 2. Second proviso allows the municipality to work with the proponent to achieve a plan which will protect the designated area

Name 6 EA Principals of 12

1. Significant natural areas should be set aside for protection from human use 2. Limit waste and maximize use of natural resources 3. Integration - link human development to environmental issues 4. Environmental planning and program delivery should be based on scientific inventory, ecosystem boundaries and restoration 5. Regulation of the environment

What are the stages in policy development of an SIA?

1.Planning 2. Construction/implementation 3. Operation/maintenance 4. Abandonment

What are the main steps in an SIA?

1.Public Involvement 2.Describe proposed action 3.Community profiles (baseline study) 4.Scoping 5.Projection of estimated effects 6.Formulation of alternatives 7.Mitigation 8.Monitoring

What is a project?

A project can be either: An activity in relation to a physical work An activity not related to a physical work which is described in the Inclusion List Regulations E.g. ice breaking, low level military flights in the Arctic REMOVED

What is panarchy?

A theory that describes the adaptive and cyclic nature of social-ecological systems

What are some OEA examples?

All municipal waste disposal proposals serving more that 1500 persons - All designated private sector waste proposals serving more than 1500 persons - Any municipal projects that cost more than 3.5 million, unless covered by a Class EA - Provincial highways not covered by the MTO Class EA - GO Transit proposals not covered by the GO Transit Class EA - Ontario Power Generation projects not covered by Ontario Hydro Class EAs

When should an environmental assessments be undertaken?

An EA should be conducted as early as possible in the planning stage of a designated project in order for the proponent to be able to reflect on the analysis in the proposed plans, including incorporation of mitigation measures to address adverse environmental effects

What is a Valued Ecosystem Component?

Any part of the environment that is considered important by the proponent, public, scientists and government involved in the assessment process. Importance may be determined on the basis of cultural values or scientific concern

What is a Biophysical Impact Assessment?

BIAs are used to assess baseline conditions and determine the biophysical impacts of a project on a particular region

What are Cumulative Effects?

Cumulative effects are changes to the environment that are caused by an action in combination with other past, present and future human actions

What is a cumulative effects assessment?

Cumulative effects assessment is the specific consideration of effects due to other projects. CEA is environmental assessment as it should always have been: an EIA done well

Why are SEA's needed?

EA has been helpful in minimizing or compensating for a project's environmental impacts. Rare opportunities for constructive debate choices made about the kinds of projects (path of development) York Region example - pipes and public participation Foreclosed alternatives The response: SEA used at more strategic levels above the project level: policies, plans and programmes

What is harmonization and who is involved?

EAs may be coordinated so that a single assessment meets the legal requirements of both jurisdictions - The Minister of the Environment must allow a provincial process to substitute for a federal EA, but not federal decision-making, if the Minister is:

What is a Social Impact Assessment

Efforts to assess, appraise or estimate, in advance, the social consequences that are likely to follow from proposed actions

why are SEA's limited in Canada?

Enforcement is weak no legislative requirement + self-assessment Documentation not publicly available public statement of full SEAs only Limited public participation no PP on most SEAs Limited follow-up No serious attention to post-decision phase Limited tiering Marginal input to subsequent assessment processes

What is an Environmental Impact Assessment?

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a process through which the environmental impacts potentially resulting from a proposed project are identified and assessed early in the planning process. EIA identifies steps that can be taken to avoid negative environmental impacts or reduce them to acceptable levels before they occur. EIA therefore, represents a proactive, preventative approach to environmental management and protection.

What is examined during a federal environmental assessment?

Environmental effects, including environmental effects caused by accidents and malfunctions, and cumulative environmental effects Significance of those environmental effects Public comments Mitigation measures and follow-up program requirements Purpose of the designated project

What is Environmental Monitoring?

Environmental monitoring is defined as the repetitive measurement of indicators which will enable one to anticipate and provide a better understanding of spatial and temporal changes in environmental quality

Integrated Ecological Monitoring is:

Establish cause and effect relationships Derive scientifically defensible pollution control or resource management programs Measure the environmental response to the control measures Provide early warnings of new problems (Example Alberta Oil Sands monitors air quality and environmental health)

What are the benefits of an SIA

Helps affected community or communities and associated agencies plan for social change resulting from a proposed action - Brings Knowledge - Saves money on scoping

Proxy or Surrogate Monitoring is:

In this approach, data are obtained from information "stored" in the environment that relates to the desired variable (dendrochronology or Tree Rings)

What is monitoring?

Monitoring means maintaining regular surveillance by making measurements at regular time intervals over an indefinite, but usually long period of time

What are Environmentally Sensitive areas?

Natural landscapes that contain features such as: Aquifer recharge Headwaters Unusual plants, wildlife, or landforms Breeding or over-wintering animal habitats Vital ecological functions Rare or endangered species

What is a class environmental Assessment?

Part II (1) of the Act sets out the requirements for the approval of a Class EA--the Parent document An approved Class EA permits a group of projects (undertakings) to proceed in accordance with the approved document

What are the three P's?

Policy - inspiration and guidance for action (road-map) Plan - set of co-ordinated and timed objectives to implement the policy Programme - set of projects in a particular area, in the framework of relevant policies and plans

Who can apply for an OEA?

Public sector projects proposed by Ministries, agencies, municipalities, conservation authorities and public utilities

How do you use the Matrix relating project stage to compare social impact assessment variables?

Relate the variables to the four main stages of SIA

Survey Monitoring is:

Sampling individual units of a population: Quantitative - example: electro fishing or bird tagging to assess species health Qualitative - example: opinion polls as an assessment of public opinion on particular issues

Compare Resilience Assessment and an EA

Similar to cumulative and strategic EA Predictive and adaptive Potentially more holistic approach Cross-scalar and cross-temporal Not limited to scaling up Given the current government limitations placed on traditional EA, social-ecological resilience may become more prominent

What are the four types of monitoring?

Simple Monitoring (Observation) Proxy or Surrogate Monitoring Survey Monitoring Integrated Monitoring

Simple Monitoring is:

Simple monitoring records the values of a single variable at one (or many) geographical point over time (air levels, carbon dioxide etc)

What are the principals of systems?

Systems is a way of thinking about the world Systems behave as a whole Systems understanding is observer or perspective dependent

What are the major steps of an Ontario EA?

Terms of Reference Framework to be employed in the development of the EA Approved by the minister Serves as the benchmark in EA review Public review of T of R Prepare EA document Submit EA document for review, public comment and decision by Minister

Describe the 3 EA Schedules:

The Class EA classifies projects into three "schedules" according to significance Schedule A - limited in scale, minimal adverse effects - include majority of municipal maintenance and operational activities - including installing culverts under roads! Schedule B - projects that have potential for some adverse environmental effects Schedule C - projects that have potential for significant environmental effects - hydro-electric dams, 400 series highways...

What is resilience?

The capacity of a SYSTEM (social, ecological, etc.) to tolerate disturbance without collapsing into a qualitatively different state that is controlled by a different set of processes

An Environmental Assessment is:

The process of identifying, predicting, evaluating and mitigating the biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of development proposals prior to major decisions being taken and commitments made (IAIA and IEA, 1999)

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