In your vehicle, what should you adjust before you start your engine?

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What are the steps for making a smooth stop?

* Check mirrors and blind spots for traffic to the rear. * Release accelerator to allow vehicle to slow. Press brake pedal to activate brake lights and use a steady pressure for a smooth stop.

What is the farthest away you can park from a curb?

1 foot- 12 inches

What should you do during a tire blow-out?

1. Take your foot off the gas. Do not use brakes. 2. Concentrate on steering. 3. Slow down gradually. 4. Brake softly when the car is under control. 5. Pull completely off the pavement/roadway.

What is the minimum distance a motorist must give you when traveling next to a cyclist?

3 feet

What maneuvers are required on a driving exam?

3- point turn, approach of a crossing, observe right of way, straight in parking, parking on a grade,stop quickly, backing, obey stop signs, obey traffic signals, signal and turn, passing, stay in proper lane, follow at a safe distance, use proper posture.

Unless otherwise posted, what is the speed limit for cars in a residential area?

30 MPH

What is the recommended safe following distance?

4 seconds

If you have a learner's license, how many hours of driving experience are required to earn the Class E license?

50 hours of driving experience, of which 10 must be at night.

What is the maximum speed limit on an interstate highway?

65 MPH

Both your judgment and vision are affected after drinking alcohol. Which is affected first?

A persons judgement is the first thing affected after drinking an alcoholic beverage.

After a full stop at a red traffic light when may a driver turn right?

After stopping, you may turn right if there is not a NO TURN ON RED sign and the other way is clear.

What is an open intersection? When must you yeild right-of-way?

An open intersection is one without traffic control signs or signals. When you enter an open intersection, you must yield the right-of-way if: a vehicle is already in the intersection, you enter or cross a state highway from a secondary road, you enter a paved road from an unpaved road, or you plan to make a left turn and a vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction.

In your vehicle, what should you adjust before you start your engine?

Be sure the vehicle is in park, adjust the seat, adjust all rear-view mirrors, move anything blocking you view, lock all car doors, and then put on seat belt.

What age are children required to be in a car seat? In a car seat or in a booster seat?

Children under 4 must be in a safety seat, and children ages 4 and 5 must be in either a safety seat or booster seat.

What education course are you required to take if you are applying for a learners license?

Completion of traffic law and substance abuse education course.

When emergency braking, what is the difference between conventional brakes and anti-lock brakes (ABS)?

Conventional breaks- must pump the breaks Anti-lock brakes (ABS)- must press down hard on the brake pedal, hold it, and steer out of danger

What are the penalties if you are at fault in a crash and you are not insures in compliance with the financial responsibility law?

DHSMV can require you to pay for the damages before your driving privilege in reinstated.

What are the time restrictions for a licensed driver under age 17? Under age 18?

Daylight hours first 3 months license is issued, 10p.m. after three months

When a projected load extends more than 4 feet from the vehicle, what must you use to clearly mark it in the daytime? At night?

Daytime- red flags at least 18 inches square must mark the extremities of the load. Night time- two red lamps on back of load; must be seen from at least 500 feet to the rear. Or two red reflectors on the rear; must be seen from 100 to 600 feet. Located to show the loads full width.

What are the penalties for leaving the scene of an accident involving injury or death?

Death- 1st degree felony, minimum 4 year prison term Serious body injury- 2nd degree felony Injury- 3rd degree felony All of the above- lose license for 3 years.

At night, within how many feet of approaching a vehicle from the rear must you dim you high beam headlights?

Dim your headlights for oncoming vehicles or when you are withing 300 feet of a vehicle when approching from behind.

What should you do if your tires begin to skid while driving?

Dont panic! Take your foot off the gas pedal, do not use breaks ifpsssible, turn the vehicles front tired in the direction you want to go, if you are going to hit something use emergency breaking.

What does a double solid yellowline in the center of the highway mean? A double solid white line?

Double solid yellow- vehicles moving in either direction must not cross these lines (unless turning left when safe to do so) Double solid white- crossing a double solid white line is not allowed.

If you have a manual transmission, what gear should you put the car in when parking downhill? Uphill? What if you have an automatic transmission?

Downhill- turn wheels to curb Uphill- with curb turn wheels from curb. No curb- turn wheeels right Automatic- put gear shift in park Manual- shift to reverse downhill or first uphill

If a law enforcement stops a vehicle and the front seat passenger under 18 years old is not wearing a safety belt, who will be charged with seat belt violation?

Drivers will be charged with a seat belt violation if any passenger under the age of 18 is not restrained with a seat belt or child restraint device. Passengers over the age of 18 will be charged with the violation if they fail to wear a seat belt.

When should you increase your following distance?

During the rain/ when roads are wet.

What are the time restrictions for a driver with a learner's license?

If you are a minor (under 18) and have only had your permit less than 3 months you may only drive in daylight hours. After 3 months you can drive until 10p.m. They must be with a licensed driver 21 years or older.

When can you be charged with driving under the influence (DUI)?

If you are found to be driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, prescriptions, or over the counter medications.

Why would one opt to take a Basic Driver Improvement Course?

If you had a crash that was your fault and someone was sent to the hospital, had 2 crashes in a 2-year time period and had property damage of $500, you were convicted of running a red light or passing a school bus, racing on the highway or reckless driving or to recieve insurance discounts.

Why is drowsy driving dangerous?

It can slow your thought process, reaction time, affect your judgment and vision, impair your senses and abilities, cause micro sleeping (nodding off) or can cause you to completely fall asleep.

When driving in the rain, fog, or smoke in the daytime, what lights should you use?

Low beam (dim) headlights

What does a solid yellow line to the right of the center line of the highway mean?

Marks the left edge of the pavement on a divided highway and a one-way street.

When on the roadway, do bicyclists and moped riders have the same rights and responsibilities as motor vehicle drivers?

Motorcycle and moped riders do have he same rights and duties as drivers of motor vehicles.

Are motorists required to stop or yield for pedestrians crossing the street?

Motorist must stop and remain stopped for pedestrians crossing a street or driveway at any marked crossing, driving, or intersection.,

What are the equipment requirements for windshields and side windows?

Must be safety glass and may not be covered in any material that makes the windshield reflective or non-transparent. Also may not be covered in any stickers required by law. Side and rear- may not be covered in any material that is highly reflective or mirrored appearance and reflects more than 25% of the light (side windows) ormore than 35% oflight (rear windows)

Can anyone drink and drive safely?

No one can drink alcohol and drive safely, even if you have been driving for many years.

If you are driving a motor vehicle, are you allowed to share the lane with a motorcyclists?

No, Never. The motorcyclist is entitled to the entire lane.

When may you drive in the left lane of a road with two lanes? with four lanes?

On a two-lane highway you must always drive in thr right lanes unless you're overtaking and passing (where permitted) If the road has four or more lanes with two-way traffic, drive in the right lanes except when overtaking and passing.

What are bumper height requirements? Are they the same for every vehicle?

Owners of automobiles and pickup trucks are not required to have both front and rear bumpers mounted within certain height levels. Height limitations are governed by the net shipping weight of the vehicle.

What must you do if an emergency vehicle with activated lights/ sirens is approaching you from behind?

Pull over to the closest edge of the roadway immediately and stop until the emergency vehicle has passed.

What do the colors of traffic signs indicate? (red, orange, yellow, etc.)

RED- stop, do not enter, wrong way, yield ORANGE- Construction and maintenance warning. YELLOW- General warning, advisory of unexpected roadway conditions. YELLOW/GREEN- Warning of school, pedestrian, and bicycling activity. WHITE/BLACK- Regulatory, Control traffic, set limits, or to give commands. GREEN- Guide, or directional information. BLUE- Motorist services guidance, is aso used to identify parking spaces for the disabled. BROWN- Areas for public recreation, cultural, and historical significance.

What does a red traffic light mean? What does a flashing red traffic light mean?

Red light- come to a complete stop at the stop line. Flashing redlight- used at dangerous intersections, treat it like a stop sign.

What does it mean if you see red reflectors on the lane lines facing you? What should you do?

Red reflectors on the lane lines always mean you are facing traffic the wrong way and could have a head on collision. If you see red reflectors facing you, you are on the wrong side of the road, turn around of ge into the proper lane immediately.

What should you do if another driver is threatening you or intentionally driving dangerously around you?

Remain calm and try to put as much distance between you and them as possible. Slow down and let them pass, do not make eye contact or obscene gestures.

What is the arm signal for a left turn? Right turn? Slow or stop?

Right turn- rest your left elbow on the windowsill and raise your forarm up so it forms a 90- degree angle with your arm. Keep your left hand open. Left turn- act as if you are physically blocking someone with your arm,just stick your left arm straight out with your hand extended past the side mirror. Slow or stop- stick your left arm out the window, pointing down, with your palm facing the cars behind you.

What are the penalties for refusing to take a blood test, a urine test, or a breath test when suspected of driving under the influence?

Since you signed a consent form when you got your drivers license, your license will be suspended for one year.

If you are approaching a railroad crossing that does not have gates or lights and you see a train coming what should you do?

Slow down and be ready to stop.

What should you do when driving on wet roads in the rain? Why?

Slow down because the roads becomeslick during rainstorms especially when it has not rained in a while.

What should you do if your right wheels go off the pavement while driving?

Take your foot off the gas pedal, hold wheel firmly and steer in a straight line, break lightly, when road is clear turn back onto the road at a slow speed.

Why is texting one of the most dangerous of distracted driving behaviors?

Texting requires all 3 types of distractions making it one of the most dangerous distracted driving behaviors.

What is a "No-Zone?"

The blind spots on the right, left, front, and behind a truck or large vehicle where drivers can't see you.

Where should you move your vehicle if you break down while driving on the highway?

Try to get your vehicle completely out of the traffic lanes and off the paved surface of the highway before stopping.

Which way should you turn your wheels when parking uphill along a curb? Which way should you turn them where there is not a curb? Which way should you turn them parking downhill?

Uphill along a curb- turn wheels from curb Where there is no curb- turn them to the right Downhill- turn wheels to curb.

What does a flashing yellow light mean?

Used at, or just before, dangerous intersections. Also used to alert you to a warning sign such as a school crossing or sharp curve. Proceed with caution

When more than one vehicle approaches a four-way stop sign, which one moves first?

Vehicles proceed through the intersection in the order that they arrived. The first vehicle to arrive should move first.

What are the three main categories of distracted driving?

Visual- taking your eyes off the road. Manual- taking your hands off the wheel Cognitive- thinking about anything other than driving.

As a motorist, what should you do when preparing to turn right on a roadway with a bike lane?

When crossing a bike lane tomake a turn, yield to any bicyclist in the bike lane and make your turn behing the bicyclist.

What happens to the force of impact when you double your speed? Triple your speed?

When you DOUBLE your speed you increase the force of impact four times. When you TRIPLE the speed you increase the force of impact nine times.

Under what circumstances can you stop in the acceleration lane on an expressway?

When your load is too heavy for you to merge safely.

Where is it unlawful to overtake and pass?

Where you see a do not pass or no passing zone sign.

When a school bus stops to unload children on a divided highway, should the vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus stop?

Yes they must stop.

When a school bus has stopped to unload children on a highway divided with a raised barrier, are vehicles traveling in the opposite direction required to stop?

You are NOT required to stop.

What can happen to if you are in a crash and not wearing a seat belt?

You can be ejected from he vehicle, thrown against other passengers, your steering wheel, or windsheild.

When can you use a three-point turn? Where should you never make a three-point turn?

You can use a three-point turn only if the road is too narrow for a U-turn and you cant go around the block. Never make a three-point turn or a U-turn on a curve, hill, highway, or where there is a sign that prohibits U-turns.

What does a single broken white line on the highway mean?

You may cross this line to change lanes when safe to do so.

What does a green arrow showing with a red light mean you can do?

You may make a turn in the direction of the arrow. If the red light is illuminated at the same time, you must be in the properlane for such a turn. You must yield the right-of-way to vehicles and pedestrians in the intersections.

What must you do when you see a pedestrian with a white cane in the street ahead of you?

You must come to a complete stop,yield the right-of-way, and use extra caution when approaching.

How long (distance) should you signal before making a left or right turn?

You must give a turn signal at least 100 feet before you make your turn.

Are you required to notify DHSMV of any health problems that may affect your driving?

You must list any physical or mental issues that might affect your driving on your license application.

What should you do if you are involved in a minor accident and your vehicle is blocking the flow of traffic?

You must move your vehicle or have it moved.

What are the requirements of the No-Fault law?

You must show proof of Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and Property Damage Liability (PDL) coverage.

What must you do if hauling a load of material which could fall or blow onto the roadway?

You must use a close-fitting cover when hauling loads which could fall or blow onto the roadway.

At what times must you use your headlights?

You must use headlights between the hours of sunset and sunrise.

What does the Move Over law require you to do?

You must vacate the lane closest to the stationary emergency vehicle, tow truck, sanitation, or utility vehicle. (Signal your intention to change lanes.)If you cannot move over safely, you must slow down to a speed of 20 mph below the posted speed limit.

What must you do when children or school crossing guards are present in the crosswalk?

You must yield and stop at the stop line.

If your license and registration are for being in violation of the No-Fault Law, what must you do to get them reinstated?

You will have to get insurance and pay a reinstatement fee ($150-$500)

What can happen if you are found guilty of racing on the highway?

Your license will be revoked (taken away)

How do you check your blind spots when you are preparing to change lanes or turn?

before changing lanes turn your head and make sure these areas are clear.

What should you do if you drive past your exit on an interstate highway?

get off at the next exit

If you hit a parked car and are unable to find the owner, what should you do?

leave a note including your name, contact information, and license plate (registration) number.

What are blind spots?

the areas near the left and right rear corners of the vehicle that the driver cannot see using the mirrors or your own vision

Can you be issued a ticket for driving too slowly?

yes it is against florida law

Where is parking prohibited?

• Crosswalks•Sidewalks•Bicycle lanes•Intersections • Bridges•Overpasses • Tunnels • In front of driveways • By yellow painted curbs • NO PARKING or DISABLED PERMIT ONLY zones • On the roadway side of another parked vehicle (double parking) • On highway pavement not marked for parking • Anywhere that blocks or creates a hazard for other vehicles • Or within: ◆ 15 feet of a fire hydrant. ◆ 20 feet of an intersection. ◆ 20 feet of the entrance to a fire, ambulance, or rescue station. ◆ 30 feet of a rural mail box on a state highway (8 am-6 pm). ◆ 30 feet of any flashing signal, stop sign, or traffic signal. ◆ 50 feet of a railroad crossing

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