Indian Literature Test

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does sibi keep his promise to protect the dove?



-character who uses wit to overcome the greater strength of others (The Rabbit)

what does the Rig Veda contain?

-collection of 1,028 hymns of different authors at different times in Sanskrit


-"a treatise in 5 chapters" -collection of Indian animal fables intended to teach Indian princes how to govern a kingdom and conduct their lives -a "how- to book"


-an offshoot of Hinduism that arose in the 7th century BC -its teachings encourage renouncing earhty pleasures and devoting oneself to protecting all forms of life


-ancient indian religion that promotes belief in a single god

why does it make sense that creation hymn is more abstract?

-because it talks about something we dont have answers to


-Early people who migrated into the north and west of India and who expressed their religious beliefs in the hymns of the Rig Veda

why does the hymn say what was NOT rather than what was

-because know one actually know what happened -it is easier to say what it is not

why cant the gods answer questions the poet has?

-because they didnt exist yet -if they gods dont know, theres no way humans can


-brief, simple tale that teaches a lesson about conduct in indian literature -contain animal characters with human atttributes and end with a memorable *moral*

what does sibi offer to the hawk first. why is it not good enough for the hawk?

-all the food left over from the feast -he wanted flesh w/ blood

"creation hymn"

-confronts the unknown on an abstract level -speaks of concepts such as existence and immortality and leaves many questions unanswered -*embraces nature*

concrete language

-describes something you can see, touch, taste, hear, or smell -"water"

what were the two birds in the story of Sibi

-dove -hawk

in the end, what do the birds turn into?

-dove--> god of fire -hawk--> Indra

What is the Rig Veda?

-earliest surviving record of Indian religious thought -basis of Hinduism

what happens when sibi stands on the scales

-equalized the two pans (him and the dove) -this symbolizes all life is equal

how does "Night" reflect he Vedic sense of awe and respect for the forces of nature

-even though they are scared of the night, they are praising it and asking it questions

hawk's duty

-feed himself and his family

what are authors of the Rig Veda awed by?

-forces of nature -they often portray natural phenomena as godlike beings

how does the lion respond to the animals plea?

-he will agree, if they bring him 1 animal a day -is disappointing when small rabbit comes

eternal question throughout creation hymn?

-how was everything created? by who?

what do *vedic hymns* emphasize?

-importance of Gods and nature in Indian life -ponder timeless questions (like origin of the universe)

vedic peoms are

-in awe of nature -also attempt to control and understand it


-inhabitants of southern india during the first millennium BC

why does the King go through with sacrificing himself?

-it was his duty to protect the dove

how do sibi and the hawks duties conflict?

-king wants to protect dove and save its life -hawk wants to kill dove to feed to his family


-language of ancient indea


-lesson in life

how was the world described in the first 2 lines of creation hymn

-no existence/non-existence -*double negative*


-poem or song of praise -recited at sacrificial offerings intended to win favor of the gods and ward off natural disturbances/ disasters

sibi's duty

-protect his country/people -serve as role model

abstract language

-refers to something you cannot readily perceive through any of your 5 senses -"nonexistence" "immortality"

how does sibi protect the dove in the end

-sacrifices his flesh


-sanskrit term referring to the duties and obligations unique to each person -in tradition Indian setting, the King was the ultimate protector

how does the rabbit trick Numskull?

-says that the animals had sent 5 other rabbits but big lion ate them on the way -this was a threat to Numskull- there is competition -he wants to be greatest lion in the forest -Rabbit takes Numskull to fight other lion -leads him to well where Numskull sees his reflection but blinded by his pride, jumps in and drowns

how does sibi first attempt to resolve his conflict with the hawk?

-sibi tries to change the conversation to distract the hawk

"putting on all of her glories"

-stars decorating the sky like a goddess -makes night seem less threatening


-the dominant religion of India which promotes belief in a final reality known as Brahman

to what instinct are the animals trying to appeal to

-the lions desire to have a good future

Indus Valley

-the site of a sophisiticated civilization portion of the Indian subcontinent before 1500 BC

what were vedic hymns originally written for

-to be chanted and passed down by word of mouth before they were written down

what does the speaker ask night to do?

-to protect the people -they are scared of the night bc of she wolves, thieves, etc.

who are the authors of the Rig Veda?

-unidentified Indo- Europeans


-uses concrete language and familiar terms to make the unknown easier to comprehend -ex: uses personification to make the night seem more human -ex: addresses the night directly -*tries to remove natures mystery*

how does the Rig Veda describe the world?

-world where forces are both benevolent and threatening -ex: rain is good for plants but can cause flooding

what is the Mahabharata? when was it composed?

-worlds longest epic -200 BC- 1200 AD

who is Numskull and the Rabbit attributed to?


what was happening before dove landed in SIbi's lap?

he had a great feast and all his guests were now laying about outside

what reasons do the animals give Numskull for stopping slaughter?

moral--> Karma, he'll have bad reincarnation political--> you need subjects to be a king and he wont have any if he eats them all

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