Infant dev final

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Handedness - a consistent preference for using one hand or the other in activities such as self-feeding - typically is evident by

12 months of age

During infancy, the brain grows until it is approximately

25% of an adult's brain by the age of 1 year

According to a recent national survey of parents, listening to music is part of a typical day for approximately ____ percent of children than two years.


Which of the following is not linked to brain dysfunction/damage during infancy?

ALL can lead: lead ingestion AIDS institutionalization

Although some parents may not like it, research has documented positive effects of ____ on young children's language development.

Barney and friends

Which theory of early word learning asserts that infants learn language easily because they are guided by a set of assumptions about the possible meanings of new words?


In one ingenious study of ________ perception, researchers first gave 1-month-old infants a bumpy pacifier to feel in their mouth and only later allowed them to look at that pacifier—after they had placed it next to a smooth pacifier that they had not explored orally.


Which of the following is supported by studies of father-infant caregiving and interaction?

Fathers often become more involved during the toddler period, after children begin to walk and talk

Which of the following is not an accurate statement about the similarities between music and language?

Infants prefer listening to infant-directed speech but tend to dislike infant-directed music

Eighteen-month-old Raoul is on the autism spectrum; like many young children on the spectrum, he has more difficulty with _____ than with _____.

Initiating joint attention (IJA); responsive joint attention (RJA)

When it comes to evaluating the developmental effect of high-tech toys...

Insufficient objective research has been conducted

Studies of infants' music perception abilities indicate all of the following except...

fetuses are unable to hear music while in utero due to the muffling effects of the amniotic fluid surrounding them.

When infants grasp objects between finger and thumb, they are demonstrating

fine motor skills

The approach to studying emotions that emphasize the purposes and roles of emotions in the ongoing transactions between individuals is called the

functionalist view

When infants and toddlers achieve control over balance and posture that enables them to perform actions such as sitting upright, crawling, and taking their first independent steps, they are using ________ motor skills.


Which of the following sensory modalities allows infants to learn about the properties of objects by their touch?


Odors that infants find pleasant and familiar

have a soothing effect on their behavioral states

All of the following are evidence that 2-year-old Simon has begun to develop a conscience except

he makes little effort to fix a toy after he has broken it.

Newborns prefer looking at

human faces with open eyes that are focused on them

Studies of cross-cultural differences in parents' management of infants' and toddlers' sleep have found all of the following except

in the United states, non-hispanic white parents are more likely to report co-sleeping than are African American parents

Cognitive science studies of infants' attention have shown that

individual differences in duration of looking time during habituation tend to be stable over time.

A study comparing cultures that use proximal, distal, and intermediate styles of caregiving found that

infants in the culture with the proximal caregiving style developed self-recognition later than infants in the other cultures

If infants look longer at a video display that shows another infant's leg moving than at a video display that shows their own legs moving, researchers studying inter-modal perception have concluded that

infants younger than 8 months are sensitive to the sensitive to the absence of a contingency between the feeling of their own legs' movements and the image of the other infant's legs moving

All of the following tend to occur after children show objective self-recognition except

insisting on having others help them more with everyday tasks such as getting dressed

The depth cue that infants are able to use at the earliest age is ____ information.


Megan's parents hoped that she would learn to walk at an early age, so they gave her lots of time in an infant walker. According to studies of locomotor development, the most likely result will be that Megan will

learn to walk later than infants who spend little or no time in an infant walker

Which layer of the brain is primarily linked to emotionality?


Interactive toys have elicited concern from some child development experts because...

links to recognizable television characters may limit children's imaginative play.

Studies of early institutionalization and social deprivation have found that

many adoptees from orphanages show indiscriminate friendliness - behavior that is adaptive in institutional settings but creates parenting stress in adoptive family settings.

To track children's grammatical development, language researchers use a measure based on the number of morphemes in children's speech. The measure is known as the

mean length of utterance (MLU)

EEG asymmetries in the right hemisphere of the infant brain have been associated with

more temperamentally reactive infants

According to a recent national survey of parents of very young children...

more than 40 percent of children younger than age two watch television every day

Studies of morpheme acquisition have shown all of the following except

morphemes that are acquired first are phonologically easier than morphemes that are acquired later.

Studies using the rouge test have shown that

most children touch the spot of rouge on their noise by about 18 months

The dense, fatty sheath that enhances the speed with which electrical messages can be sent between neurons is known as


The research of Andrew Meltzoff demonstrated that

newborns are capable of rudimentary imitation

All of the following statements about pregnancy, parenthood, and employment in the US are correct except

paid leave has recently been expanded to cover both mothers and fathers for a period of up to one year

The component of the nervous system that is responsible for physiological calming is the

parasympathetic nervous system

All of the following are accurate statements about the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) policy statement on children's television viewing except...

parents are instructed to add 1 hour of television every year so that the amount of daily television or screen time matches their child's age (1 year olds watch 1 hour, 2 year olds watch 2 hours, etc.)

Hannah, a newborn infant, is coming home from the hospital for the first time. Her parents want her nursery to provide optimal visual stimulation. Research would support including all of the following features except

pastel colors, especially light yellow and light green

When infants look at images on television screens, they

perceive and respond to on-screen displays of emotion by the age of 12 months

The A-not-B error refers to infants'

persistent searches for an object at a location (A) where it was previously found, despite having observed it being hidden anew at a different location (B).

In all spoken languages, there are variations of sound that function as speech units and signal differences in words through combinations of vowels and consonants. These are called


A sense of despair and sadness so pervasive that it affects new mothers' ability to care for and interact effectively with their infants is termed

postpartum depression

The system of language that corresponds to the practical usage of language is


Which of the following is a sense that muscles are stretching?


According to John Bowlby, behavioral control systems evolved primarily to promote

proximity and exploration

All of the following occur in the infant brain primarily during the prenatal period except

pruning away of neurons

According to a recent Federal Reserve Bank analysis of the economics of the Perry preschool project,

public funding of early interventions saves money in the long run by reducing the need for special education services and welfare support

Two-year-old Jeremy is participating in a study in which the researcher said that she was looking for a "crug." She then pulled an object out of a paper bag, looked happy, and said, "Ah!" Later, when a different researcher asked Jeremy the name of the object, he told her that it was a "crug." This is an example of young children's ability to use

referential cues

When researchers refer to children's horizontal relationships, they have in mind all of the following except

relationships with parents

Primary emotions are

relatively easy for most adults to notice and interpret correctly

When infants encounter new objects and use actions that they have previously used to interact with other similar objects, Piaget's theory says that they are using


All of the following dimensions are included in most definitions of temperament except

security of attachment

Martha wants her firstborn son to have a good relationship with hid newborn brother. To help them get along together, she should try to do all of the following except

send her older son to stay with his grandparents for a few weeks after the baby comes home

_______ is the rudimentary transformation of chemical or energy information by sense organs into neuro-chemical signals, while _______ is the extraction of meaning from perceptual information.

sensation; cognition

Longitudinal studies of infant caregiver attachment

show that infants who are securely attached receive higher ratings in childhood and adolescence on measures of social skills.

In the phenomenon of ______, infants respond to emotional cues from parents and other adults, particularly in situations that are ambiguous or unfamiliar, in order to gather information about how to behave and feel in those situations.

social referencing

According to Thelen, the concept that there is not a direct one to one correspondence between physical movement and motor-neuron firings but actions are put together from multiple components and possibilities as the action is being created in the moment is called

soft assembly

Recent studies of infants' perception of objects suggest that they are able to use all of the following sources of information except

still photos of objects taken from a single perspective

Temperamental difficultness has been linked to all of the following except

stunted physical growth

Which infant sensory ability has been studied the least?


Sam has not yet acquired all of the morphemes that are commonly used by speakers of English. As a result, he produces utterances like "mommy sock," "more juice," and "no cookie." These utterances are examples of

telegraphic speech

Compared with children from higher-income households, children from lower-income families

tend to have fewer words per hour directed to them

Andrew's mother brings him to a university laboratory to participate in a study of language acquisition and is surprised that the researchers play recordings of nonsense sentences, comprised of invented words such as boga, giku, kuga, and gapi. Andrew is most likely participating in a study designed to

test his ability to learn to recognize different kinds of recurring patterns

The cognitive phenomenon for which Piaget's assertions have been replicated and supported by the majority of subsequent studies is

the A-not-B error

All of the following statements about computers and very young children are consistent with the findings of a recent national parent survey except...

the majority of children under age three use computers on a daily basis

Studies of overregularization - the phenomenon in which children say "mouses" or "falled" instead of mice or fell - indicate that

the more often parents correctly use an irregular form, the less often children overregularize it

All of the following statements about infants' motor development are accurate except

the perception system has been shown to be functionally separate from the action (motor) system

Gibson's concept of "affordances' in motor development refers to

the properties of objects that allow or inhibit specific motor activities

The distance between a child's ability to solve a problem alone and the performance that can be achieved when assisted by a more capable individual is known as

the zone of proximal development

The factor that appears to be most strongly related to infants' and toddlers' ability to judge and adjust their own physical abilities in novel settings is

their cumulative locomotor experience

Studies of computers in the early childhood classroom have found all of the following except

there are a few computers in early childhood classrooms

Studies employing neurophysiological responses to measure temperament have found all of the following except

there are few differences between extremely shy and extremely bold children in heart rate reactivity to unfamiliar people and events.

Advantages of using parental reports to assess infant temperament include all of the following except

there are often low to moderate levels of agreement between mothers and fathers when rating the same infant.

All of the following statements about secondary emotions are accurate except

they are expressed primarily through facial expressions rather than body posture.

All of the following descriptions of newborn infants' sensory and perceptual abilities are correct except

they perceive the full range of colors that older children and adults perceive

If two-year-old Claire is like other children her age, she most likely

thinks that a ball shown on television would roll if the television were tilted

Event Related Potentials (ERPs) are changes in electrical activity measured on the scalp that are associated with the presentation of a target stimulus.


One recent national survey of parents of very young children showed that they...

usually believe that television has more positive than negative effects

One-month-old Carlos sometimes flings his arms and legs out quickly when he is placed onto the mattress in his crib. This action stimulates his ______ sense.


In a laboratory study, 4-month-old Martin watches a ball roll down a track despite the presence of a visible barrier in its path. The procedure being used in this study appears to be

violation of expectation

The smallest spacing that can be perceived between parts of pattern is known as

visual acuity

Which of the following best describes the concept of "goodness of fit" as it is related to infant temperament?

when a child's successful adjustment depends on the interaction between her temperament and the demands of the environment.

Twenty-month-old Jessie rejects offers of help at mealtime and insists on serving herself, just like the rest of her family. She behaves the same way in her child-care setting, insisting on putting on and trying to zip her jacket on her own. Based on this behavior, it is likely that Jessie

would show self-recognition in the rouge test

Which lobe of the brain is primarily responsible for processing languages?


Which of the following approaches asserts that learning to play an instrument should resemble learning to speak a first language?

The Suzuki method

In Kagan's laboratory studies of individual differences in infants' responses to novel situations, all of the following have been found except

There is little continuity between infants' responses at 4 months and their responses when tested repeatedly up to the age of 13

Who said, "Somebody has got to be crazy about that kid?"

Urie Bronfenbrenner

If Max is a typically developing infant, he will look longer at which type of visual display?

a Sesame street video

Aleksi was maltreated as an infant when he lived in an Eastern European orphanage. Which of the following is not a likely outcome of that early experience?

a build-up of fluid on his brain that causes his head to swell

A one-word utterance that is used to communicate any of a range of meanings is referred to as

a holophrase

When Carlos receives a gift of an unusual new toy and adjusts his exploratory actions to its characteristics, he is engaging in


Which order for the development of gross motor skills is the most typical one?

achieving head control, rolling over, independent sitting, independent walking

The fact that infants are capable of lifting their heads while on their stomachs before they are capable of grasping a Cheerio between their forefingers and thumbs is an example of

all of these

Attachment theorists suggest that optimal coordination of the Behavioral Control System occurs when

all of these occur

All of the following characteristics are found in the language of children with autism except

an atypical order of acquisition of grammatical morphemes

Which of the following brain development processes is associated with the loss of neurons?


Auditory localization, the ability to detect the source of sounds

appears to undergo a U-shaped developmental change from birth to about 6 months of age

Compared with peer relationships, sibling relationships

are usually more emotional, in both positive and negative ways

Infants' long-term memory ability increases when parts of the hippocampus mature, typically

around 12 months

According to attachment theory, all of the following statements are true except

attachment behaviors have to be learned, a process that takes most of the first year of life

Four-month-old Andrew is participating in a study of his response to a variety of novel stimuli. When his mother brings him to the laboratory, he is presented with mobiles, novel toys, the sound of an unfamiliar woman's voice, and a strong-smelling substance. According to the researchers, he is a "high reactive" infant. When Andrew returns for the next phases of the longitudinal study at 14 and 21 months and is presented with a person wearing a gas mask, a blood pressure cuff, and other unusual situations, he will most likely

be classified as "high reactive" again

Motor milestones are usually included in infant assessments of development

because they typically appear in a predictable order in normally developing infants.

In households where television is used heavily, all of the following are found except...

behavioral effects are not observed until the age of five years

Which of the following has been shown to be moderately successful as a predictor of later intelligence?

being a "short looker" in a test of habituation

The MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories (CDI)

combines parent reports and checklists with a representative language sample

Newborn infants initially have poor vision for all of the following reasons except

cones do not develop until about 4 months of age

Which of the following is not considered a reliable indicator of child care quality?


Researchers using brain imaging techniques to study autism have found evidence for all of the following except

deficits in theory of mind are the uderlying cause of autism

The Strange Situation developed by Mary Ainsworth was designed to

do all of these

According to the ______ theoretical view, the visual system perceives meaningful information directly, without any intermediate steps to interpret it.


The phenomenon is which facial, vocal, or gestural cues of one person give rise to a similar or related state in another person is known as

emotional contagion

What does EAS stand for in Buss and Plomin's temperament theory?

emotionality, activity, sociability

Infant memory is enhanced if

enabling relations are present

The NICHD study of Early Child Care and Youth Development has found all of the following except

even when child care is high quality, it has few positive effects on the cognitive development of low-income infants and toddlers

Which of the following choices shows the order in which milestones are achieved when learning to sing?

exhibiting vocal contagion, experimenting with repetitive melodic patterns, creating spontaneous songs, imitating excerpts of songs

All of the following statements about brain development are accurate except

experience-dependent aspects of the brain are open to the effects of experience as long as those experiences occur before the age of 3 years.

The species-typical (common to all) process of environmental influences on brain development is called


Extending muscles away from the body is called flexion


During which substage of sensorimotor cognitive development did Piaget believe deferred imitation would appear?

Stage 6

Jamie was born with a cataract in one of his eyes. What advice is the pediatrician most likely to give Jamie's parents?

"We should operate to remove the cataract as soon as possible, ideally before Jamie is 2 months old."

Which of the following is an example of how contrasting semantic relations might help young children learn new words?

A parent says, "Bring me the chartreuse scarf, not the blue one"

Which of the following would be the best way to test infants' ability to perceive amodal properties of events?

Displaying two different visual images that are accompanied by a soundtrack matching one of the images

Robin and her 5-month-old son have developed their own style of interaction, which includes looking at each other often, sharing emotions, and communicating vocally and verbally. Researchers would say that their interactions are characterized by

Dyadic synchrony

The distinction between primary and secondary emotions is that primary emotions depend on more advanced developmental capacities


Which approach would probably be most successful with a group of two-year-olds?

Making a set of percussion instruments available - drums, rhythm sticks, tambourines, and maracas

Which of the following statements about television and very young children is inaccurate?

Most studies of television's effects have used random assignment rather than quasi-experimental designs.

In which order do the following fine motor skills usually develop?

Prereaching, smooth reaching, adjusting hangs to grasp objects without visual feedback, drawing with objects such as crayons and markers.

Which of the following attachment typologies is associated predominately with displays of anger and mixing contact seeking with rejecting contact when offered by the attachment figure?


Out of the following groups, the highest rate of disorganized/disoriented attachment has been found in

Samples in which the child has been physically abused or neglected

Amanda, an emergency medical technician, examines an infant whose babysitter reported that he stopped breathing after falling off of a couch where she had laid him for a nap. Amanda resuscitates the baby but, on the way to the hospital, notices that there is also bleeding in the retinas of the baby's eyes and no obvious bump on the outside of the baby's skull. She suspects that the baby is a victim of

Shaken baby syndrome

Which of the following does not fit Mary Rothbart and John Bates' definition of the term "temperament?"

Situationally influenced

Sophia, mother of one-year-old Peter, has heard about the Mozart effect and decides to find out more about it before she invests in buying CDs of all of Mozart's works. Based on her research, she discovers all of the following are true except...

The same effects that were found with college students apply to preschoolers

Jack, a two-year-old fan of Teletubbies, probably enjoys watching that program because...

The teletubbies characters have infant-like bodies and facial features (including large heads with expressive eyes)

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