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according to the sexual selection hypothesis, infanticide should occur when the killer is the new _____ ______

alpha male

one of the alternative NONADPATIVE hypothesis for why infanticide occurs is _____ observation


the problem with the NONADAPTIVE hypothesis _______ _______ is that the number of species, observations, and replications are growing AND there are direct observations in 56 populations of 35 species

biased observation

sexual swelling in primates is costly because increased _____ ____ increases locomotor costs

body weight

sexual swelling in primates is in many OWM and ape species highly exaggerated in sz, for example, there is a substantial increase in female ____ _____

body weight

infanticide is widespread in mammals, occurs mostly in ______, ______, and _____

carnivores, rodents, primates

in primate species in which the alpha male sires most infants, infanticide has also occurred after low ranking males have ______ in ______ (this occurs in Capuchin monkeys, for example)

climbed, rank

it is argues that these infanticides that occur in cooperative breeding systems reflect ______ for _____, specifically for helpers who care for infants

competition, resources

infanticide by females is very rare, most often occurs in ______ _____ callitrichicans

cooperativley breeding

one of the female counterstraetiges to infanticide displayed by langurs is females with infants _____ to produce a 'pseudo estrus'


sexual swelling in primates is _______


one of the female counterstraetiges to infanticide displayed by langurs is trying to ______-______ and prevent _______ _____-______

counter-attack, male take-over

another hypothesis for why infanticide may occur suggests that there is an ______ advantage to killing infants because they will grow up to be competition for food/mates


most infanticides in chimpanzees are consistent with, even though indirect, _______ advantages due to range expansions following infanticides


infanticides occurring in chimpanzees by females are an example of the variant _____ _____ of ______

female display, power

what are the two types of infanticide?

female philopatry, female transfer

there are more infanticides when there are more ______ per ______

females, male

sexual swelling in primates is costly because ______ are diverted from other bodily functions


the adaptive hypothesis for infanticide asserts that infanticide occurs because infants are seen as ______


another hypothesis for why infanticide occurs emphasizes exploitation of infants as ______ when _______ after the attack

food, consumed

when the ratio of _____ is greater than ______, expect there to be NO infanticide

gestation, lactation

infanticide is "not _____ for the group"


if the ratio of lactation is _____ than gestation, then there is NO post partum estrus, making infanticide likely


most infant losses occur soon after ______ ______ _____

group take over

the social pathology hypothesis for infanticide interprets infanticide as resulting from heightened male aggression due to high population densities, overcrowding, and stress, often in connection with _______ ______ by humans

habitat destruction

one of the female counterstraetiges to infanticide displayed by langurs is trying to ______


there are more infanticides when there is a _____ reproductive skew


in several cases, the victims of infanticide in chimps belong to recent _______ females, which is also consistent with the resource competition hypothesis


91% of infanticides are committed by ________ or ________-________ males

immigrant, non-group

the logic of the sexual selection hypothesis in regard to infanticide largely has to do with infanticide reducing the ____-____ ______

inter-birth interval

one of the key predictors of infanticide is ratio of ______ to _______

lactation, gestation

when the ratio of _____ is greater than _____, expect infanticide

lactation, gestation

one of the female counterstraetiges to infanticide displayed by langurs is females do not try to ______ (more than 1-2 days)-


if the ratio of lactation is greater than gestation, then there is NO post partum estrus, making infanticide ________


if infanticide results in a low reduction of the interbrith interval, the there is _____ benefit for the male to commit infanticide


sexual swelling in primates is costly because increased body weight increases _________ costs


infanticides occurring in gorillas and Thomas' langur is an example of the variant ______ _____ of ______

male display, power

in most cases, the attacker in infanticide is an adult ____ who recently ______ into the same group into which the infant victim was born

male, immigrated

consumption of the body post infanticide occurs regularly in chimpanzees, but almost always when ____, not ____, are the attackers

males, females

often, circumstances do not support the sexual selection hypothesis in chimpanzees committing infanticide because ____ as well as _____ commit infanticide, and multiple individuals may attack _______

males, females, cooperatively

75% of the infanticide killers ____ with the mother after infanticide


the chimpanzee swelling cycle typically starts after ________ at day 10, and continues until right after ________ around day 25

menstration , ovulation

infanticide is now generally acknowledges to be widespread and ______


Multiple- mating and the associated long estrus of females could be an anti-infanticide strategy via ______ _______

paternity confusion

one of the infanticide variants is male chimpanzee within communities, which is generally considered to be puzzling, especially because it could happen because of ______ or ______ failure of mate

pathology, memory

prior to conception, _____ mating can confuse paternity and reduce the liklihood of infanticide


infant loss after group take over is highest in new male ______ and _____-____ monogamous groups

polyandry, take-over

the social pathology hypothesis for infanticide interprets infanticide as resulting from heightened male aggression due to high ________ _______, _________, and _______, often in connection with habitat destruction by humans

population densities, overcrowding, stress

the adaptive hypothesis for infanticide asserts that infanticide occurs because it acts as _______ ______

population regulation

if the ratio of lactation is greater than gestation, then there is NO _____ _____ _______, making infanticide likely

post partum estrus

sexual swelling in primates is used to signal ______ and _____ behavior

proceptive, receptive

most infanticides in chimpanzees are consistent with, even though indirect, ecological advantages due to ________ ________ following infanticides

range expansions

according to the sexual selection hypothesis, infanticide should occur when the new male is not _____ to the infant, and mates with the mother afterwards


according to the sexual selection hypothesis, infanticide should occur when hence male will increase his ______ ______

reproductive success

evidence that infanticide is "not good for the group" can be seen in that it is _____ by parents, it _____ group RS, and it can lead to group ______

resisted, reduces, destruction

in several cases, the victims of infanticide in chimps belong to recent immigrant females, which is also consistent with the _______ _______ hypothesis

resource competition

one of the infanticide variants is female display of power, which is an example of how ______ _____ can influence infanticide

resource competition

one of the infanticide variants is is male reduction of rival power, which is potentially a variant explained by _____ ______

resource competition

the adaptive hypothesis for infanticide asserts that infanticide occurs because of _______ _____, in other words, it eliminates competitors

resource competition

Harcourt said that " ____-_____ infanticide might be a peculiarly human trait

sex biased

the adaptive hypothesis for infanticide asserts that infanticide occurs because it is a form of ______ ______/______, which results in females more likely to mate with male in more distant future (which is also a form of sexual selection hypothesis

sexual coercion/exploitation

one of the alternative NONADPATIVE hypothesis for why infanticide occurs is that it is a side effect of ______ ______ and _______ _____, which leads to anger and killing

sexual frustration, general aggression

the problem with the NONADAPTIVE hypothesis side effect of ______ _____/ ____ _____ is that the male may have actually mated often and that this is highly contingent on context

sexual frustration, general aggression

infanticide is most commonly interpreted in regard to _____ ____ theory: a male has no reproductive advantage if a female raises an offspring that he did not sire

sexual selection

often, circumstances do not support the ____ _____ hypothesis in chimpanzees committing infanticide because males as well as females commit infanticide, and multiple individuals may attack cooperatively

sexual selection

one of the infanticide variants is male display of power, which is an example of _____ _____, and _______ for breeding opportunity

sexual selection, competition

there are more infanticides when there is _____ male tenure


infanticide is ______ dependent


infant losses are relatively ____ in stable monogamy and stable polyandry compares to takeover monogamy and new male polyandry group compositions


if the ratio of lactation is much ____ than it is to gestation, the there IS post partum estres, meaning there it is unlikely for there to be infanticide


in addition, an alternative hypothesis for infanticide by males, the _____ _____ hypothesis was developed based on data from Hanuman langurs

social pathology

one of the alternative NONADPATIVE hypothesis for why infanticide occurs is the ______ _____ hypothesis, which asserts that crowding leads to maladpation. but not in capt-ivy, it occurs in low density populations

social pathology

the _______ _______ hypothesis for infanticide interprets infanticide as resulting from heightened male aggression due to high population densities, overcrowding, and stress, often in connection with habitat destruction by humans

social pathology

the problem with the NONADAPTIVE hypothesis _____ _____ is that it is not witnessed in captivity (unless there is a new male) BUT it does occur in low density populations, suggesting that overcrowding alone cannot explain this behavior

social pathology

infanticide has been observed and has evolved the most in ____ species, the second most in ______ species, and the least in _______ species

social, solitary, monogamous

infanticide was the first major blow ti the concept of primate group ______ (1970's. Hrdy), and was strongly resisted at first


according to the sexual selection hypothesis, infanticide should occur when the females next birth is _____


infants are lost the least when the group composition of primates is ______ _____

stable monogamy

100% of infants killed via infanticide are _____


the chimpanzee ______ cycle typically starts after menstruation at day 10, and continues until right after ovulation around day 25


there is more infanticide when there is short male ______


infanticide is rarely seen directly.


infanticide rates are higher in blue monkeys than in gorillas


infanticide rates are higher in redhowlers than blue monkeys


another major risk factor for infanticide is high rates of male _______


in cooperatively breeding species, if males and females adults and non-adults individuals all care for the offspring, which are often ______ of a ______ ______ female.

twins, single breeding

if the ratio of lactation is much smaller than it is to gestation, the there IS post partum estres, meaning there it is ______ for there to be infanticide


the killing of an ______ individual, by a _______ is called infanticide

unweened, conspecific

infanticide is temporarily ______


there are many alternative adaptive hypothesis to explain infanticide, however, the non adaptive hypotheses, such as abnormal social pathology resulting in generalized male aggression is not _____ ______

well supported

what does the naturalistic fallacy state?

what is naturals is not necessarily good, and what is is not necessarily what ought to be

in a cooperative breeding system, when would infanticide by a dominant female occur?

when the second female gives birth around the same time

45%-70% of infanticides occur in ____-______ groups

1 male

females have developed counterstrategies to deal with infanticide. what are the two major ones?

1.) defend infant (alone or in association with other males) 2.) ween infants abruptly and or start mating with he attacker

what are the 4 infanticide variants?

1.) male display of power 2.) female display of power 3.) male reduction of rival power 4.) male chimpanzee within communities

what are the 4 alternative ADAPTIVE hypothesis for why infanticide occurs?

1.) population regulation 2.) form of sexual coercion/exploitation 3.) resource competition(elimination of competitors) 4.) infants as food

what are the three non adaptive alternative hypothesis for infanticide?

1.) social pathology 2.) side effect of sexual frustration/ general aggression 3.) biased observation

three conditions must be fulfilled for infanticide to provide males with a reproductive advantage and thus be in accordance with the sexual selection hypothesis, what are they?

1.) the male is not related to the infant 2.) the next birth occurs sooner 3.) the male has a chance to sire the next offspring

what are the 4 female counterstratiegies to infanticide seen in langurs?

1.) try to hide 2.) try to counter attack, prevent male takeover 3.) females with infants copulate ('pseudo estrus) 4.) females do not try to leave (more than 1-2 days_

the chimpanzee swelling cycle typically starts after menstruation at day _____, and continues until right after ovulation around day ______


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