Inquizitive - Chapters 13, 14, and 15 Western Civ.

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Identify how tumultuous events in Europe before the 1648 Peace of Westphalia affected the demand for enslaved African laborers in the Americas.

Deaths from bubonic plague and religious warfare reduced available European labor, increasing planters' demand for enslaved African laborers.

Identify the following European conflicts

English Civil War (1642 - 1651): This conflict between a king and his legislature broke out over civil rights and powers of taxation. Thirty Years' War (1618 - 1648): Europe was engulfed in conflicts after the Holy Roman Empire tried to stop Protestant rebels in Bohemia. Fronde (1648 - 1653): This series of civil conflicts began in response to high taxes and increased kingly power.

Absolutism was universally successful in Europe by 1660.


After Elizabeth's reign, England became increasingly Catholic.


The Thirty Years' War was a purely religious conflict that pitted an alliance of Catholic leaders against an alliance of Protestant leaders.


The main causes of European warfare between 1680 and 1713 focused on English efforts to challenge European rivals.


Identify the events during the Thirty Years' War that demonstrated political expediency, rather than religious unity.

France funded and joined the Swedish military effort against the Habsburgs. Bohemians, Austrian elites, and Ottoman forces attempted to defeat Ferdinand's forces.

Identify the reasons why German princes established Lutheranism in their territories.

German princes wanted to control Church money. German princes wanted to solidify political boundaries. German princes wanted to control Church offices.

Identify the relationship between French traders and indigenous women.

Intermarriage was common

Identify which one of the following groups developed as a Catholic response to Protestantism.


Identify the main characteristics of the Austrian Habsburg Empire.

Landlords within the empire forced peasants to work. It included the Holy Roman Empire.

Analyze the "Armada Portrait" of Queen Elizabeth. Identify the elements in the portrait that clearly symbolize English challenges to Spanish power.

Left window showing English Navy Right window showing beaten Spanish Armada Hand on globe

Identify Louis XIV's religious policy.

Louis XIV revoked the Edict of Nantes

Match the following religious concepts to either Luther or Catholic Church traditions.

Luther: justification by faith authority of scripture two sacraments priesthood of all believers Catholic Church: prayer to the saints belief in purgatory holy orders seven sacraments

Identify which of the following views of marriage most directly challenged the Protestant view that men and women should marry young.

Men should get married after they have become master craftsmen

Identify the statement that accurately reflects the state of immigration between 1492 and 1700.

Over 80% of all immigrants to the Americas came from Africa as slaves

Whereas the ( ) established the idea that subjects had to follow the religion of their prince, the ( ) established state protections for religious pluralism. Cardinal Richelieu reduced state protections for French Huguenots, but he retained the edict through the ( ) during which France maintained unity based on allegiance to the monarchy.

Peace of Augsburg Edict of Nantes Thirty Years' War

The Church of England under Henry VIII retained the sacraments and much of the doctrine of the Catholic Church.


Define mercantilism.

an economic theory focused on reducing imports and increasing exports

Colonies in the Americas had high labor demands. Identify the European developments that increased the number of people who traveled to the Americas as indentured servants.

closing common lands and anti-vagrancy laws

Identify the characteristics of the Bill of Rights (1689).

declared the monarch subject to the law reaffirmed habeas corpus

Identify the parts of the following passage in which Ignatius Loyola exhorts Jesuits to completely trust and obey the Church, even if they have doubts.

1. Always to be ready to obey with mind and heart, setting aside all judgment of one's own, the true spouse of Jesus Christ, our holy mother, our infallible and orthodox mistress, the Catholic Church 11. if she shall have defined anything to be black which to our eyes appears to be white, we ought in like manner to pronounce it to be black.

Identify the characteristics of Louis XIV's administration.

Administrators collected taxes. The Estates General was never called. Intendants administered regions.

Match each of the following religious beliefs to either Luther or Calvin.

Calvin: assemblies of elders governed the church simplicity of worship active work in the world Luther: Supported a church hierarchy worship involved altars and music passive suffering in the world

Identify the decisions made at the Council of Trent.

Celibacy for clergy was reaffirmed Good works were necessary to salvation. The seven sacraments are essential for salvation.

Which of the following statement(s) reflect Protestant views of children?

Children should go to school. Children should be taught how to read the Bible.

Match the rulers to the alliances they made in reaction to Protestantism.

French Kings: allied with the Ottoman Empire to counteract the power of the Holy Roman emperor many aristocratic English families: rallied behind the Protestant reforms because they profited from the dissolution of English monasteries Charles V: supported the Catholic Church because it was a unifying force for the Habsburg Empire some German princes: adopted Protestantism because Luther staunchly supported their political and religious authority

Identify the medieval Catholic view of marriage.

Marriage was a sacrament, but it did not require a priest's involvement

Identify how Versailles reflected the absolutism of Louis XIV.

The palace was extremely large. The palace had statues of the Greek god of the sun, Apollo, in its gardens. Nobles were required to live at Versailles.

Identify the key characteristics of Calvinist Geneva.

Work and play on the Sabbath was outlawed. The consistory supervised morality.

Match each Protestant sect in Switzerland to its religious belief.

Zwinglians: believed the Eucharist was a celebration of Christ's sacrifices Mennonites: dedicated to pacifist beliefs Anabaptists: believed in adult baptism

Identify the correct definition of absolutism.

a political theory that encouraged rulers to claim complete sovereignty

Identify the main diplomatic goal in western and central Europe between 1680 and 1713.

balance of power

Identify the effects of the reformed Catholic Church on Europe.

increased literacy of laypeople increased focus on charity

Identify the relationship between mercantilism and absolutism.

The wealth of the colonies as part of mercantilism added to the prestige of France's absolutist power.

In 1588, a "Protestant wind" prevented the Spanish "Invincible Armada" from attacking England. Place in order the events that caused tension between England and Spain.

1. English throne passes 2. Ireland rebels 3. English merchants 4. English government 5. Philip II

The author of this document is mostly likely _____________ .


Identify what the following portraits reveal about the rulers.

Coin of Oliver Cromwell as Protector of the Commonwealth: The symbolism of this image mixes visual metaphors, connecting the leader to republican rule, empire, and heroic feats. The "Armada Portrait" of Elizabeth: The power of person at the center of this image is communicated through overt references to the office of the king. Charles I: This image downplays the symbol of kingship (the crown), instead emphasizing the power and independence of the leader.

Identify the monarchies that gained power and prestige between 1550 and the end of the Thirty Years' War.

French crown English crown Swedish crown

Identify how Louis XIV's finance minister Jean-Baptiste Colbert implemented mercantilism in France.

He promoted domestic manufacture of silk and glass. He encouraged development of sugar-producing colonies. He imposed tariffs on foreign goods.

Click on the images in the painting of Louis XIV by Hyacinthe Rigaud that reflect Louis XIV's absolute power.

His right calf His clothes

Identify the significance of the Great Northern War in the early eighteenth century in Europe.

It allowed Russia to expand its power into costal regions and gain economic power.

Identify the key developments that made the Peace of Augsburg (1555) a historic milestone.

No state should allow religious diversity. Catholic rulers acknowledged the legality of Protestantism.

Before the Columbian exchange, there were no horses on the North American plains, no tomatoes in Italy, and no potatoes in Ireland.


John Winthrop was a co-founder and governor of the English Puritan colony of Massachusetts Bay. Analyze the following excerpts from his 1629 piece, "Reasons to be Considered for Justifying the Undertakers of the Intended Plantation in New England." Identify the themes reflected in these excerpts.

widespread poverty as a result of the price revolution ongoing tensions between Catholics and Protestants

Identify the long-term effects of the Columbian exchange.

American foods like corn, potatoes, and chili peppers revolutionized diets in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Communicable diseases killed as much as 90 percent of the pre-Columbian human population of the Americas. Invasive plants and animals significantly altered landscapes and edged out indigenous species.

Match the correct religious affiliation to each region.

Calvinist : Geneva Lutheran: Leipzig and Sweden Catholic: Spain

Which countries comprised the League of Augsburg?

Dutch republic, England, Spain, and the Austrian Habsburgs

Identify the key aspect(s) of John Calvin's religious beliefs.

God is omnipotent. All souls are blessed or condemned before they are born. Those that are blessed by God follow God's laws outwardly.

Identify the statements that accurately describe the silver mines at Potosí.

The Spanish crown had a strong interest in supporting the system of conscript labor because it directly benefitted from mining activity. The municipal governor (Corregidor) made arrangements with local leaders to deliver 13,300 conscripted workers to the mine.

Read the following passage from the Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture (1709) by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet: We have seen that kings hold the place of God, who is the true Father of the human race. We have also seen that the first idea of power that there was among men, is that of paternal power; and that kings were fashioned on the model of fathers. Identify which one of the following concepts is most directly supported by the passage above.


Identify the main characteristics of Brandenburg-Prussia.

led by the Hohenzollern family used military to centralize power comprised of geographically divided areas

While landholders benefitted from higher food prices, many laborers faced ( ). Inflation also affected governments, which ( ) to meet the need for more revenue. English peasants who no longer had access to common lands were arrested for vagrancy and shipped off to the Americas as ( ).

starvation raised taxes indentured servants

Which transatlantic system was driven by the intense European demand for sugar?

triangular trade

Simplicissimus, by Hans Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen, is a satirical novel set during the Thirty Years' War. The following quotations from the novel describe the treatment of peasant households at the hands of German soldiers. Match each quotation to its meaning.

"Our maid was so handled in the stable that she could not come out, which is a shame to tell of.": The soldiers raped the family's maid, humiliating and traumatizing her. "Others broke the stove and the windows as if they had a never-ending summer to promise.": The soldiers destroyed the family's protection from the elements, leaving them to freeze when winter came. "[S]ome began to slaughter and to boil and to roast so that it looked as if there should be a merry banquet forward ... .": The soldiers killed the animals and cooked them, leaving no food for the family.

Match the Catholic reformer to his focus.

Erasmus: Christian humanist Pius V: modeled holy life for others Jiménes de Cisneros: regenerated spiritual life in the Spanish Church

Identify how the price revolution contributed to European political instability.

Monarchs had to raise taxes to meet military needs, angering many of their subjects. Financiers, merchants, and other growing middle classes challenged monarchs.

Analyze the excerpt from Grimmelhausen's novel Simplicissimus. What messages does the author convey about the war?

Peasants who survived an attack were likely to starve to death or freeze in the next winter. The soldiers were fighting for personal gain, not for God's glory.

Identify the key political beliefs of John Locke.

People have the right to overthrow the government, if the government does not protect natural rights. Natural rights include life, liberty, and property. The government has the responsibility to protect natural rights.

Drag the Russian leader to the region he or she acquired.

Peter the Great: St. Petersburg Catherine the Great: Poltava (Poland)

Identify the impact of the reformed Catholic Church on women.

Piety was encouraged for women through new religious orders

Identify significant changes made to the Church of England under Edward VI.

Priests could marry. Services were in English, not Latin. Sacraments were reduced to baptism and communion.

Match the name of the Calvinist group to the country where its people lived.

Scotland: Presbyterian Holland: Dutch Reformed France: Huguenots

Identify how Mary restored Catholicism in England during her reign.

She rejected marriage for priests. She restored Latin mass.

Identify how Protestant views of marriage allowed parental control of marriage.

Since marriage became secular, local authorities left marriage matters to families

Identify how Protestant governments viewed the role of the family.

The family was the basic unit of religious education.

Rubens' painting, The Consequences of War, uses Roman deities Mars and Venus to create a visual metaphor about the violence in Europe in this period. Likewise, this coin depicts Oliver Cromwell in Roman garb. What do these two images reveal?

Though they rejected Roman paganism in favor of Christianity, Catholics and Protestants in Europe used Roman cultural references to communicate important ideas.

Identify the major characteristics of absolutism

control of taxation control of military development of bureaucracy

( ) forced nobles to live with him at his palace and increased administrative control over his kingdom, but let nobles retain tremendous power over peasants. By contrast, ( ) established parliamentary control over taxation and expenditures, while consolidating the power of the landed elites. The monarch in ( ) required aristocrats to join his administration and radically change their own cultural norms, but in exchange peasants on their lands became their serfs.

Louis XIV the Glorious Revolution Russia

Place the following events regarding Luther's religious actions in chronological order.

Luther posts the ninety-five theses. Luther creates a series of pamphlets explaining his religious beliefs. Leo X issues a papal edict condemning Luther's beliefs. Luther is condemned at the Diet of Worms.

Before his execution, King Charles I expressed this opinion about the role and powers of a king: "But I must tell you that [the people's] liberty and freedom consists in having of government those laws by which their lives and goods may be most their own. It is not for having share in government. That is nothing pertaining to them. A subject and a sovereign are clean different things ... " Which of his contemporaries' ideas on this topic would Charles I have found most objectionable?

" ... I do think that the poorest man in England is not at all bound in a strict sense to that government that he has not had a voice to put himself under ... " (from the Army Debates, 1647).

In 1598, Henry IV brought a measure of sectarian peace to France when he issued the Edict of Nantes. Identify the meaning of the following excerpts from the Edict.

" ... [ Huguenots may] live and abide in all the cities and places of this our kingdom ... without being annoyed": You can't harass Protestants or try to force them to accept Catholicism. " ... there shall be no ... distinction made in respect to ... religion,": There will be no discrimination against students or poor people on the basis of religion. "It is forbidden ... to perform any function of [Protestantism] in our court": There will be no Protestant services in or near the capital city. " ... everything done by one party or the other ... during all the preceding period of troubles, remain obliterated and forgotten": We're going to pretend all the sectarian violence of the past couple of decades never happened.

Match each quotation from the writing of Cardinal Richelieu to its meaning.

"[W]hat a king takes from the people [he] returns to them, and that they advance it to him only to draw upon it for the enjoyment of their leisure and their investments ... .": The common people get their tax money back in the form of public works and infrastructure. "Thus being free from paying tribute, they [the common people] would consider themselves exempted from obedience.": If the common people are not taxed, they will forget their duty to follow the law and to obey the king. "[W]hen the common people are too well off it is impossible to keep them peaceable.": When the common people are too prosperous, they become unruly

Place the following events of the Glorious Revolution in order.

1. James II, a Catholic, becomes monarch and implements absolutist beliefs. 2. James II announces his newborn son would be raised Catholic. 3. Tories and Whigs invite William and Mary to invade England. 4. James II flees into exile, and William and Mary rule as joint monarchs.

How did the official English stance on Christianity change from the reign of Henry VIII to the reign of Elizabeth?

1. The English monarch was declared the Supreme Head of the Church of England, monasteries were closed, and Church properties were confiscated. But priests were to remain celibate, Mass was said in Latin, and the Eucharist doctrine was intact. 2. Priests could marry, services were said in English, the sacraments of Baptism and Communion remained, but salvation happened by faith alone. 3. The Pope was the head of the Church, services were said in Latin, Protestants were persecuted, and married priests had to give up their wives, but monasteries were not restored. 4. The English monarch was the Supreme Governor of the Church, services were said in English, and Protestant ideas of predestination were adopted. But the nature of the Eucharist was left undetermined, and Catholics were persecuted.

The vast majority of the workers who produced sugar in the Americas were enslaved Africans. Place in chronological order the events that would lead a teen boy to servitude.

1. The teen boy was captured 2. After several months of forced walking 3. The teen boy found himself 4. The teen boy was made to work 5. The teen boy understood his options

The English Civil War marked a decline in royal power and a rise in the power of the English parliament. Place the events of this conflict in order.

1. When his subjects refused to raise taxes 2. Rather than negotiate 3. Parliamentary forces 4. Oliver Cromwell 5. After almost ten years

Protestants believed godliness began with the proper rearing of children, so they supported ( ), which would enable every person to read the Bible. They were also concerned about sex outside of marriage. They advocated ( ), which was a significant change for apprentices and journeymen. They supported closures of ( )because they were suspicious of clerical celibacy.

1. schooling 2. marriage at a young age 3. monasteries

This excerpt is from a 1620 account about laborers at the silver mines at Potosí. Which parts of the passage describe native laborers who were conscripted (i.e., required to work) and not paid?

1. they climb up the hill, each to his mine, and go in, staying there from that hour until Saturday evening without coming out of the mine 2. These Indians have different functions in the handling of the silver ore; some break it up with bar or pick, and dig down in, following the vein in the mine; others bring it up; others up above keep separating the good and the poor in piles

Absolutist rulers acquired autocratic control partly through violence, as demonstrated by Peter the Great's response to the revolt of the streltsy. Which parts of this passage describe the treatment of prisoners who were too injured to speak and those who confessed the names of leaders of the rebellion? Select two parts.

1. those who were bereft of strength and reason, and almost of their senses, by excess of torment, were handed over to the skill of the doctors, who were compelled to restore them to strength, in order that they might be broken down by fresh excruciations. 2.slain with the axe—the penalties which were inflicted upon them as soon as their confessions had sufficiently revealed the heads of the rebellion.

Identify features of economic development in the Dutch Republic.

Amsterdam became the center of goods and finance. Trade focused on global networks. Trade brought many different religious groups to the Dutch Republic.

Identify the two primary causes of the price revolution of the sixteenth century.

An influx of silver and gold from the Americas decreased the value of European currencies Human populations grew significantly, but food production did not, resulting in substantial increases in food prices

Identify which one of the following religions most likely agrees with the statement above regarding marriage (matrimony).


Who participated in the persecution of alleged witches?

Catholic communities Protestant communities in Europe and the Americas secular governments the Catholic Church

Drag the commodities and contagions to the arrows on the map that correctly show their movement during the Columbian exchange.

Europe to Americas: sheep, horses, dogs measles, smallpox, influenza wheat, brown rats, honeybees Americas to Europe: corn, beans, potatoes cocoa, chili peppers, tobacco gray squirrels, raccoons, syphilis

Identify what directly contributed to the expansion of African slavery in the Americas.

European demand for sugar

By 1660, the once-powerful Spanish Habsburg Empire had been completely dismantled.


Initially, New World colonies had lots of workers, but lacked the natural resources they needed for profitable trade.


Martin Luther regarded men as more sexually driven than women.


Click on the regions that established absolute monarchies.

France Austria Prussia

Which regions became more powerful between 1680 and 1713?

France Russia Britain Brandenburg-Prussia

Identify the factors that enabled French power to grow during this period.

French unity and economy were bolstered by extensive infrastructure France was agriculturally self sufficient French national identity was connected to the king

Identify the map that depicts the triangular route that transported newly enslaved Africans, molasses, and rum.

Gambia to Caribbean to Boston

Identify the reason(s) why Pope Clement VII resisted granting Henry VIII an annulment.

Granting an annulment would provoke the Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V. Granting an annulment would cast doubt on the validity of papal dispensations.

Identify the reason(s) why Henry VIII sought an annulment from Catherine of Aragon.

He became infatuated with Anne Boleyn He needed a male heir to preserve succession to the throne

On the topic of the Eucharist, Henry VIII's Six Articles of 1539 asserted: "" Match each religious leader to what he would have thought about this assertion.

Martin Luther: It is true that the bread and wine are transformed into Christ, but taking communion cannot save you. Only faith can save you. Ignatius Loyola: I know this is true because it matches what the Catholic Church tells me about the Eucharist. Ulrich Zwingli: No miraculous transformation takes place in the Eucharist. It is just a reminder of Christ's sacrifice on the cross.

Which of these statements accurately describe the political and economic context in which Luther posted his Ninety-Five Theses?

Posts in the papal bureaucracy There were no concordats in Germany

Identify the Protestant view of brothels.

Protestants banned brothels as a form of sin

Identify the monarchies that lost power between 1550 and the end of the Thirty Years' War.

Spanish crown Austrian crown

Identify the broad effects of the following European events.

Richelieu reduced the privileges of Huguenots: Protestants were prohibited from settling Québec. England experienced civil war, then restored a weakened monarchy: Colonial leaders became more independent and experimented with models of religious toleration. The Dutch Republic gained independence from Spanish rule: An innovative global-trade empire linked enslavement of Africans, European finance, and Asian spices.

How did rulers in this period affect the lives of peasants? Match the views of each peasant to the society in which he or she most likely lived.

Russia: I'm a state peasant—a serf to the ruler. I'm hard at work building a capital city in newly won territory on the Gulf of Finland. Ireland: As a Catholic peasant, I see this recent "Glorious Revolution" as a terrible loss. France: I was shocked and pleased to learn that the king is punishing the local aristocrats who have been taking advantage of us for years.

Which of these connections can be inferred from the information in this chapter?

Silver, mined by Native American conscripted laborers, enabled Europeans to invest in the African slave trade. Silver, mined by Native American conscripted laborers, helped fund European conflicts, like the one between Spain and the Netherlands.

Place the events of Henry VIII's separation from the Catholic Church in chronological order.

The English clergy allow Henry VIII to approve church legislation. Thomas Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, annuls Henry and Catherine's marriage. Parliament declares Henry VIII "Supreme Head of the Church of England." Henry VIII dissolves England's monasteries and convents.

How did European political divisions shift between 1526 and 1648?

The Habsburg dynasty controlled less territory Several provinces broke away from the Holy Roman Empire

Describe the similarities between the Spanish and English settlement experiences in North America.

Their settlement patterns were both a response, in part, to the population distributions of Native Americans. Both used methods of conquest and governance that they first developed in Europe.

Which single activity would have exposed common people in cities to a variety of opinions about the power of kings, religious identity, and overseas expansion?

They could have attended a play at the Globe Theatre

Identify the problem(s) of indulgences.

They were seen as an automatic ticket to heaven. They were a form of simony.

Identify the factors that led to the decline of Spanish power during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Thirty Years' War

Identify the philosophers who argued in favor of extremely strong state power for practical, rather than religious, reasons.

Thomas Hobbes (England) Jean (France)

Match the beliefs of each group of elites in England.

Tories: supporters of Charles II Whigs: opponents of Charles II

The Caribbean sugar colonies were more lucrative for France than the fur colonies.


Though they disagreed on many other topics, Catholics and Protestants generally agreed on the execution of witches.


Although Spain was a monarchy, upon independence the northern Netherlands became a ( ). Spain conquered a territorial empire and focused on mining, while the Dutch Republic built a ( ) empire, based on global trade in slaves and spices. A financial innovation, the -Press Space to ( ) made the rapid growth of this Dutch enterprise possible.

a republic commercial joint-stock company

Montaigne used his imagined conception of Native Americans to critique Europeans. He wrote: Which image best conveys the sentiment of this quotation?

black and white painting the natives are more carefree and have more simple clothes compared to the Europeans

Identify the ways in which Peter the Great changed Russia during his reign

enforced Western etiquette practices developed education reforms implemented administrative hierarchies

Colonization of the Americas gave rise to a complex web of economic events. Match each group of people with the impact they felt from these events.

enslaved Africans: The European demand for sugar combined with labor shortages in the Americas created a booming trade in this group of people. European wage-laborers: Silver mining in New Spain benefitted some entrepreneurs, but the inflation it caused made life harder for this group of people. financial agents: The triangular trade caused a 60 percent mortality rate among enslaved people, but it significantly benefitted planters and this group. indentured servants: High food prices, the closing of common lands, and stagnant wages forced some poor Europeans to become members of this group.

Identify the characteristics of the Dutch Republic.

gained independence from Spanish rule developed a federal legislature

Which aspects of Elizabeth's reign preserved the Elizabethan settlement?

ongoing war against Spain the length of the queen's reign

Match the correct definitions of the Catholic Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.

part of the Catholic tradition dating back to the eleventh century Correct label: Catholic Reformation reactionary movement to strengthen the Catholic Church in contrast to Protestantism Correct label: Counter-Reformation

The Reformation and the Counter-Reformation each increased religious influence over people's private behaviors. Identify each development as originating from the Protestant Reformation or from the Counter-Reformation.

prohibition of dancing, playing cards, and working or going to the theater on the Sabbath shifted power over marriage from children to their parents shifted power within the household from women to men

Identify the main beliefs described in Ignatius Loyola's Spiritual Exercises.

service to God education missionary work

Which of the following were typical elements of the Dutch model of commercial expansion?

small fortified settlements to facilitate trade trade monopolies on spices and all Japanese products joint-stock companies to share the risks and rewards of trade

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