Integumentary System and Body Temperature Chapter 7 A&P

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What are sudoriferous glands?

sweat glands

If you get hyperthermia what happens to your body?

syncope, cramps, heat exhaustion, heat stroke


the layer that lies upon the dermis and forms the outer layer of skin

full thickness burn

third degree burn

Are warts contagious?

yes. It's a contagious viral infection caused by one of the many human papillomaviruses (HPV)

You should check nails for what conditions?

Conditions that are affected by oxygenation of blood supply, trauma, and nutritional deficiencies


an autoimmune disease often confused with eczema. Affects the life cycle of skin cells, causing them to build up on the surface of the skin. The accumulation of skin cells form silvery scales and itchy painful red patches.


an elevated lesion that looks like a solid blister. IE. moles, lichen planus, insect bites, some skin cancers, and verruecae (wart)

What is cellulitis?

an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue and is most commonly caused by S. aureaus or strepococci

Vitiligo and albinism

are conditions of hypopigmentation in which the melanocutes fail to secrete melatonin

Hair ___ in epidermis?


sqaumous cell carcinoma (SCC)

arises from squamous epithelial cells

A congenital nevus



brown to black flat lesions "liver spots" often seen in older persons (senile lentigo) spots may occur in sun exposed areas (solar lentigo)

Melatonin influences what?


acne vulgaris

common acne - is characterized by scaly red skin, comedones (whiteheads and blackheads) papules , nodules and pustules. Due to sebaceous ducts that are plugged by sebum and dead skin cells.

The study of skin and skin disorders is referred to as ____?



develops in response to a parasitic mite that seeks out skin creases or folds in which to deposit eggs.


dry skin


general term for inflammation of the skin.

seborrheic dermatisis

greasy skin (skin oil, or sebum) white to yellow scaling on the face (forhead, side of nose) scalp, or genitals

What happens when the hypothalamus pressure decreases?

heat is conserved by :Blood vessels constrict, heat is trapped in deeper tissues. Sweat glands become less active. Skeletal muscles contract, causing shivering

What happens when the hypothalamus pressure increases?

heat is lost by : Blood vessels dilate, giving flushed appearance. Sweat glands become more active.

Nevi include

hemangiomas (strawberry mark, a vascular nevus


impulse control disorder in which the person compulsively twists strands of hair until it breaks off


infestation of lice. (head,body and pubic)


ingrown nail, usually on big toe. Caused often by improper cutting of the toenails or wearing tight shoes


is an epidermal cell that secrets melatonin, a pigment that darkens the skin.

Decubitus uler

is pressure - induced ulcer

basal cell carcinoma (BCC)

is the most common skin cancer and arises from the epidermal basal cells that fail to mature and keratinize


loss of heat by air currents moving over the surface of the skin

Malignant melanoma

malignant neoplasm of the melanocytes. Has a tendancy to metastasize extensively is that most deadly form of skin cancer.


neoplasms that arise from epithelial tissue and most commonly occur on sun- exposed areas of the body.


occurs when a liquid becomes a gas

The integumentary system

plays an important role in the regulation of body temperature.

keratosis or solar keratosis

premalignant form of squamous cell carcinoma

Yellow pigment : Carotene

presence of melanin overshadows carotene's tint in most people.


refers to the production of heat by physiological processes, as in shivering


related to hormone sensitivity occurs during pregnancy (mask of pregnancy) and can occur with use of oral contraceptives.


ringworm - and infection by a group of fungi called dermatophytes and occurs primarily in the skin, hair and nails


skin infection around the nail usually at the site of a hangnail or cuticle

Oxygen and nutrients diffuse into the __ epidermis from the rich supply of the blood underlying _____?

Lower, dermis

Parts of the nail include :

Lunula, free edge, nail body and cuticle


Means that heat is lost from a warm object (the body) to the cooler air surrounding the warm object

Shell temperature

The surface areas of the body


The thick layer of skin under the epidermis. drugs may be administered using the skin

Layers of epidermis - Stratum corneum (surface layer)

Composed of dead flattened cells that slough off.


"little ulcer" is the lesion that develops in response to infection by Treponema pallidum (syphilis)


"relating to the skin" which is compromised of two layers; the epidermis and the dermis


"ringworm of the nail"


(Dark pigment) Secreted by melanocytes in the epidermis.

dermal melanocytosis

(mongolian spots) if congenital, they appear as a blue-gray pigmentation in the sacral area

The structure of the skins layers are

*Epidermis *Dermis *Subcutaneous *accessory structures

Name the drug delivery systems

*hypodermic injections *transdermal patches *intradermal injections (allergy testing) *topical application

Contact dermatisis

- allergic or irritant dermatitis


A Blister. a round lesion filed with serous fluid. They characterize herpes zoster (shingles) herpes simplex infection, and contact dermatitis

The integumentary System

A complex organ that performs many different functions.

What is a carbuncle?

A group of interconnecting furuncles


A large Vesicle


A small pus-containing elevation of the skin that is seen in conditions such as acne and impetigo. A pimple is a small pustule

Name the Melatonin malfunctions?

Albinism, vitiligo, moles

Dendritic Cells do what?

Alert the immune system so that it can warn off infection.

Surdoriferous glands include

Apocrine glands :Usually associated with hair follicles, more active during purberty. Eccrine glands : critical for temp regulation. Mammary glands :secrete milk and Ceruminous glands : secrete ear wax (cerumen)

The epithelium is ___ it has no blood supply of it's own.



Balance of heat production and heat loss

Skin color can effect physiological changes such as:

Blushing; blood vessel dilation, Pallor : Blood vessel constriction

How does skin play a role in sensory?

By housing the sensory receptors for touch, pressure, pain and temperature. It helps detect information about the environment.

How does the skin act as a gland?

By synthesizing vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Vit D is neccessary for the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract.

Layers of the epidermis - germinativum (deeper)

Cells continuously dividing and moving toward surface.

Skin color can effect pathological changes such as :

Cyanosis or bluish tint : (poor oxygen) Jaundice or yellowing :billrubin deposition Bronzing : melatonin overproduction Ecchymosis : black and blue bruising

Specialized Cells that are housed by skin and participate in the immune response against invading microbes

Dendritic or Langerhan's cells

The ___ lies under and supports the epidermis, it sits on the subcutaneous layer or hypodermis and is embedded with accessory structures. Includes blood vessels that nourish epidermis


The ____ is anchored to a subcutaneous layer.


Accessory structures contain hair, what is it's function?

Detects insects, protects eyes, keeps dust out of the lungs. Cosmetic role

What is the outer or surfaces layer of the skin called?


The ___ is the thin outer layer of skin and is composed of ____ squamous epithelium.

Epidermis, Stratified

Neonates lose more heat than they produce because?

Large surface area, bald head, less insulation, must rely on non shivering thermogenesis; metabolism of brown adipose tissue (BAT). have a limited capacity to dissipate heat.

Partial thickness burn

First degree and second degree burn

The heat we produce is affected by what?

Food consumption, hormones, disease, and physical activity.

Hormones affect what?


The number 9 ( Assigned percentages for total body surface area)

Head and neck (9%) arms, hands and shoulders (18%) trunk of body (18%), legs (9% ) groin (1%)

The Subcutaneous is also known as the ___?


Post inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Infections, allergic reations, and trauma can induce this.

The skin is called?

Integument or cutaneous membranes


Internal thermostat- helps to regulate body temp

The subcutaneous layer

Is tissue beneath skin, highly vascularized, and has two main roles. It's fat insulates body from extreme temps. And it's connective tissue anchors the skin to the underlying structures.

How does the skin act as a mechanical barrier?

It keeps harmful substances out of the body and helps retain water and electrolytes.

How does the skin protect us?

It protects the internal structures and organs from injuries caused by blows, cuts, harsh chemicals, sunlight, burns and pathogenic microorganisms.

Name 3 functions of the skin.

Keeps harmful substances out of the body, helps maintain water and electrolytes, protects internal structures, and organs, synthesizes Vit D, houses sensory receptors for touch, plays role in body regulation of body temp.

Heat production

Metabolism :basis of body temp, blood disperses heat throughout the body.


Mole watch. Asymmetry, Border irregularity, Color, Diameter


Multiple hives. Usually an allergic response to medication, food, and insect venom

What produces the most heat?

Muscles, the liver and endocrine glands.

What are sebaceous glands functions?

Oil glands, and secrete sebum in fetus vernix caseosa

Accessory structures : Nails do what?

Protects tips of fingers and toes from injury

Heat loss occurs by what four means?

Radiation, conduction, convection and evaporation

Accessory structures : Glands include what?

Sebaceous glands, sudoriferous

What does the Integumentary System excrete?

Secretion is a minor role, but the skin is able to excrete water, salt and small amount of waste, such as urea.

Heat loss comes from what areas of the body?

Sites : Skin (80%) and lungs and excretory products

Which anatomical structures contribute to skin color?

Skin color is determined by the amount of melanin and carotene in the melanocytes of the epidural layer. Number of blood vessels in skin and substances in the blood.

If you get hypothermia what happens to your body?

Slowed metabolism, fibrillation


a flat leasion, also called a blemish. freckles, flat moles (nevus), vitiligo, port-wine stains, the rash of measles and smallpox, some drug induced reactions and petechie.


a hive.

How does the skin's surface act as a chemical barrier?

The acid PH of the skin surface serves as a protective chemical barrier.

What is the inner layer of the skin called?

The dermis.

Core temperature

The inner parts of the body


The loss of heat from a warm body to a cooler object in contact with the warm body


The protein keratin makes skin cells hard, flat, and water resistant.

Skin color is determined by genes, physiology, and sometimes pathology?




Is the skin considered an organ?



a bacterial infection that appears most often on the face and is cause by beta-hemolytic streptococci or staphylococci. has vesiculopustular leasion that itch and have thick honey colored crust.


a condition wherein there is an abnormally high amount of pigment in the skin


a crater-like formed by the loss of the epidermis or dermis.

What is a furnucle?

a deep staphylococcal infection around a hair folicle


a firm papure that extends into the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. Includes cysts, lipomas and fibromas

atopic dermatisis

also called eczema

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