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Finally now we're going to move on to part 2. Part 2 of the question asks" Does anything change in his interactions as the novel progresses?". We said that no, nothing does. Holden stays fairly static character. His interactions at the beginning are more or less equal to his interactions at the end. The only change is whne he says he misses Stradlater, Ackley, and "even old Maurice". But we suspect this is due to his mental breakdown.


Here is a clip that shows direspect to women:( show clip). However, Holdren does not act like this around women. He's polite, likes when he helps the nuns wiht thier suitcases and then offers them 10$ as charity money. He's also very repsectful. It seems that he wants the women to feel good about themselves. Candy goes to the first fo find a direct qupte of Holden doing someone to make a women feel good.Examples we found include when he lies to Ernest Morrow's mom to make her feel good about her son, when he tries to comfort Jane, when he "apologized like a madman" to sally, and when he keeps telling the blonde girl in the lavender room what a great dancer she is.


Here is a quote we found where Holden is talking to Ernie the piano player and even though he's judging them on the outside, he is being very polite and complimentary on the outside. " Boy can you play the goddam piano." I told him... He played the piano stinking, if you want to know the truth." You ought to go on the radio," I said. "Handsome chap like you."


Holden is quite polite. Even if he's judging them on the inside, he's still really ostensibly polite. Now, I will give candy to the first person who can find a direct quote form the book where Holden is being polite.


Now I'm going to give candy to anyone who can name a pattern or recurring theme that they noticed with Holden's interactions.These are the patterns that we noticed throughout the book: Holden is polite, he's a hypocrite, he has contradicting maturity levels, he has physical contact issues, and he really likes inviting people out for drinks.


Alright, so just to go back to part 1, which is about the patterns we found.


Another pattern we noticed is Holden's physical contact issues. He doesn't seem to like it, unless it's fighitng. For example, he's fine with the fight he gets in with Stradlater,because it's all macho and manly, but when Mr. Antolini pats his head, he thinks it's super gay. He says he "doesn't mind getitng hit so much"


Another pattern we noticed is that Holden seems to express contradicting maturity levels. Candy to the first person who can read me a direct quote of someone commenting on Holden's maturity level. Holden seems to speak like an adult, yet people keep telling him to grow up, for chrssake. Carl Luce said to him " when are you going to grow up?" and "your mind is immature". This bouncing back and fourth between mature and immature makes us not quite sure exactly who the "real" Holden is. Another example is when he's talking with stradlater, having a perectly civilized conversation about Jane Gallagher, and then he says "all of a sudden-for no good reason,really, except that I was sort of in the mood for horsing around-I felt like jumping off the washbowl and getting old Stradlater in a half nelson".


Basically, the ways that Holden interacts with these adults, children, women, and peers at the end of the book are more or less the same as the way he interacts with them at the beginning. The patterns we noticed that have to do with his interactions seem to continue all throughout the book. The end. Any questions?


Or, how he lies all the time- he calls everyone a phony, yet he seems to be compulsive liar. He even says " then I started reading, just to stop lying. Once i get started, I can go on for hours if I feel like it. No kidding.ours. ": And" I just kept on lying my head off". He also is really judgmental. He judges everyone, yet he gets really annoyed when they judge him.


Our final pattern has to do with how Holden particularly seems to like inviting people out for drinks. Even if he seems to hate them, or if he was just judging and trash talking them in his own head, or if he barely even knows them, he still invites them out for drinks. I will give candy to the first person who can provide me with a direct quote from the book, of Holden inviting someone out for drinks. People he's invited out for drinks include, cab driver #1, Faith Cavendish, the 3 girls in the lavender room, Horowitz the cab driver, Ernie the piano player, Sally, the little girl with roller skates, Carl Luce, Valencia * the bar singer), and the hat check girl at the bar. We think that the reason he keeps inviting people out for drinks, is because he's lonley. When Carl Luce goes to leave, Holden asks him " just one more drink..pleace. I'm lonesome as hell".


Part 3: How do Holden's interactions with adults, children, women, and his peers evolve as the novel progresses?. We broke this down into 4 parts: adults, children,women, and peers.


So we had questions #2, which is: The novel is structured around Holden's encounters and interactions with other people. Do any patterns seem to emerge, or does anything change in his interactions as the novel progresses?How do Holden's encounters with adults, children,women, and his peers evolve as the novel progresses?


The second part of the question asks : Does anything change in his interactions as the novel progresses? Do you guys think anything changed in his interactions? We said.. NO


The third part of the question is: How does Holden's interactions with adults, children,women, and his peers evolve as the novel progresses? We found that, with adults, he thinks they're phonies. He likes children, he's polite and respectful to women, and with his peers, he goofs off.


Throughout the book, Holden has interactions with 24 people. These are the people. So we broke our questions down into 3 parts. The first part asks " do any patterns seem to emerge, or does anything change in his interactions as the novel progresses?


We also found that Holden is a really, really big hypocrite. Candy goes to the first person who can find a direct quote from the book of Holden acting like a hypocrite. Here are some examples of hypocrisy that we found: With Ackley, Holden gets so annoyed with him, yet he acts the exact same way. Like, when he keeps telling Ackley to get out of his reading light, and he gets so annoyed when he doesn't move, then he keeps getting into Stradlaters's shaving light and refuses to move.


We also noticed that he repeats himself all the time , yet he hates it when people do that. " "Thats something that drives me crazy, when people say something twice that way, after you admit it the first time. Then he said it three times:" The first person to find me a direct quote of Holden repeating himself gets candy.


With adults, he thinks they're all phonies. However, he is polite, and he speaks to them like he's an adult. He also frequently judges them in his mind. Candy will go to the first person to provide me with a direct quotation of Holden judging someone in his mind. We found that cab driver #1, the one he keeps referring to as "mac", has a terrific personality and is great company. He's being sarcastic, though. Horowitz is touchy. Ernie is a big snob. The waiter at Ernie's is a bastard. Holden thinks the adult world is full of phonies, and he doesn't want to grow up and become one of them. This could be why he sometimes acts so immature. However, like we said, he keeps inviting all these adults he dislikes os much to have drinks with them. Adults he's invited out for drinks that he has judged, include, cab driver #1, Horowita, Ernest Morrow's mom, and Ernie the piano player


With children, he seems to genuinely respect them. They're still innocent, as opposed to all the phony adults. He really admires his little brother Allie and his Little sister Phoebe, and they seem to get alone really well. They're sitll innocent and they represent all that is real and non-phony. Another example of ho he seems to like kids, comes from when he helped the little girl, Phoebe's friend with her roller skates. He says" she was a very nice, very polite kid. God I love it when a kid is nice and polite. Most kids are. They really are." And then he invited her for hot chocolate.


With his peers, Holden goofs off like any other teen would. Candy to the first person to find me a quote of Holden goofing off with a peer. Examples we found include when he's fihgitng with Stradlater( before it gets really serious), and when he's in his room with Ackley and he's sitting in that chair with his hunting hat and pretending he's blind. However, Holden seems to think he's better than his peers. For exampole, he trash talks both Ackley and Stradlater, and he calls them both slobs. the other kids at Ernie's are all "prep school jerks" or "college jerks", and the people at the table next to him are "funny looking" and "boring", and the Joe Yale guy at Ernie's looks "fitty", which we know is a quality Holden isn't so fond of.

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