Intercultural Communication

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The number of people living in 1990 who could speak English was ______.

1 in 7

North America was home to a diverse population of how many before the time of Columbus?

10 million

In 2010, approximately what percentage of the U.S. population was foreign born?


What percentage of the U.S. population in 2015 claimed ancestry from a Spanish-speaking country as an important part of their identity?


In what decade did Asian countries become major contributors of immigrants to the United States?

1920s WRONG

China's one-child campaign was introduced in ______.


Of the following decades, which had the most immigration into the United States?


What percentage of the U.S. population in 2015 claimed ancestry from an English-speaking country as an important part of their identity?


In what decade was the percentage of foreign-born in the United States the greatest?


The number of people counted as living outside their country of birth in 2013 was approximately ______.

240 million

Gender identity is usually established by the age of ______.


The population of the 22 Arab countries is approximately ______.

372 million

In comparison to the United States, Japan's land area is about what percentage of the U.S. land area?


China has a recorded history of ______.

4,000 years

Of the country's total population of 65 million in 2011, how large was the Muslim population of France?

4.7 million

In comparison to the United States, the population of Japan is about what percentage of the U.S. population?


What is the percentage of indigenous populations among the world's population?


In sub-Saharan Africa, approximately what percentage of pregnant women receive adequate care during childbirth?


In 2017, the use of English for Internet content was approximately ______.


Approximately how many immigrants entered the Western Hemisphere between 1846 and 1932?

53 million

How many distinct nations exist within the borders of the United States?


Researchers found evidence for how many universal nonverbal expressions?


What percentage of Amish youth choose to accept an Amish identity?


In 1981, Garreau described his "______ nations" of North America.


Sunni Muslims compose what percentage of the world's Muslims?


People in the United States tend to view time as ______.

A commodity or resource.

What changes do the findings of the UN studies show occurred over the past decade?

A reduction in gender inequality has been virtually universal.

The only Germanic language developed outside Europe is ______.


Where did Irish and Scottish immigrants settle between 1717 and 1775?


What is the relationship between Arab people and Islam?

Arabs are the largest ethnic group of the Islamic faith. WRONG Arabs are the most active group practicing the Islamic faith. WRONG Arabs are not followers of the Islamic faith. WRONG

What do Catalan demands for independence from Spain demonstrate?

Arbitrarily drawn political boundaries do not reflect people's identities.

Which of the following is true of Berlo's model of communication?

Berlo drew from engineering to conceptualize communication

Where do Hmong populations primarily live within the United States?

California, Minnesota, Wisconsin

What is the official language(s) of Hong Kong?

Cantonese and English

An example of adopting new practices during cultural exchange is ______.

Columbus' voyages to the New World

Which of the following is one of the skill areas of intercultural communication competence identified by Chen (1990)?

Cultural awareness

What term is used to describe the view that an individual's beliefs and behaviors should be understood only in terms of that person's own culture?

Cultural relativism

When considering perception, sensation is ______.

Culturally Marked

The father of modern China is ______.

Dr. Sun Yat-sen

The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures describes intercultural communication ______.


What is the most populated Arab country?


Approximately 35-40% of the U.S. population can trace their heritage to a family member who passed through the immigration processing station at ______.

Ellis Island

A universal language developed in the 19th century is ______.


In the reading by Benjamin Franklin on page 70, the commissioners from Virginia were victims of which barrier to intercultural understanding from the list below?


Which of the following terms is used to describe the communicative strategies one uses to enact self-face and to uphold, support, or challenge another person's face?


T or F: Across all cultures, it is appropriate to display emotions in front of the same types of people (parents, lovers, etc.).


T or F: Japanese-born Koreans, the largest minority group in Japan, experience little social or economic prejudice.


T or F: Psychological adjustment refers to the understanding of the social system and customs of the host culture by competent intercultural communicators.


T or F: Taiwan currently has a one-party government under martial law.


T or F: The Chinese counterpart to the Greek sense of harmony was a sense of personal agency.


T or F: The United States leads all nations in carbon dioxide emissions.


T or F: The term Asian American was created early in the 19th century to refer to all people of Asian descent in the United States.


T or F: The word stereotyping was first used in the Christian Bible to describe judgments made about other groups.


T or F: There are no global fundamental human values that can provide an ethical basis to guide intercultural interactions.


The degree to which perception of an object is influenced by the background in which it appears is called ______.

Field Dependence

Who applied uncertainty reduction theory to intercultural communication by developing the concept of the "stranger"?

Gudykunst and his colleagues

Which of the following refers to the study of our use of touch to communicate?


Who established the corporate culture at Southwest Airlines?

Herb Kelleher

Cultures in which more of the meaning of communication is determined by the environment are called ______.


Interpersonal disputes are likely to be settled by intermediaries in ______ cultures.


______ is the more conservative stream of Buddhism.


Which culture was forced to flee Laos for the United States?


People in the United States tend to have which of the following views on nature?

Humans have dominion over nature.

Geert Hofstede studied more than 100,000 employees of which multinational in 40 countries?


What does queer theory argue?

Identities are multiple and accepting one identification is restrictive in defining self.

What does the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples suggest?

Indigenous peoples should occupy a privileged political and legal position.

Which dimension does Young Yun Kim characterize as topping the list of theories guiding cross-cultural research in communication, psychology, and anthropology?


That people in different cultures have different uses for dogs (such as pets, hunting animals, or food) is an example of ______.


______ refers to attaching meaning to sense data and is synonymous with decoding.


Which country is not considered an Arab country because of its language?


Which indigenous Northeastern American group may have influenced the U.S. Constitution?


What role does argot play within a subgroup?

It defines the boundaries of the subgroup.

How is the Google company structured?

It has a small middle management and a hands-on upper management.

Which of the following is true of the biological perspective on race?

It has led to ordering races from most primitive to most advanced.

Which of the following is a characteristics of the wai gesture?

It varies by the degree of deference that is called for.

Which of the following countries is least accepting of homosexuality?


In which case did the Supreme Court rule that schools that do not provide special help for children with limited English are violating their civil rights?

Lau v. Nichols

Due to self-motivation values, U.S. citizens are ______.

Less likely to vote on the basis of economic class

In ______ societies, people tend to be guided more by personal responsibility than by shaming one's group.


Which early culture established that a year was 365.24 days long?


The ______ person is one who respects cultures and has tolerance for differences.


Which of the following, according to LaRay Barna (1997), is one of the barriers to intercultural communication?

Nonverbal communication

What region of China is the more traditional and conservative?

North, including Beijing

Said describes the process of labeling non-Western cultures as "underdeveloped" as ______.


Which of the following that Kale (1997) argues is the fundamental human value?


John Dewey argued that cultural ______ supported rigid segregation between groups.


The irrational suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation is ______.


The Arab country with the highest a nnual per capita gross domestic product is ______.


______ is prejudice with the exercise of power on or over the group.


Which of the following is the ninth month on Islam's lunar calendar?


Which country is considered to be the most conservative Muslim country?

Saudi Arabia

Speakers of English have difficulty hearing the difference between Japanese words that differ only in vowel length is an example of ______.


Human perception can be thought of as the three-step process in the order of ______.

Selection, organization, and interpretation

Most of the population of Japan traditionally practices a syncretistic combination of ______ and Buddhism.


______ are sometimes arbitrary in character, sometimes based on a real or fancied analogy, and usually simpler than symbols.


Which country introduced the 2011 United Nations Human Rights Council resolution, establishing a formal process to document human rights abuses against gays?

South Africa

A country high in Confucian work dynamism (indicating a long-term orientation) is ______.

South Korea

______ and Chinese are spoken by more people than English is.


A country high on the Environmental Sustainability Index (indicating high performance in environmental protection) is ______.


Which of the following explains part of the Roma's history in Europe?

The Holocaust is an important part of their history.

Which of the following is true of Nordic countries?

They lead the world in gender equality.

John was raised in London and Anne was raised in Peru. When they marry, the culture their union might create would be considered a ______ culture.


T of F: Google is banned in China


T or F: A French parliamentary committee found that Muslim women's covering of their faces was against the French republican principles of secularism and equality.


T or F: A communicator's concern over a lack of cultural awareness can be a barrier to intercultural communication.


T or F: A home with good feng shui manipulates design and furniture to establish positive energy and balance.


T or F: Air quality is a major problem in Chinese cities.


T or F: China has become a major competitor with the United States for oil.


T or F: China views U.S. demands for the Chinese to improve their human rights policies as attacks on its sovereignty.


T or F: Chinese leaders place a higher premium on social order and a lesser one on individual expression.


T or F: Cultural nearsightedness is a less extreme form of ethnocentrism.


T or F: Hong Kong was promised at least 50 years of press freedom after its return to China in 1997.


T or F: In low-context cultures the message is explicit, detailed, and redundant.


T or F: Profiling refers to the law enforcement practice of scrutinizing certain individuals based on characteristics thought to indicate a likelihood of criminal behavior.


T or F: Stereotypes can become self-fulfilling prophecies for the person stereotyped.


T or F: Studies show that when prompted to discuss a scene, people in Japan discuss relationships between objects and people in the United States describe the largest object.


T or F: The "model minority" stereotype associated with Asian Americans has had negative effects.


T or F: The rhetoric of confrontation refers to verbal threats and flamboyant language.


T or F: Today's estimate is that one fifth to one fourth of the world's population is familiar with English.


T or F: Using the word Americans to describe only individuals living in the United States is an example of cultural nearsightedness.


T or F: When viewed from the perspective of high- and low-context cultures, language often separates people.


People in which industrialized nation are the most religious?

United States

An example of a tonal language in which the denotative meaning of some words depends on the context and how the word is said is ______.


The Japanese concept of quality circles is largely derived from whose lectures in Japan?

W. Edward Deming

In the 19th century, the term culture was commonly used as a synonym for ______.

Western civilization

What type of caste system exists in India?

a hereditary class system

Indulgent cultures have ______.

a higher percentage of very happy people than restrained cultures

Confucian work dynamism or long-term versus short-term orientation includes ______.

a sense of shame and ordering relationships

Which of the following is a cultural icon?

a special symbol that tends to be idolized in a culture

Cultures strong in uncertainty avoidance are ______.


According to Nisbett (2003), Eastern cultures ______.

are inclined to see the world as continuous masses of matter

Japan's equal employment opportunity laws ______.

are not particularly effective in Japan's male-centered workplace

An ______ is an object less widely recognized.


Giving up one's original cultural identity and moving into full participation in a new culture is ______.


If you consider that people display emotions inappropriately when the display of emotions in their culture is different from the display of emotions in your culture, you exemplify which type of intercultural barrier?

assuming similarity instead of difference

Errors in translation can be avoided through ______.

back translation

An individual experiencing cultural shock has achieved ______ when they have developed the ability to cope comfortably in both the home and new cultures.


Between the years 1450 and 1870, the largest number of slaves was brought to ______.


Which of the following states has half of the illegal immigrants in the United States?


The specialized language of a nonprofessional group is known as ______.


Individuals who influence innovation decisions in a direction deemed desirable by a change agency are ______.

change agents

Marla arrives at 5:30 for a 6:00 dinner at Jaime's house because in her culture it is the norm to arrive one-half hour early. This is an instance of transmitting information nonverbally through ______.


The most widely recognized U.S. icon worldwide is ______.

coca cola

Spanglish is an example of ______.


The Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner dimension of ______ seems to be virtually identical to Hofstede's collectivism-individualism.


According to Hofstede, in which type of culture does the interest of the group prevail over the interest of the individual?


The space in which geographically and historically separated peoples come into contact with each other and establish ongoing relations is a ______.

contact zone

The term Asian American ______.

contributes to a stereotype of all people of Asian ancestry as a single community

Rogers moved away from the diffusion model to what he called the ______ model.


The fear of the predominant influence that one culture can develop over another is ______.

cultural hegemony

One's identification with and perceived acceptance into a group that has a shared system of symbols, meanings, and norms is ______.

cultural identity

Schmid-Isler compared Western and Chinese Internet news sites and found a difference in layout that is attributed to ______.

culturally influenced perceptions of information storage and display

Corporate ______ has been defined as "the way we do things around here."


The totality of a group's thought, experiences, and patterns of behavior developed over the course of generations is part of a definition of ______.


Between the 16th and the 19th centuries in the Euro-American cultures, peoples from other lands were ______.


Diverse cultures developed due to which of the following?

development of diverse sets of beliefs

Which is the term originally used to refer to the experiences of Jews, and later Armenians, who were forcibly exiled from their homelands, but more recently used to include all groups that move from one part of the world to another?


The process by which innovations are spread to members of a social system is known as ______.


Which of the following is one of Ritzer's principles of the "McDonaldization of society"?


Knowledge of the culture learned from the inside, seldom consciously discussed, is ______ knowledge.


In which of the following family types are spouses selected by custom?

endogamous community family

U.S. political ideas are derived largely from which country?


The system of representative government, the structure of law, and the emphasis on individual liberty all derive from which European trend of thought?


Most Muslims would say that women in Arab cultures are ______.

equal to men

Negatively judging the aspects of another culture by the standards of one's own culture is ______.


The stages of culture shock in order are ______.

euphoria, disintegration, reintegration, gradual adjustment, and biculturalism

T or F: A requirement for joining the EU, immigration policies are the same in every EU country.


T or F: According to Ting-Toomey (1985), high-context cultures with a greater concern for privacy and autonomy tend to use direct-face negotiation and express more self-face maintenance.


T or F: Advertising in Spain reflects the country's masculinity and individualism cultural dimensions.


T or F: All of the Hmong continue to exist in a state of marginalization.


T or F: Amish youth have no choice but to choose to accept an Amish identity.


T or F: Among the world's industrialized nations, the United States is one of the least religious.


T or F: Arab countries include Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.


T or F: Arabs are the majority in the Islamic religion


T or F: Argot refers to the specialized languages of stigmatized groups.


T or F: As the Treaty of Waitangi was recorded in both Mâori and in English, there have been few misunderstandings about governance and sovereignty in New Zealand.


T or F: Assimilation is generally a short-term process.


T or F: Between 1968 and 2001, the percentage of U.S. college freshmen who said developing a meaningful philosophy of life was a top priority grew from 41% to 83%.


T or F: By 1990, the Islamic population in the European Union was 40 million.


T or F: Cant refers to the technical language of professional groups.


T or F: Communication and culture should be studied separately.


T or F: Conflict resolution in a high-context culture such as China is less likely to use intermediaries and indirect-face negotiation.


T or F: Culture shock has only psychological symptoms and no physical symptoms.


T or F: Cultures with low power distance have power and influence concentrated in the hands of a few.


T or F: Descendants of Confederates who immigrated to Brazil successfully resisted assimilation.


T or F: Dr. Deming's reputation in the United States contributed to his success in Japan.


T or F: English is the first language for nearly 60% of the population of South Africa.


T or F: Euro Disney was initially successful because it faithfully duplicated the original Disneyland.


T or F: For religious reasons, spoken Arabic does not change nor vary from country to country.


T or F: Gerber Products discovered that food tastes and baby-feeding practices vary little from country to country.


T or F: Hegemony refers to special symbols that tend to be idolized in a culture.


T or F: Hispanic cultures in the United States have few media outlets.


T or F: Hofstede's research identified Confucian countries as having a collectivist culture.


T or F: In Hofstede's categorization of elements of culture, symbols refer to the socially essential activities within a culture.


T or F: In all communication models, the role of the communication receiver is passive.


T or F: In high-context cultures, verbal messages are elaborate and highly specific.


T or F: In low uncertainty avoidance cultures, people are expected to display respect for those of higher status.


T or F: In modern times, the separation of church and state and the creation of societies governed by secular laws have fostered freedom of thought and expression in Arab states.


T or F: In particularist cultures, people place importance on laws, rules, values, and obligations.


T or F: In the United States, people typically don't make a clear and separate distinction between human life and nature.


T or F: In the diffusion model, a change agent is the individual able to influence informally other individuals' attitudes or overt behavior in a desired way.


T or F: Individualism is associated with an indirect style of communication.


T or F: Integration results from giving up one's original cultural identity.


T or F: Islam encourages separation of church and state.


T or F: Islam has the largest number of followers than any of the world's religions.


T or F: Islam only respects a small number of types of work and considers many other non-worthy.


T or F: Japan's culture has been characterized by an inability to adapt imported culture and technology to traditional culture.


T or F: Mecca-Cola represents pro-American feelings by imitating the taste of Coca-Cola.


T or F: More Spanish-language books are sold in the United States than any other country.


T or F: Muslims have two religious obligations.


T or F: People in the United States define self and others by group membership.


T or F: Perception ends with the reception of sensory data.


T or F: Saudi Arabia is the 10th smallest country in the world.


T or F: Self-concept refers to the willingness of individuals to openly and appropriately reveal information about themselves to their counterparts.


T or F: Social media is not important for shared subgroup identity.


T or F: Space orientation is one of Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's five value orientations.


T or F: Spanglish is a dialect of Spanish spoken only in Southern California.


T or F: Sweden and Denmark have a low percentage of children born outside of marriage.


T or F: The Human Development Index is a measure of life expectancy, education, and political participation.


T or F: The United States was the first country to grant women the right to vote.


T or F: The World Economic Forum study shows that empowering women means a less efficient use of a nation's human resources.


T or F: The first stage of culture shock is irritation and hostility.


T or F: The legal system of Arab states is similar to those of Western countries.


T or F: The majority of Cambodian, Laotian, Hmong, and Vietnamese refugee teenagers become involved in gang criminal behavior.


T or F: The masculinity versus femininity dimension refers to how people define themselves and their relationships with others.


T or F: The notion of studying corporate culture was popular in the 1950s.


T or F: The term "coculture" is used to emphasize that we are all members of multiple groups.


T or F: The term Tejano refers to people born in California of Mexican ancestry.


T or F: The trend today is to assimilate indigenous peoples into national cultures as quickly as possible.


T or F: United States immigrants ranked first in overall assimilation.


T or F: Worldwide, 85% of the health gap between women and men has been closed.


T or F: Young Yun Kim characterizes masculinity versus femininity as topping the list of theories guiding cross-cultural research in communication.


T or. F: While Western cultures, beginning with ancient Greece, believed that their own way of life was superior, imperial China did not.


One important organizational myth of Disneyland is related to ______.


Confucius taught that society is made up of five relationships, including which of the following?

father and son

According to Hofstede, in which type of culture are overlapping social roles for the sexes permitted?


In 1990, a federal district court ruled Arizona's English-only law violated what constitutional guarantee?

freedom of speech

______ refers to a deeply felt sense of being a woman, a man, or a nonbinary identity that is both, fluid, or neither.

gender identity

Captain Arthur Phillip who arrived in Australia in 1788 had the view of the colonists as ______ of the indigenous inhabitants.


What is the value of the average wage for women as compared to that for men?


The following are all criticisms of Hofstede's research EXCEPT ______.

he identified too many dimensions to define cultures

The Human Development Index (HDI) was created by the United Nations Development Program as a measure of all of the following EXCEPT ______.


If you are unsure how to behave in an intercultural contact and you tend to avoid contact, you are experiencing which type of intercultural barrier?

high anxiety

Those with the capability of speaking and comprehending the Spanish language, who claim ancestry from a Spanish-speaking country, and who identify with a shared culture are often labeled ______.


Research on genetic material has shown that ______.

humans alive today share ancestry from one group in Africa

The two different translations possible for such expressions as "read between the lines" or "my leg went to sleep" would be examples of what translation problem?

idiomatic equivalence

Regional differences in the United States can be accounted for in part by ______.

immigration patterns

Surveys conducted in industrialized nations during the 1980s clearly show that the most distinctive characteristics of the U.S. character are independence and ______.


Which is the dimension that Hofstede added in a 2010 follow-up to his earlier studies?

indulgence versus self-restraint

Maintaining important parts of one's original culture as well as becoming an integral part of a new culture is ______.


Replacing the melting pot analogy, the salad or stew analogy is evidence of which prevalent view of immigration in the United States today?


For thousands of years, humans lived in ______ communities.


Arab culture transcends time and space through language and ______.

its Islamic faith

The technical language of a professional group, such as doctors and lawyers, is known as ______.


Prior to the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, how large was the population of Koreans as compared to that of Russians in the Russian Far East?

koreans outnumbered russians

A country ranking ______ in power distance means that power is more equally distributed in that society.


Ethnic Koreans in post-Soviet states experienced ______.


Losing one's cultural identity and not having any psychological contact with the larger society is ______.


The Hmong, who left Laos, and the Montagnard, who left Vietnam, experienced ______ when they arrived in the United States.


Cultures labeled as ______ strive for maximal distinction between what women and men are expected to do.


In ______ countries, love and family life may be seen as separated.


The belief that possessions are important in life, which is a value that most of the rest of the world attributes to the United States, is ______.


Besides argot, ______ and values contribute to defining subgroup identity and boundaries.

media use

The word or phrase most often used to describe the assimilation of early immigrants into the United States was ______.

melting pot

"You're really pretty for a dark-skin girl" would be an example of ______.


For how many languages does Google Translate provide text translations?

more than 100

In much of the Arab world, people identify themselves as ______.

muslim or arab

Hofstede reported that the masculinity cultural dimension is ______.

negatively related to the acceptance of homosexuality

Fasting during Ramadan is _____

one of the religious obligations of Muslims

Individuals who are able to informally influence other individuals' attitudes or overt behavior in a desired way with relative frequency are ______.

opinion leaders

That languages categorize perceptions differently describes the perceptual step of ______.


Social lives in Arab culture are ______.

organized around family

What or who are gaijin?


An orderly and scientific study of a subgroup by a researcher after having been accepted as a member is called a(n) ______.

participant observer report

According to studies on regional differences within the United States, which people are more likely to be introverts?

people from New England

French language and culture are particularly prominent in which Canadian province?


To believe that humans are ______ is to believe that humans act on the basis of reason.


What do the matawain in Saudi Arabia enforce?

religious requirements

Over the past 10 years, the percentage of female state legislators in the United States has ______.

remained the same

In Hofstede's categorization of elements of culture, a country's Independence Day parades would be an example of a ______.


How did Captain James Cook describe the natives when he arrived on Hawaii in 1778?


Touch used instead of saying "I love you" exemplifies which function of the nonverbal communication?

sending uncomfortable messages

The neurological process by which we become aware of our environment is ______.


Amish settlements in the United States are examples of voluntary ______ in American society.


Maintaining one's original culture and not participating in a new culture is ______.


According to studies by Maurer in the 1930s, argots ______.

serve as one important aspect of group identity

The term used to refer to the biological features based on chromosomal evidence that distinguish males from females is ______.


The sex ratio at birth is a reliable indicator of ______.

sex discrimination

The specialized language of a stigmatized group is known as ______.


Michael Omi's statement that "You can be born one race and die another" is consistent with which perspective on race?


A person who lives in a country for a limited period of time, from as little as 6 months to as long as 5 years, with a specific and goal-oriented purpose such as education is a(n) ______.


China's government promotes "Internet ______" rejecting the idea that a nation's virtual borders should be less meaningful than its physical borders.


In addition to size, what other characteristic of the Hispanic market has drawn advertisers?

station loyalty

Positive or negative judgments made about others on the basis of their group membership is ______.


Gelassenheit is a common German word in Amish life that means ______.


Ritzer's critique of the efficiency model originating in U.S. corporations is a critique of ______.

the McDonaldization of society

What is Sharia?

the canonical law that includes the Qur'an and the sunnah

People in the United States tend to believe the source of motivation should originate in ______.

the individual

Long-term orientation encourages ______.


To prove entitlement to the land, fisheries quota, shares, and cash that are being returned to Mâori in compensation for successive Crown breaches a person must ______.

trace heritage back to the 1848 census

T or F: According to Cohen (1997), face loss may happen, among other reasons, because of exposure to personal insult.


T or F: According to Mehrabian, in the United States, status manifests itself by a relaxed posture.


T or F: Acculturation is maintaining important parts of one's original culture as well as becoming an integral part of the new culture.


T or F: Alexis de Tocqueville found the United States lacking in independence of mind and freedom of discussion.


T or F: Among the factors contributing to a dominant national U.S. culture was the development of radio and television that nationalized politics and popular culture.


T or F: Among the five effects June Yum describes that Confucianism has on interpersonal communication is the use of intermediaries or third parties to avoid direct confrontation.


T or F: Among the world's illiterates, women outnumber men 2 to 1.


T or F: An asylee is a person who is seeking refuge in another country for political reasons.


T or F: Ancient Greeks had a strong sense of individual identity.


T or F: Arabs were the ethnic group that originally spread Islam.


T or F: As a high Confucian work dynamism culture, Singapore values placing the good of the society above that of the individual.


T or F: At Google, core employees have autonomy but work with a single unifying philosophy.


T or F: At the time of Columbus, Spain debated the rationality of the Indians.


T or F: Because it is an island country, Japan was little affected by foreign influence until the mid-19th century.


T or F: Believing that humans eating corn on the cob is disgusting because corn on the cob is only fit for pigs is an example of perceptual interpretation.


T or F: Both power distance and femininity are negatively related to the Environmental Sustainability Index.


T or F: Challenges to the jury system may reflect changing beliefs about human rationality.


T or F: Changes brought about by the Protestant Reformation included a growing support of individualism.


T or F: Charles Darwin argued that some nonverbal cues are biologically determined.


T or F: Chicano refers to a population segment born in the United States but with ancestors who came from Mexico.


T or F: Compared to Anglo-Americans, Hispanics rely on extended families for emotional support.


T or F: Countries that tend toward egalitarian, individualist, and feminine values are more likely to support environmental sustainability.


T or F: Cultural identity refers to the identification with and perceived acceptance into a group that has a shared system of symbols and means as well as norms for conduct.


T or F: Cultural studies focus on the ways culture is formed through struggles among ideologies.


T or F: Culture is a code we learn and share, and learning and sharing require communication.


T or F: Diaspora refers to groups who have been forced to move from one part of the world to another.


T or F: Dick Hebdige showed that it was how British punk youth culture used commodities that marked the subgroup off from the dominant culture.


T or F: During the 19th century, the most common second language in the United States was German.


T or F: Edward Hall argued that standing in lines is more likely to be found in cultures where people are treated as equals.


T or F: Ethical communicators encourage people of other cultures to express themselves.


T or F: European explorers labeled Hawaiians savages.


T or F: Even if a smile is universally recognized as a sign of friendliness, it has other meanings specific to a culture.


T or F: Existing within cultures, subgroups share forms of language, media, and values.


T or F: Feeding and rarely killing rats because of a belief that rats accompany Ganesh whenever he travels is an example of perceptual interpretation.


T or F: For a subgroup, a specialized vocabulary identifies it and establishes its boundaries.


T or F: Freire used the term cultural invasion to refer to one group penetrating the culture of another group to impose its own view of the world.


T or F: From their research, Trompenaars and Hampden-Turner concluded that people from diverse cultures differ from one another in seven dimensions.


T or F: Geert Hofstede's study identified value dimensions across which cultures vary.


T or F: Historian David Hackett Fischer argues that early immigrants from England established distinctive regional cultures in the United States that remain today.


T or F: Hofstede argued that the masculinity cultural dimension is negatively related to the acceptance of homosexuality.


T or F: Homogeneity is important for understanding Japan's culture and communication.


T or F: Host communication competence refers to the capacity to communicate with the host culture's communication symbols and meaning systems.


T or F: How baseball is played in Japan reflects the Japanese culture.


T or F: Hundreds of thousands of Roma were exterminated in Nazi gas chambers and concentration camps.


T or F: Important myths in the Disneyland corporate culture are drama and family.


T or F: In 2009, the Texas-border state of Tamaulipas declared itself the first bilingual state in Mexico.


T or F: In Islam, Muhammad is the last prophet in a line that includes Abraham, Noah, Moses, and Jesus.


T or F: In all cultures, women can detect odors in lower concentrations, identify them more accurately, and remember them longer than men.


T or F: In ancient Rome, women were not considered citizens.


T or F: In intercultural interactions, we are less likely to recognize how nonverbal symbols are different than how languages are different.


T or F: In regard to social class, a study found that children of professional parents heard six times more encouragements per hour than children from families receiving welfare.


T or F: In some Asian languages, one word can refer to both "food" and "rice."


T or F: In the Islamic religion, there are no priests.


T or F: In the United States, contextual factors are critical to understanding the symbolic content of touching.


T or F: In the eighth century, a system of political-religious leadership that originated with the first successor to Muhammad held authority over parts of three continents.


T or F: Islam is a nonhierarchical religion.


T or F: It is possible for argot to be absorbed into mainstream language as slang.


T or F: Japan's Westernization was criticized by other Asian countries.


T or F: Korean has special vocabularies for each sex, for different degrees of social status and degrees of intimacy, and for formal occasions.


T or F: Marginalization is losing one's cultural identity and not having any psychological contact with the larger society.


T or F: Maurer's studies demonstrate that membership in the subgroup provides an identity.


T or F: Media distributed only to subgroup members can vary widely from graffiti to newsletters.


T or F: Migration influences both origin and destination countries.


T or F: More than 40 million people in the United States are of German heritage.


T or F: Most scientists have abandoned the concept of biological race as a meaningful concept.


T or F: Muhammad ibn Abdullah was a businessman before receiving his revelations through the angel Gabriel for the Qur'an.


T or F: Neuroscientist Antonio Damasio contends that our world is so complex that cultures developed to regulate life so that we could survive.


T or F: One advantage of English as a universal language is its large vocabulary.


T or F: One criticism of Hofstede's work is that his data are drawn from subsidiaries of only one company.


T or F: One study of English and French speakers in Quebec found that interethnic communicators limited their interaction to superficial encounters.


T or F: Only around 25% of Hispanic Internet users access the Internet on a mobile phone, tablet, or other mobile handheld device at least occasionally.


T or F: Organizations can have their own symbols.


T or F: Political scientist Daniel Lerner proposed that media help transition from a traditional to a modernized country.


T or F: Postethnic culture refers to how each of us lives in many diverse groups.


T or F: Psychological symptoms of culture shock include insomnia, criticism of the new country, and emotional withdrawal.


T or F: Psychologists explain stereotypes as mistakes our brains make in the perception of other people similar to those mistakes our brains make in the perception of visual illusions.


T or F: Restrained cultures have a lower percentage of very happy people and a common perception of helplessness.


T or F: Reverse culture shock occurs when the home culture is compared adversely to the admired aspects of the new culture.


T or F: Sadness is one of the universal forms of nonverbal expression.


T or F: Saudi Arabian society is structured to keep a woman within strictly defined limits to protect her chastity.


T or F: Schiller argues that the unrestricted flow of media from the United States surreptitiously affects other people's goals and aspirations.


T or F: Scholars from the nature approach believe nonverbal behavior is genetically determined.


T or F: Separation is maintaining one's original culture and not participating in the new culture.


T or F: Shinto is exclusively nationalistic.


T or F: Since 1950, the requirement for U.S. citizenship has been "to read, write, and speak words in ordinary English."


T or F: Sojourners and expatriates live in a country for a specific purpose such as work.


T or F: Some people object to multilingual marketing because they believe it perpetuates linguistic divisions and separation.


T or F: South Korea has eliminated most of the Confucian-based discrimination against women in the nation's laws.


T or F: Stereotypes and political unrest contribute to communication barriers between the Arab countries and the United States.


T or F: Subgroups are like cultures in that they have an important influence on the values and attitudes you hold.


T or F: The Amish support their own private schools, which teach the practical skills of everyday life.


T or F: The Arab worldview is derived from Islam.


T or F: The Chinese concept of guanxi is best translated as the "connections" one has.


T or F: The Employment Division of Oregon v. Smith decision has been used to limit religious expression in the United States.


T or F: The English language has a Germanic structure.


T or F: The European conservative Protestant worldview dominates U.S. culture.


T or F: The Human Development Index (HDI) showed that gender equality is not dependent on income levels, with some developing countries having greater opportunities for women.


T or F: The Law of Return granted anyone with a Jewish mother the right to come to Israel as an oleh and become a citizen.


T or F: The calendar in use today, the Gregorian calendar, dates back to 1582.


T or F: The first law passed by the Chinese Communist Party gave women the right to own property and when married to use their own names.


T or F: The individualist cultures of North America, Australia, and New Zealand were largely populated by migrants who were sufficiently individualist themselves to leave their native countries.


T or F: The initiation of contact among previously separated cultures has been the major world event of past centuries.


T or F: The month of Ramadan commemorates the Prophet Muhammad receiving revelations from the angel Gabriel.


T or F: The term Latino refers to Spanish-speaking individuals who came from, or whose ancestors came from, anywhere in Latin America.


T or F: The term insularity is used to connote separation only.


T or F: There is much diversity in the Arab world today.


T or F: Third culture refers to a new culture that two or more individuals from different cultures can share.


T or F: To Japanese men, the Japanese spoken by U.S. military men who had learned Japanese from women sounded weak and indirect.


T or F: To be considered a global brand, the brand must carry the same brand name or logo worldwide.


T or F: Writing about lesbians and gay men, Rotello argues that cultural separation occurs only when society stigmatizes a group.


What characterized British punk?

use of random, mass-produced objects for a parody of consumerism

For many corporations, the value systems were established by ______.

value-shaping leaders

Among the groups within the Cambodian, Laotian, Hmong, and Vietnamese refugee cultures, Tran Minh Tung (1990) found the group who was least at risk for marginalization to be ______.


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