Internship Final

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The best references to list on a reference sheet

Anyone that can speak to your qualifications as a candidate Supervisors, professors, mentors, advisors

Traits that employers look for in a potential employee (8)

Character Attitude Productivity Teamwork Attendance Communication Cooporation Organizational Skills

What is the full name of the landmark legislation that outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Best practices for sending a thank you note after an interview

-15 mins after -If you can, write a handwritten note -Reference position you are interviewing for -Thank them for their time -Tell them you're excited about the next steps -Restate your interest in the position -Sell yourself again -Keep it short and sweet -Send a note to every person that interviewed you -Spell names correctly

What does Worker's Compensation cover? Under what circumstances will a company pay worker's comp and when will they not?

-A state mandated insurance program that provides compensation to a worker who is off the job and recovering due to an injury that occurred while working Does not cover injuries attained if: -Worker is drunk or high -Worker has a self-inflicted injury or an injury that occurred during commission of a crime -Worker was injured while not on the job -Worker was injured while doing something that violates company policy

Best practices for a video interview

-Always complete a video interview from a laptop or desktop -Prior to interview, check the strength of your Wi-Fi signal to make sure you find the strongest connection spot -Pick a location that is quiet and that has either a blank background or professional background -Prior, check your camera and sound -Limit other distractions -Make sure you can make direct eye contact with your camera -Dress for how you would in an in-person interview -Log on to the video platform 15 minutes prior to give yourself time to recheck things -Check your email periodically before your scheduled interview in case the interviewer needs to reschedule for any reason -Wait at least 15 minutes past your scheduled interview time before reaching out to the interviewer if they have not shown -If the interviewer says they will call you, do not call them -Do not panic if your interview begins and you have technical issues

What does ADA prohibit?

-Americans with Disabilities Act -Prohibits discrimination based on any person's disability, whether physical or mental

Know the responsibilities that a student has in regard to receiving credit for an internship

-Choose the number of credit hours to register for -Take into account class load and number of hours your company wants you to work -Once registered, complete the Company Info Form

Where can you find the Internship tab and what kinds of information are listed under the Internship tab?

-Company Information Submission Form: -FAQs: answers to many of the questions you may have -Grading Rubric: Shows how internships are graded -Hour Requirements: Shows you how many hours you need to work to receive credit -Prerequisites: Shows you what you need before you begin your internship

What doesThe Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) establish and what is the current minimum wage?

-Established national standards for wages, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment -$7.25/hour

Know best practices for writing a resume (what should be on it, the type of language you should use (first person or third person, action words, past vs. present tense, etc.), format, type of document it should be saved and emailed as)

-First person -Action words -pdf

What is the definition of "quid pro quo?"

-Latin phrase meaning "something for something" -You give me something and I'll give you something in return -Example: holding out a promotion in exchange for sexual favors

What does "At-Will" Employment mean?

-Most employees are under this unless under contract -An employer may hire, fire, suspend, or discipline any employee at any time for any reason -The employer may not do so on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, etc

What steps must you take if you have been the victim of any workplace harassment?

-Tell the person harassing you to stop because their actions make you uncomfortable -Document the offensive behavior -Go to your direct supervisor and make them aware that you have asked the offender to stop and that you are documenting the behavior -File a formal complaint (in writing) with HR

What is the criteria defined by the U.S. Department of Labor in regard to individuals being allowed to participate at "for-profit" private sector companies as an unpaid intern?

-The intern and the employer clearly understand that there is no expectation of compensation. -The internship provides training that would be similar to that which would be given in an educational environment, including the clinical and other hands-on training provided by educational institutions. -The internship is tied to the intern's formal education program by integrated coursework or the receipt of academic credit. -The internship accommodates the intern's academic commitments by corresponding to the academic calendar. -The internship's duration is limited to the period in which the internship provides the intern with beneficial learning. -The intern's work complements, rather than displaces, the work of paid employees while providing significant educational benefits to the intern. -The intern and the employer understand that the internship is conducted without entitlement to a paid job at the conclusion of the internship.

Appropriate questions to ask an interviewer during an interview

-What are the key values that define your company culture? -How will you measure success in this role? -Will there be opportunities for performance reviews? -What do you love about your role and love most about working for this company? -What would a typical day look like? -What are some typical projects that your interns work on? -How could I exceed your expectations? -What are some characteristics/skills you would like to see in this role?

What should be included in an elevator speech?

-Who you are (name, where you're from) -Your current situation (Student, school, major, currently working/interning) -Some context about your experience (School & school projects, volunteer work, work projects, internships, personal projects) -What you want (networking opportunities, one-on-one meeting, internship opportunities, etc)

Know whether or not the Internship Office will override certain criteria for registering for internship credit under certain circumstances

-You may be able to apply for 4 or more credit hours, but the Director of Internships would have to approve it first

Be able to identify/discuss your individual results on the StrengthsFinder assessment

1. Achiever: constant need for achievement 2. Relator: Pulls you towards people you already know 3. Positivity: Generous with praise, quick to smile, & always looking for the positive in a situation 4. Maximizer: Taking something from below average to slightly above average 5. Futuristic: Want to see in detail what the future might hold, it is fascinating

·How many hours a week must you intern to earn two (2) credits during the fall and spring semesters?


How many hours must you intern during the summer term if you register for three (3) credits of internship?


Where do opportunities for networking occur?


Be able to identify the four leadership themes (categories) discussed in StrengthsFinder 2.0

Executing: -Person most often asked to help find solutions for problems -Most of these strengths are exhibited by someone who can "get the job done" -Can take an idea and turn it into reality Influencing: -Good at selling other people on ideas -Can communicate ideas effectively -Can usually sell anyone on anything Relationship Building: -The glue that holds the group together -Strength is keeping people focused on the task at hand -People who can transform a group of individuals into a team with a purpose Strategic Thinking: -Person with a plan -Strength is to keep moving forward to achieve goals -Great at collecting and organizing info

All of the prerequisites for gaining access to the CEMB Internship Program (General, AET, CEI, MBU, CTM)

FT degree seeking students (64+ hours Junior/senior) Must currently have and maintain 2.0 GPA Transfer students must have 12 hours in residence All majors must have completed MBU 2000 AET: Survey of Recording Technology Audio Engineering II (for internships relating to music production) Sound Reinforcement II (for internships relating to sound reinforcement) CEI: Creative & Entertainment Industries Creative Entertainment Technology MBU: Survey of Music Business Copyright Law Music Publishing (cannot intern at a studio) CTM Emerging Media: Digital Content Creation Advanced Storytelling for New Media Audio/Video Production: Remote Video Production Television Production Publishing: Internship & Career Foundations Motion Pictures: Cinematic Storytelling

Know what office in the Curb College helps students with resume building, interviewing techniques, internship postings and career coaching

Office of Career & Professional Development

How long should a student's resume be?

One page

Be able to list, in the correct order, from top of the resume to the bottom, the correct order of the following headings based on industry standards for professional resumes: Course of Study, Education, Extracurricular Activities (clubs, volunteer work), Profile/Objective, Skills, Work Experience·

Profile/Objective Course of Study Education Work Experience Extracurricular Activities Skills

What is the appropriate attire to wear for a music industry interview?

in-person (before/after class, before/after seminars, student organizations, off-campus clubs/organizations, group dinners, showcases, album release parties, industry mixer events, coffee meetings) and Online (linkedin, email, instagram)

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