Intro to Criminal Law, Ch.1-5, Exam 1

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A criminal conspiracy is a(n)_____ to commit an unlawful act.


A(n) _____ defense is one in which the defendant must take the offense and respond to the charges against him or her with his or her own assertions being based on legal arguments.

Bill of attainder

A(n)____is a legislative act of punishing a person or a select group of people without the benefit of judicial trial.

Inchoate (crime)

An unfinished crime that generally leads to another crime is known as:


Attempt is a ____ crime.

facts surrounding

Attendant circumstances are the_____ an event.

Ex post facto

Bob turns 21 and goes out an buys his first six-pack of beer. The next week, the drinking age is raised to 22 and the sheriff arrests Bob for buying that six-pack. Bob is the victim of an ________ law.

Property Crime

Burglary is an example of a

defensive force is used on an attacker who may be incapable of carrying out the threat.

Claims of self-defense are weakened whenever _____.

(a) defense

Evidence and arguments offered by the defendant to show why the defendant should not be held liable for a criminal charge are called ______.


For the defense of _____, the defendant claims that he or she had to commit some unlawful act in order to prevent or to avoid a greater harm.

Specifically intended to effect

In order to prove the crime of conspiracy, the government is required to prove that the defendant_____ the commission of the unlawful act.

have laws making it illegal for a person to resist a lawful arrest

In regard to resisting a lawful arrest, all jurisdictions today _____.

mere preparation

In the context of criminal attempt, an act that fails to meet the requirements for a substantial step would be _____.

Substantial step

In the context of criminal attempt, significant activity undertaken in furtherance of some goal is:


In the criminal law, ______ is considered behavior and the accompanying mental state.


Jury instructions are directions given to the jury by the:


Knowing behavior is action undertaken with:

States of mind(mens rea)

The Model Penal Code outlines four____: purposeful, knowing, reckless, and negligent.


The basic parts or components of a crime and its essential features are referred to as the____ of crime.


The castle exception is an exception to the _____ rule.

Harm/resulting harm

The concept of causation refers to the fact that the concurrence of a guilty mind and a criminal act must produce or cause:


The constitutional principle that refers to a statute defining a crime that is so unclear that a reasonable person of at least average intelligence could not determine what the law purports to command or prohibit is the _______ principle.

Seriousness (of an offense)

The degree of a crime is its level of:

Bill of Rights

The first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution are known as

General intent

The form of intent that can be assumed from the defendant's behavior is:

reasonable person

The legal concept of the _____ envisions a person who acts with common sense and who has the mental capacity of an average, normal, sensible human being.

Substantive criminal law

The part of the law that defines crimes and specifies punishments is

Proximate cause

The primary or moving cause that plays a substantial part in bringing about injury or damage is called:

Due process of law

The procedures that effectively guarantee individual rights in the face of criminal prosecution are known as

principal in the first degree

Under common law, the individual who actually committed the crime was the _____.


What are the unwritten rules that underlie and are inherent in the fabric of our society?

prostitution, gambling, "crimes against nature" (sexual deviance), illegal drug use [Crimes against public order, the administration, public decency and morality.]

Which of the following would be an example of a social-order offense?


_____ force-the highest degree of force-- is considered reasonable only when used to counter an immediate threat of death or great bodily harm.


_____ is available as a defense only if lack of consent would be an element of the crime.


_______ cause is the type of cause that is required to be demonstrated in court in order to hold an individual criminally liable for causing harm.

Criminal solicitation

_______ occurs when one person requests or encourages another to perform a criminal act.


are a category of legal defenses in which a defendant claims that some personal condition or circumstance at the time of the act was such that he or she should not be held accountable under the criminal law.


is involvement in crime either as a principal or as an accomplice.


is not an essential element of a crime.

Stare decisis

is the legal principle that requires that courts be bound by their own earlier decisions and by those of higher courts having jurisdiction over them regarding subsequent cases on similar issues of law and fact.


is the simultaneous coexistence of an act in violation of the law and a culpable state of mind.


law is in the form of formal written codes made by a legislature or governing body with the power to make law


law originates from use or custom rather than from written statutes

Insanity is a_____ defense.

mens rea

Abandonment (or renunciation)

or the voluntary and complete abandonment of the intent and purpose to commit a criminal offense is a defense to the charge of an attempted crime.


refer to that which is laid down, ordained, or established- a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling authority, and having a binding legal force.

Judicial Review

refers to the authority of a court to review the actions of the executive and legislative branches and to declare as void those not consonant with the Constitution.

Corpus delicti

refers to the facts that show that a crime has occured, and literally means the "body of crime".

Canons of construction are:

rules that guide courts in interpreting constitutions, statutes, and other law.

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