Intro to Graphic Design

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The width of a letter or a line of type is measured in __________. The set width of a character describes the horizontal measure, how wide the character is.


The acronym HAUS represents which four design principles? (Multiple Answer)

Alignment Unity Space Hierarchy

Who is considered the Father of Typography?

Claude Garamond

__________ is the creation of a comprehensive, strategic, and unique framework and program for an entity, with an eye toward building a relationship with people.


A _________________ is a narrative construct based on what the brand is, where the brand stands in relation to the competition, and what the audience wants.

Core Brand Story

Which 3 Gestalt Psychologists in the 1920s formed the conclusion that the sum of the whole is greater than its parts? (Multiple Answer)

Kurt Koffka Max Wertheimer Wolfgang Kohler

Which application is not a part of the Adobe Creative Cloud collection?


Select all of the Formal Elements of Art & Design. (Multiple Answer)

Line Shape Color Value Form Texture

According to Robin Landa, __________ define shapes, forms, edges, boundaries and emotion.


What is a brand's signifier and Identifier?


____________ is known for pioneering the minimalist style, specifically through the medium of the poster.

Lucian Bernhard

Who coined the term Readymades?

Marcel Duchamp

Who is the Father of Television?

Philo T. Farnsworth

Which application creates raster graphics?


Adobe Creative Cloud application licenses are subscription based, not perpetual.


An advertisement or ad is a specific message constructed to inform, persuade, provoke, or motivate people on behalf of a brand, entity, or cause.


Animation is specific type of motion, one that focuses more on storytelling.


Which style is associated with the statement turn on, tune in, drop out?


__________ is considered any design project that moves away from consumerism to focus on the improvement of society.

Public Service Advertising

When designing with type for the screen, you should consider: (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

Readability Legibility Contrast Voice and Branding

Which of the following IS NOT an example of Strategic Questioning for Creative Project Development?

Will the immediate family members (partner/children) of my client like the chosen color palette?

Who coined the term Graphic Designer?

William Addison Dwiggins

Which design style evolved broadsides into bills that led to the eventual concept of the modern billboard.

Wood Type Poster

Pictogram Ideogram Phonogram ISOTYPE

Written picture in print, literal image Written ideas. Symbols that illustrate a concept or represent an idea. Written sound. A character or symbol used to represent a word or syllable. A method of using a set of standardized and abstracted symbols to represent social, technological, biological, and historical connections in pictorial form.

Which application is most associated with user experience design?


A credit card company offering to protect against identity theft is an example of a/an _____________ in advertising.

functional benefit

Which application allows users to create augmented reality experiences?


Which application is most associated with motion graphics?

After Effects

____________ coined the word "creativity."

Alfred North Whitehead

The Golden Ratio is mathematically defined by the following expression:

(a+b)/a = a/b = 1.618

Designers must be able to quickly convert fractions to decimals, in order to setup compositions and grids across print, motion, and interactive mediums. Match the fraction with its decimal conversion. -1/8 -3/4 -1/2 -1/16

-0.125 -0.75 -0.5 -0.0625

Select all of the artists that have an influence on the Cubism movement:

-Albert Gleizes -Henri Le Fauconnier -Jean Metzinger -Robert Delaunays

What are the six characteristics for identifying the Wood Type Poster style (Multiple answer, select all that apply.)

-All Uppercase -Variety of Point Sizes -Decorative Letterforms -Justified Type -Condensed Letterforms -Variety of Fonts and Typefaces

Which statements below validate the philosophy of the Arts & Crafts movement? (Multiple answer, select all that apply)

-Truth to Materials. (Don't Disguise Materials) -Desire to Revive Skill & Craftsmanship. (Increase Quality) -Design has an Impact on Society.

Select the group of numbers that represent a Fibonacci Sequence.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...

Which statement is NOT a part of the Good Rules to Follow on Font Licensing, from AIGA.

A font can be legally shared with clients, as long as the designer includes the font in their outcome's packaged source files.

Which statement is NOT a part of AIGA's Guidelines for Daily Business Interactions:

A professional designer shall retain hidden discounts, fees, commission, allowances, or payment in kind from contractors or suppliers without disclosing markups to their clients.

Which application allows you to create and share content, in a universal document format, with users who may not have a subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud?

Acrobat DC

The Advisory Committee on Public Issues advises the ______________ on the nation's most pressing social issues, identifying, prioritizing, and evaluating significant public issues as potential PSA (Public Service Announcement) campaigns.

Ad Council

The following symbols: @ % & (at, percent, et/and ) are examples of _________________.

American Logographs

Which application is most associated with 2D Animation?


Who is the Mother of Digital Media? She was the first to use the computer as an experimental production tool in the field of graphic design.

April Greiman

Which one of the following is NOT a Career Competency or Expectation for a Junior-level Graphic Designer?

Arrogance shows confidence.

This style celebrates the excesses of wealth, working toward a feeling of sophistication and elegance.

Art Deco

A _____________ is the creative reasoning, the intention, underlying advertising communication. The idea must be strategic--mapping back to the information and research set forth in the creative brief.


__________describes the quality of the work produced. A review of ________________ involves both the conceptual (concept) and the physical aspects (materials/medium) of the outcome. ________________ also refers to both analog and digital techniques and processes.


Which statement is NOT a part of the "The Designer's Responsibility to Audience Members" guidelines assembled by ICSID, IABC and AIGA?

Designers are responsible for increasing the profits of their clients, regardless of how an audience percieves the outcome.

Populuxe is associated with which style?


Which application is most associated with web design?


Space cannot be two-dimensional.


Who authored the Futurist Manifesto?

Filippo Marinetti

The Goals of Visual Identity include: (Multiple Answer, select all that apply)

Flexible / Extendible Memorable Distinctive Identifiable Sustainable

A "Z" pattern composition is considered:


Which application allows you to digitally paint and create illustrations on an iPad?


Which advocacy and watchdog groups did Robin Landa mention in Graphic Design Solutions, for this Unit's reading assignment? (Multiple answer, select all that apply)

Guerilla Girls Adbusters Advertising Standards Authority Commercial Alert AWNY (Women in Advertising)

Which application creates vector graphics?


Which application allows collaborators to edit copy and layouts?


Which application is most associated with the layout of multi-page documents?


_________________ is notable for being the first to document history through photographs. Historians have declared this individual as the Father of Photojournalism.

Mathew Brady

Which application allows you to easily output video to a variety of formats?

Media Encoder

The _____________ is an imaginary vertical line in the middle of a composition that defines the symmetry or asymmetry of a layout.


The Figure/Ground relationship is also called _______________.

Positive/Negative Space

Which application is most associated with video editing?


Differentiation is key to building a personal brand.


A hair coloring brand promising greater self esteem is an example of a/an ________________ in advertising.

emotional benefit

Classification of Signs: Match the correct term with its definition: Icon Sign Index Symbol Super Symbols

-An image or symbol that communicates an idea, action, or object. This element may be photographic (pictorial), elemental, arbitrary, or symbolic. -An element that represents a part of language or a pictorial image of a thing. Something that creates meaning. -This signals a relationship between the sign and subject. For instance, a dog leash to signify the existence of a dog. We do not need to see the dog, to know that the dog exists or that the dog is in reference. -Abstract representation of a concept. Letterforms are among this classification. Associations must be learned. -Symbols with expanded meaning that are contextually referenced. For instance, the peace symbol to represent nuclear disarmament.

Match the correct color term with its definition. Hue Saturation Value Primary Colors Secondary Colors Tertiary Colors Complementary Color Schemes Split Complementary Color Schemes

-Any color on the color wheel. -Describes the intensity, purity, richness and vibrance. -Describes the brightness and/or darkness of a color. -Red, Yellow, and Blue. -Purple, Orange, and Green. -Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet. -Red and Green, Purple and Yellow, Blue and Orange. -Orange, Yellow, and Blue

Match the type/image & image/type relationship with its definition: -Type & Image Relationships (Supporting Partner) -Type & Image Relationships (Sympathetic Partner) -Type & Image Relationships (Contrast)

-Avoid making the type and image of equal importance. -Type and image share similarities (character and purpose). -Type and image share differences.

Select the 5 characteristics that identify an Illuminated Manuscript (Multiple Answer)

-Borders, Rims, Edges, and Frames -Initial Letters (Dropped or Raised Capital Letters) -Illuminated (Embellished with gold or silver, or having the appearance of this embellishment.) -Carpet Pages -Diminuendo

A Logo Standards Guide, also known as a Brand and/or Visual Identity Manual, provides guidance on how a logo and all related graphic elements should look in various media, such as print, television, web, social media, etc. These guides specifically provide guidance on the following: (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

-Color Palette Usage -Sizing Restrictions of Logo (Minimum/Maximum) -General Usage & Placement -Approved and Restricted Usage of Elements -Typographic Standards

When selecting or creating images for the screen, you should think about: (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

-Consistency of Presentation: Cropping, Silhouettes, Style and Media, Color and Tone, Special Effects. -Size of images in relation to text. -Presentation: Margins and Padding -How different kinds of of imagery communicate (pictorial versus expressionistic versus symbolic) -Style and media of images in relation to typeface selections. -Optimizing Images -Loading time -Appropriateness if imagery for the design concept and brand, entity, or publication. -The audience and how imagery will communicate to that mass audience. -Basic Guidelines for formatting -Consistent visual vocabulary for icons (families/sets)

What are the three advertising steps for gaining attention and engaging with an audience? (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

-Create visual interest in order to attract people. -Create a call to action. Motiviate people (to buy, call, get more info, visita website, share, donate, etc) or raise awareness. -Communicate a clear and relevant message.

When designing for screen-based devices you should do the following: (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

-Determine technical constraints. (Example: Size and resolutions of screen/s.) -Approach code as a design tool. -Determine forms of content (text, images, video, games...) -Design for engagement and clarity of content. -Determine communication goals. -Determine constraints. -Design for the target audience. -Design responsively (accommodating for differences in screen aspect ratio, resolution, and orientation).

A grid for the screen serves which functions? (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

-Determines basic anatomical structure -Creates visual style -Promotes teamwork -Establishes geography -Unifies -Facilitates layout -Allows easy changes to content

Match the correct Spatial Depth term with its definition. Foreground Middleground Background

-Elements near the viewer. Elements are bigger, brighter, and have deeper contrast. -Elements appear slightly smaller and have reduced saturation and contrast. -Elements that appear further from the viewer. Saturation and contrast aresignificantly reduced.

Match the presentation term with the appropriate definition. Bleed Cropping Rules Borders Margins Slug

-Elements that extend beyond the boundary of the composition (page), for any medium (print, motion, and/or interactiveplatforms). -Removing information from an original image, in order to reframe, enhance, and/or refocus the content. -Vertical or horizontal lines that separate content. -Graphic elements that work as a frame around content. -An implied frame. -An area designated for production notes.

Match the correct term with its definition. Cronyism Nepotism Kickbacks Causewashing

-Favoritism of a friend for an opportunity or employment position, without regard to their qualifications -Favoritism of a family member for an opportunity or employment position -Payment or rewards provided in exchange of a favor or illicit act. -Using a noble cause to market and sell products and/or services under the guise of charity or doing good.

What are the six characteristics for identifying the Rococo style (Multiple answer, select all that apply.)

-Fine detail and Intricate line work -Thick & Thin Letterforms (Especially notable in Swashes and Flourishes) -Swashes & Flourishes (Decorative extensions of letterform, typically Roman/Serif typefaces) -Organic elements that are influenced by nature and botany -Asymmetrical layouts -Busy Layouts

Which statements are characteristics of bad design? (Multiple answer, select all that apply)

-Following trends. -Relying on Software -Not conducting enough research on the subject area or demographic. -Void of the fundamentals of art and principles of design. -Skipping stages of the creative process. Rushing to an outcome without considering all of the variables. -Not considering the location of the work.

Select the 10 Principles of Design outlined by Dieter Rams: (Multiple answer, select all that apply.)

-Is unobtrusive - is neutral and lets user impose their personal style on it. -Is as little design as possible - gets out of the way of the product. -Is long-lasting - is timeless. -Is honest - doesn't promise things the product can't deliver. -Makes a product useful - emphasizes the usefulness and functionality. -Is thorough down to the last detail. -Is environmentally friendly - conserves resources and space, both physically and visually. -Is innovative - uses technology to innovate. -Is aesthetic - beautiful and makes people feel good. -Makes a product understandable - at best, it's self-explanatory.

When designing a bookcover you should: (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

-Know the book's content and the target audience. -Differentiate it from the competitive titles--make it unique. -Suggest the genre. -Consider proportions of trim size when composing. -Treat the back cover and spine as part of the whole design. -Create visual interest. Attract people's attention. -Type and image work cooperatively to communicate your concept. -Arrange title, author's name, and image in a clear visual hierarchy to direct someone's eye scan. -Express the essence of your book's content. -Design the spine for graphic impact and readability.

Match the appropriate Law of Perceptual Organization with its definition: Similarity Proximity Closure Common Fate Continuing Line Continuity

-Like elements, those that share characteristics and are perceived as belonging together. -Elements that are spatially near each other. -Mind's tendency to connect individual elements to produce a completed form, unit, or pattern. -Elements are likely to be perceived as a unit if they move in the same direction. -This element is percieved as following the simplest path. If this element visually breaks, the viewer sees the overall movement rather than the break. -Perceived visual paths or connections among parts.

A Brand Touchpoint is someone's experience with a brand. Identify all of the potential Brand Touchpoints below. (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

Smartphone Application Social Media Presence (i.e.Twitter) Brochure Radio Spot Window Display Logo Interactive Games Apparel and/or Employee Uniforms Billboard Employee Magazine Advertisement Sticker Website Invoice Blog /Vlog Sales Kit, Annual Reports, and/or Investor Relation Materials Poster Television Commercial Signage Vehicle Wrap

Match the logo category definition with the appropriate term: -A logo that is an identifying mark where the name is spelled out in unique typography or lettering. This is also called a wordmark. -The logo is created using the initials of the brand name. -A pictorial, abstract, or nonrepresentational symbol visualized as an image or letterforms, which may or may not be coupled or combined with the brand name. -A combination of words and images that are always seen together, never separated.

-Logotype -Lettermark -Symbol Mark -Emblem

Match the image classification and depictions with the most appropriate definition. Notation Pictograph Silhouette Contour Linear Light and Shadow (modeling) Naturalistic (realistic/realism) Expressionistic

-Minimalist. Capture the essence of the subject through a linear, reductive visual. -Universal image that symbolizes an idea, person, place, or thing through shape. Simple, clear, and concise. -Filled outline that captures the characteristic shape of a person, place, or thing. Unique over simple. -An outline. A line that defines the outer boundary of a person, place, or thing. -Lines used to describe the overall form/shapes of a person, place, or thing. -Emphasizing spatial depth through value. -Using tone (light+shadow) and color to attempt to capture a realistic portrayal of the subject matter.Literal/Objective. -Highly stylized depiction of the subject. Subjective. Not natural.

Match the screen-based term with its definition. -The process of telling a story or giving an account of something, including the chronology, the order in which things happen, with the inclusion of a beginning, middle, and end, though not necessarily in that order. -The particular order in which frames are arranged or connected. -The period of time that the motion exists. -The speed or rhythm at which the motion unfolds and moves. The use of visuals composed by assembling or overlaying different visuals or materials collected from different sources.

-Narrative -Sequence -Duration -Pacing/Tempo -Montage

Match the term with the correct definition. -The text (copy block) is easy to read. -Refers to how easily someone can recognize the individual letters in a typeface.

-Readability -Legibility

Match the propagandist technique with its term: Ad Nauseam Bandwagon Cult of Personality Testimonial Exaggeration

-Simple slogan repeated often to become perpetual truth, regardless of truth / Used for control of media -Everyone is doing it, you should too. -Hero or famous face to persuade an idea's adoption. -Position of authority speaks for or against something, on behalf of the original messenger. -Claims that are to good to be true.

Match the correct term with its definition. Diversity Inclusion Equity Equality Bias Implicit Bias

-The inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization. -The act or practice of including and accommodating people who have historically been excluded (as because of their race, gender, sexuality, or ability. -Freedom from bias or favoritism -The quality or state of being equal. -A disproportionate weight in favor of or against an idea or thing, usually in a way that is closed-minded, prejudicial, or unfair. -A result from the tendency to process information based on unconscious associations and feelings, even when these are contrary to one's conscious or declared beliefs.

Match the correct term with its definition. Piracy Plagiarism Appropriation Cultural Appropriation

-The unauthorized use of another's production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright. -To steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source. -The use of pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them. In the visual arts, this means to properly adopt, borrow, recycle or sample aspects (or the entire form) of human-made visual culture -Is the adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity.

Match the term with the definition -This replaces or auments a written design brief or brand brief, which is used to determine strategy before concept generation. -This is created and utilized after concept generation to help focus and indicate the visual characteristics as well as emotional and contextual aspects of the design concept.

-Visual Brief Collage -Mood Board

Negative space is also referred to as: (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

-White Space -Ground -Negative Shape -Open Space

Match the founder with the movement/style. Arts & Crafts Minimalism Cubism Futurism Dadaism Surrealism Constructivism De Stijl Bauhaus Op-Art Pop Art New Wave Memphis Style Knolling

-William Morris -Lucien Bernhard -Pablo Picasso & Georges Braque -Filippo Tommaso Marinetti -Marcel Duchamp & Francis Picabia -André Breton -El Lissitzky -Piet Mondrian -Walter Gropius -Victor Vaserely -Jasper Johns & Robert Rauschenberg -Wolfgang Weingart -Ettore Sottsass -Andrew Kromelow

Which colors make up the 4-Color Process model? (Multiple Answer)

Black Magenta Yellow Cyan

Which typographic classification mimics the handwriting of scribes?

Blackletter (Example: Gothic Textura)

6 picas = 1 inch.1 inch = 72 points.1 point = 1/72 inch.12 points = 1 pica. Following this mathematical logic, a letter that is scaled at 25 picas would be how many points high?

300 points

Many design experts believe that package design is the make-or-break decision for a person reaching for a product on the shelf. What is the estimated percentage of purchase decisions made by consumers standing in front of the packaging in the store?


According to our textbook, the average human figure is about ______ heads tall.


Who is considered the Godfather of Italian Cool?

Ettore Sottsass

Which applications allow you to create 3D assets? (Multiple Answer)

Adobe Dimensions Newtek Lightwave Illustrator Photoshop Cinema 4D Lite

___________ invented the Brainstorm Technique.

Alex Osborn

Which design style belongs to the following philosophy?

Art Nouveau

Which application is most associated with audio editing?


A _____________ is a complex set of visual, verbal, and experiential cues supported by media messages.


According to Robin Landa, your portfolio presentation, work, résumé, and any other materials presented will define your _________________.

Brand Personality

The __________________ defines the brand's personality and values, differentiates the brand from the competition by outlining the brand's positioning, and codifies what the brand promises to deliver.

Brand Strategy

Typeface design evolved over a period of time between 1440 to the 18th century. What is the correct order of type classification that observes this evolution? (From beginning (1) to end (8))

Carolingian Blackletter Humanist (Venetian) Oldstyle Transitional Modern Slab Sans Serif

Which application allows you to create animated characters in realtime using face tracking and lip sync?

Character Animator

This early printmaking technique is similar to the modern usage of rubber stamps.


All Adobe applications are installed and updated using which application?

Creative Cloud

What are the 6 Traits of Creative Thinkers?

Curious Detail Oriented Abstract/Pattern Processor Courageous Flexible Receptive

Tristan Tzara is associated with which movement?


Who is considered the Father of Grunge?

David Carson

Art is an extension of the world and does not belong in a frame. Which style is most associated with this philosophy?

De Stijl

Planes of Primary Color: Red, Yellow, and Blue are associated with which Design Style?

De Stijl

Who is the founder and host of the Design Matters website?

Debbie Millman

Who is considered the pioneer of Environmental Graphics (Super Graphics)?

Deborah Sussmann

The following list of characteristics belong to which style? • AntiGrid, Chaotic Layout, Disorder, Restructuring of Content/Elements; • Distressed Typography;• Faux Textures (Grunge Elements); • Layering of Elements (Overlap and Dislocation); • Variety of Typographic Specs with Challenged Legibility.


Define the proper order of phases for the Graphic Design Creative Process. (1 = First Step and 8 = Last Step)

Define Research Analyze Brainstorm Prototype Revise Present Produce

The ____________ is a strategic plan that the client and designer agree upon. This is a written document that outlines the project goals, objectives, context, demographic, competition, timeline, budget, and deliverables.

Design Brief

Select all of the Principles of Animation. (Multiple Answer)

Exaggeration Squash and Stretch Slow in and Out Appeal Timing Arcs Secondary Action Anticipation Follow Through and Overlapping Action Straight Ahead Action and Pose-to-Pose to Action Staging

Which one of the following options is not an objective for effective package design?

Exclude manufacturers that use sources of renewable energy in their manufacturing processes and facilities.

Who is the Father of Public Relations, also known as the Father of Spin.

Edward Bernays

Observe, engage, and immerse are all examples of ____________.

Empathy Research

According to Robin Landa, prospective employers evaluate ____________, _____________, ______________, ______________, _____________, and _______________ when reviewing your portfolio. (Multiple Answers = 6)

creativity visualization composition technical skills typography ideas

The ________________ movement was focused on the kinetic value of the machine: speed and energetic movement of the automobile, train, and airplane. Propelled by what is new and youthful. The goal was to break from tradition.


Natural human movements that trigger interactive design experiences are considered __________________.

Gestural Interactions

Who is considered the King of Typographers?

Giambattista Bodoni

___________________ is a broad term encompassing a variety of specialized fields whose function and form serve different purposes with some genre-defying work.

Graphic Design

Select the 4 main contributors of the Alphabet: (Multiple Answer)

Greeks, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Romans

_____________ were groups of craftsmen, artists, and/or merchants that were dedicated to a common trade or skill.


What are the Elements of an Ad? (Multiple Answer, Select all that Apply)

Headline Sign Off Body Copy Tagline Image

"The goal of a designer is to listen, observe, understand, sympathize, empathize, synthesize, and glean insights that enable him or her to 'make the invisible visible"

Hillman Curtis

Which application is ideal for the creation of logos?


What are the Four Stages of a Creative Thought, according to Graham Wallas? (Multiple Answer)

Incubation Verification Illumination Preparation

__________ is the organization of website content into hierarchical order. This is the designer's guide to the overall composition of the website and hierarchy of individual graphic elements.

Information Architecture

__________ works across media channels, which might include print, broadcast, interactive, mobile, social, video-sharing, other screen-based media, out-of-home media (outdoor/public), and unconventional media.

Integrated Media Campaign

Simple, clean, and objective is associated with which style?

International Typographic Style

Select all of the categories for naming a brand. (Multiple Answer)

Invented Founder's Name Expressive Explanatory Acronym Symbolic

According to our textbook, which three designers are known for hand-drawn typography?

Mike Perry Ed Fella Ray Cruz

A ___________________ has consistent horizontal divisions from top to bottom in addition to vertical divisions from left to right. This style of grid was popularized in the 1950's and 60s by Swiss Graphic Design.

Modular Grid

The Weingart Style is another name for the ______________ style.

New Wave

Select all of the techniques that can be used to define a focal point within a composition. (Multiple Answer)

Orientation Alignment Direction Visual Weight Proximity Scale Rhythm Shape

Visual hierarchy should not only ensure order, it should ensure logical order. Some information is more immediately critical to a shopper when making a purchase decision online or while standing in front of the package at the store. The designer must understand this crucial communication hierarchy, which is referred to as ______________________.

Package Architecture

Which designer wisely said, "Design Matters."

Paula Scher

Which of the design principles listed below apply to motion graphics? (Multiple Answer, Select all that apply)

Rhythm Visual Hierarchy Balance Unity

Who is the Clutter Buster (decreases information noise)?

Richard Saul Wurman

Illustrated pictures mixed with letters to depict words or phrases.


When designing for the screen, which type classification is more legible?

Sans Serif

Who is the Father of Motion Graphics?

Saul Bass

The percpetion that a package design reflects the quality of the product it contains is called __________.

Sensation Transference

The acronym HAUS represents which four design principles? (Multiple Answer)

Space Unity Hierarchy Alignment

__________ is/are typically disguised as a contest, skill-test (entry exam), and/or a creative bid request for securing an account/project. Design and Designers are treated as a commodity. _____________ is/are typically part of a crowd-sourcing model, but not always. ____________ involve(s) completing work for a prospective client without securing payment for the completed work.

Spec (Speculative)

In time-based media, a ______________ functions as a sequential outline of your story in key frames in a specified sequence showing how a story plays out.


Which movement's philosophy involved causing the viewer to question reality?


According to Robin Landa, what are the two main written Brand Differentiators? (Multiple Answer)

Tagline Proprietary Name

_____________ is a call for designers to use problem-solving skills in pursuit of projects that improve society. This document was originally written in 1964 and updated in 2000.

The First Things First Manifesto

The ___________________ is a fluid grid system based on percentages rather than a set number of columns in order to account for a wide variety of screen widths.

Unsemantic Framework

Highlights, midtones, and shadows are all properties of _______________.


According to this presentation, design is best defined as a _____________.


An extreme exploration of light and shadow, achieving high contrast, is called ___________.


The Adobe Color tool (website) allows you to save which Color Harmony Rules? (multiple answer, select all that apply)

Triad Double Split Complementary Shades Compound Custom Complementary Analogous Square Split Complementary Monochromatic

A Mood Board helps to establish the visual essence of a creative project in planning.


A critical component to becoming more creative is developed through studying successful design solutions. With more study, you will be able to discern the difference between formulaic and the creative.


A portfolio is considered an ongoing project, that requires constant modification and improvement throughout your career.


A portfolio should be tailored to the expectations (position, needs, quality, etc) of a company and/or organization that you are hoping to find employment.


According to Professor Martin Holloway, you should never include work in your portfolio that you have apologize for.


According to Robin Landa, It is highly beneficial for students to complete their internships while still in school.


Design concepts are ideas. A design concept is the foundation for the creative problem. Concepts must be strategically aligned with the problem if they are going to have any impact. The design concept ultimately determines the reasoning (rationale) for a selected color palette, typographic application, and approach to an employed image style. A good concept must distill the problem and collected research into a meaningful outcome.


Design professionals are among the leading architects of mass communication and its artifacts , creating images that reflect, help delineate, and describe contemporary society.


Each designer is responsible for practicing in ethical ways. Each design solution has different economic, social benefits, and consequences.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.


Fonts are Intellectual Property.


Graphic Design involves the strategic planning and creation of perceptual experiences that are meant to engage the senses: touch, taste, sight, sound, and smell—with an emphasis on the visual.


Graphic design is both for profit and nonprofit outcomes.


Graphic design outcomes involve the communication of a specific body of information to a specific group of people to achieve a specific purpose/perception within a specific time-frame.


The graphic design profession demands critical thinking, creative thinking, conceptual, and technical skills.


The inclusion of one weak project in your portfolio can harm an employer's perception of all of your work. Your potential will be gauged by the weakest work presented.


When designing for a series or campaign, corresponding graphic elements and compositions will help people recognize and identify that the collateral and/or media belong together. Among the materials, there should be similarities--for example, in the kind of imagery (illustrations versus photographs); style; common composition/layout; type treatment; color palette; and type-image relationships.


Your portfolio is considered a design problem.


_________________ are firms that design, license, publish, and dispense fonts.

Type Foundries

Accessibility Design is sometimes referred to as: (Multiple Answer)

Universal Design Human-Centered Design

The eclectic style most known for undulating, curved baselines, and typography set inside of ribbons or banners is _____________.


__________ is the visual and written articulation of a brand or entity, including all pertinent design, such as the logo, letterhead, website, etc.

Visual Identity

First person to use the term Advertising Agency.

Volney Palmer

_________ was the founder of the Bauhaus.

Walter Gropius

Who is the Father of the Psychedelic Poster?

Wes Wilson

The _________ project in your portfolio leaves the viewer with a general impression of the entire body of work.


A __________________ is a summary of your skills, education, and work experiences for the information of prospective employers.


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US History B - Era of Cultural Change (Unit #4)

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AP World History Period 4: Global Interactions (c. 1450 to c. 1750)

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Understanding Numbers in Development

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CHAPTER 11: Rhyming Singers of the Bahamas, "My Lord Help Me to Pray"

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