Intro to Psychology Exam 2

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The auditory stimulus is created by __________ changes A. Sound Module B. Air Pressure C. Ear Drum D. Amplitude

B. Air Pressure

The fovea contains __________, which results in our ability to see acute detail. A. Cones and Rods B. Cones Only C. Rods Only D. Photorecpetors

B. Cones Only

Jemma wants to teach her son to say, "thank you." Every time he says, "thank you," Jemma praises him and gives him a hug. Which reinforcement schedule is this? A. Secondary B. Continuous C. Partial D. Primary

B. Continuous

The ________ amplify the sound stimulus received from the eardrum and transmitted to the oval window. A. Hair Cells B. Ossicles C. Cochlea D. Auditory Canal

B. Ossicles

Which of the following BEST describes the idea of consciousness? A. Person's objective experience of the world and the mind. B. Person's subjective experience of the world and the mind. C. A person's imagining of themselves in space and time. D. The time in which we are all hallucinating at different levels.

B. Person's subjective experience of the world and the mind.

Our ability to make our legs move as we walk across the room is controlled by the [blank] nervous system. A. Sympathetic B. Somatic C. Autonomic D. Parasympathetic

B. Somatic

According to Freud, what parts of a dream are latent content? A. The apparent topic or superficial meaning. B. The hidden underlying meaning of the dream. C. When dreams are about people. D. The parts of dreams that are scary.

B. The hidden underlying meaning of the dream.

Which type of processing involves the interpretation of sensations and is influenced by available knowledge and expectancies? A. inside-out B. top-down C. outside-in D. bottom-up

B. top-down

Tabetha has a mental picture of the layout of her house, also called a __________, so when she goes home late at night she can navigate through the rooms without turning on a light. A. Latent Map B. Cognitive Map C. Fixed Interval Map D. Fixed Ratio Map

C. Cognitive Map

Physical dependence on a drug/alcohol is demonstrated through [blank]. A. Withdrawal (negative physical symptoms when drug/alcohol) B. Drinking and Driving C. Either tolerance or withdrawal or both D. Developing a tolerance for the drug/alcohol (need more for the same effect)

C. Either tolerance or withdrawal or both

[Blank] refers to a person's genetic makeup, while [blank] refers to a person's physical characteristics. A. DNA; Gene B. Gene; DNA C. Genotype; Phenotype D. Phenotype; Genotype

C. Genotype; Phenotype

Which school of thinking in psychology includes the following concepts: figure-ground relationship, law of continuity, and principle of closure? A. Ruffinian B. Humanistic C. Gestalt D. Pacinian

C. Gestalt

Which drug is NOT classified as a stimulant? A. Cocaine B. Caffeine C. Heroine D. Amphetamines

C. Heroine

The [blank] plays a role in controlling slow-wave sleep. A. Thalamus B. Pons C. Hypothalamus and Thalamus D. Hypothalamus

C. Hypothalamus and Thalamus

Transduction of auditory stimuli takes place in the hair cells of the __________ ear. A. There are hair cells in all parts of the ear B. Middle C. Inner D. Outer

C. Inner

__________ reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities. A. Operant B. Classical C. Primary D. Secondary

C. Primary

Mohammed is sleeping. His eyelids are quivering because his eyes are darting around. Mohammed is probably experiencing [blank] sleep. A. Stage 3 B. Stage 1 C. REM D. Night terrors


Nikki was walking around a department store shopping one day, wearing a shirt the same color and similar design as those worn by employees. When a stranger asked, "do you work here," she thought it was funny. The other customers' assumption that Nikki was a store employee demonstrates the Gestalt principle of __________. A. Proximity B. Closure C. Similarity D. Continuity

C. Similarity

[Blank] appears to be especially important for enhanced performance on recently learned tasks. A. Sleep deprivation B. Melatonin C. Slow-wave sleep D. Growth hormone

C. Slow-wave sleep

The shortest stage of sleep is [blank]. A. REM sleep B. Stage 2 C. Stage 1 D. Stage 3

C. Stage 1

In classical conditioning, a(n) __________ stimulus results in an unlearned or reflexive response. A. Conditioned B. Unreflexive C. Unconditioned D. Reflexive

C. Unconditioned

Which schedule of reinforcement results in the highest, steady response rate? A. Fixed Ratio B. Fixed Interval C. Variable Ratio D. Variable Interval

C. Variable Ratio

The __________ sense is associated with our ability to maintain balance and body posture, __________ is associated with the perception of our body position, and __________ is associated with perception of our body's movement through space. A. Vestibular; Kinesthesia; Proprioception B. Proprioception; Kinesthesia; Vestibular C. Vestibular; Proprioception; Kinesthesia D. Kinesthesia; Vestibular; Proprioception

C. Vestibular; Proprioception; Kinesthesia

When is it beneficial for you to have the mutation for sickle cell anemia? A. When you live in a hot climate B. It is never beneficial to have the mutation for sickle cell anemia C. When there is a high likelihood of malaria D. When you have two copies of the mutation

C. When there is a high likelihood of malaria

Sensation involves __________ processing and perception involves __________ processing. A. top-down; bottom-up B. experiential; sensory C. bottom-up; top-down D. sensory; experiential

C. bottom-up; top-down

Which of the following is an example of an instinct? A. A toddler whois being toilet trained by her parents B. Believing nudity is wrong C. A teacher demonstrating algebra to students D. A baby turning its head to suckle when its cheek is stroked

D. A baby turning its head to suckle when its cheek is stroked

Extinction of a conditioned response occurs when the __________ is presented alone. A. CR B. UCR C. UCS D. CS


[Blank] cycles occur roughly once every 24 hours. A. Conscious B. Rotating C. Biological D. Circadian

D. Circadian

Our tendency to perceive things as complete objects rather than as a series of parts is known as the principle of __________. A. Similarity B. Good Continuation C. Proximity D. Closure

D. Closure

One principle of civil engineering is that when you design a highway you should have traffic flow in the same direction and avoid interruptions to that flow as much as possible. Exit ramps tend to be curved so that cars don't have to stop rather than having 90-degree angles that force stops and starts. This is an application of which Gestalt principle? A. Contiguity B. Proximity C. Closure D. Good Continuation

D. Good Continuation

Which of the following is an example of a fixed ratio reinforcement schedule? A. Checking your e-mail at random times throughout the day instead of every time you hear the new e-mail notification B. Feeding your fish every day at 8 a.m. C. Playing the slot machine D. Knowing you will get to play miniature golf as soon as you collect 10 gold stars for your reward chart

D. Knowing you will get to play miniature golf as soon as you collect 10 gold stars for your reward chart

Learning that occurs but is not observable in behavior until there is a reason to demonstrate it is called __________ learning. A. Primary B. Partial C. Conditioned D. Latent

D. Latent

Reflexes and instincts help an organism adapt to its environment and do not have to be __________. A. Genetic B. Inherited C. Innate D. Learned

D. Learned

__________ occurs when sensory information is organized, interpreted, and consciously experienced. A. Sensory adaptation B. Sensation C. Transduction D. Perception

D. Perception

__________ refers to the way that sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced; __________ refers to what happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor. A. Sensation; Perception B. Perception; Transduction C. Transduction; Perception D. Perception; Sensation

D. Perception; Sensation

According to psychologist __________, classical conditioning is effective because of the ability of a person or an animal to predict the relationship between the UCS and the CS. A. Koelling B. Thorndike C. Garcia D. Rescorla

D. Rescorla

[Blank] holds that being awake puts wear and tear on the body and brain, and sleep serves the function of restoring the body and mind. A. Refractory Theory B. Regenerative Theory C. Circadian Theory D. Restorative (Repair) Theory

D. Restorative (Repair) Theory

Sleep spindles and K-complexes are most often associated with [blank] sleep. 1. Stage 2 2. Stage 1 3. Stage 3 and Stage 4 4. REM

1. Stage 2

Pavlov's dogs learned to associate __________ (CS) with being fed, and they began to salivate (CR) in anticipation of food. A. A Tone B. A Verbal Command C. A Whistle D. Meat Powder

A. A Tone

If the principles of social learning theory are true, then children may model aggressive behavior __________. A. After seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character B. After dreaming about having a fight with their parents C. After dreaming they were on television D. After seeing a television character being punished for taking violent action against another character

A. After seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character

During Stage 3 sleep, [blank]. A. All the above B. Protein synthesis helps to repair wear and tear on the body C. The body is at its deepest sleep D. Growth hormones are released

A. All the above

Which of the following brain processes is not a function of the cerebral cortex? A. Breathing B. Emotion C. Reasoning D. Memory

A. Breathing

Two forms of associative learning are __________ and __________. A. Classical Conditioning; Operant Conditioning B. Classical Conditioning; Pavlovian Conditioning C. Operant Conditioning; Skinnerian Conditioning D. Operant Conditioning; Learning Conditioning

A. Classical Conditioning; Operant Conditioning

When you watch the teacher at the front of the room, you are easily able to distinguish her as an object from the white board (or chalk board) behind her. This demonstrates the Gestalt principle of __________. A. Figure-Ground B. Good Continuation C. Similarity D. Binocular Disparity

A. Figure-Ground

Gus receives a paycheck at the ned of every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this? A. Fixed Interval B. Fixed Ratio C. Variable Ratio D. Variable Interval

A. Fixed Interval

Which statement about B. F. Skinner is correct? A. He is famous for demonstrating the principles of operant conditioning: The motivation for a behavior happens after the behavior is demonstrated. B. He worked with Edward C. Tolman to prove that fear is both an instinct and a reflex. C. His experiments demonstrated that organisms can learn even if they do not receive immediate reinforcement. D. He placed hungry rats in a maze with no reward for finding their way through it, and he studied a comparison group that was rewarded with food at the end of the maze.

A. He is famous for demonstrating the principles of operant conditioning: The motivation for a behavior happens after the behavior is demonstrated.

__________ amplitudes are associated with __________ sounds. A. Higher; Louder B. Lower: Louder C. Higher; Quieter D. Higher; Weaker

A. Higher; Louder

As you are talking to a friend on your cell phone, you might find that you can't hear them because they are speaking very softly. If you ask them to "speak up," from a physical perspective you are asking them to _________ of the sound waves they are producing. A. Increase the Amplitude B. Increase the Frequency C. Decrease the Frequency D. Decrease the Amplitude

A. Increase the Amplitude

Tyrahn's rods do not transform light into nerve impulses as easily and efficiently as they should, so he has trouble seeing in dim light. This is called ________ blindness. A. Night B. Foveal C. Conductive D. Sensorineural

A. Night

The __________ is an x-shaped structure, where ganglion cell projections from each eye are separated so information from the visual fields are projected to the opposite side of the brain. Right visual field information is processed in the left side of the brain and left visual field information is processed by the right side of the brain. A. Optic Chiasm B. Ocular Perceiver C. Opponent Binocular Processor D. Optic Nerve

A. Optic Chiasm

Angelina is working a lot and is only getting about five hours of sleep a night. Her [blank] will be MOST affected by these shorter nights of sleep. A. REM B. Stage 2 sleep C. Stage 1 sleep D. Stage 3 sleep


After a hurricane warning came across the television, young Eli became terrified of the alarm sound that signaled a severe weather warning. Over the next few months he heard it several times when the "required monthly tests" came on the television, and his fear faded away. One day the alarm sounded and Eli jumped up and ran out of the room. This return of a previously extinguished response is called __________. A. Spontaneous Recovery B. Operant Conditioning C. Latent Learning D. Second-level Conditioning

A. Spontaneous Recovery

During the first half of the night, [blank] stage of sleep occurs the most and during the second half of the night [blank] stage of sleep happens the most. A. Stage 3; REM B. Stage 2; Stage 3 C. REM; Stage 1 D. Stage 1; Stage 2

A. Stage 3; REM

You begin to salivate when you smell your favorite cake in the oven, but not when you smell the gross scent of a dirty diaper. This is an example of __________. A. Stimulus Discrimination B. Stimulus Generalization C. Higher-Order Conditioning D. Operant Conditioning

A. Stimulus Discrimination

[Blank] occurs when a drug user requires more and more of a given drug in order to experience the same effects of the drug. A. Tolerance B. Psychological dependence C. Withdrawal D. Reuptake

A. Tolerance

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