Intro to Teaching Midterm

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Which of the following reflect Dewey's influence on contemporary educational practices?

"hands-on" or process-oriented teaching and learning Developing competencies in using the scientific method Understanding education in broad social terms

"Americanization" imposed which of the following on Mexican- American immigrants in the mid-1800s?

A negative cultural self-image

Which of the following describe an educational path typically taught in early Academics?

A traditional college-preparatory curriculum

Islamic scholars' most basic contribution to math has had a profound influence on every culture, and every discipline since it was incorporated into the Arabic numbers systems. What was this contribution?

An enhanced concept of 0

For Dewey, genuine knowledge is defined as which of the following?

An instrument to solve problems

The study of ethics and aesthetics is applied in which of the areas of philosophy?


Realists advocate for organizing subject matter into categories for which of the following reasons?

Because it provides the most accurate and efficient way for students to learn about reality

Opponents of merit-based pay argue which of the following?

Businesses can offset merit pay rewards by raising prices, but schools must rely on taxes. Pay-for-performance plans based on test scores only reward teachers in core subject areas. Assessment result pay incentives force teachers to teach to the test.

Early pioneers in the advancement of women as educators included which of the following?

Catharine Beecher Emma Willard Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Which of the following is cited as an argument in favor of charter schools?

Charter schools are generally smaller and more manageable in size.

The growth of public high schools was supported by which of the following?

Court decisions Urbanization Child labor laws

Comenius argued that instead of strict discipline, teachers should practice which of the following?

Creating engaging learning environments

The text cites which of the following as common responsibilities a principal must manage?

Curriculum development Students performance on mandated assessments Day-to-day school operations

The text identifies five key components to problem solving that the pragmatist would apply to a class lesson, including which of the following?

Defining the problem's key terms Conjecturing possible solutions Designing an interdisciplinary context

The characteristics of local school councils include which of the following?

Developing and monitoring school improvement plans Providing examples of parent and community control of schools Approving how funds and resources are allocated

The text includes which of the following as part of the canon of the "great" books of the Western civilization?

Divine Comedy The Prince The Wealth of Nations

Which of the following describe an existentialist's approach to life, education, and learning?

Education should encourage deep personal reflection on one's identity, commitments, and choices. Personal choices lead to personal self-definition. Education's purpose is to awaken our consciousness about our freedom to choose.

Features of Aristotle's approach to education included which of the following?

Education's purpose is to cultivate liberally educated, rational people. The study of the liberal arts and sciences enlarged a person's knowledge. Early childhood education included play, physical activities, music, and heroic stories.

Euro-American attitudes toward Native Americans were characterized by which of the following ideas?

Euro-American values should be taught through agricultural and industrial training

Which of the following were included in Freire's principles of teaching?

Examine the real, rather than the make believe situations impacting people's lives. Explore the personal and collective histories of racial, ethnic, language, economic, and social groups. Identify the people and condition that deny individuals the freedom to define and express themselves.

Collective bargaining is legally required in all 50 states


Membership in the National Education Association (NEA) is concentrated in urban areas, while most members of the American Federation of Teachers live in suburban and rural areas.


National surveys indicate that all school districts now have established computer or technology laboratories.


Teacher certification requirements are established by the federal government as a part of the No Child Left Behind Act, and specify that each teaching candidate must pass a subject matter test, a pedagogy exam, a basic skills test, and a background test?


Herbart defined "interest" as a person's ability to focus on a large mass of ideas related to each other to form a network.

False, Herbart defined interest as a person's ability to focus on and retain an idea in consciousness.

In most states, the state Board of Education operates under the authority of the state Department of Education, headed by the chief state school officer.

False, In most states, the Department of Education operates under the authority of the state Board of Education, and is headed by the chief state school officer

Inductive logic moves from general principles to particular instance, while deductive logic moves from particular instances to tentative generalizations.

False, inductive logic moves from particular instances to tentative generalizations, while deductive logic moved from general principles to particular instances.

Critical theory derives many of its assumptions from which of the following?

Feminist theories

Which of the following are described by Piaget as one of the four stages of human development?

Formal-operational period Sensorimotor stage Concrete-operational period

Which of the following were cited as shortcomings of teacher preparedness programs?

Future teachers are being trained in programs that offer inadequate curricula and low standards. Too many teachers lack adequate knowledge in math, science, and other areas in which they were specifically trained. Alternative certification programs are not providing skilled teachers in the areas where they are needed most.

Froebel's vision of early childhood education included which of the following?

Games, play, songs, stories, and crafts

In his novel Emile, Rousseau challenged traditional educational views in which of the following ways?

He argued that curriculum should be based on child's interest and needs. He rejected the idea that education should serve to socialize children He argued that children's instincts and needs are naturally good.

Which of the following represents Pestalozzi's influence on modern teaching methods?

His belief in holistic education stimulated educators to encourage both cognitive and affective learning

Though there are differences from state to state, typically a state Board of Education is responsible for which of the following?

Implementing and administering federal assistance programs Setting certification standard for school personnel Setting state curriculum standards

The text cites which of the following a benefit of reciprocity of teaching certificates among states?

It improves opportunities for teachers

Which of the following describes some of the features of the G.I. Bill?

It was intended to reintegrate returning military personnel into the economy It provided federal funds to subsidize veterans' tuition, fees, books, and living expenses. Nearly 8 million veterans used the bill in a seven-year period

The first influential educator to advocate for a multicultural curriculum that included the history, customs, songs, crafts, and stories of ethnic and racial groups was which of the following?

Jane Addams

Nineteenth-century immigrants often lived in homogenous groups based on which of the following?

Language Religion Ethnicity

Which of the following are among the four project types Kilpatrick designed?

Learning a new skill or area of knowledge Implementing a creative idea or plan Enjoying an aesthetic experience

Which of the following represent the three major philosophies that shaped education in ancient China?

Legalism Confucianism Taoism

Pestalozzi incorporated which of the following strategies in his preservice teacher-preparation program?

Lessons should begin with concrete objects before moving to more abstract concepts. Lessons should begin with easy and simple exercises before moving to complex ones. Lessons should begin with learner's immediate environment before moving to what is distant and remote.

Teacher preparation usually consists of three major components, including which of the following?

Liberal or general education

Which of the following describes Paulo Freire's philosophy of teaching and learning?

Literacy raises people's consciousness about the conditions of their lives

As Rome changed from a republic to an imperial empire, new primary schools began to provide education to young Roman boys. What were these schools called?


The Secretary of Education is responsible for which of the following?

Managing education policies and promoting programs to carry out those policies

For the essentialist, the curriculum should include which of the following?

Mathematics Literacy (reading and writing) Science

In rabbinical school, instruction emphasized careful listening to sacred readings by the rabbi and which of the following?

Memorization Recitation Reading

Spencer identified five types of activities to be used in constructing the curriculum. These included which of the following?

Occupational or professional activities Leisure and recreation activities Social and political participation activities

Progressive educators are opposed to which of the following?

Passive memorization of facts

Which of the following represent the educational purposes served by Homer's poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey?

Preserving cultural heritage Shaping the character and morality of the young Providing the Greeks sense of cultural identity

Which of the following represent a legacy of the Egyptian education system that lasted until the Enlightenment?

Priests were the guardians of Egypt's cultural legacy and controlled formal education

Which of the following are considered the primary responsibilities of a district superintendent?

Providing leadership in curriculum, instruction, and assessment Management of personnel Long-range planning

From the realist's point of view, which of the following describes the two necessary stages of epistemology?

Sensation and abstraction

Among the services offered to smaller, rural school districts by regional educational service agencies are which of the following?

Serving the needs of special education students Support in developing assessments Support in finding teachers

Which of the following are among the responsibilities each state must fulfill?

Setting minimum standards for training and recruiting personnel Providing special services such as student transportation or free textbooks Establishing assessment requirements

Arguments against Common Core Standards include which of the following

Standards will force teachers to teach for the standardized tests

An existentialist teacher would believe which of the following?

Students should be free to create their own authentic modes of self-expression. Students should be exposed to books, movies, and plays that portray the choice making that the human condition requires. Students should engage in dialogues about the meaning of their hopes and fears.

Which of the following represent Kilpatrick's principles for problem solving using the project method?

Teachers can guide students' learning without dominating it. Learning is enriched as students collaboratively research and share information. Genuine education involves problem solving

In a survey asking why individuals had selected teaching as a career, the answer most frequently given was which of the following?

Teachers help children learn and grow.

Proponents of skills-based testing put forward a variety of arguments, including which of the following?

Teachers should be able to demonstrate that they can function at least at the seventh- or eighth-grade level in reading, writing, and math. Recent research has provided enough information to justify minimum standards.

During the Renaissance in Europe, humanist scholars, by critically examining medieval theological texts, helped prepare the path for which of the following?

The Protestant Reformation

Which of the following are federal education agencies?

The U.S. Department of Education

Which of the following describes significant contributions to the field of education made by Maria Montessori?

The belief that children are capable of sustained self-directed work

Key concepts that formed the basis of education in the New England colonies included which of the following?

The belief that children are prone to evil The town school Belief in Satan

According to the text, which of the following represent aspects of scholasticism?

The belief that scripture and human reasoning were complementary sources of truth The use of both faith and reason to answer questions about God and the universe The use of deductive reasoning to create organized bodies of knowledge

Which of the following describes Booker T. Washington's approach to education at the Tuskegee Institute?

The curriculum emphasized basic academic, agricultural, and occupational skills.

The test cites which of the following as contributing to the growth of schools during the Reformation?

The new economic wealth of the middle classes The invention of the printing press The emergence of national states

In practice, American policies of assimilation were based on which of the following?

The philosophy that public schools should be agencies of constructing shared knowledge and values

A recent report based on an assessment of current certification practices revealed which of the following?

The standard for passing teaching exams is too low. Teachers in various states are held to "grossly different standards" in the certification process. The current framework needs to be replaced by one that allows teachers to move from state to state.

The text cites which of the following as a major reason for growth of attendance in primary vernacular schools?

The translation of the Bible into languages other than Latin.

From the Idealist's perspective, which of the following represent the most important subjects for school curriculum?

Theology Mathematics Philosophy

Which of the following represent ideas supported by Benjamin Rush?

There is no conflict between science, republican government, and religion. Public charter schools should be affiliated with a religious denomination and offer a faith-based education. Government support of church-related schools does not threaten separation of church and state.

The text describes the Socratic method as which of the following?

Thinking deeply about and reflecting on the meaning of life Rigorous dialogue approach that led to deeper thinking

Advocates of Social Darwinism, as applied to education, would argue that competition produces better results than cooperation


Harvard College was founded on the belief that well-educated ministers were needed to established Christianity in the New World


Many political leaders see testing as the only feasible step they can take to improve public confidence in the teaching force.


State school code is defined as the collection of laws that established ways and means of operating schools and conducting education in the state.


The Enlightenment worldview that children were naturally good and that teachers should base instruction on children's interest and needs influenced many educational reformers of that day.


Thomas Jefferson believed that education's major purpose was to promote a republican society of literate and well-informed citizens.


To the essentialist, in order for teaching to be effective, curriculum must be sequential and cumulative.


Which of the following represent arguments presented by Horace Mann in favor of common schools and public education?

Wealthy people have a social responsibility to support public education

Teaching is said to lag behind professions such as law and medicine in four important areas. They include which of the following?

control over licensing standards and/or entry requirements autonomy in making decisions about selected work spheres

The assumption underlying Professional Learning Communities is that teams of educators are best suited to apply their professional expertise in which of the following areas?

curriculum planning content knowledge research

Which of the following have been cited as some of the common reasons individuals may decide on a teaching career?

helping children learn and grow the professional challenge teaching represents the inspiration of a favorite elementary or secondary level teacher

Computer or technology laboratories encompass a wide variety of activities and objectives, including which of the following?

introducing hardware and software specifically designed for elementary and secondary education heightened interest in technology used for lesson design and delivery the use of technology and electronic media to help teachers advance their students' critical thinking

Proponents of mediated entry cite which of the following as features of this approach that would benefit the teaching profession?

mentoring by experienced teachers mandatory attendance shared planning time

According to the text, which of the following describe occupations that rank high in prestige?

occupations that require a high level of education or skill occupations that are perceived to make a valuable contribution to society occupations that involve little manual or physical labor

Which of the following may be necessary to obtain certification?

pass a subject-matter exam pass basic skills test submit to a background check

In some states, opponents of collective bargaining have incorporated which issues to be included in bargaining prohibitions?

salary schedules teacher evaluation tenure

According to the text, which of the following describe a problem that supports the need for mediated entry into the teaching profession?

the attrition rate for new teachers is less than other professions

The three major components of the Excellent Educators for All Initiative are:

to publish profiles that will "help states identify gaps in access to quality teaching for low-income and minority students." to work to develop model plans, share promising practices, and provide practice communities. to put in place locally developed solutions to ensure every student has effective educators.

Native Americans

Traditional education was informal, children learned skills, and cultural roles Spanish colonists tried to civilize Native Americans through boarding schools

The Establishment Clause protects the right of religious organizations to establish church-based schools.

False, the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits the establishment of government- sanctioned religion


Fathers originally headed homeschool Ludus was a school for boys to learn

Enculturation was the process by which children in preliterate societies learned which of the following?


Which of the following can be said to characterize current wages and benefits for professional teachers?

Wages and benefits are affected by supply and demand in the marketplace

The ancient Greeks debated whether education should reflect universal values. Arguments in favor of this idea include which of the following?

We are all members of the same human family and have universal human rights. Values, like truth, are universal and timeless. Schools should emphasize universal truths


Wrote Iliad to preserve cultural heritage, create cultural identity, Give heroes to kids

All but which of the following have been cited as reasons for teacher job dissatisfaction?

lack of supplies and equipment extensive paperwork and record keeping outdated facilities

Major trends seen as moving the teaching profession toward being a "full profession" include which of the following?

mediated entry collective bargaining professional development

The National PTA has supported the efforts of teachers by lobbying Congress for which of the following

support for continued improvements to nutrition programs expanded access to high-quality early childhood education improving special education through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

Which of the following is the current organization to adopt standards that determine which teacher education programs comply with national standards in the preparation of teaching candidates and specialists about to enter the classroom?

the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP)

Reflective practice (One of 3 Pillars)

Go back to your lesson for the day, and see what you did right/wrong. Then fix it in your plan.

Horace Mann

"Father of edu", convinced both rich and poor that public school is good, Rich: Edu. people = good workers, Poor: Edu. prevents class distinction

Booker T. Washington

Believed blacks should have vocational jobs, learn farming skills

InTASC Standards

The Learner and Learning Content Instructional Practice Professional Responsibility

Benjamin Rush

Wanted public $ to support church related schools

Which of the following are cited as a part of current trends in teacher education?

the inclusion of computers in the teaching process an emphasis on what is known as "reflective teaching" the commitment to provide an appropriate educational experience

Which of the following was cited as an obstacle to the teaching profession exercising full control over requirements for entry and licensing?

the trend toward alternative methods of certification

W.E.B Du Bois

1st Af/Am to receive Ph.D. from Harvard Supported higher education, and civil rights

Recent initiative enacted by the Obama administration have affected NCLB in which of the following ways?

Added flexibility to states regarding specific assessment proficiency requirement

Common School

Allowed residents to organize school districts Encouraged electing school board, and getting taxes Mandated the establishment of districts, election of boards, and collecting taxes Predecessor to Public School

Early National Period

Articles of Confederation allowed for land grants for colleges

Noah Webster

Attempted to Standardize American English


Believed in hierarchical relationships. Teacher to student


Believed in less control, student was supposed to find own path, encouraged reflection


Believed in open ended questions, to allow students to decide on their own


Believed in rational, truthful, honest statesmen


Believed knowledge was in a perfect mind. Reminiscence, we could discover knowledge already present but hidden in our mind


Believed that knowledge was in the world, rational society

Among non-public schools, which of the following accounts for the largest overall enrollment percentage?


New England Colonies

Child Depravity: Child was naturally prone to being bad Old Deluder Satan Town Schools Latin Grammar Schools

BC Mission Statement

Competent Caring Highly Qualified


Created kindergarten, resurgence of philosophical and nationalism, curriculum: songs, stories, games

BC TEP Conceptual Framework (Three Pillars)

Culturally responsive pedagogy Liberal Arts Reflective practice


Develop students communication skills. Rhetoric was important


Developed stage based learning. Set learning to meet stage of child

Which of the following describe a layer of the three-tiered federal court system?

District court Circuit court The Supreme court


Early childhood schooling that is intellectually & developmentally stimulating; curriculum: motor & sensory skills; preplanned materials


Education based on Torah compiled by Ezra Stressed recitation, writing, memorization


Education was meant to indoctrinate beliefs, teacher was not to be questioned

Which of the following must be applied to ensure competency tests do not favor one group of candidates over another?

Employers must specify the characteristics the test measures Employers must demonstrate that the test correlates with the work behavior in question Employers must identify the characteristics required to carry out the job

Which of the following were responsibilities of the former federal Office of Education with regard to education?

Engaging in educational innovation and research Providing leadership, consultative, and clearinghouse services related to education Administering grant funds and contracting with state department of education


Experimental philosophy, students learn from experiences, problem solving Believed in hands on learning, using group activities

Liberal Arts (One of 3 Pillars)

General basis for a large number of subjects, like our college experience right now.


Hull house, constructed socialized edu., womens edu., wanted to feature multicultural curriculum

Which of the following describes the response from federal courts regarding inclusion of "intelligent design" in science classes?

Intelligent design involves support for particular religion and is not a scientific theory.

Colonial Education

Learning occurred at home Dame schools Religion played a large role Students learned to read to Bible

Major Specialized Professional Organizations

National Education Association: Largest lobby organization, offers financial services, member discounts. Lobbies to congress American Federation of Teachers: 2nd largest, similar services, Popular in unionized urban districts

Tests for Teacher Licensure

Praxi VCLA


Priests were guardians of knowledge, would teach Invented hieroglyphics for tax collection

Thomas Jefferson

Proposed 3 year of free schooling, scholarships for talents, poor boys

Fourth Amendment privacy rights provide for which of the following?

Protection against unreasonable open-ended search of a teacher's property

In order to avoid potential negative side effects from zero-tolerance policies, analysts urge educators to do which of the following?

Provide flexibility and consider alternatives to expulsion Comply with due-process laws Clearly define what constitutes a weapon, a misbehavior, or a drugs

Normal Schools

Provided teacher education. Opportunities for women


Schooling based around stage based learning, curriculum: concrete and formal operations

Which of the following are cited as major areas of concern where technology and education intersect?

Student access to prohibited materials Cyberbullying Student criticism of school or staff

Which of the following amendments to the US Constitution have most frequently been cited in cases involving education?

The First Amendment The Fourteenth Amendment

Culturally responsive pedagogy (One of 3 Pillars)

The art of teaching, especially on specific subjects and theories.

When determining whether a teacher's speech is protected under the First Amendment, courts must consider which of the following?

The effects on school operation The appropriateness of time, place, and manner of the remarks Overall teacher performance

According to the text, which of the following must educators consider when applying school dress codes?

The extent to which the dress codes are intended to accomplish a valid constitutional goal The likelihood that violations of the code will actually cause disruption in the classroom

The courts have established several due-process laws rules that must be met when dismissing a tenured teacher. These include which of the following?

The teacher has a right to be represented by legal counsel The teacher must be accorded a hearing and sufficient time to prepare The teacher may present written and oral evidence, including witnesses.

Arguments in support of tenured teaching include which of the following?

The tenure system does not protest incompetent teachers Tenure was implemented in response to serious political and administrative abuses Tenure provides a level of academic freedom that allows teachers to do their jobs properly.

Which of the following describe ways in which non-public schools may be different from public schools?

Their authority is derived from a board of directors or school committee, rather than a school board.

Which of the following court cases found that students are free to express their views expect when their conduct disrupts class work, cause disorder, or invades the right of others?

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District

Court decisions governing tenure, freedom of expression, and due process, among other, do not apply to private and parochial school teachers.


The Supreme Court has ruled that school officials are not legally liable for sexual harassment of a student unless they know of the harassment and then proceed with "deliberate indifference."



educate whole child: mentally, physically, and emotionally, object teaching, use senses Schooling should be based on child's emotional security


education according to nature, teaching based on child freedom


to give students a core curriculum. Students learn with independent work and guided practice instead of just lectures.


to help students discover who they are and become the best they can be. Teacher is only a guide, student develops his/her own train of thought.


to provide students with a solid foundation of knowledge. Students listens to teachers, take notes, and memorizes what the teacher says.


to teach students how to think, not what to think. Teacher creates experiments, while student is exploring as an individual in the classroom.

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