Introduction to Logical Thinking

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How many conclusions may an argument have? (1 ) 3 (2) 1 (3) 2


Which of the following is not a necessary component of an argument? 1. Premise 2. Condition 3. Conclusion


Identify whether this argument is a Deductive argument or an Inductive argument: "It is clear that Greg is taller than Liz, since Greg is taller than Sydney, and Liz is shorter than Sydney." Deductive or Inductive


A vague expression is an expression that can have multiple definite meanings, but due to lack of context, it is difficult to determine which definite meaning is being intended by the author. True or False


All valid arguments are cogent arguments. True or False


Repeatedly and only denying what another person says is a legitimate argument within logic. True or False


The extensional meaning of a term refers to the attributes or descriptions that typically come to mind when one uses the term. True or False


The following sentence is a statement: "Did Brandon forget his homework?" True or False


Identify whether this argument is a Deductive argument or an Inductive argument: "Based on the fact that this pizza tastes burnt, it was likely left in the oven for too long." Deductive or Inductive


Identify whether the following deductive argument is valid or invalid: 1. If I wash my car, then it will rain. 2. I will wash my car. 3. Therefore, it will rain. Valid or Invalid


Identify whether the following deductive argument is valid or invalid: 1. If Samantha loses her money, she will be unable to buy ice cream. 2. Samantha will be unable to buy ice cream. 3. Samantha will lose her money. Valid or Invalid


Identify whether the following deductive argument is valid or invalid: 1. Most cats have fur. 2. Tabby is a cat. 3. Tabby has fur Valid or Invalid


Please state whether the following argument is valid or invalid: 1. All zoinks are zerts. 2. Some zerts are zills. 3. Therefore, all zoinks are zills. Valid or Invalid


Short Answer (up to 4 points): Read the following passage that contains an argument. Then identify the conclusion and premises of the argument. Finally, write out the argument more formally by writing outnumbered premises and a conclusion like so: 1. premise 2. premise. 3. conclusion Passage: "Since, according to Aristotle, we ought to do things that lead to our flourishing as humans, and since having friends is instrumental to flourishing in life, we therefore ought to have friends if we are able."

P1: We should do things that lead to us to flourishing as humans. P2: Having friends is a part of humans flourishing in life. C: We should have friends if were able.

These parts of an argument are intended to give evidence or reasons to support another part of an argument. 1. Contradictions 2. Premises 3. Conclusions


For the first part of this question, determine whether the following argument is a Deductive argument or an Inductive argument. NEXT, for the second part of the question check the appropriate selection: If the argument is Deductive, state whether it is valid or invalid; if it is Inductive, state whether it is a strong or weak inductive argument (2 pts.): "Every tree that humans have encountered up to this point has roots. We are taking a trip to Forest Park today, so it is safe to assume that all of the trees there will have roots." 1. Valid 2. Invalid 3. Strong 4. Weak


In any text passage that contains an argument, not all the statements in the passage must be part of the argument. True or False


Terms and statements with cognitive meaning are best suited for arguments within the discipline of logic. True or False


The argument form of Denying the Antecedent is an invalid form of a Hypothetical Syllogism. True or False


Identify whether the following deductive argument is valid or invalid: 1. All humans are bald. 2. Mark is a human. 3. Mark is bald. Valid or Invalid


Please state whether the following argument is valid or invalid: 1. If Jay cheers for the Cardinals, they will win. 2. Jay will cheer for the Cardinals. 3. Therefore, the Cardinals will win. Invalid or valid


No inductive arguments are valid arguments. True or False


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