Introduction to Management
Transition to Management - Managers Initial Expectations
- Be the boss, formal authority, manage tasks, job is not managing people
Key Characteristics of Stars - Characteristics of "Stars"
- Build a bartering network - Born not made - Rely on luck - "lone guns" who take on risky work by themselves - Listen to their hearts
Key Characteristics of Stars (4)
- Characteristics of "stars" - How "stars" network - 4 Elements of Taking Initiative - 3 Rules of Initiative
Gaining Management Skills - Skills gains occur best through deliberately: (2 Bullets)
- Combining multiple sources - Self-management
Key Characteristics of Stars - 4 Elements of Taking Initiative
- Doing something above and beyond your job description - Helping other people - Involves risk-taking - Seeing an activity through to completion
Mintzberg - Decisional Roles (4)
- Entrepreneur - adapt themselves and subordinates to change - Disturbance Handler - Respond to severe problems - Resource Allocator - Decide who gets resources - Negotiator - Negotiate schedules, projects, goals, etc.
Mintzberg - Interpersonal Roles (3)
- Figurehead - Perform ceremonial duties - Leader - Motive and encourage workers - Liaison - Deal with people outside their units
Stages of Team Development (7)
- Forming - Storming - Norming - Performing - De-norming - De-storming - De-forming
- Identifying jobs to be done - Hiring people to do them - Establishing departments - Establishing a chain of command - Delegating
- Influencing others to get the job done - Maintaining morale - Molding company culture - Managing conflict and communication
Transition to Management - After 6 Months
- Initial expectations were wrong, fast pace, heavy workload, job is to be problem solver and troubleshooter for subordinates
Mintzberg's 3 Main Managerial Roles
- Interpersonal Roles - Information Roles - Decisional Roles
Key Characteristics of Stars - 3 Rules of Initiative
- Make sure you're doing your assigned job well - Social initiative don't count for much - Initiative that matter to your career relate to your company's critical path
Transition to Management - After a Year as Manager
- No longer a doer, communication, listening, and positive reinforcement, learning to adapt to and control stress, job is people development
Team Leadership Responsibilities
- Primarily to help team activities toward accomplishing a goal - Promote good relationships and addressing problematic ones within their team - Managing external relationships
Gaining Management Skills - Sources of Learning (4 R's)
- Reading - Reflection - Relationships - Real experience
Self Management Process (4)
- Self Assessment and Planning - Goal Setting - Self-and-Environmental Control - Evaluating and Rewarding Process
- Setting Standards - Comparing performance with standards - Taking corrective action
- Setting goals and deciding on action - Developing rules and procedures - Developing budgets and plants
Key Characteristics of Stars - How "stars" network
- Use networks to multiply their creativity - Economics of networking: have to barter your expertise for others. Be patient.
3 Managerial Skills - Human
Ability to work well with others
Top Managers - Examples
3 Managerial Skills
Conceptual, Human, Technical
Top Managers
Executives responsible for the overall direction of the organization
First Stage - Team members meet, form impressions, begin to establish norms
Management (Definition)
Getting work done through others, deals with efficiency and effectiveness in the work process.
Mintzberg - Information Roles (3)
Monitor - Scan their environment for information Disseminator - Share info with other within dept or company Spokesperson - Share info with others outside dept or company
First-line Managers - Examples
Office Manager, Shift Supervisor
Performance improves - team matured into full effective functioning team
4 Functions of Management
Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling
Middle Managers - Examples
Regional Manager, Divisional Manager
Middle Managers
Responsible for setting objectives consistent with top management's goals and for planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these objectives
Reversal of norming stage - team performance declines
Second stage of development, conflict and disagreement over who & how something's done
3 Managerial Skills - Conceptual
See organization as whole, how different parts affect each other, and recognize how company fits or is affected by it's environment
3 Managerial Skills - Technical
Specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done
Team members position themselves to control pieces of the team, avoid each other, isolate themselves from team leaders
Team's comfort decreases, team cohesion weakens, and angry emotions conflict
Third Stage - Members begin to settle into roles, cohesion grows, and positive team norms develop
Self Management Process - Evaluating and Rewarding Process
Tips: Determine what you've accomplished and reward yourself accordingly. Mistakes: Rewarding yourself too early, too late, or too much. Punishing yourself it you fail.
Self Management Process - Goal Setting
Tips: What do I need to do in order to get where I want to do? Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals! Mistakes: Failing to get goals. Setting vague goals. failing to follow through with goals.
Self Management Process - Self-and-Environment Control
Tips: What is Important? What is urgent? Proactively structure work environment to increase likelihood of success. Mistakes: Allowing negative emotions or habits to derail us. Allowing others to control your time. Emotional control activity: "count your blessings" or autobiographical reflection. Time Management Tips: Not enough time? Delete, delay, diminish, delegate (Morgenstern's Time Management Skills).
Self Management Process - Self Assessment and Planning
Tips: ask: Who am I? Who do I want to be? What are my strengths? What do I want them to be? What do I want to be doing? Where am I now? Where do I want to go. Mistakes: Not having any standards. Ignoring important parts of our identities.
3 Types of Managers
Top Managers, Middle Managers, First-line Managers
First-line Managers
Train and supervise the performance of non-managerial employees who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services