IS Final Study Set
CIA framework; confidentiality, integrity, availability
framework that has 3 values related to 1) improper disclosure of information 2) impropoer modification of data 3. the aunauthorized denial of service to data
transmission control protocol
handles the movement of data between computers; establishes a connection between the computers, sequences the transfer of packets, and acknolwedges the packets sent
microsoft visio
lab: flowchart maker and diagramming software
electromagnetic waves; telecommunication; light, no physical, all directions, sight, power
like regular wave that oscillates, with amplitude, wavelength, frequency, and phase; what is it ideal for? -travels at __________ speed -needs ____ ___________ medium -propagates in _______ _____________ (some can penetrate obstacles, others need line-of-s_______) -delivers energy and p__________
=vlookup(a, b, c, d) a = Find this b= In here c = After finding it look across for C-1 steps d = 0 is exact match (always)
looks at a value in one column, and finds its corresponding value on the same row in another column.
16-bits or 2 bytes
apache, microsoft
Major web servers?
basic text encryption that switches the letters of the alphabet halfway
What is ROT13?
1. Database: Student Database 2. File: List of student names 3. Record: one student's record 4. Field: IS 300 5. Byte: 0100 6. Bit: 0
12*2: Data Organization Hierarchy (put the following in order): 1. File 2. Bit 3. Record 4. Database 5. Byte 6. Field
A collection of eight bits that can represent a single character.
histogram; X: thing Y: # of occurrences
A graph of vertical bars representing the frequency distribution of a set of data. Whats on the X and Y axis? -Create from "Data Analysis" Tools on Ribbon OR use =frequency function
IP Address; four segments of numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255 EX: 10000000 0101111 10011011 100000110 or; yes; hard to memorize / non-intuitive
A number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet; what is the general format? Is this required for all Internet comunication? What's the problem with them?
decimal system
A system based on the number 10
TV, bluetooth, microwave
Applications of electromagenetic waves: 1. entertainment: radio (AM, FM, XM), Digital ___ (national and local chanelles) 2. Communication: telephone (cell, 4g), Data (Wi-Fi, b_______________), analog communication (walkie talkie, beeper) 3. Others: military (radar, satelite, GPS), medical (X-Ray machine, MRI), home: m________________; security, full-body scanner
query; choose "create" in menu bar -> "query design" choose table to use, double click the fields to select them into the lower field.. click "run"; advanced: add searching criteria" [Please Input a Last name]
Asks a question about the data stored in a database table; how do you create? How do you create the more advanced version?
Client (web browser, smartphone) <- internet -> server (web HTTP server, Simple Mail Transfer Protocol SMTP, Domain name serving DNS utility, File Transfer Protocol,) 1. web pages 2. mail files 3. Application server <-> database server [back-end systems ->] databases 2) sales, production, acctng HR
Client-Server Computing: Put the following in the correct order Databases; Web Pages, Database serve, Server, Client, Internet, Sales/Production/Acctng/HR, mail files, aplication server
+ better collaboration + accessibility + reduces need for physical storage capacity - potential conflicts of interest -limited functionality - security issues - requires payment stream
1. widespread use of modeling and optimization 2. enterprise approach (from targeted to comprehensive analytics) 3. senior executive advocates; 1. find right focus 2. build the right culture 3. hire the right people to make optimal use of the data
Competing Analytics Article: - analytics competitors are the leaders in their fields -Examples: Harrah's, Amazon, Marriott International -What are the three key attributes? -What are the sources of strength?
search for extra-terrestrial intelligence (uses lots of small computers); bit coin through blockchain technology
Emerging Tech: Grid Computing What is SETI? What's the tech for decentralized currency? (maintained by nobody)
50's, electronic accounting machine, pc era, 10, handheld, mobile
Evolution of the computer: 12*1: 19___'s: E________________ _____________ __________ 12*2: 2000's: the ___ _______ 12*1: 20___'s: _______________/m_________
1. =RandBetween(#1,#2), yes 2.=Rand() (produces integers between 0 and 1) 3. F9 4. =Round(#, 0 = whole # or 1 = .1 or 2=.01...) 5. Array function 6. =min(#, #, #, ...) 7. = max(#, #, #,...) 8. =Proper(text) 10. =Trim(text) 11. =right(text, # of char) 12. =upper(text) 13. =lower(text) 14. =left(text, # of char) 15. =Find(char, text) 16. =if([condition],[result if true],[result if false]) 17. =iferror(value, value_if_error) 18. =iserror(value) 19 =frequency(table_array, Bin-array) 20 =&, for example: =LastNameColumn&space&FirstNameColumn 21. =countifs(criteria_range, criteria)
Excel Functions: 1) Find random numbers between two parameters; does it include the numbers that are the parameters? 2) Returns a new random number each time your spreadsheet recalculates 3) Force Refresh 4) rounds numbers to a specified level of precision 5) a formula that can perform multiple calculations on one or more of the items in an array 6) Returns the smallest value from the numbers provided 7) Returns the largest value from the numbers provided 8) sets the first character in each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase 10) returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed 11) Extract text from the right of a string 12) allows you to convert text to all uppercase. 13) allows you to convert text to all lowercase. 14) Extract text from the left of a string 15) returns the location of a substring in a string 16) returns one value if the condition is TRUE, or another value if the condition is FALSE 17) Returns a value you specify if a formula evaluates to an error; otherwise, returns the result of the formula 18) function checks whether a value is an error and returns TRUE or FALSE 19) returns how often values occur within a set of data. It returns a vertical array of numbers. 20) concatenates two text fields into one; How would you combine a full name with a space in the middle? 21) counts the number of cells in a range that meets a single or multiple criteria
central processing unit
Hardware responsible for processing all instructions the computer runs.
select "database tools" -> "relationships" to bring out relationships window. Select needed tables and drag different things to create, make sure to enforce referential integrity
How do you manage relationships in Access?
database, key, relationships, query, parameter
Microsoft access: Key Components 1. d______________ records, fields, and tables 2. Primary ______ 3. r____________________ between tables 4. Q___________ and p______________ --------
Star = can work if one person is missing, because of middle section. Ring = less robust and secure. If one person is missing it won't work Bus = Star. Shape doesn't matter.
Network topologies; what are the 3 types?
Frequency modulation
Refers to the modulation of the length of the wave (1200 v 2400 hertz)
Domain Name System (DNS)(easier to remember and more intuitive: EX:
System for translating domain names into IP addresses.; what's the pro?
hard drive
The mechanism that handles the reading, writing, and storage of data on the hard disk.
security, functionality, ease of use
The system triangle determines the tradeoff of what 3 values?
local, campus, metropolitan, wide
Types of Networks by Size: 1. __________ area Network (LAN): up to 500 meters; an office or florr of a building 2. C___________ area network (CAN): up to 1000 meters; a college campus or corporate facility 3. _____________ area network (MAN): A city or metropolitcan area 4. W____________ area network (WAN): Transcontinental or global area
What is the most basic unit aka one electronic flash/pulse?
Internet root domain "." Top-Level domains: edu, com, gov, org, net Second-level domain: expedia, google, congress Third-level domain: sales; Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ICANN, great asset; edu, gov, net, com, org, mil; country
What's the domain name structure? Who contros domain names? Good domain name = ________ _________ orginal six Top-level domains: 1. education: _____ 2. government: ____ 3. network: _____ 4. commercial:_____ 5. non-profit organization: ______ 6. military: ______ There are also c__________ codes and new domain names; .name, biz, .info
convenient, inexpensive, compatible, speed; security, range, congestion
Wifi networks: Strengths: + c________________: internet without cables + i___________________: comparable to cables and wires + c________________: with many devices +s____________: decent speed for regular internet use Weakness: -s___________: omnidirectional signal means easy eavesdropping -limited r___________: <230 ft indoors -c___________: much traffic on 2.4 and 5 Ghz
microsoft project
a convenient tool for project managers to manage project development, track the progress of projects, and estimate the basics of projects.
composite primary key; choose by selecting both rows using CTRL+click then click "Primary key"
a primary key consisting of more than one column
binary system
a system in which information can be expressed by combinations of the digits 0 and 1.
field, columns
access thing, contains data about one aspect of the table subject, such as first name or employee ID; are these rows or columns?
record; rows
access thing, contains specific data, like information about a particular employee or product; are these rows or columns?
field value
access thing; each record has a field value
access thing; essential objects in a database because they hold all the information or data
Scrambling and Unscrambling More secure, flexible, easier Encrypt -> Public (shared) key Decryption -> private (kept secret) key
encryption and decryption; what is the advantage of digital vs. analog signals; keys?
Prime Spectrum. 3000, visible light, low end, penetrates, attenuation, long
referring to the electromagnetic wave of 30 Mhz to ________ Mhz; what is it right next too? Is it on the low end or high end? Virtues: -easily p______________ walls (doesn't require line-of-sight) -slow a_______________ (travels long distance with low power; l______ battery life and slim design, same spectrum can be reused in multiple locations) -VIP resource in information age
internet protocol
responsible for delivery of packets; includes the assembling and reassembling of packets during transmission
amplitude modulation
the modulation of a wave by varying its amplitude, (height) used chiefly as a means of radio broadcasting, in which an audio signal is combined with a carrier wave.
one with many random problems, very common, often too complex
10*1 Problem Scenario: Random Events What is the most difficult forecast/estimation problem? Is this common in real-world business? Can you solve it using math? Example: Six tiers of suppliers in chain, each could deliver parts 1 day behind schedule, on time, i day ahead, or 2 days ahead. What's the chance the final product delivery is on time?
decision; VIEW VIDEO
10*2 D___________ Model: Airline Overbooking Objective: To find the best overbooking rate -Union Airlines operates a Los Angeles - Seattle Route daily -Capacity of Aircraft: 250 -Market demand fluctuates between 200-300 within the week -average price of ticket: $190 -overbooking cost to re-seat (bump) each passenger : $400 -No-show rate: 5% -Question: What limit, if any, should Union Airlines set in order to maximize revenue?
1. RANDBETWEEN (a, b): generates a random integer between a and b (including a and b) 2. RAND(): generates a random decimal number between 0 and 1 (not including 0 and 1); RANDBETWEEN (2000, 2015); probability
10*2 Simulation random events: What are the 2 excel functions for random number generators? Ex: How would you randomly choose a year between 2000 and 2015? Application Scenarios: 1. P_________________ simulation 2. Solve complex problems for numerical answers without knowing math behind them
1. you can't change array functions, helps protect against "crooked" employees who might want to change things 2. keeps "integrity" of data, which means that the array can't be changed
10*3 Simulation and Array Function Problem Scenario: Toss two dice and add the two numbers; What number appears the most in 1000 tries? Build dynamic histogram using array function How about tossing three dice, adding the 2 bigger #'s? How about tossing 4 dice, or 5? 10*1 Histogram example of age distribution of people who voted (can see curve) What's the difference between regular functions and array functions?
Steps: 1. Number 1 to 1000 for the trials 2. Put current stock price as $100 3. For days 1 to 3, we do a =randbetween(0,1) and then multiply that by 20, so we're either getting 0 or 20, then we subtract 10 so we would have either -10 or 10 and then we multiply that by the option cell for either 90 or 110 the first day and then repeat for the other two days (NOTE: 20 is important bc otherwise we would get 10 and 0 and if we subtract 10 it would come out 0 and -10). 4. then we find the better of the two: either the price on day 3 or the option price using =max(Day3Price - Option Price, 0), so that if the option price is less then we wouldn't take our option but if it's better we would. 5. Then we find the average of the trials using = average(profit:profit) and in this case it was around $7-8 dollars.
10*3 Stock Option Simulation: - a stock option gives the holder the right to purchase a share at a fixed price on a fixed date (but he does not have to) - this means if the share declines in value you won't lose money but if it increases you make a profit - Suppose Apple's share (AAPL) is currently traded at $100, and on each day the price can go up $10 with probability 0.5 and down $10 with probability 0.5 independently of the previous days. -How much is an option @ $100 in three days worth? Describe steps
solver, relationships, optimization, constraints; VIEW 11 Video; You differentiate by bus size, then have columns for number needed, unit cost, unit capacity, total cost, total capacity; then you set constraints (set integer constraint, set positive number constraint) -> solve! it gives you the answer
11*1 - a Microsoft Excel add-in program you can use for what-if analysis -find an optimal (maximum or minimum) value for a formula in one cell — called the objective cell — subject to constraints, or limits, on the values of other formula cells on a worksheet. When building the model you must: - include r____________________, specify o_____________________ targets, list c__________________, solve! 11*2 Example 1: Field Trip Planning: A school is preparing a field trip for 400 students. It has 10 50-seat buses with the operation cost of $800 each. How to minimize the cost for the trip?
Use capacity constraints, set up 3 different tables - remember to make sure that it focuses on integers and even numbers
11*3 Optimization and Production Planning: GAC, a manufacturer of refrigerators, has 2 plants and 4 distribution centers. -the shipping cost for each unit, the production capacities of the plants, and the demand at each distribution center are listed below -develop a shipping plan that 1) meets all demands, 2) does not exceed production capacity, and 3) minimizes cost
1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) 2. Memory 3. Hard Drive 4. Input Devices (mouse, keyboard, microphone, touch screen) 5. output devices (monitor, printer, speaker) 6. motherboard 7. PSU (power supply unit)
12*2: Anatomy of a Computer Match each organism part with the computer part: 1. Brain 2. Sketchpad, whiteboard 3. memory 4. senses 5. communication and expression 6. backbone 7. circulatory system
1. top-down: bigger/small than method 2. bottom-up: "odd/even number" method; Start with number, then divide by 2, if its odd = binary number 1 or if even = binary number 0, continue to divided until you reach 0 -> write out the new binary number OR start by listing 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, then take your number and subtract the 128,: EX 156-128 = 28 (since leftover -> 1), Now move to next power of 2 that is left than your remainder (28), any numbers you skip get a zero: 28-16: 12 -> 1, then go on _> 12-8=4 -> 1, then go on -> 4-4=0 -> then each additional is 0 since there is no remainder left.
12*3: Binary to Decimal Conversion: what are the two methods? How do they work?
13*1: Graph that shows the cost of c________ keeps falling
mainframe, client/server, internet, cloud, mobile
13*2: Evolution of IT infrastructure: 1. 1959 to present: m___________ and minicomputer era (used for security) 2. 1981 to present: PC era 3. 1983 to present: c___________/____________ era (client connected to internet connected to server connected to application server connected to data) 4. 1992 to present: enterprise i__________ computing era 5. 2000 to present: c_________ and m_______________ computing era
moore's law, processing, transistors
13*2: the number of transistors per square inch on integrated circuits had doubled every year since their invention aka in regards to P__________ performance, the ------------------- power just keeps increasing, as does the number of t_______________
Hz (hertz) or MHz or GHz; instruction; 64-bit (each instruction reads/writes 64 bits of data); so you find out how many instructions it can do each second in 1 byte and then you multiple that by the number of byets
13*3: Understanding Computing Power How do you measure a central processing unit? Ex: How much data can a 3.2 GHz CPU process in one second? Despends on how much each i_____________ handles.. what is a common CPU structure?
tranmission speed; bps (bits per second), Kbps, Mbps, Gbps; lower; 5 million bytes Multiple by 8 to get bits Divide by wifi speed (make sure put in same units)
15*2: measures the amount of data a medium transmits over time; what are the common metrics? whats the speed over a longer distance? Sample Q: How long does it take to transmit a 5 MB .mp3 file from one computer to another using wie-fie
A circuit board that contains all of the computer system's main components.
1. 2 2. 2 3. 4 4. 1 5. 3 6. 3 7. 4
Cellular Generations: Put In Order: Match to either 1-4G: 1. Digital vireless network, primarily for voice communication 2. limited data capacility 3. Packet-switching 4. analog cellular network for voice communication 5. high-speed; mobile 6. supports video and other rich media; always-on transmission for email, web browsing, instant messaging 7. fastest, best mobility support
code division multiple access (CDMA), verizon, sprint, proprietary, accepted, global system for mobile communication (GSM), T-Mobile, AT&T, open, plug
Cellular Standards? Two TYpes: 1) ______ ________________ ____________ ________: -Who uses this? _________ & __________ (5/7 major carriers in US), p_____________ (owned y Qualcomm), device must be a_______________ by carrier to join network 2) ___________ ___________ _____ __________ _______________: ________ and ________ wirless (Cingular) + rest of world, o_______ network, p____-and-play device
Identity Theft: P___________
1. d, b 2. g, i, c, k, m 3. n, j, f, h 4. a, e, h
Information Security Challenges (match each challenge with one of the areas): 1. Client (user) 2. Communications Lines 3. Corporate Servers 4. Corporate Systems a. theft of data, copying data b. errors c. message alterationg d. unauthorized access e. alteration of data f. theft and fraud (CS_ g. tapping h. denial of service attacks i. sniffing j. viruses and word=ms k. theft and fraud CL l. hardware/software failure m radiation. n. hacking
1. data management 2. display data subsets, data structuring, complex queries 3. automation of common events 4. database management with multiple users 5. reports for data summarization
Lab: Differences between Access & Excel: Choose which one belongs to Access: 1. data analysis v. data management 2. mathematical, logical v. display data subsets, data structuring, complex queries 3. automation of common events v. calculations, statistical comparisons 4. database management with multiple users v. easy to generate shareable output 5. reports for data summarization v. conditional formatting, chart management
Major _______ Standards IEEE 802.11a: operates in the 5 GHz band @ up to 54 Mbps, with a range of 120 feet indoors. IEEE 802.11b: uses 2.4GHz band, transmit @ 11Mbps, with a range of 120 feet indoors. IEEE 802.11g: uses 2.4 GHz band and better frequency hopping, @ 54 Mbps and 230 feet. IEEE 802.11n: uses 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz, transmit @ 150 Mbps with a range of 230 feet. IEEE 802.11ac: uses 5 GHz, transmit @ up to 900 Mbps with a range of 230 feet.
authenitification/identification; all passwords are crackable; make it now worthwhile for hackers; combo of letters/numbers/characters, hard to guess, changes regularly (even one-time use_; biometric passwords (fingerprints, retinal scan, voice/facial recognition); hashiong (no one except user can ever see the password
Managing Passwords: 1. What is the main use? What is the security threats? What is the objective? What are idea passowrding? How do you secure passwords? __________
Use the dialogs in Excel to tell the Solver about your decision variables, the objective, constraints, and desired bounds on constraints and variables. Run the Solver to find the optimal solution
1. Internet Protocol Version 4/6 2. 32 bits (4 bytes ), 128 bits (16 bytes) in binary form 3. #.#.#.# from 0 to 255; 8 #'s. ranging from 0 to 65535; 4. up to 4 bil; over a quadrillion (beyond our imagination 5.; 2002:0:0:0:0:0805f:9b86; the ubiquitous computing and increasing IP address demand; no (UW allocated 65,000, Stanford given 17 mil vs. India 2 mill)
What are the differences between IPv4 and IPv6 addresses? 1. What do the names stand for? 2. Format 3. Number Range 4. Addresses possible 5. Ex: Why do we need IPv6? Is there an even distribution of IPv4 addresses?
client-server computing
a distributed computing model in which much of the processing power is located within small, inexpensive client computers
flowchart; 1. oval (first/last step) 2. square (represnts typical step in the process, most frequently used) 3. diamond (decision shape)
a graphical presentation of a process; what are the three symbols?
packet switching; yes; 64 KB, 1 kB; an envelope; different, efficient; harder to hack
a technology that splits data sent over the internet and then puts it together; does size vary? What is upper limit? What is common? In addition to the actual message, packets include info on origination, destination, error checking, priority, etc. - what is this akin too? 1. Messages are first broken down into small bundles of data called packets 2. Packets are sent along d____________ communication routes 3. The packets are then reassembled once they reach their destinations 4. Packet switching makes more e____________ use of a network than circuit switching What is the benefit?
Net Neutrality; speed; comcast, verizon, centurylink; 1. control of data 2. digital rights and freedoms 3. user intolerance for slow-loading sites 4.competition and innovation 5. preserving internet standards 6.preventing pseudo-services 7. end-to-end principle 1. reduction in investment 2. signficant and growing competition, investment 3. deterring competition 4. counterweight to server-side non-neutrality 5. prevent overuse of bandwidth 6. potentially increased taxes 7. unnecessary regulations
all data on the Internet should be treated equally, and not discriminated against. For instance, internet infrastructure companies may not s_______ up or slow down packets based on their origination, destination, purpose, nature, user account, etc. Ex: _______________ may not slow down Netflix's video streaming packets, which compete against Hulu that comcast partially owns -_____________ may not slow down BitTorrent, a popular P2P sharing application, even thugh people may overuse it to "throttle" the connection speed of other users -______________ may not block porn sites, which is a decision up to the users or companies/organizations Arguments in favor (7); arguments against (7)?
Denial of Service attack; technical attacks, non-technical attacks
attacking the availability aspect of a system; what are the two types? (such as what happened with wikileaks when thousands of requests sent to target overload the server)
bluetooth; cables (remote, headset, earphone, etc.); up to 25 Mbps
can link up to 8 devices in 10-meter area: PAN; low power requirements; what is this replacing? What is the transmission speed up to?
TCP/IP; different, inter-net, suite
communications protocol used by the internet and all internet devices; allows communication between d_______________ networks, connecting them to the "______-____"; provides for breaking up digital messages into ______________, routing them to the proper addresses, and then reassembling them into coherent messages -uses ______ of protocols: ---- and ---
internet of things (IoT)
connected devices and objects collect and exchange data automatically to regulate our world with minimal human intervention
primary key; a key, set by choosing "primary key" from pop-up menu
consists of one or more fields that uniquely identify each record that you store in the table; what symbol does this have by it?
cross-functional flowcharts
shows relationship between a business process and the functional units (such as departments) responsible for that process
the biggest and most used network -map of the ----------- architecture of the U.S. (lots of connections going outward through coastal states and hubs in major cities)
1. 1 B, one letter in alphabet 2. 1 KB, one page of typed text = 2KB 3. 1 MB, Fifty shades of Grey Book = 0.9 MB 4. 1 GB, a DVD movie = 2.4 GB 5. 1 TB, Library of Congress = 15 TB 6. 1 PB, Google processes about 1 PB every hour 7. 1 EB, 10 billion copies of the Economist magazine 8. 1 ZB, total amount of info existed = 1.2 ZB 9. 1 YB, too big to imagine
what do each equal? 1. 8 bits (8 b) 2. 1000 B 3. 1000 KB 4. 1000 MB 5. 1000 GB 6. 1000 TB 7. 1000 PB 8. 1000 EB 9. 1000 ZB 1. google processes in an hour 2. library of congress 3. one page of typed text 4. too big to imagine 5. fifty shades of grey book 6. total ammount of info ever existed 7. 10 billion copies of the economist 8. one letter in the alphabet 9. a dvd movie