Is Kopi Luwak on your bucket list?

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Back in Bali, the civet still reigns supreme. And even if their coffee doesn't always measure up. For many, the thrill of the hunt is tantalizing enough.

Back in Bali, the civet still reigns supreme. And even if their coffee doesn't always m____ _____ (соответствовать сравниться). For many, the thrill of the hunt is tantalizing enough.

aficionado The controversy doesn't seem to scare off Kapi luwak aficionados who pay up to $250 a pound. In this case, quality is not the driving factor for price. It's supply, demand, and hype.

an enthusiastic fan or admirer The controversy doesn't seem to scare off Kapi' luwak a_______ who pay up to $250 a pound. In this case, quality is not the driving factor for price. It's supply, demand, and hype.

to reign supreme

be the best or most important in a particular area or domain доминировать, царствовать Back in Bali, the civet still r_______ s_________. And even if their coffee doesn't always measure up. For many, the thrill of the hunt is tantalizing enough.

digestive system their digestive systems impart a smooth body and aroma to the beans. It comes out like that.

body system the breaks down food and absorbs nutrients пищеварительная система their( civet cats') _______ _______ impart (придают) a smooth body and aroma to the beans. It comes out like that.

civet cat

catlike mammal typically secreting musk used in perfumes; Цивета

cofee cupping

coffee tasting, is the practice of observing the tastes and aromas of brewed coffee. It is a professional practice but can be done informally by anyone or by professionals known as "Q Graders"

beverage Kopi luwak, the rarest beverage in the world.

drink; liquid for drinking Kopi luwak, the _____ _______ (редчайший напиток) in the world.

to harvest

gather crops when they are ripe In the US, winter wheat is __________in the early summer.

to roam Historically, civets roamed free on coffee plantations.

go aimlessly; wander бродили Historically, civets r________ free on coffee plantations.

a single serving of this delicacy people back in the U.S. are willing to pay 90 bucks for a single serving of this exotic delicacy harvested from a place, well, where the sun don't shine.

people back in the U.S. are willing to pay 90 bucks for a single _________ of this exotic ________ harvested from a place, well, where the sun don't s

to extol the virtues of

praise highly (formal) превозносить достоинства They call it kopi luwak. And after Jack Nicholson ________ ____ ______ of his fancy cup of joe in The Bucket List... Kopi luwak, the rarest beverage in the world.

in captivity

to be locked somewhere, like in a zoo, usually said of animals Animals bred _____ _______ (в неволе)would probably not survive if they were released into the wild.

to take a toll on But this big business comes at a big price for the cats, according to animal rights groups who say captivity takes a serious toll on the civets.

to have a serious, bad effect on someone or something негативно сказываться на But this big business comes at a big price for the cats, according to animal rights groups who say captivity t_______ a serious t_____ on the civets.

to spark a frenzy

вызывать бешенство the state of being so excited, nervous, or anxious that you cannot control what you are doing неистовство, бешенство

icky /ˈɪk.i/

Informal: unpleasant, especially to look at Rory thinks peas are _______.

Kopi luwak, the rarest beverage in the world. spawned a frenzy of demand in the West. spawn /spɔːn/

Kopi luwak, the rarest beverage in the world. s_________ a frenzy of demand in the West. to cause a lot of other things to be produced or to exist порождать

Back in Bali, the civet still reigns supreme. And even if their coffee doesn't always measure up. For many, the thrill of the hunt is tantalizing enough.

Something that is tantalizing is very attractive and makes you want it, although often you cannot have it. дразнящий, волнующий Back in Bali, the civet still reigns supreme. And even if their coffee doesn't always measure up. For many, the t_____ (удовольствие от) of the hunt is t____________ enough.

luxury coffee craze

The phrase, suggests a trend or heightened interest in high-end or premium coffee experiences. This cuddly creature is an Indonesian civet cat, an animal whose precious droppings......hold the secret to a l______ c_______ c______. Isn't that kind of icky when you look at that?

allure spawned a frenzy of demand in the West. So we came to Bali, Indonesia, to better understand the mysterious allure of the most expensive coffee on earth.

The power to attract or charm spawned a frenzy of demand in the West. So we came to Bali, Indonesia, to better understand the m_______ a______ of the most expensive coffee on earth.

to come at a big price

To have a negative or unpleasant consequence due to some action I got the promotion, but it _____ ____ ___ ______ ______, as my ruthless behavior alienated a lot of people.

bucket list

a list of the things you want to do before you reach a certain age, or before you die список желаний


a rare or expensive food that is considered especially nice to eat In some parts of the world, sheep's eyes are considered a great _________.


a single portion of food The quantities given in the recipe should be enough for four ____________.


something that is very popular for a short time повальное увлечение

ringing endorsement

strong recommendation And after tallying votes.That one was my favorite. And the Luwak was the fourth for me. Fourth place. Not a r________ e_______. Especially since this Kapi luwak costs 10 times more than the highest-ranking coffee on the table. tally подсчет (голосов)

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