Italian and German Unification Concept map

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- Constitutional crisis (Ignored parliament, funded military and gaged the press) - Junker (Noble land lord, Prussian) Northern German Confederation- (His Idea, first step to achieve anything) Alvensleben Convention- Prussia offered Russia support against the Polish Revolts. They did this so Russia would not go to France for support. - Em's dispatch- (The telegraph that Bismarck edited that made it look like William I was rude to Benedetti, resulting in the Franco Prussian war.)

Luxembourg Crisis

- France - (France asked the king of Netherlands if they could buy Luxembourg.) - Benedetti Treaty- (The king of netherlands asked Prussia first because Prussia had some armies there. Prussia said "do whatever" which was basically going against what they said in the Benedetti Treaty)

Pope Pius IX

- Prisoner of the Vatican- (He was this when he was protesting against Rome being a part of Italy after French troops were removed from Rome because of the Franco Prussian war.) -Syllabus of Errors- (Made by Pope Pius.)

Alvensleben Convention

-Alvensleben, Gustav von- (Prussian Ambassador to Russia)


-Ausgleich Compromise- (Was made on the Ausgleich Compromise of 1867) -7 Weeks war- (War between Austria and Prussia.) - Grossdeutsch- Big Germany (lots of different ethnicity from the countries that Austria has control over)

Franco Prussian War

-Battle of Sedan- (The main battle was the Battle of Sedan) -Treaty of Frankfurt- (After the Franco Prussian war. Prussia made France give them 5 billion francs, Prussia had the military in France until they paid)


-Benedetti Treaty- (When Bendetti asked Prussia if Prussia would support France in getting Luxembourg.) -Congress of Vienna- (Divided Poland in 3 way, Prussia, Russia and Austria) -7 Weeks war- (War between Austria and Prussia.) -Austrian/Prussian Coalition (Prussia and Austria formed an alliance that would allow them to intervene if Christian IX didn't get rid of the new constitution that linked Schleswig to Denmark.)

London treaty

-Denmark- (Treaty after first war with Denmark that did not work) --denied both France and Prussia so they were guaranteed the dutchie.

treaty of London

-France- (France could not get Luxembourg and Prussia could not have garrisons in Luxembourg anymore.)


-Frankfurt Parlament- Two different groups formed one of them being Kleindeutsch SMALL GERMANY

Frankfurt Parlament

-Germany- (A group of nationalists who wanted to unify Germany peacefully.)

Northern German Confederation

-Hannover, Hesse-Kasse, Nassan, Frankurt- (The states that made up the Northern German Confederation)

7 weeks war

-Italy- (Italy received Venetia if they helped Prussia fight against Austria.)


-Prussia -( Germany needed Prussia yo unify Italy). -Kaiser Wilhelm- (the First ruler of unified Germany.)


-Prussian military superiority- (because of the railroads and because of Prussia's superior economy) -Railrods created because of ZOLLVEREIN

Treaty of Gastein

-Schleswig and Holstein- (Prussia got Schleswig and Austria got Holstein.)

Treaty of Prague

After the 7 weeks war. Austria had no serious consequences but they had to recognize that Prussia had control over the Northern German States.


A secret society that wanted political reform and no more foreign rulers (basically no more Austria ruling Italy). Napoleon III used to be a part of this.

Single Republic Achieved by Popular Insurrection

A way to unify Italy through the nationalists. This would not work because they were not strong enough to defeat Austria during the 1848 revolutions.

Plombieres Treaty

An agreement made between Cavour and Napoleon III. The terms were that France would help get Austria out of Italy if the war had a good reason and it was not revolutionary, France would support a loose confederation of 4 states under the presidency of the pope, Sardinia would become the Kingdom of Upper Italy after gaining Venetia and Lombardy and some Papal states, the Pope would lose land but he would be happy with being president, France would gain Nice and Savoy, and the pact would be sealed by Princess Clotilde marrying Prince Napoleon. Napoleon did this so he could have more French influence in Italy.

Concessions in the Rhine

Bismarck offered France this if they stayed out of the second war with Denmark (Austria/Prussia coalition).

Treaty of Villafranca

Austria would give Lombardy to France (so France could give Lombardy to Sardinia) and the Austrian rulers of Tuscany and Modena would return to power. Austria and France were also supposed to try to make reforms in the Papal States.

1848 Revolutions

Basically all states/countries that got integrated into other countries during the Congress of Vienna revolted.

Congress of Vienna

Caused the 1848 revolutions. Lombardy and Venetia went to Austria, Parma - Modena - Tuscany went to Austria, German Confederation was formed (Austria)

Aggrandizement of Sardinia

Cavour's main goal in the beginning

Duchy Succession Crisis

Denmark didn't know if Christian IX should be the next ruler of Denmark because one side had the female side rule next and the other had the male side rule next.

National Society

Founded by Danielle Manin and Marquis Pallavicino. It supported Italy being unified by Sardinia.

Assassination attempt on Napoleon III

Felice Orsini did this (he was the leader of the Carbonari and thought that Napoleon III wasn't doing enough for the Carbonari).

Austria Hungary

Formed because of the Ausgleich Compromise

"Escape" from Caprera

Garibaldi did this because the Italian government wanted him to attack Rome after French troops were removed (the September Convention). The Italian army would then invade the Papal states so they could stop Garibaldi. The French government heard about this plan before the Italian army could invade and French troops stopped Garibaldi. The French stayed there until the Franco Prussian war started.

South America

Garibaldi spent time here to fight for other revolutionary causes.

1,000 Red Shirts

Garibaldi's army


Germany - after Prussia got control over Schleswig and Holstein (because of the Peace of Nikolsburg), the people in northern Schleswig got to do this to see if they wanted to be a part of Denmark and not Prussia

Cession of Nice and Savoy

Given to France after France supported Sardinia in uniting Parma, Modena, and Tuscany. This made Garibaldi upset because he was born in Sicily.


Given to Italy by France after Napoleon III made the peace with Austria (peace of Villafranca). Lombardy was "freed" during a battle in the war.


Given to Italy if they helped Prussia in the war.

Third French Republic

Happened after the Battle of Sedan when Napoleon III was captured. French liberals formed this after he was captured.

Great Britain

Joined an alliance with France in the Crimean war. Was the 'winner' of the Luxembourg Crisis (because Luxembourg was to remain permanently neutral and that would help Britain against future aggressors in the area).

Traitor of Villafranca

Napoleon III. He did not want to fight in the war against Austria anymore because the war was more costly than expected and he was scared of French public opinion. He was called this by Cavour because he went against the Pact of Plombieres.

Il Risorgimento

Newspaper edited by Cavour

Reorganization of Sardinian Military

One of the things Cavour did so Sardinia would be able to fight against Austria.

Confederation of the States via the Pope

One of the ways to unify Italy. It would not work because the Pope refused to fight against other catholics (Austria is catholic) and the church is an institution and the nationalists wouldn't let the Pope lead.

Christian XI

Ruler of Denmark after Frederick VII, tried to make Schleswig and Holstein a part of Denmark

Joined French-Anglo alliance

Sardinia joined this alliance to fight against Russia in the Crimean war to gain power during the peace process and so Emmanuel could gain stability. They also joined to gain support from France and Britain for the future.

War with Austria

Sardinia wanted to declare war on Austria but they didn't want to seem like the 'bad guys' so Sardinia started to intervene in affairs with Lombardy (owned by Austria) which made Austria upset. Austria tried to give an ultimatum but Sardinia ignored it. Austria declared war on Sardinia. France sided with Sardinia (Pact of Plombieres). Sardinia and France won two battles (which freed Lombardy from Austria). Napoleon III talked with Austria at Villafranca, becoming the traitor of Villafranca. France gave Lombardy to Sardinia, but Sardinia did not give Nice and Savoy to France because France realized that they went against the Pact of Plombieres.

Papal States

September Convention- (A treaty that Napoleon III made with the Italian government that agreed to removing French troops from Rome and in return the Italian army would not attack any of the Papal states or allow it to be attacked by other countries.)


Suffering from Polish revolts, so Alvensleben (the ambassador to this country) was sent there to give Prussian military support

Naples and Sicily

Taken over by Garibaldi, who became the dictator of these places. Garibaldi later handed them over to Victor Emmanuel II when he declared him the first king of Italy.

King Bomba

The bad ruler of Naples and Sicily

Frederick VII (Denmark)

The first ruler of Denmark who tried to make Schleswig and Holstein a part of Denmark.


The founder of Young Italy. He did not do much except for creating the Roman Republic during the 1848 revolutions -Young Italy- (It was the first nationalist group of Italy.)


The militia that each state in the German Confederation had. William I wanted to fund the country's military, but everyone else wanted to fund this.


The prime minister of Sardinia. First he wanted to strengthen Sardinia (made railroads, increased trade, reorganized army) to defeat Austria. He was a part of the Pact of Plombieres with Napoleon III. He resigned after Napoleon III and Austria make the treaty at Villafranca (because it halted the unification). He comes back to unite Parma, Modena, and Tuscany after they revolt and overthrow their rulers. He was the also the one who sent Garibaldi to take over Naples and Sicily but he ended up trying to stop Garibaldi because he was scared of Garibaldi gaining too much power.

Catholic Church

The reason why the Pope would not be able to unify Italy (because it is an institution).

Charles Albert

The ruler of Sardinia before Victor Emmanuel II. He made the Il Statuto to win over the Liberals. He declared war on Austria but Sardinia lost the war. He was very upset about losing the war so he abdicated and Emmanuel II became king.

Peace of Nikolsburg

The terms of this treaty was that the German Confederation was to be destroyed and Prussia would get control over the northern German states. Prussia would also get control over Schleswig and Holstein. This was after the Austro-Prussian war.

Empress Eugenie

The wife of Napoleon III. She wanted to reorganize Europe (Napoleonic Phantasmagoria) and she was also for going to war.


Unified by Sardinia

A way to unify Italy (through Sardinia). This worked because Sardinia was the only state that was not under Austrian control. Sardinia had a strong constitution and leaders.

Unity Under One Powerful Republic

Crimean War

War between Russia, Sardinia, France, and Britain. Russia attacked the Ottoman Empire and they wanted to stop Russian supremacy. Sardinia wanted to gain power by joining the war and they also wanted to gain support from France and Britain.

Hall of Mirrors at Versailles

William I became Kaiser Wilhelm I at this place after the Franco Prussian war out of spite of France.

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