joint classification & skull

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the cranial buttress in the neurocranium is ___


wormian bones may indicate certain types of ____ such as: -osteogenesis imperfect -rickets -menke's disease -cleidocranial dysostosis -hypothyroidism -hypophosphatasia -down's syndrome

synovial joints

____ are capable of the greatest movement of the three structural joint types


according to John Upledger, ___ will occur in any joint in the body that has been damaged from trauma & remains subluxated &/or fixated

Synovial joints

aka diarthrosis

wormian bones

aka intra sutural bones extra bone pieces that occur within a suture in the cranium -irregular isolated bones that appear in addition to the usual ossification centers of the cranium

gliding joints

aka plane joint ___ allow for smooth movement in several directions along a plane or other smooth surface -like two plates sliding across each other

saddle joint

an example of this synovial joint is the carpal-metacarpal joint of thumb

hinge joint

an example of this synovial joint is the elbow joint between the humerus & ulna

pivot joint

an example of this synovial joint is the joint between the first & second cervical vertebrae (atlas-axis) & proximal ends of radius & ulna

squamosal suture

between parietal bone and temporal bone on side of the skull, bordered in back by occipital bone

sagittal suture

between parietal bones



gliding joint (plane joint)

carpal bones of the wrist are an example of what synovial joint

basilar suture

cartilagenous between anterior of basilar portion of occiput & posterior of sphenoid

posterior cranial fossa

cranial base mostly the occipital bone dorsum sallae, petrous & mastoid portion of the temporal0-anterior deepest layer


cranium part that makes up the face


cranium that surrounds the bone


fibrous joint found only in the skull & posess short fibers of connective tissue that hold the skull bones tightly in place


fibrous joint that occurs between teeth & their sockets


fibrous joints in which the bones are connected by a band of connective tissue allowing for more movement than in a suture tibia & fibula in the ankle

Cranial Base

floor of neurocranium sphenoid, temporal, & small portion of ethmoidal

metopic suture

found in frontal bones in infant

synovial joints

freely movable such as knee & finger joints


freely movable joint synovial joints used in body movement

anterior cranial fossa

frontal bone, ethmoid, lesser wing and the body of the sphenoid bone shallowest cranial base

nasal cavity

frontal, sphenoid, nasal, vomer, palatine, maxilla all come together to form the ___ viscero & neuro cranium bones



fibrous joints

immovable or partially movable sutures in skull


joint that permits little or no mobility fibrous


joint that permits slight mobility mostly cartilaginous joints as with vertebrae & some cranial sutures

fibrous cartilaginous synovial

joints that are classified by type pf material or manner bones are united

synovial joints

knees, elbow,s & shoulders are examples of ____ joints

sutures syndesmoses gomphoses

list the three tyeps of fibrous joints

gliding, condyloid, saddle, hinge, ball and socket, pivot

list the types of synovial joints


makes up the facial bones some are paird & some aren't -frontal, nasal, lacrimal, zygomatic, maxillart, ethmoid, inferior nasal concha, palatine, vomer, mandible

John Upledger

man who proved that sutures moved 1/100" & contained blood vessels, nerve fibers & connective tissue -stated that when fusion occurs in the skull it is a pathological condition resulting from trauma that has interfered with normal joint mobility & function

condyloid joint

metacarpophalangeal joints of the hand & radio-carpal joint of the wrist are examples of what synovial joint

semi movable

most sutures of the cranium remain at lease ____ into adulthood

Cranial base

name of the floor of the neurocranium


name of the roof of the neurocranium

synovial cavity

name of the space between adjoining bones in synovial joints filled with synovial fluid

middle cranial fossa

of the cranial base the sphenoidal crest of the lesser wing-anterior the superior crest of the petrous portion of the temporal bone-posterior contains portiosn of the temporal & sphenoid bones


of the viscerocranium, the frontal, maxillary & ethmoid bones have ____ aka air cells making them lighter in weight

cartilaginous joints

partially movable vertebrae & some cranial sutures

cranial stenosis

premature fusion of cranial bones stunt brain growth in children

synarthrosis, synchondrosis

rather than the joints of the adult school being ______, chiropractors & osteopaths consider cranial joints to be ____


skull cap neurocranium frontal, temporal & occipital bones


some bones of the ____ are pneumatized meaning they contain air spaces (sinuses) frontal, ethmoid, temporal, sphenoid decreases weight

lambdoidal suture

suture that separates parietal bones from occipital bone

saddle joints

synovial joint characterized by two bones that fit together in a manner similar to a rider in a saddle

pivot joints

synovial joint in which rotational motion occurs without gliding movement

hinge joints

synovial joint with hinge joint formed between two bones

fibrous joints

the bones of ____ are held together by fibrous connective tissue there is no cavity, space, present between the bones


the bones of this cartilaginous joint are joined by hyalien cartilage


the bones of this skull division have multiple openings, elevations & depressions for nerves, arteries, veins, & muscle passages

connective tissue

the entire synovial joint is surrounded by an articular capsule composed of ____ this allows for movement of the joint & resists dislocation -articular capsules may also possess ligaments that hold the bones together

ball and socket joint

the hip joint (femur-acetabulum) is an example of which synovial joint


the more ____ a joint, the weaker the joint

neural crest

the neurocranium is formed from mesenchyme for the ______

coronal suture

the suture between the parietal and frontal bones of the skull


the viscerocranial & neurocranial bones articulating to form the ____ include the frontal, sphenoid, lacrimal, nasal, zygomatic

pharyngeal arches

the viscerocranium is formed from mesenchyme from the ______

Cranial Buttresses

these are pillars formed by thickened cranial bones that allow forces to pass the orbits & nasal cavity (these areas have thinner bones)

masticatory plates

these are the mandible and maxillary bones for tooth articulation pterygomaxallary & vertical mandible acting as cranial buttresses

condyloid joint

this is similar to a gliding joint, different in that they have na irregular surface where the bones move past one another -like two bowls nested together

synovial fluid

this lubricates the joint, reducing friction between the bones & allowing for greater movement

hinge joints

this type of synovial joint allows for stable flexion & extension without sliding or deviation

pivot joint

this type of synovial joint allows for turning motions without sideways displacement or bending

saddle joints

this type of synovial joint has articulation that allows bending motion in several directions without sliding


type of cartilaginous joint hyaline cartilage covers the end of the bone, but the connection between bone occurs through fibrocartilage found at joints between vertebrae & between the pubic bones

ball and socket joint

type of synovial joihnt that allows for stable movement in several directions without slippage -like saddle, allows for bending in several directions without slipping, creating highly stable & strong joint

synarthrosis synchondrosis diarthrosis

types of joints classified by functional use

frontal, ethmoid, occipital, sphenoid, parietal, temporal

what are the 8 bones that make up the neurocranium

frontal, ethmoid, occipital, sphenoid

what are the four singular bones of the neurocranium

Viscerocranium, masticatory plates, neurocranium

what are the three categories of cranial buttresses

anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, & posterior

what are the three different sections of the cranial base

by type of material or manner bones are united by functional use

what are the two classifications for types of joints

nasomaxillary and zygomaticomaxillary

what are the two minor sutures in the viscerocranium that act as cranial buttresses

parietal & temporal

what are the two paired bones that make up the neurocranium

synchondrosis symphyses

what are the two types of cartilaginous joints?

zygomatic arch, orbit, nasal cavity

what bones of the viscerocranium articulate with the neurocranium bones to form structures

articular cartilage

what kind of cartilage covers the ends of bones of synovial joints (hyaline)


what type of joint is found in the epiphyseal plates of growing bones in children

synovial joints

what type of joint is the only one to have a space between the adjoining bones

Lambdoidal suture

where do wormian bones occur most frequently


which bone is classified as part of the neurocranium & viscerocranium

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