Kines 141 Exam3

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In the first gender tests in 1966, what was the form of testing for females?

"Peaking and poking" then also gynecological exams

What is the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS)?

"Supreme court of sport" established in 1984 to make international athletic decisions.

What are some of the cultural considerations we need to take in account when we think about CTE's?

"Violence sells", media coverage, increasing size of athletes, the "warrior ethic" in sport (used to be about manliness and masculinity), social class (athletes in "collision sports" are more likely to come from a working-class family, schools in inner cities are less likely to have certified sports trainers on staff)

Bullimia Nervosa

"binging and purging", aka eating a lot and then throwing it up

What are the 3 questions that determines if a drug should be banned? (banned if yes to more than 1 question)

1. Is it performance enhancing? 2. Are there health risks to the athlete 3. Does it violate the spirit of sport?

What are the 3 types of muscle? What constitutes the largest organ of the body? What kind declines with age?

1. Smooth muscle, lining in- ternal cavities such as the digestive tract 2. Cardiac muscle in the heart 3. Skeletal muscle

What are 4 problems with using biological explanations to explain racial difference in sport?

1. Suggests that physical superiority = intellectual inferiority 2.Downplays effort, determination, training, etc. 3.gnores impact social and cultural factors like: cultural channeling, role models, stereotypes and prejudice 4. Over-generalizes and ignores differences within races

What are the 5 critiques of sex testing?

1. There is a lack of disciplinary specificity or consensus about how sex is defined. 2. The tests and their resulsts are unreliable and easily misinterpreted. 3. The tests have failed to account for psychological or social status. 4. They violate civil, legal, and human rights to privacy. 5. The sex test is ineffective for proving someone's unfair athletic ability.

Powell writes that, "the notion of blacks as being better athletes is faulty purely by definition." Why?

1. What is an athlete? Blacks are known for being better at running and jumping. If that's what makes someone an athlete, then swimming, bowlers, etc. aren't athletes. What makes someone black? There are so many different countries of origin of "black people".

On average, men's testosterone levels are about____ times higher than women.


Recent research indicates that 1 in ___ boys have eating disorders.

10 (check this number)

The world records for men in sports that rely on strength or size are on the average __% better than for women.


1 in ___ eating disorders are in males

10. Newer research says 4.

Kalenjins represent __% of Kenya's population. They represent about__% of the nation's elite runners. It may be more appropriate to think of differences in ____ __ ____rather than racial differences.

12%, 75%, countries of origin

Dimentia pugilistica

1937 term for punch drunk

Social Construction

A concept, practice, or category created by a particular group of people


A device, either external or implanted, that substitutes for or supplements a missing or defective part of the body


A type of TBI

The bias against people with disabilities is called ____.


______________________________: A system of identification and classification based on bodily measurements.


Warrior Ethic

Athletes are praised for "playing hurt", Athletes blasted for not playing hurt.

Fill in the blanks: One has only to look at the enormous variation in physique in both sexes to appreciate that "unfairness" is more often attributable to _______ genetic variation, irrespective of the ______ chromosome compliment.

Autosomal, sex

In the first half of the 20th century what were the "three big sports"? How many are still a marquee attraction today?

Baseball, boxing, and horse racing. Only one is still a marquee attraction today (baseball?)

"With gene therapy poised to finally become a viable medical treatment, gene doping cannot _______________________."

Be far behind.

Why can "fitspo" be dangerous?

Because the emphasis in on the "perfect" or "ideal" body which can put too much pressure on people to be like the bodies they see.

Why is the word "healthy" a loaded term?

Because there is a fine line between healthy and disordered eating/habits.

Why is the word "healthy" now a loaded term?

Because there is a fine line between healthy and obsessive/disordered. With the obesity epidemic in our country, it is easy to say that "healthy" means thin. But, thin is only healthy if achieved in the right way.


Becoming a cyborg; getting a mechanical part on your body.

Cultural Sensibility

Beliefs, behaviors, and activities vary across cultures; need to understand these in context of their own cultures; helps avoid ethnocentrism.

What type of body portrayal of men is "dramaticalaly more prevalent in society than it was a generation ago"?

Big and lean.

Define binary thinking. What are examples of binary thinking?

Binary thinking- putting 2 seemingly opposite things against each other (when there should be a contiuum) Ex: male/female, fair/unfair, able-bodied/disabled bodiedv

___________________: Myth that denser muscles & bones, lower body fat make those of African descent less "buoyant" (less "float-y," i.e., "sinkers")

Buoyancy Myth.

Ideas about the ______ myth & skull thickness are examples of scientific _____, where scientific measurements are given ______________meanings.

Buoyancy, scientific racism, social meanings.

Why doesn't Powell mention female athletes in his article? (Opinion, inference)

By bringing in gender you would have to acknowledge the differences between females and males along with black and whites.

What does the term "Cablinasian" mean and to whom does it refer?

Caucasian, Black, Indian, and Asian. (Tiger Woods).

What does CTE stand for?

Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

Instead of binary thinking, consider a _____ when it comes to concepts like male/female, fair/unfair, natural body/technology, able-bodied/disability.


What does DSD stand for?

Disorders of Sex Development

Critical Sensibility

Does not take things as they are given; critiques existing society.

What are the 2 ways a female athlete might come to the attention of those who test for hyperandrogenism?

Either she is already diagnosed with hyperangogenism and has to tell the IAFF, or an IAFF Medical Manager can refer her to be tested for any kind of suspicion.

Amid reports that NFL retirees were increasingly found to have dementia, an NFL spokesman denied any connection to football saying dementia "affects many ______ people."


True or false: Football is the only sport where CTE occurs.


True or false: Semenya clocked the best women's 800m time in 2009? Semenya clocked the best women's 800m time in the history of the event.


True of False: the FDA regulates supplements.


True or false: Once a disabled athlete is tested they get a certificate and do not ever have to be tested again.


True or false: Scientists have proven the link between athleticism and testosterone.


True or false: Subconcussive trauma, where no symptoms are experienced, does not cause degradation of the brain.


True or false: The classification system is the same for each sport.


True or false: a synthetic gene is easily distinguishable from its natural counterpart?


True or false: Different cultures define "race" in different terms? Explain.

False. (What Americans may call black could be considered white in other countries).

True or false: By 2011, less than 10 NFL players weighed more than 300 pounds.

False. By 2011, more than 350 were more than 300 pounds.

True of False: since the major steroid scandals in sports, sports revenue has decreased.

False. It has gone through the roof.

True or false: The NFL has always admitted that concussions could have long-term neurological effects.

False. Not until 2007-2009 did they admit it.


Fitness & Inspiration. Supposed to inspire people to workout and be fit. Sometimes it does, sometimes it leads people to practice unhealthy habits.

According to the WADA, what does the term "doping" mean?

From the Dutch word "dop", an alcoholic beverage used by Zulu warriors to enhance their prowess in battle.

What are the Extremity Games?

Games for those with limb loss or disability.


Gene transporters. Scientists inject these into muscles or blood. Viruses are popular vectors. They remove the harmful parts of the virus, inject a human gene into the virus' genetic material and inject the virus into the body.

On Jesse Owens' success at the 1936 Olympics, the narrator from the film Race: The Power of An Illusion asks "How could a society steeped in the science of racial inferiority reconcile itself to Owens' 4 gold medals?" How does the film answer this question?

He excelled because he was closer to the primitive.

Instead of creating a quota system, what did he do? How did this affect Harvard's (and other schools who adopted the same policies) ability to recruit and retain top basketball talent?

He implemented new application processes, like interviews, lists of extra-curricular activities, and lengthy applications. This way he could stop anyone with "a lack of character" aka Jewish people.

Why did Casey Martin sue the PGA? What was the outcome?

He needs to use a golf cart to get around the course because of a severe medical condition. They tried to tell him he couldn't use one because walking the course was a fundamental part of the sport. Martin won the case; they said they were stopping him from making a living.

What does Powell say is the "biggest misconception" in sport? How does he defend this?

He says the biggest misconception in sports is that blacks are totally ruling sport and whites are not. He defends his position with the fact that in America lots of new athletes are coming from European countries, aka white.

What effects can anabolic steroids have on athletes?

Help build muscle, make them faster, etc.


Hybrid creatures composed of organic & mechanical parts. Augmenting biological bodies with prosthetic technologies.

Who is Dutee Chand?

I believe she was the one who had hyperandrogenism and was banned from competition and lost her friends, husband, sponsers, etc. [check this]

What is the NCAA's policy for team names?

In 2005 they banned teams with African American mascots from the post season tournament.

What are the effects of steroids on a person's body?

Increase in muscle mass and bone tissue, stimulates production of red blood cells, also boosts the immune system.

"The split-second difference in the performances of the great Negro and white sprinters of the past and present are _______________________ from an anthropological standpoint.


Powell says it is not false or racist to acknowledge physical differences between people of different culture. It is only racist when it is then concluded that with increased physical/athletic ability comes a decrease in _____.


The "perception of black dominance" doesn't give black athletes enough credit. Why?

It focuses on black athleticism and not black intelligence (this is my guess).

"At first glance" what are some of the benefits of testing for hyperandrogenism? How do the authors question those benefits?

It insures fair competition amongst women.

What is the Athlete Biological Passport?

It is a baseline against what should judge future drug tests. It measures the effects of the drugs, not the presence of the drugs.

What does Tom Simpson show about deviant over-conformity?

It is a rigid and exclusive dedication to training that may effect family relationships, health, etc.

What is EPO and what does it do?

It is a synthetic form of a naturally occurring protein that spurs the produced of oxygen-carrying red blood cells.

Why can't researchers study the effect of steroids?

It is too unethical.

It was once suggested that black sprinters and jumpers' success was due to their "longer heel bones." What did Cobb find in Jesse Owens? What about his calf muscle?

Jesse Owen's heel bone is shorter than the average white man's. His calf muscle has an exceptionally long belly.

In the early 20th century, Harvard's president Lawrence Lowell wanted to limit the number of "undesirable" students who could enroll. Who did he consider undesirable?

Jewish people.

Using the terms over-representation & under-representation explain the Kalenjins' achievements in Kenya's distance running history.

Kalenjins are over-represented in Kenya's Olympic team.

How might liability suits lead to the death of football?

Liability suits can be made against any coach or referee at any time, this might start to scare people into just staying away.

What is one of the biggest points of contention when it comes to determining whether Pistorius has an advantage over athletes without prosthetics? If true, his ability to do this means that Pistorius can _____. The longer the foot remains on the ground, _____________.

Limb-repositioning time: his legs take less time to swing front to back because they weigh less than normal legs. The ability to swing ones leg faster means the ability to keep it on the ground for longer. The longer the foot remains on the ground, the more force is generated to push off the ground with.

What is the "Barr Body" test?

Looking 2 X chromosomes.

Historical Sensibility

Looking at how history has shaped our culture today. Looking at what was happening in history when a phenomenon in society formed.

If an athlete does not pass her test, she is banned from competition until she __________.

Lowers her testosterone levels.

The "bred-during-slavery-story" is a _______. Explain this statement.

Myth. Slaves weren't bred.

What is hyperandrogenism?

Naturally high levels of testosterone

Do supplement producers have to prove their safety?


The people behind a study believe that NFL linemen might be genetic outliers. Did the results of the study confirm or deny that initial theory?

No, the pros had no genetic advantages over the average Joes.

Did the NFL admit that they ignored the risk of concussion and head injuries?

No, they said they never said there was not a risk.

At first, did males have to do sex testing?


Do most side effects of steroids go away after women stop using them?


Does the IOC allow amphetamines?


If an athlete "doped" his or her genes using a virus (or vector), would the presence of that particular synthetic gene show up in his or her urine? In his or her blood? Where would it show up?

No. No. In the muscle.

Gene doping

Non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, or genetic elements to enhance athletic performance

From Race: The Power of An Illusion (video clip) — What is the measuring device for race? How do you measure it?

None. You can't measure race

What is the "certificate of femininity"?

Once a female passed the sex test, she would receive a license that confirmed she was a female, and she had to bring it to competitions in order to not be retested.

Can the FDA take a supplement off the market?

Only if it is proven to be unsafe.

What does "para" mean?

Parallel to or alongside of. (The Paralympic games are alongside the Olympics, they are held in the same location a few weeks after.)

What is the "contagion effect"? Define what it means and explain how it relates to a possible death of football.

Parents have started to think twice about letting their kids play football, and that leads other parents to think about it.

What are the health risks associated with hyperandrogenism?

Possible malignancy of testicular tissue. There are not many health risks connected with hyperandrogegism.

Fill in the blank: "Maybe it's not really about race, but about ___________"

Power and history.


Primary impact (when one gets hit)

What are "the classifiers" responsible for at the Paralympics?

Putting the athletes in categories based on their abilities so that they can compete against athletes with similar ability levels.

What is "people first language"?

Putting the person before the disability. "A person with a disability" instead of a "disabled person". Also avoid "retarded" and "handicapped". Use "challenge" or "disability".

Name 4 problems with the classification of ability in the Paralympic Games?

Range of disabilities within one class Athletes misrepresent their disability (e.g. spanish intellectual disability basketball) Classifiers can make errors Equipment and technology influence ability

How does one get CTE?

Repeated blows to the head. Very common in football players.

What is CTE?

Result of repeated hard hits. Can lead to death and mental problems.

Who is Tom Simpson?

Rode in the 1967 Tour de France, died while riding. His last words were "put me back on my bike".

What Italian American Brooklyn Dodger once hit 40 home runs in a season? Why is this more than a "trivia(l)" question?

Roy Campanella. Dad was Silican and Mom was black.

In 1948, "science has not revealed that ____".

Science has revealed no consistent Negro trait that is responsible for their athletic advantages.

What is "nutrigenomics"?

Scientific study of the reaction between nutrition and genes.


Secondary impact (when one gets hit)

What are the definitions of sex and gender?

Sex= biological and physiological characteristics Gender=what we identify with based on characteristics

People tend to think that stereotypes are honest reflections of what they see in the world. But instead, they often ________________, how we metabolize the data in front of us.

Shape how we see the world.

A group of scientists met at Rice University to study Pistorius again. They found that was "physiologically ________ but mechanically _______" to someone running with intact legs. He uses ______ the same way natural-legged sprinters do, but he moves his body __________.

Similar, dissimilar. Oxygen, differently.

What point does Powell make about slavery and selective breeding?

Since slavery the amount of mixed people born has gone up, it's very difficult to find one person who is only white. There's many things you have to measure when trying to compare people, not just race, but also their environment, culture, etc.

Entine writes that the main reasons Jews dominated hoops were ______. Explain.

Sociological. The Jewish immigrants lived in inner-cities with little money, which leads to games like basketball.

Disability sport

Sport designed for athletes with disabilities.


Sport in South Asia, wrestling like, includes repeatedly saying "Kabaddi" to prove they are holding their breath. Not an Olympic sport.

Bracketed Morality

Sport may provide a temporary release from everyday morality. Moral exchange in sport is "bracketed off" from everyday life-but not totally separate from. Athletes may bracket their morality in context of sport (fail to consider humanity of opponent, intent to injure).

What is the definition of steroids?

Steroids- synthetic versions of hormones that your body usually produces naturally.

What do amphetamines do?

Stimulate the CNS

What are the benefits of human growth hormones?

Stimulates the growth of muscle, cartilage, bone, cellular regeneration, tissue repair. Better recovery time.

In the 2013 settlement between the NFL and 4,000 players in a lawsuit, what was the settlement?

The NFL settles the lawsuit for $765 million. The NFL didn't even admit that it had done anything wrong.

In the late-1950s, what happened so that U.S. Olympic coaches learned about the benefits of athletes taking steroids?

The Russian was drunk one night at the Olympics and told then U.S. coach that the athletes had been using steroids. So, the U.S. coach went and developed a better kind of steroid for his team.

Why did the IOC abandon the tests that looked for the presence of the SRY gene?

The SRY gene leads to teste development, which is what is responsible for male athletic advantage. But, there are certain conditions that make women have the SRY gene.

How did the Paralympic Games begin?

The Stoke Mandeville Games. Gottmann created the games because he was working with veterans with spinal cord injuries. In order to help with therapy, he organized games for the patients. This eventually becomes the Paralympic Games.

When weighing the potential athletic advantages of hyperandrogenism against the actual harms of treatment, what do the authors argue?

The author points out that treatment can lead to dehydration, lack of electrolytes, etc. These things could be more detrimental than having more testosterone could be beneficial.

How is the "male advantage in certain sports... most likely explained"?

The male advantage in certain sports is most likely explained by the fact that the male body naturally produces much more testosterone than females.


The national sport of Afghanistan. Similar to polo, but played with goat carcasses.


The process of of introducing an exogenous gene into an organism.

The author notes "a steady, not drastic, decline" in the number of African Americans in sports. To what does he attribute the decline?

The rise of a black middle class. They have more money and education. They have a more worldly view of things: they are more likely to join the debate team or chorus instead of just going toward sports.

What is the Buccal smear?

The saliva sample used for the barr body test

Why was the Duke football team looking for athletes with the sickle cell trait? In what way can this test be viewed as discriminatory?

The sickle cell trait causes Oxygen-carrying red blood cells to change shape and get stuck in the arteries during intense physical exertion. This can lead to death due to heat stroke, cardiac arrest, or kidney failure.

Structural Sensibility

The social patterns that organize society; relate to relationships of power, privilege, and prestige.

In Paralympic rugby, what is the rule about number of people on the court?

There can not be more than 4 people on the court and they cannot exceed 8 points (Each person is given a point value based on their abilities).

Why might action figures contribute to body concerns in boys?

They are like barbies for girls, and they are getting more muscular and leaner.

The Spanish men's intellectual disability basketball team lost the gold medal it won at the 2000 Sydney Games. Why?

They had purposefully failed their tests.

What is "the thing that is unique about soccer" when it comes to head injuries, according to this article?

They head the ball again and again and again for years.

How does the IAAF justify testing for hyperandrogenism?

They say that high levels of testosterone leads to health problems later in life. They say they are just worried about their health.

How do supplement makers get away with not listing all of their ingredients?

They use the term "blend"

Why did the IAAF and IOC make rules against hyperandrogenism?

They wanted to inform, identify, and treat women with hyperandrogenism.

In the 1930's, what was the supposed explanation for over-represnation of Jews in basketball?

They were "sly and cunning". The Jewish immigrants moved to cities so they naturally played games like basketball.

What does TBI stand for?

Traumatic brain injury

True or false: female soccer players report concussions more than male soccer players.


True or false: WADA is worried about testing for gene doping.

True, they have already asked scientists to start looking for ways to prevent the usage of them.

True of False: most side effects from steroids go away when men stop using them.


True or False: Every Paralympic sport has its own classification system.


True or False: Steroids have been being used for legitimate medical reasons since the 1930's.


True or False: you can buy steroids on the internet.


True or False? The US patent cancelled the trademark of the term "Redskin".


True or false: The IAAF (international governing body of track and field) banned Pistorius from competing against "able-bodied" athletes after the first study conducted in Germany.


True or false: The NFL committee, formed in 1994, that investigated brain injuries in players found that concussions had no long-term neurocognitive consequences.


True or false: As of 2011 the IAAF states that it no longer requires "sex testing" or "gender verification."

True. Only if their is suspicion do they test.

True or false: There is no single physiological or biological marker that allows for the simple categorization of people as male or female.

True. Sex is not binary.

True or false: An individual women's testosterone levels can vary from one day to the next. From one year to the next?

True. True.

True or false: The IOC allowed Oscar Pistorius to run in the 2012 Olympic Games. The 2012 Paralympic Games?

True. True.

True or false: There are few published studies on the influence of endogenous testosterone and athletic performance in women.

True.(One reason for this could be the need to take in account the fluctuation of hormones during the menstrual cycle).

Tug-of-war and Plunge for Distance

Used to be Olympic sports

What state makes more than 25% of supplements?


How is "gender policing" in sport a type of homophobia?

We often connect gender normalcy (for women this means long hair, painted nails, sex appeal) to heterosexuality. And therefore, we connect lack of gender normalcy with homosexuality.

Why is it problematic that our country's standards of health are based on weight?

Weight does not always indicate health.


When the % represented in the sample is higher than the % in the population. (The community is 50% black but the team is 75% black)


When the % represented in the sample is lower than the % in the population. (The community is 50% black but the team is only 25% black.)

This helps us consider that it's more appropriate to think of differences in _________________ rather than racial differences.

Where you are from

If a woman's testosterone levels are with the "male range," under what circumstances is she allowed to compete in women's sports?

Women with CAIS have testosterone in the male range, but can still compete because it is proven that testosterone does not effect them.

What is the WADA?

World Anti-doping Agency

Is sport a social construct?

Yes, it is. In America we put a lot of money into football, it creates many jobs and brings in a lot of revenue. We encourage out kids to play football. All of these things and others make football a big deal in America, and therefore it is a social construct.

Are birth control pills steroids?


Are there legitimate medical reasons for anabolic steroids?


Can an athlete challenge her/his classification if unhappy with the results?



You don't see yourself as big as you actually are

Define "genotype"

Your particular version of genes

How does the NFL's denial of a connection between concussions and later neurological problems affect high school and youth football players?

Youth and high school programs look to the NFL as a guide; if the NFL says there's no risk, they believe it. If the NFL changes a rule, they then change a rule.

The governing bodies for Pop Warner (youth football), high school, and college football changed most of their rules regarding concussions only ________.

after the NFL did.

Anorexia Athletica

compulsive, excessive exercise

Adonis Complex

describes a variety of body image concerns plaguing boys and men

Blood doping

extracting blood, freezing it, putting it back in the body (illegal)


foreign or originating outside of the body. (anablolic steroids=look for evidence of exogenous testosterone)


hits below the concussion threshold

Oxygen combustion tank

lay in a chamber (legal), get more oxygen in blood.

Human Growth Hormone


Training or sleeping in high altitudes

legal. Makes training at normal altitudes easier.

Muscle Dysmorphia

obsessive preoccupation with muscularity


originating or produced within an organism, tissue, or cell; caused by factors within the body. (Hyperandrogenism=look for evidence of elevated levels of endogenous testosterone).

Disordered Eating

range of irregular eating behaviors; preoccupation with food that affects your life.

Anorexia Nervosa

restriction of calorie intake to lose weight

"punch drunk"

when someone acts strangely or goofily because of too many repeated blows to the head

Body Dysmorphia

when you don't see how muscular you really are, you think you are "too small"

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