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- Cells are basic building blocks of life - All plants and animals are made of cells - All living things contain at least one cell

All Organisms are composed of cells

"Look at these tiny organisms under my Microscope! I am going to call them Animalcules".

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

All cells come from pre-existing cells

Components of Cell Theory 3

The activity of an entire organism depends on the total activity of it's independent cells

Components of Cell Theory 4

All plants are made of cells

Matthais Schleiden

"These spaces in this cork look like Little Cells".

Robert Hooke

Cells do not magically appear. Cells come from pre-existing cells

Rudolph Virchow

All animals are made of cells

Theodore Schwann

"Hey son! Come and see my new invention. I'm going to call it a Microscope".

Zacharias Janssen

-Cells come from pre-existing cells - This part of the cell theory was proposed by Rudolph Virchow - Cells divide to make new cells

Cells are made from other cells

- Cells respond, reproduce, and extract energy - Cell membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell - Mitochondria gives energy to cells - Cell activities are controlled by the nucleus

Cells carry out similar functions

All living organisms are composed of one or more cells

Components of Cell Theory 1

Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all organisms

Components of Cell Theory 2

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