lab exam 2 - human anatomy

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movements of the lower limb (ankle)

-PLANTAR flexion -dorsiflexion -Inversion/eversion -OUCH

the acromion articulates with the __ of the __ and forms the ___ joint

-acromial end -clavicle -acromioclavicular

elbow joint

-hinge joint

purpose of the spine

-support bodyweight -protect spinal cord

bones of the foot

-talus, -calcaneus(heel -metatarsals -phalanges -cuboid -navicular (keystone) -cuneiforms(M,I,L)

abdominal muscles superficial to deep

1- external oblique (rotation of trunk): on front and the side of the abdomen 2- internal oblique (rotation of trunk): under the external obliques 3- rectus abdominis: located along the front of the abdomen 4- transverse adbominis: under the obliques: deepest of the abs

Superficial posterior compartment of foot and ankle

1. gastrocnemius - plantar flexion at the ankle and knee flexion 2. plantaris- weak plantar flexion of foot, flexion of knee 3. soleus- plantar flexion of foot

Anterior compartment of foot and ankle

1. tibialis anterior- dorsiflexes and inversion of foot 2. extensor hallucis longus - dorsiflex and extension of great toe 3. extensor digitorum longus - dorsiflexion and extends distal and medial phalanges

Deep posterior compartment of foot and ankle

1. tibialis anterior- plantar flexion at ankle and inversion of foot 2. flexor digitorum longus- plantar flexion and middle/distal phalange flexion 3. popliteus- knee flexion abd medially rotate tibia to unlock knee

How many groups are intrinsic muscles divided into?


there are __ metacarpal bones


Spine is composed of

7 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, & 5 sacral vertebrae - and coccyx

action, insertion, and origin of abductor hallucis

A: Abduction/Flexion of hallux at metatarsophalangeal joint O: Calcaneus, plantar aponeurosis, and flexor retinaculum I: medial side of proximal phalanx of hallux

action, insertion, and origin of dorsal interossei

A: Abduction/Flexion of toes 2-4 at metatarsophalangeal joints and Extension of toes at interphalangeal joints O: adjacent side of all Metatarsals I: Proximal phalanges, both sides of toe 2, and lateral side of 3 & 4.

action, insertion, and origin of quadratus plantae

A: Flexion of toes 2-5 at interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints O: calcaneus I: tendon of flexor digitorum longus

action, insertion, and origin of abductor digits minimi

A: adduction/flexion of digiti minimi at metatarsophalangeal joint O: Calcaneus, plantar aponeurosis, and flexor retinaculum I: Lateral side of proximal phalanx of digiti minimi

action, insertion, and origin of adductor halluces

A: adducts/Flexes hallux at metatarsophalangeal joint O: Metatarsals 2-4, ligaments of 3-5 metatarsophalangeal joints and tendon of fibularis longus I: lateral side of proximal phalanx of hallux

action, insertion, and origin of extensor digitorum brevis

A; extends toes 2-4 at interphlanageal joint O: Calcaneus and Inferior Extensor retinaculum I: Middle phalanges of toes 2-4

what is the name of the lateral end of the clavicle. what joint does it help form?

Another name for the lateral end of the clavicle is the Acromial End. It helps to form the acromioclavicular joints.

what is the name of the medial end of the clavicle. what joint does it help form?

Another name for the medical end of the clavicle is the sternal end of the clavicle. This helps to form the sternoclavicular joint. The medial end, known as the sternal end of the clavicle, has a triangular shape and articulates with the manubrium portion of the sternum. This is the only bony articulation between the upper limb of the axial skeleton and the pectoral girdle.

glenohumeral joint

Articulation of the head of the humerus with the glenoid cavity of the scapula -ball and socket synovial joint

Why would it be anatomically "unintelligent" to have the sturdiest vertebrae in the cervical instead of the lumbar region of the spine?

Because lumbar region bears the greatest weight.

Muscles of the Upper Extremity

Biceps brachii -short head -long head -brachialis -brachioradialis Triceps brachii -long head -short head -medial head -aconeus Deltoid: -anterior -medial -posterior

What muscles consist of the wrist extensor group (4 muscles)?

Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus, Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis, Extensor Carpi Ulnaris,

Each finger has 3 phalanges? Is this true or false and explain.

False, the thumb and the large toe only have two phalanges

What muscles make up the wrist flexor group (3 muscles)?

Flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, flexor pollicis longus

bones of pelvic girdle

Hip bones: -Ilium -pubis -Ischium Sacrum Coccyx

muscles of the hip

Hip flexors: -Iliacus -psoas major: together, the iliac and posts major are referred to as the iliapsoas Hip extensors: -gluteus maxiumus Adductors: -gracilis -adductor mangus/longus/brevis Abductors: -gluteus medius -tesnor fasciae latae

where is the scapula locates, and what portion of the body does the scapula occupy? Use directional nomenclature

In humans they are triangular and lie on the upper back between the levels of the second and eighth ribs. The superior portion of the body.

How does this common heel pain occur and what are common treatments?

Inflammation of the thick tissue on the bottom of the plantar fascia. Occurs a lot in runners and people, people who are overweight, and shoes that have inadequate support. resting, icing the painful area and stretching.

Muscles of the lower extremities

Knee extensor: -vastus lateralis -vastus medialis -vastus intermedius -rectus femoris Knee flexors: -biceps femoris -semitendinosus -semimembranous

What is the anatomical term for the "knuckles"?

MCP joint

The pronator-extensor group of forearm muscles originates on the:

Medial humeral epicondyle

lateral compartment of foot and ankle

Peroneus longus- plantar flexion and eversion of foot peroneus brevis- plantar flexion and eversion of foot

purpose of the shoulder girdle

Purpose of the shoulder girdle is to attach the bones of the free upper limbs to the axial skeleton and it helps increase the range of motion of the upper extremities.

proximal radius and ulna

Radius (thumb side) - head -neck -radial tuberosity Ulna (pinkie side) -trochlear notch -radial notch -cornoid process -olcranon

Shin splints refers to soreness along the tibia specifically the medial, distal two-thirds. Please describe what are possible causes:

Repetitive stress on the tibia and the connective tissues that attach your muscles to the bone. Most often, the activity is high impact and repetitive exercise of your lower legs.. Occurs alot in runners and gymnasts. You get shin splints from overloading your leg muscles, tendons or shin bone.

What ribs are also known as vertebrosternal ribs?

Ribs 1-7 are classified as true ribs (vertebrosternal ribs). The costal cartilage from each of these ribs attaches directly to the sternum.

What is the function of the intervertebral foramen?

The foramen allows for the passage of the spinal nerve root, dorsal root ganglion , the spinal artery of the segmental artery, communicating veins between the internal and external plexuses, recurrent meningeal (sinu-vertebral) nerves, and transforaminal ligaments.

The metacarpal bones are number 1-5, which metacarpal is number 1?

The metacarpal bone of the thumb

The lateral and medial malleoli are most similar to

The radial and ulnar styloid processes

Describe the two different purposes of the sub divisions of the skeletal system

The two subdivisions of the skeletal system are the axial and appendicular skeleton. The axial skeleton helps to form the central, vertical axis of the body and all of the bones of the head, neck, chest, and back are included in this particular subdivision. Its function is to protect the spinal cord, heart, lungs, and the brain.It is also the attachment site got different muscles that help to move the neck, head, and back, and the hip and the shoulder muscles that act across these two places. The appendicular skeleton is made up of bones from both the upper and lower limbs, and the pectoral and pelvic girdles. Its main function is to allow out body to perform movements such as grabbing things, locomotion and other things.

The popliteal space is found on what aspect of the knee joint?

a) Anterior ] b) Posterior c) Lateral d) Medial

All of the following muscles flex the forearm except the:

a) Brachialis b) Biceps brachii c) Brachioradialis d) Anconeus

Which of the following muscles are a pure forearm flexor and maintain its leverage regardless of forearm position (supination or pronation)?

a) Brachialis b) Brachioradialis c) Biceps brachii d) Coracobrachialis

Because of the location of the palmaris longus, which of the following muscle actions does it not contribute to?

a) Flexing the wrist b) Flexing the elbow c) Abducting the wrist d) None of the above

.Which of the following muscles of the hip joint does not attach to the pubic bone?

a) Pectineus b) Adductor brevis c) Gracilis d) Iliacus

Which of the following hip adductor muscles also crosses the knee joint?

a) Pectineus b) Adductor magnus c) Gracilis d) Adductor longus

When the knee joint moves into extension, which muscle becomes the external rotator of the lower leg?

a) Plantaris b) Popliteus c) Biceps femoris d) Rectus femoris

. Which of the following muscles is the longest in the human body?

a) Sartorius b) Rectus femoris c) Semitendinosus d) Tensor fascia lata

Which of the following muscles is considered the lateral hamstring muscle?

a) Semitendinosus b) Semimembranosus c) Biceps femoris d) Rectus femoris

Which of the following muscles is found beneath the rectus femoris muscle?

a) Vastus lateralis b) Vastus intermedius c) Vastus medialis d) Vastus femoris

Which of the following bones of the pelvis is not part of the structure known as the acetabulum?

a. Ilium b. Ischium c. Sacrum d. Pubis

major muscles of the thorax

abdominal muscles: - rectus abdominis -trasnverse abdominis -Internal oblique -external oblique -Intercostal muscles (help move/form chest wall) Posterior Thoracic: -latissimus dorsi -teres major -erector spinae

What bony structure of the pelvis articulates with the head of the femur?


The ___________________________ muscle is small anThe supinator-extensor group of forearm muscles originates on the:d prevents the ulna from moving out of the olecranon fossa during pronation and supination of the forearm.


what muscle assists the triceps brachia in extending the forearm at the elbow joint


the coracoid process is on what side of the body?

anterior side of the body

what does ASIS stand for

anterior superior iliac spine

the shoulder girdle is apart of the

appendicular skeleton

acromioclavicular joint

articulation b/w the scorpion process of the scapula and lateral end of clavicle -shoulder separation happens here

sternoclavicular joint

articulation of the manubrium of sternum and the first costal cartilage with the medial end of the clavicle

Purpose of shoulder girdle

attach the bones of the free upper limbs to the axial skeleton

what muscles comprise of the anterior compartment

biceps brachii, coracobrachiallis, brachialis

The ___________ is the largest carpal bone and is proximal to the ______________ metacarpal bone

capitate 3rd

The disc-shaped head of the radius articulates with the _________ of the humerus


shoulder girdle is made up of

clavicle and scapula

intervertebral discs act at

cushioning between vertebrae

Bones of the elbow joint

distal humerus, ulna, radius

The external oblique fibers run (of the abdominal wall)

down and medial

The portion of the pelvis superior to the pelvic brim is the _____________________ pelvis


features of the radius and ulna articulate with corresponding aspects of the humerus

for exemple the trochlear notch and the trochlea, olecranon, olecranon fossa, etc/

shoulder girdle stability is sacrificed in exchange for

greater mobility (not usually weight bearing )

The ______________________________ of the ____________________________ fits into a depression called the acetabulum

head femur

the proximal end of the humerus articulate with the ___ of the __ and forms the ___ joint

head scapula glenohumeral

. The motion that all gluteal muscles have in common is:

hip abduction

what is the longest and largest bone of the free upper limb?


The greater sciatic notch is an indentation seen on the ______________


the lower limb is connected via

interosseous membrane

What is the attachment site for all wrist extensor muscles?

lateral epicondyle of the humerus

The supinator-extensor group of forearm muscles originates on the:

lateral humeral epicondyle

On what bone is each of the following features located: a. Lateral malleolus - Fibular notch - Tibial tuberosity -

lateral- fibula fibular- tibia tibial- tibia

the clavicle articulates with the ___ of the sternum


The Pronator Teres attaches to what (origin)?

medial epicondyle (humerus)

What is the attachment site for all wrist flexor muscles?

medial epicondyle humerus

All of the quadriceps muscles attach onto this structure.


The sesamoid bone that forms in the tendon of the quadriceps muscles is the _________________________.


shoulder girdle is also the

pectoral girdle

anterior thorax muscles

pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, subclavius

The ___________ is the smallest carpal bone and is the most ______________ of the carpals

pisiform medial

What is the most common cause of heel pain?

plantar fasciitis

The lesser trochanter is on the ____________________________ surface of the _________________.

posterior femur

the acromion process is on what side of the body?

posterior side

what does PSIS mean

posterior superior iliac spine

what is the main action of the muscles that move the pectoral girdle

primary purpose is to stabilize the scapula so it can function as a steady origin for most muscles that move the humerus

. The pelvic muscle that bridges the spine and hip is the:


this muscle inserts on the xiphoid process

rectus abdominis

During abdominal surgery, the surgeon makes a cut through the muscle directly to the right of the linea alba. The muscle that is being cut would be the

rectus abdominus

The only quadriceps muscle that acts on the hip joint is the:

rectus femoris

5 fused vertebrae


The _______________________ processes of the radius and ulna form bony protuberances on each side of the wrist.


name two fusses of the scapula

superior to the spine is the narrow supraspinous fossa, and inferior to the spine is the broad infraspinous fossa

What are the 4 rotator cuff muscles?

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis

what does the glenoid cavity articulate with and what joint does it form

the glenoid cavity, which articulates with the head of the bone of the upper arm, the humerus, to form the shoulder joint.

When you rest your hands on your hips, you are resting them on

the iliac crests

The bone that supports your body weight when you are sitting down is:

the ischium

2. Which malleolus at the ankle joint is the most distal in relation to the other?

the lateral malleolus

Most ________________________ vertebrae have a long spinous process that is angled inferiorly.


The lower limb is composed of:

tibia and fibula

primary purpose of the shoulder girdle muscles

to stabilize the scapula do it can function as a steady origin for most of the muscles that move the humerus

The transverse abdominis fibers run (of the abdominal wall)


what muscles comprise of the posterior compartment

triceps brachii

which tricep muscle crosses the shoulder joint

triceps brahcii long head

The external intercostals originate on the inferior border of each rib and depress the ribs during respiration


The olecranon is at the proximal end of the:


The internal oblique fibers run (of the abdominal wall)

up and medial

the rectus abdominis runs (of the abdominal wall) fibers


Of the following, which is the most deep trunk muscle?

(a) External oblique (b) Transverse abdominis (c) Internal oblique (d) Rectus abdmoinis

Which of these muscles has an attachment site on ribs 8 - 12 and the spinous processes of the inferior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae?

(a) Latissumus dorsi (b) Internal oblique (c) Erector spinae group (d) Rectus abdominis

posterior/thoracic muscles of the scapula:

- trapezius (1,2,3,4) -rhomboid major/minor -levator scapula -latissimus dorsi -subscapularis -supraspinatus -Infraspinatus -teres major/minor

what muscle and or muscles elevate, depress, retract, and protract the scapula ( 6 )

- trapezius, rhombus major and minor, pectorals minor, elevator scapula and serrates anterior

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