Lab practical 2

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The exocrine cells of the pancreas are called ______ and secrete _____. The endocrine cells of the pancreas are called _____ and secrete _______

1. Acinar cells 2. Pancreatic juices 3. Pancreatic islets 4. Hormones

List the respiratory structures along the respiratory tract in order oxygenated air should be number one and structures of gas exchange take place should be number 11

1. Nasal cavity 2. Nasopharynx 3. Oropharynx 4. Larngopharynx 5. Larynx 6. Trachea 7. Bronchi 8. Bronchiole 9. Terminal bronchiole 10. Respiratory bronchiole 11. Alveolar sac

Lymph nodes filter ____ , and the spleen filters _____

1. lymph 2. Blood

Which of the following is not a basic physiological process of respiration?

A. Pulmonary gas exchange B. Glycolytic catabolism C. Pulmonary ventilation D. Gas transport E. Tissue gas exchange

What is salivary amylase

Begins carbohydrate digestion in the mouth

Carbon dioxide is transported through the blood primarily as


What law does the balloon lung model represent?

Boyles law

Passages in the respiratory tract smaller than one millimeter in the diameter are called


The enzyme that convert carbon dioxide and water into carbonic acid is

Carbonic anhydrase

Which of the following is not a type of nonspecific immune response

Cell mediated immunity

What are micelles

Clusters of bile salts and digestive lipids

According to Boyle's law as the volume of the container increases the pressure _______ conversely as the volume of a container decreases the pressure_______

Decreases Increases

Balloon lung model: When the diaphram is pushed up the voume of the cavity ______, causing pressure to _____

Decreases Rise

What are brush border enzymes

Digestive enzymes associated with the entrocytez of the small intestine

Passive expiration is achieved primarily by the

Elastic recoil of the lungs

What are bile salts

Emulsifies fats

What are pancreatic lipase

Enzyme that digests lipids into free fatty acids and monoglycerides

The piece of elastic cartilage that seals off the larynx during swallowing is called


True or false. The gallbladder produces and stores bile


True or false. The immune system's response to an infection involves either the nonspecific response or the specific responses but not both


True or false. The longest segment of the small intestine is the duodenum


True or false. The peritoneal cavity is located between the visceral peritoneum and the mesentery


which of the following organs is not a part of the alignmentary Canal


Balloon lung model: When the diaphram is pulled down the volume of the cavity ________, causing pressure to ____

Increases Fall

Hyperventilation ___________ the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled and therefore _________ the blood pH. Hypoventilation ________ the amount of carbon dioxide exhaled and therefore _____ the blood pH

Increases, rises. Decreases, decreases

Air moves into the lungs when

Intrapulmonary pressure is less than atmospheric pressure

The vessels of which fats are absorbed are


The cortex of a lymph node contains spherical clusters called _______, that contain primarily ______

Lymphatic nodules B lymphocytes

Which of the following is not a function of the lymphatic system

Maintaining blood pressure

What is inspiratory capacity

Maximum amount of air that can be inhaled with a forced inspiration

What is vital capacity

Maximum amount of exchangeable air that can be ventilated with forced inspiration and expiration

What is total lung capacity

Maximum amount of exchangeable and non-exchangeable air in the lungs

What are the three structures that constitute the respiratory membrane

Mucosa, submucosa, adventitia

Which of the following is not a tissue layer of the respiratory


What are chylomicrons?

Protein coated lipid droplets that are absorbed

What are trypsin

Protein digesting enzymes produced by the pancreas

What is pepsin

Protein digesting enzymes produced by the stomach lab practical 1

What is hydrochloric acid

Required to activate pepsinogen

What are lacteals

The structures into which lipids are absorbed

True or false. The liver consists of plates of hexagonal liver lobule


True or false. The small intestine features 3 sets of progressively smaller folds that increase surface area for absorption


True or false. The stomach has three layers of smooth muscles that contract churn food into chyme


What is residual volume

Volume air remaining in the lungs after forceful expiration

What is tidal volume

Volume of air exchanged with normal quiet breathing

What is expiratory reserve volume

Volume of air forcibly expired after a tidal expiration

What is inspiratory reserve volume

Volume of air forcibly inspired after a tidal inspiration

What is functional residual capacity

Volume of the air in the lungs after a tidal expiration

What's of the following is not a trend we find within the respiratory

the amount of elastic fibers increases in the smaller passages

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