Lab Urinalysis

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Fruity smelling urine:


Ammonia smelling urine:

bacteria & diabetes

Leukocytes in the urine sediment and a positive nitrite reaction on the urinary colorimetric strip give presumptive evidence that the patient may have a:

bacterial infxn

Aged urine samples left at room temp. and exposed to UV light may cause a false negative result in which of the following biochemical tests:


The Ictotest is used to detect __ in urine.


What urine sediment component would be mos significant?

blood cells

In what species is ketonuria most commonly found?


Fresh urine appears what color when myoglobinuria is present?


The most common urine crystal seen in horses and rabbits is:

calcium carbonate

Which of the following crystals is most likely to be foumd in the urine of an animal with ethylene glycol toxicity?

calcium oxalate

Which of the following statements regarding casts is false?

casts dissolve in acidic urine

Fat droplets in urine samples are most commonly seen in:


The urine of an animal with hematuria is most likely to be?

cloudy and red

A good initial urinary screening tests for suspected Cushing dz is:

cortisol/creatinine ratio


crystals in the urine- can cause kidney irritation

Squamous epithelial cells are NOT normally seen in urine samples obtained by:


What change would NOT be seen in stale urine?

decrease in pH

A drop of __ added to the urine sediment lyses RBC's but not fat droplets.

dilute acetic acid

What can you do if the SG of a urine sample is greater than 1.065?

dilute it 1:2 with distilled water


dilute urine- PD, diabetes, renal dz.


excess urea in the urine


excessive amounts of urine

In a urine sample, a red blood cell may be easily confused with a/an:

fat droplet

The best sample to examine for specific gravity of canine urine it the:

first morning sample

Casts seen urine sediment are:

formed in renal tubules

Clear, slightly cloudy:

fresh urine

Stress and epinephrine release and release in cats may cause an increase in:


Glucosuria, Glycosuria, Dextrosuria:

glucose (sugar) in the urine- uncontrolled diabetic

A renal cast is:

glycoprotein mold of the renal tubules

What type of cast is the most common on found in urine?


Before beginning other diagnostics of the urine, a __ examination is recommended.


Mr. Downing has brought in a urine sample from Cleo, his 6 year old female spayed cocker spaniel. The color of the urine appears red. On centrifugation of the sample, you find that the supernatantis now clear. Most likely the red color was due to:


Bright red:

hematuria, hemoglobinuria

A urine sample that shows 3+ occult blood on a dipstick and is grossly red and clear would most likely contain?


False Hemoglobinuria:

hemoglobin that's coming from RBC's that are hemolyzed in the urinary system (bacteria)


hemoglobin that's coming from RBC's that ruptured in the vascular system (DIC)

Which of these would NOT be associated with ketones in the urine?


Water deprivation tests should never be performed on patients with:

high MCV

Epithelial cells in urine are estimated as the number per?

high power field

Dark yellow, cloudy urine generally would be expected to have a:

high specific gravity

Dark yellow:

highly concentrated- normal for first morning urine

Calcium carbonate crystals are often seen in __ urine.


Mucus is normally often seen in __ urine.


Cloudy with mucous:

horse urine

Normal voided urine is clear, except in which of the following species?


In order for glycosuria to occur, which of the following must also be present?


Perenal azotemia refers to:

increases in BUN resulting from dehydration, shock, and/or decreased blood flow to the kidneys

Postrenal azotemia refers to?

increases in BUN resulting from the inability to urinate


inflammation of the bladder (secondary issue) due to infected kidney/urethra


inflammation of the kidneys (may involve the glomerulus, tubule, interstitial renal tissue)

Urine often has a sweet odor if which of the following is present?



ketones in the urine; seen w/ animals with diabetes mellitis result of fat being broken down to meet the animals energy needs

Sweet smelling urine:

ketones, diabetes & bacteria

The presence of protein in the urine may indicate?

kidney dz.


lack/without urine (sign of kidney failure)

An ammonium biurate crystal is sometimes described as:

looking like a thorny apple

Urine samples should be centrifuges at a:

low speed (1000 to 3000 rpm) for 20 min.

Urine crystals are estimated as the average per:

low-power feild

How would you expect the SG of dilute, colorless urine to compare with that of dark yellow urine?


Struvite crystals are composed of:

magnesium ammonium phosphates


maintenance of concentration osmolitiy regardless of changes in osmotic pressure in the blood (occurs when USG approaches that of glomerular filtrate; between 1.008-1.012) urine not concen. by the kidneys

Brown urine most likely contains:



myoglobin in the urine (muscle protein)- severe muscle damage



Straw, yellow, amber:


Pale yellow, yellow:

normal dilute


normal for rabbits, horses, and can be caused by certain drugs

Crystals in urine sediment often indicate:


Ketoacidosis (Ketosis):

occurs early in lactation when energy from milk production exceeds the nutritional intake; caused by insufficient cholesteral

Isothenuria is urine that would most likely have a specific gravity:

of 1.010

What is becoming a common type of urolith in cats?


Dark yellow, bright green:

presence of biopigment +/- green foam

Urinary pH is NOT affected by the:

presence of crystals in the urine

What condition could result in myoglobinuria?

prolonged recumbency

In order for a cast to form, what be present in the filtrate?


What substance increases in the urine in glomerular dz?



pus in the urine accompanied by bacteria (seen in cats)

Milky, rusty brown:

rabbit urine

What is the smallest epithelial cells seen on a urine sediment examination?

renal cell

WBC's in urine sediment may be confused with:

renal epithelial cells

Urine specific gravity is actually a measure of which of the following?

renal tubular function


scant amounts of urine


seen with ketones in the blood (excess amount) seen w/ high fat diet, starvation, long term anorexia & impaired liver function

Calcium oxalate crystals are:

small squares that contain an x

The ability of the renal tubules to concentrate or dilute a urine sample is assessed by what component of the urinalysis?

specific gravity

The largest of the epithelial cells found in urine are the:

squamous epithelial cells


stones/calculi in the urinary tract; calculi- mineral salts that are combining to form stones urolith- stone

Dipsticks for urine chemical analysis should always be:

stored in the refrigerator

The most common uroliths found in feline and canine urine are?


What is the most likely constituent of the grit seen in the urethra of male cats?


Cornified epithelial cells are synonymous with __ epithelial cells.


The normal numbers of erythrocytes and leukocytes in urine sediment do NOT exceed:

3-5 per high-power field

An alkaline urine pH can be the result of:


What urinalysis finding is consistent with bacterial cystitis in the dog and cat?

alkaline pH

Bacteria in urine sediment may be confused with:

amorphous phosphates or urates

Hyaline crystals:

are clear and colorless

Calcium oxalate crystals:

are seen with ethylene glycol toxicity

Sasha, a 11 year old spayed female domestic short hair cat, was accidentally over hydrated with IV fluids. You would expect her urine SG to be:


Which of the following is a typical specific gravity for dilute porcine urine?


Normal USG for dogs:

1.018-1.045 (1.025)

Normal USG for cats:

1.020-1.040 (1.030)

The specific gravity of a patients urine is so high you cannot measure it. You dilute the sample 1:2 with distilled water. Now the specific gravity is 1.032. What is the samples true specific gravity?



+myoglobinuria, hemoglobinuria, hematuria

All of the following are assessed in a routine urinalysis, except?


Which of the following would NOT be on a urine dipstick?


Urine samples collected in the morning from housebroken dogs tend to be:

the most concentrated samples

For cytologic evaluations of urine, which of the following conditions should be observed:

the specimen may sit at room temp, for up to six hours

The specific gravity of urine is a measure of:

the weight of urine compared with the weight of water

Which of these cells is not an epithelial cell found in urine sedimentation:


What crystal is commonly described as having a coffin-lid appearance?

triple phosphate crystal

Struvite crystals is another name for:

triple phosphate crystals

Ammonia is metabolized by the liver and eliminated by the kidneys. Levels of which metobolic by-product of ammonia are measured to assess kidney function?

urea nitrogen



What test on the urine dipstick is the least useful in animals?



waste product of protein metabolism formed in the liver & excreted in urine

Glycosuria exists:

when blood glucose levels exceed the renal threshold for absorption of glucose

A control should be run on the urine dipstick:

when there is a shift change in personnel

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