Language Acquisition Test 2

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Present progressive

1. (-ing) Mastered stage 2, first morpheme to be mastered

Spacial Prepositions: Order of Acquisition

1. in/on/under/beside 2. between 3. in front of/behind 4. in front of/behind items with less determined 'sides'

Vocab Sizes at 23-30 months; 30 months-6 years

1.6 words/day; 3.6 words/day

3rd person present

10. 3 allomorphs (s, z, Iz) Mastered stage 5, initial stage 2

Irregular 3rd person

11. Do/does, have/has Stage 5 mastered, regular comes first

Uncontractable auxiliary

12. Helping verb: am, is, are, were, have Varies

Contractable copula

13. Varies (stage 5)

Contractable auxiliary

14. Varies (stage 5)

Absent Object Comprehension

18-24 months

Prepositions 'in' and 'on'

2-3. Mastered stage 2, at the same time

At which age do adult-like imperative sentences appear in young children's expressive language? a. 1-year b. 2.5-years c. 3.5-years d. 5-years

2.5 years old

The average length of a 5-year-old's narrative is ____________ clauses. a) 1.7 b) 2.8 c) 3.8 d) 5


After a child's MLU reaches ______, its usefulness as a predictor for later language abilities declines. a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4


Regular plural inflection

4. Mastered stage 2 3 allomorphs

Research suggests that during free play, 3-5-year-olds' conversational exchanges ranged from ________ to _________ turns in length. a) 1; 2 b) 2; 10 c) 4; 12 d) 15; 20

4; 12

Irregular past tense verbs

5. Initially mastered in stage 2, final in stage 5

Possessive inflections

6. Possessive pronouns not included, mastered stage 3

Uncontractable copula

7. To be, main verb Mastered stage 3-5 (varies)

Articles 'a' and 'the'

8. Mastered stage 3-5 A- familiar; b-unfamilar

Regular past tense -ed

9. Stage 5 mastered, initial stage 2

Which of the following is an example of an embedded relative clause of a preschooler? a. I love dogs that lick my face. b. There are other things that go in there. c. The dog who was chasing the cat bit the bird. d. A and B

A and B I love Dogs that lick my face There are other things that go in there

The term "discourse" includes which of the following? a) Sentence Production b) Narrative c) Expository d) Conversation e) A, B, & C

A, B, C

Based only on the prepositions, which of these sentences would you expect to develop last? a. I wanted the one behind the ball b. I putted it between the blocks c. I saw Jose behind the house

A. Because the ball doesn't have a defined front/back

Which of the following examples represents a linguistically contingent response by the child? a) Adult: Where's the ball? Child: It's on the table. b) Adult: Why are you running? Child: I run so fast c) Adult: Where is your shoe? Child: The shoe is there. d) A & B

Adult: Where's the ball? Child: It's on the table


Affirmative statement of fact

Research has shown that preschoolers' language differs depending on the age of the listener. When talking to toddlers, preschoolers tend to use more _________ than when speaking to adults. a) action verbs (e.g., run) b) complex constructions c) attention words (e.g., hey) d) A & B

Attention Words (e.g., hey)

VP Components

Auxiliary Copula Negative Passive (been/being) Verb Adverbs

Mid declarative

Auxiliary and copula, 33 mo.

Which of these utterances is more decontextualized? a. while sitting at the dinner table, child is asked a question about eating chicken vs. potatoes and says "I wanna eat chicken for dinner" b. when at the park in the afternoon, a child says "i wanna eat chicken for dinner"


Which of these is an example of a parent offering scaffolding for decontextualized language? a. "oh, look, you're pushing the car!" as the child pushed toy car across the room b. what did we do last time we were at grandma's c. what do you think will happen at the birthday party?

B. Past C. Future


Can be combined to form sentences (can't stand alone)

Incremental (graded, continuum)

Can have different levels of knowledge--decontextualized settings

As children acquire words their lexical-semantic system takes on a hierarchical structure. Which of the following word lists is an example of 1.) a basic level word, 2.) a superordinate level word, 3.) a subordinate level word? a) Car; Vehicle; Train b) Car; Train; Jeep c) Car; Vehicle; Jeep d) Jeep; Vehicle; Car

Car; Vehicle; Jeep


Content - word learning/organization

Adults provide scaffolding to preschoolers early narratives. A _________ scaffolding style has been shown to influence children's later narrative abilities. a) Elaborative b) Complex c) Repetive d) Structure


Which of the following is a type of narrative that describes an ongoing event? a) Recounts b) Expositories c) Stories d) Event Casts e) Accounts

Event Casts

According to Nelson (1989) children's pre-sleep narratives are less complex than narratives they produce in conversation with their parents. a) True b) False


Scripts tend to be told in the present tense whereas accounts tend to be told in the past tense. a) True b) False


The size of a child's vocabulary is negatively related to their ability to remember phonological information a) True b) False


According to Capone et al., there are two phases of word learning. In the first stage called __________, an initial association is made between a word and a referent. a) Slow mapping b) Fast mapping c) Referential mapping d) Associative mapping

Fast mapping

Evidence of Incremental/Continuum Knowledge

Fast mapping (fragile understanding of things) Slow mapping (slower process to gradually learn word meanings)






Form - rules of sentence structure

Which of these typically comes last? a) she plays ball b) I tell daddy a secret c) I can see the car

I tell daddy a secret--double object sentence Direct Object: secret Indirect Object: daddy

Which of the following measures of grammatical development has been shown to capture individual variation beyond the MLU # reported in Question # 1? a. Mastery of past tense -ed b. two word combinations c. Index of Productive Syntax d. The use of negation

Index of Productive Syntax

Late declarative

Indirect objects, 44 mo.

NP Components

Initiator Determiner: Articles, quantifier, posessive, demonstrative, numerical Adjective Noun Modifier: modify noun before (adjective) after (PP)

The major goal of expository discourse is to ______________, whereas the major goal of narrative discourse is to_______________. a) influence; instruct b) instruct; entertain c) entertain; instruct d) instruct; influence

Instruct; entertain

Mid negatives

Internal negatives & auxilary markers

Early question

Intonation What/where + NP + doing/ going

Stage 1

MLU: 1-2 12-26 months Linear semantic rules

Stage 2

MLU: 2-2.5 26-30 months Morphology

Stage 3

MLU: 2.5-3 31-34 months Sentence form

Stage 4

MLU: 3-3.75 35-40 months Embedding

Stage 5

MLU: 3.75-4 41-46 months Conjoining of clauses

Peanut Butter Protocol

Measures USE- Pragmatics Used to establish what communicative intents look like

In the reading, ecolological validity refers to... a) Environmental influence b) Contextualizing c) Naturalness d) A & B


Late negatives

Negative interrogatives & indefinite forms

Which of these sentences typically comes first? a) Nobody saw Snuffelophagus b) No play baby c) She no throw ball d) Mommy won't eat hot dog

No play baby--external marking

Of the following sentences, which represents one of the earliest linguistic expressions of negation? a. I don't want that. b. I no want go in there. c. No the oven hot. d. He won't go there.

No the oven hot

Which of these sentences typically comes last? a) Nobody saw Snuffelophagus b) No play baby c) She no throw ball d) Mommy won't eat hot dog

Nobody saw Snuffelophagus -- indefinite form (age 5)

A child says, "Your big dog." This utterance would be classified as a ... a. Verb Phrase b. Prepositional Phrase c. Noun Phrase d. Not enough information to classify

Noun Phrase

Complex Clause

One independent, one (or more) dependent clauses

Early negatives

One word, 23 - 35 months

____________ encodes, maintains, and manipulates speech-based input. a) Visual-spatial sketchpad b) Central executor c) Phonological loop d) Episodic buffer

Phonological Loop



A parent asks their child, "Tell your teacher what we did yesterday." Which type of narrative will this question likely elicit? a) Expositories b) Monologues c) Accounts d) Event Casts e) Recounts


According to Heath (1986), what are the four types of narratives? a)Recounts, Accounts, Expositories, Stories b) Recounts, Accounts, Event Casts, Stories c) Recalls, Accounts, Expositories, Stories d) Recounts, Accounts, Event Casts, Monologues

Recounts, Accounts, Event Casts, Stories

According to Nelson (1973), children who know more object words at the 50 word mark are called... a) Referential b) Expressive c) Receptive d) Social/Personal


Styles of language use associated with particular social setting or listeners is refer to as _______________. a) Tone b) Modality c) communicative competence d) register


Early declarative

SVO, 30 months

According to Hoff, why are verbs particularly important for syntactic development? a. Verbs are commonly the subject of the sentence. b. Verbs carry meaning. c. Sentences are built around verbs. d. A and C

Sentences are built around verbs

Which of these sentences typically come first? a)She plays ball b)I tell daddy a secret c) I can see the car

She plays ball--SVO, simple canonical declarative sentence


Statement of falsity, negative

Late questions

Subject verb inversions Wh + copula + subject Subject auxilary inversion (right)

Question 6 According to this hypothesis, 2-year-olds do not have verb categories and their associated argument structure because word combinations are based on rules for each individual verb (i.e., eat can only go with food that the child eats often). a. The Undergeneralization Hypothesis b. The Verb Island Hypothesis c. The Verb Argument Structure Hypothesis d. The Early Concrete Grammar Hypothesis

The Verb Island Hypothesis

Which of the following sentences is considered a passive form? a. The bus ran over my cat. b. He was walking with her. c. The boy was pushed by the girl d. A and C

The boy was pushed by the girl

Why does pragmatic correctness of articles a and the (i.e., using "a" to mark new information and "the" to mark old information based on a communication partner's knowledge), develop later (around 3-years)? a. Children cannot produce /th/ until 3-years. b. Theory of mind develops around this time. c. 3-year-olds begin to comprehend mass vs. count nouns d. Children begin to hear the difference between "a" and "the" around 3-years-old.

Theory of mind develops around this time

Preschool boys are more likely to use simple imperatives when talking to a conversational partner than are preschool girls. a) True b) False


Preschoolers' personal narratives tend to be lower quality than fictional narratives. a) True b) False


Compound Clause

Two or more independent clauses



Measure of Mastery

Using same morpheme with 3 or more stems Using with brand new words Over-regularizing

_____________ posited that the primary function of private speech is to self guide behavior. a) Piaget b) Chomsky c) Tomasello d) Vygotsky


Mid questions

Wh + NP + VP subject auxilary inversion (wrong order)

Children younger than 2 years are more likely to respond to which type of WH questions? a) What & When b) What & Where c) How & Who d) What & Why

What & Where

Which of these typically comes last? • Will we get apples? • We get apples? • When will we get apples?

When will we get apples -- fully formed

Which typically comes last? • Where mommy is? • Where mommy? • Where is mommy?

Where is inverted -- becomes inverted first, then adult like

Which typically comes first? • Where mommy is? • Where mommy? • Where is mommy?

Where mommy -- copula comes later (is)

Question Development Order

Where/what Who How Why Which, whose, when

A child is using the words "where" and "what" but not other wh- words. What wh- word would be a good therapy target based on a developmental order of acquisition? • Where • Why • Who

Who -- next acquired -wh question

____________ is the system that allows humans to hold information in mind long enough to make sense of novel information and associate novel information with already existing knowledge. a) Long-term memory b) Vocabulary spurt c) Referential memory d) Working memory

Working Memory


a group of words that have their own, subject, predicate, and has a verb. (Can stand alone)

Adjectives-Whole Object Assumption

adjectives don't refer to the whole object, but an attribute of the object

Like adults, preschool children are more likely to talk to themselves when they are ______________ and __________________. a) with other children; engaged in a task. b) alone; engaged in a task. c) with other children; resting. d) alone; resting.

alone; engaged in a task

Primary auxiliary

be, have, do

Children who acquire words in a holistic manner tend to learn words as _________________ and associate those words with _________________. a) big chunks; referents. b) individual items; referents c) big chunks; interactive functions d) individual items; interaction functions

big chunks; interactive functions

Which of the following statements most accurately describes naming errors in typical developing preschoolers and preschoolers with language impairment? a) Typically development preschoolers tend to make semantic retrieval errors (e.g., saying "dog" instead of "cat"), whereas preschoolers with language impairment tend to make word class errors (saying "the" instead of "cat"). b) Typically development preschoolers tend to make word class errors (saying "the" instead of "cat"), whereas preschoolers with language impairment tend to make semantic retrieval errors (e.g., saying "dog" instead of "cat"). c) Both typically developing preschoolers and preschoolers with language impairment tend to make semantic retrieval errors (e.g., saying "dog" instead of "cat"), however preschoolers with language impairment make numerically more errors than their typically developing counterparts. d) Both typically developing preschoolers and preschoolers with language impairment tend to make word class errors (saying "the" instead of "cat"), however preschoolers with language impairment make numerically more errors than their typically developing counterparts.

c) Both typically developing preschoolers and preschoolers with language impairment tend to make semantic retrieval errors (e.g., saying "dog" instead of "cat"), however preschoolers with language impairment make numerically more errors than their typically developing counterparts.

There are differences in the way verbs encode meaning across languages. In English, verbs tend to encode ________, whereas in Spanish, verbs tend to encode _______. a) manner; motion b) direction; manner c) motion; manner d) manner; direction

manner; direction

Simple Clause

one independent clause

Within the first two years of life, what is the typical pattern of topic initiation performed by children? a) self, objects in the environment, absent objects b) objects in the environment, self, absent objects c) absent objects, self, objects in the environment d) self, absent objects, objects in the environment

self, objects in the environment, absent objects

Which of these typically comes first? • Will we get apples? • We get apples? • When will we get apples?

we get apples? declarative with intonation

Modal auxiliary

will, shall, can, may indicate likelihood

All or None:

you know it or you don't (FALSE)

संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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