LAS quiz 3

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Do people of the Santeria religion prefer Santeria or La Regla de ocha or Lucumi


Why might practitioners of Santeria choose to self identify as Catholic

Santeria combines catholic and west African tradition, but practitioners may prefer to self identify as catholic because of western judgement

What religion is most widely practiced in Latin America?


What is the issue in the endangerment of sea turtles and how that connects to Catholicism

During lent, Catholics are not allowed to eat meat, but reptiles do not constitute as meat. Therefore during lent Catholics are able to eat sea turtles, and this is a reason for the decline in the sea turtle population.

What major religions are most commonly found in Latin America

- Christianity and Catholicism are spread throughout Latin America - Judaism has high practicers in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Chile -Protestantism is high in Central america - Hinduism and Islam is high in the Guianas specifically Suriname

Sephardic Jews

-"Sephardia" is the Hebrew term for Iberia -"New Christians" (fleeing the Reconquista: 1492)

El Requerimiento

-A document stating that God has given Spain the right to conquer (and kill, if necessary) all (indigenous) people in order to claim their new territories (i.e. the Americas) -Columbus and all other explorers read this document to all indigenous people upon Spanish. -If anyone disagreed, the Spanish understood this as a disagreement with God, so they had a right / obligation to conquer / enslave / kill all non-believers.


-Arguably the world's oldest religion -Came with slaves from (old) Guinea Coast -Slaves prohibited from practicing their religions, hid vodoun among Catholic rituals, beliefs, ceremonies -Voodoo in the Americas is a combination of Catholicism and African Spiritism-Animism (religious syncretism) -Haitians had voodoo ceremony in 1791 for independence: 13 years later

Askenazi Jews

-Central Europe -Pogroms -Nazism


-Christians -LDS (Mormons) -Jehovah's Witness -Baptists And many more -Rejection of Catholicism since the Reformation in Europe in 1517 -Appeals to peasants / poor / lower classes -Evangélicos -Growing VERY rapidly! More than tripled between 1990-2010 Perhaps up to 20+% of the population

Misconceptions about Santeria

-For the poor - Multiple Gods -Animal sacrifices

Virgen de Guadalupe

-One of many Marian "apparitions" after the arrival of the Spanish 1531 in Mexico -Mary appeared before Juan Diego, an indigenous person, four times -Asked him to build a church

What makes Santeria and other similar religions syncretic?

Because Santeria is a combination of Catholicism and African tradition, but the only reason they include Catholic traditions in their religion is so the Spanish would allow them to practice their religion because at first glance it seemed similar enough to Catholicism

What is a religion?

Belief system higher power/ spirit Rituals or practice Text or tradition Followers Time Place to worship

Colonial Guianas

Bolivar, Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, Amapa


In southern nigeria any of several minor gods

Islam vs. Muslim

Islam is a religion and Muslim is a person who practices the religion

Where is the virgen of Guadalupe normally found

Mexico and where mexicans have migrated

What is ironic about the Catholic church not wanting to give up eating sea turtles during lent

It is ironic because lent is about sacrifice

Why was Santeria a religion of the poor

It was a religion of the enslaved people


Judaism is an ancient, monotheistic, Abrahamic religion with the Torah as its foundational text. It encompasses the religion, philosophy and culture of the Jewish people. 400,000 Jews in Latin America today

Religious Syncretism

Religious syncretism exhibits blending of two or more religious belief systems into a new system, or the incorporation into a religious tradition of beliefs from unrelated traditions

Royal Patronage

Tax, Pope blessed spanish government conquistadors payed a tax to spain and the pope


The Guianas, sometimes called by the Spanish loan-word Guayanas (Las Guayanas), are a region in north-eastern South America which includes the following three territories: Suriname, Guyana, and French Guiana


The Yoruba religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practices of the Yoruba people. Its homeland is in present-day Southwestern Nigeria and the adjoining parts of Benin and Togo, commonly known as Yorubaland

What is the relationship between colonialism and religion in Latin America

The reason there is a high percentage of Christianity in Latin America is because of the Spanish conquest where the Spanish forced their religion onto the indigenous people. Another example is in the Guianas.


Used to people who forced religions on indigenous people, now it is protestants who go to Latin america to convert from catholics to protestants

Diasporatic Religions

Variations of African Religions in the Americas (also known as African diasporic religions or New World traditions) are a number of related religions that developed in the Americas in various nations of Latin America, the Caribbean, and the southern United States.


an Afro-American religion of Caribbean origin that developed in the Spanish Empire among West African descendants. Santería is a Spanish word that means the "worship of saints". Santería is influenced by and syncretized with Roman Catholicism. Its sacred language is the Lucumí language, a variety of Yoruba.


n aspect of the female gender role in the machismo of Hispanic American folk culture. It is the veneration for feminine virtues like purity and "moral" strength (with "morality" defined by the Vatican). For example, it represents the "virgin" aspect of the dichotomy.

Spanish Reconquista

name used to describe the period in the history of the Iberian Peninsula of about 780 years between the Umayyad conquest of Hispania in 711 and the fall of the Nasrid kingdom of Granada to the expanding Christian kingdoms in 1492.

The reformation

the Protestant Reformation, was a schism in Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther and continued by John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli, and other Protestant Reformers in 16th-century Europe.


the faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church.

New Christians

to refer to Sephardi Jews and Muslims ("Moors") who had converted to the Catholic Church, often by force or coercion. It was developed and employed after the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula by the Catholic Monarchs. By law, the category of New Christian included not only recent converts, but also all their known baptized descendants with any fraction or quantum of New Christian blood up to the fourth generation, and then in Phillip II's reign it included any person with any fraction of New Christian blood "from time immemorial

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