Leadership & Development Test 1 Ch.1-5

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Courtney is the finance head of a tourism company. Recognizing that the company is hard-pressed financially, she decides to cancel the projects that are riskier in nature, and concentrate more on developing its reliable projects. Which of the following strategies has been adopted by Courtney?

Concentrating resources on areas that need the most change

Conceptual thinking

Leaders who exhibit this trait have the ability to see the overall perspective and understand how the external environment influences the organization and how different parts of the organization influence each other.

Michelle is the marketing manager at an automobile manufacturing firm. When the marketing term faced criticism for poor performance, she felt that her complacent nature was responsible for the poor results. Which of the following traits of core self-evaluations is being captured in this scenario?

Locus of control

Diane works as a sales manager at Timothy Inc., a manufacturer of consumer goods. Despite Diane's consistent contributions, dedication, and enthusiasm, the sales team performs poorly. After a few months of poor performance, Diane realizes that the team members are not working to the best of their abilities and are rather inefficient. Which of the following should Diane do to revive the sales performance?

She should be assertive in expressing demands, opinions, feelings, and attitudes in a forthright manner.


They show enough engagement to invest some of their own time and money to make a difference, such as taking the initiative to learn new technology that would help the group.

autocratic leaders

a person in charge who retains most of the authority for himself or herself

Participative Leaders

a person in charge who shares decision making with group members


a person's confidence in another individual's intentions and motives and in the sincerity of that individual's word.


a propensity to put forth high energy into achieving goals and persistence in applying that energy.


a relatively stable personality trait characterized by a sense of personal superiority, a desire for power, and a sense of self-importance.

Management Openness

a set of leadership behaviors particularly relevant to subordinates' motivation to voice their opinion.


a special quality of leaders whose purposes, powers, and extraordinary determination differentiate them from others


a state of nonjudgemental attentiveness to and awareness of moment-to-moment experiences.

Leadership by storytelling

a technique of inspiring and instructing group members by telling fascinating stories.


being genuine and honest about your personality, values, and beliefs, as well as having integrity.


leaders who exhibit this trait confront group members about their mistakes, and are capable of making legitimate demands on higher management

Personalized power motive

leaders with this motive do not worry about everybody liking them because they recognize that when one acquires power, one acquires enemies.

Achievement Motive

leaders with this motive find joy in accomplishment for its own sake. They tend to moderate risks that can be handled through their own efforts

Amy, a team leader at a consumer goods industry, gives her team members optimistic and constructive feedback and acknowledges individual contributions. In this scenario, Amy is encouraging group member development by _____.

providing supportive leadership

Chandler is the head of a pulp and fibre manufacturing company. Despite his keen interest in closing a deal with a distributor in a developing country, he is convinced of the emerging surveys that show a lack of demand for the company's products. Hence, he decides to drop the project in spite of his personal interest. This shows that Chandler is:

sensibly persistent.

Craig, a sales manager, has been asked to explain the under-performance of his team in the previous financial year. Instead of understanding and working on resolving the team's issues, Craig comes up with a number of defensive statements and denies wrongdoing from his team's part. This is known as _____ the problem.


Emotional Intelligence

the ability to do such things as understand one's feelings, have empathy for others, and regulate one's emotions to enhance one's quality of life.

Practical Intelligence

the ability to solve everyday problems by using experience based knowledge to adapt to and shape the environment


the ability to understand the long-range implications of actions and policies

Leadership Polarity

the idea that leaders are often either revered or vastly unpopular

A consultative or collaborative decision-making style is likely to bring about the best results when:

the leader needs information from team members to solve a problem in hand.

Consensus leaders

the person in charge who encourages group discussion about an issue and then makes a decision that reflects general agreement and that group members will support.

Crisis Leadership

the process of leading group members through a sudden and largely unanticipated, intensely negative, and emotionally draining circumstance.

Leadership Style

the relatively consistent pattern of behavior that characterizes a leader.

Pygmalion Effect

the situation that occurs when a managerial leader believes that a group member will succeed and communicates this belief without realizing it.

Brain research about being a visionary suggests that visionaries in contrast to non-visionaries:

use their brains differently.

Democratic Leaders

a person in charge who confers final authority on the group

Substitutes for leadership refers to

factors in the work setting that may make leadership superfluous

Core self-evaluations

A broad personality trait that captures bottom-line self-assessment, composed of self-esteem, locus of control, generalized self-efficacy, and emotional stability

Practical Intelligence

A street smart leader who relies on his or her experience to adapt and shape the environment

normative decision model

A view of leadership as a decision-making process in which the leader examines certain factors within the situation to determine which decision-making style will be the most effective

Alex, the regional head of a tractor manufacturing company, is unhappy with the sales performance in the previous quarter. Alex says to his employees, "The company's performance has been declining over the previous two quarters. We must work together to raise our performance levels and achieve better targets in the coming quarter." Which of the following traits best describes Alex's stance?


Which of the following is true of the roles of leaders and managers?

Effective managers also lead, and effective leaders also manage

Substitutes for Leadership

Factors in the work environment that provide guidance and incentives to perform, making the leader's role almost superfluous.

Achievement Motivation

Finding joy in accomplishment for its own sake

Which of the following political tactics is a necessary part of a leader's role?

Forming coalitions


Forthrightness in expressing demands, opinions, feelings, and attitudes. As a cultural value, the degree to which individuals are (and should be) assertive, confrontational, and aggressive in their relationships with one another.

Which of the following is a consequence of attribution of charisma to leaders?

It leads to other behavioral outcomes in

Which of the following is true of the concept of leader characteristics and behavior?

It refers to the inner qualities that help a leader function effectively in many situations

Joshua, the head of a technology firm, decides to announce bonuses for his staff members following an increase in the firm's profit margins. The predetermined date of the bonus announcement announcement coincides with a deadly storm rendering several people homeless and starving. Joshua understands that the time is not appropriate for making such an announcement given the grave situation. In this scenario, Joshua's decision exhibits___________.

Practical intelligence

Cognitive Factors

Problem solving and intellectual skills collectively

Team manager Sara considers her subordinate Ethan a member of her in-group. Weyland, another member of Sara's team, does not have high quality exchanges with Sara. Ethan and Weyland are equally good at their job, and their objective performances are equal. Given this information, according to the conclusions of the leader-member exchange theory, how will Sara most likely rate the performance of Ethan and Weyland?

Rate Ethan higher than Weyland

According to the Center on Leadership & Ethics at Duke University, what type of leadership can positively affect performance?

Responsible and inspirational

Members of research and development team of a biotech company are highly dedicated to their work. They are a cohesive and highly motivated team. However, the team finds it difficult to communicate their ideas in a simpler manner to its stakeholders. As the leader of the R&D team, which of the following roles should you focus on more if you wish to contribute to the performance of the organization?



The ability to inspire confidence and support among the people who are needed to achieve organizational goals.

Evidence-based leadership or management

The approach whereby managers translate principles based on best evidence into organizational practices.


The degree to which the leader creates an environment of emotional support, warmth, friendliness, and trust.

According to Jay A. Conger, which of the following has replaced the era of managing by dictate?

The era of leadership by inspiration


They are completely detached and passively support the status quo by not taking action to bring about changes


They are free riders who are typically detached when it fits their self-interests


They are super engaged to the point that they are willing to go down for their own cause, or willing to oust the leader if they feel he or she is headed in the wrong direction.


They feel strongly, either positively or negatively, about their leader and the organization and act accordingly


When leaders exhibit this trait, their team members have confidence in the leader's intentions and motives and in the sincerity of the leaders word.

Leadership can be practiced

at any level in the organization


the ability to adjust to different situations


the ability to imagine different and better conditions and ways to achieve them.

A systems thinker would be especially good at:

understanding how the external environment influences the organization

Leadership Effectiveness

Attaining desirable outcomes such as productivity, quality, and satisfaction in a given situation

Which type of leadership is based on the belief that leaders are most effective when they make their behavior dependent on situational forces, including group member characteristics?

Contingency approach to leadership

Why would a hiring manager prefer an entry-level candidate with leadership skills?

She is more likely to be capable of managing a part of a project.

Transformational Leader

a leader who brings about positive, major changes in an organization

Cognitive Intelligence

a leader who is good at analyzing and solving problems in his or her area of expertise

Proactive Personality

a relatively stable tendency to effect environmental change

The contingency approach to leadership explains that leaders are most effective when they:

attune their behavior to situational forces.

An effective vision should

connect with the goals and dreams of constituents.

Contingency leadership theorists believe that in terms of shaping the leader's behavior, _____.

forces in the situation are much more important that the leader's personal characteristics.

Socialized power motive

leaders with this motive are less defensive and more willing to accept expert advice than those with personalized power motives.

The primary purpose of disaster planning is to:

prevent a crisis

The situational factors in the normative decision model are known as:

problem variables

path goal theory

an explanation of leadership effectiveness that specifies what the leader must do to achieve high productivity and morale in a given situation.

When Timothy A. Judge and Ronald F. Piccolo evaluated the impact of three styles of leadership based on six criteria, including job satisfaction and job performance of both leaders and followers, _____ leadership showed the highest overall relationships.


Tough Question

one that makes a person or group stop and think about why they are doing or not doing something

Servant leader

one who serves constituents by working on their behalf to help them achieve their goals, not the leader's own goals.

Effective Leader

one who helps group members attain productivity, including high quality and customer satisfaction, as well as job satisfaction

Who among the following is not practicing evidence-based leadership?

Ryan, who relies heavily on common sense and adopting practices used by other companies


When faced with a setback, leaders who exhibit this trait tenaciously work with their team to fix the problems, thereby bouncing back instead of giving up.

Personal Brand

Your basket of strengths that makes you unique.

Personalized Charismatic

a charismatic leader who exercises few constraints on the use of power in order to best serve his or her own interests.

Socialized charismatic

a charismatic leader who restrains the use of power in order to benefit others

Edwards is the head of the procurement department at FreshDelights, a frozen yogurt chain. Anticipating a reduction in the demand for frozen yogurt in the upcoming winter season, Edwards decides to reduce the dairy procurement. Edward is:

a conceptual thinker

Contingency approach to leadership

a contention that leaders are most effective when they make their behavior contingent upon situational forces, including group member characteristics


a depth of understanding that requires considerable intuition and common sense

360-degree feedback

a formal evaluation of superiors based on input from people who work for and with them, sometimes including customers and suppliers.

Emergent Leaders

a group member who significantly influences another group member even though he or she has not been assigned formal authority.

Consultative leaders

a person in charge who confers with group members before making a decision, but who retains the final authority to make decisions.

Baxter, a chief operating officer, practices contingency leadership when he:

discards old ideas that no longer fit the situational forces.

The terms isolates, activists, and diehards relate to the idea that followers differ in terms of level of

engagement with the leader and the group.


insightfully processing feedback about oneself to improve personal effectiveness

Tenacity is considered to be an important leadership characteristic because:

it often takes a long time to implement a new program

A challenge to the validity of charismatic leadership is that charismatic leaders may:

not be necessary for leadership effectiveness

Initiating structure

organizing and defining relationships in the group by activities such as assigning specific tasks, specifying procedures to be followed, scheduling work, and clarifying expectations of team members.

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