Legal Terminology Chapter 12
dangerous weapon
An item that is, from the way it is used, capable of causing death or serious bodily injury. Also called deadly weapon.
lesser included offense
a crime that contains some, but not all, elements of a greater offense, making it impossible to commit the greater offense without also committing the lesser offense
dwelling house
a house in which the occupier and family usually reside, including all outbuildings within the curtilage
Aggravated Assault
an assault committed with the intention of committing some additional crime
Attempted arson
an attempt to commit the crime of arson, but falling short of its commission
restraining order
an order forbidding a person from doing a particular act
sexual assault
any unwanted sexual contact
at common law, the breaking and entering of a dwelling house of another, in the nighttine, with intent to commit a felony
at common law, the unlawful, forcible carnal knowledge by a man of a woman against her will or without her consent
at common law, violently depriving others of the use of such members as may render them less able in fighting
statutory burglary
burglary that does not contain all of the elements of common law burglury
found guilty of a crime
intentional contact with another person without that person's permission and without justification. the unlawful application of force to another person
threat of force
intimidation designed to put someone in fear that he or she will be the victim of violence; equivalent to force
rape shield laws
laws passed to help prevent rape victims from being victimized
statutory rape
sexual intercourse with a child under the age set by state statute regardless of whether the child consented or not. Also called unlawful sexual intercourse
carnal knowledge
sexual intercourse; the slightest penetration of the sexual organ of the woman by the sexual organ of the man
domestic violence
the abuse of a closely related person such as a present or former spouse or cohabitant
statutory arson
the burning of a building other than a dwelling house or the burning of one's own house to collect insurance
the enclosed space of ground and buildings immediately surrounding a dwelling house
the first part of "breaking and entering" which traditionally has meant using some method to wrongfully gain entrance into a house or other occupiable structure by force, including breaking a window or picking a lock
the intentional creation of a reasonable apprehension of an imminent batter. An attempt to commit a battery
the time between one hour after sunset on one day and one hour before sunrise on the next day
the willful and malicious burning of the dwelling house of another
the willful, malicious, and repeated following, harrassing, and threatening of another person, intended to place the person in fear of death or serious bodily injury
the wrongful taking and carrying away of the personal property of another, from the other's person or personal custody, against his or her will, by force or violence
to cripple or mutilate in any way
using the Internet to malign or threaten someone
using the Internet to put another person in fear for their or their loved one's safety or life
using the Internet to repeatedly interfere with someones life