Life of Pi Facts

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There is no zero in the first how many digits of pi?

31 digits

When did people begin to hunt for pi?

4000 years ago

What kind of polygon did Archimedes use to closely approximate the value of pi?

96-sided polygon

How can you find the value of pi?

By drawing any perfect circle and measuring its circumference and diameter. Then take the ratio of those numbers and that is the value.

Who discovered the most digits of pi?

Fabrice Bellard

What is the sequence called that begins at the 762nd decimal place of Pi and consists of six nines in a row?

Feynman Point

Who introduced pi as an English term?

William Jones

What is pi?

the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of any circle

What famous scientist was born on pi day?

Albert Einstein `

What Greek Letter was selected to describe pi?

Ï€ (16th letter of the Greek Alphabet)

How many years would it take a person to recite all known digits of Pi (6.4 billion digits) without stopping?

133 years

When did the use of "π" become popular?

After it was adopted by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in 1737

What other famous people have birthdays on March 14th?

Apollo 8 Commander Frank Borman, astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, last-man-on-the-moon Gene Cernan

Who is credited with the first theoretical calculation of pi?


Who discovered the closest fraction to pi? What is it?

Archimedes; 22/7

What digit (1-9) occurs most in the first million decimal places of pi?

Five (100,359 times)

What contribution did the Babylonians and the Egyptians make towards the foundation of the number pi?

They found that the number was greater than 3. They came up with the value of 3.125.

What was the first symbol of pi?


How many digits past the decimal of pi are needed to accurately calculate the spherical volume of our entire universe?

39 digits

How many digits did Lu Chao memorize? How long did it take to recite them?

67,890 digits; It took 24 hours and 4 minutes

What day is known as Pi Day? Why?

March 14th; it is the first three digits of pi (3.14)

What is the 40,000th digit of pi?


What is the most recognized mathematical constant in the world?


Where was the first Pi day celebrated?

San-Francisco museum, the Exploratorium

What year was pi translated into English terms?


When was the first Pi day celebrated?


What is the record of the most number of digits of pi discovered?

2.7 trillion decimal places

What year did Pi Day become a national event, getting recognition from the House of Representatives through Resolution 224?


What computer took 70 hours to figure 2,037 decimal places of pi?

Electronic Numeric Intergerator and Computer (ENIC)

How many digits does pi contain?

Infinite Digits

What is the theory of how the Babylonians and the Egyptians found pi?

It is said that they made a big circle and measured the circumference and diameter with a piece of rope.

Who proved Pi was irrational in 1768?

Johann Lambert

Who holds the world record for memorizing the most digits of pi?

Lu Chao

What man famously spent his life in Germany calculating 35 decimals of Pi, published in 1615?

Ludolph van Ceulen

What digit (1-9) occurs least in the first million decimal places of pi?

Six (99,548 times)

Who initiated the hunt for pi?

The Babylonians and Egyptians

What is the earliest known reference to Pi?

a Middle Kingdom papyrus scroll, written around 1650 BC by Ahmes the scribe

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