LIT47 Final Review

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Which statement is the best example of allusion? "I'm only a squashed cabbage leaf — but I owe so much to you that I should be very unhappy if you forgot me." "Among them towers the Poet Laureate, to whom perhaps Higgins may owe his Miltonic sympathies." "And what is to become of her when you've finished your teaching? You must look ahead a little." "I'm willing to tell you. I'm wanting to tell you. I'm waiting to tell you."

"Among them towers the Poet Laureate, to whom perhaps Higgins may owe his Miltonic sympathies."

Which line is the best example of iambic pentameter? "And build his seat within my captive breast." "Whose woods these are I think I know." "To see the branches hanging low." "Run along, run along, lickety split."

"And build his seat within my captive breast."

Which line is the best example of onomatopoeia? "That made me hear the wakening birds around." "On noiseless wing a 'wildered butterfly." "And then on tremulous wing came back to me." "And hear his long scythe whispering to the ground."

"And hear his long scythe whispering to the ground."

Which is the best example of simile from "The Rime of The Ancient Mariner?" "As idle as a painted ship / Upon a painted ocean." "Thou, silent form, dost tease us out of thought / As doth eternity." "Each turned his face with a ghastly pang, / And cursed me with his eye." "As though a rose should shut, and be a bud again."

"As idle as a painted ship / Upon a painted ocean."

According to Shaw's sequel, which statement is the best example of situational irony, especially in light of how the characters end up? "For if Higgins was a predestinate old bachelor, she was most certainly not a predestinate old maid." "It was the Colonel who finally solved the problem, which had cost him much perplexed cogitation." "Will she look forward to a lifetime of fetching Higgins's slippers or to a lifetime of Freddy fetching hers?" "But she stands up to him so ruthlessly that the Colonel has to ask her from time to time to be kinder to Higgins."

"But she stands up to him so ruthlessly that the Colonel has to ask her from time to time to be kinder to Higgins."

Which statement is the best reference, even if indirect, to altruism? "But, surely, if one lives merely for one's self, Harry, one pays a terrible price for doing so?" "To be good is to be in harmony with one's self." "Nothing is ever quite true." "When we are happy we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy."

"But, surely, if one lives merely for one's self, Harry, one pays a terrible price for doing so?"

"ONE DAY I CAME UPON THE STRAND" Which line best summarizes her attitude about her own mortality? "My verse your virtues rare shall live by fame." "Our love shall live, and later life renew." "For I myself shall like to this decay." "But you shall live by fame."

"For I myself shall like to this decay."

Which line best summarizes her attitude about her own mortality? "My verse your virtues rare shall live by fame." "Our love shall live, and later life renew." "For I myself shall like to this decay." "But you shall live by fame."

"For I myself shall like to this decay."

Which is the best example of personification? "The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull." "If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth." "From time to time a huge misshapen cloud stretched a long arm across and hid it." "The streets seemed like the black web of some sprawling spider."

"From time to time a huge misshapen cloud stretched a long arm across and hid it."

Which is the best example of litotes?

"He treated them politely, offering the edge of his razor-sharp sword."

Which line from "The Tuft of Flowers" contains the best example of assonance? "I thought of questions that have no reply." "I looked for him behind an isle of trees." "Seeking with memories grown dim o'er night." "At a tall tuft of flowers beside a brook."

"I looked for him behind an isle of trees."

"THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US" Which phrase from the poem is the best indication of a turn, or change in thought? "For this, for everything, we are out of tune." "I'd rather be a Pagan suckled in a creed outworn." "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers." "It moves us not."

"I'd rather be a Pagan suckled in a creed outworn."

Which is the best example of Anglo-Saxon alliteration?

"In the darkness dwelt a demon-sprite."

"THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US" What is the line after "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers."

"Little we see in Nature that is ours; We have given our hearts away."

Which is the best example of the true ballad meter? "Thou still unravish'd bride of quietness, / Thou foster child of silence and slow time." "Hanging so light, and hanging so high, / On the topmost twig that looks up at the sky." "O, what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, / Alone a palely loitering?" "Full on this casement shone the wintry moon."

"O, what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, / Alone a palely loitering?"

"One day I wrote her name upon the strand" - Which lines best express the main theme of this sonnet? "Our love shall live, and later life renew." "But came the waves and washed it away." "For I myself shall like to this decay."

"Our love shall live, and later life renew."

Which of the following lines is a good example of Anglo-Saxon line construction, especially in relation to stressed accents? "Lightly lilting laughter." "So Hrothgars' men lived happy in his hall." "Beowulf trekked with his troops to the shore of the lake." "Nor is it a pleasant spot."

"So Hrothgars' men lived happy in his hall."

Which is the best example of an Anglo-Saxon line of poetry? (Accented words are underlined.) "Something there is that doesn't love a wall." "Get up and bar the door." "So, happy in halll, the heroes lived." "Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote. . . ." (This is Middle English, by the way.)

"So, happy in halll, the heroes lived."

Which of the following is not a simile (a kind of figurative language which expresses a direct comparison)? "The other was a softer voice, / As soft as honey-dew." "Then like a pawing horse let go, / She made a sudden bound." "The air is cut away before, / And closes from behind." "Like one, that on a lonesome road / Doth walk in fear and dread."

"The air is cut away before, / And closes from behind."

Which is the best example of simile, which also creates atmosphere and mood consistent with this whole novel? "Time being dead, dragged a hideous future from its grave." "The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull." "Its very horror made him stone." "Though your sins be as scarlet, yet I will make them as white as snow."

"The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull."

Commitatus involves...

...making an agreement beforehand and then following through with the commitment.

"The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes." Which Victorian theme is most accurately and obviously expressed by the negative circumstances of this story? Altruism is the basis not only for cooperation but for a society's success and survival. A degenerate society produces human isolation, alienation, and spiritual decay. The powers of the imagination continue to be the source of all truth and human salvation. One individual can reform a whole society.

A degenerate society produces human isolation, alienation, and spiritual decay.

Select the best explanation for this line: "They also serve who only stand and wait." Waiting for a great blessing helps us grow. A great example through hardship is a great service to others. Service is a virtue. Patient people receive many blessings.

A great example through hardship is a great service to others.

Which theme best fits the events of the poem and is also an expression of Romantic philosophy? (Think in terms of the whole poem, not the parts alone.) A heart in conflict with itself may lose touch with truth and beauty. A trust in nature can bring only evil results. Trusting in society is a sure way to come to an understanding of truth. We come to a wise decision only when the imagination runs wild.

A heart in conflict with itself may lose touch with truth and beauty.

Which is the most serious complication in Aylmer's struggle to remove his wife's birthmark? His wife is perfectly content to remain as she is and completely unwilling to trust an unsuccessful scientist. A high percentage of his experiments have failed, some which he initially tries on his wife. His assistant is disloyal to him and wants to see Aylmer fail in return for poor treatment. Aylmer distrusts even his own abilities to use science for the benefit of mankind.

A high percentage of his experiments have failed, some which he initially tries on his wife.

"HOW DO I LOVE THEE?" Which statement best describes the structure of this sonnet? A host of excuses followed by an admission of confusion. A complex problem followed by a simple solution. A list of reasons followed by an ultimate declaration. A single problem followed by a complex solution.

A list of reasons followed by an ultimate declaration.

"The Death of the Hired Man" conflict A man struggles with whether or not to accept his brother for who he is. An old man struggles with acceptance even though he knows he has done wrong. A man and wife struggle with each other and the different ways they might receive an old man. A man struggles with his own insecurities over not succeeding in life professionally.

A man and wife struggle with each other and the different ways they might receive an old man.

"Home Burial" conflict A man and wife struggle with the different ways they express central emotions concerning loss. A woman tries to cope with her private suffering, apart from any human contact. A woman struggles with her husband who has lost all affection for her. A man struggles with loving his wife because he knows her feelings for him have changed.

A man and wife struggle with the different ways they express central emotions concerning loss.

Which Romantic ideal is best exemplified by the conflict of this story? Nature is an evil and forbidding place where only evil things can occur. The imagination plays tricks on our minds, causing us to choose evil. Death causes us to be emotional. A man must be true to his inner prompting; truth resides within the individual.

A man must be true to his inner prompting; truth resides within the individual.

Which statement best describes the main conflict in this story? An assistant struggles with loyalty to his master over loyalty to correct principle. A woman decides between loving her husband or some other man. A community struggles with a deformed member of society. A man struggles with his love of science over the human spirit.

A man struggles with his love of science over the human spirit.

"Mending Wall" conflict A man struggles with his neighbor whose cows destroy property and their spirit of cooperation. A man struggles to understand why we can never repair broken relationships. A man struggles with his neighbor who is always breaking through a wall and violating their friendship. A man struggles with the way we unwittingly offend and alienate ourselves from each other.

A man struggles with the way we unwittingly offend and alienate ourselves from each other.

Which statement best expresses the theme associated with Henry Higgins's motivational level? A man wrapped up in himself rarely sees the contents of the package. A man who loves others more than self usually recognizes his own weaknesses. A man dedicated to principle, always doing the right thing regardless of the consequences, reaps the ultimate rewards. A man who treats others with care and concern is usually treated that way himself.

A man wrapped up in himself rarely sees the contents of the package.

Which is the best example of a framework story? A narrator reveals that a woman who claims to do good is evil. A narrator introduces an old man who tells a story to another man. A narrator tells a story about two young lovers who run away. A narrator tells a story about a lady who frames a knight.

A narrator introduces an old man who tells a story to another man.

Paradox or irony

A paradox is a statement that is self-contradictory

Which is the best theme for "Batter my heart"? Evil influences cause us to do stupid things. A powerful personal change requires complete commitment. Love requires great sacrifice. Abuse is the best way to get someone to obey.

A powerful personal change requires complete commitment.

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which events are most related to denouement? A girl takes a prescription and dies, a man finds the fountain of youth, and dead people stare from a mirror. Four guests dance, they begin to argue, and they overturn a table and break a vase. A rose withers, a butterfly rejuvenates, and four old people go to Florida. Four guests arrive, they see a rose come to life, and they drink.

A rose withers, a butterfly rejuvenates, and four old people go to Florida.

"The Death of the Hired Man" theme Family ties are stronger than any friendship could ever be. The promises we make and keep determine what kind of person we really are. A sense of belonging comes from being accepted for who you are. Success comes from a long life of honest work.

A sense of belonging comes from being accepted for who you are.

"Reluctance" conflict A speaker hesitates to ask his love to go with him anywhere. A love object is unwilling to be pursued because love is not the basic motivation. A speaker is not anxious to see the passing of a season or of a love. A speaker is not motivated to leave home for a new experience.

A speaker is not anxious to see the passing of a season or of a love.

Which is the correct explanation for this poem being a framework story? A first-person narrator tells us everything. A third-person narrator is assisted by a first-person narrator. A third-person narrator reveals all the details. There is no narrator other than the ancient mariner.

A third-person narrator is assisted by a first-person narrator.


A wedding ring symbolizes never-ending , unbroken, love and devotion.

Which is the best expression of Lord Henry's attitude on influence? We ought to be careful and influence people for good. All influence is beneficial because it keeps us from doing bad things. All influence is bad because it is not natural to the person being influenced. There is no such thing as influence because we all do what we wish.

All influence is bad because it is not natural to the person being influenced.

"ONE DAY I CAME UPON THE STRAND" What is the best evidence that this is an Italian sonnet? A late turn and a convincing two-line summary. An alternating rhyme scheme of abab. A description of a situation and a summary that merely restates it. An early turn between an octet and sestet.

An early turn between an octet and sestet.

What is the best evidence that this is an Italian sonnet? A late turn and a convincing two-line summary. An alternating rhyme scheme of abab. A description of a situation and a summary that merely restates it. An early turn between an octet and sestet.

An early turn between an octet and sestet.


An unusual comparison

"OZYMANDIUS" The great irony in the poem best supports which theme? Art is mightier than absolute power. There is always more than meets the eye. An evil heart gets what it deserves. Great kingdoms often fall.

Art is mightier than absolute power.

Which statement best describes the complication which arises when Dorian shows Basil the portrait? Basil now understands that Dorian was responsible for Sibyl's death. Everyone knows that Basil is there, and Dorian will be implicated in any trouble. Basil threatens to destroy the picture and to reveal Dorian's corruption. Basil begs Dorian to repent, and Dorian is not yet prepared to do so.

Basil begs Dorian to repent, and Dorian is not yet prepared to do so.

Which is the best example of exposition concerning this novel? Basil has been painting a portrait of a young man who is not well known in social circles. Basil Hallward asks to see Dorian's soul. Lord Henry convinces Dorian to read a certain book. Dorian plans to marry Sibyl without first telling Basil.

Basil has been painting a portrait of a young man who is not well known in social circles.

Which statement best explains how Act III does not follow typical dramatic structure? We should expect a resolution by now, but none occurs in this act. Because it's the middle of the play, we might expect the climax to occur here, but it does not. By now all the characters should be fully developed and revealed. Because it's the middle of the play, it should contain significant falling action, but it does not.

Because it's the middle of the play, we might expect the climax to occur here, but it does not.

Which statement is the most accurate about memory in this poem? Our lack of memory makes us proud, knowledgeable, and confident in our existence. Because we cannot remember the choice, life is a true challenge. If we remembered a prior existence, then we would generally choose to do evil. Because we remember that we chose to come here, life is easier to bear.

Because we cannot remember the choice, life is a true challenge.

"The Trial by Existence" theme Believing that we chose this life makes it bearable, but we still live by faith because we don't remember choosing. Most people would rather stay in paradise than live in a world where there is so much pain. Life is full of doubt and misery which we must all bear willingly. There is no consolation for this life; we must live as victims of chance or fate and what it deals.

Believing that we chose this life makes it bearable, but we still live by faith because we don't remember choosing.

What is the best evidence so far that this poem is an epic? It takes place in one small place, the mead-hall Herot. People make commitments to each other. Treasure is promised as a reward for keeping a commitment. Beowulf has accomplished amazing feats that normal men cannot possibly do.

Beowulf has accomplished amazing feats that normal men cannot possibly do.

Which response is a good example of litotes? Hrothgar saying that this world rests in his (God's) hands Welthow calling Hrothgar the Dane's great ring-giver Beowulf saying that Grendel offered him his arm and his claw the narrator saying that the men knew how soldiers must live

Beowulf saying that Grendel offered him his arm and his claw

Which response is the correct order of events? Grendel skulks to his lair, Grendel rips apart a sleeping Geat, Beowulf slays die. Welthow praises Beowulf, Beowulf slays Grendel with his sword, the king gives treasure. Beowulf waits in the darkness, Grendel loses his arm, the king keeps commitatus.

Beowulf waits in the darkness, Grendel loses his arm, the king keeps commitatus.

The actual loser of a swimming match; provides a contrast to the strength of the epic hero, even in youth Brecca Unferth Grendel Hrothgar Wiglaf


In Bracy the Bard's dream, what do the dove and the snake symbolize? Geraldine as innocence and Christabel as evil both are meaningless diversions from the heart of the story Christabel as innocence and Geraldine as evil Bracy as good and other knights as evil

Christabel as innocence and Geraldine as evil

In Bracy the Bard's dream, what do the dove and the snake symbolize? Geraldine as innocence and Christabel as evil both are meaningless diversions from the heart of the story Christabel as innocence and Geraldine as evil Bracy as good and other knights as evil

Christabel as innocence and Geraldine as evil

treats ladies like ladies even if they are not; seems to care more for the soul than the skin

Colonel Pickering

What does commitatus also include?

Commitatus is the covenant of protecting the leader at all costs and putting principle above one's own interests, even if those interests include preserving life.

What is the best evidence that the men blame the mariner for their condition? Death claims them; they die. They remind him of the whizz of his crossbow. They refuse to run the ship.

Death claims them; they die.

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which theme does the fate of the rose suggest at the end? Age brings with it blessings of knowledge and power. True beauty is everlasting — it can never be destroyed. Despite our desires, we can never repeat nor change the past. Eternal life is the goal of every human being.

Despite our desires, we can never repeat nor change the past.

Which is the best reason for James Vane not killing Dorian? James recognizes that Dorian is too pure and incorruptible to be guilty of any crime. Dorian appears to be much too young to be the Prince Charming of eighteen years past. Dorian convinces him that he will give him money for passing on the opportunity. James is thrown into prison before he can carry out his plan to kill Dorian.

Dorian appears to be much too young to be the Prince Charming of eighteen years past.

Which is the most significant complication leading to Sibyl Vane's death? Basil Hallward paints his portrait of Dorian Gray. Dorian blames himself for his own part in it. Lord Henry praises her acting as something out of the ordinary. Dorian changes his heart too late, and his letter does not get to her in time.

Dorian changes his heart too late, and his letter does not get to her in time.

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which statement best represents exposition for this story? Dr. Heidegger is responsible for the death of his love. Four guests eventually return to the follies of their youth. A vase breaks, and a rose withers and dies again. Dr. Heidegger has personally discovered the fountain of youth.

Dr. Heidegger is responsible for the death of his love.

a metaphorical child in a new country

Eliza Doolittle

Which is the correct order of events in sections 18-26, the battle with Grendel's dam? The Danes leave, the mother attacks, Beowulf pursues, Esher is killed and carried away. Esher is killed, Hermod betrays his people, the Geats leave the lake shore, Beowulf cuts off Grendel's head. Beowulf cuts off Grendel's head, he cuts off the mother's head, he finds a new sword on the wall, he revives Esher and carries him home. Esher is killed, Hrothgar promises more treasure, Beowulf kills Grendel's mother, the Geats are rewarded for the commitment to commitatus.

Esher is killed, Hrothgar promises more treasure, Beowulf kills Grendel's mother, the Geats are rewarded for the commitment to commitatus.

"Into My Own" theme Faith enables us to face the future with assurance. Selfishness alienates us from the society of friends. Insecurity weakens us to the point of inaction. When we limit our choices we narrow the consequences.

Faith enables us to face the future with assurance.

A first-person narrator can reveal more about another character than a third-person omniscient character can.


Allusions are particularly effective for readers with very little experience and exposure to literature and history.


Because this poem presents a picture of "life as it is," it cannot be Victorian.


Flat characters all always stock characters.


Hyperbole is usually very subtle and highly ironic.


Satire has a way of presenting the best qualities of a character in a drama.


Stock characters are more dynamic than round characters.


The dramatis personae is the one character in the play who is the most dramatic.


This poem implies that man is not in control of his circumstances, that he cannot change his situation.For this reason, it is a Victorian poem.


We can always know more about a character by what he says than by what he thinks.



FlEEt fEEt slEEp by slEEping strEEts

Which response best describes Anglo-Saxon poetry? Free verse (no set line length and no established rhyme of any kind). Iambic pentameter blank verse (five stressed accents, with lines that don't rhyme). Four stressed accents per line, with a pause in the middle of two halves. Rhyming couplets (every two lines rhyme at the end).

Four stressed accents per line, with a pause in the middle of two halves.

How many beat does iambic pentameter have?

Four stressed beats

"Mending Wall" theme When things go badly in a relationship, we must repair the damage, the walls, as quickly as possible. Our subconscious walls protect us from negative experience and bad influence. Friendship depends upon open and honest communication; upon tearing down any walls. Having definite boundaries, setting the limits, is the key to positive experience.

Friendship depends upon open and honest communication; upon tearing down any walls.

"Whoso list to hunt" - Which theme best fits the conditions of this sonnet? Persistence pays off when love is at stake. Frustration is the result of love unreturned. Love is worth any effort we make in finding it. The value of finding a true love cannot be measured.

Frustration is the result of love unreturned.

Which is the best theme for "The Rime of The Ancient Mariner?" We should not hurt animals or they will come back to haunt us. Our impulses always get us into trouble. Secret sin keeps us from reaching our full potential. Genuine actions are those of the heart motivated by pure love.

Genuine actions are those of the heart motivated by pure love.

Considering the main characters in both "The Ancient Mariner" and in "Christabel," what common theme do they share? Suffering is the consequence of sin. Good and evil exist together. Nature is evil. Good is obvious.

Good and evil exist together.

He is "mankind's enemy" with "hell-forged hands."


What is the best evidence that this conflict is largely an internal one, a struggle of the human heart in conflict with itself? Hawthorne makes direct statements about Reuben's struggle. Roger Malvin dies a lonely death in the wilderness. I, the author of this course, said so. Dorcas' heart is broken at the end.

Hawthorne makes direct statements about Reuben's struggle.

"Roger Malvin's Burial." Which evidence best supports Reuben Bourne as the protagonist? He is basically a dishonest man, one whom we cannot trust to keep a promise. He is not the protagonist — because he is weak, he is the antagonist. Despite a character flaw, he is basically a good man who wants to do right. He agonizes for years over his unkept vow; it is his heart we truly see.

He agonizes for years over his unkept vow; it is his heart we truly see.

What is the best evidence that Pansay is a round, dynamic character? He basically remains the same throughout the story. He is unemotional as he relates the story. He changes from intensely happy with life to deeply distressed, full of many doubts. He tells the story in a roundabout way, not getting directly to the truth.

He changes from intensely happy with life to deeply distressed, full of many doubts.

Which statement best supports the idea that Shaw is negative about prime ministers and preachers, that he might be preaching against them in a didactic way in his play? He comes right out in the stage directions and makes uncomplimentary statements about them. He has Eliza say negative things about them in her dialogue with Higgins. He shows them actually doing bad things in Act II, accepting bribes and telling lies. He claims that Alfred Doolittle would make a good prime minister or preacher as Alfred justifies his own poor behavior.

He claims that Alfred Doolittle would make a good prime minister or preacher as Alfred justifies his own poor behavior.

At one point Eliza explains to Higgins that she won't care for anybody who does not care for her in return. How does Higgins explain this motivation? He accuses her of merely following the advice of others, particularly of his mother. He claims that it is a commercial motivation, a what's-in-it-for-me attitude. He expresses that only God can truly love, and that he is not capable of God-like qualities. He admits that she is motivated by principles greater than his own.

He claims that it is a commercial motivation, a what's-in-it-for-me attitude.

Which statement is the best example of dramatic irony concerning Basil Hallward? Dorian determines to show Basil the portrait. He says that he would have to see Dorian's soul in order to judge him. He claims the right to judge a man by the effect on his friends. He claims that only God can see a man's soul and the effect his actions have on it.

He claims that only God can see a man's soul and the effect his actions have on it.

Which statement is the best explanation for why Doolittle cannot turn down the will? He wants to use his fortune to take care of Eliza, as opposed to what he has done in the past. He claims that, otherwise, he would be facing a life in the workhouse, and he does not have the nerve for the workhouse. He enjoys the fame and fortune which have come to him as a result of the will. Without it, he could not marry the woman he loves and then live a life of respectability.

He claims that, otherwise, he would be facing a life in the workhouse, and he does not have the nerve for the workhouse.

Which is the best clue in Act I that Higgins is like the mythical Pygmalion? He is rather rude, treating people as though they are somehow inferior to himself. He seems to be motivated by a pure desire to help people better themselves. He studies language and can tell where people were raised by the way they speak. He claims the powers to make people into something they are not currently.

He claims the powers to make people into something they are not currently.

"The Phantom Rickshaw." Which statement best expresses Pansay's motivation for telling his story? He is angry and seeks revenge on the women who dumped him. He seeks fame and knows that this story will ensure his immortality He fears the consequences of his actions and is revealing the cause of his problem. He desires to entertain his friends and knows this story will make them feel good.

He fears the consequences of his actions and is revealing the cause of his problem.

Which is the best explanation for Alan Campbell helping Dorian with his request? He admires Dorian and his personal qualities. He is altruistic, believing in helping all men in their difficulties. He fears the public shame which will come if he does not. He is motivated by personal reward for following through.

He fears the public shame which will come if he does not.

Which statement best describes situational irony in regards to Dorian's actions following Sibyl's suicide? He won't allow Basil to look at the painting. He tells Basil that he is a better man than Lord Henry. He says that we should not be at the mercy of our emotions. He goes to the opera after hearing of her death.

He goes to the opera after hearing of her death.

Which statement best describes the epiphany of Frost's speaker? He does not change, but maintains the same attitude from start to finish. He has a change of heart, discovering that even if unintentionally, men share meaning. He comes to the realization that men are generally selfishly motivated. He reaches the conclusion that man's main earthly purpose is to work hard.

He has a change of heart, discovering that even if unintentionally, men share meaning.

Which statement best explains the dramatic irony of the neighbor's situation as they meet to mend the wall? He privately hopes that the speaker will rebuild the fence alone. He does not understand how to correctly rebuild the fence, stone by stone, with his neighbor. He has no idea that his statement about fences is perhaps incorrect, or at least challenged in the mind of the speaker. He thinks that the speaker has perhaps knocked down the wall because of his distaste for it.

He has no idea that his statement about fences is perhaps incorrect, or at least challenged in the mind of the speaker.

What is the best evidence by now that Dorian Gray truly is the protagonist? He has the greatest struggle, whether to do good or to pursue pleasures of the flesh. He sees the portrait as an extension of his own soul. He chooses to do good, and protagonists always choose to do good. He has an experience with love.

He has the greatest struggle, whether to do good or to pursue pleasures of the flesh.

What is the best evidence that Aylmer truly is the protagonist? He has the struggle most closely related to the obvious themes of the story. He has a trust in science, even though many of his experiments have failed. He obviously dislikes his wife and struggles with her pure love for him. He fails in his experiment and therefore dies from his false trust.

He has the struggle most closely related to the obvious themes of the story.

What is the best evidence that Lord Henry is an antagonist? He makes contradictory statements which seem to be paradoxical. He increases Dorian's struggle by providing tantalizing theories and philosophies. He does not like Sibyl Vane, and is antagonistic towards her qualities. He makes Basil Hallward angry with his paradoxes and philosophies.

He increases Dorian's struggle by providing tantalizing theories and philosophies.

Which is the most accurate description of Basil Hallward's attitude concerning his painting? He is pleased with his product and proud of his talents in creating it. He is adamant that he will not display it and regrets having painted it. He wants to destroy it along with its evil influence, and in fact does. He is grateful that so many admire it and his abilities to create such a fine work.

He is adamant that he will not display it and regrets having painted it.

Which statement best summarizes Dorian's main struggle, which compels him to examine creeds, buy treasures, and read novels? He is trying to forget the exquisite personal pain he feels for prompting the death of Sibyl Vane. He must find a way to hide from the world what is happening to the portrait. He is increasingly concerned with the temporary nature of things, with the idea that nothing related to the senses may be permanent. He is consciously trying to keep evil from his life by experimenting with all the good life has to offer.

He is increasingly concerned with the temporary nature of things, with the idea that nothing related to the senses may be permanent.

What is the situational irony concerning the mariner and the slimy water snakes? He is moved to bless them in prayer even though they are lowly beasts. He watches them from the ship with the albatross around him. He is pleased to see other living creatures after seeing so much death. He is captivated by their movement, their color, their rarity.

He is moved to bless them in prayer even though they are lowly beasts.

"Roger Malvin's Burial." Which evidence best supports Roger Malvin as the protagonist? Most of the inner thoughts revealed come from his mind. He has the major conflict, and we empathize with him. The title lists his name as the obvious main character. He is not the protagonist; but the memory of him may be the antagonist.

He is not the protagonist; but the memory of him may be the antagonist.

"Whoso list to hunt" - Which explanation best fits the speaker's motivation for love? He is physically attracted from a hopeless distance. He is afraid that he will lose his love if he does not persist. He is dedicated to the principle of selfless service. He feels a strong desire to help someone who desperately needs him.

He is physically attracted from a hopeless distance.

Which is the best explanation, according to Shaw, for Higgins not being able to marry? He is too passionate about his work and about his own mother: no one could have a grip on him. He treats women too harshly and too differently than the way he treats men. He inherently does not like any woman, especially one of his own creation. He is too selfish to spend time and money on anyone but himself.

He is too passionate about his work and about his own mother: no one could have a grip on him.

What is good evidence that Unferth now trusts in Beowulf and supports his efforts as superior to his own? He cuts off Grendel's head and presents it to Beowulf as a token of his gratitude. He descends with Beowulf to the mother's lair and waits outside the door. He lends (and later gives) to Beowulf the sword Hrunting, an ancient and valuable weapon. He praises Beowulf's powers and promises to give him treasure if successful.

He lends (and later gives) to Beowulf the sword Hrunting, an ancient and valuable weapon.

Which statement best expresses a situational irony concerning Lord Henry's philosophies? He proposes a life of sensuality, and he himself lives it. He discredits marriage and convinces Dorian not to marry Sibyl. He maligns any kind of influence, yet he acknowledges that he influences Dorian. He supports experimenting with emotions and, in fact, does it.

He maligns any kind of influence, yet he acknowledges that he influences Dorian.

What is the best evidence that Beowulf operates from a commitment to principle? He boasts about past accomplishments in order to make himself look good. He criticizes Unferth for his cowardice. He expects treasure if he is successful in killing Grendel. He puts himself in fate's hands, even if death awaits.

He puts himself in fate's hands, even if death awaits.

Which fact best demonstrates that Pickering cares at least a little for Eliza's personal development? He is eager to make arrangements for her living conditions following their experiment. He reprimands her for speaking about common topics in polite society. He decides to quit the experiment because of Mrs. Higgins' reaction to the visit. He recites to Mrs. Higgins how Eliza has a natural skill in picking up music.

He recites to Mrs. Higgins how Eliza has a natural skill in picking up music.

Which is the best explanation for the mariner picking the wedding guest to hear his story? The wedding guest has the power to forgive him of sin. He seeks revenge for the injustice life has dealt him; he wants to make other men miserable like himself. He sees something in the guest's face that could lead him to the same fate as the mariner himself. He chooses his victims merely by chance, hoping to relieve himself of his story one more time.

He sees something in the guest's face that could lead him to the same fate as the mariner himself.

a self-confirmed misogynist, or woman hater

Henry Higgins

believes in treating all people equally, even if it is rudely

Henry Higgins

Which statement best supports Higgins as the mythological Pygmalion? Henry Higgins creates his ideal lady — even though he despises women — and assumes he can control her. Henry Higgins works hard at what he does; he is devoted to his work as honest and beneficial to mankind. Henry Higgins has power to change lives because of the gifts he is able to bestow on people. Henry Higgins is a professor of language and an intelligent man with strong principles.

Henry Higgins creates his ideal lady — even though he despises women — and assumes he can control her.

He deserts the epic hero, but does not violate commitatus because he has pledged treasure, not loyalty.


Which kenning indicates a commitment to commitatus? Beowulf cuts off Grendel's head and brings it to the surface. Beowulf's men had been given better beds. The Danes leave the lake shore. Hrothgar is called a ring-giver.

Hrothgar is called a ring-giver.

Which is the best example of commitatus? Beowulf helps his friend Brecca even though he himself is in greater danger. Beowulf anticipates death as a possible outcome of his battle with Grendel. Unferth challenges the truth of Beowulf's story. Hrothgar promises treasure if Beowulf keeps his vow to whip Grendel.

Hrothgar promises treasure if Beowulf keeps his vow to whip Grendel.

"LOVE IS NOT ALL: IT IS NOT MEAT NOR DRINK" Which statement is the least positive, or said with the least assurance? I do not think I would. Nor yet a floating spar to men that sink. Love cannot fill the thickened lung with breath. It is not meat nor drink.

I do not think I would.

Which line is not an example of iambic pentameter? A vestige of the thoughts that once I had. Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. I found the phrase to every thought. Remember me when I am gone away.

I found the phrase to every thought.


I like singing, kayaking, and dancing.

According to what happens in the story, and to what Hawthorne says through his narrator, which is the most appropriate theme for this story? In our pursuit of learning we must not forget nor violate the natural order of things. The Creator is unhappy with those who will not attempt to manage their own issues. Science has more lasting power than love. Man must trust the advances of science to solve his own problems.

In our pursuit of learning we must not forget nor violate the natural order of things.

Which statement is the most accurate concerning this line: "The light of heaven falls whole and white"? It has a great example of onomatopoeia with the word "falls." It a good example of internal rhyme with the words light and white. It has five stressed beats; hence, it is iambic pentameter. It includes assonance with the words heaven and whole.

It a good example of internal rhyme with the words light and white.

Which is the best explanation for classifying this story as Victorian? It was written by Kipling, and he lived during the Victorian period. It paints a picture of events that simply could not happen in real life. It contains Romantic elements of independence, but shows them in contrast to man as a victim. It is a framework story, or a story within a story.

It contains Romantic elements of independence, but shows them in contrast to man as a victim.

Which statement best explains why the following line is a better example of outright humor than of wit: "Pickering: shall we ask this baggage to sit down, or shall we throw her out of the window?" It is negative in nature, and almost everything negative is humorous. It makes the ordinary reader/observer intellectually ponder for several moments before responding. It elicits (draws out) from the observer an almost immediate response as funny, even though it involves name calling. It attempts to satirize the overall terrible condition of the poor.

It elicits (draws out) from the observer an almost immediate response as funny, even though it involves name calling.

Which is the best reason to declare this story Romantic? It deals with cold, hard facts which we would expect to occur in real life. It examines the motivations and emotions of the inner man in conflict with self. It takes a close look at the restorative powers of nature. It centers on science as the source of ultimate truth.

It examines the motivations and emotions of the inner man in conflict with self.

"LET ME NOT TO THE MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS" What is the best evidence that this is an English, Shakespearean, or Elizabethan sonnet? It has a late turn, with a rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd, efef, gg. The theme is typical of the English kind of love. It has a problem and a resolution. It has an early turn, with a rhyme scheme of abba, abba, cde, cde.

It has a late turn, with a rhyme scheme of abab, cdcd, efef, gg.

"WHOSO LIST TO HUNT" What is the strongest indicator that this is an Italian sonnet? It has a late turn, just barely before the last couple of lines. It has a problem and a solution. It is about love, typical of the Italians. It has an early turn, just past halfway through.

It has an early turn, just past halfway through.

What is the strongest indicator that this is an Italian sonnet? It has a late turn, just barely before the last couple of lines. It has a problem and a solution. It is about love, typical of the Italians. It has an early turn, just past halfway through.

It has an early turn, just past halfway through.

Concerning dramatic structure, which statement best explains the main purpose of Act I? It presents a great example of denouement so that we can resolve any misunderstandings. It builds to a powerful climax so that we get the full force of an emotional response to the play. It introduces the main characters and presents background information necessary to understanding the play. It presents a humorous situation which satisfies our interest in learning a lesson from art.

It introduces the main characters and presents background information necessary to understanding the play.

Why is "The Rime of The Ancient Mariner" a good example of Romantic thought or philosophy? It is highly imaginary, centers on an individual soul, and deals with powerful emotions. It is based on love, which is the word most closely related to Romantic. The wedding guest cannot possibly understand in any real way the emotions that the mariner feels. It deals with a totally imaginary time and place that are too far from reality to be true.

It is highly imaginary, centers on an individual soul, and deals with powerful emotions.

Which is the best evidence in support of true love as never changing? If it changed, then men would not write about it. It is like a star that is always fixed in the same location, despite movement of the ship. It is an error to assume otherwise because there is no contrary evidence. Impediments often get in the way of true love.

It is like a star that is always fixed in the same location, despite movement of the ship.

Even though "The Eve of St. Agnes" is a ballad, which element might tempt you to disqualify the poem as a ballad? It has a theme of both courage and love. It is written in iambic pentameter. A lot of the action happens through dialogue (the characters' speech). There is an element of the supernatural in it.

It is written in iambic pentameter.

Which is the best explanation for the dead albatross as a symbol? It represents the weight of guilt and suffering for sin. It represents the greed and selfishness of evil men. It represents the destruction of evil by righteous powers. It represents the fate that comes to all living creatures.

It represents the weight of guilt and suffering for sin.

How is this story an example of anti-altruism? It shows a man more concerned with his own welfare than that of anyone else. It reveals a conflict of man vs. self. It demonstrates a conflict of man against the will of one strong woman. It demonstrates the care that a doctor can take for an unfortunate man.

It shows a man more concerned with his own welfare than that of anyone else.

How is this story an example of Victorian literature? It reveals man with a tremendous personal conflict which eventually overcomes him. It shows man in touch with the beauties of nature. It shows a significant doubt as man balances opposites, the past and the present. It shows a man in touch with his deepest emotions.

It shows a significant doubt as man balances opposites, the past and the present.


It's raining cats and dogs

"HOW DO I LOVE THEE?" In rhyme scheme alone, the structure reveals that this sonnet is which type? English Italian some new type not yet discussed a specialized kind like Spencer's


Which statement best explains Shaw's delight in throwing Pygmalion at the heads of wiseacres? It makes them act like normal people because they end up laughing. It helps them understand that a play can qualify as true art. Its success proves the point that quality art can still be didactic. It challenges their thinking by throwing wit at them time after time.

Its success proves the point that quality art can still be didactic.

Which character reveals a terrible aspect of his own nature by saying this: "Believe me that if this man wrongs my sister, I will find out who he is, track him down, and kill him like a dog. I swear it"?

Jim Vane

Which statement best summarizes Harry's thoughts on the purpose of life (his weltanschauung)? Life is to be experienced, and all experience is good. One must be cautious in life and exercise good judgement. The purpose of a productive life is to influence others. We must live by faith and obedience in order to reach higher principles.

Life is to be experienced, and all experience is good.

Which is the best example of dramatic irony? Lord Henry to Dorian, "I should like to know someone who had committed a real murder." The narrator about Jim, "Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them." Lord Henry to Dorian, "To be good is to be in harmony with one's self." Dorian to Basil, "Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him."

Lord Henry to Dorian, "I should like to know someone who had committed a real murder."

Which statement best identifies Coleridge's weltanschauung? Man is an individual who must trust only in himself in isolation from nature. Man is a hopeless creature, a captive of his emotions, with no chance to improve his life. Man is a product of his environment, a pawn at the mercy of society and its evils. Man is a mixture of good and evil who should listen to the truths of his imagination.

Man is a mixture of good and evil who should listen to the truths of his imagination.

Which statement best describes the narrator's attitude about fate? Man's fate can never be changed. Fate has no control over mankind Man's fate is determined by God. Fate is a power greater than God.

Man's fate is determined by God.

Based on the conflict and its resolution, which is the most appropriate theme? Mankind tends to repeat the mistakes prompted by personal weaknesses. Nature leads us to ultimate truth. The imagination sets us free from worldly cares. Science provides answers which improve our lives and grants us new opportunities.

Mankind tends to repeat the mistakes prompted by personal weaknesses.

Which response is the best example of a kenning? Men are rewarded for keeping covenants. "Nor is it a pleasant spot." Mankind's enemy. Beowulf kills three terrible monsters.

Mankind's enemy

Which statement best explains the theme shared by both "The Tuft of Flowers" and "Mending Wall"? Love and hate often spring from the same seed. Flowers and walls both present obstacles to men understanding each other. Men share greater connections to each other than they immediately understand. Men are naturally insensitive to nature and her lessons.

Men share greater connections to each other than they immediately understand.

Which theme does not belong to this story, based on the evidence? Men typically hate each other and bring upon each other great misery. We tend to be what our impulses or spontaneous actions reveal. There are often significant consequences for our seemingly unimportant actions. Loving all of God's creations brings us happiness and peace.

Men typically hate each other and bring upon each other great misery.

Which theme does not belong to this story, based on the evidence? Men typically hate each other and bring upon each other great misery. We tend to be what our impulses or spontaneous actions reveal. There are often significant consequences for our seemingly unimportant actions. Loving all of God's creations brings us happiness and peace.

Men typically hate each other and bring upon each other great misery. We tend to be what our impulses or spontaneous actions reveal.

According to this story, which would be the best explanation for men turning to Hell, the devil, and evil as a source of help? The devil has more power than God in this story. Men need the devil's help to do evil things. History shows men that evil usually wins. Men who do not know God turn to what is in their hearts.

Men who do not know God turn to what is in their hearts.

What is the best evidence that a Christian monk first recorded this story? Beowulf, the great hero, is himself a monk. Monks travelled the countryside looking for good stories--that was their job. The story is about the battle between good and evil. Monks were among the few who could read and write, and there are Christian stories woven into Beowulf.

Monks were among the few who could read and write, and there are Christian stories woven into Beowulf.

the professor's main love object and the reason he cannot ever marry successfully

Mrs. Higgins


Mumble, belch, grumble

"Young Goodman Brown." Which description of Nature is both accurate regarding this story and typical of Hawthorne's Romantic vision? Nature is good and inspirational, and we satisfy our hunger for truth there. Nature is predictable, calm, understandable, and we soothe the troubles of our daily life there. Nature is harmless, insignificant, and nothing of any human importance takes place there. Nature is dark, evil, mysterious, and we confront our greatest demons among it.

Nature is dark, evil, mysterious, and we confront our greatest demons among it.

Which description of Nature is both accurate regarding this story and typical of Hawthorne's Romantic vision? Nature is good and inspirational, and we satisfy our hunger for truth there. Nature is predictable, calm, understandable, and we soothe the troubles of our daily life there. Nature is harmless, insignificant, and nothing of any human importance takes place there. Nature is dark, evil, mysterious, and we confront our greatest demons among it.

Nature is dark, evil, mysterious, and we confront our greatest demons among it.

Which Romantic element is at the heart of understanding this story? The individual must listen to the whisperings of his own heart over what society says. Nature represents the way things ought to be, and we find truth in nature. The imagination has the power to reveal to us secret truths. The inner emotions of man lead him to an ultimate trust in his imagination.

Nature represents the way things ought to be, and we find truth in nature.

Internal Rhyme

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.

"The Tuft of Flowers" theme All things must pass away, or else we would not appreciate them. Our actions, whether good or ill, affect other people. Nature betrays us when we begin to count on her. Most men are insensitive to nature and ignore her teachings.

Our actions, whether good or ill, affect other people.



What is the best evidence that this story represents elements of altruism? The priests trick Dravot into revealing that he really is not a god. Peachey remains true to Dravot even after Dravot violates a part of the contract. Kipling tells us the story so we won't make the same mistakes in becoming kings. Dravot's motivation for becoming a king is to help people improve their lives.

Peachey remains true to Dravot even after Dravot violates a part of the contract.

Which is the best explanation for this line: "Our love shall live, and later life renew"? Love is limited to this life only. A mortal thing cannot be immortalized. We'll have children who will carry on our name. People will remember our love, giving us life beyond this present time.

People will remember our love, giving us life beyond this present time.

"The world is too much with us" - Which of the following is the best example of an allusion? an outworn creed laying waste our powers a wolf howling at the moon Proteus and Triton

Proteus and Triton

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which best explains the symbolic meaning of the mirror? Eternity can be demonstrated in two mirrors facing each other. Reality is easy to camouflage and keep hidden. Death is the inevitable consequence of riotous living. Regardless of appearance, our true nature manifests itself.

Regardless of appearance, our true nature manifests itself.

Which statement best expresses the theme associated with Eliza's dilemma? Loving from the point of true principle is the highest love of all and the one which brings the most rewards. Learning gives us new and exciting powers and opportunities, and the sky is the limit. Remaining ignorant of our social limitations has as many challenges as integrating into a new condition for which we may not be adequately prepared. Marriage is at best a difficult endeavor; it becomes even more difficult when we marry someone weaker than ourselves.

Remaining ignorant of our social limitations has as many challenges as integrating into a new condition for which we may not be adequately prepared.

Based on the conflict, who is the antagonist in this story? Cyrus, because he is eventually killed for his father's untruth Roger Malvin, because he binds Reuben to a pact Dorcas, because she knows something is not right with her husband Reuben's own heart, because inside he knows that he lives a lie

Reuben's own heart, because inside he knows that he lives a lie

The oak tree in which Reuben ties the banner is most likely symbolic of what idea? Cyrus' impending death at the hand of his own father Reuben's very life, which was promising in his youth but lifeless as he aged Dorcas' heartbreak when her son is killed Roger Malvin's personal revenge towards his son-in-law

Reuben's very life, which was promising in his youth but lifeless as he aged

"BATTER MY HEART, THREE PERSON'D GOD" Which is the best example of a conceit? Satan's control is compared to an engagement. Something must be burned to be made new. A blind poet can dictate poetry to his daughters. Patience speaks to a man about his problem.

Satan's control is compared to an engagement.

Which is the best example of a conceit? Satan's control is compared to an engagement. Something must be burned to be made new. A blind poet can dictate poetry to his daughters. Patience speaks to a man about his problem.

Satan's control is compared to an engagement.

In "Christabel," what motivates the main character to be out in the woods at night? She misses her mother and is out looking for her, or for some manifestation from her. She is praying for her own soul because she has deeply sinned. She has a secret appointment with a young man of whom her father does not approve. She goes to pray for her knight who is away at battle.

She goes to pray for her knight who is away at battle.

Which statement best explains Georgiana's motivation for proceeding with the experiment despite her doubts? She has come to hate the birthmark herself. She fears that the mark will spread like cancer and kill her. She trusts the powers of science to control Nature. She has a renewed faith in her husband's abilities.

She has come to hate the birthmark herself.

Which statement best explains the dilemma of Eliza's situation? She knows that two men are in love with her (Freddy and Higgins). She cannot possibly be loved any longer by her own family members, especially her father. She is caught between two worlds -- not capable of completely living in high society and not wanting to return to the way she was. She cannot learn to pronounce correctly and won't be able to pass as a duchess.

She is caught between two worlds -- not capable of completely living in high society and not wanting to return to the way she was.


She sells sea shells by the sea shore

"One day I wrote her name upon the strand" - How does the speaker's love object feel about his efforts? She declares she has never been loved like this before. She becomes angry that someone so unimportant would love her. She is proud to be loved by someone so noble and famous. She thinks it is senseless to express love for fleeting flesh.

She thinks it is senseless to express love for fleeting flesh.

Catharsis is not reserved for the audience alone; in fact, they experience this as a character or characters themselves do. Which statement best illustrates that Eliza has a cathartic experience in Act IV? She calls Higgins "Sir." She throws the slippers at Higgins and challenges his treatment of her. She expresses concern for her future welfare, asking what is to become of her. She searches for the ring which Higgins has thrown into the fireplace.

She throws the slippers at Higgins and challenges his treatment of her.

What is the best evidence that Sibyl feels some genuine love for Dorian? She wants to give up her acting after experiencing genuine emotions and kills herself when betrayed by those. She follows Dorian's directions to not look at the portrait and thereby knows his heart. She calls him Prince Charming and claims to her brother that everyone else likes him. She vows to continue with her theatrical pursuits, knowing she will be better for Dorian by being stronger herself.

She wants to give up her acting after experiencing genuine emotions and kills herself when betrayed by those.

"REMEMBER" - Which of the following is the best evidence that the speaker cares about herself as well as about her love? She thinks that her love is better than any he could have. She wishes to be remembered even when she is somewhere else. She claims to be the best thing that ever happened to him. She vows to punish him in spirit if he ever forgets her.

She wishes to be remembered even when she is somewhere else.

"REMEMBER" - Which of the following is the best evidence that the speaker cares about others? She offers to pray for him in his time of need. She would rather have her love forget her than be sad. She promises to love him even though he has gone away. She promises to remember him even when they are apart.

She would rather have her love forget her than be sad.

Which statement best explains Dylan Thomas' definition of poetry as a "movement from an overclothed blindness to a naked vision" in "Mending Wall"? The speaker's thoughts are initially hidden from the neighbor, but the speaker must finally fully express them to his neighbor. Similar to Frost's delight-and-wisdom comment, what begins as an ordinary event takes on significant meaning through the eyes of the poet. The wall is a naked expression of the distrust men often share, but the speaker remains unconvinced that his neighbor is blind to it. The neighbor has an overclothed blindness but he finally gets it in the end, coming to a naked vision regarding his opinion about walls.

Similar to Frost's delight-and-wisdom comment, what begins as an ordinary event takes on significant meaning through the eyes of the poet.

Petrarch would write what type of sonnet?

Something, loud, strong, energetic

What discovery from the dream causes fear for Aylmer? That his wife in truth does not love him nor respect his abilities. That Aminadab betrays him by taking credit for success. That the birthmark has caught hold of Georgiana's heart. That the birthmark is a product of science, not of Nature.

That the birthmark has caught hold of Georgiana's heart.

If the wisdom in this poem is the idea that it's natural for man to resist change, especially the big one from life to death, then which statement best explains the delight? Remember Frost's expression of poetry, that it begins in delight and ends in wisdom. That the feet question which way to go. That the heart still aches to experience all the joys of life. That this life has been like a jaunt through the fields and woods. That winter is waiting for us all, just like death.

That this life has been like a jaunt through the fields and woods.

"LET ME NOT TO THE MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS" Which statement best describes the structural difference between this last sonnet (English) and "Whoso list to hunt" (Italian)? There is no structural difference; the rhyme schemes are identical. The English sonnet turns late from a situation to a summary; the Italian turns early from a problem to a solution. The speakers' attitudes are formed by dissimilar experience. They both talk of love, but one negatively and the other positively.

The English sonnet turns late from a situation to a summary; the Italian turns early from a problem to a solution.

Select the point made by these two lines: "Yet many a man is making friends with death / Even as I speak, for lack of love alone." Death is not a horrible experience; he is a friend. Many men never experience meaningful love. We are never alone when we are in love. The absence of love really can lead to death.

The absence of love really can lead to death.

"OZYMANDIUS" Which statement expresses the greatest irony of this sonnet? (Remember that one definition of irony is a contrast between what would be expected and what really exists.) The anonymous sculptor's work remains, but there is no other evidence of Ozymandius' greatness. The statue is ruined, broken on the ground, even though Ozymandius was great. The traveller notices that nothing else remains around the ruined statue. The traveller tells this story to an unknown speaker, who comments on it at the end.

The anonymous sculptor's work remains, but there is no other evidence of Ozymandius' greatness.

Which statement best describes the relationship, if any, between atmosphere and mood? The mood of the author creates atmosphere. The atmosphere created by the author leads to mood in the reader. Atmosphere is the author's attitude towards a subject; mood is your attitude towards the subject. There isn't even a subtle difference between the two.

The atmosphere created by the author leads to mood in the reader.


The car DANCED on the icy road.

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which statement about setting is most true for this story? The events and meaning from this story would be equally important in any time and place. The setting determines the decisions that these characters make. Setting is never really important to the events and meanings in a story, especially in this one. The events of this story could only have happened a long time ago.

The events and meaning from this story would be equally important in any time and place.

According to the speaker, which is the best explanation for the mower leaving the tuft of flowers? The flowers made him happy, and he left them because they somehow moved him. He has simply made a mistake in his mowing, leaving the tuft by accident. He knows that someone will follow him who will undoubtedly enjoy the flowers. He didn't cut anything up by the flowers anyway, as they were close to the brook.

The flowers made him happy, and he left them because they somehow moved him.


The idea of making and keeping a covenant or promise between those who agree to it; there is reward for performance, but the keeping of the promise is the principle.

Which Romantic theme works best for both "Christabel" and "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"? The impulses of our heart guide our ultimate actions. Destruction of God's creatures brings horrible consequences. Blessing snakes is a key to discovering truth. Silly boyhood actions destroy friendships.

The impulses of our heart guide our ultimate actions.

Which statement best describes this narrator? The narrator is a king committed to commitatus. The narrator is a Christian monk committed to faith in God. The narrator is a Geat warrior committed to wyrd. The narrator is the epic hero committed to adventure.

The narrator is a Christian monk committed to faith in God.

Which is the best example of paradox? To be in love is to surpass one's self. The only things one never regrets are one's mistakes. "He felt as if a hand of ice had been laid upon his heart." To test Reality we must see it on the tight-rope.

The only things one never regrets are one's mistakes.


The pause in the middle of a line

What is the best evidence that this is still an art ballad, not an ode? The typical ballad stanza, abcb, is used throughout. The poem expresses a powerful emotional idea; in this case, love. The poem relates a story, even though it is a rather strange one. The poem pays tribute to an object or person; in this case, Christabel.

The poem relates a story, even though it is a rather strange one.

"THE WORLD IS TOO MUCH WITH US" Select the idea which this line best supports: "Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers." The pursuit of materialism makes us insensitive to our natural or inner qualities. We can never spend enough time getting all we need from a culture. Outworn creeds are a waste of energy. Nature demands that we pay attention to her.

The pursuit of materialism makes us insensitive to our natural or inner qualities.

Which statement best describes the wit of the poem that follows from page 14 of Act II?Eliza, Elizabeth, Betsy, and Bess,They went to the woods to get a bird's nes':They found a nest with four eggs in it:They took one apiece, and left three in it. It has two outstanding examples of rhyme, which takes significant intelligence. The reader has to think a little bit to come to the conclusion that all four are names for one person; hence, only one egg is taken. You have to think hard to come to the conclusion that there were actually seven eggs in the first place. Both Pickering and Higgins know the poem, and they alternate reciting parts.

The reader has to think a little bit to come to the conclusion that all four are names for one person; hence, only one egg is taken.

Which statement best expresses the problem with the following stanza as a perfect example of the ballad form? I calmed her fears, and she was calm, And told her love with virgin pride; And so I won my Genevieve, My bright and beauteous Bride.

The second line should have only three beats.

Which statement best expresses the problem with the following stanza as a perfect example of the ballad form?I calmed her fears, and she was calm,And told her love with virgin pride;And so I won my Genevieve,My bright and beauteous Bride. The first and third lines should rhyme. The second and fourth lines should not rhyme. The second line should have only three beats. The fourth line should have four beats.

The second line should have only three beats.

Which statement best explains this paradox: "Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul"? The soul and the senses are opposites — spiritual versus physical. The senses always have more power than the soul — they are not equals in any way. The soul always has more power than the senses — they are not equals in any way. The soul and the senses must be the same — similar qualities.

The soul and the senses are opposites — spiritual versus physical.

"LET ME NOT TO THE MARRIAGE OF TRUE MINDS" Which statement best describes the speaker's situation in this sonnet? The speaker is troubled by love and decides to search for a better circumstance. The speaker describes the importance of physical beauty in a love relationship. The speaker describes a negative experience with love that diminishes his hope. The speaker compares true love to positive examples and asserts the description as true.

The speaker compares true love to positive examples and asserts the description as true.

"REMEMBER" - Which of the following statements best describes the speaker's problem or situation? The speaker fears losing her love to another woman. The speaker fears going away for a short time. to get in tune with nature The speaker is contemplating her own death.

The speaker is contemplating her own death.

Which of the following is NOT an epic characteristic? A larger-than-life hero of national importance exhibits superhuman effort. The story is about ordinary people like you and me. The setting is vast both in place and time. The narrator of a typically long poetic story is objective, detached, third person.

The story is about ordinary people like you and me.

Why do countries like the United States and Great Britain accept Beowulf as their epic? The story takes place around the same time that the U.S. separated from England. The story is set in ancient England, mother country of the United States. The story was originally written down in an old form of the English language. The writer of the story was more than likely an Englishman.

The story was originally written down in an old form of the English language.

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which is the most likely climax for the main conflict? The struggling guests knock the table over, and the vase breaks. Dr. Heidegger vows never to drink from the fountain of youth. The guests leave for Florida and the fountain of youth. A dying butterfly lights in the water and is rejuvenated.

The struggling guests knock the table over, and the vase breaks.

Which explanation best matches this line: "But came the tide, and made my pains his prey"? The tide itself is a pain. The tide comes and eats away his efforts. He prays that tide will wash away his pain. Pain preys on us all, just as a bird of prey does an animal.

The tide comes and eats away his efforts

Which explanation best matches this line: "But came the tide, and made my pains his prey"? The tide itself is a pain. The tide comes and eats away his efforts. He prays that tide will wash away his pain. Pain preys on us all, just as a bird of prey does an animal.

The tide comes and eats away his efforts.

What is the best evidence that "Mending Wall" is written in blank verse? There is no set rhythm nor any definite rhyme scheme. There are repeated couplets throughout the poem. There are iambic pentameter lines with no definite rhyme scheme. There are occasional lapses in the flow: you have to fill in many blanks.

There are iambic pentameter lines with no definite rhyme scheme.

From this final poem his and others, which statement best describes Frost's weltanschauung? Rarely will sensitive observers find meaningful comparisons between life and nature. There are many wonderful epiphanies in life associated with simple events or situations. The world is a cruel place with very few positive lessons for us. Men are basically insensitive to the beauties and truths around them.

There are many wonderful epiphanies in life associated with simple events or situations.

Which statement is the most accurate regarding these lines: "And the mind whirls and the heart sings, / And a shout greets the daring one"? The three verbs demonstrate assonance. There is very little imagery of any kind in the lines. There are three parallel phrases. These lines are full of internal rhyme.

There are three parallel phrases.

"The Man Who Would Be King." Which is the best example of Victorian thought in this story? There is an idea of "how to live," of how to be true to a commitment. There is a boundless pessimism and lack of faith in mankind. There is a powerful message of the truths found in nature. There is a very common vision of "life as it is" that most of us would experience.

There is an idea of "how to live," of how to be true to a commitment.

"The Man Who Would Be King." Which is the best example of Romantic thought in this story? There is a quest for power, glory, and adventure. There is significant doubt in the powers of an individual. There is an imaginary vision which leads to a powerful reality. There is a good example of a main character in touch with nature.

There is an imaginary vision which leads to a powerful reality.

Which is the best explanation for the mariner shooting the albatross? There is no good reason other than a senseless human impulse. He shoots the bird in revenge for the bad luck it brings. He does not love animals as is evidenced by further behavior. More than likely, several other sailors prod him into it.

There is no good reason other than a senseless human impulse.

Which statement best describes why the story in "The Eve of St. Agnes" is Romantic? There is significant emotional motivation for the major character's actions — Madeline, Porphyro, and even Angela. There seems to be a deep concern for individual human rights as opposed to the rights of the majority or group. Reason plays a large role in the motivations of the main characters. The setting is mainly from nature, and nature plays a big part in the truths learned here.

There is significant emotional motivation for the major character's actions — Madeline, Porphyro, and even Angela.

"The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes." Which is the best evidence that Gunga Dass is a foil for Jukes? They plan to escape together, provided they can foil the plans of the other prisoners. They are moral opposites—Dass motivated by fear, money, food; Jukes motivated by principle and purpose. They would, under certain circumstances, kill people in order to survive. They both end up in the hole, even though Dass has been there for a long time.

They are moral opposites—Dass motivated by fear, money, food; Jukes motivated by principle and purpose.

"LOVE IS NOT ALL: IT IS NOT MEAT NOR DRINK" How is this sonnet most like "How do I love thee, let me count the ways"? They both create lists of examples to make their point. They both end with a negative conclusion. The speaker in both cases is definitely a woman. They are both fine examples of the Italian form.

They both create lists of examples to make their point.

"The Phantom Rickshaw." Which is the greatest similarity between this story and "The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes?" They both involve first-person narrators who write their accounts for someone else to read. They both probably really happened to someone; they present life as it is. Both main characters survive or emotionally overcome their major conflicts. Both main characters do what is morally right according to their society.

They both involve first-person narrators who write their accounts for someone else to read.

Which statement best describes the situational irony of Higgins' and Pickering's criticism of fashionable people with social style? They are disappointed in Eliza's abilities in pulling off their grand experiment. They criticize the very experience for which they have been preparing Eliza for six months. They are concerned for Eliza's welfare now that she can obviously mingle with society. They are surprised at their own abilities in helping Eliza join in that style.

They criticize the very experience for which they have been preparing Eliza for six months.

"The world is too much with us" - What is the advantage that the speaker claims for the pagans? They had less to worry about than modern man. They were kinder to one another. They believed in principles which were not true. They were in touch with nature.

They were in touch with nature.

What is the advantage that the speaker claims for the pagans? They had less to worry about than modern man. They were kinder to one another. They believed in principles which were not true. They were in touch with nature.

They were in touch with nature.

Which statement best describes the monsters' main motivation for their work among men?

They work mainly from a desire for revenge

Which element of Victorian thought does this novel best express when you consider the major conflicts? This novel shows friends motivated by the principle of altruism. This novel paints a picture of "life as it is," of explicit realism, especially when the painting is considered. This novel paints a picture of "life as it should be," as exemplified in the life of Dorian Gray himself. This novel presents man as isolated and alienated due to doubt and spiritual decay.

This novel presents man as isolated and alienated due to doubt and spiritual decay.

"Reluctance" theme Those things which we most enjoy are most difficult to let go. The same old thing over and over becomes unbearable. True acts must have pure motives behind them. Love, or any emotion of the heart, cannot be forced.

Those things which we most enjoy are most difficult to let go.

According to evidence in the story, why does Beowulf pursue fame? To benefit people following his death--as a memory of how good triumphs. Because with fame comes treasure, and he wants a comfortable life. For his personal glory--so people will pay tribute to him in his life. So that storytellers will have great stories to tell in order to entertain people.

To benefit people following his death--as a memory of how good triumphs.

"Holy cow! I just saw a million flies in the window," is an example of hyperbole.


"If" could be considered Victorian because it expresses contradictory situations.


"If" could be considered Victorian because it has the Romantic quality of concern for the individual.


A benefit of allusion is an understanding of the present through an understanding of the past.


A didactic piece of literature tends to focus on ideas.


A first-person subjective major narrator, telling a story from the vantage point of elapsed time, can reveal more than a first-person objective minor narrator, telling it as it happens.


A man walks into the doctor's office holding his bloody head (literally) in his hands. He says, "I might need a band-aid and an aspirin." This is an example of understatement.


A soliloquy is a dramatic convention which presents a character's thoughts to the audience.


A third-person omniscient narrator may reveal more than a third-person fly-on-the-wall narrator.


Humor, more than wit, appeals to the emotions.


In a simple definition, drama attempts to present the human condition through actors who represent human characters.


One irony of Pygmalion as a play is that drama is an imitation of life, and the "Pygmalion" story is a myth.


Stock characters are usually flat characters.


The title Pygmalion is an allusion.


The traditional dramatic structure calls for the climax near the middle of the play rather than near the end.


This poem implies that man could become a victim if he does not watch out. This makes the poem not only an example of Naturalism or Realism, but also makes it Victorian.


Which response would be the most serious result of violating commitatus, as is exemplified in this story? Monsters would continue to roam the land. Trust would be lost, the people would suffer, and future commitments would be jeopardized. The country would continue to look up to and follow its leader. The leader would get to keep his treasure and keep his kingdom wealthy.

Trust would be lost, the people would suffer, and future commitments would be jeopardized.

Which statement best identifies Keats's weltanschauung? Truth for one is not truth for another. Truth is too elusive for man to even attempt finding. Truth should be sought after through rigorous, rational thought. Truth can be found through the emotions and imagination.

Truth can be found through the emotions and imagination.

Which statement best identifies Keats's weltanschauung? Truth for one is not truth for another. Truth is too elusive for man to even attempt finding. Truth should be sought after through rigorous, rational thought. Truth can be found through the emotions and imagination.

Truth can be found through the emotions and imagination.

What is the best evidence that life-in-death wins the game? Two hundred sailors must live on, working the ship even as dead men. Only one sailor dies, just like the whizz of his crossbow. It doesn't win. Death does, and cries "I've won! I've won!" Two hundred sailors die and flee to bliss or woe.

Two hundred sailors die and flee to bliss or woe.

Changes his mind about the hero. Goes from jealousy to extreme respect, even to the point of lending (and later giving) the hero his own choicest weapon Hrothgar Wiglaf Brecca Unferth Grendel


"Young Goodman Brown." Which statement best supports this story as an allegory? Hypocrisy is an inevitable source of conflict. Marital relationships are interesting to say the least. Separating ourselves from our fellow men will not solve our own peculiar problems. We all need faith to fight the battle of good versus evil, of God versus the devil.

We all need faith to fight the battle of good versus evil, of God versus the devil.

Which statement best supports this story as an allegory? Hypocrisy is an inevitable source of conflict. Marital relationships are interesting to say the least. Separating ourselves from our fellow men will not solve our own peculiar problems. We all need faith to fight the battle of good versus evil, of God versus the devil.

We all need faith to fight the battle of good versus evil, of God versus the devil.

Which statement is the most accurate regarding the imagery in this poem? We may conclude with great assurance that the speaker is describing his own writing. We may confidently conclude that the images are relating to death. We can justify the idea that apple-picking represents something he has done a lot. We know for certain that he will never pick apples again.

We can justify the idea that apple-picking represents something he has done a lot.

"Home Burial" theme Grief and sorrow are the natural consequences of serious mistakes in our lives. Death is a painful existence with mysteries we cannot solve in this life. Love cannot last when we act from selfish motivations. We often protect our emotions by refusing to freely, openly, and honestly communicate.

We often protect our emotions by refusing to freely, openly, and honestly communicate.

"One day I wrote her name upon the strand" - The speaker's object is "eternized" best in what way? We recognize her name even though she is now dead and gone. He creates a monument for her in the sand. He makes her famous by marrying her and giving her his name. We read about her in these lines which still exist.

We read about her in these lines which still exist.

How can Mr. Hubbard's comments about the weight of the portrait be considered examples of dramatic irony? We, the readers, understand the import of the comments in a way that Hubbard cannot. Dorian understands the words in a way that Hubbard would not understand. Based on what they are doing, we would expect him to say something else. He says one thing but really means another.

We, the readers, understand the import of the comments in a way that Hubbard cannot.

In the hero's darkest hour, this character remains true to his covenant (to the point of risking his own life) and chastises those who are not faithful. Hrothgar Grendel Wiglaf Brecca Unferth


Which is the best contemporary ("with the time"; in our own time) example of commitatus? You miss a few chores at home, and your parents pay you an allowance anyway. Without being asked, you help your sister do her homework, and when your father finds out, he gives you tickets to a concert. A kind neighbor sees that your family is struggling to make ends meet, so she secretly puts a bag of groceries on your doorstep. You agree to work hard, attend all your classes, turn in all your assignments, and the teacher agrees to record a grade which matches your effort and performance.

You agree to work hard, attend all your classes, turn in all your assignments, and the teacher agrees to record a grade which matches your effort and performance.

Which is the best example of a paradox? Reason is compared to a viceroy. Patience replies to a question. A blind man writes poetry. You must imprison me to set me free.

You must imprison me to set me free.

Which is the best definition for a turn? a change from one meter of the poem to another a change in purpose by the author of the poem from one theme to another a change of rhyme scheme from ABBA to ABAB a change in the poem from the problem/situation to its resolution/summary

a change in the poem from the problem/situation to its resolution/summary

"The Trial by Existence" conflict a choice between taking the life of an innocent person or sacrificing self a struggle between good and evil, with evil being almost unbearable a choice between the comforts of heaven and the troubles of life a struggle between hope and despair, with despair prevalent because of so many trials

a choice between the comforts of heaven and the troubles of life

Which motivational level is best manifested when Lord Henry says that the best way to regain one's youth is to commit all the follies of one's youth over again. a commitment to altruism, to sacrificing self for others a commitment to self, a preoccupation with the pursuit of pleasure a commitment to principle, for doing good things for the right reasons a commitment to rewards and punishments, a fear for what happens as a result

a commitment to self, a preoccupation with the pursuit of pleasure

Which statement best explains the metaphor of Keats's "sylvan historian" in "Ode on a Grecian Urn?" a young man who tells about almost kissing a girl a poet who writes a ballad about famous people a container which shares a truth from one age with another age a knight who tells his own history even though he is dead

a container which shares a truth from one age with another age

"Into My Own" conflict a curiosity as to an afterlife and whether current belief is true a question about our own abilities and powers to overcome temptation a hesitancy to become involved in the affairs of society, to come out of a shell a selfishness which overpowers the ability to give of self, to share and help others

a curiosity as to an afterlife and whether current belief is true

Which is the best definition of wyrd? a guiding principle related to what happens to us and why a handy way of packing extended meaning into two or three short words an attempt to create humor and elicit laughter from the listeners or readers a guiding principle related to making covenants

a guiding principle related to what happens to us and why

Which description best fits the typical line of Anglo-Saxon poetry? a line of two stressed accents, with four hemistiches a line of variable stresses, divided into three main parts a line of four stressed accents, with three of the four alliterating a line of three stressed accents, with four words alliterating

a line of four stressed accents, with three of the four alliterating

Though we may not know a specific time and place, which statement best describes the setting for this story? More than likely, in modern-day America an innocent time in earth's history when man was completely at the mercy of nature a place and time when nature was generally worshiped and honored by mankind a place where, and a time when, scientific discoveries were making advances for the general betterment of man's situation

a place where, and a time when, scientific discoveries were making advances for the general betterment of man's situation

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which statement best describes the main conflict of the story? a question of whether or not the fountain of youth is real a question of whether or not mankind will repeat his mistakes a question of whether or not the widow will choose one of the men a question of whether or not Dr. Heidegger will ever marry

a question of whether or not mankind will repeat his mistakes

Blessing the water snakes and changing his condition best illustrates which Romantic idea? the importance of the individual as opposed to man in society the importance of reasoning to discover significant truth reliance on imagination to show the best way a trust in the emotions as inspired through nature

a trust in the emotions as inspired through nature

"HOW DO I LOVE THEE?" What is the rhyme scheme for this poem?

abba, abba, cdcdcd

Which is the rhyme scheme which matches that of "Whoso list to hunt"? abba, abba, cdd, cdd abba, abba, abba, cc abab, cdcd, efef, gg aabb, aabb, ccdd, ee

abba, abba, cdd, cdd

Which characteristic of Anglo-Saxon poetry does the following line also illustrate?"Swore by his sword, and young men swelled."


Which term best explains the phrase "merest mask"? alliteration internal rhyme assonance onomatopoeia


"Wee Willie Winkie." Which term best explains Willie's decision to go after Miss Allardyce, even though he breaks house arrest? dilemma point of view altruism foil


Which is the best example of a slant rhyme, or near rhyme? am, tame sore, afore hind, behind fleeth, follow

am, tame

More than likely, what is the wedding guest's potential weakness which compels the mariner to tell him the story? an insensitivity to nature and its truths an evident hatred of mankind too much faith in the powers of science pride in his own abilities over trusting in others

an insensitivity to nature and its truths

According to Romantic thought, what would be the mariner's significant sin? a lack of emotion, because he loses the power to feel an insensitivity to the truths of nature, because this leads to destruction of souls murder, because he indirectly took the lives of many men a killing of the imagination, because he tells the same story over and over

an insensitivity to the truths of nature, because this leads to destruction of souls

Why does the "Melancholy" poem best fit the ode description? because it focuses on a single, emotional subject — melancholy because it tells a story about a man and his love because sadness and joy are natural Romantic emotions because Keats called it an ode in the title

because it focuses on a single, emotional subject — melancholy

"The Man Who Would Be King." Which true violation of the contract ultimately produces the downfall? betraying friendship and loyal counsel taking the life of someone against his will drinking strong drink lusting after a woman and actually marrying her

betraying friendship and loyal counsel

Which kind of poetry is "The Wood-Pile"? blank verse rhyming couplets free verse a sonnet

blank verse

"Wee Willie Winkie." Which term best reflects Willie's choice between staying under house arrest or going after Miss Allardyce? dilemma dynamics foreshadowing foil


"Wee Willie Winkie." Which kind of characterization is this quote from the story? "Generally he was bad, for India offers many chances of going wrong to little six-year-olds." actions foil direct telling physical description

direct telling

"The Phantom Rickshaw." Which Victorian idea is best expressed in this statement by the narrator? "Write him off to the System that uses one man to do the work of two and a half men." an expression or picture of life as it should be a perfect example of the by-products of altruism doubts about a kind of social progress that would cause human exploitation an optimism born of the notion that the individual is important

doubts about a kind of social progress that would cause human exploitation

Which kind of irony is best exemplified by Higgins telling Pickering that Mrs. Pearce is "firmly persuaded that I'm an arbitrary overbearing bossing kind of person" who can't account for it? dramatic irony It's not ironic at all. situational irony verbal irony

dramatic irony

Which kind of irony is best exemplified by this private thought from Dorian: "Yet he could not help feeling infinite pity for the painter who has just made this strange confession to him and wondered if he himself would ever be so dominated by the personality of a friend"? (p. 84). verbal irony It is not ironic in any way. dramatic irony situational irony

dramatic irony

Beowulf dies and is cremated on a boat filled with gold.

false or not epic

Beowulf seems to be motivated mainly by a love of treasure and is referred to as a "ring-giver."

false or not epic

The people are motivated largely by commitatus.

false or not epic

What seems to be Reuben's main motivation for keeping his secret? a love of others, especially his son, because he must not suffer from his father's lie fear of rejection and other personal consequences if he reveals how he left Roger a commitment to the principle of making a vow or covenant a love of principle in that he wants to keep Dorcas from any undue suffering

fear of rejection and other personal consequences if he reveals how he left Roger

Which combination of terms best describes the narration of this story? first-person, major character, subjective, past third-person, objective first-person, minor character, objective, present third-person, omniscient

first-person, major character, subjective, past

Which description best fits the main narrator of this story? first-person, subjective, major character third-person, limited omniscient first-person, objective reporter third-person, omniscient

first-person, subjective, major character

"Love" Which structure best matches that of the poem? no ballad structure because it is an ode typical ballad stanza, abcb; four beats in lines 1 and 3; three beats lines 2 and 4 a rhyme scheme of abba, and therefore not a ballad at all for the most part a typical ballad stanza, but with four beats lines 1-3, three in line 4

for the most part a typical ballad stanza, but with four beats lines 1-3, three in line 4

That the wedding guest interrupts the story, suggesting in the present that the mariner may be a dead man, best illustrates which narrative poetic device? framework story personification verbal irony metaphor

framework story



Which characteristic of Anglo-Saxon poetry is best illustrated by the line that follows? "Swore by his sword, and young men swelled." commitatus hemistiches and caesura wyrd kenning

hemistiches and caesura

What is Eliza Doolittle's main conflict? her struggle to recognize her internal qualities and to have others recognize them as well her struggle to make Henry Higgins become attracted to her as much as she is attracted to him her struggle to learn how to speak correctly so she can be accepted in higher social circles to convince Freddy that he must marry her to save her from the tyranny of Professor Higgins

her struggle to recognize her internal qualities and to have others recognize them as well

In terms of time, which event first causes Dorian to note a change in the portrait? his treachery in taking Basil's life his decision to not love Sibyl any longer due to her poor acting his careless attitude concerning the death of James Vane his cruelty in blackmailing Alan Campbell

his decision to not love Sibyl any longer due to her poor acting

Which term best explains Higgins' remark in this continuation of the dialogue with his mother: "I tell you I have created this thing out of the squashed cabbage leaves of Covent Garden"? understatement hyperbole irony satire


Which term or element is this quote from the Preface best an example of: "It is impossible for an Englishman to open his mouth without making some other Englishman hate or despise him"? understatement allusion hyperbole humor


Which term best describes the meter and rhyme of this poem? iambic pentameter couplets, forming a quatrain trochaic heptameter blank verse free verse

iambic pentameter couplets, forming a quatrain

Which term best defines the phrase "made his blade" from stanza two of "The Tuft of Flowers"? alliteration internal rhyme paradox assonance

internal rhyme


iron understatement

"The Tuft of Flowers" conflict sadness at the passing of a season, of the loss of spring joy at the discovery of brotherhood, of a connection to humanity exhilaration at the presence of nature, of the beauties which God has given us pain at the realization of mortality, of the fact that nothing is permanent

joy at the discovery of brotherhood, of a connection to humanity

What motivates Aylmer to remove the birthmark from his wife? love of science and the control of science over Nature love of himself and pride in his own abilities love and trust of Nature and her abilities to heal pure love for another human being

love of science and the control of science over Nature

Which description best shows Grendel's true nature?

mankind's enemy

Which kind of figurative language is best illustrated in the underlined portion of these lines: "I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight / I got from looking through a pane of glass / I skimmed this morning from the drinking trough."? metaphor simile paradox personification


Which literary element is best exemplified by these lines: "The moon hung low in the sky like a yellow skull. From time to time a huge misshapen cloud stretched a long arm across and hid it"?


In the second stanza, "scraping and creeping" is best explained by which term? alliteration onomatopoeia internal rhyme assonance


In the first stanza, which term best explains the repetition of the similar structure in the phrases "I have climbed the hills of view . . ." and "I have come by the highway home . . ."? alliteration internal rhyme assonance parallelism The definition for parallelism lies in the question: the repetition of a similar structure. Not only do the two sentences begin with the same structure, but they also continue with the "and" conjunction, concluding with past participles "descended" and "ended."


Which poetic device or figure of speech is best expressed in the underlined portion of these lines: "Clematis / Had wound strings round and round it like a bundle"? paradox simile personification irony


Which term is best defined by this line from "Mending Wall": "My apple trees will never get across / And eat the cones under his pines"? suspense paradox dilemma personification


At the bottom of page 8, Higgins claims that in three months he could change Eliza's language to the point of passing her off as a duchess. He then claims that with better English, he could get her a job as a lady's maid or shop assistant. Which term best expresses Shaw's intent, which you can determine by this remark? including understatement which makes us question Higgins' real motivations leading us through a catharsis in order to purge our minds of unwelcome emotions inserting humor which evokes immediate and significant laughter playing with the subtleties of wit in order to satirize those with apparent status

playing with the subtleties of wit in order to satirize those with apparent status

The imagery presented in these lines shows the trees as "old and firm." In light of this and the final couplet, "They would not find me changed from him they knew--/ Only more sure of all I thought was true," which explanation best accounts for the tone of this poem? positive about death and the possibility of love in an afterlife uncertainty or fear concerning the mysteries of a future existence discouragement over failing health and the miseries which accompany old age negative about the uncertainty of death and the horrors that await

positive about death and the possibility of love in an afterlife

Which is the main element to classify "Love" as a piece of Romantic literature? powerful emotions a highly individual focus intellect or reason unusual imagination

powerful emotions

Which element of plot is best exemplified when Dr. Heidegger concludes that he would not drink of the fountain if it gushed at his doorstep? complication resolution denouement conflict


Which terms best describe Peachey as a character in this story? stock and static flat and static flat and dynamic round and dynamic

round and dynamic


slept LIKE a log

If the albatross really is meant by Coleridge to represent Christ, what literary device is this? conflict simile symbol irony


Which statement best describes Coleridge's tone towards the mariner? sympathetic, because he gives the mariner a chance to atone unforgiving, because he makes it clear the man will never die hateful, because he makes it clear that no one will ever forgive the mariner vengeful, because he wants the mariner to suffer continually

sympathetic, because he gives the mariner a chance to atone

That the mariner would describe himself as a slimy thing, comparable to the water snakes, is a metaphor that best illustrates which condition? that he is really dead, and not of this world that he is happy to be alive, just like the snakes that he thinks he is one with nature, in touch with natural beauty that he considers himself less than human for what he has done

that he considers himself less than human for what he has done

What do we know about Pansay that a third-person, objective narrator could not reveal? that he openly revealed his concerns to his doctor that he had an affair with Mrs. Wessington and was engaged to Kitty that he had an internal sensation of dull, numbing wonder of the seen and unseen that he talked out loud in the presence of witnesses to no apparent listener

that he had an internal sensation of dull, numbing wonder of the seen and unseen

Which statement best describes the epiphany Dorian has concerning the portrait? that it has the capacity to demonstrate his goodness as he pursues correct choices that it truly represents his soul, and has the power to bear its burdens as he errs that it merely represents his mortal body and the changes which naturally occur in men that it is nothing more than a piece of art, a portrait by an artist of some repute

that it truly represents his soul, and has the power to bear its burdens as he errs

Which kenning best describes Grendel? that shepherd of evil, guardian of crime Higlac's follower, Healfdane's son that mighty protector of men the Dane's great ring-giver

that shepherd of evil, guardian of crime

What is the best deduction that can be made from the lines which follow? The Sun came up upon the left, Out of the sea came he! And he shone bright, and on the right Went down into the sea. that the ship heads south towards the pole that they must leave from Africa that they live in a hot place like the tropics that the mood is depressing because of this oppressive atmosphere

that the ship heads south towards the pole

"REMEMBER" In this Italian sonnet, what idea do these two lines combined express: "Gone far away into the silent land" and "It will be late to counsel then or pray"? that it is impossible to really remember someone when they are gone that they have had serious disagreements during their relationship that remembering will come too late to save their relationship that there can be no communication between the dead and the living

that there can be no communication between the dead and the living

For Higgins, what is it that separates or distinguishes the classes?

the ability to speak correctly, which demonstrates inner qualities

Which is the conflict most applicable to all the characters, thus representing the human condition? the challenge to win the love of the Widow Wycherly the challenge to follow Dr. Heidegger's directions the challenge to maintain the wisdom of age as they relive youth the challenge to overcome their fear in partaking of the water

the challenge to maintain the wisdom of age as they relive youth

When Georgiana dies, which two short story elements occur at this same time? the climax and the resolution the denouement and the complication the conflict and the climax the exposition and the denouement

the climax and the resolution

Which situation in the poem does this simile describe: "They stood aloof, the scars remaining, / Like cliffs which had been rent asunder; / A dreary sea now flows between."? the separation of the snake and the dove, or Geraldine and Christabel the turning away of Sir Leoline from Christabel the fractured friendship of Sir Leoline and Geraldine's father, Roland the hatred that exists between Christabel and Geraldine

the fractured friendship of Sir Leoline and Geraldine's father, Roland

As a symbol, what does the portrait seem to represent? the internal soul which bears burdens from error the best qualities which reside within all men the hope that good will prevail in a world tempted by evil the external beauties exemplified by youth

the internal soul which bears burdens from error

Which response best matches the climax for this story? the moment when Aminadab secretly inserts his own ingredients into the potion the moment when Georgiana discovers Aylmer at work in his laboratory the moment when Aylmer finally learns to accept and live with his wife's imperfection the moment when Georgiana completely submits to Aylmer by drinking the potion

the moment when Georgiana completely submits to Aylmer by drinking the potion

According to what occurs to both the people and the rose, the rose is most likely a symbol of what? the lasting beauty of nature under any circumstances the truth or permanent effects of science the permanent strength or power of youth the passing fancies or temporary beauties of youth

the passing fancies or temporary beauties of youth

"Dr. Heidegger's Experiment." Which best describes the doctor's epiphany? the discovery of the fountain of youth the surprise at the aged appearance of his four old friends the realization that youth is temporary, but human weakness is not the discovery that he was responsible for the death of his love

the realization that youth is temporary, but human weakness is not

Which best describes the narrator of this novel? first-person minor objective third-person omniscient first-person major subjective third-person objective reporter

third-person omniscient

Which statement best describes the birthmark's symbolism? those imperfections in our mortality which Nature often seems to deal us the evil side of us all which often prompts us to do evil things the deep, unknown secrets of a human soul in conflict with its God a mark of superior quality and commitment to remembering the God who created us

those imperfections in our mortality which Nature often seems to deal us

Which is the main way that we know about Dravot as a character? through direct telling as Kipling defines him through his speech and actions as Peachey reveals them through an interpretation of his innermost thoughts through a physical description of his most outstanding features

through his speech and actions as Peachey reveals them

Which statement best explains what Eliza most wants from Higgins? to have him love her romantically and make a proposal for marriage rather than she proposing to him to learn how to speak like a lady so she can improve her social condition to be treated like a lady and receive his respect because of her internal qualities and potential as a human being to teach her how to teach others the wonderful knowledge he has shared with her

to be treated like a lady and receive his respect because of her internal qualities and potential as a human being

What is the purpose of litotes?

to create humor

Which is the main purpose of a kenning? to explain the forces of fate to create more meaning in fewer words to get men to keep covenants to create humor

to create more meaning in fewer words

What is Leoline's main conflict? to decide between the feelings for his daughter and the feelings for Geraldine and her father whether to slay the snake or to slay the wicked knights whether to go kill the evil knights or to stay and save Geraldine from Bracy to decide between Bracy's love for Christabel and the other knight whom she really loves

to decide between the feelings for his daughter and the feelings for Geraldine and her father

"The world is too much with us" - What is the cure for the problem in this poem? to patiently serve to believe in ancient ideas to worship God to get in tune with nature

to get in tune with nature

"Whoso list to hunt" - Which solution best fits the speaker's decision concerning love? to quit playing games and let her catch him to love equally both objects of his pursuit to give up, since the pursuit of love is hopeless to continue in pursuit of his love at any cost

to give up, since the pursuit of love is hopeless

Which statement best explains the purpose of the Thersites and Ajax allusion? to point out the futility of trying to change anyone to make the readers laugh at the situation to highlight the intensity of an argument between two phoneticians to illustrate the good nature of most Englishmen

to highlight the intensity of an argument between two phoneticians

"The Man Who Would Be King." Concerning the contract, which part is really unnecessary because Carnehan and Dravot have already made the vow as Masons? to become kings of Kafiristan to stand by each other in any circumstances to stay away from women to abstain from alcohol

to stand by each other in any circumstances

'Litotes' understates situations and causes the listeners or readers to at least smile

true and epic

Beowulf (the character) is important to the history of his country

true and epic

Beowulf is narrated by a third-person narrator.

true and epic

Beowulf rips off Grendel's arm, fights Grendel's mother for hours underwater, and cuts a dragon in two with a dagger

true and epic

Grendel, Grendel's mother, and the dragon are supernatural forces requiring superhuman effort to defeat

true and epic

The action takes place in at least two countries

true and epic

This story of some 3,000 lines is written in an unusual poetic form as compared to our poetry today.

true and epic

Which term best explains Mrs. Higgins' remark in this dialogue with her son: Higgins to Eliza: "Get up and come home; and don't be a fool."; Mrs. Higgins to Henry: "Very nicely put, indeed, Henry. No woman could resist such an invitation"? hyperbole allusion satire understatement


Concerning Eliza's conflict, which statement best identifies the climax of Pygmalion? when her father inherits enough money to become part of the middle class and take care of her when she passes the test at the big party without making a single mistake when she fails the test at the home of Mrs. Higgins, showing she will never be a lady when she confronts Higgins as a lady and demands fair treatment

when she confronts Higgins as a lady and demands fair treatment

Which is the best example of dilemma for Dorian? whether to hide Basil's death and continue his pleasures or to confess and be punished whether to keep the painting and remain corrupt or to reveal the painting and receive shame whether to live for pleasure or principle whether to follow Harry's voice or Sibyl's love

whether to keep the painting and remain corrupt or to reveal the painting and receive shame

Which term is defined by the idea that our fate is pre-determined by forces greater than our own? wyrd commitatus litotes kenning


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