Living a Godly Life - Module 1-4

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When Jesus' parents found Jesus, and questioned Him, what was His response?

"Didn't you know that I had to be in My Father's house?"

When the crowds ask, in reference to Jesus, "Is this the Son of David?" What do they mean?

"Is this the Messiah?"

In response to the people's doubt and questioning Jesus in Galilee, Jesus said ____.

"No prophet is accepted in his home town."

How old was Jesus when He went with His parents to Jerusalem?


What term was used in reference for Elizabeth's child when she was 6 months into her pregnancy?


According to the notes, what are some things we should do?

Be patient, Be encouraged, Pray

Christ was prophesied to be born in the line of who?


According to the notes, what are the two types of people?

Doers, Decievers

The star appeared in the _________.


According to the book of James, who should we be patient like? (check all that apply)

Farmer, Prophet

What did Jesus tell the disciples to do with the crowds?

Feed them.

What did the disciples find to feed the crowds?

Five loaves and two fish.

According to Scripture, from where did the two demon-possessed come to meet Jesus?

From out of the tombs.

Who predicted the birth of Jesus?


When Peter was walking on the water, what caused him to sink?

He became afraid.

What happened when Peter stepped out of the boat?

He began walking on the water towards Jesus.

Who was Herodias?

Herod's brother, Phillip's wife - now Herod's wife.

The prophecy of Isaiah that Jesus was reading from in the synagogue was prophesying about whom?


According to the text of Luke, the ____________ was robbed.

Jewish traveler

Jesus was baptized by...

John the Baptist

Who started their ministry first? John the Baptist, Jesus or Paul

John the Baptist

Who baptized whom?

John the Baptist baptized Jesus.

Herod misidentifies Jesus as ________.

John the Baptist.

Who questioned Jesus regarding fasting?

John's disciples.

The book of Matthew was written from the perspective of ______.


Zechariah and Elizabeth lived in the hill country of...


According to James 2:8, "If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, 'You shall _______ your ___________ as yourself,' you are doing well."

Love, neighbor

What is blasphemy?


Every year His parents traveled to Jerusalem for the ________.

Passover Festival

James was not as well known in the areas of _________.

Rome and Carthage

According to the text of Luke 10, who was the victim's neighbor?


Review Question: The person who stopped to help the man struck down by robbers and demonstrated how to be a good neighbor was a ...


The unpardonable sin has to do with identifying a work of God, being wrought through the power of the Holy Spirit, as the work of ______.


According to the notes, where there is prejudice, what is one of the conditions one may place upon someone?

Spiritual maturity or performance

According to Scripture, what did Christ know specifically about the woman at the well that she did not reveal beforehand?

That the man she was living with not her husband.

The second story in today's lesson to help determine prejudice was ____.

The Good Samaritan

What did Herodias's daughter request from Herod?

The head of John the Baptist on a platter.

According to the notes, what is immutability?

The unchanging attribute of God.

Why was Jesus baptized?

To fulfill all righteousness

When the angel appeared to Zechariah, he told him that his prayer had been answered; what was his prayer?

To have a son.

Zechariah was told that John would do what?

Turn many of the sons of Israel to the Lord their God.

Matthew 18 is the Parable of the ____.

Unforgiving Slave.

John the Baptist came, preaching in the _________.

Wilderness of Judea.

From today's reading of Scripture, it can be concluded that healing can be more than physical.


According to James 1:15, "Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and when sin is fully grown, it gives birth to ____."


According to James 1:15, "Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth _________. "


Zechariah responded to the angel with _____.


According to the notes, Paul's main focus is _______.


According to James 121, "...____ receive the implanted word, which is able to ____ you."

humbly, save

What words are used to describe Joseph and his reaction to the news about Mary's situation?

just, kind, righteous, thoughtful

According to James 3:3, "Now when we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them ____ us, we also ____ the whole animal."

obey, guide

The disciples were able to feed the crowd and Peter was able to walk on water because they...

obeyed Jesus and God blessed.

According to James 1:27, "Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to look after _____ and _____ in their distress and to keep _____ unstained by the world.

orphans, widows, oneself

According to the notes, where do temptations come from?

our own desires

According to the notes, temptation comes from

our own evil desires

According to James 2:1, "My brothers, show no __________ as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory."


Lazarus is the name of the _____

poor man

According to James 2:5, " Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are ______ in the world to be _______ in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?"

poor, rich

According to James 5:13, if anyone is suffering he should ___.


When Satan took Jesus to the pinnacle of the Temple and asked Him to throw Himself down; this was _________

pride of life.

Zechariah's response to the angel lead to ________.


Jesus and His ministry was ____ in Galilee.


According to Romans 5:9, "Much more then, since we have now been declared ____ by His ____, we will be saved through Him from wrath."

righteous, blood

According to the Scripture reading today, Jesus said, "For I didn't come to call the _____, but _____.

righteous, sinners

According to the text of Luke 10, who was not the victim's neighbor (check all that apply).

robbers, priest, Levite

Jesus and his word are like a...


According to the notes, there are three requirements for ____.


According to James 1:1, James considered himself a _________ of God.


Jesus taught using parables. A parable is a ...

short story that gives a biblical example or moral.

There are __________ between James 2:5 and Acts 15:13.


According to the notes, there are two forms of comparison the author uses to illustrate the power of the tongue; ____ and ____.

similes, metaphors

According to the notes, there is stricter judgment for teachers because more ____ incurs more possibility of ____.

speaking, stumbling

According to the notes, "lacking nothing" is in reference to the ____ realm and development of ____.

spiritual, faith

According to the notes, one of the 5 ways to overcome the foolishness of earthly wisdom is ____ to God.


Jesus was baptized in...

the Jordan River

Inductive Bible study is an approach to God's Word focusing on ______ basic steps that move from a general overview to specifics.


The star appeared ______.


Jesus was tempted in the ______________ by __________ before He began His ministry to the people of Israel.


According to Matthew 18:22, in answering Peter, how many times did Jesus say Peter should forgive?

70 times 7

The prophet Isaiah prophesied the birth of Christ about how long before the birth of Christ?

900 years

When Jesus cast the demons from the two men, where did He send the demons?

A large herd of pigs.

Review Question. According to the notes, what is the third issue in the book of James?


According to the notes, the second issue in the book of James is ____.


Review Question. According to the notes, the second issue in the book of James is ____.


Review Question. According to the notes, what is the second issue in the book of James?


According to the notes, the first issue in the Book of James is _____.


Review Question. According to the notes, the first issue in the book of James is ____.


Review Question. According to the notes, what is the first issue in the book of James.


Review Question. According to the notes, the first issue in the book of James is ____


According to the notes, the first requirement for self-control is _______.

Quick to listen

According to the notes, one question to help determine if there is prejudice: "Have I set ____ upon the people with whom I associate?"


According to the notes, an important way to please God is to ____.

control your tongue.

According to the notes, John was a man of great ______.


According to the notes, John the Baptist was a man of great _______.


Elizabeth was Mary's ______________.


According to the notes, small faith = ______.


According to the notes, the reward for faithful endurance of trials is the ____.

crown of life.

According to the notes, ____ faith = ____ faith.

dead, no

According to the notes, in the life cycle of sin, what is the third stage?


According to the notes, the metaphor of fire, in reference to the tongue, illustrates that it can ____ the ____ body.

defile, entire

What was the first thing God did for the nation of Israel to show He was worthy of faith and trust?

deliver them out of Egypt

It is not enough just to believe that God exists because even the __________ believe in the existence of God. A Christian must exercise faith and exemplify faith through works.


The baptism of Jesus is an evidence for the Trinity; Jesus as God the Son, the voice of God the Father, and the Holy Spirit _____.

descended as dove.

According to the text in Luke, both men in the story ____.


The writings of Paul and James actually _________ contradict each other.

do not

According to James 1:22, "But be _____ of the word and not _____ only, ______ yourselves.

doers, hearers, deceiving

James encourages his readers to be ________ and not just ________.


James encourages his readers to be ______ and not just _____.


Review Question: James 1:22 says that we should be ________ and not just ________.


According to the notes, one of the 5 ways to overcome the foolishness of earthly wisdom is ____ to God - He will ____ to you.

draw near, draw near

We should not wait for a(an) _________________ before going to the Lord in prayer.


According to Romans 5:10, "For if, while we were ____, we were ____ to God through the death of His Son, then how much more, having been reconciled, will we be saved by His life?"

enemies, reconciled

Mary was found to be with child during what part of her relationship with Joseph?


Mary was found to be with child during what part of her relationship with Joseph?


According to the notes, one question to ask in regards to foolishness is: Am I ____ of others?


According to the notes, the things of God are ____ and the things of this world are ____.

eternal, temporary.

According to Scripture, on the day of judgment people will have to account for ______.

every careless word they speak

According to James, if you show favoritism, you are displaying discrimination and have become judges with...

evil thoughts

There are 14 generations from David to _____.

exile to Babylon

According to the notes, judging is not the same as ____ deeds.


God uses human relationships to improve our __________ in Him.


According to James 2:14, "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has ____ but does not have ____? Can his faith save him?

faith, works

According to James 2:14, "What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has _______ but does not have ________? Can that faith save him?"

faith, works

According to James 2:17, "So also ________ by itself, if it does not have _________, is dead."

faith, works

According to James 2:20, "Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that________apart from _______ is useless?

faith, works

According to James 2:26, "For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also ________ apart from ________ is dead."

faith, works

According to James 2:17, "In the same way ____, if it doesn't have ____, is ____ by itself."

faith, works, dead

When Jesus saw the paralytic's friends, He saw their _______.


It is typical for people to trust God for eternal life, but it takes ___________ to trust God for our ___________.

faith...daily needs

In the video, the speaker sums up the main point of the Sermon on the Mount as, "if you have strong __________ in God, then this teaching is about what you should ______."

According to the notes, in the life cycle of sin, what is the second stage?


The angel told Mary that she had found _____ with God.


According to James 2:9, "But if you show ____, you commit sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors."


According to James 1:21, "Therefore, ridding yourselves of all moral ____ and ____...

filth, evil

Jesus, when gaining disciples, says, "Follow me, and I will make you _____."

fish for people."

Several of Jesus' first disciples were...


Jesus called some of His disciples that were fisherman by profession to come and be...

fishers of men

Jesus, when choosing disciples, said, "Follow me, and I will make you _____."

fishers of men."

Jesus was able to feed the crowd of over 5,000 people with just...

five loaves and two fish

All the food that the disciples found that was available to feed the crowd was...

five loaves of bread and two fish.

According to the notes, there are 2 biblical examples of ____ faith.


According to Matthew 18:27, "Then the master of that slave had ____, released him, and ____ him the loan."

forgave, penelized

According to Scripture read today, the Son of Man _____ and _____.


The writer of James is only one of ________ men named James mentioned in the New Testament.


There were _______ men named James mentioned in the New Testament.


The shepherds heard about the birth of Christ ________.

from a visit from the angels.

According to the notes, a question to help determine motives is: Will I ____ something by hanging out with this person?


According to the notes, you must have ______ in order to have great courage.

great faith

Mary's soul proclaimed the _____ of the Lord.


According to the notes, we are all ____ before God.


The video referred to the account from Matthew chapter 14, when Jesus had heard that John the Baptist...

had been beheaded by Herod.

As Jesus stepped on shore and saw the crowds, He _____.

had compassion on them.

Jesus had compassion on the crowds and _______.

healed their sick.

According to Luke 10:27, "He answered: Love the Lord your God with all your ____, with all your ____, with all your ____, and with all your ____; and your neighbor as yourself."

heart, soul, strength, mind

Review question: In the story of Lazarus and the rich man, Lazarus was poor on earth, but when he died, he went to...


According to the notes, when Jesus healed the paralytic, physical healing was to demonstrate _______.

heavenly authority.

According to the notes, the chart compares ____ wisdom versus ____ wisdom.

heavenly, earthly

If you are ______________ by men for your "righteous acts," you will not be ______________ by God. (same word for both blanks)


According to the notes, we learn two things about God from James 1:17-18. Those two things are ____ and ____.

hospitality, immutability

As a result of His fast, Jesus was ______.


Though engaged, how is Joseph described in his relationship to Mary?


What people like being honored by men instead of God?


According to Romans 5:8. "But God proves His ____ for us in that while we were still ____, Christ died for us!"

love, sinners

When Satan tempted Jesus to worship him, this was _________,

lust of the eyes.

Tempting Jesus to turn stones into bread was _______.

lust of the flesh.

Select all of the people who saw Jesus before he was ten years old.

magi, shepherds

According to James 1:21, "Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with _________ the implanted word, which is able to _______ your souls."

meekness, save

According to the notes, Lack of belief on our part = lack of _____ on God's behalf.


Elizabeth tells Mary, "You are ______ of women."

most blessed

The "coming of the Lord," should be our _________ for doing good.


According to the notes, another question to help determine prejudice is: Are my ____ pure?


According to James 5:8, "You also must be patient. Strengthen your hearts, because the Lord's coming is ____."


According to James 2:15-16, "If a brother or sister is without clothing and in ____ of daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and be filled," and yet you ____ give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that?"

need, do not

There are no _____________ relationships. Relationships with people will affect you in one way or another.


According to the notes, there is no _____ with Jesus.


Are parables true stories of actual historic events?


What exactly is fasting?

not eating or drinking for a specific time for religious purposes

According to James 1:13, "...For God is _____ by evil....."

not tempted

After Jesus' parents found Him, He went down with them and came to Nazareth and was _______

obedient to them.

The disciples were afraid on the lake because...

of a fierce storm

According to Genesis 22:2, "Take your son," He said, "your only son Isaac, whom you love, go to the land of Moriah, and ____ him there as a ____ on one of the mountains I will tell you about."

offer, burnt offering

What two pictures of imagery were used in this part of Scripture to describe the old and new covenants?

old and new wineskins old and new cloth

Upon healing the paralytic, Jesus demonstrated _______ because He knew the thoughts of the Scribes.


Inductive Bible study can be done ____________. only in church.

on many different levels

The shepherds saw Jesus _____.

on the day of His birth.

According to James 5:16, "Therefore, confess your sins to ____ and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The urgent request of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect."

one another

How did the centurion ask that Jesus go about healing his dying servant?

only say the word

According to James 3:1, "Not many should become ____, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter ____,"

teachers, judgement

According to the notes, tame the tongue or ____.


According to Genesis 22:1, "After these things God ____ Abraham and said to him, "Abraham!" "Here I am," he answered."


According to James 1:17, where does every generous act and perfect gift come from?

the Father of lights

John the Baptist's mission was to point to a better baptism. It was not a baptism of water but a baptism of ________.

the Holy Spirit.

According to the notes, the Spirit of God indicates the presence of _________.

the Kingdom of God.

What did Elizabeth's baby (in the womb) do when Elizabeth heard the voice of Mary?

the baby leaped inside her

When Elizabeth heard Mary, ______.

the baby leaped inside her (evidence of life in the womb)

After hearing about John the Baptist, Jesus set out to go away to an isolated place to be by Himself, but...

the crowds followed Him.

Jesus went all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching ________.

the good news of the kingdom of God.

James was recognized as __________ in the church at Jerusalem.

the presiding authority

Review Question: The slave who was forgiven his large debt by the king...

threw the man who owed him money into jail.

God wants us to give of both our __________ and ___________ to Him and His work.

According to Christ when the disciples offered Him food, what did He say was His food?

to do the will of Him who sent Him and finish His work.

According to Matthew 6:1-6, "acts of righteousness" should not be done...

to impress others.

Upon hearing Mary, Elizabeth _____.

was filled with the Holy Spirit.

According to the notes, ____ wastes and ____ away.

wealth, withers

According to James 2:10, "For whoever keeps the ___________ law but fails in ______ point has become guilty of all of it."

whole, one

According to James 1:18, "Of his own _____ he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of ___________ of his creatures."

will, firstfruits

As Jesus grew, He increased in _____ and _____.

wisdom and stature.

How did Zechariah respond to the angel's prediction?

with doubt

According to the notes, the magi saw Jesus ______.

within 60 days of His birth.

According to James 2:18, "But someone will say, 'You have faith and I have works.' Show me your faith ____ works , and I will show you faith ___ my works."

without, from

According to Romans 4:5, "But to the one who does not ____, but ____ on Him who declares the ungodly to be righteous, his faith is credited for righteousness."

work, believes

According to the notes, no ____ = dead ____

works, faith

According to James 2:22, You see that faith was active together with his works, and by ____, ____ was ____."

works, faith, perfected

According to Romans 4:4, "Now to the one who ____, pay is not considered as a gift, but as something ____."

works, owed

According to the notes, the fact that the disciples ______ Jesus indicates that He is God.


According to James 4:3, "You ask and don't receive because you ask with ____ motives, so that you may spend it on your ____ desires."

wrong, evil

According to the notes, the third thing to avoid; don't do the ____ thing when you ____ the right thing to do.

wrong, know

According to James 5:12, let your "yes" be a ____.


Jesus told the disciples...

you give them something to eat!

Match the action to the principle Jesus taught in the passage Matthew 7:24-29 1. He who hears My words and does them is like... 2. He who hears My words and ignores them is like... 3. Jesus taught as... 4. Scribes and pharisees taught...

1. a man who built his house upon a rock foundation 2. a man who builds his house upon shifting sand 3. one with authority 4. the letter of the law

According to the notes, who are the recipients of the Book of James?

12 scattered tribes.

James chapter 1 has ________ verses.


How many clues will we use in our Inductive Bible Study of the book of James?


How many methods of Inductive Bible Study will we use?


According to James, how should we "consider it" when we experience various trials?

A great joy.

"Paul wrote about inner saving faith from ____________ perspective. James wrote about outward serving faith from perspective." Ronald Blue

God's; man's

According to James 1:13, "Let no one say when he is tempted, "I am being tempted by ____.'"


James was recognized in extra-Biblical manuscripts. _________ mentions James' martyrdom in A.D. 62.


Define "Pride" according to the notes.

One of the worst forms of sin, regarded, indeed, by many as the basis for all sin.

Some debate arose over the apparent contradiction between _____________.

Paul and James

The method of Interpretation of Inductive Bible Study asks which question?

What does it mean?

The method of Observation of Inductive Bible Study asks which question?

What does it say?

James was recognized as presiding authority in the church at Jerusalem - Acts 15:13. This is why he and his writings were _________ in the east.


Inductive Bible study is a valuable tool in understanding and _________ the principles of God's Word.


Practical Biblical studies are all about ____________ and not just knowing Biblical principles.


According to James 1:5, if anyone lacks wisdom, he should _______.

ask God.

James was accepted in the east as _____________.


According to James 1:13, "...for God cannot ____________ with evil, and he himself _________ no one."

be tempted, tempts

According to James 1:12, "A man who endures trials is ____, because when he passes the test he will receive the ____ that God has promised to those who ____ Him."

blessed, crown of life, love

According to James, a man who endures trials is _________.


According to the video, relationships can be used to...(choose two)

build our faith, undermine our faith

1 Corinthians 15:33 - Bad company corrupts good __________.


Inductive reasoning is the attempt to use information about a specific situation to draw a ____.


According to James 1:8, "A ____ man is ____ in ____ his ways."

double-minded, unstable, all

According to the notes, ______ can only be produced through _____ of _______.

endurance, testing, faith.

The testing of our faith produces _________.


God's relationship with man from the beginning of time was and is completely based on which two principles?

faith and trust

According to James 1:5, if anyone will ask God for wisdom, God will give __________________.


When teaching about giving, Jesus taught...

give to those in need, do more than just the minimum

According to James 1:2, "Consider it ______, my brothers, whenever you experience various trials..."

great joy

God sent His only Son, Jesus, to live and minister among man in order to...

grow our faith and trust in God.

According to James 1:19, "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to _______ slow to _______, slow to _______."

hear, speak, anger

According to James 1:14, "But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by ____________ desire."

his own

According to James 1:9, "The brother of ____ circumstances should ____ in his ____."

humble, boast, exaltation

James along with Hebrews and 1 and 2 Peter were ____________ in the western church - Rome and Carthage.

initially debated

There _________ evidence to know which James wrote the text.


According to the notes, "double-mindedness" brings about _______.

lack of wisdom

According to the notes, these crowns are what we will ____.

lay at the feet of Christ in our worship of Him in Heaven.

According to James 1:19, "My dearly loved brothers, understand this: Everyone must be quick to ____, slow to ____, and slow to _____.

listen, speak, anger

According to the notes, "lacking nothing" does not mean ______.

material wealth and gain.

According to James, endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be ______________, lacking nothing.

mature and complete

According to James 1:4, "But endurance must do its complete work, so that you may be ____ and ____, lacking ____.

mature, complete, nothing.

According to James 1:4, "Let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be ____ and ____, lacking ____."

perfect, complete, in nothing.

According to James 1:10, "but the one who is ____ should ____ in his ____ because he will pass away like a flower of the field."

rich, boast, humiliation

According to the notes, trials are ____.


According to James 1:3, "knowing that the ____ of your ____ produces ____.

testing, faith, endurance.

James, the writer of the book of James, was...

the half brother of Jesus

The author of the book of James was ___________.

the half brother of Jesus.

James writes, "A doubter is like the surging sea, driven and tossed by...

the wind.

According to James 1:26, "If anyone thinks he is religious without controlling his ____, then his religion is useless and he deceives himself."


According to the notes, God uses ____ to grow our faith.


Man first sinned because he did not __________ God and thought he knew what was best.


Proverbs 13:20 - Walk with the __________ for a companion of fools _____________ ____________.

wise...suffers harm

James' main focus is _________.


According to the notes, "Trials met with smiles" relates to _____.


When the centurion asked Jesus to say the word in order to heal his servant, he recognized the ________ of Jesus' word.


After spending time healing those in the crowd that followed Him, Jesus was approached by the disciples and because it was late they suggested that the people should...

be sent away.

According to the notes, true friendship involves _______.

bearing burdens.

Why was Joseph warned to go to Egypt?

because Herod wanted to kill Jesus.

Herod had John the Baptist ____________ because of a request from Herodias' daughter.


According to James 2:19, "You ____ that God is one; you do well. The demons also ____ - and they ____."

believe, believe, shudder

According to Genesis 15:6, "Abram ____ the Lord, and He credited it to him as ____."

believed, righteousness

According to James 2:23, "So the Scripture was fulfilled that says, Abraham ____ God, and it was credited to him for ____, and he was called God's friend."

believed, righteousness

According to the notes, there is a difference between ____ and believing ____.

believing, with doing

According to the notes, two examples of the similes used by the author of the text are a horse ____ and the ____ on a ship.

bit, rudder

The man Jesus healed who was demon possessed was

blind and mute (could not talk)

When you give to the poor, you should not ___________.


In Matthew 9:15, Jesus compares Himself to a ...


When Jesus called His disciples, they responded _________.

by immediately leaving their nets and following Him.

Peter had learned something with the feeding of the 5,000. He learned that if Jesus told them to do something, it could be done. As a result, Peter asked Jesus to _______.

call him out on the water.

When John saw the Pharisees and Sadducees, he _____.

called them a "Brood of vipers".

According to the notes, do not offer to pray if you ____ meet a need.


According to the notes, another Bible study method is to ____ differences.


According to James 1:18, "By His own ____, He gave us a new birth by the message of truth so that we would be the ____ of His creatures."

choice, firstfruits

The centurion, when he asked Jesus to heal his servant, told Jesus he was not worthy for Jesus to _______.

come under his roof.

According to Matthew 18:23, "For this reason, the kingdom of heaven can be ___ to a ____ who wanted to settle accounts with his slave."

compared, king

According to the text of Luke, the good Samaritan was ...

compassionate and helped others

How did Jesus respond to the fear of the disciples of Him walking on the water?

"Have courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Jesus responded to the centurion by saying, "_____".

"I assure you: I have not found anyone in Israel with so great a faith."

The topic of John's preaching?

"Repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near."

What are the four issues of the book of James? (check all that apply)

- Pride - Prejudice - Poison - Patience

What five concepts were mentioned in the video that were outlined as building blocks for a relationship with God?

- personal ministry - private disciplines - pivotal circumstances - practical Biblical teaching - providential relationships

How many generations are there from Abraham to David?


According to the notes, there are ____ questions to help determine if one is foolish.


After leaving Jerusalem, how many days did Jesus' parents look for Him before finding Him back in Jerusalem?

3 days

How long did Mary stay with Elizabeth?

3 months

According to the notes, how many things are listed to avoid?


How long did Jesus fast?

40 days and 40 nights

There is a total of how many generations from Abraham to Messiah?


According to Matthew 18:21, Peter asked Jesus how many times he should forgive his brother when his brother sinned against him; how many times did Peter suggest?


According to the notes, the first example of faith is ____.


Review Question: Who did the rich man see in heaven with Lazarus?


The genealogy of Christ in the book of Matthew starts with ________.

Abraham, showing Jesus is the Messiah to the Jewish Nation.

The genealogy of Christ in the book of Luke starts with ______.

Adam, showing Christ as the Messiah to the World.

What sins, except those committed against the Spirit, will be forgiven?


According to James, what should anyone do that lacks wisdom?

Ask God.

Why did Herod think that Jesus had supernatural powers?

Because He had been raised from the dead.

When Jesus healed the paralytic, why did some of the scribes accuse Him of blasphemy?

Because Jesus told the paralytic his sins were forgiven.

After Jesus calmed the storm, why were the men amazed at Jesus?

Because even the winds and the sea obey Him.

Why was Herod afraid to kill John the Baptist?

Because he feared the crowds.

When Jesus healed the paralytic, what did some of the scribes accuse Jesus of doing?


According to the notes, what was the name of the tightrope walker?


On what ability did the Pharisees say that Jesus had the ability to cast out demons?

By Beelzebul.

According to Scripture, how is a tree known?

By its fruit.

According to Scripture, by what will one be condemned?

By your words.

According to Scripture, by what will you be acquitted?

By your words.

What are the clues that we will use in our Inductive Bible Study of the book of James? (choose all that apply)

Character, Key Words, Context

What term is used to Mary at the moment of conception?


Many who profess to be ___________ can often point to a ___________ with another Christian that helped to strengthen his/her faith.

Christian, providential, relationship

According to the notes in the book of James, what should we not do?


How was Jesus baptized?


According to Scripture, from where does the mouth speak?

From the overflow of the heart.

Who predicted the birth of John?


Which verse is the first one in the Old Testament that prophesied the promise of Messiah?

Genesis 3:15

Only __________ can forgive people of their sins.


When questioned, why did Jesus claim to eat with the sinners and tax collectors?

He didn't come to call the righteous, but the sinners.

How did Jesus know the thoughts of Himself when He cast out demons?

He knew their thoughts.

How did Peter respond when Jesus called him out onto the water?

He stepped out of the boat.

What did the disciples think when they first saw Jesus walking on the water?

He was a ghost.

When Herod heard about the one born King of the Jews, ________.

He was deeply disturbed.

Mary was told that Jesus would do what?

He will reign over the house of Jacob forever.

According to the text of Luke, the rich man wanted someone to warn his brothers of ____.


According to the notes, what are the three characteristics of a Doer?

Peer, Point, Prosper

The writer of James was a contemporary of__________.


Other than John's disciples, what other religious group was known for fasting?


When casting out demons, who made a false accusation against Jesus?


According to the notes, what is the third issue in the book of James?


The method of Application of Inductive Bible Study asks which question?

How does it work?

After answering Mary's question, how did Mary respond to the prediction of Christ's birth?

I am the Lord's slave.

When Jesus called James and his brother John, the sons of Zebedee, to follow Him, how did they respond?

Immediately they left the boat and their father and followed Him.

How was Joseph warned to go to Egypt?

In a dream.

Where did Jesus' parents find Jesus?

In the temple complex

Which type of Bible Study will we be using for the book of James?

Inductive Bible Study

When Jesus was questioned about fasting, in what tone was He questioned?


When the people of Galilee heard the teachings of Jesus they questioned, saying ____.

Isn't this Joseph's son?

What did Jesus say would happen to a kingdom against itself?

It is headed for destruction.

Which James wrote the text of the book of James?

James, half brother of Jesus

Review Question: The book of James was written by...

James, the half brother of Jesus

Review Question: James, the writer of the book of James, was a leader in the church at ___________.


James was accepted from the beginning in the areas of __________.

Jerusalem and Alexandria

The Diaspora mentioned in James 1:1 refers to groups of ___________ spread out through Europe and Asia Minor.


In 100-150 words, explain how Joseph is described as just, kind and thoughtful.

Joseph was a faithful man, and his positive character was demonstrated throughout the difficult situation he and his wife Mary went through. Even though Joseph could have gotten mad or angry towards Mary, he instead chose to defend her and be kind to her. He chose to stay with Mary and protect her, rather than leaving her to deal with the situation herself. He put his trust and patience in Mary, showing that he cares about her. This could not have been easy to do, but he still put in effort despite how hard it might have been. His actions reflects a man of God.

How many Samaritans believed in Christ because of what the woman (at the well) said when she testified?


The book of Luke was written from the perspective of _____.


Which disciple did Jesus see in the tax office?


After leaving Egypt, Jesus and His family returned to His own town of _______.


According to Genesis 22:1-19, Abraham did sacrifice his son on the altar, killing him.


Are all physical ailments a result of demon possession?


Could Christ have sinned?

No, because He was God incarnate.

Was James, the author of the book of James, one of Jesus' 12 disciples?

No, he was the half-brother of Jesus

According to the Bible and the notes, there were exactly three wise men.

No, it simply mentions that there were three gifts given by the wise men.

Temptations are something that God created to test us. If we fail that test it is okay because God created all temptations.

No, temptation comes from our own desires.

James was one of the twelve original apostles that were with Jesus.

No, that James was the brother of John, one of the sons of Zebedee

According to the notes, does temptation come from God?


When will sin against the Holy Spirit be forgiven?

Not in this age or in the one to come.

According to James, the doubting person should expect what when praying for wisdom?


According to Scripture, what did the law perfect?


_______________ makes a difference in relation to hearing and learning the word of God.


Other than feed the crowds, what could the disciples have done?

Other than feeding the crowds, the disciples could have been more compassionate and willing to feed the crowd of people rather than wanting them to leave and buy their own food.

According to the notes, what is the fourth issue in the book of James?


What is "hospitality"?

Sharing your provisions with others at a moments notice.

What news did Joseph find out about Mary?

She was expecting a baby.

According to the notes, the third requirement for self-control is ____.

Slow to anger.

According to the notes, the second requirement for self-control is ____.

Slow to speak.

Why did the disciples want to send the crowds away?

So the people could go into the villages and buy food for themselves.

A parable in Luke that addresses who our neighbor is and to help determine prejudice was the story of ____.

The Good Samaritan

Choose from the following parables and follow the directions: Identify the parable you have chosen. Read the parable. In 150 - 200 words, reveal the lesson learned and write a personal application of how that lesson will apply to you and your life.

The parable I read is The Workers in the Vineyard-Matt. 20:1-16. The story involves a landowner hiring many people to work in his vineyard for the day. He told them they would receive a certain amount of money at the end of the day. Later he found more people to hire and work in the vineyard, and they agreed. Throughout the day, the landowner continued to hire more people. Finally, at the end of the day, he paid everyone starting with the people who were hired last. He gave them the same amount of money the people were hired first received. The people hired first were angry by this. I think the lesson in this parable is to not be envious of others. I can think of many times where I have put more effort into something than someone else and ended up with the same outcome as them. It's easy to be jealous of them, but it is important to stay humble and be thankful for what you get.

In 100-150 words, explain how the use of the terms "child" and "baby" at the designated stages of pregnancy are important? What can we understand about life in the womb at these stages?

The terms "child" and "baby" at the designated stages of pregnancy are important because it shows how much an individual, even before birth, is valued. The term "baby" is used when the mother is 6 months pregnant and the term "child" is used when the baby is born. This is a way of understanding that every human has a purpose and significance, even in the womb. Once they are born, they are referred to as a child, which establishes their importance despite their young age. This type of view on birth is especially important to address today, as it is a controversial topic.

When Jesus cast the demon from the mute man, how did the Pharisees respond?

They claimed Jesus drove out demons by the ruler of demons.

How did the magi find out about the birth of Jesus?

They followed a star.

What from this story can you apply to your own life?

This story is a great reminder for me to trust that God will provide for me and that I should show compassion and hospitality to others.

According to the notes, what did Jesus do with the food?

Took, blessed and shared.

The woman who was sick for 12 years, thought if she could do what, she would be healed?

Touch the robe of Jesus

According to the notes, the tightrope walker was successful in tightrope walking across Niagara Falls.


What did Elizabeth say to Mary?

You are the most blessed of women, and your child will be blessed.

The parents of John the Baptist were...

Zachariah and Elizabeth

According to the Scripture, Jesus has also become the guarantee of ________.

a better covenant.

In the opening of James 1, James introduces himself as...

a servant of God.

According to the book of James, James introduces himself as _____.

a slave of God.

James, in verse 1, refers to himself as _______.

a slave of God.

According to the notes, the fourth thing to avoid; don't ____ others for God will hear their cries.


Jesus said, "Anyone who is not with Me is ________."

against Me.

According to the notes, today's idea of tolerance is that we must all ______ or remain silent.


Jesus sent the disciples __________ while He sent away the crowds in order to be by Himself to pray.

ahead of Him by boat to the other side

According to Romans 3:23, "For ____ have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."


Jesus went up to the mountains ____________.

alone to pray.

When the centurion made his request for Jesus to heal his servant, Jesus was ______.


According to the notes, human ____ does not equal God's ____.

anger, righteousness

James writes that works __________.

are an expression of our faith

According to the notes, one question to ask in regards to foolishness is: Do I ____ all the time?


According to James 4:16, "But as it is, you boast in your ____. All such boasting is____."

arrogance, evil

According to the notes, the second thing to avoid; Don't ____.


Those who heard Jesus in the Temple Complex were _____.

astounded at His understanding and His answers

Mary responded to the angel with ______.


Mary's response to the angel lead to ______.


Parables are stories that Jesus told His followers to...

illustrate a moral or principle.

Jesus told parables to _______.

illustrate a point He was trying to make.

In Matthew 6, we are encouraged to pray __________ and spend time with God.

in secret

According to James 1:8, "An ____ man is ____ in ____ his ways."

indecisive, unstable, all

According to the notes, the metaphor of fire the author uses in reference to the tongue illustrates the tongue ____ the ____ of our lives.

inflames, course

According to the notes, there is a difference between judging the ____ of which Christ can only judge and judging an ____.

inner soul, action

According to the lesson notes, everyone is ____ until proven guilty.


According to the notes, ____ until proven guilty.


What was Mary's initial response to the angel's prediction?


According to the notes, John's _______ got him killed.


According to the notes, the first thing to avoid; don't ____.


According to Matthew 7:1, "Do not ____, so that you won't be ____.

judge, judged

The centurion's servant was healed by Jesus...

just saying the word

According to the notes, God is pleased with ____


According to Romans 4:2, "If Abraham was ____ by ____, he has something to brag about—but not before God."

justified, works

According to James 3:4, "And consider ships: Though very ____ and driven by fierce winds, they are guided by a very ____ rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs."

large, small

The Lord ________ to our prayers.


What did John's diet consist of?

locusts and wild honey.

According to the notes, another question to help determine motives is: Will I ____ something by being seen with this person?


According to James 2:8, ____ your neighbor as yourself.


According to James 5:7, "Therefore, brothers, be ____ until the Lord's coming."


Zechariah was a ________.


By deciding to divorce Mary secretly, Joseph was ____ Mary.


According to the notes, one of the 5 ways to overcome the foolishness of earthly wisdom is to ____ the Devil.


The first story looked at today to help determine prejudice, was 'The ____ man and ____.

rich, Lazarus

According to James 2:8, "If you really fulfill the ___________ law according to the Scripture, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing well."


According to James 2:8, if one loves their neighbor as themselves, they are keeping the ____.

royal law

According to the notes, the metaphor of water the author uses to illustrate the power of the tongue tells us that salty water is ____ not ____.

salty, fresh

According to the notes, there are three requirements for exercising ____.


According to the notes, one question to ask in regards to foolishness is: Is my prayer life fueled by_____?

selfish motives

According to the notes, what is the correct order of the cycle of sin?

sin- > fatigue -> decay -> death

According to James 5:13, if anyone is cheerful, he should ____.

sing praises.

In healing the paralytic, Jesus told him, "Have courage, son, your ______.

sins are forgiven.

According to the notes, the metaphor of a fountain the author uses, tells us a fountain is either ____ or ____.

sweet, bitter

Matthew, the disciple of Jesus, was a ___________________ by profession before becoming a disciple.

tax collector

According to the notes, in today's world of "____", we are misled into thinking confronting evil deeds is ____.

tolerance, wrong

Review Question: The _____________ is a hard thing to tame. In one breath it can bless and in another it can curse.


According to James 3:8, "but no man can tame the ____. It is a restless evil, full of ____."

tongue, deadly poison

According to James 1:26, "If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his __________, but deceives his heart, this person's religion is ___________."

tongue, worthless

When Jesus revealed to the people who Isaiah was prophesying about, they ______.

tried to hurl Him over a cliff.

After Jesus looked up into heaven and blessed the food, the disciples fed the crowd. Everyone ate and was satisfied. The disciples then collected...

twelve full baskets of leftover food.

According to the notes, there are ____ questions to help determine if one is prejudiced.


According to James 1:17, "...with whom there is no _________ or shadow due to ________."

variation, change

According to James 1:17, "...with Him there is no ____ or shadow cast by ____."

variation, turning.

Christ was born of a ______________, and He was both God and ________.

Jesus came to the fearful disciples by...

walking on the water.

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