Locks' English II Sem. 2 Black Boy Final

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After Richards boss in chapter 6 insults his dream of writing saying he'll never be a writer and asking who would put that idea in his head, What did Richard naively think about white people? a. He thought that most White people weren't like that, and that he knows there are good white people with sensitive feelings and money. b. He thought that whites didn't approve of black kids reading because they might write about a revolution against whites. c. He thought that if he wrote a book he would be persecuted by white people. d. He thought that white people would have loved a black author.


Even after he has left the south, why does Richard keep his guard up in Chicago? a. Everything is new to him b. He finds out that Chicago is just as segregated as the south c. He's used to doing it d. He's scared that he might get killed


How does Richard feel after his Grandpa says his last words to him? a. He feels extremely confused because he didn't hear what his Grandpa said. b. He feels angry because he wished his Grandpa would've said something more meaningful c. He feels regretful because he didn't give him a good response. d. He feels hurt because his Grandpa told Richard that Richard never treated his Grandpa right


How is Richard first introduced into the writings of H.L. Mencken? How is he able to read more? a. A newspaper Richard reads in Memphis attacks Mencken, sparking Richard's interest. He asks a white coworker, Mr. Falk, if he could borrow his library card and forge notes. b. Richard overhears a group of white workers bashing Mencken, and Richard wonders who this person is to rile them up so much. He borrows the library card of a white coworker, Mr. Folk, saying he is interested in Mencken. c. Richard has a conversation with one of his friends, and the topic of H.L. Mencken as they overheard something about him. They proceed to steal someone's library card and use it saying the books were for their boss. d. Mr. Falk talking to Richard about H.L. Mencken thinking his works would interest Richard. Mr. Falk decides to give his library card to Richard so he could check some of Mencken's works out.


In Chapter 4, during a sermon, why does grandma get so happy? a. She misheard Richard and thought he said he saw an angel. b. She saw her mother's angel sitting in one of the pews. c. She heard the preacher praying for her. d. She heard that they were having fried chicken for dinner.


In Chapter 4, why does Aunt Addie warn Richard to call her "Miss Wilson" when he's attending religious school? a. She was afraid that him calling her "Aunt Addie" would sabotage the morale of the other students. b. She didn't want the others knowing that her and richard are related because she hates Richard with a burning passion. c. She felt that him calling her such an endearing name would make the other students feel jealous of their close relationship. d. She felt that him calling her Aunt Addie would be disrespecting her and would trigger her to the max.


In Chapter 9, What does Richard do that provokes a white youth into smashing a whiskey bottle on his face? a. Richard doesn't call him sir b. Richard grabs on to the car c. Richard is not white d. Richard hit's the men in the car


Richard quits his job selling the papers, and goes to work for a white family, why does the woman's question about stealing make him laugh? a. The woman directly asks him if he steals, and he thinks it doesn't matter what the truth is, the only answer someone would give is no b. He has stolen before and he is nervous and afraid to lie so he laughs c. Richard knows another boy who worked from her and stole from her and lied about it d. None of the above


What does the illness of Richard's mother symbolize? a. Poverty, helplessness. b. Nothing, she was never sick. c. Strength, power. d. Sorrow, depression.


What excuse did Richard give for not showing up to work with Mr Hoffman? a. His mother died b. He was exhausted c. He went to apply for another job d. He was afraid he would get jumped on the way to work


What spurred Richard's sudden passion for writing incoherent sentences? a. A love for the english language and words themselves. b. He was being forced to write a certain number of words by a strict teacher as punishment, so he found a loophole by writing gibberish. c. He was preparing for an upcoming poetry contest, but couldn't come up with anything coherent enough to submit. d. None of the above


What was so noteworthy to Richard about the black Communists on the streets? a. They dressed like Stalin and imitated his mannerisms. b. They all seemed nervous and not very confident. c. They had reasonable arguments with facts and logic that they would bring up strategically in debates with non believers. d. All of the above


When Richard was young, he chanted offensive songs towards a Jewish store owner with other children. How does he reflect on that moment as an adult? a. He says that racial prejudice towards Jews was a part of his cultural heritage. b. He reveals that he joined the other children because he did not want to risk getting hurt. c. He thinks that the Jewish store owner deserved to be made fun of. d. He writes that the moment never occurred before and was made up.


Who hires Richard as a porter when he first comes to Chicago? a. An old Jewish Couple b. An African American man. c. Some butchers. d. Noone, he gets hired to the optometrist first


Whose library card does Richard use? a. Catholic Clerk named Falk. b. He uses his own library card c. His boss' library card d. His brother, Alan


Why did Richards parents beat him all the time? a. To teach him to be submissive b. Because he was a disobedient child c. Because they wanted to d. To show him that they were the boss of him


Why does Richard believe that white people want black people to continue stealing? a. Because it gives them a sense of superiority b. Because they are good people c. Because they need the money d. Because they want to send them all to prison


Why does Tillie, a Finnish woman, get fired from the cafe? a. She is spitting in the food b. Tillie is stealing from the owners of the cafe c. Tillie is not doing her job properly, so Richard reports her. d. Tillie gets fired because she is too old


Why doesn't Richard like his Aunt Addie? a. She assumed that he did something wrong, which he didn't, and tried to beat him in school b. He saw her kill someone c. He saw her beat his brother unconscious d. He saw her steal his mother's money


Why was Richard so against stealing from whites? a. He felt that he would be conforming and bowing down to the white society. b. He did not want to do what blacks were willing to do. c. He had a sense of dignity in him to protect and go by. d. He could get caught and heavily penalized for it.


How did H.L. Mencken's writing impact Richard? a. It made him realize how messed up the south was b. It inspired Richard to read a more and become a better writer c. It sends him into a depressive d. None of the above


How did the fight go down on Richards first day at Jim Hill public school? a. A boy taunted Richard about his hat so Richard hit him and ended up in a fight against a group of boys where Richard throws a brick at them. b. A boy taunts Richard about his hat but Richard does nothing until the other boy and his brother challenge him to a fight. One boy throws a brick at Richards head so he threw them back. c. Richard see's a boy with an ugly straw hat and fights him in front of everyone to assert his position in school as someone not to be messed with. d. A boy taunts Richard about his hat but Richard remains calm and walks away, planning to get his revenge later.


How does Richard feel after the principal tries to get Richard to read the Principal's speech, which was catered for the white audience, by tempting him with going to the city school system to continue his learning? a. He feels angry that white people will be in the audience. b. He feels dirty and felt he was trying to be bought by a white man. c. He feels that he must read the principal's letter in fear of lynching. d. He feels that the whites don't give a care about whatever speech he reads, so he is indifferent.


How does the white family Richard works for interact with each other? a. They are sarcastic and witty. b. They curse aggressively at each other. c. They are overly gentle and kind. d. They don't talk at all.


In Chapter 12,why was Richard being cautious about the house he came across in Memphis? a. Richard trusted no one b. Richard thought it was a whorehouse c. Richard knew Beale street was dangerous d. Richard thought it was worn out


In chapter 14, Richard gets ready to leave to Chicago and he goes by his boss' office and tells him the reason for his parting. How did Richard justify his leaving to the north? a. He said he had family up in Chicago that were going to take him in. b. He said that his family was taking him with them. c. Richard told them that he was going to follow his dreams and be free. d. Richard told them that he wanted to act like a white person and he could only do that in the North.


In chapter 9, why did the shopkeepers Richard had been working for beat up the black woman? a. She didn't call to the men as "sir" when addressing them b. She was unable to pay the credit installments on her clothing purchase c. She entered the store when she wasn't supposed to be shopping there d. She rolled her eyes at one of the men


Towards the beginning of chapter 9, why do the young men hit Richard with the bottle? a. Because he was intentionally disrespectful to them. b. Because he didn't treat them the way they wanted. c. Because the bottle accidentally flew out their hand. d. Because they were joking around.


What did Richard do when he was taken to the office after fighting with a boy who was making fun of his straw hat on the first day of school at Jim Hill public school? a. He apologized to the boy because he was forced to by the teacher. b. He reached around the teacher and smacked the boy right in front of her. c. He ran away from the school and transferred to another school so he didn't have to deal with that boy again. d. He lied and said he provoked the boy just so they could get the situation over with and go to class.


What does Richard blame the death of the cat on? a. His mother for not doing anything about it. b. His Father for being sarcastic. c. An accident. d. All of the above


What does Shorty's reason for not leaving the south say about his character? a. He has no aspirations other than being an elevator guy b. He has given up hope of ever leaving the south c. He enjoys fooling white people into thinking he's an idiot d. He is scared of leaving his comfort zone


What happened that Richard was going to get whipped when he was taking a bath? a. He was splashing water everywhere b. He had said bad words to his grandmother when she was washing him c. He wouldn't get into the tub d. He was drinking his bath water when he had been told not to


What is different in his experience as a dishwasher in the North and the treatment of Negroes in the South? a. No difference, they are treated the same. b. Negroes in the North are treated with more respect in the North than the South, not needing to move when a white person approaches them. c. Negroes are still discriminated against, they have to move away when a white person approaches, but unlike the South, are able to work in the same area as the white people. d. White people are the opposite, treating the black workers with the utmost respect, and helping them with anything they need.


What is the biggest reason Richard shouldn't be making deliveries in white neighborhoods at night? a. The police might try to incarcerate him b. White people might beat him close to death c. Richard might get shot d. He might get offended and do something irrational


What is the biggest reason Richard shouldn't be making deliveries in white neighborhoods at night? a. The police might try to incarcerate him b. White people might beat him close to death c. Richard might get shot d. He might get out of control if someone were to say/do the wrong thing


What is the main reason the Principal doesn't want Richard to read his own speech? a. There are many grammatical mistakes, and it is hard to understand. b. The principal fears that he will lose his job if the white audience doesn't like what is said in the speech. c. Richard lacks experience speaking to whites. d. The professor's speech will help Richard have a good impression on colleges looking for new students.


What struck Richard as odd about his interaction with the white waitress at the cafe at which he worked in Chicago? a. The waitress was racist, which Richard thought was odd because he believed that no one was racist in the North. b. The waitress did not fear making physical contact with Richard, and shared a tight space with him instead of making him leave. c. She ignored him.She thought that his educated way of speaking was hilarious, and laughed at him. d. This made Richard angry so he quit his job there.


When Richard first got into Chicago and after the train rolled into the depot. Richard and his aunt maggie got off and walk slowly through the crowds of the station. What was Richard​ looking for after the got off the train? a. His mother b. A sign that said For white for black c. The exit d. A sign that said were black people suppose to go


When Richard first moved to Chicago what was his reaction to sitting next to a white man in the streetcar? a. He freaks out b. He is confused. c. He starts crying. d. This is normal to him.


Why did Richard start to set straws from the broom and eventually the curtains on fire? a. The voices told him to b. Out of curiosity c. His father made him d. His brother convinced him to


Why did Richard take up the job of being an agent, even though he hated the idea of tricking ignorant black people? a. His family had convinced him to make people laugh b. He needed money badly as the Great Depression set in c. He wanted revenge after suffering for so many years d. He liked to see pain in others


Why did Richard want to leave Mrs.Moss house? a. They have bed bugs b. She tries to force marriage on him c. The food was terrible d. He just wanted a change in scenery?


Why didn't Richard drop the lie when speaking to Mr. Hoffman about why he skipped day of work? a. He knew Mr. Hoffman wouldn't approve of him wanting to work at a postal office b. He didn't want to feel ashamed by revealing that he was too insecure to tell the truth c. He hated Mr.Hoffman and didn't want to show him enough respect to tell him the truth d. He skipped a day to slack off and felt back about it


Why does Richard feel inclined to accept the fight between him and two other boys at his new school? a. Because his mama ain't raise no wimp! b. To prove himself and gain acceptance from his classmates. c. They ate his lunch. (understandable) d. He has trouble behaving and is just being the typical troublemaker that he always is.


Why does Richard reject food offered to him by his neighbors when Ella gets sick? a. He is able to find his own food. b. He is ashamed to accept help and feel like a charity case. c. He doesn't like the food that was offered. d. He is skeptical of the fact that people want to help him.


Why doesn't Richard get hired as a postman at first? a. He's too heavy b. He's too skinny c. He doesn't pass the exam d. Richard does get hired as a postman on his first try.


Why was Richard always hiding his emotions and keeping them hidden from others? a. Because he was scared b. because he didn't want others to know the true nature of him c. because he was crazy d. because his family told him to


when Richard started working for a white woman and her family, why did she ask if he stole? a. Word around town was that Richard was a rebellious child and not a good hire. b. Out of habit, white people were always expecting black people to steal. c. She was testing Richard to see if he was honest d. Her last employee had stolen a great deal of money and items from the house.


At the end of chapter 9, why doesn't Richard tell Crane why he is quitting? a. Crane might hurt him if he tells. b. Reynold and Pease might get fired and he respects them. c. He knows Crane can not and won't do anything about the problem. d. Crane will report him to the authorities.


Even though Richard hated his father, Richard still pitied him. Why? a. His father had another family to support `` b. His father constantly apologized for his past actions c. His father failed at achieving a better life in the city d. His father tried to give him a nickel, but his mother did not allow it.


For the most part of Chapter 16, Richard has many encounters with a variety of groups. What opinion does Richard have for all of these groups? a. He acknowledges each groups goals and wishes to become associated with them. b. He finds their ideals stale and thinks nothing of them. c. He believes many are lost and lack any true ideal, yet admires how hard they work towards one. d. He thinks that the ideals these groups have are wrong and should be eliminated from society.


How did Richard approach his leaving for the North with his bosses in the South? a. He yelled at them and told them that he was finally escaping their oppression b. He didn't. He just left and never spoke to them again c. He told them that if he didn't have to travel with his family, he wouldn't be leaving at all d. None of the above


How do the treatment of black employees from the medical institute that Richard worked in mirror how society treated black people? a. The institution treated them with respect which showed how society has progressed in their treatment of blacks b. Though they were told otherwise, the institution's treatment was unfair, just like society's treatment of black people even in the desegregated north c. The institution kept them together and isolated from the rest of the hospital, showing how society shunned them for many years d. None of the above


How does Richard feel about god? a. He believes in god b. He believes in god because he's spoken to him c. He doesn't believe in god but if he had proof he was real he would. d. He doesn't believe in god and he never will.


How does the boss at the brickyard react when his dog bites Richard? a. He calls a doctor. b. He punishes his dog. c. He dismisses Richard. d. He fires Richard.


In Chapter 9, What does Richard's former classmate, Griggs, tell Richard about what he's heard about him? a. Tell's Richard that he is a great worker b.Tell's Richard that he needs to start acting white c. Tell's Richard that people have heard about him and how he acts white d. Tell's Richard he needs to earn more money.


In chapter 16 Richard been working in the post office in Chicago and in the winter of 1929 he mentions en route to work from the library he passes a newsstand and reads Stocks Crash billions fade. What was his reaction after he read it? a. Richard was Concern for his family b. Scare of not eating again c. Richard never care about newspaper d. Richard was concert for a while but forget about it later on.


What does Richard do when he finds out the cook is spitting in the food? a. He tells his boss right away. b. He confronts the cook. c. He tells the only other black person to tell their boss. d. He decides not to do anything.


What does Richard say is stopping him from becoming a writer? a. He doesn't have enough money to pursue his dream. b. His family doesn't let him become a writer. c. America's system made sure that the idea of become a writer for a southern black boy was wrong and a taboo. d. The Local Newspaper Editor didn't think Richard's writing was good, making Richard doubt himself.


What happened at the very beginning of the novel that Richard and his family started to have no food? a. All of their food spoiled b. They got robbed c. His dad left and they had no money d. They forgot to buy some


What happens when Richard decides to sniff the device to numb the dogs while their vocal cords are cut out? a. He gets infected with throat cancer and is hospitalized. b. He dies. c. He is lead astray by a fellow coworker who says Richard had to go to the hospital, but it was really harmless. d. He goes numb and can't feel anything on his face for the whole day.


What is wrong with Richard that he can not land a job? a. He doesn't have the right skills b. He is not educated enough c. He does not show white people the proper respect d. His grandmother said she doesn't want him to work


What ultimately pushed Richard to fight against Harrison? a. He said that it was just exercise. b. He needed the money that came with fighting against Harrison. c. His anger at Harrison d. He wanted to put an end to the whites egging him to fight.


When Richard is still in school, what stops him from getting a job at first? a. He is black so no one wants to hire him b. He is too skinny and too young work c. His grandma forbids him from working on the weekend because of religious reasons d. He needs to stay home and care for his mother, so he has no time for a job


When Richard left the south and arrived in Chicago, he moved in with Aunt Cleo. Which of the following best describes their housing accomodations? a. Rented tenement in a slum b. Single family home c. Rented apartment d. Suburban mansion


When Richard's mom finds him reading communist books, how does she react? a. She supports Richards choice of reading the books. b. She gets mad and attempts to beat him. c. She is worried about his choice and interest in the books. d. She doesn't care.


Why did Richard Kill the cat? a. Because he is crazy b. So he would not be beat c. To try to outsmart his dad d. Because his dad told him to


Why did Richard and his friend that told him to sell the newspapers stop speaking so much afterwards? a. Richard found out his friend was racist and had been recruited by the KKK. b. Richard's grandma forbade him from speaking to the boy because he had a bad reputation. c. They were both very ashamed that they had sold those papers. d. Richard was furious with him for tricking him.


Why did Richard decide to ask Mr. Falk if he could use his library card to get books by H.L. Mencken? a. Mr. Falk was an avid civil rights advocate and Richard knew that he would be supportive of his literary ambitions. b. Mr. Falk loved Mencken and would be willing to set aside racial prejudice in order to expand his work's popularity. c. Mr. Falk was an Irish Catholic and was therefore also hated by the white Southerners, so he would not betray Richard to the other men. d. Mr. Falk and Richard were close personal friends.


Why did Richard hide under the house during the fire? a. To hide from the fireman because they were white. b.To hide from the fire because he did not think it could get to him under the house. c. To hide from his mom because he did not want to get a beating. d. To hide from his brother because he did not want the fire blamed on him.


Why did Richard kill the cat? a. He wanted to b. His grandmother made him c. He did it to spite his father d. It was on accident


Why did Richard leave Bess' house? a. Because Bess wanted to marry Richard, and he felt uncomfortable b. Their honesty and straightforwardness was something Richard could not get used to. c. They figured out a sensitive and difficult part of Richard's life that he did not want to reveal. Richard has a sense of dignity and independence that he values. d. Richard did not have enough money to live in the house.


Why did Richard lose/quit a lot of his jobs? a. He wasn't respecting the bosses that much b. He was messing up too much in his jobs c. He wasn't able to act how black people were "supposed" to act d. He didn't like how he was being seen as inferior to white people


Why did richard lose his job at the postal, after having worked so hard on his weight to obtain it? a. The boss found out he had stolen b. Richard didn't say sir when answering c. Markets crashed and there was no money d. He gets arrested


Why did shorty get a quarter on the elevator? a. His good manners and great service b. He found it on the floor c. He let a white man kick him in exchange for one d.He fought his friend and the person who won got the quarter


Why does Richard feel uneasy about working with any of the white girls at the cafe? a. Richard has a crush on one of the girls b. Richard thinks that if he has any contact with them, he'll get a disease c. Richard knows that in the South he would be reprimanded or hit and he feared that those restrictions still applied in the North d. Richard doesn't want to get fired from his job


Why does Richards mom smile and rise to her paralyzed legs to kiss him when tells her he stood up to Grandma and Aunt Addie to work on Saturdays? a. She is proud that he has the gall to threaten to move away if he couldn't work. b. She is proud he has self esteem and doesn't want to be seen in ragged stockings at school. c. She is proud he want to provide for himself and isn't going to be held back from making money by his Grandma and Aunt Addie, he has learned self reliance and is ready to be the head of the family. d. She hates her grandma and Sister Addie.


Why doesn't Richard seem to like Bess? a. She's very rude b. She's too desperate c. She's very uneducated and doesn't care about school d. He's too stubborn and doesn't want someone who just throws themselves to him


Why is Richard nervous when he first moves to Chicago? a. White people are more aggressive than in the South b. He and his mother had nowhere to live c. He didn't know if he could understand the societal rules there d. He is repeatedly assaulted on the street


Why is Richard's principal concerned about Richard for his valedictorian speech? a. Richard is not afraid to speak his mind and can be rude at times. b. He knows Richard doesn't have one prepared. c. He fears that the whites in the audience will not be satisfied with Richard's words, therefore making the principal a target for letting Richard say his speech. d. Richard is too old to be representing his class.


Why is the newspaper that Richard sells to his neighbors in the South ironic? a. It is in Spanish. b. It is only cartoons. c. It is white propaganda supporting the KKK. d. It is a religious paper his grandma reads.


Why isn't Richard attracted to Bess? a. He doesn't find her physically attractive b. She plays hard to get, which bothers him c. He finds her to be childish and shallow/boring d. She is rude to Richard and her mother


Why was Richard afraid to tell the boss that the Finnish cook was spitting into the food? a. His coworker told him not to tell the boss b. He was afraid of getting killed by the cook c. He was afraid the boss wouldn't believe him and fire him instead d. He didn't know if he was completely sure that the cook spat in the food


Why was Richard's grandma so happy when she thought Richard had seen an angel in church? a. She thought the lord would save his soul b. She was excited that Richard had talked to her c. She thought that Richard had seen the power of God and would therefore believe in him d. She was excited to tell the priest and other members of the church about the miracle that had happened to Richard


How did Richard become a 6 year old drunkard? a. He robbed a liquor store b. He broke into his dad's stash c. Richard's best friend dared him to go into the saloon and get white girl wasted d. After seeing Richard look inside on multiple occasions the people inside the saloon finally pulled him in to buy him drinks and teach him vulgar language


How do the other students react when they find out Richard got a story published in the paper? a. They are very impressed and want him to write more stories b. They beat him up because they think he is too smart and nerdy c. They threaten to tell his grandma about it, because she is very religious d. They are confused as to why he wrote it and if it was really his story


How does Richard feel about going to the welfare office to get assistance? a. Relieved because he will get food. b. Worried because he might not get any help. c. He feels nothing about asking for help. d. Ashamed because he couldn't be self reliant anymore.


In Chapter 12, Why does Richard have a negative opinion of shorty? a. Shorty is illiterate and has little understanding of the world around him. b. Shorty is disrespectful to his boss and those around him. c. Shorty scams Richard by making him transport alcohol for his own profit. d. Shorty allows white men to kick him for money, and disrespects his own body.


In Chapter 4, why does Richard end up pulling a knife on Aunt Addie (Miss Wilson)? a. He didn't want her to beat him again. b. He didn't want her to beat him for something he did not do in the first place. c. He did not want her to beat him because he was trying to take the blame for someone else. d. All of the above.


In chapter 5 what did the black man Richard was selling newspapers to reveal to him about the papers he was selling? a. Richard was selling racist newspapers and spreading KKK propaganda. b. Richard was selling newspapers that only featured white writers. c. Richard was selling newspapers that claimed lynching was an effective "solution for the problem of the Negro" d. A and C


What did Richard do to pass the time of day when he was six years old? a. He would go to work with his mom. b. He would go to a bar and hangout with the drunk people inside. c. He would hang out with the other neighborhood kids d. All of the above.


What event(s) causes Richard start to observe white people more closely? a. He sees a black woman get beat up by his bosses b. He is assaulted by a white man after not calling him sir c. He is accosted by the police d. All of the Above


What is similar between Ms. Moss and Mr. Hoffman a. They're both Jewish b. They both support Richard's religious views despite believing in God themselves c. Richard worked for them both at different points in time and both fired him d. They both treat him with kindness in a way that Richard doesn't like because it feels too personal


When Richard goes to the relief station for food, what does he sense happening among the Negro people? How does this change him? a. They are hateful of each other, reminding him of the people in the South. b. They are fearful and distrustful of one another, making Richard feel more so uncomfortable of the others in the building. c. They are beginning to band together and realize that together they can make a difference, this makes Richard realize that together they may change the way black people are treated. d. They are starting to share their stories and realize they aren't the only ones who are struggling, making Richard think about how this new belief can benefit their situation.


Which of the following does not happen while richard is working as a porter at the clothing store? a. The bosses kick and slap their customers. b. Witnesses the owners assault a black women on the street. c. Gets hit with a whisky bottle while riding with a couple of white guys. d. Richard becomes a communist


Why did Richard choose to lie to the Jewish couple he was working with at the store? a. Richard lied to them because he didn't know how they would react if he had told them the truth about the examination for the other job. b. Richard lied because at the moment he still saw the couple as only White and distrusted their motives for hiring him. c. Richard lied to protect himself but later realized that he was wrong to have judged the couple. d. All of the above


Why did Richard get baptised? a. He finally sees his mistakes in life and wants to repent. b. His friends all did it so he gave in to the peer pressure and did it too. c. His mother prayed that he would be baptised, and her prayer came true. d. He doesn't want to shame his mother in public.


Why does Richard kill the kitten? a. It was being noisy and bothering him. b. He was curious to see what his mother would say. c. His brother dared him to. d. He resented his father and wanted to show he could beat him in an argument.


Why doesn't the principal want Richard to read his own speech at graduation? a. Because he doesn't think Richard is intelligent enough. b. Because Richard is not valedictorian. c. Because Richard asked for help writing his own speech. d. Because the principal worries he may lose his job if the white audiences do not like Richard's speech.


During elementary school Richard tries to get a job but he repeatedly fails and continues on by applying for a new job. What was Richard's initial motive(s) of obtaining a job. a. He needed money to buy new clothes because he was embarrassed to wear his current clothing to school. b. He wanted money to go out with the other kids and fit in with them. c. He wanted to treat himself. d. His mama's rent and bills from her strokes were catching up to them. e. All of the above


How did the coal man teaching richard how to count affect Richard curiosity to learn? a. He shows his mom that he knows how to count and is very proud of it making more curious about learning how to count. b. It makes Richard more curious to learn due to being able to know how much change he is getting back c. It makes Richard question everything around him and he starts to analyze people more d. It makes him learn more from people who are smarter than him such as people in the saloon and the people at his school e. All of the above


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