LUOA U.S. History: The American Republic Test Review

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Approximately how many Cherokee men, women, and children died on the forced march known as the Trail of Tears?


What did Jackson's opponents call the 24 state banks with which Jackson deposited Federal funds withdrawn from the Bank of the United States?

"pet banks"

In the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo, the United States agreed to pay the Mexican government how much money in exchange for California and New Mexican territories?

$15 million

How much Spanish debt did the U.S. government assume in exchange for Florida?

$5 million

Theodore Dwight Weld was influenced by which of the following American religious leaders?

Charles Finney

In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the United States gained territory that would make up all or part of which of the following states? [choose all that apply]

- California - New Mexico

Which of the following were the two first railroad companies to begin operation in the early 1830s? [choose two]

- Charleston and Hamburg - Baltimore and Ohio

Which of the following were essential parts of the factory system developed in the first half of the nineteenth century? [choose all that apply]

- Gather a large workforce into one place. - Use division of labor to increase output. - Use a set process to manufacture goods as efficiently as possible. - Use interchangeable parts.

The territory gained under the Oregon Treaty included all or part of which of the following modern-day states? [choose all that apply]

- Idaho - Montana - Oregon - Washington

How would slaves supplement the food and provisions they received from their masters? [choose all that apply]

- Keeping vegetable gardens - working on Sundays and holidays in exchange for money - hunting and fishing

What were some of the drawbacks of steamboats? [choose all that apply]

- before the canal boom, they were limited to America's natural river networks - they were unsafe

Which of the following describes the requirements that the Mexican government placed on Americans in Texas before 1829, which they agreed to when they entered Mexican territory? [choose all that apply]

- conduct all offical buisness in Spanish - refain from settling within sixty miles of the U.S. border - convert to Roman Catholicism

Which of the following was one of John Quincy Adams' limitations in the Election of 1824? [more than one answer]

- his failure to employ popular campaigning techniques - his family connection to his father, John Adams - his association with the old Federalist Party

How did state governments assist in the expansion of railroad technology in the first half of the nineteenth century? [choose all that apply]

- offered loans - bought stocks - granted railroad companies land

How did the democratization of American society affect American theater and literature? [choose all that apply]

- plays and books often criticized the American aristocracy - plays and books were written for entertainment rather than instruction - plays and books catered more toward common Americans rather than wealthy elites

About how many slaves were living in the Missouri territory when it applied for statehood in 1817?


When Missouri petitioned to become a state, the Union had maintained a perfect balance of how many free and slave states?


Texas' population rose dramatically after its independence. By 1844, its population had risen from 30,000 to how many residents?


The Panic of ____________ was America's first major financial crisis during peacetime.


The Panic of _____________ led to a severe economic depression that doomed Martin Van Buren's chances for reelection.


Between 1830 and 1840, approximately how many migrants left the state of Virginia?


How many candidates were nominated to run in the 1860 election?


In Congress's debate concerning funding for the Mexican-American War, what Congressman from Illinois demanded to know the exact "spot" where American blood had been spilled?

Abraham Lincoln

Explain in one or two sentences why admitting Missouri as a state was controversial.

Admitting Missouri as a state was controversial because the southern states wanted to keep slavery.

In one or two sentences, explain the results of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo.

After the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo Amerca gained a lot of territories and Mexico received a large amount of money.

When delegates from __________ walked out of the Democratic Convention in 1860, the Democrat Party officially split over the issue of slavery.


The ______________ _____________________, formed by Martin Van Buren, was a powerful political institution that controlled New York politics until 1838.

Albany Regency

Which of the following individuals led massive revivals in upstate New York and preached that through the leading of the Holy Spirit, Christians could become as perfect as God Himself?

Charles Finney

In two or three sentences, explain why Americans turned to the federal government for the building of roads in the Jacksonian Era.

Americans turned to the federal government for the building of roads because they wanted to improve transportation. Which in turn would increase interstate trade.

In one sentence, explain the campaigning techniques that Andrew Jackson used.

Andrew Jackson came across as a common man that understood the needs of the people.

Which of the following best describes David Hackett Fischer and James C. Kelly's main argument concerning the American frontier?

As American migrants moved West, they expanded and confirmed the culture of Eastern lands from which they came.

Why did the Sectional Crisis occur in the 1850s?

Because the failure of the second party system resulted in the rise of an entirely sectional issue (the spread of slavery to the territories).

The __________ ________________stirred up the slavery debate again in 1854.

Continental Railroad

What famous orator argued on behalf of Dartmouth College in Dartmouth College v. Woodward?

Daniel Webster

Which of the following individuals was instrumental in bringing about reforms in how the United States cared for the mentally ill?

Dorthea Dix

What high profile Supreme Court case did the Republicans call the "greatest crime in the annals of the republic," and the Southerners hail as a great pro-slavery victory?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Which of the following abolitionists was killed by a mob in Alton, Illinois, near the Missouri border?

Elijah Lovejoy

On June 2, 1835, Texan troops engaged with Santa Anna's forces for the first time at which location?


Which of the following best describes the structural changes in middle and upper-class families during the 1820s and 1830s?

Families became more child-centered.

Which of the following is NOT true concerning the Republican Party in the election of 1856?

For their candidate, the party nominated Abraham Lincoln, a little-known politician from Illinois.

After they repealed the nullification law in March 1833, the South Carolina legislature nullified the __________ _________ to show that they still believed in their right to nullify Federal laws.

Force Bill

Which of the following best describes the philosophy of William Lloyd Garrison?

He wanted immediate emancipation without emigration.

What is NOT one of the reasons the Republicans nominated Abraham Lincoln over William H. Seward?

He was more politically experienced than Seward.

Which of the following became the Whig Party candidate in the election of 1844?

Henry Clay

Which of the following individuals was instrumental in getting the Force Bill and the Tariff of 1833 through Congress?

Henry Clay

This famous American Transcendentalist authored "Civil Disobedience," which inspired numerous reformers, including Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Henry David Thoreau

Which of the following best describes America's "nationhood" policy toward Native American groups?

Native tribes were considered sovereign nations with a separate system of laws.

In one or two sentences, explain the outcome of the Election of 1856.

In the Election of 1856, Buchanan won the election and the Northern free states controlled the majority of the electoral college.

Which of the following is NOT a Native tribe affected by the Indian Removal Acts of 1830?


Which of the following best describes the provisions of the Force Bill?

It gave President Jackson the power to use the US military to enforce the tariff.

Which of the following best describes the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

It gave the Federal government the power to relocate Indians to designated territory west of the Mississippi River.

Which of the following was NOT an example of an advantage the South had during the war?

It had a strong navy that made trading with foreign countries difficult for the Union.

Which of the following best describes the concept of a market economy?

It is a national economy whereby goods are produced and consumed based on supply and demand.

Which of the following best describes the larger significance of the Monroe Doctrine?

It marks the beginning of the United States as a world power.

Which of the following best describes the main message of the pamphlet, the "South Carolina Exposition and Protest"?

It outlined the doctrine that states had the right to nullify any Federal law.

Why did Southerners claim that the Tariff of 1824 was unconstitutional?

It supported one section of the country while damaging another.

What did Northerners believe to be true about the Panic of 1857?

It was the result of the Tariff of 1857, a bill that Southern Democrats pushed through.

Which of the following best describes the Cult of Domesticity?

It's the notion that women had a distinctive role in the family to ensure the virtue of their husbands and children.

Which President, sympathetic to the Southern stance within the sectional division, supported the Lecompton Constitution and the Dred Scott case?

James Buchanan

South Carolina Congressman, _______________________, hatched an elaborate scheme concerning tariffs in order to damage Adams' chances for reelection in 1828.

John C. Calhoun

Who penned the "South Carolina Exposition and Protest" after the passage of the Tariff of Abominations?

John C. Calhoun

Which of the following coined the phrase "Manifest Destiny?"

John L. O'Sullivan

________________________________ served as Monroe's Secretary of State during his two terms as President.

John Quincy Adams

The Federal government offered the Republic of Texas the option to join the United States on December 29, 1845, at the end of the administration of President ________________.

John Tyler

Which of the following individuals founded the Church of Jesus Christ Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormons?

Joseph Smith

Which of the following best describes the proposal of James Tallmadge of New York concerning the admission of Missouri as a state?

Missouri would emancipate its slaves gradually and ban the slave trade.

The ______________ Party became the first political organization to nominate antislavery political candidates.


In the Election of 1844, many Northern Whigs threw their support to James G. Birney of the _________ Party, because they felt that ______________ did not support their interests concerning the spread of slavery

Liberty;Henry Clay

In one sentence, explain why Lincoln did not surrender Fort Sumter.

Lincoln did not surrender Fort Sumter because he did not want to give into the Confederate government's sovereignty.

Which of the following individuals led large revivals in his home state of Connecticut and helped turn the tide of the church's conflict with Enlightenment theology?

Lyman Beecher

The Missouri Compromise allowed _________________ to enter the Union as a free state to offset Missouri's entrance as a slave state.


According to the lesson, which of the following was the most influential person in forming the Democratic Party?

Martin van Buren

In 1830, Jackson vetoed which of the following bills because he believed it violated states' rights?

Maysville Road Bill

Which of the following denominations became known for using circuit riders to reach sparsely populated regions in the Midwest?


The __________ _______________ of 1820 allowed Americans to avoid a discussion of slavery in national politics.

Missouri Compromise

What was the most violent slave revolt in the American South before the Civil War?

Nat Turner's Rebellion

Which of the following served as the President of the Bank of the United States in 1832?

Nicholas Biddle

Edgar Allan __________ of Virginia developed a distinctive style of incredibly profound and haunting stories and poems that shocked the culture of his time.


Which of the following individuals was the President of Yale College and led the fight against Unitarians and Universalists in New England?

Reverend Timothy Dwight

Which of the following was NOT one of the leaders of the Whig Party?

Roger B. Taney

In 1834, General Antonio Lopez de ____________________ became the dictator over Mexico.

Santa Anna

General Winfield _____________ led the army that forced the Cherokee out of Georgia to territory in modern-day Oklahoma.


Which of the following was NOT true concerning General Winfield Scott's nomination in the election of 1852?

Scott narrowly lost to Franklin Pierce in the Electoral College

Which of the following Native American groups did General Andrew Jackson fight beginning in 1816?


The early women's rights advocates in the first half of the nineteenth century gathered for the first time at the _____________ _____________ Convention in 1848.

Seneca Falls

Which of the following best describes the provision of the Missouri Compromise concerning the spread of slavery into the Louisiana Purchase territory?

Slavery would be prohibited in any new states north of Missouri's southern border.

The "task system" was prominent on which of the following types of southern plantations?

South Carolina and Georgia rice plantations

The Confederate bombardment of Fort __________ caused Abraham Lincoln to issue a proclamation of war.


Most of the new citizens of the Republic of Texas were former Americans, but many Texas Mexicans, called _____________, also joined the rebellion.


William Henry Harrison became famous for his role in which of the following battles?

The Battle of Tippecanoe

Which of the following was NOT an example of how the South suffered from a lack of strong leadership?

The Confederate Congress and Jefferson Davis refused to work with each other to pass legislation.

Which amendment to the Constitution did John C. Calhoun claim protected Southerners' rights to take their slaves into western territories?

The Fifth Amendment

In one sentence, explain what mid-nineteenth century movement made New Englanders fear they would lose their young men?

The Great Westward Migration made the New Englanders fear they would lose their young men.

In one sentence, explain what the Indian Removal Act of 1830 allowed.

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 allowed the removal of Native Americans from eastern lands.

In two or three sentences, explain the Pro-slavery argument.

The Pro-slavery argument argued that slavery was an important part of the United States and that it should not be abolished. The argument stated that Africans were meant to be slaves because they were always "less than" whites. It also stated that the Bible sanctioned slavery and that the institution was good for blacks.

In one sentence, explain where the Second Great Awakening started?

The Second Great Awakening began on the frontiers.

Which of the following was the title of the executive order that required investors to buy Federal lands in silver or gold?

The Specie Circular

Which of the following tariffs was dubbed the "Tariff of Abominations" by Southerners who opposed it?

The Tariff of 1828

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery?

The Thirteenth

In two or three sentences, explain the bill that John C. Calhoun and other Southern Congressmen put together in response to the Tariff of 1828 and what they thought would happen as a result.

The bill increased prices on import goods. John C. Calhoun and some Southern Congressmen felt that the Southerners would not support the bill and blame its failure on Adams.

Which of the following best describes the Frontier Thesis?

The frontier was the most influential factor in the formation of American institutions.

In two or three sentences, explain the reasons for the Temperance Movement.

The reason for the Temperance Movement was to bring awareness about the "side effects" of drinking. This movement stated that drinking threatened public morality, a public health problem, and threatened the stability of a family.

Which of the following established Oberlin College, which became known for abolitionist activity?

Theodore Dwight Weld

Why did many Southerners believe protective tariffs were unconstitutional?

They favored one section of the country over another.

What was the major characteristic of American political parties by the late 1850s?

They had their base of support wholly in one section of the United States.

Why were many Southerners willing to support the Whigs by 1836?

They were unhappy with Jackson's actions during the Nullification Crisis.

The _______________ Club, which began meeting in Boston and Concord, Massachusetts in 1837, produced some of America's most important authors.


After Lincoln's declaration of war, to which state did the rest in the upper South look for leadership?


John _____________'s "City on a Hill" speech reflected the values of Manifest Destiny.


President John Tyler had taken office in 1841 when President ______________ died only one month after he took the oath of office.

William Henry Harrison

Which of the following U.S. generals was responsible for capturing Mexico City on September 14, 1847?

Winfield Scott

Ralph Waldo Emerson's speech entitled "_________ ____________" encouraged a new generation of Americans to take the nation down the path toward progress and expansion.

Young Americans

Which of the following U.S. generals entered disputed territory and engaged Mexican forces near the Rio Grande River on April 25, 1846?

Zachary Taylor

Which of the following is NOT one of the examples given in your introduction of how the Cherokee people had adopted parts of Western culture?

adopted western music

Though trouble had been brewing between the two powers for some time, in the simplest sense, the Mexican-American War started because the United States __________ ___________.

annexed Texas

The House of Representatives passed the Missouri Compromise _____________.

by a very close margin

How did the governments of the North and South attempt to finance the Civil War?

by printing money not backed by gold or silver

The Second Great Awakening established a new Christian ritual, the _________ Meeting, where entire communities would gather under the shelter of a tent for powerful revival services.


John Marshall served as _____________________ of the Supreme Court from 1801 to 1835.

chief justice

Clay made a serious campaign blunder when he...

circulated Jackson's veto message

Which of the following crops came to dominate agriculture in the South during the early nineteenth century?


Eli Whitney invented the ____________ __________ in 1793, which dramatically increased the production of the South's major cash crop.

cotton gin

According to historian, Gordon Wood, which of the following was the most "radical and most powerful ideological force let loose in the Revolution."


Before the advent of steamboats, what kinds of boats did farmers use to transport goods down the Mississippi River?


The primary purpose of the Monroe doctrine was to ____________.

formally oppose any new colonization efforts in the New World by European powers

Which of the following best describes most slaves' experience on large plantations as opposed to smaller plantations?

harder work but more stable family life

Which of the following best describes the message of John Quincy Adams' campaign in 1828?

he did not have a clear platform other than questioning Jackson's moral character

Adams committed a serious error when he encouraged congressmen to ____________ the will of their constituents.


Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that American politics became more democratic by 1828?

in some states, free black males and some women were given the right to vote

The North's advantage in __________________ during the Civil War was probably its most important asset, despite the issues of corruption and low quality manufactured goods.


The Marshall Court's decision in Gibbons v. Ogden reinforced the Federal government's right to regulate ______________ commerce.


According to the lesson, why was the Election of 1832 significant?

it was the first time national nominating conventions chose Presidential candidates

The Democratic Party took a __________ ___________ approach to the economy, meaning that they preferred to allow the market to work without government intervention.


According to the lesson, Jackson's veto of the rechartering of the Bank of the United States in 1832 changed the President's veto from a judicial power to a ________________ power.


Francis Blair's newspaper, the Globe, portrayed the diplomatic struggle for the Oregon Territory as a fight between democracy and ______________, the same struggle that characterized the American Revolution.


During the sectional crisis, Northerners feared Southerners were conspiring to __________ slavery and spread the authority of the slaveocracy to the territories and the North.


Almost every __________ representative voted to pass the Wilmot Proviso during the first vote in the House of Representatives.


According to the lesson, the Age of Jackson was marked by a call for equality of _________________.


What territories did the United States cede to the Spanish Empire as part of the Adams-Onis Treaty?

parts of Texas

The first resource that a war consumes is a nation's ____________.


The vast majority of slaves worked in "gangs" on which of the following kinds of southern plantations?

plantations in the Deep South that produced cotton

Stephen A. Douglas tried to work with politicians from both the North and the South because he hoped to gain the Democratic nomination for __________ in 1856.


By the late 1840s and 50s, Americans shifted their focus from canal-building to invest in ____________.


Evangelicals were more likely to associate themselves with the ___________ Party.


John Quincy Adams' service as _______________ ___ ____________ in Monroe's administration made him heir apparent to the Presidency.

secretary of state

Which of the following was NOT a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

sectionalism in the United States ended for a short time

The belief that building the economy was the burden of men and building the home was the burden of women became known as ____________.

separate spheres

The issue of _____________ was noticeably missing from Henry Clay's "American System"?


The Republican Party began as both an anti-___________ and an anti-___________ party.


The Democrats took a ________ - constructionist view of the Constitution.


William Crawford's chances for the Presidency were crippled when he suffered a ____________ in 1823.


Politicians such as Daniel Webster and Henry Clay helped northern manufacturing by calling for high protective ___________.


In the early nineteenth century, men and women who made a pledge to completely abstain from hard liquor became known as _________________.


Which of the following led the break from abolitionism to focus instead on women's rights?

the Grimke sisters

Steamboats were especially valuable in which of the following American regions?

the Midwest

Which of the following political groups represented the country's manufacturing and banking interests in the Election of 1824?

the National Republicans

The Free Soil Movement was committed to what cause?

the containment of slavery

There were several reasons why the South was especially suited to produce cotton on a large scale. According to the course materials, which of the following was the most important factor?

the institution of slavery

According to the course materials, what was the main purpose of jails before the American Revolution?

to hold criminals before they received punishment

Which of the following best describes the primary goal of the European "Grand Alliance"?

to protect European nations from any power that might undermine monarchical government

After the Election of 1832, Jackson essentially appointed a new Secretary of the _______________ without Congressional approval, which was a clear violation of the Constitution.


Stories that either explicitly or symbolically described black slaves outwitting white masters and overseers became known as "_____________ tales."


How did the federal government react to secession?

with indecisiveness

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