The following frame was "sniffed" off an Ethernet network. Below, we removed the preamble. We use only hexadecimal numbers without using "0x" or "h" symbols. Here is what was collected in network byte order: 08 06 80 35 08 06 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 08 06 32 7F 4C 2D 5C 4B EE DD .... This frame certainly carries as payload _______________. - An IPv4 packet - An ARP packet - a TCP segment - a UDP datagram - IPv6 packet - None of these answers
- An ARP packet
The following frame was "sniffed" off an Ethernet network. Below, we removed the preamble. We use only hexadecimal numbers without using "0x" or "h" symbols. Here is what was collected in network byte order: 08 06 80 35 08 06 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 08 00 32 7F 4C 2D 5C 4B EE DD .... This frame certainly carries as payload _______________. - An ARP packet - An IPv4 packet - a TCP segment - None of these answers - a UDP datagram - A RARP packet - IPv6 packet
- An IPv4 packet
The following frame was "sniffed" off an Ethernet network. Below, we removed the preamble. We use only hexadecimal numbers without using "0x" or "h" symbols. Here is what was collected in network byte order: 08 06 80 35 08 06 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 08 00 32 7F 4C 2D 5C 4B EE DD .... This frame certainly carries as payload _______________. - a TCP segment - IPv6 packet - An ARP packet - a UDP datagram - An IPv4 packet - None of these answers
- An IPv4 packet
With two or more users emitting/transmitting/talking, the MAC is needed for the following topologies. - Broadcast - One Way channel - None of these answers - Half-duplex - Full Duplex
- Broadcast - Half-duplex
These MAC protocols/schemes use Carrier Sense Multiple Access - Pure Aloha - Collision-Free - CSMA - Slotted Aloha - CSMA/CD
These multiple access protocols/schemes must sense the medium before transmitting. - CSMA - Pure Aloha - Slotted Aloha - None of these answers - CSMA/CD
These multiple access protocols/schemes must sense the medium before transmitting. - Pure Aloha - Slotted Aloha - None of these answers - CSMA - CSMA/CD
These multiple access protocols/schemes must listen to the medium while transmitting. - CSMA/CD - CSMA - None of these answers - Pure Aloha
Check all that apply to contention-based multiple access protocols - Are not used on wireless networks - Guarantee upper bounds on delivery time - Do not offer an upperbound on the delivery time. - Work well for wide-area networks (>2,000 km) - Have a good average delivery time - None of these answers
- Do not offer an upperbound on the delivery time. - Have a good average delivery time
Check all that apply to contention-based multiple access protocols - Are not used on wireless networks - Guarantee upper bounds on delivery time - Work well for wide-area networks (>2,000 km) - Do not offer an upperbound on the delivery time. - None of these answers - Have a good average delivery time
- Do not offer an upperbound on the delivery time. - Have a good average delivery time
Check all that apply to IEEE 802.5 (Token-Ring) - Has an excellent channel efficiency - Guarantees upper bound on delivery time - Has a better average delivery time than Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) - Is a kind of time division multiplexing MA - Is a kind of frequency division multiplexing MA
- Has an excellent channel efficiency - Guarantees upper bound on delivery time - Is a kind of time division multiplexing MA
These (this) protocol(s) are contention based protocols. - IEEE 802.5 - IEEE 802.3 - IEEE 802.4 - IEEE 802.2 - IEEE 802.11
- IEEE 802.3 - IEEE 802.11
These (this) IEEE 802.x protocol(s) are fully collision free. - IEEE 802.3 - IEEE 802.4 - IEEE 802.11 - IEEE 802.5 - None of these answers
- IEEE 802.4 - IEEE 802.5
These protocols are multiple access protocols/schemes. - Slotted Aloha - Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) - Pure Aloha - Binary access - Adaptive binary protocol
- Slotted Aloha - Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) - Pure Aloha
Check all that apply to IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) - is a kind of time division MA - has a contention-based MA protocol - is a kind of frequency division MA - guarantees upper bound on delivery time - has in general a lower average time delivery than Token-ring
- has a contention-based MA protocol - has in general a lower average time delivery than Token-ring
Check all that apply to IEEE 802.3 (Ethernet) - has in general a lower average time delivery than Token-ring - guarantees upper bound on delivery time - has a contention-based MA protocol - is a kind of time division MA - is a kind of frequency division MA
- has in general a lower average time delivery than Token-ring - has a contention-based MA protocol
Based on the textbook, broadcast channels are sometimes referred as ______________ channels - full duplex - multiaccess - random access - None of these answers - half-duplex
- multiaccess - random access
Based on the textbook, broadcast channels are sometimes referred as ______________ channels - random access - multiaccess - full duplex - None of these answers - half-duplex
- random access - multiaccess
Match the TYPE values with the kind of payload. (Some values were not covered in class. Search for them) 0x0800 0x0806 0x8035 0x8137 0x86DD
0x0800 IPv4 (Internet Protocol) 0x0806 ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 0x8035 RARP (Reverse ARP) 0x8137 IPX (Novell) 0x86DD IPv6
The following frame was "sniffed" off an Ethernet network. Below, we removed the preamble. We use only hexadecimal numbers without using "0x" or "h" symbols. Here is what was collected in network byte order: 08 06 80 35 08 06 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 08 00 32 7F 4C 2D 5C 4B EE DD .... The source MAC address is ___________________. A. 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 B. 08 06 80 35 08 06 C. 76 3E 56 E2 D. None of these answers E. 08 00 08 06
A. 76 3E 56 E2 08 00
On an Ethernet frame, the ________ field will contain an IP packet, an ARP request/response, or other network protocols data units. A. Payload B. Destination C. Type D. CRC E. Source F. None of these answers
A. Payload
On an Ethernet frame, the ________ field indicates whether the frame carries an IP, an ARP, or a RARP packet/ A. Type B. Source C. Destination D. CRC E. None of these answers F. Payload
A. Type
Medium Access Control is important and used mainly for ___________. A. WANs (Wide Area Networks) B. LANs (Local Area Networks) C. full duplex point to point channels D. networks made of full duplex point to point channels E. None of these answers
B. LANs (Local Area Networks)
This question is about CSMA schemes. When a collision between two or more frames occurs, each station will _____________. A. will remove the damaged part only from frames destined to it. B. drop all damaged frames even if only one bit is damaged in each. C. will remove the damaged part and store all truncated frames to use them later to restore them, if necessary. D. will collect the damaged frames and hand them to the logical link layer to repair them. E. None of these answers
B. drop all damaged frames even if only one bit is damaged in each.
Collision-free (i.e., with dedicated channels) multiple access protocols ____________. A. None of these answers B. guarantee upper bounds on delivery time C. are not used on wireless networks D. work well for wide-area networks (>2,000 km) E. have a better average delivery time than contention based MA protocols.
B. guarantee upper bounds on delivery time
Wireless local area networks (LANs) often use ___________________ channel(s). A. point-to-point B. half-duplex C. broadcast D. full duplex E. None of these answers
C. broadcast
This question is about CSMA schemes. When a collision between two or more frames occurs, each station will _____________. A. None of these answers B. will collect the damaged frames and hand them to the logical link layer to repair them. C. drop all damaged frames even if only one bit is damaged in each. D. will remove the damaged part and store all truncated frames to use them later to restore them, if necessary. E. will remove the damaged part only from frames destined to it.
C. drop all damaged frames even if only one bit is damaged in each.
The following frame was "sniffed" off an Ethernet network. Below, we removed the preamble. We use only hexadecimal numbers without using "0x" or "h" symbols. Here is what was collected in network byte order: 08 06 80 35 08 06 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 08 00 32 7F 4C 2D 5C 4B EE DD .... The source MAC address is ___________________. A. 08 00 08 06 B. 76 3E 56 E2 C. 08 06 80 35 08 06 D. 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 E. None of these answers
D. 76 3E 56 E2 08 00
Medium Access Control is important and used mainly for ___________. A. None of these answers B. WANs (Wide Area Networks) C. full duplex point to point channels D. LANs (Local Area Networks) E. networks made of full duplex point to point channels
D. LANs (Local Area Networks)
Collision-free (i.e., with dedicated channels) multiple access protocols ____________. A. have a better average delivery time than contention based MA protocols. B. work well for wide-area networks (>2,000 km) C. None of these answers D. guarantee upper bounds on delivery time E. are not used on wireless networks
D. guarantee upper bounds on delivery time
The following frame was "sniffed" off an Ethernet network. Below, we removed the preamble. We use only hexadecimal numbers without using "0x" or "h" symbols. Here is what was collected in network byte order: 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 08 06 80 35 08 06 08 00 32 7F 4C 2D 5C 4B EE DD .... The source MAC address is ___________________. A. 76 3E 56 E2 B. 76 3E 56 E2 08 00 C. 08 00 08 06 D. None of these answers E. 08 06 80 35 08 06
E. 08 06 80 35 08 06
Wireless local area networks (LANs) often use ___________________ channel(s). A. full duplex B. half-duplex C. point-to-point D. None of these answers E. broadcast
E. broadcast
On an Ethernet frame, the ________ field indicates whether the frame is corrupted. A. Destination B. Type C. Source D. Payload E. None of these answers F. CRC
On an Ethernet frame, the ________ field will contain an IP packet, an ARP request/response, or other network protocols data units. A. Type B. CRC C. None of these answers D. Destination E. Source F. Payload
F. Payload
True or False: Using Pure Aloha, a station must sense the medium before transmitting.
True or False: Using Slotted Aloha, a station can transmit any time a frame is ready.
In the context of OSI Reference Model (Data Link Layer), the MAC stands for ________________________________.
Medium Access Control
__________________________________ provides service directly to __________________________.
The medium access control sublayer; the logical link sublayer
In the CSMA/CD acronym, CD stands for ________________.
collision detection