M7- Dimensions and Strategies of Development

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The Grameen Bank:

Offers loans to the poor in Bangladesh

The UNDP's Human Development Index (HDI) is based on three factors, including (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Educational attainment Per capita purchasing power Life expectancy NOT: Access to health coverage

"Aggregate GDP" is defined as "The nominal value (at official exchange rates) of all final goods and services produced within a country in a year (Constant prices)" as measured in Billions $US. (Note, the RCII uses the Atlas as opposed to the Purchasing Power Parity method of measuring GDP for consistency purposes across variables). Using the Charts Tab, recreate the Top 7 bar chart above or otherwise determine the difference between the output of the U.S. economy (#1) as opposed to the Indian economy (#7). Note, India divides its GDP among almost 1 billion more people than the United States!

$17,546,560,000,000 (i.e. roughly $17.5 trillion)

What percentage of people in India have "Access to Sanitation" (found under "Environmental Sustainability" and then "Water Access")?


Common ways to measure poverty include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Consumption Income NOT: Obesity levels happiness

As seen in the map of "HIV Prevalence" above, Southern Africa continues to face significant challenges tied to HIV/AIDS, with the prevalence as a percentage of adults aged 15-49 years over 10% in 8 countries. Four are identified in the histogram above and listed below. Match the letter to the country.

D: Swaziland C: Lesotho B: Botswana A: South Africa

The two main forms of foreign aid include:

Economic assistance and military assistance

Purchasing Power Parity:

Estimates the number of dollars needed to buy comparable goods in different countries, making comparisons more accurate

Market-oriented reforms in China:

Have been relatively gradual and strictly controlled by the state

Mexico and Brazil are noted for:

Introducing direct transfer payments to poor households, conditioned on families meeting requirements such as keeping their children in school

Which of the following statements is true?

Globally, the top one-fifth of the population (roughly 1.5 billion people) has more than three-quarters of the world's consumption (about $60 trillion), while the bottom one-fifth (roughly 1.4 billion people) has about $1 trillion in consumption

Which of the following was not part of the Millennium Development Goals, but is part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Having peaceful and inclusive societies, justice, and accountable institutions (good governance)

The "Gini Index," represented in the map above, "measures the extent to which the distribution of income (or, in some cases, consumption expenditure) among individuals or households within an economy deviates from a perfectly equal distribution." What are the three most unequal countries in the world (i.e., scoring the lowest in the map above; consider using the Rank by Variable tab for accuracy)?

Lesotho, South Africa, Haiti

What percentage of its budget does the U.S. give in foreign aid?

Roughly 1%

South Korea and other East Asian states have pursued strategies that have included:

Strong investments in education and efforts to allow the poor to share in rapid growth

As seen in the chart (Figure 11.1; note the chart is based on the number of people living on less than $1.90 a day):

The number and percentage of extremely poor people worldwide has declined since 1990

Which Millennium Development Goal was fully achieved?

To cut in half (from 1990 levels) the number of people living in extreme poverty (then defined as $1 a day, now $1.90)

Which of the following goals was NOT part of the Millennium Development Goals?

To dramatically reduce weapons sales worldwide

In total dollars, which country gives the most in economic aid?

United States

Micro-lending tends to focus on:

Women, who studies show are more likely to repay loans and spend money on their children's welfare

What is China's average tariff rate (found under Economics, "Market Access," "Trade Profile," "Barriers to Trade", "Trade Tariffs") and how many procedures does it take to get a construction permit (found under "Operations" and then "Business Transactions")? Question to ponder: how does the country compare with others on these variables?

12.19% and 20.4

As seen in the map above, Africa, the Middle East, and South Asia face amongst the largest gender-based challenges in the world. Match Pakistan's RANK to the aggregate "Gender Inequality and Integrity" sub-dimension below.

128- Female/ Male Educational Attainment 133- Female/Male Health and Survival 108- Female Physical Integrity 94- Female/ Male Political Empowerment 135- Female/Male Economic Participation and Opportunity

Match China's GDP Growth Rate to the year. This data is easily found by creating a raw data longitudinal or advanced bar chart and hovering above dot or bar. Do you notice a trend?

2007- 14.2% 2010- 10.61% 2013- 7.8% 2017- 6.9% 2018- 6.6%

Match the country to its RCII RANK on "PISA Math Average," defined as "overall mathematical literacy, age 15 years by all students." Note, data is available for only 67 countries.

35- United States 2- Japan 37- Croatia 34- Slovakia 3- China

Where does China rank across each of the variables below (all found under Economics and then "Market Access"):

3rd- FDI Outflows 1st- Aggregate Exports 2nd- FDI Inflows 120th- Trade Tariffs

Recreate the table above or otherwise match the letter to the development challenge data point below (all the variables are found under the Society dimension):

A 61 B 262 C 46.5 D 358 E 135

Using the Rank By Variable tab, recreate the histogram on "Air Quality" above and place the countries with the worst Air Quality in the correct order below (from worst to best). Why do you think so many of the countries scoring the lowest on "Air Quality" are in Asia?

A+B India and Bangladesh C China E,F,G Kazakhstan, Pakistan, DRC D Nepal

The first steps in opening the Chinese economy included (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Allowing farmers to sell excess produce on the market, once they had met local and national quotas Inviting foreign firms to form joint ventures with state-owned manufacturers to produce for export NOT: Instituting democratic governance to allow for political economic debate Adopting the U.S. dollar as its currency

With respect to foreign aid, as a percentage of its national income/GNI, the U.S. gives:

Amongst the lowest level among rich countries (bottom third)

Tied to the focus in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on better quality education is a belief that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Better education can lead to better participation in democracy A focus on education, especially of girls, leads to improved family health and individual productivity Better education leads to better use of higher technologies NOT: Better education will better promote the UN's emphasis on socialism as seen in the U.S. China's education system, by far the best in the world, should be adopted

Trends in income inequality include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Increases in global income going to the top 5 percent versus the bottom 5 percent Rapid increases in income inequality in the United States since the 1970s NOT: The same, universal, dramatic persistence of extreme income inequality across LDCs A sharp decline in income inequality in China, given its Structural Adjustment Program

In the United States (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Micro-lending has taken root through Grameen America and other organizations Micro-lending has been supplemented by NGOs that give out "micro-grants" NOT: Only for-profit micro-lending has worked because of a lack of sufficient funds from NGOs Micro-lending has focused on men, as opposed to women like in Bangladesh Micro-lending has not done well because poverty in the U.S. is not the same as in LDCs

What is the definition of "relative poverty"?

Relative poverty is based on a comparison with a defined group within a particular country

China's state-directed development model has sometimes been called "Confucian Capitalism," tied to "Asian values" such as maintaining order and deference to authority. Others sharply criticize the country's harsh and repressive state practices and do not accept the "Asian values" argument. The radar chart above maps the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) across the RCII's "Governance" indicators, including the aggregate "Governance" score. Rank the countries from best to worst on the aggregate "Governance" indicator. Do the rankings surprise you?

South Africa India Brazil China Russia

In his famous essay "The End of History?", Francis Fukuyama wrote that mankind may have reached "the end point of ... ideological evolution with the universalization of Western liberal democracy as the final form of human government." This mindset was championed by:

The Washington Consensus (led by the U.S. and international financial institutions)

A challenge that has developed in recent years surrounding micro-lending in India has been:

The development of for-profit micro-lending and loan-sharks pushing more and more loans (followed by aggressive collection tactics)

Which statements about poverty around the world are true? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

The largest number of poor people live in Asia Women suffer more from poverty than men The incidence of poverty is generally higher in rural than urban areas NOT: The incidence of poverty is generally higher in urban than rural areas Women and men suffer equally from poverty Elderly people are significantly less vulnerable because of accumulated income

Which of the following statements is true?

The most dramatic gains in reducing hunger worldwide since 1990 have been in East and Southeast Asia (notably China)

While globally the number and percentage of people living on less than $1.90 a day has dropped dramatically since 1990, what is also true (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

The number of people living on less than $3.10 a day has remained roughly the same (about 2 billion people Most of the gains have been in two countries, China and India (especially China) NOT: Income inequality has increased in MDCs (the United States being an exception), but not LDCs Only in Africa has the number of poor really dropped significantly, and in Latin America it has dramatically increased

China's state-directed development model has sometimes been called "Confucian Capitalism," tied to "Asian values" such as maintaining order and deference to authority. Others sharply criticize the country's repressive state practices and do not accept the "Asian values" argument. The radar chart above maps the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) across the RCII's "Governance" indicators, including the aggregate "Governance" score. On which variable does China score the worst inside the "Governance" dimension?

Voice and Accountability

Which image represents China's change in GDP per capita over the 2005-2018 period (note, each chart has an adjusted raw data scale; you must adjust the scale to recreate the charts accurately)?

most gradual incline

With roughly 1.3 billion people, India is the world's second most populous country. It will soon pass China and become the world's most populous state. As seen in the longitudinal chart of "Urbanization" above, how many of India's people live in rural areas (you can also drill down to the "Urbanization" variable under "Demographic Dynamic")?

roughly two thirds

Which radar chart below shows key developmental challenges in India across the variables identified?

tiny one with straight up stick

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