Management chp 10, 13, 14, 15, 16

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Imagine that you have just been hired as a manager at a retail store. You want to empower the employees working at your store. Which of the following actions could you take? Check all that apply.

-Ensure employees have the knowledge to contribute to company goals -Give employees information about company performance

Suppose you really are dissatisfied with your job, but the economy is in bad shape, and it's the only job you can find in your small town. You are likely to experience cognitive dissonance that can be resolved by which of the following? Select all that apply.

-Learn more about the positive consequences of the work your organization does for its customers. -Convince your boss to let you take on a new project that injects more variety into your day and will be personally meaningful to you. -Decide that working this job isn't as bad as you thought it was.

Which of the following statements describe people who have a strong internal locus of control? Check all that apply.

-They are achievement oriented. -They handle complex information well.

If a manager uses positive reinforcers, such as money and gift certificates, to shape the behavior of his or her employees, what can the manager then expect? Select all that apply.

-To satisfy the employees' lower-level needs. -To see a temporary increase in the rewarded behaviors.

ERG theory

-existence-physiological and security needs -relatedness- needed to belong and earn esteem -growth- self-esteem and self-actualization

Product Departmentalization

-group activities by products or product groups -Larger businesses adopt this form

Functional Departmentalization

-groups jobs by the same or similar activities. -Most common in smaller organizations.

job enrichment

-increases both the number of tasks and the control the worker has over the job -needed changes not usually made for successful implementation

job enlargement

-increases the total number of tasks workers perform -Through positive consequences happen, training costs increase, unions argue for more pay, and work remains boring

job rotation

-involves systematically moving employees from one job to another -can increase flexibility and lower costs but jobs are still boring and satisfaction quickly wanes

legitimate power

-is granted through the organizational hierarchy - authority does not make someone a leader

selective perception

-is the process of screening out information we are uncomfortable with or contradicts our beliefs -helpful only if basic perception is accurate

sequential interdependence

-occurs when the output of one unit becomes the input for another in a sequential fashion -moderate interdependence, usually one way

pooled interdependence

-occurs when units operate with little interaction, their output is pooled at the corporate level -lowest level of interdependence


-relatively permanent set of psychological and behavioral attributes that distinguish one person from another -captures what people are like, as opposed to ability, which captures what people can do


-the process of categorizing or labeling people on the basis of a single attribute -common attribute include race, gender, and age

Sharon's son, Parker, did an amazing thing last week. For the first time in a month, Parker made his bed and picked up his dirty clothes. This greatly excited Sharon, and she decided to use reinforcement theory to help make sure that Parker would continue his room-cleaning behavior. Sharon has two methods she can use to increase the likelihood of room cleaning in the future: increase Parker's allowance or stop nagging Parker about the state of his room.

1. Sharon decides to increase Parker's allowance.-Positive reinforcement 2. Sharon decides to stop nagging Parker if he does not clean his room.-Avoidance learning

According to the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, discrimination against persons over _ is considered illegal under federal law.

40 years old

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed discrimination in the following:

Any facet of employment based on race, color, sex, national origin, religion/ desegregated schools

Charismatic Leadership

Assumes that charisma is an individual characteristic of the leader

Protected Characteristics

Attribute about an individual that is protected under EEO laws and regulations: age, race, marital status, disability, pregnancy

People around here are trusted to make the right decisions for customers.


gainsharing program

Designed to share the cost savings from employee productivity improvements with employees. Aligns employee and corporate interests

At Southwest Airlines, employees participate in every decision the company makes—including the financial ones. Their payoff for their efforts includes owning part of the company. This reflects a rewards system that includes:

Employee stock options

Everyone in the office seems to gravitate toward Nolan. He's the one who is most likely to invite a new employee to have lunch and he brings people together ---forming effective teams


On average, conscientiousness is a better predictor of employee performance than intelligence.


When the U.S. Department of Defense identifies a department where efficiency has increased over prior years and work quality has remained the same or gotten better, everyone in the department is rewarded based on how much money they have saved the agency. This type of reward system is known as:


Crystal works as a receptionist and technician at an animal shelter. Her boss, Brian, believes that smiling at the people who come to the shelter leads to more dogs being adopted. Recently, he has been nagging his employees to smile. Last week, Brian noticed that Crystal smiled and immediately greeted a family who was at the animal shelter looking for a new dog. Brian decides to use either positive reinforcement or avoidance learning to increase Crystal's behavior. Now Brian is asking for your advice about exactly what to do to use each technique. If Brian wants to use a positive reinforcement technique, which of the following should Brian do?

Give Crystal a bonus

Vonda is frustrated with her manager, Glenda. Last week, when Vonda asked about Glenda's expectations, Glenda said, "Just do your best." But Vonda doesn't know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn't very motivated. What is the root of the problem?

Goal specificity

Brian, the second of five children, has referent power at home. People are likely to do what Brian says because:

He is so likeable

Ileen's manager thinks that she is an ideal employee. Always willing to do anything asked of her-- Ileen never holds a grudge or speaks ill of her coworkers.

High agreeableness

Kristen is an amazing nurse. Even when the sights and sounds of her busy emergency room are overwhelming she is always calm and she makes her patients feel calmer too. Kristen's friends describe her as "being on an even keel." She just doesn't seem to get depressed or manic the way some people do.

High emotional stability

Which of the following is true regarding asking the question "Are you a United States citizen?" in an interview or on a job application?

Illegal according to the Civil Rights Act of 1964

People who are high on authoritarianism do not do well

In organizations where employees expect to be empowered

Put the following in order in terms of strongest to weakest predictor of future job performance.

Job simulation test Intelligence test Structured interview (trained interviewer and same questions to all candidates) Personality test (conscientiousness extraversion etc.) Unstructured interview (typically untrained interviewer and asks anything they want)

When thinking of leadership as a property, how can we define leadership?

Leadership is the set of characteristics attributed to individuals who are perceived to be leaders.

Unlawful Discrimination

Making employment decisions on the basis of protected characteristics

Managers at Lincoln Electric set annual performance goals for each employee. At the end of the year, managers determine pay increases based on each employee's achievement of those goals. This is an example of:

Merit pay

Which of the following statements is false?

Most errors in performance appraisal can be eliminated by providing training that describes the kinds of errors managers make and suggesting ways to avoid them.


People who can influence the behaviors of others without having to rely on force; those accepted by others as leaders

Which of the following is the strongest predictor of job satisfaction?

Satisfaction with the work itself

Undue Hardship

Significant difficulty or expense imposed on an employer in making an accommodation for individuals with disabilities.

equity theory

Suggests that people are motivated to seek social equity in the rewards they receive for performance

need for power

The desire to be influential in a group and to control one's environment

Pregnancy Discrimination Act

Treating maternity leave the same as other personal or medical leaves

Personality tests are an example of a self-report selection device


Reliability refers to how consistently a selection device returns a result


Which of the following selection devices is the strongest predictor of job performance?

Work sample/job simulation

chain of command

a clear and distinct line of authority among the positions in an organization

scalar principle

a clear and unbroken line of authority from lowest to highest position


a form of interpersonal attraction that inspires acceptance and support


a mechanism through which we observe behavior and attribute a cause to it

Reasonable Accommodation

a modification to a job or work environment that gives a qualified individual an equal employment opportunity to perform

workplace behavior

a pattern of action by the members of an organization that directly or indirectly influences organizational effectiveness

I love working here.


You couldn't ask for a nicer boss than Sharon. Sharon is always willing to bend the rules when someone has a problem and will do anything possible to help her employees feel satisfied at work. Sharon rarely tells people that they have done something wrong. Instead, she tries to cover up the problem so that others won't notice it. Sharon is likely to have a high need for:


work teams

allows an entire group to design the work system it will use to perform an interrelated set of tasks

flexible work schedule

allows employees some control over the hours they choose to work


allows part of work time offsite, usually at home

dsyfunctional behaviors

are those that detract from, rather than contribute to, organizational performance

Susan gets employees to do what she says because she threatens pay cuts if they do not.

coercive power

unity of command

each person has a clear reporting relationship to one boss

Charasmatic Leadership

envisions the future and set high expectations. energize others. support and express confidence in others

reciprocal interdependence

exists when activities flow both ways between units

Bill has twenty years of experience in logistics and his company is flailing in this area...Bill has

expert power

functional authority

formal and legitimate authority

merit pay plans

formally base some meaningful portion of compensation on merit

essential job functions

fundamental job duties

Family and Medical Leave Act

giving up to 12 weeks of unpaid family leave and allowing the individual to return to the job

Customer Departmentalization

groups activities to respond to and interact with specific customers or customer groups -basic advantage is the organization's ability to use skilled specialists to deal with unique customers -a fairly large administrative staff is required to integrate activities of various departments

Location Departmentalization

groups jobs based on geography

Harry decides to improve the employees' relationships with each other. Every month Harry will sponsor an employee gathering and invite all of the employees to come.

hygiene factor

Harry decides to raise employee wages. Each employee will receive a bonus worth 15% of his or her base pay.

hygiene factor

line position

in the direct chain of command, responsible for achievement of organizational goals

I plan to leave this organization in the next 3-6 months.


positive affectivity

is a tendency to be upbeat and optimistic, have an overall sense of well-being, see things in a positive light, and seem to be in a good mood


is an individual's belief that power and status differences are appropriate in an organization


is an individual's beliefs about her or his capabilities to perform a task


is behavior directed at gaining power and controlling behavior of others

merit pay

is pay awarded to employees on the basis of the relative value of their contributions to the organization.

referent power

is personal accrued power based on identification, imitation, loyalty, or charisma

expert power

is personal accrued power based on information or expertise possessed

risk propensity

is the degree to which an individual is willing to take chances and make risky decisions

job specification

is the degree to which the overall task of the organization is broken down and divided into into smaller components parts/ dividing the work into separate tasks, individuals specialize in doing a part rather than a whole

job design

is the determination of an individual's work related responsibilities

organizational engagement

is the extent an employee sees themselves as part of the organization, actively looks for ways to contribute, and is involved in multiple ways


is the extent to which a person believes they are worthwhile and a deserving individual

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

is the extent to which people are self-aware, manage their emotions, express empathy, and posses social risks

person-organization fit

is the extent to which the individual contributions match the organizational inducements

reward power

is the power to give or withhold items


is the process of enabling workers to set their own work goals, make decisions, and solve problems within their sphere of responsibility and authority


is the set of forces that cause people to behave in certain ways

Jim is CEO. Employees are likely to do what Jim asks because he is CEO.

legitimate power


line managers work toward organizational goals while staff managers advise and assist

advise authority

manager chooses to seek input, or not

disparate treatment

members of a group are treated differently from others

Harry asks each employee what kind of work is most interesting to him or her. He assigns new tasks based on employee interests.

motivation factor

Harry decides to help the employees grow and develop. Each month every employee will be given a day off for training and the employee who comes back to work with the most creative ideas will receive special recognition.

motivation factor

compulsory advice

must consider advice, not heed it

cognitive dissonance

occurs when an individual has conflicting attitudes

job sharing

occurs when two or more part-time workers share one full-time job

The legal theory of disparate treatment refers to _ discrimination against a protected class, whereas the legal theory of disparate impact refers to __ discrimination against a protected class.

overt and intentional; a policy or practice that results in

Equal Pay Act

paying similar wage rates for similar work without regard to gender -differences of pay between men and women are permitted when their is a difference in seniority, performance, working conditions

Clancy is a leader who works with his team to solve difficult organizational problems, including the issue of how to avoid company layoffs when sales went down. Clancy coaches and teaches employees so that they have the skills needed to advance in their jobs, and he provides the team with the necessary resources. Clancy is well connected both inside and outside the organization and knows how to get buy-in from the senior managers in the company. Clancy is likely to have a high need for:



power legitimized by the organization

coercive power

power to force compliance, builds resentment

staff position

provides expertise, advice, and support for line positions

fixed-ratio schedule

provides reinforcement after a fixed number of behaviors

variable-ratio costs

provides reinforcement after varying numbers of behavior

fixed-interval schedule

provides reinforcement at fixed times, regardless of behavior

variable-interval schedule

provides reinforcement at varied times

organizational commitment

reflects an individual's identification with and attachment to the organization

Job Satisfaction or Dissatisfaction

reflects the extent an individual is gratified by or fulfilled by their work

disparate impact

regardless of intent, if an organizational practice has a disproportionate impact on a protected glass, it can be illegal

pay equity

requires that jobs be equal, not identical

Sharon's kids know she gives cookies to them when they do as she asks. Sharon has...

reward power

Path-Goal Theory

says the primary function of a leader are to make desired rewards available and to clarify the kinds of behavior that will lead to rewards

scalon plan

similar to gainsharing, but the distribution of gains is tilted much more heavily toward employees


someone quits


someone skips work


strengthens behavior by avoiding unpleasant consequences that would result if the behavior is not performed

positive reinforcement

strengths behavior with rewards or positive outcomes


systematically delegating power and authority to lower-level manager


systematically retains power and authority in higher-level managers

negative affectivity

tendency to experience negative emotions and moods, feel distressed, and be critical of oneself and others

organizational citizenship

the behavior of individuals that makes a positive overall contribution to the organization


the degree of control the worker has over how the work is performed

need for affiliation

the desire for human companionship and acceptance

need for achievement

the desire to accomplish a goal or task more effectively than in the past

task identity

the extent to which the worker does a complete or identifiable portion of the total job


the extent to which the worker knows how well the job is being performed

skill variety

the number of tasks a person does in a job

task significance

the perceived importance of the task

When the owner of the company asks employees what products are selling and what ideas they have, she is increasing...

the power employees have to make their own decisions


the process by which managers assign work to subordinates


the process of giving employees a voice in making decisions about their own work


the process of linking the activities of various departments in an organization

Performance Behaviors

the total set of work-related behaviors that the organization expects employees to display


weakens undesired behavior by ignoring or not reinforcing them


weakens undesired behaviors but builds resentment and hostility

psychological contract

what do I owe the organization and what does the organization owe me?


will tell you how useful a measure is for a particular situation

compressed working schedule

working a full 40-hour week in fewer than 5 days

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