Marketing Final_1

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Neighborhood shopping center

5 and 15 stores. Which are close and convenient for consumers, usually contain a supermarket, perhaps a discount store.


A contractual association between a manufacturer, wholesaler, or service organization (a franchisor) and independent business people who buy the right to own an operate one or more and operate one or more units in the franchise system.

Multi channel distributor system

A distributor system in which a single firm sets up two or more marketing channels to reach one or more marketing segments.

Shopping centers

A group of retail business build on a site that is planned, developed owned, and market as a unit.

Direct Marketing Channel

A market channel that has no intermediary levels. Example: Selling products door to door.

Indirect Marketing Channel

A marketing channel containing one or more Intermediaries.

indirect exporting

A marketing channel containing one or more intermediary levels.


A retail operation that sells standard merchandise at lower prices by accepting lower margins and selling at higher volume.

Place Decison

Accessible to the target market.

Sustainable marketing concept

Calls for socially and environmentally responsible actions and environmentally responsible actions that meet the present needs of consumers and businesses while also preserving or enhacing the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Department stores

Carry a wide variety of product lines.


Carry narrow product lines with deep assortments within these lines, they increase use of mark segmentation, target, and prove specialization.

planned obsolescense

Causing their product to become obsolete before they actually should need replacement. Marketers respond that customers like style changes; they get tired of old goods and want a new look in fashion.


Choice of transportation affects prices as products, delivery performance, and conditions of goods.

Intermodal Transportation

Combining two or more modes of transportation.

Informative Advertising

Communication customer value building a brand and company image telling the market about a new product.

Vertical conflict

Conflict takes place a wholesaler has an issue with distributor or dealer.

Societal Marketing Concept

Considers the future welfare of consumers and the strategic planning concept considers future company needs.

Advertising Strategy

Consits or two major elements, creating advertising message, and selective advertising media.

Community Shopping Center

Containing between 15 and 50 retail stores. It normally contains a branch of a department store of variety store, a supermarket, specialty stores, and sometimes a bank.

Sales promotion

Coupons, contests, discounts, premiums, and others all of which have many qualities. Effects short lived not as effective as advertising or personal selling in long run based effective relationship.


Customers who are wiling to perform their own locate compartment process to save time or money.

Distribution Centers

Designed to move goods rather than just store them.

Direct Marketing

Direct mail and catalogs, online marketing, and mobile marketing. Direct connections with consumers. Purpose is to obtain immediate response and build relationships.

Category killers

Dominate the category and kill competition. A giant specialty store that carries a very deep assortment of a product line.

Direct Investment

Estering a foreign market by developing foreign based assembly and manufacturing facilities. For example, ford makes direct investments in several Asian countries.

False Wants

False wants created by marketing.

Exclusive distribution

Giving a limited number of dealers the exclusive right to distribute the company's products in their territories. For example: Bentley automobile are typically sold by only a handful of authorized dealers.

Full Service

High end specialty stores. Assist customers in every phase of the shopping goods. For which customer need or want assistance or advise product line.


Simple way for a manufacturer to enter international. marketing the company entering into an with a license into foreign market. Buys the plant to use the company manufacture process, trade rights, trade secret. Disadvantage: Firm has less control over the license than it would over its own operations.

Convenience Stores

Small stories that carry a limited line of a high turnover convenience goods, currently experience growth.

Intensive Distribution

Stock the product in as many outlets as possible

Storage warehouse

Store goods for moderate to long periods.

Off Price

Store that sells merchandise bought at less than retail whole prices and sold at less than retail. Selling a limited selection of goods at deep assortment to consumers who pay membership fees.

Limited Service

Such as Sears or JC Penny's provide more sales assistance because they carry more shopping goods which customer need more information.

High prices

Such high prices are hard to swallow, especially when the economy takes a downturn. 3 factors high costs of distribution, high advertising, and promotional costs.

Poor Service to Disadvantages consumers

Target such consumers with legitimate goods and services. In having a city not having enough resources.

Management contracts

The domestic firm provides the management know to know to a foreign company that supplies the capital. In other words the domestic firm exports management services rather than products.


The simplest way to enter a foreign market is throught exporting. The company may passively export its surpluse from time, or it may time or it may make an active commitment to expand to a particular market. Least change in the company's product lines, organization, investments, or mission.

Selective distribution

The use or more than once but fewer than all of the intermediaries who are with to carry products.


Two or more outlets that commonly owned and controlled. Size allows then to buy in large quantity such as pricing, promotion, merchandise, and gain promotion economies. Independent retails that join together.

Standardized global marketing

Uses the same global marketing strategy and in all the company international markets.


When product or service cut out intermediaries and go directly to final buyers or when radically new type of channel intermediaries, displace traditional ones. For example, Amazon and itunes displace traditional music retail stores.

Joint Ownership

consists of one company joining forces with foreign investors to create a local business in which they share possession and control. A company may buy an interest in a local firm, or the two parties may form a new business venture.

Shooddy, harmful, or unsafe products

poor quality quality or function. Products are not made well or do not perform well.

Direct exporting

whereby they handle their own exports, the investment, and risks are somewhat greater in this strategy, but so in the potential return.

High Pressure selling

Persuade people to buy goods they had not thought of buying. Marketers have little to gain from high pressure selling.

Marketing logistics

Planning, implementing, and control the physical flow or materials.

Adapted Marketing

Adjusts marketing strategy ad elements to each intended target market, been more costs but hopes for a large market share and return.

Promotion Decision

Advertising, personal selling, sale promotion, public relation, and direct marketing.

contract manafacture

Agreements with manufacturers in the foreign market to produce its product or provide its service.


An organized movement of concerned citizens, businesses, and government agencies designed to protect and improve people's current and future living environment.

Comparative Advertising

Attack competitors direct or indirect compared its brands

Persuasive advertising

Building brad preference encouragement switching to a brand, changing customer perception of product value.

Public Relations

Building good relations with the company's various publics by obtaining favorable policy; building up a good corporate image; and handling or heading off unfavorable rumors, stories, and events

To few social goods

Business has been accused of overselling private goods at the expense of public goods.

Power Center

Huge unenclosed shopping center consisting of a long strip of retail stores, including large, freestanding anchors such as Walmart, Home Depot, Costco, Best Buy, and Michael's. Each store its own entrance with parking directly in front for shoppers who wish to visit only one store

Advertising Negatives

Impersonal, non direct person, one way communication, and costly


Includes all activities involved in selling goods and services to those buying for resale or business use.

Integrated Marketing Communication

Integrated and coordinating the company many communication channels to deliver a clear, consitent and compelling message.

Push Strategy

Involves Pushing the product through marketing channel to final consumers

Advertising objective

Is a specific communication task to be a accomplished with a special target audience a specific period of time.


Is an organized movement of citizens a government agencies to improve the rights and power of buyers in relations to sellers.

Value Delivery Network

Is made up of the company, suppliers, distributors, and ultimately customers who "Partner" witch each other in order to improve the performance of the entire system.

Informative advertising

Is use heavely when introducing a new product category.

Join Venturing

Join with foreign companies to produce, market product or service.

Regional shopping center

Largest and most dramatic shopping center, has 50 to more than 100 stores. Including two or more full line department stores.

Deceptive marketing

Lead costumers to believe they will get more value than they actually do.

Third Part logistics

Logistics providers; outsourced logistics providers can help companies improve their own logistics.

Personal Selling Negative

Long term commitment exposed

Inventory Management

Managers must maintain delicate balance carrying to little inventory or carrying to much.

Supply chain management

Managing upstream and downstream value added of materials.

Personal Selling

Most effecting tool at certain stages of the buying process, particularly in building up buyer preference, convictions, and actions.

Personal Selling Postive

Most effective at certain stage of buying process Quick adjustments can be made customer relationship are formed


Most frequently type of retail store. Today they face slow sales growth because of slower population growth and increase of competition.


Much larger than regular supermarket and offer a large assortment of routinely purchased food products, food items, and services.

Horizontal conflict

One wholesaler offer better rates from another. Or two identical businesses are close to each other.

Life Style stores

Open air malls with upscale stores, convenient locations, and non retail activities such as playgrounds and main street.

Factory Outlet

Owned and operated by a manufacturer carries the manufacturer supply and dissortments,


Persuade customer that its brand offers the best quality over their money.

Price Decision

Price policy must fit target market and position product; service assortment, the competitor, and economic factor. Most retailers seek either high markups or lower margin high volume.

Administered VMS

Production and distributor thorough the size and power.

Corporate VMS

Production and distributor under single ownership.

Contractual VMS

Products and distributors join together through contracts.

Pull Strategy

Promote to end consumers.

Advertising Positives

Reaches geographically dispersed buyers, low cost per exposure, enables repeat messages, and very expensive tool.

Retailer Marketing decisions

Retailers are always sequencing for new marketing strategy to attract and hold customers. Unique product assortments and more or better services. Segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and position decisions.

Product assortment and Services Decison

Retailers must decide on three major product variables, product assortment, service mix Retailers products assortment should differentiate it while matching target shoper's expectations it while matching target shopper's expectations. One strategy is to offer merchandise that no competitors carries, such as store brands of material brands on which it holds exclusive rights.

Segmentation, Targeting, differentiate, and position decisions.

Retailers must first segment and define their markets and decide how they will differentiate and position themselves

Reminder Advertising

is important for mature products it helps to maintain customer relationships and keep customer thinking about the product.

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