Massachusetts Driver's Test

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when going straight through an intersection with a green light. A green traffic light at an intersection allows you to enter the intersection. Before entering the intersection, however, you must yield to vehicles that are already in the intersection. And a roundabout is one type of intersection, so that rule applies to it too. You must also yield to other vehicles when you merge or enter a highway from an alley. Also when entering a highway from an alley.

A driver must yield the right-of-way to other vehicles in all of the following situations, EXCEPT

60 days

A Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit must be accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years of age at all times when driving. If he or she is convicted of driving without adult supervision, his or her permit will be suspended for _____ for the first offense.


A Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) whose learner's permit was suspended for drag racing for the second time must pay a fee of _______ to have his or her permit reinstated.

slow down and let the car pass first so that you can leave more room for the bicycle. Then move to the left to give yourself plenty of room to pass the bicycle. Sometimes you need to deal with hazards one at a time.

If you are about to pass a bicycle to your right and an oncoming car is approaching you on your left, what should you do?

you are in an intersection

If you are approached by an emergency vehicle sounding a siren, you must pull over and stop UNLESS

to the rear

Before backing up your vehicle, you should look to the front, sides, and rear, and continue to look _________ while backing.

check your mirrors (side and rear) and then check your blind spot by looking over your shoulder toward the rear.

Before changing lanes, you should

neck injuries if you are hit from behind.

Headrests should be adjusted so that the head restraint contacts the back of the head. This prevents

whenever there are no oncoming vehicles, on unfamiliar roads, in construction areas, or where there may be people alongside the road you are traveling on.

High-beam headlights should be used at night

varies from person to person

How many standard servings of alcohol can safely be consumed by an adult before driving?

180 days (about 6 months)

If a Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a driver's license is convicted of reckless driving for the first time, he or she will lose driving privileges for

1 year

If a Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a driver's license is convicted of reckless driving for the second time within a three-year period, his or her license will be suspended for

3 years

If a Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit is convicted of drag racing for the second time, his or her permit will be suspended for _____ years.

50%. At-fault accidents count toward license suspension.

If a MA driver is considered more than _____ at fault in an accident, it will be noted on his or her driving record.

it is a right-turn lane. If you are in this lane, you must turn right.

If a lane has a painted arrow pointing right, it means

do your best to control the vehicle to avoid a collision.

If an animal suddenly runs in front of your vehicle, you must

the driver turning left must yield to the driver going straight or turning right.

If drivers approaching from opposite directions reach an all-way stop at about the same time,

on the right. the driver of the vehicle on the left must yield to the vehicle on the right.

If two vehicles enter an uncontrolled intersection from different roadways at about the same time, the vehicle _________ has the right-of-way.

This sign indicates trucks entering or crossing the roadway ahead. Slow down and watch for trucks.

What does this sign mean?

This sign is a service sign. It indicates that telephone service is available ahead.

What does this sign mean?

This sign means that a circular intersection (such as a roundabout or rotary) is ahead. In a roundabout or rotary, all traffic moves counterclockwise around a central island.

What does this sign mean?

This sign means that the maximum speed limit at night is 45 mph. Next Question

What does this sign mean?

This sign means that the street or highway is divided by a divider or traffic island ahead. Keep right of the island.

What does this sign mean?

This sign warns that the main road will curve to the left with a side road entering from the right. Approach this intersection with extra caution. A driver preparing to enter the main road from the side road may not see you approaching from around the curve and may suddenly pull out in front of you.

What does this sign mean?

This warning sign indicates to the driver that farm equipment may be crossing the road. Be ready to slow down for slow-moving equipment.

What does this sign mean?

a side road crosses a railroad track. Be careful when making a turn onto the side road.

What does this sign mean?

roadway ends at t-intersection. This sign warns that you are approaching a T-intersection from the terminating roadway. At the T-intersection, you must turn either left or right after stopping or yielding the right-of-way to through traffic if necessary.

What does this sign mean? (imagine this sign with black and yellow dashed lines on either side of sign)

Apply your parking brake gradually or shift into a lower gear to slow down. (If you apply the parking brake too suddenly, you may lock the wheels and cause a skid.)

If your vehicle's brakes fail, how can you stop your vehicle?

from a one-way street onto another one-way street. (Note: The laws about left turns on red are different in some other states.)

In Massachusetts, it is against the law to make a left turn on a red light EXCEPT when turning

the middle or left lanes

On a multilane roadway with several lanes in one direction, you must use _________ for passing.

left-edge lines

On one-way roads, solid yellow lines are used as

left-edge lines on one-way roadways.

On one-way roads, solid yellow lines are used as

low-beam headlights. High beams can reflect off fog, rain, or snow, causing glare.

In fog, you should drive with

Underage drivers are not permitted to use cell phones while driving except for reporting an emergency.

Is talking on a cell phone while driving permitted for minor drivers?


The maximum fine for your first offense of driving under the influence of marijuana is

an exit number. Such signs direct you to bike routes, parking areas, mileposts, and specific exits. By using the milepost number and the exit number, you can see how far you are from the exit you want to use.

The number seen in this sign represents

a low ground clearance railroad crossing. The railroad crossing is raised so high that a vehicle with a long wheelbase or low ground clearance can get stuck on the tracks. This type of railroad crossing should not normally present a problem for a car driver unless he or she is pulling a trailer or driving a motor home with a low ground clearance.

This sign indicates

no trucks allowed

This sign indicates

that you are entering a school zone. The speed limit around a school that's in session is 20 mph. Slow down and proceed with caution.

This sign indicates

all traffic on this roadway must move only in the direction of the arrow.

This sign means that

a winding road ahead. A winding road has at least three curves. You should slow down.

This sign warns of

orange. Red indicates dangerous traffic situations.

Traffic warning signs in work zones are usually

pull over and let the tailgater pass. Tailgating is one type of aggressive driving. The longer you are tailgated, the greater the chance of a rear-end collision.

What should you do if another driver tailgates your vehicle?

sleep. Stimulants (coffee), exercise, and music can help keep you awake, but the best remedy for drowsiness is sleep. If you're getting 9 hours of sleep and still feel tired, consult a physician.

What should you do if you feel drowsy before you drive?

a school zone ahead

What sign is this?

highway exit sign

What sign is this?

yield sign

What sign is this?

your blind spots. You cannot see these areas in your mirrors.

When changing lanes, to make sure there are no other vehicles in _________, look over your shoulder in the direction you plan to move.

When there are double solid lines next to your lane, you are not allowed to pass or change lanes.

When there are double solid lines next to your lane, you are

not pass

When you see a solid yellow center line on your side of the road, you must

Prescription drugs, illegal drugs, and over-the-counter drugs can all affect your ability to safely drive a vehicle.

Which drugs can affect your ability to safely operate a vehicle?

your driving privileges will be suspended for between one and two years.

What is the maximum suspension period for leaving the scene of an accident that resulted in personal injury?

a school bus with flashing red lights and an extended stop arm, if there is an approaching hill or a curve where there is no clear visibility, and if there is a solid yellow line next to your lane. A solid yellow line indicates a no-passing zone.

You must NOT pass

Windshield wipers keep rain and snow off the windshield.

You must maintain your windshield wipers in good operating condition because


You must not park within ____ feet of a fire hydrant.


You must stop at least 10-15 feet but no more than ____ feet from the railroad tracks if the red traffic signal lights are flashing.

Start from the lane closest to where you want to go. If you are turning left, pull out toward the midpoint in the intersection, and wait with wheels straight until it's clear to turn. Keep just left of the midpoint as you turn. If you are turning right, start from the right lane, keeping as close to the curb as possible.

Which of the following statements about making turns is true?

Crossing a double solid white line is allowed on the highway, false. A double solid white line separates two traffic lanes that travel in the same direction, but crossing the line is prohibited. Double solid white lines are often used on freeways to separate a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane from other lanes traveling in the same direction. This stuff is true: broken yellow lines seperate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, broken white lines seperate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction, and you are allowed to cross a double solid yellow line to make a left turn into or from an alley.

Which of the following statements about pavement markings is FALSE?

You must follow the posted work zone speed limits at all times. If you are caught speeding in a work zone, your fine will be doubled.

Which of the following statements about work zones is true?

If you are an adult driver and absolutely have to use your phone, it is better to use a speaker phone/hands-free device while driving. Using mobile phones (in hand) while driving is not recommended and forbidden by law in some states.

Which of the following statements is true regarding cell phones?

Listening to the radio. Any activity that uses your hands should be avoided while driving--smoking, eating a sandwich, drinking coffee.

Which of these will not adversely affect your driving as you are on the road?

Continue to your exit, then pull over and allow the emergency vehicle to pass. Never stop or pull over (to the left or right) in the middle of an intersection/roundabout, even if there is an emergency vehicle approaching. A roundabout is one type of intersection.

While driving in a roundabout, you are approached by an emergency vehicle using a siren, air horn, or flashing red or blue light. What should you do?

keep moving slowly until you can get out of the way.

You are moving slowly in heavy traffic. An emergency vehicle with its lights flashing is directly behind you. What should you do?

the gates go up and the lights stop flashing.

You are stopped at a railroad crossing with flashing lights and lowered gates. You must remain stopped until

0.02%. Most people will reach or exceed a BAC of 0.02% after consuming just one alcoholic drink. Hence, a BAC limit of under 0.02% is effectively zero tolerance. Note that this is an administrative penalty, not a criminal penalty. Hence, it can go into effect even before the driver has been convicted in a court of law.

In Massachusetts, the license of a driver under 21 years of age will be suspended if his or her blood alcohol content (BAC) is ______ or higher.

never. Under Massachusetts law, a driver may not use a hand-held cell phone or hand-held mobile electronic device except in an emergency or when the vehicle is safely parked. The driver may use a hands-free device only, if he or she is at least 18 years of age. Drivers under 18 cannot use any mobile electronic device for any reason while driving. The only exception is for reporting an emergency.

In Massachusetts, you may use a hand-held cell phone

Under the seat, the front seat, the console. Open containers of alcohol may only be stored in areas that are out of reach of drivers or passengers, such as cargo areas, trunks, and truck beds. The open container law prohibits the presence of open containers of alcohol in any area that is within reach of the vehicle's driver or passenger. Exceptions apply to limousines, taxis, motor homes, and commercial.

In which of the following is it illegal to have open containers of alcohol in a vehicle?

You may pass a vehicle on the right when 1) the vehicle is making or about to make a left turn, or 2) there are two or more lanes of traffic going in the same direction as you are. (This can be the case on a multilane highway or a one-way street.)

In which of the following situations are you allowed to pass another vehicle on the right?

No, never. It is dangerous to do any activity that takes your eyes off the road while driving such as removing clothing, applying makeup, reading, eating or drinking. Do not hold a person, pet, or package in your lap or arms.

Is it safe to hold something in your lap while you are driving?

Never block a railroad crossing. Wait until there is room for your vehicle on the far side before you cross. You should check for more than track before crossing. Yield to crossing trains. Do not shift gears when crossing railroad tracks because your vehicle might stall.

Just some general statements about railroad crossing?

1 year

A Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit is not allowed to drive unsupervised between 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m/must be accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years of age at all times when driving. If he or she is convicted for the third time of driving unsupervised/without adult supervision between 12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m., his or her permit will be suspended for

successfully complete a Driver Attitudinal Retraining Course.

A Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit must be accompanied by a licensed driver at least 21 years of age at all times when driving. For two convictions for driving without adult supervision, the Junior Operator's permit will be suspended and he or she will be required to


A Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) whose learner's permit was suspended for drag racing must pay a _______ fee to have his or her permit reinstated.

left turns only. Vehicles from either direction may use this center lane for left turns. This lane, known as a shared center left-turn lane, is marked by parallel solid and broken yellow lines and is sometimes accompanied by white arrows on the pavement. Such a lane must never be used for passing.

A center lane between opposing lanes of traffic may be designated for

15 years

A conviction for vehicular manslaughter will cause your license to be suspended for at least

travel in the same direction, but crossing the line is prohibited. Double solid white lines are often used on freeways to separate a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane from other lanes traveling in the same direction. Double solid white lines are also used in such tunnels as the Ted Williams Tunnel to prohibit changing lanes inside the tunnel.

A double solid white line separates two traffic lanes that

drive too fast or too slowly, change lanes frequently, and fail to dim the headlights. Even more crucially, a drunk driver may be less alert in an emergency and may take too long to brake. Such mistakes may endanger the driver and others.

A driver who has been drinking is more likely to

not answer the call. Violators of this law are subject to fines. It is against the law for a minor to use a cell phone while driving.

A driver who is a minor receives a phone call on his or her cell phone. He or she should

a stop sign. That is, you must come to a complete stop and then proceed when it is safe to do so.

A flashing red traffic light should be treated as

you may proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow.

A flashing yellow arrow means


A habitual offender whose license was suspended must pay a fee of _______ to have the license reinstated.

stop behind the stop line

A single solid white line across a road at an intersection means that you must _________ for a traffic signal or sign.

you must come to a full stop if you plan to go in the directio of the arrow. the same thing as a steady red, circular signal, but only for vehicles going in the direction of the arrow. Otherwise, the same rules for turning red apply.

A steady red arrow pointing right means

stop. If you are approaching a yield sign, a vehicle approaching from another direction with the right-of-way should not have to brake to avoid a collision with you.

A yield sign indicates that you must slow down when approaching an intersection, and be prepared to _________ if a vehicle or pedestrian is approaching from another direction.

one in three. Motor vehicle crashes are the number one cause of death of children and young adults in America. Chances are good that you will be in a motor vehicle crash sometime in your life. It does not matter how good a driver you are. You can never predict when a crash might happen.

About _________ Americans will be injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash.

stop for the pedestrian. If you see a blind or visually impaired pedestrian in the roadway, stop until the person is off the roadway. (Note: The laws on this are slightly different in some other states) Do not use your horn; it could startle the blind pedestrian.

According to Massachusetts' White Cane Law, if you see a pedestrian using a guide dog or other service animal or carrying a white cane at an intersection, you must


After _____ speeding conviction(s), a Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit must retake the learner's permit exam.

take as long as a day or two for your body to fully recover. The more alcohol that gets into your body to make you intoxicated, the longer it will take your liver to break it all down. The liver can break down about one standard drink (one ounce of hard liquor, a one-half glass of wine, or a 12-ounce can of beer) per hour.

After consuming a considerable amount of alcohol, you can ensure you will not be driving under the influence if you

concentration, reaction time, and judgment.

Alcohol can affect your

interchange. An interchange is a road junction where two or more roads cross over one another (i.e., at different levels) so as not to impede one another's traffic flow. Instead, the roads are connected through a series of connecting ramps. These ramps allow you to leave one road and enter another one safely, without disrupting the flow of traffic. There are diamond, cloverleaf, and folded diamond interchanges, among others.

An _________ is the connection of a highway to a road or another highway through a series of ramps.

a construction zone. When approaching a construction zone, be prepared to slow down and pay careful attention to your surroundings.

An orange sign indicates

This sign means that this lane is a high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lane. It states that a vehicle must have two or more occupants in order to be allowed in the lane. Therefore, you need at least one passenger (because driver + passenger = 2 people)

Are you allowed to drive in a lane with this sign?

You are allowed to turn right on a red signal, unless there are signs prohibiting it. First, however, you must come to a complete stop and then yield to all pedestrians and vehicles.

Are you allowed to turn right at a red light?

vehicles from all four directions approaching the intersection must stop. the intersection is a four-way stop. Each approaching roadway has a stop sign accompanied by a "4-Way" sign

At an intersection, a stop sign accompanied by this sign means that

Pedestrian signals are only for controlling pedestrian traffic. This signal showing a person walking tells pedestrians that they may enter the crosswalk to cross the roadway. (Older signals had the word "WALK" illuminated instead.) A signal showing an upraised hand tells pedestrians that they may not enter the crosswalk. (Older signals had the words "DONT WALK" illuminated instead.)

At an intersection, what does this signal mean?

when driving in open country with no other cars nearby. Even with high beams on, you should drive slower than during the day.

At night, you should use high beams

into the left lane. Cutting in between the truck and the curb increases the possibility of a collision.

Because of their size, trucks and buses often need to move _________ to make right turns.

look ahead for road conditions and traffic that may cause other vehicles to move into your lane. Never drive off the paved portion of the road. Usually, you should pass a vehicle on the left. However, pass on the right if the vehicle is signaling a left turn.

Before passing another vehicle, you should

Only take medications while driving if the doctor informs you they won't affect safe driving ability.

Can you take medications before planning to drive?

Car A must yield to Car B because Car B has already entered the intersection. If you have a green signal, you may proceed through the intersection, but only after yielding to all traffic and pedestrians that are already in the intersection.

Car B has entered an intersection to turn right on a red signal. Car A has a green light and wants to proceed straight through the intersection. Which of the following is true?

your vision is already restricted since it is dark out and more difficult to see.

Drinking alcohol and driving at night is especially dangerous because

passing, turning left, or avoiding an obstruction. When you are traveling slower than the posted speed limit, drive in the rightmost lane.

Driving in the left lane of a multilane highway is legal when you are

In a traffic stop, you must tell the police officer your name and the name of the vehicle's owner, sign your name, and provide your driver's license and registration. Refusing to do any part of this may result in criminal charges.

During a traffic stop, refusing to do which of the following may result in criminal charges?

40%. This does not include the thousands of drivers, passengers, and pedestrians who are seriously hurt or permanently disabled. It does not include the millions of dollars of damage. It does not include the tragedies that friends and families must face. All of this is caused by drivers operating under the influence (OUI) of alcohol or drugs.

Each year in the United States, alcohol causes nearly ____ of all highway deaths.

more than 130,000. You can lower your chances of a crash by obeying the rules of the road, following the instructions in the driver's manual, and learning to drive defensively.

Each year, there are _______ motor vehicle crashes in Massachusetts.

1 year

For a Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit, two or more speeding convictions will result in suspension for


For a fifth conviction for operating under the influence (OUI), your license will be suspended for

12 months, 1 year. Furthermore, he or she will be required to retake the learner's permit examination and complete a Driver Attitudinal Retraining course. He or she may also be required to complete a State Courts Against Road Rage (SCARR) course.

For a first offense for drag racing, a Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit will lose his or her driving privileges for

the date of conviction. The date of conviction is either the day that the driver was found guilty in court, or the day that he or she paid the fine, thereby admitting guilt.

For calculating surchargeable conviction penalties, what is the official date of an offense?

car pools and vehicles with more than one occupant each. Signs indicate how many people must be in the vehicle, as well as the days and hours to which it applies.

High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for

Fatigue can affect your driving by impairing your judgement, slowing your reaction times and decreasing your awareness of your surroundings.

How can fatigue affect your driving?

20%. One in five motor vehicle deaths involve a pedestrian. Take extra care to look for pedestrians, especially ones who may be distracted due to cell phones or headphones. Pay close attention in busy areas with a lot of pedestrians. Be extra careful of children; joggers and skaters; pedestrians, when you're backing up; visually impaired (blind) individuals; deaf or hard of hearing individuals; train and bus stops; senior centers.

How many motor vehicle deaths involve pedestrians?

$500. The reinstatement fee for a Junior Operator whose learner's permit was suspended for speeding is $100.

If a Junior Operator's license is suspended for speeding convictions, the reinstatement fee will be


If a MA driver is convicted of ____ speeding violations within a year, his or her license will be suspended for 30 days.

1 year

If a MA driver who holds a Junior Operator's License is convicted of a second or subsequent speeding offense, his or her license will be suspended for a period of

his or her license will also be suspended in MA automatically

If a MA driver's driving privileges are suspended in another state,

yield to the bicycle. You cannot turn unless you are at a safe distance from the bicyclist and you can make the turn at a reasonable and proper speed.

If a bicycle on your right reaches an intersection at the same time as you do, you must

you may cross the line to pass if it is safe to do so.

If a broken yellow line is on your side of the solid yellow center line, then

get out of the way. Do not retaliate or engage the driver in any way. Aggressive driving is the operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.

If a driver behind you repeatedly flashes his or her headlights, you should

6 months, even if the person is not actually convicted. If the driver is convicted, the Registrar can suspend his or her license for one year.

If a driver is charged with selling false licenses but not convicted, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles may suspend his or her license for

behind the stop line. If there is no stop line, you must stop before the crosswalk.

If a sign or signal requires you to stop, you must stop

hold the steering wheel tightly and keep the vehicle going straight. Slow down gradually. Take your foot off the gas pedal and apply the brakes lightly.

If a tire suddenly goes flat while you are driving, you must

have to pay a $250 fine, plus mandatory completion of a distracted driving educational program

If an MA driver is convicted of using a hand-held mobile device while driving for the SECOND time, he or she will


If an MA driver violates a cell phone law while driving, he or she will be fined ______ for a first offense.

1 year

If an MA driver who holds a Junior Operator license is convicted of three or more violations of the license's passenger or nighttime driving restrictions, his or her license will be suspended for

3 years

If an MA driver who holds a Junior Operator's License is convicted of drag racing for the second time, his or her license will be suspended for

90 days, 3 months. If he or she is convicted of speeding again, his or her license will be suspended for one year.

If an MA driver who holds a Junior Operator's License is convicted of his or her first speeding offense, he or she will lose driving privileges for a period of

30 days. After the 30-day period is over, he or she will have to pay a $100 fee to have the license reinstated.

If an MA driver who is 18 years of age or older accumulates three or more speeding offenses in a single year, his or her license will be suspended for


If an adult driver is found to be driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of _______ or above, s/he will be charged with operating under the influence (OUI).

Slow down or stop, turn away, or speed up if it is safe to do so.

If it looks like a collision may occur, immediately try one or more of the following options:

oil in the asphalt. Heat causes oil in the asphalt to come to the surface, and rainwater loosens those oil deposits. This makes the roadway more slippery until more rain washes the oil away.

If it starts to rain on a hot day, use caution because the pavement may be slippery for the first few minutes. This is due to

slow down and encourage the driver behind you to pass. If this fails, pull over, stop, and let the tailgater pass.

If someone is following you too closely (tailgating you), you should

$100. Under Massachusetts law, you may not open a vehicle door until you have made sure that it will not interfere with the movement of other traffic including bicycles and pedestrians.

If you are found guilty of opening a vehicle door into an approaching bicycle, you will be fined as much as

$300. Under Massachusetts law, you must have handicap or disabled veteran placards or license plates to park in a handicap (HP) or disabled veteran (DV) parking space.

If you are found guilty of parking in a handicap parking space even though you don't have handicap placards or license plates, you will be fined _____ for a first offense.


If you are found guilty of parking in a posted bus stop, you will be fined

irst move your vehicle off the road and as far away from traffic as possible.

If you are having vehicle trouble and need to stop, what is the first thing you should do?

continue through the intersection. Then pull over to the right as soon as you can and stop. Do not block an intersection, even if an emergency vehicle is approaching

If you are in an intersection and hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, you should

4 years

If you are judged a habitual offender, your license will be suspended for

in the leftmost lane.

If you are making a left turn, start the turn

yield the right-of-way to the traffic on the throughway or main road.

If you are on a single- or two-lane road and come to an intersection with a divided highway or a roadway with three or more lanes, you must

signal a left turn and look over your left shoulder for approaching traffic before you pull out into traffic. If you are parallel parked on the left side of a one-way street, signal a right turn and look over your right shoulder for approaching traffic before you pull out into traffic.

If you are parallel parked on the right side of a street, you should _________ before you pull out into traffic.


If you are planning to turn, you need to start signaling at least _____ feet in advance.

90 days

If you are required to complete the Driver Retraining Course, you must do so within

pull your vehicle off the road. Next, check to see if anyone is injured. Do not move injured persons unless there is a danger of fire or explosion. Notify emergency officials and do not stand in traffic lanes. Turn on your emergency flashers. If flares, emergency triangles, or reflectors are available, place them 200 feet or more in front of and behind the accident scene to warn approaching traffic.

If you arrive at an accident scene at which there are no police or emergency vehicles,

assign a designated driver to drive your vehicle. The designated driver is responsible for the safe transportation of friends or family members who have been drinking alcoholic beverages.

If you cannot drive your vehicle due to excessive alcohol, you must

DO NOT ENTER. This sign warns you not to enter a road or freeway in the wrong direction. You will see this sign if you are going the wrong way.

If you see a _________ sign in your lane, it means that you are going the wrong way.

stay in your lane unless an urgent situation requires you to change lanes.

If you see a solid white line between lanes of traffic, you must

slow down and prepare to yield to pedestrians and traffic ahead. You may need to stop too, so be ready.

If you see a yield sign in your lane, you must

yield the right-of-way to pedestrians and oncoming vehicles.

If you see an oncoming vehicle when you are preparing to turn left at an intersection, you should

move into the right lane so faster traffic can pass you on the left.

If you see this sign and you are traveling slower than most traffic, you should

reduce your speed but do not brake suddenly. You should drive with caution because this sign means that the road is slippery when wet. In wet weather, drive slowly.

If you see this sign, you must

at least 40 mph under normal traffic, weather, and road conditions. Such minimum speeds are posted to improve traffic flow and safety. However, if driving conditions are hazardous, you may drive at a speed below the posted minimum speed.

If you see this sign, you must drive at a speed of

acceleration lane

If you wish to enter an expressway or freeway, you must _________ before merging with the traffic.

the brakes lightly several times. this will dry them until proper braking action has been restored. Always test the action of the brakes after you have driven through water.

If your brakes have become less effective because of water or rain, apply __________ until proper braking action has been restored.


If your license was suspended for a fourth conviction for operating under the influence (OUI), you must pay a fee of ________ to have your license reinstated.


If your license was suspended for driving with a suspended or revoked license, the reinstatement fee will be

$100. your license cannot be reinstated until the out-of-state suspension is resolved. Once that is accomplished, you must pay a fee of $100 to have your license reinstated.

If your license was suspended in MA because your driving privileges had been suspended in another state, you must pay a fee of _____ to have your license reinstated.

do the following: Move your vehicle into the breakdown lane or onto the shoulder, as far from the travel lanes as you can. Do not stand near the travel lanes or in the breakdown lane. Turn on your emergency warning lights (flashers). At night, also turn on your vehicle's interior lights. Tie a white cloth to your antenna or door handle (use a red cloth when it's snowing). Raise your vehicle's hood. If you have flares or reflective triangles, place them 200 feet in front of and behind your vehicle to warn other drivers.

If your vehicle breaks down on the highway and you need help, what should you do?

not try to turn back onto the pavement right away. That might throw the vehicle off balance. Instead, slow down, regain control, and slowly turn back onto the road.

If your vehicle's wheels drift onto the shoulder of the road, you must

you will take a chemical test when asked by a police officer if you are arrested for driving under the influence of intoxicants.

Implied Consent law means that by driving a motor vehicle you have agreed that

2.5 years

In MA, a first conviction for operating under the influence (OUI) will result in a maximum prison sentence of


In MA, the ________ and subsequent OUI offenses are considered felonies.

If you fail to pay child support, fail to register as a sex offender, fail to pay Massachusetts income tax, have an outstanding arrest or default warrant, have been convicted of certain drug trafficking offenses, or have made a bad payment (such as a bounced check) to the RMV, your MA license may be suspended. If you deface private or real property by spraying graffiti on it, your MA license may be suspended. Also, if your MA license was suspended or revoked out of state, it will also be suspended in MA.

In MA, which of the following non-driving-related offenses may result in license suspension?

20 days. If you do not respond by then, you will be found responsible and charged a large late fee.

In MA, you must respond to a traffic citation within


In MA, you will be considered a habitual offender if you accumulate _____ major moving violations within a 5-year period.


In MA, you will be considered a habitual offender if you accumulate any combination of _____ major or minor moving violations within a 5-year period.

number one

Motor vehicle crashes are the _______ cause of death of children and young adults in America.

Motorcyclists need a full width of the lane, just like other vehicles. Never drive alongside a motorcycle in the same lane even if the lane is wide and the motorcyclist is riding to one side. In Massachusetts, a motorcyclist is legally entitled to use the full width of a lane.

Never drive alongside a motorcycle in the same lane because

Between 50 to 65 mph. Most roadways in the state have posted speed limits. On limited-access highways in other states, the posted speed limits may be different. When traveling out of state, always check the local traffic laws.

On Massachusetts highways, what is the posted speed limit under ideal driving conditions?

drive to the right of the median

On a divided highway, __________ unless directed to do otherwise by a sign, traffic control device, or police officer.

yes, for at least 500 feet. on roads, you must signal for at least 100 feet before you turn. And on highways, you must signal for at least 500 feet before you reach your exit. You must signal even when you don't see any other vehicles around.

On a highway, you are preparing to get off at the next exit. No other vehicles are around. Do you still need to signal?

broken yellow line

On a two-way road, a _________ allows you to cross over into the opposing lane temporarily to pass a vehicle if it is safe to do so.

make left turns

On a two-way roadway with a center lane, drivers from either direction can _________ from the center lane.

in the right-hand lane

On interstate highways, slower vehicles must travel _________, except when passing.

get off the highway at the next exit and find a way to double back. If you stop or back up, you will increase your risk of being hit by another vehicle.

On the highway, if you miss your exit, do not stop or back up. Instead,

yellow lines. White lines separate lanes of traffic moving in the same direction.

Opposing lanes of traffic are separated by


Parking is not allowed within ____ feet of an intersection.

both sides have solid yellow lines. A double yellow line means that vehicles in both directions are prohibited from passing.

Passing is not allowed on either side of a road when

increase your following distance and brake sooner and more gently than usual. Bad weather calls for slower speeds. You should follow other vehicles at a greater distance. Rain, snow, and ice impair your ability to see ahead and increase the braking distance required to stop your vehicle.

Rain, snow, and ice impair your ability to see ahead. To be able to stop your vehicle safely, you must

follow too closely (tailgating)--this is the main cause of rear-end crashes on highways.

Rear-end crashes are common on highways because many drivers

their locations on the roadway for navigational and emergency purposes. Reference markers are located every two-tenths of a mile so that drivers will always be in sight of one.

Reference markers are placed along the outside shoulder to mark the edge of the roadway. They give drivers information about

twice as far to stop

Studies by the National Safety Council and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety show that a fully loaded tractor trailer may take _________ compared with a passenger vehicle.

illegal. Texting while driving is now the leading cause of death among teenagers and is involved in 25% of all car accidents in the US.

Text messaging while driving is

emergency use only. The outer edge of the freeway in each direction is marked with a solid white line. Beyond that is the shoulder, to be used only in an emergency. It is illegal to pass another vehicle or stop to pick up passengers on the shoulder.

The area of the freeway beyond the solid white line is meant for

hand and arm extended outward.

The correct hand signal to make a left turn is

blind spots: Blind spots are areas near the left and right rear corners of your vehicle that you cannot see in your mirrors. Before you change lanes or pass, turn your head and look to make sure these areas are clear.

The danger areas around your vehicle where crashes are more likely to occur are called

not increase speed

The driver of a car being passed must _________ until the pass is complete.


The fine for speeding equals $105 for the first ten miles per hour over the speed limit plus _______ for each additional mile per hour over the speed limit.

to move into the proper lane well before the turn. To turn left, move into the leftmost lane unless signs, signals, or road markings indicate otherwise. To turn right, move into the rightmost lane unless signs, signals, or road markings indicate otherwise.

The first rule of a safe and legal turn is

Alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription medications, or over-the-counter medications. these can cause drowsiness and other side effects that may impair driving skills.

The likelihood of an accident increases if a driver is under the influence of

lanes of traffic moving in the same direction

The single broken white line in this figure indicates

Total stopping distance is the sum of your *perception distance* (how far your vehicle goes from when you see a hazard until your brain processes it), *reaction distance* (how far the vehicle goes from when your brain orders your foot to take action until your foot actually starts to brake), and *braking distance* (how far the vehicle continues to travel once you apply the brake).

The stopping distance of your vehicle depends on which of the following factors?

instructions or tell you about traffic laws. Such regulatory signs give instructions to motorists, pedestrians and cyclists.

The vertical rectangular traffic sign typically gives

evaluates 1) acuity - how clearly you see; 2) peripheral vision - how far you can see to either side while looking straight ahead; 3) color perception.

The vision test for the driver's license evaluates

Dynamic message signs, they provide important information to travelers. Messages can be changed to reflect current conditions, route traffic, construction schedules, incidents, etc.

These freeway signs are called (imagine the text is yellow and the sign is electronic)

text messaging, talking on the phone, dealing with children, and lighting a cigarette. Anything that draws your attention away from the road can distract you.

Things that can distract you from the road include

This sign indicates that you are approaching an overpass, and the clearance from the roadway surface to the overpass is 13 feet 6 inches.

This diamond-shaped sign indicates

at freeway exits and entrance ramps. They show the maximum recommended safe speed to drive in ideal weather conditions. Signs like this provide advisory speeds.

This posted sign appears at

a speed limit sign on expressways. it indicates the legal maximum speed allowed on the expressway under ideal driving conditions.

This posted sign is

A speed limit sign indicates the legal maximum speed allowed on the expressway under ideal driving conditions.

This posted sign is (said 104 in big letters and km/h in small letters underneath the sign)

a slow moving vehicle. This reflective triangular orange emblem on the rear of a vehicle identifies it as a low-speed or slow-moving vehicle, which is typically defined as a motor vehicle whose top speed is no greater than 25 mph. Slow-moving vehicles include farm vehicles and roadway maintenance vehicles. If you approach one of these vehicles, slow down and proceed with caution.

This reflective triangular orange sign represents

a two way left turn lane or a shared central turn lane in the center of the roadway. This lane is reserved for making left turns (and U-turns where permitted) and can be used by vehicles traveling in either direction. The lane is marked on each side by a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line. This lane must never be used for through traffic. Use this lane with caution because vehicles traveling in the opposite direction may also be using it.

This regulatory sign indicates

the end of a one-way roadway and the start of a two-way roadway; a warning sign. Prepare for oncoming traffic.

This sign indicates

traffic merging ahead. be prepared for other cars and trucks entering your lane.

This sign indicates

you are prohibited from parking in a handicap zone unless you have the appropriate permit.

This sign indicates

This sign tells you to turn right to go north on route 47.

This sign indicates (imagine instead of a shield 22 route sign, there is a white square that says ILLINOIS in small black letters at the top, and 47 in big black letters below it. Then, instead of saying WEST it says NORTH, and instead of the arrow being at a right angle, it is just straight right)

These are lane direction signs. Vehicles on the left must turn left, and vehicles on the right may go straight or turn right.

This sign indicates that

exit number 117 is ahead. This is a number assigned to a highway exit at an interchange. If an interchange has more than one exit, a letter may be added to indicate the particular exit: 117A, 117B, etc.

This sign indicates that

people with disabled parking privileges. This sign features the International Symbol of Access for disabled persons. To park in these spaces, you must obtain a disabled parking placard or disabled license plates from your state.

This sign indicates that the parking spaces are reserved for

in work zones. This sign informs drivers that fines for exceeding the posted speed limit in work zones are doubled.

This sign may be posted

a bicycle crossing; a bikeway crosses the roadway ahead. This sign warns you in advance that a bikeway crosses the roadway ahead.

This sign means that

road crew work is ahead. This is a work zone sign, indicating that road construction or maintenance activities are in progress. You must slow down, use caution, and if possible, change lanes to keep your distance from from the workers.

This sign means that

you are approaching a junction or an intersection of your roadway and U.S. Route 22. The U.S. Routes are a network of roads and highways whose construction began decades before the start of the Interstate Highway System. U.S. Route 22, one of the oldest, runs from Cincinnati OH to Newark NJ.

This sign means that

This is a U.S. Route marker sign. The shape and color of a route marker sign indicate the type of road you are traveling on. Signs that identify U.S. Routes and interstate highways are typically shield shaped. This sign indicates that you are traveling on U.S. Route 40. The U.S. Routes are a network of roads and highways whose construction began decades before the start of the Interstate Highway System. U.S. Route 40 began construction in 1926 and currently runs from Silver Summit, UT to Atlantic City, NJ.

This sign represents

This sign indicates that you are traveling on Interstate highway 95 (I-95), which runs from Maine through Florida. Guide signs provide drivers with information about the type of road they are traveling on, upcoming highway entrances and exits, and distances to various destinations. Guide signs that identify U.S. Routes and interstate highways are typically shield shaped.

This sign represents

of a gas station. This is a service sign.

This sign shows the location of

Lane-use control signals are special overhead signals that permit or prohibit the use of specific lanes of a street or highway. A steady red X signal over a lane indicates that you must not drive in this lane.

This steady red X signal over a lane on a highway indicates that

a multi-use path crossing is ahead. This is a warning sign. Bicyclists and pedestrians regularly cross the road in the area where the sign is posted. You must drive with caution and be ready to stop.

This warning sign alerts a driver that

steer right, toward the curb or shoulder. (If you steer left, the other driver may try to steer back into the proper lane and end up hitting you.) If necessary, drive off the road entirely to avoid a head-on collision.

To avoid a head-on collision when you see an oncoming vehicle in your lane, you must

the traffic already on the freeway has the right-of-way.

When you are merging into freeway traffic, who has the right-of-way?

at least 500 feet in advance. Make your intentions known to others. Remember that at 65 mph, your vehicle will travel 500 feet in just 5.2 seconds.

When you are preparing to exit a highway, you must signal _________ before you reach the exit ramp.

the lane nearest the curb.

When you are turning from a one-way street onto a two-way or divided roadway, always turn from

try not to slow down abruptly. Use your turn signals to let other drivers know your intentions. Tap your brakes and reduce your speed quickly but safely.

When you exit a high-speed, two-lane roadway, _________ if you have traffic following you.

pass if the solid yellow line is on your side.

When you find both a solid and a broken yellow line between opposing lanes of traffic, you must NOT pass

slow down and proceed to cross the intersection carefully with caution.

When you see a flashing yellow signal at an intersection, you should

yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in a marked or unmarked crosswalk.

When you see a pedestrian crossing an unmarked crosswalk where there is no traffic signal, you should

This sign shows the maximum recommended safe speed for entrance or exit on an expressway. Slow down to whatever speed (in this case, 30 mph) is shown.

When you see this road sign, you should

point toward. That way, if your vehicle starts to roll, the curb will block it from rolling farther. Make sure you still set your parking brake and leave your vehicle in the correct gear.

When your vehicle is parked next to a curb and facing downhill, its front wheels should _________ the curb.

In a multilane roundabout or any other type of intersection, you must always follow road signs and pavement markings. In a two-lane roundabout, unless signs indicate otherwise, you should turn left from the left lane, turn right from the right lane, and drive straight through using either lane. Here, Car C has incorrectly turned left from the right lane.

Which car is NOT using the roundabout correctly?

wait until the other vehicle has actually started to turn. Only then should you start your turn. Drivers may make mistakes or change their minds. The driver of the other vehicle may change his or her mind at the very last moment and decide to go straight through the intersection after all. Or the driver of the other vehicle may have switched on the turn signal by mistake and really intends to go straight through the intersection. If you assume that the other vehicle really will turn as its turn signal indicates, you risk a collision with it. Part of defensive driving is being prepared for bad signals and bad drivers.

You are waiting to turn right at a stop sign. A vehicle approaching from the left has its turn signal on. You should

While using a freeway, cross a solid line immediatley after entering or before exiting, false. Do not cross a solid line while entering or exiting a freeway. True statements: Freeways and interstate highways are designed to handle higher-speed traffic safely, most freeways have deceleration lanes to assist the driver in exiting, enter a freeway smoothly by accelerating on the entrance ramp to match the speed of the traffic.

Which of the following statements about freeways is NOT correct?

High beams are used when traveling behind others vehicles, false. High beams help you see farther ahead, but they can blind the driver of a nearby vehicle. You should use high beams when you are driving in open country and there is no traffic in sight. They can also reflect off precipitation, causing glare. You should use low beams when you are traveling behind another vehicle or when another vehicle is approaching. Also use low beams in fog, rain, or snow, and in the city or areas where there is a lot of traffic.

Which of the following statements about headlights is FALSE?

Your steeling wheel should feel loose. False. Your steering wheel should NOT feel loose. There should not be a delay from when you turn the steering wheel to when your tires respond. If your vehicle has power steering, you should check the fluid level regularly. If your vehicle makes a high-pitched noise when you turn, you should have your power steering inspected.

Which of the following statements is FALSE?

it is legal to use audio navigation while driving. False statements turned true: Texting or eating while driving increases your chances of an accident. If you are lost, pull over (don't do it while in car) and enter navigation instructions.

Which of the following statements is true?

a traffic officer (even more than a stopped schoolbus with flashing lights). You must follow directions from a police officer even if it means disregarding other traffic devices or rules. For example, you should drive through a red light or stop sign if a police officer waves you through

Which of the following takes precedence (i.e., should be obeyed above all the others)?

Only time can remove alcohol from one's bloodstream. People mistakenly believe that coffee and fresh air may mask the effects of being drunk, such as drowsiness and slowed reactions, but they will not change the fact that you would be driving under the influence until enough time has passed after drinking.

Which of the following will help a drunk person to "sober up"?

If you are a minor and are convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or transporting an open container of any alcoholic beverage, your driver's license will be suspended.

Which of the following will result in mandatory license suspension for minors?

School zone signs and school crossing signs are pentagonal (five sided). They have black symbols on a yellow or fluorescent yellow-green background.

Which of these signs indicates a school zone?

as close as possible to the speed of traffic, weather and ramp conditions permitting.

While getting onto an expressway/interstate, you reach the end of the on-ramp. At this point, you should be traveling

crossing pedestrians and oncoming vehicles.

While waiting to turn left at an intersection, you should yield the right-of-way to

as much as four times. This is because the conversation is drawing your attention away from your driving. Sending text messages (texting) while driving will increase your chances of being in a crash by as much as eight times.

While you are driving, talking on a cell phone will increase your chances of being in a crash by

When you stop at a railway crossing, you should stay at least 15 feet away from the light post or gate. You must not cross while the signal lights are flashing, the warning bell is sounding, or the boom gate is not completely raised. (don't cross as soon as the train has passed).

You arrive at a railway crossing. The crossing has flashing red lights and a warning bell. You can see that a train is approaching. Which of the following is true?

the vehicle on the right has the right-of-way. two vehicles arrived at an uncontrolled intersection or an all-way stop at about the same time.

You arrive at an intersection at the same time as a vehicle on your right. Who has the right-of-way?

you are stopped for a traffic violation. Any driver who is not wearing a safety belt can be fined $25.

You can only get a fine for the safety belt law when


You have parked facing downhill. If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, you should put it in park. If the vehicle has a manual transmission, you should put it in

first gear. If your vehicle is facing uphill, it might roll backward. Therefore, you should put an automatic transmission in park and a manual transmission in first gear for maximum forward torque. Always set your parking brake as well.

You have parked facing uphill. If your vehicle has an automatic transmission, you should put it in park. If the vehicle has a manual transmission, you should put it in

on the side of a street (parallel parking) unless otherwise prohibited. You must not park your car on a sidewalk, within an intersection, or in front of a private driveway at any time.

You may not park your car in any of the following places, except

your vehicle displays disabled person license plates or placards.

You may park in a space reserved for persons with disabilities if

his/her parent or guardian

Who will be notified of the traffic convictions of a Junior Operator (i.e., younger than 18) who holds a learner's permit?

diamond-shaped or rectangular orange signs with black letters or symbols. They warn drivers that people are working on or near the roadway. (also called maintenance or emergency operation signs)

Work zone or construction zone signs usually are

pull over to the side of the road and park your vehicle before dealing with the situation. Do not take your eyes off the road to turn around to deal with the needs of passengers, children or pets.

You are driving and a situation in the back seat requires your attention. You should

first signal a left turn. Then when it is safe, move into the left lane to start the pass. After passing the vehicle, signal a right turn. When you have completely cleared the vehicle you passed, return to the right lane.

You are on a two-lane road with traffic moving in both directions. To pass on the left, you must

if you are approaching a stopped emergency vehicle with flashing lights on a multilane road, you must leave an empty lane between you and the emergency vehicle.

You are traveling along the right lane of a four-lane highway. You see an emergency vehicle pulled over with its lights flashing ahead. Which of the following is true?

must not pass the stopped vehicle even if there are two lanes available. This is a frequent hazard for pedestrians.

You are traveling on a two-lane road. If a vehicle ahead of you stops for a pedestrian, you should

1) Alcohol, drugs, and even some medications can degrade your driving abilities. 2) Listening to extremely loud music or using devices such as cell phones, GPS, and intercoms can also affect your focus when driving. 3) Adjusting electronic controls and features of your vehicle can be distracting and quickly degrade your ability to scan for hazards and react to them. 4) Emotional and physical states such as fatigue, anger, illness, stress, and fear can also impair your driving skills.

You must be aware of the following potential distractions or impairments

a flashing yellow traffic light. This means that you must slow down, check for cross traffic, and proceed with caution. You must come to a complete stop when there is a stop sign, a steady read traffic signal, and at a flashing red traffic signal.

You must make a complete stop in all of the following situations, EXCEPT

500 feet of an oncoming vehicle/traffic or within 200 feet of a vehicle you are following to avoid blinding other drivers.

You should dim your high-beam headlights when you are within

3 or more surchargeable events within 2 years

You will be required to complete the Massachusetts Driver Retraining Course if you accumulate

if you refuse to submit to the required blood and/or urine test(s). license will not be suspended: if you carry alcoholic beverages in closed containers, while working for someone with an off-site liquor sales license; if you carry a full, sealed, and unopened container of liquor, beer, or wine insdie your vehicle; if you refuse to designate a sober driver.

Your driving privilege may be suspended

1 year

Your license will be suspended for ___ for your first offense of driving under the influence of marijuana.

Rear-end. Following too closely or tailgating is the main cause. Always keep at least a three-second space cushion between you and the vehicle ahead. Count to at least four seconds in poorer conditions, when driving on the highway, and when following a motorcycle.

_________ are the most frequent type of crashes on interstates.

drunk driving

_________ is the leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 16 and 24.

Large flashing or sequencing arrow panels

_________ may be used in work zones in both day and night to guide drivers into certain traffic lanes.

A solid yellow line on your side of the road marks a no-passing zone.

__________ on your side of the road indicates a no-passing zone.

release the accelerator (gas pedal) and shift into a lower gear (even with an automatic transmission) (M1). The continuous application of brakes to control speed on downgrades will cause the brakes to fade (lose their effectiveness). With the throttle closed, a partial vacuum is created in the engine's intake and cylinders that generates a braking effect to slow down the vehicle. This is known as engine braking. The lower the gear, the greater the engine braking effect. Apply the brakes only when engine braking is insufficient or you want to stop.

To control your speed on a steep downgrade, you should

exercise their eyes. Highway hypnosis or dizziness when driving is caused by the monotony of road and traffic, the hum of wind, tires, and the sound of engine. Drivers can avoid highway hypnosis by constantly moving their eyes and watching the traffic and highway signs around them.

To overcome highway hypnosis, drowsiness and fatigue, drivers must _________ to keep them awake while driving.

look to the lower right side of your traffic lane.

To reduce the effects of glare from oncoming headlights, do not stare directly at the headlights. Instead,

When you turn, you should cross as few lanes as possible unless signs state otherwise. That is, you should turn left from the left lane and turn right from the right lane, and you should turn into the closest lane of traffic that is moving in the right direction. Here, Car A has incorrectly turned into the far lane. Car B has turned correctly into the closest lane.

Two cars are turning onto a divided highway. Which car is turning correctly?

turn around on a narrow street: Narrow streets are a source of crashes.

Unless it's prohibited, you must use the three-point turn to

This figure means that a pedestrian crosswalk is ahead. Drivers must yield to pedestrians.

What does this figure mean?

This sign indicates a rest area open on the right.

What does this road sign mean?

drivers need to watch for cattle crossing the road.

What does this road sign mean?

The sign warns the driver of two-way traffic ahead. Drivers must watch for traffic going in the opposite direction.

What does this sign indicate?

This is a regulatory sign that directs you to go straight or make a right turn.

What does this sign indicate?

This is a speed advisory sign at a roundabout. The permitted speed limit is 15 mph in the roundabout.

What does this sign indicate?

This is an animal crossing sign for deers. If you see an animal, be alert for others. A collision with a large animal may kill the animal, damage your vehicle, and possibly even injure someone in your vehicle.

What does this sign indicate?

This sign is usually posted at an intersection that has a combination of signals, including a green arrow that points left. When the green arrow is lit, you may make a left turn as a protected turn; oncoming traffic will be stopped at a red light. This sign indicates that when the green arrow goes out and a steady green light comes on, you may still make a left turn, but now you'll have to yield to oncoming vehicles before you turn.

What does this sign indicate?

This sign means that there is a roundabout (circular intersection) ahead. Slow down and prepare to yield to traffic in the roundabout.

What does this sign indicate?

This sign means that traffic in the right lane must turn right, and traffic in the second lane should either continue straight or turn right.

What does this sign indicate?

This sign warns drivers not to exceed the posted speed limit in a school zone or school crossing when children are present. In this case, the maximum allowable speed is 15 mph.

What does this sign indicate?

This sign warns that the divided highway ends ahead. The roadway will become an undivided two-way roadway. Keep right and watch for oncoming vehicles.

What does this sign indicate?

a no-passing zone for all vehicles (buses, trucks, passenger cars, etc.).

What does this sign indicate?

divided highway begins. the road ahead is divided by a median or divider. Keep right.

What does this sign indicate?

A red slash inside a red circle means "no." This sign means that you are not allowed to drive on the railroad tracks.

What does this sign mean?

The arrow depicts a right turn. However, a red slash inside a red circle means "no." This regulatory sign prohibits drivers from making a right turn. This sign is located on the right side of a roadway or over a travel lane.

What does this sign mean?

The road ahead changes direction sharply/turns. Drivers must slow down to a safe speed.

What does this sign mean?

The road ahead has a steep descent and goes downhill. Check your brakes. Watch out for descending vehicles such as trucks. Use low gear to reduce wear on your brakes even if your vehicle has an automatic transmission.

What does this sign mean?

There is a 270-degree curve ahead. Slow down and proceed with caution

What does this sign mean?

This advisory sign indicates that the recommended speed for this curve is 35 mph.

What does this sign mean?

This is a guide sign that means you are approaching an airport.

What does this sign mean?

This is a warning sign indicating a playground ahead.

What does this sign mean?

This is an advisory sign that recommends that drivers do not exceed 35 mph here.

What does this sign mean?

This is an emergency vehicle warning sign. It indicates that emergency vehicles may enter the roadway from fire stations or other emergency facilities. You must yield to an emergency vehicle approaching from any direction when it is sounding a siren or air horn or displaying flashing lights.

What does this sign mean?

This sign indicates a T-intersection. This sign indicates that the road you are traveling on will end soon. Prepare to turn right or left. Yield to cross traffic.

What does this sign mean?

This sign indicates that you are not allowed to enter the roadway on which the sign is posted.

What does this sign mean?

This sign shows alternate routes during road closures or construction. Follow these signs.

What does this sign mean?

This sign warns of a crossroad or a four-way intersection ahead. Slow down and prepare for the intersection. Drivers should be alert for cross traffic entering the roadway.

What does this sign mean?

This type of warning sign gives advance notice of a reduction in the number of lanes ahead. This particular sign indicates that the right lane ends ahead. Drivers in the right lane must merge left. Drivers in the left lane should allow vehicles in the right lane to merge smoothly.

What does this sign mean?

This warning sign means that there is a curve ahead to the right. A recommended safe speed for the curve may be shown just below the sign.

What does this sign mean?

You must go straight, not turns are allowed.

What does this sign mean?

a Y-intersection ahead. The road ahead splits into two different directions. Be prepared for traffic crossing in your path and prepare to turn in one direction or the other.

What does this sign mean?

a disabled crossing ahead. Slow down and proceed with caution.

What does this sign mean?

a narrow bridge ahead. The bridge is wide enough to accommodate two lanes of traffic, but with very little clearance.

What does this sign mean?

all vehicles in this lane must make a U-turn. This sign may be accompanied by an equally unusual traffic signal whose lighted U-turn arrows will indicate when the vehicles can make the U-turns.

What does this sign mean?

hitchhiking is prohibited on this section of roadway. Don't pick up hitchhikers here. In North America, a hand with the thumb raised indicates that the person wants to hitch a ride. A red slash inside a red circle means "no."

What does this sign mean?

left turn only

What does this sign mean?

This sign accompanies a route marker sign. It means that you must soon turn right to enter or continue on that route.

What does this sign mean? (imagine no west above the sign and the interstate 95 sign instead the route 22)

This sign alerts motorists that a railroad crossing is ahead. Drivers must proceed with caution.

What does this sign mean? (imagine the railroad crossing (tracks) are on the road you are driving on (the vertical line) and there is no side road. also the railroad crossing crosses the roadway at an angle)

This sign indicates that there is a road closure ahead but there is an alternate route in 1,000 feet.

What does this traffic sign mean? (imagine the sign is orange)

They will be required to take the alcohol education course even if they win the case. additional 180-day or one-year suspension for drivers under age 21 is designed to get youths charged with operating under the influence, or with having a BAC of 0.02 or higher, to undergo alcohol education. It does not matter what happens with your court case. Even if you win the case, it will not change the requirement for you to take the alcohol education course.

What happens if a driver under 21 years of age goes to court after being charged with operating under the influence?


What is the lowest penalty for a speeding violation?

This sign indicates that the road shoulder is much lower than the road surface.

What is the meaning of this sign?

40 mph. You are not allowed to drive slower than the minimum speed.

What is the minimum speed on the Massachusetts Turnpike?

Blue-and-white signs direct you to services such as gas, food, motels, and hospitals. The sign shown in picture B indicates a hospital ahead.

What sign is this?

Once you drink alcohol, it enters your bloodstream and starts affecting all of your bodily processes, such as coordination, judgment, self-control, muscle control, and reaction time. The only "cure" to alcohol's affect on your brain is to wait until it exits your bloodstream.

When a driver's blood alcohol concentration (BAC) rises, which of the following happens?

shorter path. The longer the vehicle is, the greater the difference will be. Tractor-trailers may initially swing out before turning. When you see a tractor-trailer move left, do NOT try to pass it on the right; the truck may actually be about to turn right. Check its turn signals.

When a vehicle turns, its rear wheels will follow a _________ than its front wheels.

Never. Not even when passing another vehicle.

When are you allowed to exceed the legal speed limit?

High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are designed for vehicles with multiple occupants, such as carpools. This sign states that this HOV lane is an HOV 2+ lane, which requires at least two occupants in each vehicle. That is, a driver and at least one passenger.

When can you drive in a lane at which this sign is posted? (imagine it says "2 or more persons per vehicle" in caps instead of the "6am - 9am mon-fri", and it doesn't say left lane, it just has the diamond in the center)

from one-half hour after sunset until one-half hour before sunrise. The law requires it.

When driving at night, you must use your headlights

leave at least half the road for vehicles going in the opposite direction. When you cannot avoid driving to the left of the centerline, you must still yield to oncoming traffic.

When driving on a two-way road with no centerline markings, you must

pedestrians, other vehicles already in the intersection, and oncoming traffic. The law says who must yield the right-of-way; it does not give anyone the right-of-way.

When making a left turn at an intersection, you must yield the right-of-way to

a tight turn into the right lane of the cross street.

When making a right turn from a four-lane divided highway, enter the right lane well in advance of the turn and make

until you can see its headlights in your rear-view mirror. Trucks require a much longer stopping distance. Do not enter a roadway in front of a large vehicle. Do not make sudden stops in front of large vehicles.

When passing a large vehicle, do not pull back in front of the vehicle until you can see its

(1) look over your shoulder as well as (2) in your mirrors. Then (3) wait until the way is clear before you pull into traffic. You should indicate your intention by (4) signaling, (5) merge into traffic in the nearest lane, and (6) remain in that lane until it is safe to change into another lane.

When preparing to leave a parallel parking spot, you should

use either the brake-operated signal lights or a hand signal if your vehicle's signals don't work.

When slowing down or stopping, you must

one vehicle length. If you are too close to the vehicle, it may roll back into your vehicle when it starts.

When stopped behind another vehicle on a hill, you should stay back at least

a school zone. School zones are sensitive areas because children from all directions can cross the road. Drivers must slow down and maintain a speed of 20 mph near school zones.

When the yellow lights are flashing, all drivers approaching _________ must obey the posted speed limit of 20 mph.

hydroplanning. On a wet road, at speeds of up to 35 mph, modern tires will usually channel water away to maintain contact with the road. However, in deep water at higher speeds, the channeling action of the tires becomes less effective and the tires start to ride on a layer of water like water skis. This is called "hydroplaning." It may result in a loss of braking and steering control. To prevent hydroplaning, slow down.

When there is water on the roadway, you must reduce your speed to avoid

bring your vehicle into the nearest left lane on the road you are entering, unless signs or pavement markings direct you otherwise.

When turning left from a one-way road onto another one-way road,

the left lane. Turn from the lane that is closest to the lane you want to enter.

When turning left from a one-way street onto a two-way street, start your turn in

begin the turn with your left wheel as close as possible to the yellow dividing line.

When turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street, you must

the right lane. When turning, always turn into the closest lane.

When turning right from a one-way street onto a two-way street, which lane should your turn end in?

if there is a broken yellow line next to your lane

you may pass

turn the steering wheel in the same direction of the skid and the rear wheels. If your rear wheels are sliding left, steer left. If they are sliding right, steer right.

If your rear wheels start to skid, you must

solid white line. On a divided roadway, the "inner edges" (i.e., between the left lane and the divider on each side of the roadway) are marked with a solid yellow line.

A _________ indicates the outer edge of the traffic lane, and it may be crossed only by traffic moving to or from the shoulder.

a central island. Rotaries are much more common in Massachusetts than in other parts of the country. A rotary is a circular intersection in which traffic circulates counterclockwise around a central island. In the largest rotaries, traffic can flow at up to 40 mph. Roundabouts are similar but smaller, and traffic circulates slower (at 25 mph or less).

A rotary is an intersection with

there is a special lane restriction such as "high-occupancy vehicles (HOV) only," "buses only," or "bicycles only." Reserved for only that.

A white diamond symbol on the pavement of the lane indicates that

slow down and leave a vacant lane between your vehicle and the emergency vehicle and proceed with caution. Move over into a lane that is not next to the lane that the emergency vehicle is occupying.

According to Massachusetts' Move Over Law, if you are approaching a stopped emergency vehicle with flashing lights on a multilane road, you must

six months, even if the person is not actually convicted. If the driver is convicted, the Registrar can suspend his or her license for one year.

If a driver is charged with selling false licenses but not convicted, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles may suspend his or her license for

stop your vehicle until the warning lights stop flashing. This is true no matter which side of the road the school bus or school pupil transport vehicle is on.

If you are approaching a school bus or a school pupil transport vehicle with its lights flashing and a stop sign extended, you must

slow down, keep right,

If you are being passed by another vehicle, you must _________ and allow the other driver to pass you safely.

four years

If you are judged a habitual offender, your license will be suspended for

stay calm, ease your foot off the gas, and carefully steer in the direction in which you want the car to go. Avoid braking, especially if your car is not equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS). This procedure, known as "steering into the skid," will bring the rear end of your car into line with the front.

If you start to skid, you must

get yourself all passengers out of your vehicle immidiatley and get as far away from the tracks as possible. It can take more than a mile for a train traveling at 50 mph to come to a full stop. And if your vehicle is hit by a train, the chance of death or serious injury is 40 times higher than if your vehicle is hit by a car. Once out, walk at a 45-degree angle to the direction that the train is coming from. That way, if the train hits your vehicle, the debris and shrapnel from the collision can't hit you.

If your vehicle has stalled on railroad tracks and you know that a train is approaching, you must

in the direction of the skid. If your rear tires are skidding to the left, turn your steering wheel to the left. If the tires are skidding right, steer right.

If your vehicle skids on an icy road, turn your steering wheel

350 feet ahead and low-beam headlights allow you to see only about 100 feet ahead. This is why it is important to use high beams at night when possible. At 65 mph, your vehicle will travel 100 feet in just one second.

In normal conditions, how far ahead do high-beam headlights and low-beam headlights let you see?

closer than 300 feet

It is illegal to follow _________ behind an emergency vehicle responding to an alarm.

braking too hard at a high speed: The force of the brakes may exceed the force of friction of the tires on the road surface. The wheels will lock and the vehicle will skid, no matter which way the steering wheel is turned. Take your foot off the brake to unlock the wheels. Then straighten the front wheels as the vehicle begins to straighten out. Slow the vehicle gradually until you are at a safe speed to continue driving.

Locked wheel skids are usually caused by

broken yellow line. This separates lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions.

On a two-lane, two-way road, a _________ allows you to cross over into the opposing lane temporarily to pass a vehicle if it is safe to do so.

you are passing another vehicle, you are making a left turn, or the right lane is blocked.

On roadways with two or more lanes in your direction, you must use the right lane unless

passing is allowed if it is safe to do so. A single broken (dashed) yellow line may be found on a two-lane, two-way roadway.

The pavement markings in this image indicate that

there is a stop sign ahead. A stop sign means that you must come to a complete stop before the stop line or crosswalk.

This sign indicates that

make a U turn if it is safe to do so.

This sign indicates you are allowed to

a freeway interchange sign. This sign indicates that you are approaching an interchange.

This sign is

a service sign. It indicates a rest area one mile ahead.

This sign is

advance warning sign for a railroad crossing ahead. These signs are typically placed 350 to 500 feet ahead of a railroad crossing. Watch out for warning signals and approaching trains. Slow down and prepare to stop.

This sign is

food. It's a guide sign.

This sign represents the availability of

a double curve ahead. The road ahead curves to the right and then to the left. (If there were a triple curve ahead, a winding road sign would be posted instead.) Slow down, keep right, and do not pass.

This warning sign means

This sign means that traffic on the road may flow on both sides of the sign. it also means that there is an obstacle ahead and you must pass it on either the left or the right.

What do these double arrows mean?

The lane ahead is closed. Sequential arrow panels may be used in work zones around the clock. You should move into the lane to your left.

What does this flashing arrow panel mean?

This is a directional arrow sign, it indicates direction.

What does this road sign mean?

The larger yellow sign tells you that a speed zone is ahead. The smaller sign indicates what the speed limit will be. In this case, the speed limit will decrease to 45 mph ahead. Prepare to slow down so you won't exceed that speed limit.

What does this sign indicate?

This sign indicates that all vehicles must go straight only. No turn from this lane is allowed.

What does this sign indicate?

This sign indicates that the roadway's vertical clearance ahead is low, 12'6" (twelve feet six inches). Vehicles taller than this should not proceed on this roadway. In the United States, trucks can legally be over 13 feet tall.

What does this sign indicate?

You are 444 miles from the stateline or the end of the road. Mileposts are located at regular intervals. They are placed along the edge of the roadway to give drivers information about their locations on the highway for navigational and emergency purposes. The number on the milepost usually indicates the distance in miles to the state line or the end of the road.

What does this sign indicate?

A diamond-shaped marking shows that a lane is reserved for certain purposes or certain vehicles. The lanes are usually reserved for buses or carpool vehicles during rush hour traffic.

What does this sign mean?

A hospital service. This is a service sign.

What does this sign mean?

A road crew at work. This is a work zone sign, indicating that road construction or maintenance activities are in progress. You must slow down, use caution, and if possible, change lanes to keep your distance from the workers.

What does this sign mean?

turn left or go straight

What does this sign mean?

advance warning of a stop sign ahead. Most warning signs are diamond shaped with a yellow background. Prepare to stop and yield. You must stop before any stop line or crosswalk painted on the pavement.

What does this warning sign mean?

an average of 292 feet (almost the length of a football field) to react to a hazard, step on the brake, and come safely to a stop. This is why you should use your high-beam headlights at night when possible. Your low-beam headlights let you see only about 100 feet ahead.

What is the total stopping distance at a speed of 60 mph?

Stop if it is safe to do so. A steady yellow traffic light is a warning that the traffic light will soon turn red. But do not stop suddenly; always consider the vehicles behind you before you brake. If you cannot stop safely, proceed with caution through the intersection.

What must you do at a steady yellow traffic signal?

There are turns in the road and the road ahead changes direction sharply. Drivers must slow down to a safe speed.

What sign is this?

This is a 'Steep Hill Ahead' road sign.

What sign is this?

when you are approaching a cross street where you plan to turn right

When are you allowed to drive in a bike lane?

three-second rule. Pick an object in front of you, like a sign post or a tree. When the vehicle in front of you reaches that object, count "one one-thousand, two one-thousand, three one-thousand...". If you reach the object before you count three, you are too close. Slow down until you've put enough distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you. In bad weather or heavy traffic, increase your following distance even more.

When driving behind another vehicle, you should use _________ to keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead.

blind spots and No-zones. Large commercial vehicles such as trucks have huge blind spots called No-Zones, in which a car may completely disappear from the driver's view. No-Zones exist to the front, rear, and sides of a large vehicle. It is impossible to completely avoid a large vehicle's blind spots. Therefore, do not follow closely behind a bus or truck, and do not remain in a No-Zone any longer than necessary to safely pass a heavy truck.

When driving near a large vehicle, be aware of the driver's _________ on the right, left, front, and rear.

come to a complete stop and then give the right-of-way to pedestrians and other vehicles.

When entering a paved thoroughfare from a private road, a driveway, or an unpaved road, you must

you must slow down, look left and right for oncoming traffic,

When entering an uncontrolled intersection, you must _________ and proceed if the way is clear.

stay to the right of the center island. Do not stop if the way is clear. Never pass or overtake another vehicle after entering a single-lane roundabout. Travel counterclockwise around the circle until you reach your desired street. Then give a right-turn signal and exit the roundabout.

When entering or exiting a roundabout, you must always

without exceeding the speed limit. The longer you stay in the blind spot, the longer you are in danger of a collision.

When passing another vehicle, get through the other driver's blind spot as quickly as you can

a three-point turn. This maneuver will leave your vehicle facing in the opposite direction. This turn should only be used when the street is narrow, there is good visibility, the traffic is light, the turn is legal, and there is no other option.

When there is not enough room for a U-turn, you should make

left-right-left rule: Look to your left first because vehicles coming from the left are closer to you. Then look to your right. Finally, take one more look to your left before you proceed. You might see a vehicle on your left that you did not see the first time you looked.

When you come to an intersection, follow the _______________ before you proceed.

slow down and be prepared to stop. Let vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians go before you proceed. You must come to a complete stop if traffic conditions require it.

When you see a yield sign as you enter a road, you must _________ at the sign.

You may only stop to temporarily load or unload passengers or merchandise. this also means you may not park on the left of the sign at any time.

Which of the following is true about No Parking zones?

You may stop to temporarily load or unload passengers, but not merchandise.

Which of the following statements about No Standing zones is true?

you may only stop to obey another rule of the road. For example, you can stop to obey a traffic sign, traffic signal, or traffic officer. You are not allowed to stop to load or unload passengers or merchandise.

Which of the following statements about No Stopping zones is true?

Marijauna causes a bad loss of night vision. Smoking or eating marijuana makes it more difficult to respond to sights and sounds. This makes you dangerous as a driver. It lowers your ability to handle a quick series of tasks. The most serious problem is facing an unexpected event, such as a car coming from a side street or a child running out from between parked cars. These problems get worse after dark, because marijuana also causes a bad loss of night vision.

Which of these statements about marijuana is true?

not brake. Keep a tight grip on the steering wheel and ease your foot off the gas pedal so your vehicle will slow itself down.

While driving, if you get a flat tire or a tire blows out, you should

pull over to the side of the road in a safe place. Stop until you are ready to give your complete attention to driving.

While driving, if you need to read a map or directions, you should

reduce your speed and yield to other traffic. This type of sign is a yield sign.

While driving, when you see a triangular road sign, you must

cannot see a truck's side mirrors, you are tailgating. (If you can't see the truck's mirrors, the truck driver won't be able to see you.) Tailgating is dangerous. If you follow a vehicle too closely, you will lose the safety cushion you will need if the vehicle stops short.

You are tailgating a truck if you

only if you are riding a bicicyle. This sign marks a bicycle lane, intended for bicyclists. Cars and trucks should not usually travel in this lane. Sometimes cars may travel in this lane for a short distance when preparing to turn at the next intersection.

You can travel in the lane marked with this sign

This is an object marker sign, which is used to notify drivers of objects in the roadway or very close to the edge of the roadway. The stripes point downward toward the safe side of the roadway. This sign indicates that you should keep right to pass the object.

what sign is this?

curves on the road sign

what sign is this?

No. Parking is prohibited here between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.

It is 9:30 a.m. Are you allowed to park beside this sign?

nighttime reflector

This object is

Snow, heavy rain, and fog can all reduce visibility. Turn on your low-beam headlights to help you see and be seen by others.

Which of the following can reduce your visibility?

an all-way stop

If the traffic signals at an intersection are not operating, treat the intersection as

obey the normal posted speed limit. In many work zones, the speed limits may be reduced and lane usage may be restricted for safety purposes.

If there are no reduced speed limits posted at work zones, you should

tightly, release. Brake gently to slow down, and then steer gently back onto the pavement.

If you accidentally veer off the pavement, you should hold the steering wheel _________ and _________ the gas pedal (accelerator).

stop and remain stopped until the visually impaired pedestrian has safely crossed the road. A white cane or a white cane tipped with red means the pedestrian is likely visually impaired or blind.

If you approach a pedestrian walking with a white cane or a white cane tipped with red who is about to cross the road, you must

slow down and proceed with caution. A triangular orange emblem on the rear of a vehicle identifies it as a slow-moving vehicle or low-speed vehicle, which Massachusetts defines as a vehicle whose speed does not exceed 25 mph. Slow-moving vehicles include farm tractors, animal-drawn carts, and roadway maintenance vehicles.

If you approach a vehicle with a reflective orange triangle sign on its rear, you must

come to a complete stop. treat the intersection as an all-way stop.

If you approach an intersection at which the traffic lights are not working, you must first __________ before entering the intersection and then yield the right-of-way.

license suspension, severe fines, and community service.

If you are convicted of driving (OUI) under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you may receive the following penalties

$250. Under Massachusetts law, you must stop for a stopped school bus with flashing red lights on an undivided roadway, no matter which side of the road it is stopped on. If you are convicted of violating this law, you will be fined up to $250 for a first offense, between $500 and $1,000 for a second offense, and between $1,000 and $2,000 for a third or subsequent offense. In addition, for a first conviction, your license may be suspended. For a second, third, or subsequent conviction, your license will be revoked.

If you are convicted of failing to stop for a stopped school bus with flashing red lights on an undivided roadway, you will be fined up to _____ for a first offense.

you must be able to see clearly at least 400 feet in front of you. Check your mirror and your blind spot. You must return to the right lane before any oncoming vehicle comes within 200 feet of you.

If you are crossing a broken yellow line to pass another vehicle, how many feet do you need to be able to see in front of you?

Class B. Class A - required to operate any **combination** of vehicles with a gross combination weight rating (**GCWR**) of 26,001 lbs. or more, to include a towed vehicle that is heavier than 10,000 lbs. This includes tractor-trailers, truck and trailer combinations, tractor-trailor buses, tankers, livestock carriers, and flatbeds. Class B: required to operate a **single vehicle** with a **GVWR** of 26,001 lbs. or heavier, and/or any vehicle as described above that is towing another vehicle weighing UP TO 10,000 lbs. This includes straight trucks, large buses, segmented buses, box trucks, and dump trucks with small trailers. Class C: meant to transport either at least 16 passengers (to include you, the driver), or hazardous material (HAZMAT). Vehicles include small HAZMAT vehicles, passenger vans, and small trucks towing a trailer. Class D: allows you to operate a motorcycle or any other motor vehicle with a seat or saddle for the rider and designed to travel with no more than 3 wheels in contact with the ground.

Which license class do you need to be able to drive a vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 or more pounds?

You must ensure that everyone in your vehicle is wearing a safety belt or suitable child restraint. In Massachusetts, you can be fined for driving without a safety belt or transporting any passengers under 16 without their safety belts fastened. Any passengers who are at least 16 years of age and not wearing safety belts can be fined themselves.

Which of the following are true about seatbelts?

Single solid yellow lines are used as left-edge lines on divided highways. Single solid white lines are used as right-edge lines.

Which of the following are used as left-edge lines on divided highways?

A can of beer, one shot of 80 proof liquor, 5 ounce glass of wine. Typically, one drink will contain a one and a half ounce serving of alcohol, no matter the type.

Which of the following contains a standard 1.5 ounce serving of alcohol?

All answers contain the same amount of alcohol: 1.5 oz shot of 80 proof liquor, 12 oz glass of 5% beer, 5 oz glass of 12% wine.

Which of the following contains more alcohol?

The kinds of alcoholic beverages/type of alcohol you drink do not matter. Standard servings of each type of alcohol all contain the same amount. Your body weight, the length of time that you have been drinking alcohol, how fast you drink, and the amount of alcohol that you have consumed all affect your blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

Which of the following does NOT affect your blood alcohol concentration (BAC)?

Parking tickets. In MA, however, failing to pay parking tickets may prevent you from renewing your license or registering your vehicle. Failure to obey traffic signals, driving on the wrong side of the road, and speeding tickets are traffic violations.

Which of the following is NOT considered a traffic violation?

Even a small amount of alcohol can reduce a driver's reflexes, driving skill, and negatively affects depth perception.

Which of the following is a way that alcohol consumption affects your ability to drive?

If you plan to consume alcohol, also plan to use public transportation, a taxi, or a designated driver to get home.

Which of the following is an alternative to drinking and driving?

It is illegal for a minor between the ages of fifteen and twenty-one to be in possession of alcohol, consuming alcohol, attempting to purchase or purchasing alcohol, or having a BAC of 0.02% or greater (adults its 0.08%).

Which of the following is illegal for minors?

Hydroplaning can strt at speeds as low as 35 mph. it occurs when you drive too fast over standing water and effectively ski over its surface. Even with good tires, your vehicle can start to hydroplane at speeds as low as 35 mph. (Badly worn tires can cause the vehicle to hydroplane at speeds as low as 25 mph.) This may send your car into a skid. If you hydroplane, try to avoid accelerating, steering, or braking; let the car slow itself down. Do not use your cruise control on wet roads. If your vehicle loses traction, the cruise control may spin the wheels to try to maintain a constant speed. This can worsen or even cause a skid.

Which of the following is true about hydroplaning?

You are not allowed to buy alcohol, consume alcohol or be in possession of alcohol unless you are 21 years of age.

Which of the following is true for drivers who are under the age of twenty-one?

his or her vehicle may be towed, he or she may be arrested immediately, he or she may be held in jail until his or her court date, and his or her license may be confiscated.

Which of the following may happen if a MA driver commits a criminal traffic offense?

All prescription medicines are safe to consume before driving, false. You can be considered OUI (operating while under influence) with prescription drugs. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by any substance. Things that are true: combining alcohol with other drugs increases negative effects on driving, stimulants like speed, cocaine or diet pills can affect your vision, and hard drugs like opium and heroin make you feel disoriented.

Which of the following statements about drugs and driving is FALSE?

This sign indicates that there is a low place in the road ahead. Slow down for your comfort and to maintain control. Proceed with caution and be ready to stop if the dip is filled with water.

what does this sign mean?

hairpin curve ahead

what does this sign mean?

This is a 'Keep to the Right of the Traffic Island' road sign.

what sign is this?

This is a 'Narrow Bridge Ahead' road sign.

what sign is this?

This is a soft shoulder. The ground/shoulder on the side of the road is soft. Do not drive off the pavement except in an emergency.

what sign is this?

This road sign means 'Beginning of an Alternate Road Ahead', or a detour ahead.

what sign is this?

This sign indicates that bicyclists are prohibited on this road. Selective exclusion signs are rectangular with either a red circle on a white background or a red circle with a diagonal red slash on a black-and-white background. These signs restrict or prohibit vehicles or vehicle movements or prohibit some other activity.

what sign is this?

This sign is placed at the intersection where you cannot proceed straight through it. Yield right of way or stop before turning right or left.

what sign is this?

This sign means that u-turns are allowed from this lane. However, it doesn't have 'u-turns only' restriction and the driver can proceed straight ahead or make a u-turn.

what sign is this?

flagperson ahead sign

what sign is this?

lodging facilities ahead. This is a service sign.

what sign is this?

road entering a curve ahead

what sign is this?

the road ahead has a bump. Slow down to avoid loss of control.

what sign is this?

upcoming side road sign

what sign is this?

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