Master ASL: Unit 1
hearing people who learned ASL tended to be children of deaf adults or individuals who worked with the deaf
Historically, why would a hearing person learn ASL?
How much of the English language is visible on the lips?
Is ASL a universal language?
-eye contact -nodding -engaged in conversation
List three examples of active listening behaviors.
-shoulder tap -hand wave
List two appropriate attention- getting strategies
Often, sign language was forbidden at:
grammar and syntax
The ________ and ______of ASL are different from English.
True or False? ASL is like English, except that it is signed instead of spoken.
True or False? One English word can have many separate signs in ASL.
Using ASL signs while talking or "mouthing" English is NOT:
Canada and U.S.
ASL is used by most Deaf people in what two countries?
facial expressions (non-manual signals)
ASL uses what on a constant basis? (It is the most important of the 5 parameters)
face, hands
During a signed conversation, you should always focus on the signers ______ and not their _____.
Facial expressions should always match the _______ and content off what you are signing.
liberal arts university specifically designed for Deaf and hard of hearing students
Gallaudet University is the world's only:
Breaking eye contact while in a signed conversation is:
Can cochlear implants cure deafness?
closed captions were created for deaf or hard of hearing individuals to assist in comprehension
Closed-Captioning (CC) is used to do what?
Deaf people can do everything Hearing people can do, EXPECT:
facial expressions
Tone of Voice in English is just like ________ in ASL.
Waving your hand frantically in a Deaf person's face would be like doing what to a Hearing person?
-hand shape -palm orientation -location -movement -facial expressions
What are the 5 parameters of ASL used to make up a sign?
-immerse yourself in the Deaf community -attend Deaf events
What are the two best ways to become more proficient in ASL?
helps "hold" that location for the person or thing you're signing about
What does eye gaze help to do?
Deaf President Now Movement
What famous event happened at Gallaudet University?
"Little d" deaf do not associate with other members of the deaf community. "Big D" Deaf people identify themselves culturally deaf and have a strong deaf identity.
What is the difference between "Little d" deaf and "Big D" Deaf?
What percentage of Deaf people have Hearing parents?
include them in the conversation
When Deaf people are present and you are having a conversation with someone in English, the most respectful thing to do would be to:
at the end of the sentence
When are closing signals used within a signed sentence?
when you are uncertain, unclear, or asking a question. Mean what and explain again
When is the WH-Face used?
French Sign Language
Historically, ASL is related to what sign language?
a cultural minority rather than a group of disabled persons'
The Deaf President Now movement is considered to be what?