Mastro's Cocktails

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Summer Thyme V

-Crystal Head/Italicus Simple/lemon/thyme sprig Crystal Head/Licus/simp/lem/thyme SkulLicus SimpLemThyme

Elixir 27 Sangria V

Absolut Elyx/Fonseca Bin 27 Port St Germ Eldeflower simp/fresh berries/orange L/LZ Elyx27Ggermain SimpBerriesOrange LLZ

Key Lime Martini V

Absolut Lime/43 SaS/pine/whip Gram rim/lime wedge AbsoLime43 SaSDoleWhip GramLime

Lavender Collins G

Amethyst Lav/Coint/Marquis de la tour M. Lavender/blackberry L/LZ AmethCoinlaTour mLav/blkbry/L/LZ

Tiki Time R

Bac. Ane4yr/Bac. Limon/AP M. Mang&Ban/Lem/Pine luxardo/orange slice

Mastro's Mojito R

Bcrdi Lim/Lime sqz/simple/mint Soda G: lime LimonLimeSqs SimpMintSoda gLime

Mastro Classic Martini V

Belv hand stuffed blu chz Olives or caper berries can be dirty

Elder & Wiser V

Belv. lem & bas/Hendrix St Germain Eldeflower Lem/SugRim/Basil leaf BelvLem/Hendo/StGerm/lem/bel/sugrim

Rhubarb Gimlet G

Botanist/Edinburgh Rhu & Ging lim/lim zest BotEdinlimLimZest

Spirit of Summer G

Botanist/soda Muddle rasp/lem/simpl G. Rosemary and raspberry Bot/club/lem/rasp/RoseRasp/simp

South of France ?

C. Pamp/Citronge Moët Champ/Simple G: GF zest PampChampTrongeSimpGFzest

Beauty Filter TR

Casa Repo/Lib & Co pnapl srp lem/dash of cinna/sug CasaRep/LibPin/lem/cinna/sug

Dream Berry V

Ciroc/Tripl SaS/M. Straw/ Lemon squeeze G: sugar rim and strawberry Crq/trip/SaS/str/LS/SgStr

Hibiscus Glow V

Citron/Italicus M. hibiscus/Tarragon L/LZ kCit/licus/MHibiscus/Tarra/L/LZ

Double Cross Mule V

Dbl Cross/Lib & Co. fiery Ginger Lime/G. beer G: lime wedge strawberry available XX/LibGing/Gbeer/lime/lime

Salted Caramel Martini V

Dbl cross/Caramel liqueur Tuaca/Whip G: salt rim XX/Crml/Tuac/whip/Salty

Mastro's Margarita TA

DonJ Añejo/Marnier SaS/Lime squeeze G: salt rim , lime wedge Don Anejo Cadillac minus triple fresh lime

Skinny Diablo TB

DonJ Blanc/triple/Tres Agave Jalap/red bell pepper G: lime wedge DonBlanc/TripleTres/jalapRedBell/gLime

Smoke and Mirrors TM

El Silencio Mez./Ancho Reyes Verde Liquer Agave Nectar/lime Red bell Pepper/Smoked Paprika SilencMez/ancho/Tres/lime/RedBellPaprika MezAnchoTres LimeRedBellPaprika

Penicillin S

Glen. 12/lib and Co. Fiery Ginger Honey water L/LZ Glen12/libGin/HnyWtr/L/LZ GlenLibGin HnyLLZ

Berry Lemonade V

Goose/Citronge Lemonade/Simple G: lemon/raspberry

French 77 G

Gray Whale/St Germ Eldeflower Marquis de la Tour (sparkling wt) L/LZ WhaleGermain laTour/L/LZ

Hennessy Sidecar C

Henny/Coin/SaS/Lime squeeze G: sugar rim , lime wedge

Grounds for Divorce W

Jack Liq. Alch. Apple Spice bare apple chip lemon Regans Orange Bitters Jack/appl/appl/lem/O. bit

Fire & Mango W

Jameson Black/AP M. Man/lem Scrappy fire Water Tincutre Tajin rim Jame-oBlk/AP/mMang/Lem/Tinc/TajRim

Pomegranate Martini V

K. Cit/M. Pom/Tripl L/LZ

Spa Day VG

Ketl bot/Hndrx. Chareau AloeVera Liq. Simp/Cuc/Lime G: cuc KetlBot/hdx/aloe/simp/cuc/lime/cuc

Ruby Slippers GV

Nolet's/Deep eddys citron/lime sqz/Tres Agave G. beer G: GF slice Ruby/Nol/kCit/LiSq/3Agv/Gbeer/Gfslic Ruby Nol Cit LimSqz Tres Gbeer GFslice

Silver Paloma TB

Patron S/Pamp Basil/lime/fev tree GF G: salt rim , basil leaf Patron Pamp Gf Soda basil lime salt basil

Ron Burgundy R

Ron Zacapa 23/Aper Giffard Banane du Bresil Liqueur Simple Bitterman's Xocolatl bitters Ron23/Ap/Banane/Simp/XocBit

Sazerac Ry

Saz 6 yr rye /St George absinthe Bitters/Simple G: lemon zest Saz George BitterSimple lem Zest

butter me up W

Skrewball Peanut Butter W. RumChata/ Dorda SSC Whip Sea salt/cinnamon rim Skrewball/Chata/DSSC/whip/CsaltCinnaRim

chocolate martini V

Stoli V./God. Wt./Dorda 2Chc whip/strawberry

Volcante TB

Volcan Blanco/Agave Nectar Lime/jala/cuc Tajin Rim VolcBlancTres Lime/jala/cuc Tajin

Jet Setter B

Wild Turkey "Longbranch" Meletti Amaro/aper L/LZ TurkeyMelettiAP/L/LZ

Mastro's Manhattan W

Woodford/Amaro Vya/Bitters G: 3 cherries WoodAmaroVyaBitters 3 cherr

X marks the spot -

X by Glenmorangie Aper/Combier Liquer de Peche Bitter truth Peach Bitters Orange Zest X/AP/combPeche/pchBit/Ozest

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