Mayor Of Casterbridge

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How much does the sailor pay for Susan and EJ?

5 guineas

Why does Susan become unhappy in her marriage to Newson?

A friend riducules her because she says its a joke because it isn't legally binding

What is Michael in search of in Weydon-Priors?

A job and a place to stay

tragic hero

A literary character who makes an error of judgment or has a fatal flaw that, combined with fate and external forces, brings on a tragedy

When he first calls at High-Place hall, who is Farfrae coming to visit and why?

EJ to see about courting

Who in Casterbridge aside from Henchard and Susan kows the full story of their past together?


according to abel whittle, why is working for farfrae more pleasant than working for henchard?

Farfrae is more even tempered

What does Hardy mean when he writes that Henchard "had no wish to make an arena a second time of the world that had become a ere painted scene to him"?

Hardy means that Henchard no longer wants to play a part in the affairs of the world , has become something to observe rather than take a part in

Why does Henchard change his position on the prospect of Farfrae and EJ courting?

He becomes jealous of him. And its not his actual daughter so he wants to get rid of him.

What new desire of Henchard's makes him feel that he could come to love EJ as his own daughter?

He desires love from anything .She is good and pure

Why does Henchard not defend himself to EJ?

He doesn't value himself enough anymore to "lessen his sufferings by strenuous appeal or elaborate argument"

Why does Henchard choose not to enter Farfrae's house through the open front door on the evening of the wedding?

He doesn't want to humiliate EJ

After Susan's death, why does Henchard suddenly decide to tell EJ that he is her real father?

He is lonely and wants companionship

Why does Farfrae deny Henchard the opportunity to walk with the town council when they receive the Royal Personage?

He is no longer a councilman

After telling Newson that EJ is dead, how does Henchard rationalize the lie to himself?

He reasons that Newson's affection for Ej has cooled while Newson has been away from her. Henchard believes that his own feelings are stronger because he has been more in her presence. In addition, he argues that the loss of EJ would be more devastating to him than to Newson.

When he notices Farfrae's rising popularity, what does Henchard begin to regret?

He regrets confiding in Farfrae with his personal stuff

Why do you think Henchard admits the truth of the furmit woman's accusations, given that the rest of the court takes them for her own concotion?

He wants to redeem himself and put things out in the open because he feels guilty

What is ironic about Henchard's finding Susan's letter, considering what he had been trying to find instead?

He was looking for letters to prove his paternity of EJ and he found that instead

Henchard calls Whittle a fool, saying that "he can never get out of his mind the time when I was master" of the establishment now owned by Farfrae. Why is this ironic?

Henchard cant get it out of his mind when he was master

What purpose do you think the scne with the bull serves in the mayor of casterbridge?

Henchard has strength that Farfrae doesn't

How did Henchard conduct his business deals? How does Farfrae?

Henchard informal, hand shakes, promises, and traditional Farfrae- letters, ledgers, and bills

Why does Farfrae decide to set up his business on Durnover Hill?

It is as far away as possible from Henchard

In what way is the cottage "past-marked"?

It is marked in the past because Henchard is paying for it.

What is significant about the amount of money Henchard gives EJ to take to Susan?

Its the same amount as if he bought her back (5 guineas)

In order from most to least respectable, what are the names of Casterbridge's three inns?

Kings Arms, Three Mariners, Fingers Fingers

Why do you think Henchard would rather have EJ call him worthless old Henchard" than Mr. Henchard?

Mr.Henchard seems colder to him

Why was Susan against having EJ change her surname to Henchard?

Not her real dad. Newson was.

What does Lucetta do to anger Jopp? Why does she do it?

Refuses to say a word in his favor because of her past

What literary device is Hardy using when he writes of Henchard living "like a fangless lion" ?


What does Henchard confess to being poor at, and imagine Farfae will excel at?


What revelation inspires EJ to search for Henchard?

She decides to search for him after she finds out that it was he who brought the caged bird to her house as a wedding gift

Why does Lucetta marry Farfrae secretly and quickly?

She doesn't ant Henchard to tell people about her past

Why does EJ jump at the chance of a job that will make her independent?

She wants to get away from Henchard. thinks her dad will love her if she becomes independent.

Who creates the distraction that prevents Farfrae from seeing the skimmity-ride, and why is a similar distraction not provided for Lucetta?

Soloman Longways and workers create the distraction . a similar distraction is not provided for Lucetta because they think she is guilty

Who contrived to bring EJ and Farfrae together by sending them anonymous notes?


Why does Henchard consider telling Farfrae that EJ is not really his daughter?

That bc she was an illegitimate daughter that it might cause Farfrae to quit courting her so he can have her all to himself.

What has Henchard lost that keeps Farfrae's staff from believing him when he tells them Farfrae has not gone to Budmouth?

That he has lost his good name

What has Henchard told people about his wife, according to Soloman Longways?

That she died

How does Susan find out that Michael is in Casterbridge?

The furmity woman

What according to the text, is especially peculiar about the way Michael and Susan walk into Weydon-Priors?

They are silent

How is Henchard a tragic hero like Oedipus Rex? How is he different?

They both go through many downfalls but they are different because Oduepius downfall was him murdering his father. Henchard's downfall was him losing himself

Poem Hap

This relates back to M of C because things are all up to chance and happenstance.

Why do you think Henchard hires Jopp, of all possible people?

To get back at Farfrae and make it up to Jopp

How does Farfrae assist Henchard in his efforts to straighten out his personal life?

To help send a letter to the lady in Jersey to explain that Susan has returned.

Why does Susan decide to search for Henchard?

To help with financial reasons with EJ

what oath does Michael take in the church?

an oath to not drink for 21 years

What ulterior motive does Lucetta have when she hires EJ?

and excuse for Henchard to see her

How does Farfrae think Henchard should handle the matter of his past with EJ?

by telling her the truth

A good part of chapter 13 is taken up with the conversation of Soloman Longways, Mother Cuxsom, and belonging to the lowest class of Casterbridge. What function or functions do these minor characters seem to be serving in the novel?

comic relief, provide commentary and public opinion

Why does Henchard ask Susan to meet him at the Ring instead of his house?

couldn't have a strange feamel at his house because it looks strange because he is a single and the mayor

For what three reasons does Henchard want to renew his marriage with Susan?

he feels guilty, wants to provide for EJ, and wants to punish himself

Summarize the state of Henchard's emotions just after the fight?

he felt bad because he has fond memories with Farfrae and he is ashamed and self-loathing

Why does Farfrae abandon his plan to set Henchard up with a seed shop?

he finds out Henchard cant stand him and EJ warns him

Why does Henchard begin treating EJ coldly?

he finds out she isn't really his daughter. felt betrayed.

What most impresses the crowd at the Three Mariners about Farfrae's singing?

he got emotional while singing about his homeland...there was sincerity in his voice

What is revealed about Henchard's character when he throws Lucetta's letter into the fire?

he has a good heart

Why does Henchard journey to Weydon-Priors?

he journeys as an act of penance

What does Henchard resolve to do about his "punishment", his lot in life?

he resolves to accept it and bear it

Why does Lucetta agree to marry Henchard?

he's blackmailing her with her past

According to Hardy, what one talent enabled Henchard to work his way from poverty to a position of wealth?

his energy

The morning after the auction, what does Michael worry that he may have told the spectators?

his name

What does Henchard see in the river that pevents him from jumping off the bridge?

his own image floating

In his will, what is Henchard's dying request concerning EJ?

his requests that she not be told of his death

What bothers Henchard about the fact that EJ once served at the three mariners?

it looks poorly on him. it could damage his reputation.

What effect does his first glimpse of Lucetta at the Ring have on Henchard?

it reminds him of Susan

Why does Henchard fire Farfrae?


Why does EJ offer to help serve the customers at the Three Mariners Inn?

lack of money

According to what he tells Lucetta, by what strategy has Farfrae acquired his wealth?

low-risk small profit deals

What incident causes Farfrae to publicly disagree with Henchard for the first time?

makes a man come to work without any pants on ...drags him out of bed

Was lying to Newson a premeditated act on Henchard's part?

no, impulsive

What does Henchard pay Farfrae in exchange for Farfrae's process for restoring the bad wheat?

nothing because he wouldn't take anything

what tendency of henchard's leads him to become Jopp's tenant, although he could easily room elsewhere?

punishing himself

Hardy tells us a lot about EJ's character at the beginning of Chapter 24. what is her character like?

rational, serious, and even tempered

What excuse does Lucetta give Henchard for failing to keep her promise to marry him?

she learns that he sold his first wife and doesn't want a scandal

Why do you think Lucetta insists on viewing the skimmity-ride, forbidding EJ from closing the shutters?

she recognizes them as her and henchard

How does Hardy link Lucetta with the new seed drill?

she rivaled it in color

What is Elizabeth-Janes first impression of Casterbridge?

she thinks its old fashioned

What leads EJ to conclude that Farfrae is not seriously interest in her?

she thinks that if he really loved her he wouldn't compete in business with her dad

What is markedly different about the way Susan and EJ walk into Weydon-Priors?

showed affection towards one another and they were talking

What two things has Susan learned about the matured Henchard that give her the courage to send him a note through EJ?

that he proclaims to be a widow; shame bc of the past

When Henchard forbids EJ to see Farfrae, what does Hardy suggest might have ben a wiser way to handle their budding romance?

that he should have encouraged it

Why are the townspeople angry with the mayor?

the bread is bad

How does Henchard first learn that the townspeople are starting to prefer Farfrae to him?

the child messenger who requests to see Farfrae and not him

What larger conflict is symbolized by the clash between the two wagons?

the conflict between Farfrae and Henchard for the affection of Lucetta

Rocking Horse Winner and M of C

the conncections is that you think tings are good for the characters but they actually aren't.

The sight of what makes the spectators in the furmity tent realize that Michael's offer is not a joke?

the sight of actual real money

EJ receives an anonymous note from Newson requesting a meeting in which Henchard knows the truth of her paternity will be revealed. Knowing what he does, why does Henchard advise EJ to meet with newson?

the situation is similar to the one in which Henchard does not deny the furmity woman's accusations; he always owns up to his mistakes in the end

What does EJ say the new seed drill will mean the end of?

the traditional side of it will be stopped. The romance of the sower will end.

What sort of relationship does the town of Casterbridge have with the countryside around it?

there is no barrier between the two

Why is the "Royal Personage" making a stop in Casterbridge?

there to receive thanks from the town because of advancement in agriculture

What does Henchard first assume Farfrae is doing in Casterbridge?

to answer the advertisement about corn factor manager

Why does Henchard tie on arm behind his back before fighting Farfrae?

to make it fair

What favor does Lucetta ask of Henchard?

wants love letters back

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