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77. John comes in for his initial massage visit at The Wellness Center. He checks in at the front desk and is told that Bill will be with him in a few minutes. John becomes visibly uncomfortable. He tells the receptionist that he does not want to be touched by a guy. How should the front desk receptionist respond?A. "Okay, sir, we will try to reschedule you with a female therapist." B. "Sir, we do not tolerate gender discrimination in this facility." C. "Bill is the best deep tissue therapist we have, and I'm sure you will be fine." D. "Please tell me why."

A. "Okay, sir, we will try to reschedule you with a female therapist."

92. Maria returns for a follow up visit after traveling abroad for the last two weeks. She brings her massage therapist a small token of appreciation of some special sage for smudging. How should the therapist respond? A. Accept the gift and thank Maria. B. Decline the gift and tell Maria that therapists can't accept gifts. C. Decline the gift to uphold the social boundary. D. Accept the gift in exchange for a free session.

A. Accept the gift and thank Maria.

10. If a client reports that the pressure is too much, the therapist should: A. Adjust the amount of pressure to be within the client's pain tolerance. B. Tell the client "No pain, no gain." C. Offer the client an ice pack after the session. D. Maintain the pressure the technique requires in the therapist's professional judgment.

A. Adjust the amount of pressure to be within the client's pain tolerance.

73. A therapist discovers a colleague had sexual relations with an underage 未成年的 client. What should the therapist do first? A. Call the police. B. Ignore the situation as it's outside the scope of practice. C. Confront the client and tell them this is against the law. D. Confront the colleague and encourage him to report himself to the overseeing board.

A. Call the police. 一位治疗师发现他的同事与一位未成年客户发生了性关系。治疗师首先应该做什么? A.叫警察。 忽略这种情况,因为它超出了实践的范围。 面对客户,告诉他们这是违法的。 D.面对这位同事并鼓励他向监督委员会报告自己。

64. The client shifts unexpectedly as the therapist is moving the drape to expose the arm for massageand inadvertently the top and side of the client's breast tissue is exposed. What should the therapist do next? 当治疗师移动帘子让病人露出手臂进行按摩时,病人出乎意料地移动了帘子,无意间让病人的胸部组织暴露在外面。治疗师下一步应该做什么? A. Calmly apologize for not anticipating the client's movement and reposition the drape. B. Just leave the drape where it is so you do not draw attention to it and cause anxiety. C. Pull the drape down on the other side to match so it will not feel awkward. D. Calmly apologize, excuse yourself, leave the room and inform management.

A. Calmly apologize for not anticipating the client's movement and reposition the drape.平静地为没有预料到客户的移动而道歉,并重新放置窗帘。

19. A practitioner is in a social setting and introduces herself as a sports massage therapist. Someone in the group asks if the therapist has any "totally buff" clients she wants to go out with. How should the therapist respond?一名执业医师在社交场合介绍自己是一名运动按摩治疗师。小组中有人问治疗师是否有任何"完全健壮"的客户,她想出去。治疗师应该如何回应? A. Casually explain that professional ethics does not allow dating clients. B. Say "Of course" with a smile to not bring down the social atmosphere. C. Sharply respond that the profession has standards. D. Say nothing as it does not reflect poorly on the profession.

A. Casually explain that professional ethics does not allow dating clients.

1. A client's demeanor reminds you of your beloved uncle. This is an example of: A. Countertransference B. Transference C. Dual relationship D. Power differential

A. Countertransference

74. A new client arrives for his appointment and the therapist realizes this client is someone she has seen before in a local coffee shop over the last few months. She finds herself physically attracted to him. This is a sign of: A. Countertransference B. Transference C. Dual relationship D. Professionalism

A. Countertransference

39. Mrs. Johnson is one of Ed's homebound geriatric massage clients. Ed has been treating Mrs. Johnson every other week for the last 3 months. Mrs. Johnson has told Ed on more than one occasion that he reminds her very much of her grandson who is in medical school. After the last session, Mrs. Johnson offered Ed some homemade cookies and suggested he stay for a cup of tea. What is an appropriate response for Ed to give to Mrs. Johnson?A. Decline the invitation in a polite manner. B. Tell Mrs. Johnson it is inappropriate for him to socialize with his clients. C. Accept the invitation and enjoy the afternoon snack. D. Tell her he cannot stay today, but next session he will make time for this.

A. Decline the invitation in a polite manner.

98. A colleague in a neighboring state is asking for a practitioner to come assist with providing sports massage for a large athletic event. The practitioner does not hold a license in that state, and there is no reciprocity between these states. What is the appropriate response? A. Decline the offer. B. Accept the offer but work as a volunteer and do not accept any compensation. C. Accept the offer and work under the colleague's license as it is a one-time event. D. Accept the offer, but don't tell anyone that you're not a resident of the state.

A. Decline the offer.

52. A client arrives for her appointment and begins to discuss the new diet she is currently following which includes a lot of animal protein. The client is being seen for many chronic pain issues. The practitioner has been following a vegan diet for years and feels strongly that much of the chronic diseases seen in the community could be cured if everyone followed the vegan lifestyle. How should the practitioner address the client's new health information received in the pre-massage consult? A. Document the nutrition changes and proceed to ask about any change in pain levels in the body areas worked in the last massage session. B. Inform the client that she may want to reconsider her dietary choices as meat and dairy can increase chronic conditions. C. Advise the client to consult a nutritionist who specializes in vegetarian/vegan lifestyles and reducing chronic pain. D. Ignore the information, as its not massage related, and the practitioner does not want to become upset.

A. Document the nutrition changes and proceed to ask about any change in pain levels in the body areas worked in the last massage session.

87. A massage therapist finds he needs some costly repairs for his car, which he cannot afford right now. He suggests an exchange of services with a client who is an auto mechanic: 3 hour long massage sessions to cover the labor for the car repairs. If the parties agree to this arrangement, what type of relationship will be created? A. Dual relationship B. Transferential relationship C. Partnership D. Power differential

A. Dual relationship

44. A practitioner sees a client for her colleague Maria while Maria is out sick. The client comes in for the scheduled therapeutic massage session and before the session begins, the client asks if the practitioner can spend extra time on the back and "see if you can get it to crack." The client adds "Maria does it all the time for me." What should the therapist do next? A. Explain that LMTs are not legally able to do chiropractic adjustments. B. Tell the client that after loosening up his back muscles, you will attempt to "crack it". C. Tell the client that he will have to wait until Maria is back to work to have that done. D. Cancel the session immediately and inform the office manager.

A. Explain that LMTs are not legally able to do chiropractic adjustments.

13. If a client reports they have been touched inappropriately, the management of the facility should: A. Have the client call law enforcement and provide state regulatory contact information. B. Inform the client that management will discipline the therapist. C. Tell the client it will be kept confidential and offer a refund. D. Tell the client they will make sure they will not be on that therapist's schedule again.

A. Have the client call law enforcement and provide state regulatory contact information. 如果客户报告他们被不当接触,设施的管理人员应: A.让客户打电话给执法部门,并提供州监管部门的联系信息。 通知病人管理层将对治疗师进行纪律处分。 C.告诉客户会保密并提供退款。 告诉病人他们会确保他们不会再出现在治疗师的日程表上。

57. Debbie returns for her therapeutic massage session. Debbie's intake form and SOAP notes indicate that she prefers very firm pressure and a lot of trigger point work, especially in the upper shoulders. John interviews Debbie prior to the session, and she reports she felt "bruised and beat up for a few days" after the last session. Debbie wants John to do the same thing today and that she believes in the "No Pain, No Gain" theory. John was surprised by Debbie's description of the last session and he remembers specifically checking in with Debbie throughout the session about her tolerance to the level of pressure. Debbie says that she did not tell him that it was too deep because she did not want him to lighten up. How does this information affect the client-therapist relationship? A. Negative affect - John cannot trust Debbie's responses to him in the session. B. Positive affect - John knows he does not need to check in with Debbie in the session. C. No affect - John will now follow Debbie's direction and not worry about the side-effects. D. None of the above

A. Negative affect - John cannot trust Debbie's responses to him in the session.

66. If a massage therapist inadvertently gives massage to a client who has a condition which makes massage contraindicated, the massage therapist commits:犯(罪、错) A. Negligence B. Intentional tort C. Invasion of privacy D. Criminal assault and battery

A. Negligence 如果按摩师不小心给有按摩禁忌症状的客户提供了按摩,按摩师会犯以下错误: 答:过失 b .故意侵权 C.侵犯隐私 D.刑事攻击和殴打

79. Debbie is making an appointment for massage, and as she is giving her personal contact information, the therapist asks her about her height and weight. When Debbie asks why she needs to give this information, the therapist says that her rates are a bit higher for extremely tall or overweight clients. Is such a fee schedule acceptable? A. No, as it is discrimination. B. No, as it is a power differential. C. Yes, as it is not discriminatory. D. Yes, as it's a matter of economics.

A. No, as it is discrimination.

7. A massage therapist just read an article on the efficacy of chiropractic manipulation of the wrist for carpal tunnel syndrome. May this therapist do osseous manipulation? 一位按摩师刚刚读到一篇关于捏脊手法对腕管综合征的疗效的文章。这个治疗师可以做骨推拿吗? A. No, based on the limits on scope of practice B. No, based on the limits in Standards of Practice C. No, based on the limits of a professional insurance. D. Yes, since she studied for it.

A. No, based on the limits on scope of practice 答:不,基于实践范围的限制

50. A therapist's standard rate for a massage is $60 per hour. A client is seen driving into the parking lot with a new BMW. The therapist decides to charge this person $90 per hour. Is this charging practice ethical? A. No. B. No, because owners of other nice cars get charged less. C. Yes, because the client is affluent. D. Yes, because there are no rules related to setting fees.

A. No.

86. Due to a traffic jam, a massage therapist may not make it to the office on time for his first appointment. He calls his first client to say he anticipates he may be about 15 minutes late. He has a full day of clients and is not able to extend the session to give her the full 60 minutes. How should the therapist offer to resolve this dilemma? A. Offer to see the client for as long as possible and discount the fee. B. Inform the client that the session is cancelled and he won't be charged. C. Provide the service with no discounted fee as the client has been late in the past. D. All of the above.

A. Offer to see the client for as long as possible and discount the fee. 由于交通堵塞,按摩师可能无法在第一次预约时准时到达办公室。他打电话给他的第一个客户,说他预计他可能会迟到15分钟左右。他有一整天的客户,无法延长治疗时间来给她一个完整的60分钟。治疗师应该如何解决这个困境? 建议见客户的时间越长越好,并对费用进行折扣。 B.通知客户会话被取消,他将不被收费。 C.由于客户有迟到的情况,不收取任何折扣。 D.以上都是。

53. New client, Frank, presents for his appointment with Allison. Frank reports on his intake form that he has a history of congestive heart failure and takes diuretics daily for swelling. As Allison reviews the intake form and verbally reviews the information, she notes significant edema and sees large indentations in his skin as he moves his sock down. Frank says that he is having "a little bit more swelling" in his ankles than normal because he ran out of his medication about a week ago. How should Allison proceed? A. Refer Frank back to his medical doctor for an assessment and clearance. B. Give him a "water pill" and proceed with the massage. C. Tell him to refill his diuretic prescription and reschedule for tomorrow. D. Proceed with the massage, as any medical diagnosis is outside the scope.

A. Refer Frank back to his medical doctor for an assessment and clearance.

34. A massage therapist is volunteering at a triathlon and has an area in a medical tent to offer her services.A participant has just completed the bike part of the event and comes over to the tent complaining of lower leg pain running down into the foot. He says he feels a clicking sensation in his ankle and asks for a quick adjustment to see if it can be worked out. The therapist palpated the lower leg, performed passive ROM and gently massaged the area. The therapist informs the participant that the ankle is sprained. After some massaging, the participant informs the therapist that the leg feels ok and that the clicking sensation is gone. He leaves the tent to finish the event. What is the practitioner in violation of? A. Scope of practice B. Code of Ethics C. Standards of practice D. None of the above

A. Scope of practice

96. The act of verbally or nonverbally communicating personal information, opinions and emotions is called? A. Self-disclosure B. Countertransference C. Transference D. Privacy

A. Self-disclosure 用语言或非语言交流个人信息、观点和情感的行为被称为? 答:自我表露 b .反移情作用 c .移情 d .隐私

47. A client comes in for his monthly wellness massage session. He and his wife have been coming to see this practitioner regularly for several years. As the session begins, the client asks how his wife's massage session went last week when she was in for her appointment. How should the practitioner respond to theclient's inquiry? A. Tell the client that due to privacy and client confidentiality, you cannot discuss that. B. Tell the client how she's doing, as he is within the circle of confidentiality since they are married. C. Tell the client he can only be informed of information in general due to confidentiality. D. Only offer to let him read the SOAP notes in her chart since he's the one paying for the sessions.

A. Tell the client that due to privacy and client confidentiality, you cannot discuss that.

89. John starts his day feeling fine, but throughout the afternoon, he begins to feel congested, with itchy eyes, and a runny nose but no fever. He knows this is a reaction to heavy pollen, and he suffers from seasonal allergies. How should John proceed in this situation? A. Use known remedies which will alleviate the symptoms and continue as normal. B. Cancel all clients until he is asymptomatic for at least 24 hours. C. Massage clients as normal but do not take any meds, as it would be unethical. D. None of the above.

A. Use known remedies which will alleviate the symptoms and continue as normal.

83. A therapist is working as a subcontractor to a chiropractor's office. The chiropractor office is HIPAA compliant. Does the subcontractor have to be HIPAA compliant? A. Yes B. Yes, but the spa's compliance covers the sub C. No, since the spa is compliant D. None of the above

A. Yes 一个治疗师在脊椎指压治疗师的办公室工作。脊椎按摩师办公室是符合HIPAA的。分包商是否必须符合HIPAA标准? 答:是的 B.是的,但是水疗中心的规定涵盖了潜艇 C.没有,因为水疗是合规的 以上都不是

3. Which of the following forms the basis of the principle of informed consent? 下列哪一项构成知情同意原则的基础? A. A therapist's scope of practice B. A client's right to self determination C. A client's right to confidentiality D. A therapist's right to work

B. A client's right to self determination

82. Which of the following questions would be inappropriate to include on an intake form? A. Have you had any surgeries in the past year? B. Are you a spiritual person? C. Why are you seeking massage therapy? D. Do you have any nut allergies?

B. Are you a spiritual person?

11. The therapist notices the client has an erection. What is one thing the therapist can do to determine if this is just a natural physiologic response? A. Ignore it. B. Change the type of technique, pressure and/or area of the body. C. Speak to the client directly about it. D. Place a second blanket over the client to make it less noticeable.

B. Change the type of technique, pressure and/or area of the body.

65. A massage therapist lives within 10 miles of the state border. Both states regulate the massage therapy industry within their own borders and the state across the border does not have reciprocity.互惠原则 The therapist wants to serve clients in both states. What will she have to do to work in both states? A. Rely on federal reciprocity regulations. B. Comply with the border state's regulations. C. She need only comply with the state where she lives. D. Do nothing, because she lives only 10 miles away.

B. Comply with the border state's regulations. 有个按摩师住在离州界10英里的地方。这两个邦都对本国的按摩治疗行业进行监管,而边境另一边的邦没有互惠关系。治疗师希望为这两个州的客户提供服务。她要在这两个州工作需要做些什么? 依靠联邦互惠条例。 B.遵守边境州的规定。 C.她只需要遵守她居住的州。 什么也不做,因为她住在只有10英里远的地方。

41. Jane is seeing a new client today who is a surgeon at a nearby hospital. The session begins well, but within a few minutes, the client begins directing the session telling Jane what muscle groups to address and what techniques and pressure to use. Although, Jane is accommodating to her clients and how they would like the session to go,she starts feeling uncomfortable. She gets the feeling this client is testing her knowledge of anatomy andmassage technique. He seems to sense her hesitation and says it seems like she needs an anatomy refresher course. Jane remembers how incompetent and ineffective she used to feel in school and is very relieved when the massage session is finished.Jane is experiencing which of the following? A. Transference B. Countertransference C. Dual relationship D. Power differential

B. Countertransference

84. John's client called in and said she'd be 15 minutes late. He is annoyed by this, as it's her third time being late, and he had scheduled her early as an accommodation. He feels she does not respect his time. What situation is developing for John? A. Transference B. Countertransference C. Power differential D. Dual relationship

B. Countertransference

76. As a therapist's first client arrives at the spa, the therapist realizes it is the same person who just cut her off in the parking lot as she was trying to park her car. At the time this happened, the therapist was outwardly angered by the action, and now realizes that the client may have audibly heard her cursing. What should the therapist do? A. Tell the client how their actions made the therapist feel to get it out in the open. B. Give a warm greeting and apology to set a professional tone for the session. C. Give the client a terse lecture on proper parking etiquette. D. Ignore the situation and try to get through the session without the anger showing.

B. Give a warm greeting and apology to set a professional tone for the session. 76. 当治疗师的第一个客户到达水疗中心时,治疗师意识到这就是刚刚在停车场切断她停车的同一个人。在这件事发生的时候,治疗师表面上对这种行为感到愤怒,现在意识到客户可能听到了她的诅咒。治疗师应该怎么做? A.告诉客户他们的行为让治疗师有何感受,让他们开诚布公。 B.给予热情的问候和道歉,为会议定下专业的基调。 给客户一个简短的关于正确停车礼仪的演讲。

90. An elderly client is brought in regularly by her daughter for massage. The massage therapist notices the client is repeating herself and seems confused. The therapist wants to talk to the daughter about her observations because she feels there's an imminent risk of harm. The therapist does not want to ask the client's permission to talk to her daughter to avoid upsetting the client. But she also wants to respect client confidentiality. Which of the following would be the most practical and ethical solution to the massage therapist's dilemma? A. Get a subpoena from the daughter. B. Have the daughter listed as an emergency contact in the intake forms. C. Get a liability release form from the daughter D. Ask the client to sign a payment slip but give her an authorization to sign.

B. Have the daughter listed as an emergency contact in the intake forms. 一位上了年纪的顾客被她的女儿定期带进来按摩。按摩师注意到客户在重复自己的话,似乎很困惑。治疗师想和女儿谈谈她的观察结果,因为她觉得有迫在眉睫的伤害风险。治疗师不想请求客户的允许与她的女儿谈话,以避免让客户不安。但她也想尊重客户的隐私。以下哪一项是解决按摩师困境的最实际和最道德的方法? 从她女儿那里拿到传票。

88. In which of the following situations is it permissible for a massage therapist to have a sexual relationship with a client? A. If the sexual relationship arises after the therapeutic relationship begins. B. If the sexual relationship begins before the therapeutic relationship begins. C. If the sexual and therapeutic relationships begin at the same time. D. None of the above.

B. If the sexual relationship begins before the therapeutic relationship begins.

80. Why is the use of a written informed consent agreement with a massage client recommended? A. Insurance premiums can be higher. B. It can work as a safe guard if issues of liability arise. C. The client cannot complain of the quality of their service afterward. D. It can do away with the need for an intake form.

B. It can work as a safe guard if issues of liability arise.

70. A client asks the therapist if she would like to grab a drink after work sometime, maybe this evening. How should the therapist respond? A. Tell the client she'd see if management is ok with it, and get back to him. B. Kindly inform the client that she is not allowed to socialize with clients. C. If the therapist is interested, there is no problem dating a client. D. None of the above.

B. Kindly inform the client that she is not allowed to socialize with clients.

21. A new client asks the massage therapist whether it's ok to be completely nude during her massage. The massage therapist is ok with it but wants her to realize he does not use blankets or draping. He offers to increase the temperature in the room to make it warmer. Which boundary does this cross? A. Sexual B. Physical C. Emotional D. All of the above

B. Physical

67. A massage therapist realizes upon undraping the back of the client that the client has not removed her bra. How should the therapist proceed? A. Tell the client the session needs to stop until she takes all her clothes off. B. Quietly ask the client if she is okay with unhooking her bra to avoid getting oil on it. C. Work over, under and around the bra without asking the client. D. It is not necessary to ask permission, so just unhook the client's bra.

B. Quietly ask the client if she is okay with unhooking her bra to avoid getting oil on it.

6. Having the client read and sign a statement on the intake form indicating an understanding that lewdconduct and/or sexual overtures will not be tolerated is a part of the therapist's: A. Scope of practice B. Standards of practice C. Code of ethics D. Emotional boundaries

B. Standards of practice

60. Which of the following regulates the massage and bodywork industry? A. Federal government B. State governments C. Local police department D. All of the above.

B. State governments

14. A client seems down and lethargic. During the course of the massage session, he says he has considered killing himself. How should the massage therapist respond to the client? A. Take it as a mere figure of speech and ignore it. B. Suggest the client see a professional counselor. C. Talk the issues out with the client. D. Ask the client to wait, excuse yourself and call 911.

B. Suggest the client see a professional counselor.

48. A client comes in for her massage session. She and her husband have been clients for about a year. The husband has not been in for an appointment in about 3 months. The client says she is in the process of getting a divorce and says she is worried that her husband may try to get copies of any healthcare records to use against her in the divorce proceeding. She asks if there is any way he can get them. What is the proper way to respond to this client's inquiry? A. Tell the client that if you receive a letter from the husband's lawyer requesting notes, you are required to send the records. B. Tell the client that a court subpoena would be necessary to get the records. C. Tell the client you can give her the originals of the notes, and she can destroy them if she wants to. D. Tell the client not to worry because HIPAA completely bars their release.

B. Tell the client that a court subpoena would be necessary to get the records.

27. A colleague overhears a longtime practitioner make jokes about the obesity of a client the practitioner just worked with. How should the colleague respond? A. For the sake of camaraderie, its best to join in to the conversation. B. Tell the practitioner that that type of conversation is inappropriate. C. The client should be contacted to let him know what the practitioner said. D. Ignore the comments, as it is outside of the scope of the colleague's business.

B. Tell the practitioner that that type of conversation is inappropriate.

46. A practitioner is excited to implement a new technique learned at a recent workshop for continuing education credit. His next client has frequently asked him about any new techniques he's learned. Without discussing the new techniques with the client, the practitioner tries out the new techniques in the session. How has the therapeutic, client-centered relationship been affected?以客户为中心的治疗关系受到了怎样的影响?A. There is a positive effect on the therapeutic relationship, as long as there's no pain. B. There is negative affect to the client-centered relationship. C. The therapeutic relationship has not changed, because of the initial informed consent. D. The therapeutic relationship has not changed, because practitioners need CE credits.

B. There is negative affect to the client-centered relationship. 对以客户为中心的关系有负面影响。 一名从业人员正兴奋地实施在最近一次研讨会上学到的一项新技术,以获得继续教育学分。他的下一个客户经常向他询问他学到的任何新技术。在不与客户讨论新技术的情况下,从业者会在会议中尝试新技术。以客户为中心的治疗关系受到了怎样的影响?

93. A longtime client brings a massage therapist a very expensive piece of jewelry. The gift reminds the therapist of her mother's jewelry. What could this gift signify about the client? A. Countertransference B. Transference C. Dual relationship D. Professionalism

B. Transference

78. Lauren is a massage therapist who specializes in treating women's health issues and limits her practice to treating female clients exclusively. Is it ethical for Lauren to treat only one gender? A. No, Lauren is committing gender discrimination. B. Yes, Lauren can set her own professional boundaries. C. No, Lauren is committing sexual discrimination. D. Yes, as long as Lauren does not work at a spa.

B. Yes, Lauren can set her own professional boundaries.

49. A therapist's standard rate for a massage is $60 per hour. For seniors and others on a low fixed income,the therapist will only charge $45 per hour. Is the therapist's charging practice ethical? A. Yes, as we live in a capitalist system. B. Yes, having discounted rates on basis of income level is permissible. C. No, because some people should not get higher rates. D. No, because all client's must be charged the same.

B. Yes, having discounted rates on basis of income level is permissible. 治疗师做一次按摩的标准收费是每小时60美元。对于老年人和其他固定收入较低的人,治疗师每小时只收取45美元。治疗师的收费行为是否道德? 答:是的,因为我们生活在资本主义制度下。 可以,可以根据收入水平打折。 C.不,因为有些人不应该得到更高的利率。 D.不,因为所有客户的费用必须相同。

23. A client is supine and begins making grimacing facial expressions as the practitioner is working on the distal right iliotibial band. In addition, the client's left foot moves into plantar flexion and the fist is starting to clench. The practitioner changes the technique and eases the depth of the pressure. What is the practitioner responding to?A. Autogenic inhibition B. Countertransference C. Body language D. Muscle memory

C. Body language 病人仰卧,当医生在右侧髂胫束远端工作时,病人开始做出扭曲的面部表情。此外,客户的左脚进入足底弯曲,拳头开始握紧。医生改变技术,减轻压力的深度。医生的反应是什么?自发的抑制 b .反移情作用 c .肢体语言 d .肌肉记忆

26. One of the practitioners in a wellness center is known for her fondness of going out after work for drinksand dinner a few times a week. You notice the next day when you arrive at work, she is withdrawn. Sheappears unkempt, her uniform is wrinkled, and she smells of alcohol. Although she does not show overt signs of currently being intoxicated, she says she has a spitting headache and sits in the breakroom with her head down. What is this practitioner violating? A. Scope of Practice B. Physical boundaries C. Code of Ethics D. Federal Law

C. Code of Ethics

85. A client cancels 2 hours before a scheduled massage appointment. The massage therapist failed to inform the client of her cancellation policy when she made the appointment but has the client's credit card info on file. Which of the following actions is ethical? A. Tell the client you have a cancellation policy and must charge his credit card. B. Charge the client's credit card because it is generally known that there's a 24 hour cancellation policy. C. Do not charge the client's credit card but inform him of your cancellation policy for next time. D. Both b and c only.

C. Do not charge the client's credit card but inform him of your cancellation policy for next time.

59. A massage therapist has a friend who is a client. The massage therapist feels bad charging the client. From what is this feeling arising from? A. Transference B. Countertransference C. Dual relationship D. Power differential 一位按摩师的朋友是他的客户。按摩师觉得向客户收费不好。这种感觉从何而生? 答:移情 b .反移情作用 c .双重关系 d能力差

C. Dual relationship

95. Which trait relates to one's ability to understand and share another person's feelings? A. Humility B. Courage C. Empathy D. Countertransference

C. Empathy 哪一种特质与一个人理解和分享他人感受的能力有关? 答:谦卑 b .勇气 c .同理心 d .反移情作用

42. A potential client calls to schedule an initial visit with the practitioner. After choosing an appointment time, the practitioner goes over the cancellation policy and other basic office policies. The client then asks about the policy on disrobing stating he prefers to be completely undressed and does not wish to have any drape used throughout the session. How should the practitioner proceed? A. Explain the use of a drape is always optional and that this is a therapeutic session only. B. Tell him a fully naked massage is recommended as it is the most natural method. C. Explain draping is mandatory under state/local laws and the professional code of ethics. D. Both a and b only.

C. Explain draping is mandatory under state/local laws and the professional code of ethics.

25. A client arrives for his initial visit and is unwilling to give personal information about his health history and sign a liability waiver before the session. He states "I'm just here for a massage and don't want to sign any contracts." How should the massage therapist respond? A. Proceed to massage the client without getting any health information or a liability waiver. B. Inform the client that massage cannot be given and ask him to leave. C. Explain that the intake form is necessary, as some conditions make massage contraindicated. D. Proceed with the massage if the client agrees to bring the paperwork in next time.

C. Explain that the intake form is necessary, as some conditions make massage contraindicated.

18. A potential client, who is 16 years old and has a driver's license, comes into the office alone with a note from her doctor recommending massage for a back injury she sustained playing basketball. Can the massage therapist proceed to give a massage? A. Since the client has a doctor's note, proceed with the massage. B. Since the client is 16 years old and driving, the client can sign for themselves. C. No, the massage therapist must ask for a parental/legal guardian consent. D. No, the massage therapist must ask for a prescription, not just a note from the doctor.

C. No, the massage therapist must ask for a parental/legal guardian consent.

63. Which of the following federal agencies has the responsibility to oversee workplace safety? 以下哪个联邦机构有责任监督工作场所的安全? A. FTC B. BBB C. OSHA D. USDA

C. OSHA the Occupational Safety and Health Administration

97. A practitioner would like to gain more referrals from a chiropractor in the community. What would be the most ethical offer? A. Offer a cash back reward to the chiropractor for every patient referred. B. Offer gift cards to the chiropractor for every patient referred. C. Offer a discount to any patient referred for their initial massage therapy appointment. D. Offer to bring in lunch for the admin and clinic staff of the chiropractic practice.

C. Offer a discount to any patient referred for their initial massage therapy appointment. 一个从业者想从社区的脊椎指压治疗师那里获得更多的转诊。最符合道德的提议是什么? 对每一个转诊的病人提供现金回馈给脊椎指压治疗师。 为每一个病人提供礼品卡给脊椎指压治疗师。 提供折扣的任何病人转介到他们最初的按摩治疗预约。 D.为脊椎按摩诊所的行政人员和门诊人员提供午餐。

28. A returning client comes in for her scheduled appointment. She tells the front desk receptionist that she's just found out she's pregnant (around 10 weeks), and her physician has okayed massage. The practitioner she is scheduled to see is not trained in prenatal massage. How should the receptionist proceed? A. Take her back to a room for her massage session, as special training is not necessary. B. Inform the therapist to review material on prenatal massage and proceed with the massage. C. Reschedule her appointment with a practitioner who is trained in prenatal massage. D. Tell her that massage is contraindicated during pregnancy, to call back after she has the baby.

C. Reschedule her appointment with a practitioner who is trained in prenatal massage.

16. A massage therapist is running a 102 degree fever in the morning and does not have appointments untillate afternoon. She should: A. See a doctor, start on prescription meds and keep the appointments. B. Take an over-the-counter medication remedy, rest and keep the appointments. C. Reschedule the appointments as a fever is an indication of an infectious condition. D. Call the clients and let them decide if they want to proceed with the appointment.

C. Reschedule the appointments as a fever is an indication of an infectious condition.

99. A licensed nurse practitioner refers a patient for pregnancy massage with a written prescription withspecific criteria. What is the most ethical approach for massage therapy with this client? A. Decline the referral as nurse practitioners are only nurses. B. See the client and disregard the specific criteria as the LMT determines that. C. See the client and address the specific issues requested by the nurse practitioner. D. Decline the referral because taking direction from another practitioner is not legal.

C. See the client and address the specific issues requested by the nurse practitioner.

30. A practitioner new to the field has become increasingly aware of a client who is making overt signs of transference. Up until now, the practitioner has been able to deflect the infrequent, subtle comments. At the last visit, the client told her that he would really like to take her out for a date and perhaps have an intimate relationship with her. She refused this client's advances; however, she feels shaken and uncomfortable in her office. Which of the following steps should be taken by the practitioner to improve her work situation?一个刚进入这一领域的从业者已经越来越意识到,有一个客户正在做出明显的移情迹象。到目前为止,从业者已经能够转移不频繁的、微妙的评论。在最后一次拜访时,客户告诉她,他真的很想和她约会,也许会和她有一段亲密的关系。她拒绝了这位客户的求爱;然而,在办公室里,她感到浑身颤抖和不舒服。医生应采取下列哪一个步骤来改善她的工作状况?A. Look for a new job at another spa to start over. B. Begin practicing Reiki, because energy work does not require the client to disrobe. C. Seek mentoring with a veteran massage therapist to develop confidence in handling ethical situations. D. Find another area of complementary healthcare in which these ethical situations will not happen.

C. Seek mentoring with a veteran massage therapist to develop confidence in handling ethical situations.向资深按摩师寻求指导,培养处理道德问题的信心。

33. A practitioner provides massage therapy for a local sports team. He has been treating an injured player for the past week. The player comes in for treatment and says that the coach and team physician have released him to play in the next game. The practitioner feels the player still has significant restriction in his shoulder and is highly susceptible to reinjury. How should the practitioner respond?一位医生为当地的运动队提供按摩治疗。过去一周他一直在治疗一名受伤的球员。球员来接受治疗,说教练和队医已经让他参加下一场比赛。练习者觉得球员的肩膀仍然有明显的限制,并且非常容易再次受伤。医生应该如何回应? A. Do not say anything as it is not within the practitioner's scope of practice to diagnose. B. Do not say anything as it is not a standard of practice to diagnose. C. Speak to the player, coach and player's doctor about the practitioner's findings. D. Speak to the coach and doctor and suggest the player take pain meds before the game.

C. Speak to the player, coach and player's doctor about the practitioner's findings.

69. Having a clear, consistent and step-by-step protocol for guiding new clients through the process forgetting undressed and on the massage table is an example of: A. Code of Ethics B. Scope of Practice C. Standards of Practice D. Business planning

C. Standards of Practice 有一个清晰的、一致的、循序渐进的方案来指导新客户完成忘记脱光衣服和躺在按摩床上的过程,这是一个例子: A.道德规范 B.执业范围 C.实践标准 d .商业计划

35. At an outdoor athletic event, massage practitioners are available for the athletes as they cross the finish line. The weather is particularly warm, and an athlete presents for a post event massage. He appears very red in the face, very dry, parched skin, glassy eyes and seems a bit disoriented. The practitioner suggests the man lay on the massage table and she will have one of the medical practitioners come evaluate the athlete. The man becomes belligerent and says he's just exhausted from the race. He only wants a massage and does not want or need any EMT to check him out. How should the practitioner respond? A. Require that he drink water before giving him a post-race massage. B. Treat the sunburned skin with some aloe vera gel and proceed with the post-race massage. C. Tell him that massage is contraindicated due to signs of potential heat exhaustion or stroke. D. Proceed with a massage as directed by the client.

C. Tell him that massage is contraindicated due to signs of potential heat exhaustion or stroke. 在一个户外运动项目中,当运动员越过终点线时,会有按摩师为他们服务。天气特别暖和,一名运动员在赛后接受了按摩。他的脸非常红,皮肤非常干燥,眼睛呆滞,似乎有点迷失方向。医生建议男子躺在按摩床上,她会让一名医生来评估运动员。这名男子变得好斗起来,说他刚从比赛中精疲力竭。他只想做个按摩,不想也不需要任何急救医生给他做检查。

36. A client has been treated regularly by the same practitioner for several years. They have developed a very good client-therapist relationship, and during the most recent visit, the client begins to describe symptoms and complaints which sound like symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. The practitioner has some experience with these same symptoms through an immediate family member. The practitioner knows this client needs to get this change in health status evaluated. How should she proceed? A. Tell the client she has Type 2 diabetes and recommend medications to take. B. Tell the client she has Type 2 diabetes and encourage her to make a doctor's appointment. C. Tell the client the symptoms need to be evaluated and encourage her to see a doctor. D. The practitioner should not do anything, as it would be outside the scope of practice.

C. Tell the client the symptoms need to be evaluated and encourage her to see a doctor.

62. A massage therapist insists that a client for go his physical therapy for massage. The therapist urges the client to stop PT and to only schedule with her, twice a week for four weeks. The therapist violates which of the following? A. The client's right to confidentiality. B. The client's right to be free from countertransference. C. The client's right to self-determination. D. Informed consent as to a dual relationship.

C. The client's right to self-determination.

38. Mrs. Johnson is one of Ed's homebound geriatric massage clients. Ed has been treating Mrs. Johnson every other week for the last 3 months. Mrs. Johnson has told Ed on more than one occasion that he reminds her very much of her grandson who is in medical school. After the last session, Mrs. Johnson offered Ed some homemade cookies and suggested he stay for a cup of tea. Mrs. Johnson is exhibiting which of the following? A. Countertransference B. Power differential C. Transference D. Dual relationship

C. Transference is client to therapist

101. Which of the following accurately describes the nature of ethics? A. What is legal is always ethical. B. Ethics always deal with absolutes. C. Whether something is ethical can depend on the situation. D. What's ethical in one circumstance, will be ethical in all other circumstances.

C. Whether something is ethical can depend on the situation. 下列哪一项正确地描述了伦理学的本质? 合法的东西总是道德的。 道德总是与绝对有关。 C.某事是否合乎道德取决于情况。 在一种情况下是道德的,在其他所有情况下也是道德的。

55. A therapist realizes it is not possible for her client to receive a massage today due to a current, acute medical condition. She wants to refer him to his doctor for an assessment. The client says he just moved here and does not have a doctor yet. Can the therapist make a referral to a primary care provider or clinic? A. Yes, if the healthcare provider is personally known to the therapist. B. No, due to the risk of liability if the doctor is not competent. C. Yes, as providing referrals is within the scope of practice. D. No, as providing referrals is not within the scope of practice.

C. Yes, as providing referrals is within the scope of practice.

5. Therapists should maintain clear standards of practice for client draping to avoid crossing the:治疗师应保持对病人悬垂的清晰的执业标准,以避免越过: A. emotional boundary B. social boundary C. physical boundary D. professional boundary

C. physical boundary

43. During a massage therapy session, the client, who is in a supine position, moves the drape to expose his genitals and draws attention to his erection. What should the practitioner do next? A. Ignore the client's actions, reposition the drape and proceed with the massage. B. Ignore the client's actions and proceed with the massage without saying anything. C. Leave the room immediately and call the police. D. After explaining the rules on draping, end the massage session and alert your office manager.

D. After explaining the rules on draping, end the massage session and alert your office manager.

37. A client presents for her wellness massage and the practitioner notices that a mole on the client's shoulder has dramatically changed in color and size since her last visit. The practitioner feels the need to inform the client of the changes and wants the client to have a sense of urgency about getting this checked out as it has changed so dramatically in a short period of time. What is the best approach for the practitioner to take? A. Tell the client to have her spouse check it out when she gets home. B. After the massage, tell the client that a cancerous growth was noted on the shoulder and encourage her to see a doctor. C. Stop the massage and tell the client that massage is contraindicated due to the possibility of cancer. D. After the massage, tell the client there were some noticeable changes to the mole and encourage her to see a doctor.

D. After the massage, tell the client there were some noticeable changes to the mole and encourage her to see a doctor.

22. A new female client has been scheduled with a male therapist. She asks the receptionist if it is possible to have a female therapist instead and says that if it's not possible today, she would like to reschedule with a female therapist. What reason could this client have for making this request? A. Cultural traditions B. She may be in an abusive relationship with her husband. C. She may have been the victim of sexual assault. D. All of the above.

D. All of the above.

94. John started his own practice directly after receiving his massage therapy license. After 10 months of struggling to fill his schedule with repeat clientele, John is considering giving up on his dream of a fulltime massage therapy career as he cannot make ends meet financially. What is a good "next step" for John? A. Hire an office manager. B. Hire an advertising company for SEO for his website. C. Close the private practice immediately and work full-time for a spa. D. Ask an established colleague who has a similar practice for mentoring.

D. Ask an established colleague who has a similar practice for mentoring. 约翰在获得按摩治疗执照后就开始自己行医。在10个月的时间里,约翰一直忙于应付回头客,现在他正考虑放弃做一名全职按摩理疗师的梦想,因为他无法在经济上实现收支平衡。对约翰来说,什么才是好的"下一步"? 雇佣一个办公室经理。 雇佣一家广告公司为他的网站做SEO。 C.立即关闭私人诊所,全职做水疗。 问一个有类似指导经验的同事。

61. Dave comes in as a new client for John with a diagnosis from his doctor of adhesive capsulitis. He reports he was also prescribed a course of physical therapy and tried it for "a few sessions". Dave tells John if the massage is more effective than the physical therapy, he will stop going to the PT appointments. How should John respond? A. Explain that the two types of therapy can be very beneficial working together. B. Tell Dave to discuss it with his doctor before stopping physical therapy. C. Support Dave's decision to forgo physical training and use massage. D. Both a and b

D. Both a and b

15. Showing up to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol is against the: A. Code of ethics B. Standards of practice C. Scope of practice D. Both a and b

D. Both a and b 在药物或酒精的影响下上班不利于: A.道德规范 B.实践标准 C.实践范围

45. A practitioner overhears a colleague telling his client in the post-massage consultation that they should schedule another appointment in the next few days, and he can try harder at the next visit to get that S-I joint to adjust. What should the practitioner do now? A. Ignore what was overheard as it was confidential. B. Ask to speak privately with the colleague and remind him that manipulations are not within the LMT scope of practice. C. Go directly to office management and inform them. D. Both b and c are appropriate.

D. Both b and c are appropriate.

68. A client leaves her underwear on during a massage and has specifically asked for work on the gluteals to help with low back and hip pain. How should the therapist proceed? A. Proceed by working underneath the waistband of the undergarment as far as possible. B. Stop the session, instruct the client to take off her underwear before resuming. C. Do not work on the gluteals in this session and plan for the next session. D. Confirm the client's wishes, get additional informed consent and work over the fabric.

D. Confirm the client's wishes, get additional informed consent and work over the fabric. 一位客户在按摩时穿着内衣,并特别要求按摩臀部以缓解下背部和臀部疼痛。治疗师应该怎么做? 答:尽量在内衣的腰带下面工作。 停止治疗,指导病人脱下内衣再继续治疗。 C.不要在这一节做臀肌的锻炼,为下一节做计划。 确认客户的意愿,获得额外的知情同意,并对面料进行处理。

72. A therapist discovers a colleague is having sexual relations with his clients. What should the therapist do first? A. Call the police. B. Ignore the situation as it's outside the scope of practice. C. Confront the client and tell them this is against the law. D. Confront the colleague and encourage him to report himself to the overseeing board.

D. Confront the colleague and encourage him to report himself to the overseeing board.

75. As a therapist's first client arrives at the spa, the therapist realizes it is the same person who just cut her off in the parking lot as she was trying to park her car. At the time this happened, the therapist was outwardly angered by the action, and now realizes that the client may have audibly heard her cursing. The therapist's feelings of anger and agitation directed toward the client are an example of: A. Duality B. Depression C. Transference D. Countertransference

D. Countertransference

56. Debbie returns for her therapeutic massage session. Debbie's intake form and SOAP notes indicate that she prefers very firm pressure and a lot of trigger point work, especially in the upper shoulders. John interviews Debbie prior to the session, and she reports she felt "bruised and beat up for a few days" after the last session. Debbie wants John to do the same thing today and that she believes in the "No Pain, No Gain" theory. How should John proceed? A. Proceed with the massage as the client requests, as part of client autonomy. B. Proceed with the massage as requested but apply ice for the last 5 minutes. C. Proceed with the massage as requested but apply heat for the first 5 minutes. D. Encourage her to try other massage techniques to avoid the bruising and feelings of being beat up.

D. Encourage her to try other massage techniques to avoid the bruising and feelings of being beat up.

58. If a client threatens to use a different practitioner unless the massage therapist goes forward with a technique the therapist believes will be harmful, the therapist should: A. Proceed as the client requests to keep the client. B. Proceed with the massage but do not use the technique. C. Dismiss the client before she fires the therapist. D. Explain that it will be understandable if the client looks for a new therapist.

D. Explain that it will be understandable if the client looks for a new therapist.

12. When it is appropriate for a therapist to touch a client's genitalia? A. If the client has intractable pelvic pain. B. If the client has a pulled groin muscle. C. If the client offers a generous gratuity. D. It is never appropriate.

D. It is never appropriate.

8. When is it acceptable to apply a technique which is known to be outside the massage therapist's scope of practice? A. If the client specifically asks for it and signs a permission form. B. If the client is willing to sign a separate liability waiver. C. If the therapist's supervisor approves it. D. Never.

D. Never. 什么时候可以使用一种已知超出按摩师执业范围的技术? a .如果客户特别要求并在许可表上签字。 B.如果客户愿意签署一份独立的免责声明。 C.如果治疗师的主管批准。 d .从来没有。

20. A massage therapist works as an independent contractor for a chiropractor on the side. Wanting to growhis business, the chiropractor asks the massage therapist to refer clients for chiropractic care and offers to paythe therapist $50 for every client who is seen for an initial chiro evaluation. Is this arrangement permissible? A. Yes, as they have an independent contract. B. Yes, as referral fees are acceptable. C. Yes, if the fee is reported as income D. No, as it's a form of kickback.

D. No, as it's a form of kickback. 一个按摩治疗师作为一个脊椎指压治疗师的独立承包商工作。为了发展自己的业务,这位脊椎按摩师要求按摩师将客户介绍给他进行脊椎按摩护理,并为每一位接受初步按摩的客户支付50美元。这种安排允许吗? 答:是的,因为他们有独立的合同。 可以,因为介绍费是可以接受的。 C.可以,如果费用作为收入报告的话 D.不,因为这是一种回扣。

2. Just before leaving the spa, a client compliments a massage therapist on the quality of the massage she received. The therapist wants to post the comment and client's name in social media. Is this acceptable? 就在离开水疗中心之前,一位顾客称赞一位按摩师为她所做的按摩的质量。治疗师希望将评论和客户的名字发布到社交媒体上。这是可接受的吗? A. Yes, if the therapist and client are "friends" on social media. B. Yes, if the client "follows" the social media page for the therapist's business. C. Yes, as the client made a public statement. D. No, unless the client gives written permission.

D. No, unless the client gives written permission.

54. If a massage therapist invokes a therapist's "right of refusal"拒绝权 to give massage in a case where massage is contraindicated, which specific principle of massage therapy is upheld? A. Beneficence B. Non-beneficence C. Maleficence D. Non-maleficence

D. Non-maleficence 在按摩禁忌的情况下,如果按摩师援引按摩师的"拒绝权"来进行按摩,那么按摩治疗的具体原则是什么? 答:善行 b . Non-beneficence c .恶毒 d .无罪

4. When does the power differential begin to take place in the therapist relationship between the client and massage therapist? A. After the first massage. B. After the client is asked to pay for the service. C. When the therapist seems overbearing. D. None of the above.

D. None of the above. 在客户和按摩师之间的治疗师关系中,什么时候开始出现权力差异? A.第一次按摩后。 B.在客户被要求为服务付费之后。 C.当治疗师看起来专横的时候。

91. A client invites a therapist to her holiday party at her home. She has been talking about this party for many weeks now, and it seems very important to her. How should the therapist respond? A. Politely accept the invitation, as it's an opportunity get new clients. B. Avoid answering and deflect the conversation to another topic. C. Politely accept the invitation as long as the client/therapist relationship is kept confidential. D. Politely decline the invitation.

D. Politely decline the invitation.

40. Jane is seeing a new client today who is a surgeon at a nearby hospital. The session begins well, but within a few minutes, the client begins directing the session telling Jane what muscle groups to address and what techniques and pressure to use. Although, Jane is accommodating to her clients and how they would like the session to go,she starts feeling uncomfortable. She gets the feeling this client is testing her knowledge of anatomy and massage technique. He seems to sense her hesitation and says it seems like she needs an anatomy refresher course. Jane remembers how incompetent and ineffective she used to feel in school and is very relieved when themassage session is finished.The surgeon is exploiting which one of the following? A. Transference B. Countertransference C. Dual relationship D. Power differential

D. Power differential 能力差

9. Which of the following fails to exemplify the principle of proportionality 比例 in massage? A. Asking follow-up questions about a client's condition B. Charging a client for services provided. C. Requiring a doctor's authorization for certain conditions D. Recommending a daily massage.

D. Recommending a daily massage.9. 下列哪一项没有体现出按摩中的比例原则? 询问有关病人情况的后续问题 B.向客户收取服务费用。 C.某些情况需要医生的授权 D.建议每日按摩。

29. Jill received a gift certificate for a massage from a friend who has been going to the massage therapist for several years. During the massage, which was generally comfortable and professional, the massage therapist held a conversation with Jill which centered on the therapist's difficulties with various areas of his life. Which boundary did the therapist cross with Jill? A. Physical Boundary B. Sexual Boundary C. Energetic Boundary D. Social Boundary

D. Social Boundary

17. A client calls to say he is not feeling well with a slight fever, headache and cough. He wants to know if he should still come in for his appointment. What should the therapist advise? A. Tell the client to take some fever reducing medicine and keep the appointment. B. Offer to add some essential oils to the session for his symptoms. C. Inform the client that you have had a flu shot so keep the appointment. D. Tell the client it is best to reschedule the session when he is free from symptoms.

D. Tell the client it is best to reschedule the session when he is free from symptoms.

32. A practitioner provides massage therapy for a local sports team. An injured player is seeing the practitioner in hopes of being able to play in the next game, which is tomorrow. After the session, the player asks the practitioner if he'll be able to play. How should the practitioner respond? A. If the player shows improvement, then the practitioner should tell him he can play. B. The practitioner should evaluate the player's movements on the field and then decide. C. The practitioner may approve it if a doctor signs off on it. D. The practitioner is not able to make this decision and should refer the player to a doctor.

D. The practitioner is not able to make this decision and should refer the player to a doctor.

51. Within a massage session, the client begins to discuss her very strained relationship with her mother. The client mentions what a burden it is to listen to her mother complain and criticize her all the time and that this is really causing a lot of anxiety and stress which is why she's scheduling more frequent massage sessions. The client asks for advice on what to say to her mother the next time she calls. The practitioner has a similar relationship with a family member and understands how hurtful this can be. Wanting to be helpful, how should the practitioner respond? A. The practitioner should advise the client based on the practitioner's experience. B. The practitioner should tell the client that she is welcome to vent anytime she needs an ear to listen. C. The practitioner should ask the client not to speak during the massage treatment session, as it's counterproductive. D. The practitioner should explain that the session time is for relaxation and attempt to lead the client through calming and stress reduction techniques.

D. The practitioner should explain that the session time is for relaxation and attempt to lead the client through calming and stress reduction techniques.

71. A client comes in for her appointment and says her arm is sore. She is preparing to travel abroad and says she has just received required immunizations.免疫接种;防疫注射 The therapist is opposed to all forms of immunization. How should the therapist react to this? A. Inform the client that vaccines are harmful and that the therapist opposes them. B. Tell the client she must reschedule her appointment. C. Inform the client, as a matter of a therapist's autonomy, to find a different therapist. D. The therapist should avoid the sore area and not express personal opinions.

D. The therapist should avoid the sore area and not express personal opinions. 一个客户来赴约,说她的手臂酸痛。她正在准备出国旅行,她说她刚刚接受了所需的免疫接种。这位治疗师反对一切形式的免疫接种。治疗师应该如何回应? 告诉病人疫苗是有害的,治疗师反对接种。 告诉客户她必须重新安排她的约会。 C.告知客户,作为一个治疗师的自主权,去寻找另一个治疗师。 D.治疗师应该避开疼痛区域,不要表达个人意见。

100. What is the difference between values and morals?A. Values deal with absolutes and morals are situational. B. Values are situational and morals are absolutes. C. Values concern what's right and wrong and morals are what's important to a person. D. Values are what's important to a person and morals concern what's right and wrong.

D. Values are what's important to a person and morals concern what's right and wrong. 价值观和道德之间的区别是什么?价值观与绝对有关,道德则是情境性的。 价值观是情境性的,道德是绝对的。 价值观关心什么是对和错,道德是什么对一个人来说是重要的。 价值观对一个人来说是重要的,道德关注的是对与错。

31. A practitioner is preparing to leave the room to allow her client to disrobe and get draped on the table. The client says, "You don't have to leave." Is it necessary for the practitioner to leave the massage room as the client undresses? A. No, as long as the practitioner turns away from the client. B. No, if the client says it's okay, then the practitioner can stay in the room. C. No, unless the practitioner needs to wash her hands. D. Yes

D. Yes 一名医生正准备离开房间,让她的客户脱去衣服,躺在桌子上。客户说:"你不必离开。"当客户脱衣服时,医生是否有必要离开按摩室? 答:不需要,只要医生远离客户。 B.不,如果客户说可以,那么医生就可以呆在房间里。 C.不,除非医生需要洗手。 d .是的

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