~MC-Central Rules~

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A large amount of users quickly spamming the server chat. Severity 3 + IP Ban

Hacks found in Screenshare

A staff member discovers active use of a hacked client on MCCentral during the screenshare or directly prior to the screenshare. Severity 3

Bug Exploiting (Minor)

Abuse of plugins / features to gain an unfair advantage over others. Severity 1

Bug Exploiting (Severe)

Abuse of plugins / features to gain an unfair advantage over others. Severity 3


Any use of AutoFishing whether it's part of an illegal modification or a hacked client. Severity 3


Any use of X-Ray whether it's apart of an illegal modification, hacked client or texture pack. Also punishable if found in a screenshare in the Minecraft folder, even if it wasn't currently in use. Severity 3

Racial / Religious / Political Disputes

Arguing over race, religion, or politics in public chat. Severity 2

Ghosting (Ultra Hardcore)

Being a spectator in UHC and giving an unfair advantage to a player who is still alive in the match. Staff have to record the incident. Both the player who is spectating and the player who benefits from it will be punished. Severity 2

Abuse of Another User / Disrespect

Being intentionally abusive and disrespectful towards other players. Severity 1 (Warning Required)


Constant arguing in public chat. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

Inappropriate Builds

Creating a build to offend another player or generally offensive, explicit or racial builds. Inappropriate faction base art is also punishable. Severity 2 (Punishable if the creator of the build can be traced. With logs, video recording etc.)

DDoSing / DOXing

DDosing or DOXing other members of the community. FULL BLACKLIST

Death Threats / Encouraging Suicide / Encouraging Self-Harm

Encouraging suicidal acts or putting death threats on other players. Encouraging other players to go hurt themselves in real life. Severity 2 (Not punishable if the message is clearly talking about an in-game death.)

Excessive Use of CAPS/Unicode

Excessive use of capitalized words or Unicode characters in a message. Capitalizing 5 or more words in a message or using 8 or more Unicode characters. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

Map Exploiting

Exploiting the design of a map to give oneself an unfair advantage over others. Severity 1

Mute Bypass

Finding a way to bypass a mute in public chat or private messages. Talking through signs or items is allowed. Severity 2

Bypassing Chat Filter

Finding a way to bypass the chat filter. Bypassing racial slurs is a Severity 2 offence. Quoting these words is also punishable. Severity 1 (No Warning Required)

Ban Evading

Having 2 more more account banned on the server simultaneously under the same IP. (Can appealed in 6 months after the IP Ban.)

Mute Evading

Having 3 or more accounts muted on the server simultaneously under the same IP. IP BAN (Can be appealed in 6 months after the IP Ban.)

Excessive Chat Offences

Having 40 or more Chat Offences or Warnings combined. Only warnings and mutes within the last 2 years count towards this limit. After being unmuted, the player is allowed to have 5 Chat Offences or Warnings before being muted again for Excessive Chat Offences. Severity 3 (Can be appealed in 6 months after the mute.)

Inappropriate/Offensive Username or Skin

Having a username or skin that is offensive, inappropriate or racial. Includes usernames that have a blacklisted word in them. Permanent Ban. (Can be appealed after changing the username or skin. If the user does it again, the ban can only be appealed after 6 months.)

(Fake Hacks in Screenshots

If a player has a watermark of a hacked client or a text such as "KillAura enabled" on their screen, they can be banned, even if the text is from another modification. Severity 3

Encouraging Spam

Instructing or encouraging users to spam message(s) in public chat. Severity 1 (No Warning Required)

Gameplay Trolling

Instructing players to do things that result in an unexpected outcome in gameplay. Severity 1 (Gameplay Trolling with the /pay scam is allowed on Prison and Factions.)

Creating Lag or Crashing the Server

Intentionally creating lag or causing a crash. Severity 3

Team Killing

Intentionally killing members of the same team in Minigames or Ultra Hardcore (UHC). Severity 2

Staff Trolling

Knowingly wasting a staff member's time by asking them questions or nagging them about non-staff related matters. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

~Miscellaneous Punishments~


~Chat offences~


~Gameplay Offences~

Offences from gameplay

Group Spam

Player sends a message that is intended to participate in spam, after staff have warned everyone verbally not to participate in the group spam. This punishment is also used for players who reply to players who have Encouraged Group Spam. Severity 1 (Warning Required). Reported Group Spam does not require a verbal warning before punishment.

Impersonating Staff Members

Pretending to be a member of staff, with for example fake staff tags. Severity 1 (No Warning Required)

~Client Modification Offences~

Punishments based on Client Modifications

Physical Obstruction of Others

Purposefully, and physically blocking another user as a disruption. Severity 2

Obstruction of Server

Purposely blocking the operation of the server or staff. This includes disobeying the instructions of a staff member. This punishment is not limited to the examples on the right. Auction House rules: - Allowed to have up to 5 items which advertise a plot or an island. If there are more, the extra ones get removed by staff. - No items which are meant to scam others. (Allowed on Prison and Factions). - No inappropriate items. Severity 2


Purposely destroying the builds of other users or stealing items without permission. Severity 3 (Griefing is allowed on Prison and Factions!)

Excessive Accusations

Repeatedly accusing someone of hacking, scamming or breaking the rules, after being asked to stop. Telling staff members to spectate a hacker is allowed, as this isn't excessive. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

Character Spam

Sending 2 or more messages with multiple unnecessary characters, making the message long and annoying. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

Fake Messages

Sending fake messages in an attempt to trick players. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

Unrelated Links

Sending links that aren't related to MCCentral in public chat. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

Inappropriate Links

Sending offensive or inappropriate links in chat. Severity 2

Leaking Personal Information

Sending personal information of another user. These may include full name, address or IP address. Leaking fake personal information is also punishable. Also punishable if the personal information is sent to the user whose information it is. Severity 3 (Can be appealed in 6 months after the mute.)

Chat Flooding

Sending several messages in chat (5-6+) in chat causing it to flood chat with a user's message(s). The activity of the chat and the context of the messages can be taken into consideration when issuing the punishment. Severity 2


Sending three or more similar messages within the chat box or in a short period of time. This includes countdowns. Severity 1 (Warning Required)


Sharing the IP address, the website address, TeamSpeak 3 IP, Discord link or web store link (etc.) of another server. Advertising with fake IPs or addresses is also punishable. If a user accidently pastes a server IP in chat, they can appeal it after 1 month. Severity 3 (Can be appealed in 6 months after the mute.)

Command Spam

Spamming commands so that there are 3 or more messages sent in the chat. Severity 1

TPA Spamming

Spamming teleport requests to another player. Revokes access to the /sell command permanently. (Can be appealed in 1 month after being issued.)

Insiding on Factions

Taking valuable items from the faction that you are in. Permanent Ban (Can be appealed after the Factions season ends.)

Discussing Unapproved Deals

Talking about an unapproved IRL deal or trade in public chat. Only Trades that include web store items and in-game items are allowed. Severity 1 (Warning Required)

Explicit Conversation

Talking about inappropriate or explicit topics. Severity 2

Teaming / Cross Teaming

Teaming with another player or players in solo mode. Teaming with a player who belongs to another team in team mode. Punishable in Team Skywars, Team CakeWars, Ultra Hard Core, and Capture the flag. Severity 2 (Teaming is allowed if there are only 2 players left in the game, as it doesn't affect the gameplay at that point. Severity 2

DDoS Threats / Rat Threats / DOX Threats / Swat Threats

Threatening to DDoS / Rat / DOX / Swat a player. Severity 3 (can only be witnessed by staff or reported with /Chatreport.)

Completing Unapproved Deals

Trading something other than in-game goods or web store items.


Tricking someone into thinking something other than what was intended. Severity 3 (Scamming is allowed on Prison and Factions!)

Death Trapping

Tricking users into dying or into entering a trap which leads into their in-game death. Severity 3 (Death Trapping is allowed on Prison and Factions.)


Trying to compromise personal information or accounts with for example phishing links. Severity 3 (Can be appealed in 6 months after the mute.)

Unapproved Client Modification

Use of any client modification which is not on our approved modifications list. Severity 1

Using ToggleSneak

Use of the toggle sneak feature of a modification. Severity 1

Refusal to Screenshare

User refuses to join Discord for screensharing or disobeys the staff member during the screenshare. Severity 3 (Players have up to 5 minutes to join the Screenshare Discord after being frozen in-game. Only a staff member can issue any sort of punishments when it comes to screensharing. A regular user cannot use this rule against another player to get them banned.)

Excessive Inappropriate Language

Using 3 or more cuss words in a message. Severity 1 (No Warning Required)


Using an external program or macro to increase click speed / clicks per second. Severity 3 (Players have to be screenshared by staff before a ban for Autoclicking in PvP. Screensharing does not apply to mob farm autoclicking.)

Any Use of a Hacked Client

Using any hacked client. Hacking a hacked client is enough for a ban, no hacks need to be enabled. Severity 3

Macros / Scripting

Using macros other that for use of chatting or other aesthetic purposes. Using a script that runs a command in a pattern. (For example scripting kits or AutoSelling.) Severity 2

Account Grinding

Using other accounts to farm kills, stats or money ect. All players who are involved in the Account Grinding will be punished. Severity 2

Racial Slurs / Discrimination

Using racist / derogatory words and discriminating people. Severity 2

Abuse of /Chatreport

using the Chatreport system as a joke or using it repeatedly for submiting non-chat offenses by a user. Severity 2

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