Med lit

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APA format for professional paper

paper title author names author affiliations author note running head (all CAPS, left aligned) page number

when should present tense be used?

describing general knowledge conveying personal views/ideas interpretation, introduction conclusion

what are common grammar errors

errors w/verb tense awkward sentence structure


if premise is true, the conclusion must be true


if the premise is true, the conclusion is probably true

how do you format a long quote?

in block text w/o quotation marks quote on new line w/ 1/2 L indentation double spaced

how should degrees of freedom be formatted?

in parentheses

ad populum

spurious appeals to nationalism, religion, status instead of addressing the issue

ad hominem

attacking the person rather than the argument

what do you need to cite for short direct quotes?

author, year of publication, page number

what should the confidence interval have?


Plagiarism occurs when you do the following

change a few words from a copied passage w/o citing the source reproduce quotations without using quotation marks or citing the source restate someone else's idea in your own words without citing the source


changing the subject

in ANOVA table, what does the footnote do?

explain p threshold

alignment for numbers designating figures and tables

flush left

what does a level 3 format look like?

flush left, bold italic, title case heading text begins as new paragraph

what does a level 2 format look like?

flush left, bold, title case heading text begins as new paragraph

reference defintion

general term, a phrase or notation used to direct reader to another part of the text OR to another resource

Researchers are obligated to treat all study participants (both humans and nonhuman animals) in a __________ manner.

humane and ethical

where are tables/figures located in an IMRAD paper

in the results section

how do you format sequential, chronological lists

indented and with numbered lists

What information is ethically important to include in an author note to an article?

information that was reported previously by the authors of the article a statement regarding conflict of interest acknowledgment of contributions made by others that did not constitute authorship

what does IMRAD stand for

introduction methods results (and) discussion

in an ANOVA table, what is in parentheses

mean square errors

Which of the following citation errors are usually not considered plagiarism if they are attributable to an editorial oversight?

misspelling an author's name forgetting or mistyping an element in a reference list entry citing a source in the text that does not have a corresponding reference list entry

tell me about the abstract page in APA...

new page after title page running head centered "Abstract" then begin on new line, no indent

how long should a running head be? where do you find one?

no more than 50 words in professional papers

When does copyright protection begin?

once the article is written or typed on a page

How many spaces should you use after a period at the end of a sentence in an APA Style paper?


What pronoun should you use when you are writing about an individual whose gender is unknown or irrelevant to the context of your paper?

use the singular "they"

When should you use quotation marks with quotations from other works?

when the quotation is less than 40 words long

Typeface and font size should be..

Serif or sans serif Accessible and widely used used consistent throughout paper

All sections of an APA Style paper start on a new page, except for which section?

Tables and figures may be embedded within the text after they are first mentioned.

What are the advantages of using parenthetical citations?

They keep the focus on the material rather than on who produced it. They allow you to cite multiple works at a time. They allow you to integrate information from multiple sources.

Where are page numbers located

Top right header

T/F: In APA Style, page numbering starts at "1" on the title page.


T/F: The year of publication should be included in parentheses when an author is named in the text and a full citation is required. For example: "Lastname (year) argued that...".


T/F: When citing one or two authors in-text, never use et al.; instead, always provide the author(s)' names.


What should you do to avoid plagiarism and self-plagiarism?

cite all work, even your own previous work

what are avoided in tables in APA formatting?

vertical lines

what does level 1 format look like?

Centered, bold, title case heading text begins as new paragraph


-helps collect and curate research material -still costs money -can organize library -can add to library by searching w/keywords


-charges for online storage -claims that other platforms depend upon its own source code -has over 30 languages -developers were sued in 2008

how many references are customary?


Choose the correct in-text citation format for a direct quotation: A. (2013, p. 4) B. (Johnson, 2013, p. 4) C. (Johnson, 2013)


what is a URL

specifies a location of digital info on the internet and can be found in the address bar of browser

what do you do if there is no page number to be referenced

use a paragraph number

T/F: Any conflict of interest, such as economic and commercial interests in a product or service discussed in a paper, should be disclosed in an author note.


citation can also be called

bibliographic reference

what are the four mandated APA sections?

title abstract body references

what do you do if no author?

use a shortened title of the work

what is the width around a figure with 2 columns

4.25-8.875 in

T/F: In-text citations to paraphrased text must provide page/paragraph numbers.


what is the AMA style in EndNote listed as?


What should you do if you want to reproduce a table or figure from another work?

Secure permission to reprint the table or figure, if necessary, and provide a copyright attribution in the table or figure note.

How to improve your note-taking to avoid plagiarism?

Use reference management software to keep track of notes. Keep notes separate from your paper. Always include the source when copying and pasting.

alignment for section titles (like abstract and references)

centered and bold

what is a DOI

digital object finder can be found in a database

Bibliography definition

may also include citations of sources not used explicitly in the work but suggested for further reading

When do you need to provide citations

when quoting another work when paraphrasing another work when providing background info when defining key words reproducing or adapting visual displays use or refer to others' data or your own previously published data

When should you use paraphrasing in your writing?

when summarizing relevant details when synthesizing ideas from multiple sources

What should authors do before sharing their data? (2 things)

Evaluate the data and delete any personal information that might make it possible to identify a participant. Evaluate the data and delete any personal information that might make it possible to identify a participant.

T/F: When providing two or more authors' names in a parenthetical citation, use "and" to join the names, not the ampersand symbol. For example, (Lastname, Lastname, and Lastname, year, p. X).

False! Use ampersand w/in intext citation ("and" is used in narrative citation

who uses JabRef

LaTeX writers

T/F: In APA Style, running heads are not required in student essays unless an instructor requires them.



-chrome based extension and has extension integration (Chrome, Google Doc, Scholar) -convertible w/Mendeley, Zotero, Papers -again money -"Gmail for your papers" -find most cited papers and organize -pdf based -can search library to add citations quickly


-founded in 2007 -purchased by Elsevier in 2013 -costs monies (more than Zotero) but has some free platforms -automatically generates bibliographies -helps find relevant papers based on your readings -has an extension plug in so you can build a library


-windows only -Swiss -free version is limited to 100 ref -fxn w/word -extensive annotations

how many words is a long quote?


Choose the correct format for citing personal communication: A. (J. Johnson, personal communication, September 3, 2013) B. (Johnson, personal communication, September 3, 2013) C. (J. Johnson, email, September 3, 2013)


who uses Scor'd

business dudes

what does citation management software help with

facilitates storage, organization and formatting of references

logic is often fraught with what?


What kinds of words should be capitalized in an APA Style paper?

first word of a sentence names of racial and ethnic groups trade names and brand names sounds followed by numerals or letters

what are three of the most common problems with writing

grammar organizational rhetorical

is there a heading for the introduction?

No! simply has the title of the paper centered in heading caps and bold

Citation Definition

more specific; written reference to a work that clearly and uniquely identifies its: title, author, publication date and document in which it can be found

is a running head found in a student or professional paper?


what is SciWheel for?

scientific research

indentation for block quotes is


what is the alignment for headings

Level 1: centered and bold Level 2 & 3: left Level 4 & 5: indented

What does an in-text citation include?

last name of author and date

when should past tense be used?

referring to existing research or others when summarizing giving results

what should you do to references with long titles

should be in italics

Who is responsible for ensuring that any errors in a published work are noted in a correction notice?

the author(s)

is list was not serial how would you format it

with bullet points

do you capitalize the title of a reference with if >4 words?


Is the passive voice allowed in APA Style?

yes but try to use the active voice when possible

Page margins should be:

At least 1 in on all sides

is the first line of the abstract indented?


what should NOT be included in the discussion section

- restatement of results - claims not supported by research - introduction of new concepts/terms not previously mentioned - speculation that is not consistent w/results

What are required elements of a student title page?

paper title author name author affiliation course number and name instructor name assignment due date page number

what should not be addressed in the methods section

-discussion or extensive rationale for methods & extraneous detail - descriptions of prior procedures - speculation regarding alternative methods or findings - explanations or hx of research in the field

what should not be included in results section?

-repition of experimental procedures - extensive explanation, interpretation or speculation - incidental data - references should be avoided or kept to a minimum

what two things do most journals require

-section that facilitates searching -section for references/supplements/acknowledgements

appendix labels and title indentation


how many decimal places should numbers be rounded to?

2 decimal places

what is the width around a figure with 1 column

2-3.24 in

A digital object identifier (DOI) is:

A unique alpha-numeric identifier that provides a persistent link to the resource's location

If the cited resource doesn't provide a publication or copyright date, which of the following options is correct? A. (Lastname, no date, p. X) B. No citation is necessary C. (Lastname, n.d., p. X)

C (Lastname, n.d, p. x)

How wide should the header and footer be

Can use words default setting, usually 0.49 in

T/F: Title of the document is located only on the title page

False. Should be center and bold on title page as well as at the top of the first full page of text

Formatting for a level 2 section heading

Flush left, boldface, upper and lowercase text

What describes the correct ways to format your APA Style paper?

Use a legible and widely available font. Double-space your paper. Use 1-in. margins on every side of your paper. Indent most paragraphs of your paper 0.5 in from the left margin.

Which of the following are effective strategies to make your writing clearer?

Use words and phrases consistently. Use direct, declarative sentences. Make logical comparisons by using parallel sentence structure.

The first line of every new paragraph should be:

Left-aligned and indented one tab space (usually 0.5 inch or 1.27 cm)

The alignment of text should be:

Left-aligned with a ragged right edge (the text begins at the left margin and the spacing at the right margin is uneven)

T/F: When mentioning a source with at least three authors in a sentence in either a parenthetical citation or in the sentence text, only the first author's name and et al. should be provided: "Lastname et al. (year) argued that...".


When you write a list of three or more items, what punctuation (if any) should you use before the final item?

a comma (or a semicolon if an item already contains a comma)

When writing about people with disabilities, what kind of language should you use?

either or both person-first or identity-first language, unless or until you know that a person or group prefers one approach—in which case, use the preferred approach

There are additional ethical considerations when sharing ____________ data because it often involves presenting raw data in the paper.


When should you use direct quotations in your writing?

to reproduce an exact definition when an author has said something memorably or succinctly to respond to the way in which something was said and not just the idea behind it

how should p-values be enclosed?

with parentheses

how many words should the abstract be


what should the indent of the first line of a paragraph be

.5 inches

Researchers publishing in APA journals should look to what resource to ensure that they are following ethical guidelines regarding data retention and sharing?

APA Ethics Code

If the only way to cite a source is through a secondary source citation, which of the following citations is the correct formatting? In the examples below, Lastname1 refers to the author of the text you read, whereas Lastname2 refers to the secondary author quoted by Lastname1. A. (Lastname1, year, p. X) B. (Lastname2, year, as cited in Lastname1, year, p. X) C. (Lastname2, year, p. X) D. (Lastname2, as cited in Lastname1, year, p. X)

B. (Lastname2, year, as cited in Lastname1, year, p. X)

If the author's last name and the year of publication are provided in the signal phrase before a quotation, what information is required in the parenthetical citation? For example: "Lastname (year) noted that, "quotation text" (what should be here?). A. The URL where the resource was retrieved B. No citation is necessary C. (p. X) or (para. X) D. (page X) or (paragraph X

B. (p. X) or (para. X)

If the cited resource doesn't have an identified author, what information should be provided in the in-text citation? A. No citation is necessary B. (Anonymous, year, p. X) C. (The first few words of the title of the resource, year, p. X)

C. (The first few words of the title of the resource, year, p. X)

correct formatting for a level 1 section heading:

Centred, boldface, uppercase and lowercase text

When citing a direct quotation from an ebook that doesn't have page numbers, which of the following is the correct approach to indicating the location of the information within the ebook? A. A paragraph number B. A heading plus a paragraph number within the section C. An abbreviated heading in quotation marks if the original heading is long D. Any of these options, depending on how the information is presented within the book.

D. Any of the above

What is correct line spacing?

Double spaced throughout, including block quotations and references

T/F: introduction should be labeled with a level 1 heading

False, assumed first paragraph is intro

Where are in-text citations placed in an APA Style essay?

In round brackets after quotations or paraphrases

where are tables/figures located in APA format

after body of paper

What are the strategies for removing personally-identifying information from participant data?

altering specific characteristics limiting description of specific characters using composites

what is the alignment for the title page


What should you do if your work is flagged as containing plagiarism?

communicate calmly and honestly review the academic integrity policies of your institution

in an ANOVA table, what do asterisks represent

statistical significance

what is the most common error with a lit review?

summarizing your references

APA format for a student paper

title pf paper names of all authors school/institution course number, colon & title instructor's name due date page number (top right) **all centered, 1 double space b/t title and author

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