Medieval Europe

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These organizations developed in the Middle Ages in order to protect professionals from competition from others, to provide support to one another, and to ensure quality product.


What was the primary task that these mills did during the Middle Ages?

Grind grain

Which man took over the land of England in 1066?

William the conquer

Identify one technology that was essential to the Energy Revolution of the high middle ages.

Windmill and Watermill

What is the Spanish term for those individuals who had converted to Catholicism from Islam or Judaism?


What notion was popularized by Eleanor of Aquitaine?

Courtly love

Which two individuals united Spain when they married?

Isabella and Ferdinand

Why were more people able to move to the cities in the High Middle Ages?

Because agriculture had become more efficient

Identify one reason why a code of chivalry might have benefited Europe?

Because it controlled knight's behavior when they didn't have much to do (after the barbarian invasions stop)

Identify one other purpose of the Inquisition in Europe.

. It killed people political dissenters.

Beginning of the high Middle Ages

1000 CE

In what year did the High Middle Ages begin?

1000 CE

Battle of hastings


Beginning of the crusades


France begins to centralize under philip II


Sacking constantinople


In what year was the Magna Carta signed?


Signing of the magna carta


Hundred years war


In approximately what year did the Black Death first hit Western Europe?


Black death in europe


European schism


In what century did both of the countries, The Holy Roman Empire/Germany and Italy, unify?


Approximately how many years after the first schism did the second schism occur?

300. The first schism happened in 1054, the second in 1378

What event precipitated this alignment?

A Russian leader married the sister of the Byzantine Emperor

What causes the Black Death?

A bacteria carried in fleas on rats

What was one consequence of the European schism?

A decline in the authority of the church

Approximately how many years after England did France really start to centralize?

About 100. Philip starts to centralize in 1180, whereas William takes over and starts to centralize England in 1066.

Identify two important trends/events in the High Middle Ages.

Agricultural revolution, energy revolution, rise of universities, increase in the power of guilds, Building or Romanesque and then later Gothic Cathedrals, building of many of the great castles, rise in philosophy and scholasticism, Courtly Love, the Crusades, rise of the merchant/burgher class, growth of cities, etc.

What is an interdict

An order by the pope to forbid priests from giving the sacraments to the people.

Scholasticism attempted to reconcile the words of the Bible with the writings of this Greek philosopher


What was the name of the battle in which William won England?

Battle of Hastings

Why did England have territory in France?

Because William of Normandy (before he conquered England) was a noble in France and because other English royalty and nobility had come from France.

Why did the black death end feudalism?

Because the need for labor was such that peasants could demand more freedom and wages

Why would this trend eventually weaken feudalism?

Because these new cities were eventually able to argue for more political and economic autonomy from local feudal lords. This weakened the traditional aristocracy of Europe.

Identify one way in which the first schism was similar to the second schism and one way in which they were different

Both schisms were fundamentally over who had power in the Church. The second schism was much shorter, no new sects were created in the second schism, and there were no doctrinal differences in the second schism.

What was the code of knightly conduct developed during the High Middle Ages?


Identify the main cause of the Hundred Years War.

Conflict between England and France over territory in what is now modern day France.

What was a major cause of the Great Famine of 1315?

Decrease in temperatures and a spate of bad weather

During the High Middle Ages, Russia accepted this sect of Christianity

Eastern Orthodox

Name one change in military strategy that occurred during the Hundred Years War.

English began relying on the longbow and foot soldiers instead of knights. Later, firearms (cannons) were incorporated into warfare.

What was the name of the equivalent body in France?

Estates General

True or False: According to most scientists, the global warming we are experiencing right now seems to be generally in line with other patterns of global warming and cooling.

False: It is much hotter than it ever has been before according to many scientists.

These individuals beat themselves in public in order to do penance for the sins that supposedly caused the Black Death


During the European Schism, there were two popes. From which two countries were those popes from?

France and Italy

What was the type of architecture developed in the later half of the High Middle Ages?


What was the common first name of both of the kings who got into major trouble with the Church during the High Middle Ages?


Identify one thing that Hus criticized the Church for.

Indulgences, Crusades, Corruption, power of the pope

How was courtly love different than the concepts of romantic love that had come before? How is it different from today?

It asserted that romantic love (even-or especially-if never fulfilled) had a positive impact on society and was not sinful (as the church had asserted.) Today, we believe that romantic love should ideally end in marriage, whereas during the High Middle Ages, romantic love occurred in spite of marriage (and outside of it).Courtly love encouraged what we would call extra-marital "emotional affairs" which are generally seen as harmful to relationships today.

What special role did the Inquisition serve in Spain that it did not serve as much in the rest of Europe?

It served to monitor recently converted Jews and Muslims to ensure that they were consistent with the Catholic faith.

The Flagellants then encouraged people to turn against this group of people who were massacred in large numbers.


Which individual almost single-handedly turned around the Hundred Years War and led the French to victory over the English?

Joan of Arc

This Czech leader was burned alive for criticizing the Catholic Church.

John Hus

This king signed the Magna Carta in 1215.

King John I

Identify two long term effects of the Hundred Years War.

Kings used standing armies, which made them more powerful, foot-soldiers became more strategically important than knights, France unites and becomes more centralized, the "new monarchies" with stronger centralized authority emerges, feudalism declined as a result of the decline in power of the nobles.

During the High Middle Ages, some literature was being written in vernacular as opposed to this language.


As a result of increased trade, this medieval economic system of self-sufficiency of small communities ended.

Manorialism, Wars and Violence

As a result of an increase in trade in the High Middle Ages, settlements of these people, led to the eventual rise of cities during the medieval period (especially along the coasts)


What were the three Estates?

Nobles, Clergy, Townspeople

As a result of the Magna Carta, this body was set up in England so that the king might more easily consult with the people about taxes.


Identify two groups that gained power in the Late Middle Ages.

Peasants and Kings...although to vastly different degrees!

France began to centralize under this leader.

Philip II

What is the fate of Joan of Arc?

She is killed in the English Inquisition for being a heretic

Identify two major effects of the Black Death on Europe.

Significant loss of population, decline of feudalism, increased freedom and wages for peasants, decrease in the price of food, loss of faith in the church

The Hundred Years War occurred during which two centuries?

The 14th and 15th centuries (1337 - 1453)

Identify one reason why the kings and nobles were gaining power during this time as well.

The end of the barbarian invasions allowed them to consolidate power

For the test, it will be important to distinguish between the High and Late Middle Ages. Identify two major events that started in the Late Middle Ages.

The Black Death, The Hundred Years War, The Mini Ice Age, the Great Famine

Identify one way that agriculture became more efficient.

The Carruca (or iron tipped plow), 3 field system, new horse collar, use of the horse shoe, etc.

What led to the creation of the Inquisition in the first place?

The Cathar heresy...The Church wanted to stomp out the Cathar Heresy (which it did). The Inquisition continued for years after the Cathars were wiped out. (As aside note, the Cathars had some interesting doctrinal differences from the Catholic Church. They were pacifists,believed that married life and having children was sinful- so encouraged complete monasticism, rejected most of the Catholic sacraments and criticized the pope and the Church for its corruption.)

During the High Middle Ages, which single institution had the most power in society?

The Church

What conflict during the High Middle Ages encouraged an increase in trade?

The Crusades

Identify two instances in which Jews were killed in the Middle Ages.

The German Crusade, the takeover of Jerusalem in the First Crusade, the Black Death.

Identify two reasons why the Church lost power in the Late Middle Ages.

The Great Schism made people question the infallibility of the pope, the Black Death made people question the value of the Church, the Hundred Years War made people question whether there was something deeply wrong with Europe because Christian nations were warring against one another.

Identify one of the two countries in Western Europe that remained disunited during the Middle Ages.

The Holy Roman Empire/Germany and Italy

Identify the major war that dominated the Late Middle Ages.

The Hundred Years War

This court system tried people for heresy, often relying on torture for forced confessions.

The Inquisition

French society and the parliament was divided into these groups during the High Middle Ages.

The Three Estates

Who won in both of those conflicts?

The church

Identify two important trends that signified the end of the early middle ages and the beginning of the high middle ages.

The climate warmed up, population expanded, barbarian invasions stopped, new developments in agriculture, the use of a money economy and commercial capitalism

Henry IV of the Holy Roman Empire had to stand in the snow barefoot as a result of this conflict.

The investiture conflict

What did the king promise in the Magna Carta?

To consult with the nobles before passing taxes. This limited the power of the King.

By the end of the Late Middle Ages, feudalism had essentially ended. Identify at least two reasons why feudalism ended.

The rise of the cities as a result of increased trade weakened the power of the nobles; the Black Death killed a lot of peasants, and so there was a strong demand for serfs could demand freedom/wages or just take their own land; the new type of warfare developed during the 100 years war decreased the need for nobles and knights because standing armies could be used instead.

What did the two Fredericks do that weakened the power of the Holy Roman Empire?

They attempted to take over Rome but were defeated by the Church

What did Henry II of England and Henry IV of the Holy Roman Empire have in common besides being named Henry?

They both were in conflict with the Catholic Church and the pope.

What effect did the Hundred Years War have on nobles?

They had less status because they weren't seen as necessary for battle.

Identify one feature of these new monarchies.

They had standing armies and were relatively free from having to cater to the nobles. Centralized control by a king

Give two reasons why Jews may have been killed during the Black Death.

They were blamed for poisoning the wells, Europeans may have seen this as a way to cancel debts and gain money by stealing from the Jews they killed.

What was one aspect of Gothic architecture?

They were very tall with pointed arches, lots of stained glass windows and Walls supported with flying buttresses

Identify two reasons why the Holy Roman Empire's name is misleading.

They weren't holy because they had conflict with the church (investiture conflict), they weren't an empire because they had very little power over the German princes who ruled the various territories in the area, they weren't Roman because the main area they claimed was in Germany and they only held Rome for a very short time

Explain two changes that occurred in the realm of education and knowledge during the High Middle Ages.

Universities were built, people studied subjects other than theology, scholasticism encouraged people to try and reconcile reason and faith

What is the term for a language used in a particular region?


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