Medina 2022 Bible Bowl: Ezra

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What did the assembly of men answer when Ezra told them they had to make confession to God, do His will, and separate themselves from the pagan wives in Ezra 10:10-12?

"Yes! As you have said, so we must do."

What day did Ezra leave on his journey from Babylon to Jerusalem? (Ezra 7:9)

1st day of the 1st month

When did he arrive in Jerusalem? (Ezra 7:9)

1st day of the 5th month

When did they start giving burnt offerings to the Lord? (Ezra 3:6)

1st day of the 7th month

How many vessels of fine polished bronze did he count out? (Ezra 8:27)


They appointed Levites to oversee the project. How old did these Levites have to be? (Ezra 3:8)


How many talents of gold did Ezra weigh out to the men? (Ezra 8:26)

20 (**These gold basins were worth 1000 drachmas.**)

How many males went with Eliehoenai? (Ezra 8:4)


How many rams did they sacrifice? (Ezra 6:17)


How many people of Bigvai were there? (Ezra 2:14)


How many people of Parosh were there? (Ezra 2:3)


How many Nethinim whom David and the leaders appointed for the service of the Levites went with Ezra? (Ezra 8:20)


How many people of Hashum were there? (Ezra 2:19)


How many males went with Zechariah son of Bebai? (Ezra 8:11)


How many verses are in Ezra?


How many knives did Mithredath count out? (Ezra 1:9)


When did the Israelites start construction on the temple? (Ezra 3:8)

2nd month of the 2nd year

How many rows of heavy stones were there to be? (Ezra 6:4)


How many days did they camp at the river that flows to Ahava? (Ezra 8:15)

3 days

How many days did they stay in Jerusalem before weighing out the gold and silver? (Ezra 8:32)

3 days

How many gold basins were there? (Ezra 1:10)


Benjahaziel was of the family of Shechaniah. How many males went with him? (Ezra 8:5)


Fill in the blanks: "This is the number of them: ______ gold platters, _________ silver platters" (Ezra 1:9)

30; 1000

There were how many people of Bezai? (Ezra 2:17)


How many people of Shephatiah were there? (Ezra 2:4)


How many sons of Jeshuah the priest and his brothers took pagan wives mentioned in Ezra 10:18?


How many lambs did they sacrifice? (Ezra 6:17)


How many silver basins were there? (Ezra 1:10)


The whole assembly who came back from Babylon captivity numbered (Ezra 2:64)


How many people of Adin were there? (Ezra 2:15)


On what day was the gold and silver weighed out? (Ezra 8:33)

4th day

How many total articles of gold and silver were counted out? (Ezra 1: 11)


What month of the seventh year of the king did Ezra arrive in Jerusalem? (Ezra 7:8)

5th month

How big should the foundation be? (Ezra 6:3)

60 cubits high by 60 cubits wide

How many people of Bani were there? (Ezra 2:10)


How much silver did Ezra give the men? (Ezra 8:26)

650 denari

How many people of Adonikam were there? (Ezra 2:13)


The temple was finished in what year of king Darius' reign? (Ezra 6:15)

6th year

How many counselors does the king have? (Ezra 7:14)


How many months had come in verse one of chapter 3 when the children of Israel were in the cities? (Ezra 3:1)


How many males did Zebadiah son of Michael take with him? (Ezra 8:8)

80 (**Zebadiah was of the family of Shephatiah.**)

How many people of Zattu were there? (Ezra 2:8)


What was the reason the adversaries of the tribes Benjamin and Judah gave to help the sons of the captivity build the temple? (Ezra 4:2)

"We seek your God as as you do"

Who was the last (oldest) person mentioned in the genealogy of Ezra? (Ezra 7:5)

Aaron, the chief priest

Where was the scroll found? (Ezra 6:2)


The temple was finished on the third day of what month? (Ezra 6:15)


Whose family was Ebed son of Jonathan of and how many males did he take? (Ezra 8:6)

Adin; 50

How far off could you hear the shouting of the people? (Ezra 3:13)

Afar off

In the beginning of what kings reign did they write an accusation against the people of Judah and Jerusalem? (Ezra 4:6)


Ezra gathered at the river that flows to where? (Ezra 8:15)


What was the first sentence of the letter Tattenai wrote to king Darius? (Ezra 5:7)

All Peace

What did Cyrus say that God had given him in verse 2? (Ezra 1:2)

All of the kingdoms of the earth

What did Ezra say that God's hand had delivered them from? (Ezra 8:31)

Ambush along the road & The hand of the enemy

What did Jeshua and Zerubbabel build? (Ezra 3:2)

An altar of God

Whose property would be confiscated and who would be separated from the assembly in Ezra 10:8?

Anyone who wouldn't gather at Jerusalem in 3 days

There were 775 people in what city? (Ezra 2:5)


What script was the above letter written in? (Ezra 4:7)


All those around encouraged them with with which of the following items? (Ezra 1:6)

Articles of gold and silver, goods and livestock, and other precious things

Ezra did which things because he was mourning because of the guilt of those from the captivity who had taken pagan wives? (Ezra 10:6)

Ate no bread & Drank no water

Who were the grandfather and great grandfather of Ezra? (Ezra 7:1)


Where did Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon carry the captives back to? (Ezra 2:1)


Where were the treasurers stored? (Ezra 6:1)


Fill in the blank: "They also kept the Feast of _________" (Ezra 3:4)


At this time, who was the governor of the land beyond the river. (Ezra 5:3)


What question(s) did Tattenai ask to the people who were building the temple? (Ezra 5:9-10)

Tattenai asked the people: "Who commanded you to build this temple and finish these walls?" & "What are the names of the men who are chief among you?"

In verse 24 it says it is not lawful to impose what on priests, Levites, singers, gatekeepers, Nethinim, or servants of the Lord? (Ezra 7:24)

Tax, tribute, or custom

With what money did king Darius say that the cost of building the temple should be paid? (Ezra 6:8)

Taxes from the region beyond the river

Ezra prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, and to do it, and what else? (Ezra 7:10)

Teach statutes and ordinances in Israel

When was the gathering of the men of Judah and Benjamin in Jerusalem? (Ezra 10:9)

The 20th day of the ninth month

Who else celebrated the dedication of the house of God along with the children of Israel, The Priests, and the rest of the children of the captivity? (Ezra 6:16)

The Levites

In the days of Artaxerxes Bishlam, Mithredath, Tabel and who else wrote to Artaxerxes, King of Persia? (Ezra 4:7)

Their companions

Why did the Jews say that God had delivered them into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar? (Ezra 5:12)

Their fathers had provoked God

What did Ezra tell God about their iniquities and their guilt? (Ezra 9:6)

Their iniquities have risen higher than our heads & that their guilt has grown up to the heavens

Which concerns did the assembly mention as they considered putting away their pagan wives and children? (Ezra 10:13)

There are many people; It is the season of heavy rain, and they were not able to stand outside; It was not the work of a day or two for many had transgressed

Why did the Priests, Levites, and old men weep when they saw the foundation of the new temple? (Ezra 3:12)

They had seen the old temple

What did the leaders say the Israelites had done that had been an abomination? (Ezra 9:2)

They had taken their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons & mixed holy seed with peoples' of these lands

What did Tattenai, Shethar-Boznai, and their companions say to the people who were working on the temple? (Ezra 5:3)

They said, "Who has commanded you to build this temple and finish this wall?"

What did Ezra say to describe these bronze vessels? (Ezra 8:27)

They were as precious as gold

What happened to those who sought their listing among those who were registered by genealogy but were not found? (Ezra 2:62)

They were excluded from the priesthood as defiled

Continuing in his prayer in Ezra 9:10-11, Ezra said that God told them that the land they were possessing is an unclean land with unclean people. He said not to intermarry with them. If they kept away from the impurity, what was God's promise?

They would be strong; They would eat the good of the land; They would leave it as an inheritance to their children forever.

In verse 13, what did the writers of the letter say was going to happen if the city is built and the walls are completed? (Ezra 4:13)

They would not pay tax, tribute, or custom & The kings treasury would diminish

The Israelites gave food, drink and oil to the people of what city in exchange for wood? (Ezra 3:7)

Tyre and Sidon

What else was to be given at the request of the priests so they could offer sacrifices to God and pray for the life king and his sons? (Ezra 6:9)

Wine and Oil & Salt and Wheat

Along with rams and lambs, what else did king Darius order to be given to the Jews for burnt offerings? (Ezra 6:9)

Young bulls

Fill in the Blank: "To King Artaxerxes from ________, the men of the region beyond the River, and so forth" (Ezra 4:11)

Your servants

In what city were there 760 people? (Ezra 2:9)


The elders of the Jews built and prospered through the prophesying of Haggai and who else? (Ezra 6:14)


Who was the second prophet listed in Ezra 5:1?


Eliehoenai was the member of Pahath-Moab's family who went with Ezra. Who was Eliehoenai's Father? (Ezra 8:4)


Who did Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Baanah come with? (Ezra 2:2)


Who was Shealtiel's son? (Ezra 3:2)


Who did 160 males go with? (Ezra 8:10)

Ben-Josiphiah (**Ben-Josiphiah was of the family of Shelomith.**)

The adversaries of which two tribes (plus the fathers' houses) heard about the sons of the captivity building a temple to the Lord in Ezra 4:1?

Benjamin and Judah

Where was Iddo the chief man? (Ezra 8:17)


Fill in the blank: "He gave them into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, the ________" (Ezra 5:12)


Fill in the blank: "The ___________ of those who had been carried away captive, who had come from _______________, offered burnt offerings to the God of Israel..." (Ezra 8:35)

Children; captivity

What instruments did the sons of Asaph have? (Ezra 3:10)


The Jews finished the temple according to the commands of God and what kings? (Ezra 6:14)

Cyprus, Darius, and Artaxerxes

Who was the king of Persia? (Ezra 1:1)


Which of the sons of Ithamar went with Ezra to Babylon? (Ezra 8:2)


Fill in the blank: "They troubled them in building, and hired counselors against them to frustrate their purpose all the days of Cyrus king of Persia, even until the reign of ______ king of Persia." (Ezra 4:4 & 5)


What did Ezra do in addition to sitting astonished until evening sacrifice when he heard about the intermarrying that was happening within the Israelites? (Ezra 9:3,4)

Ezra fell on his knees & spread his hands to the Lord God

Whose responsibility was this matter of establishing a covenant according to Shechaniah in Ezra 10:4?


What had come upon the people of Israel? (Ezra 3:3)


Which feist does verse 22 say they kept for seven days? (Ezra 6:22)

Feast of Unleavened Bread

What did Ezra weigh out to the 12 leaders? (Ezra 8:25)

Gold & Silver (Gold, Silver, and the articles offered for the house of God)

What was Ezra supposed to carry that was sent by the king and his counselors for the Lord? (Ezra 7:15)

Gold and silver

What kind of wood did they get to build the temple? (Ezra 3:7)


Fill in the blank: "And now for a little while, ____________ has been shown from the Lord our God, to leave us a _____________ to escape..." (Ezra 9:8)

Grace; remnant

What did the king do for Ezra? (Ezra 7:6)

Grant him all of his requests

What was the first prophet listed in Ezra 5:1?


Who was Johanan's father? (Ezra 8:12)

Hakkatan (**Johanan was of the family of Azgad and he took 110 males.**)

Who went with Jeshaiah? (Ezra 8:19)


What did God do when the Israelites fasted and entreated God for protection? (Ezra 8:23)

He answered their prayer

Ezra goes on talking to God and says in Ezra 9:9 that they were slaves, but God did not forsake them in their bondage. What does he say God did for them?

He extended mercy to them in the sight of the kings of Persia; He revived them; He repaired the house of God and rebuilt it's ruins; He gave them a wall in Judah and Jerusalem

Why was Ezra ashamed to request from the king an escort of soldiers and horsemen? (Ezra 8:22)

He said the hand of the Lord was upon them

What was to be done if someone were to alter the edict? (Ezra 6:11)

He would be hanged from a timber from his house and his house be made a refuse heap

The genealogy in chapter 8 contains what kind of people? (Ezra 8:1)

Heads of their fathers' households & Those who went up with Ezra from Babylon in the reign of King Artaxerxes

Fill in the Blank: "The people of Ater of _______, ninety-eight" (Ezra 2:16)


Who did Ezra tell the people listed above to get? (Ezra 8:17)


Who was Zecheriah's father? (Ezra 5:1)


When was the money to be given to the Jews? (Ezra 6:8)


What did the scroll say about the foundation? (Ezra 6:3)

It should be firmly laid

Why did the writer of the letter want to inform the king about what was happening? (Ezra 4:14)

It was not proper to see the kings dishonor & Because they received support from the palace

Why did they build an altar of God? (Ezra 3:2)

It was written in the law of Moses & To offer burnt offerings on

Fill in the blank: "Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of _________ might be fulfilled..." (Ezra 1:1)


Where did they gather at? (Ezra 3:1)


In Ezra 10:7, they issued a proclamation throughout which lands demanding a gathering at Jerusalem?

Jerusalem & Judah

Who was Athaliah father of? (Ezra 8:7)

Jeshaiah (**Jeshaiah was of the family of Elam, and he took 70 males with him**)

Fill in the Blanks: "the people of Pahath-Moab, of the people of _________ and _______, two thousand eight hundred and twelve." (Ezra 2:6)

Jeshua; Joab

Fill in the blanks: "Then _____ with his sons and brothers, _____ with his sons, and the sons of Judah, arose as one to oversee those working on the house of God: the sons of Henadad with their sons and their brethren the Levites." (Ezra 3:9)

Jeshua; Kadmiel

Whose family was Obadiah a part of? (Ezra 8:9)

Joab (**Obadiah was the son of Jehiel and 218 males went with him.**)

Which three people opposed the plan of each person meeting with elders and judges at appointed times in Ezra 10:15?

Jonathan, Jahaziah, and Meshullam

Who was Jeshua son of? (Ezra 3:2)


Who was Jeshua's father? (Ezra 5:2)


Which of the tribes of Israel arose to go build the house of the lord in Jerusalem? (Ezra 1:5)

Judah and Benjamin (along with priests and Levites)

What was Ezra sent to inquire about? (Ezra 7:14)

Judah and Jerusalem with regard to the Law of God in Ezra's hand

What did king Darius tell Tattenai, Shethar-Boznai, and their companions to do. (Ezra 6:6)

Keep far from the work of rebuilding the temple

Which King did the scroll credit for the decree about the house of God?

King Cyrus

Who issued a decree to rebuild the house of God? (Ezra 5:13)

King Cyrus

Why did Jeshua and Zerubbabel and the rest of the fathers' houses reject the offer? (Ezra 4:3)

King Cyrus commanded them to do it alone

Who issued a decree to search the archives? (Ezra 6:1)

King Darius

What does the letter say in the heading about king Artaxerxes? (Ezra 7:12)

King of kings

What unit was used to describe how much wheat the treasurers could Ezra? (Ezra 7:22)


Fill in the blanks: "They also gave money to the masons and the carpenters, and food, drink, and oil to the people of Sidon and Tyre to bring cedar logs from ________ to the sea, to _____" (Ezra 3:7)

Lebanon; Joppa

Ezra says that God has punished them (Ezra 9:13)

Less than their iniquities deserve

What did king Darius say at the end of his decree after he said "I Darius issue a decree." (Ezra 6:12)

Let it be done diligently

What suggestion did the assembly make in order to turn away God's wrath about the taking of pagan wives? (Ezra 10:14)

Let the leaders stand and all who have taken pagan wives come and meet with the elders and the judges of the cities at appointed times.

Who was Mahli's father? (Ezra 8:18)


Fill in the blank: "Afterwards they offered the regular burnt offering, and those for ____ _______" (Ezra 3:5)

New Moons

What kind of timber was there to be one row of? (Ezra 6:4)

New Timbers

How much salt could Ezra get? (Ezra 7:22)

No Prescribed limit

What was he to do with their grain and drink offerings? (Ezra 7:17)

Offer them on the altar at the house of God in Jerusalem

Where was the temple to be rebuilt? (Ezra 5:15)

On its former site

What did the people gather together as? (Ezra 3:1)

One man

The Letter is from, among others, representatives of the nations that who captured? (Ezra 4:10)


The sons of Jedaiah, of the house of Jeshua who numbered 972 where what kind of folk? (Ezra 2:36)


Ezra was a skilled _______. (Ezra 7:6)


Who was Ezra's father? (Ezra 7:1)


Who told Ezra that there was still hope in Israel in spite of the fact that they had taken pagan wives and trespassed against God? (Ezra 10:2)

Shechaniah, son of Jehiel, son of Elam

Which of the 12 leaders did Ezra mention by name who he separated? (Ezra 8:24)

Sherebiah and Hashabiah

Which men of understanding were provided by the good hand of God from the tribe of Levi? (Ezra 8:18-20)

Sherebiah, Hashabiah, & Jeshaiah

Who laid the foundation of the temple? (Ezra 5:16)


Who was the prince of Judah to whom Mithredath counted out the items from the temple? (Ezra 1:8)


Who were the gold and silver articles that King Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem and put in the temple of Babylon given to, to put in the temple of God? (Ezra 5:14)

Sheshbazzar who was made governor

Rheum the commander and what scribe also wrote a letter to King Artaxerxes? (Ezra 4:8)


Fill in the blank: "And whoever is left in any place where he dwells, let the men of his place help him with ____ and _____..." (Ezra 1:4)

Silver and gold, also goods and livestock, besides the freewill offerings for the house God.

Since when did the adversaries of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah say they had sacrificed to God? (Ezra 4:2)

Since the days of king Esarhaddon

The sons of Asaph who numbered 128 were what kind of folk? (Ezra 2:41)


Along with the priests, Levites, and Nethinim who went to Jerusalem in the seventh year of the reign of king Artaxerxes? (Ezra 7:7)

Singers & Gatekeepers

What instruments did the priests have? (Ezra 3:10)


What did God do to the king of Assyria? (Ezra 6:22)

Turned his heart toward the Jews

In Ezra 1:1, how many years was the king of Persia into his reign?

1 year into his reign

How many chapters in Ezra?


How many bulls did they sacrifice? (Ezra 6:17)


How many talents of silver, kors of wheat, baths of wine, and baths of oil could the treasurers give Ezra? (Ezra 7:22)

100 of each

How much did the silver articles weigh? (Ezra 8:26)

100 talents

How many Israelites were mentioned in chapter 10 who had taken pagan wives, some having children with the wives? (Ezra 10:20-44)

109 in 20-44 plus 4 sons of Jeshua (113 total)

How many people of Jorah were there? (Ezra 2:18)


How many male goats did they offer as a sin offering for all Israel? (Ezra 6:17)

12 (one for each tribe)

In addition to 96 rams and 77 lambs how many goats and bulls did they offer to god? (Ezra 8:35)

12 bulls for all Israel and 12 goats as a sin offering

How many people of Azgad were there? (Ezra 2:12)


How many people were in Bethlehem? (Ezra 2:21)


How many people of Elam were there? (Ezra 2:7)


On what day did they depart from the river that flows to Ahava to go to Jerusalem? (Ezra 8:31)

12th day of the 1st month

When did the descendants of the captivity keep the passover? (Ezra 6:19)

14th day of the 1st month

How many males were registered with Zechariah? (Ezra 8:3)


Along with the gold and silver offered by the people and priests, what else was Ezra to take? (Ezra 7: 16)

A free will offering of the people & Any gold and silver found in Babylon

In the Jews answer, who did they say built the temple? (Ezra 5:11)

A great king of Israel

The eye of God was upon the Jews, so they could not cease building until what? (Ezra 5:5)

A report could go to King Darius

What other punishment was mentioned besides death, confiscation of goods, or imprisonment? (Ezra 7:26)


In what city were there 623 people? (Ezra 2:11)


Why were the people sitting in the open square of the house of God trembling? (Ezra 10:9)

Because it was raining

Who was the father of Uthai and Zabbud? ( Ezra 8:14)


Who was the treasurer at this time? (Ezra 1:8)


What did Ezra have the men tell Iddo? (Ezra 8:17)

Bring servants of the house of God

What did Cyrus say God had commanded him to do? (Ezra 1:2)

Build Him a house in Jerusalem

What did Cyrus say that the people of the Lord should do? (Ezra 1:3)

Build the house of the Lord in Jerusalem

What was Ezra supposed to buy with the money the king gave him? (Ezra 7:17)

Bulls and Rams & Lambs

How did Rheum, Shimshai, and their companions make the Jews stop construction? (Ezra 4:23)

By force of arms

Fill in the blank: "The temple of the great God, which is being built with heavy stones, and timber is being laid in the walls; and this work goes on ___________ and prospers in their hands." (Ezra 5:8)


What did Tattenai, Bosnia, and their companions do with the decree of King Darius? (Ezra 6:13)

Diligently did according to what King Darius sent

What did the people in the land try to do to the people of Judah? (Ezra 4:4)

Discourage them

Who weighed the gold, silver, and articles? (Ezra 8:33)

Meremoth, son of Uriah; Eliezer son of Phinehas; Jozabad son of Jeshua; Noadiah son of Binnui

Adonikam had 3 sons. What were their names? (Ezra 8:13)

Eliphelet Jeiel, and Shemaiah (**60 males went with them.**)

When the Israelites returned to their homeland, which cities did they return to? (Ezra 2:1)

Everyone returned to his or her own city

Some of the heads of the fathers' houses gave offerings for the house of God to erect in what way? (Ezra 2:68-69)

Freely and according to their abilities

The sons of Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita, Shobai who numbered 139 did what kind of work? (Ezra 2:42)


What did Ezra do at the end of Verse 28? (Ezra 7:28)

Gather leading men in Israel to go with him

The sons of Jeshuah and his brothers did what things to repent of taking foreign wives (Ezra 10:19)

Gave their promise to put away their wives & Presented a ram of the flock to offer for their trespass

In what city were there 95 people? (Ezra 2:20)


What does king Artaxerxes say that any Israelite in his kingdom can do? (Ezra 7:13)

Go to Jerusalem

How often did the children of Israel offer burnt offerings to the Lord? (Ezra 3:3)

In the morning & In the evening

Who was Ezra supposed to appoint to judge the people? (Ezra 7:25)

Magistrates and judges

What were the king's orders in verse 21? (Ezra 4:21)

Make them cease construction

Which people were not included in the number? (Ezra 2:65)

Male and female servants; Men and women singers

Who did the Israelites give money to? (Ezra 3:7)

Masons & Carpenters

What province was Achmetha in? (Ezra 6:2)


What did Ezra describe Joiarib and Elnathan as? (Ezra 8:16)

Men of Understanding ; ***Note: In addition to Joiarib and Elnathan, Ezra sent for Eliezer, Ariel, Shemaiah, Elnathan, Jarib, Elnathan, Nathan, Zechariah, and Meshullam who were all listed as men of understandingin verse 16.***

King Cyrus brought out the articles of the house of the Lord that what king had seized from Jerusalem? (Ezra 1:7)


In verse 36, what did it say that they delivered to the king's satraps. (Ezra 8:6)

The king's orders

Who/what was going to pay for the construction of the temple? (Ezra 6:4)

The king's treasury

If they need more money, where are they supposed to get it? (Ezra 7:20).

The kings treasury

Ezra was a skilled scribe in what? (Ezra 7:6)

The law of Moses

Haggai and Zechariah were whom who did what? (Ezra 5:1)

Prophets, prophesied

What did the priests and Levites do on the day of passover? (Ezra 6:20)

Purify themselves; making themselves ritually clean & Slaughtered the Passover lambs for all the descendants of the captivity, their brethren priests, and themselves

Shechaniah suggested that the Israelites do which things to establish a covenant with God at the advice of his master and those who tremble at the commandment of God? (Ezra 10:3)

Put away the wives and the ones born to them

King Cyrus made a proclamation and he also did what with the proclamation? (Ezra 1:1)

Put it in writing

By the first day of the first month, they had finished what in Ezra 10:17?

Questioning all the men who had taken pagan wives

What did the writers of the letter call the city that the Jews were building? (Ezra 4:12)

Rebellious and evil city

Fill in the Blanks: "And you will find in the book of the records and know that this city is a ______ city, harmful to kings and provinces, and that they have incited _____ within the city in former times, for which cause this city was destroyed." (Ezra 4:15)

Rebellious; Sedition

Fill in the blank: "O Lord God of Israel, You are righteous, for we are left as a ___________, as it is this day. Here we are before You in our __________, though no one can stand before You because of this." (Ezra 9:15)

Remnant; guilt

Fill in the blank: "And they sang ___________, praising and giving thanks to the Lord. "For He is ____________, For his mercy ________ forever... (Ezra 3:11)

Responsively, good, endures

What did king Cyrus order to happen to the gold and silver articles that Nebuchadnezzar took from the temple to Babylon before the articles were taken back to Jerusalem? (Ezra 6:5)

Restore them

What did Haggai and Zechariah rise up and begin to do? (Ezra 5:2)

Resume building now

The king answered the letter and addressed his letter to Rheum, the commander, Shimshai, the scribe and their companions who dwelt where? (Ezra 4:17)


Who commanded the Jews to assign the priests to their divisions and the Levites to their divisions, over the service of God in Jerusalem? (Ezra 6:18)

The Book of Moses

In chapter 9, the leaders came to Ezra and said that the people, the priests, and the Levites have not separated themselves from the abominations of which people? (Ezra 9:1)

The Canaanites The Hittites The Perizzites The Jebusites The Ammonites The Moabites The Egyptians The Amorites

Who did King Darius say should build the temple? (Ezra 6:7)

The Governor of the Jews & The Elders of the Jews

Whose "hand was foremost in this trespass" or who were the biggest offenders in this intermarriage? (Ezra 9:2)

The leaders and rulers

What did the king's letter say in verse 18? (Ezra 4:18)

The letter was clearly read before me

True/False There were some who could not identify their fathers' houses or their genealogy. (Ezra 2:59)


According to the governor, what had to be consulted before those in question 27 could eat of the most holy things? (Ezra 2:63)

The Urim and Thummim

The 5400 articles of gold and silver were taken along with whom? (Ezra 1:11)

The captives who were brought from Babylon to Jerusalem

Who ate together that day? (Ezra 6:21)

The children of Israel who had returned from the captivity & Those who had separated themselves front he filth of the nation of the land in order to seek the Lord God of Israel

What did the king find out when he looked at the records on the city? (Ezra 4:19)

The city in former times has revolted against kings

In verse 11, why did the people shout with a great shout, when they praised the lord? (Ezra 3:11)

The foundation of the house of the Lord had been laid

They started offering burnt offerings even though what had not happened? (Ezra 3:6)

The foundation of the temple had not been laid

What did the writers of the letter say at the end of the letter in verse 16 would happen if the city was built and the walls completed. (Ezra 4:16)

The king would not have dominion beyond the river

How many burnt offerings did they offer each day? (Ezra 3:4)

The number required by ordinance each for each day

What else was mentioned in the record about the kings of Jerusalem? (Ezra 4:20)

The people paid tax, tribute, and custom to them

Who did Ezra make swear an oath that they would put away their pagan wives and children in Ezra 10:5?

The people who lived in the land

What region were these magistrates and judges supposed to judge? (Ezra 7:25)

The region beyond the river

When did construction resume? (Ezra 4:24)

The second year of the reign of king Darius

When Ezra looked among the people, what did he not find any of? (Ezra 8:15)

The sons of Levi

In verse 11 it describes Ezra as an expert in what? (Ezra 7:11)

The words and commandments of the Lord

What did the letter say the temple was being built out of? (Ezra 5:8)

Timbers & Heavy stones

Why did Ezra proclaim a fast at the river that flows to Ahava? (Ezra 8:21)

To humble themselves before God & To seek from God the right way for them and their little ones to go

Why did they ask for the names of the people who are chief among them? (Ezra 5:10)

To inform the king

Why did Tattenai suggest that the king search the king's treasure house in Babylon? (Ezra 5:17)

To see if King Cyrus had truly made a decree to build the temple

Who was Bukki's Son? (Ezra 7:4)


What were they told to do before they weigh them before the leaders of the priests and the Levites and heads of the fathers' houses of Israel in Jerusalem? (Ezra 8:29)

Watch and keep them

While Ezra was praying, confessing, weeping, and bowing down before the house of God, what was a very large assembly of men, women, and children doing in Ezra 10:1?

Weeping very bitterly

What did Artaxerxes say that all of the treasurers in the region beyond the river are to do? (Ezra 7:21)

Whatever Ezra may require of them, do it diligently

What was Ezra supposed to do with the extra gold and silver (Ezra 7:18)

Whatever seems good to Ezra and his brethren

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