Merchant of venice

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Prince from Naples

Only talks about horses.

Monsieur Le Bon

Tries too hard.

Who wrote The Merchant Of Venice?

William Shakespeare

Bassanio contacts Shylock regarding the loan. What are the terms of the loan? What does it mean for Antonio to be "bound" to a loan?

• 3,000 ducats for 3 months • Antonio is going to guarantee to give back the money no matter what.

What does Antonio's letter indicate about his feelings for Bassanio?

• He only cares about seeing Bassanio as his friend before he dies. • He will forget all the debt he owes him. • He says only if Bassanio truly cares for him, Should he come to visit? • Shows he truly cares about his friendship.

How does death represent "what many men desire"(1.37)?

• Hes only interested in her rank in society. • Portia is also into someone wealthy and high social class. Has a lot of standards.

What is Aragon's logic in selecting the silver casket? How does his logic reveal his character? How is his thinking different from Morocco's? Is he more or less intelligent than Morocco?

• Lead is not attractive so he dismisses it right away. • He believes that people who choose Gold do not look pass its shininess and don't really care about the inside. • The Silver box- He states that no one should have an honor that he doesn't deserve and Aarogon thinks he is the very best. • Social Class and money is what Morocco focuses on. Aarogon has a feeling of entitlement. • Morocco and Aarogon are equal in some ways however Aarogon is smarter the Morocco because he followed his individual choice.

Portia mocks each of her potential suitors in turn. What faults does she see in each one? How do those faults reflect the Elizabethan viewpoints of each of these cultures? What is different about her criticism of Morocco?

• Looks for the worst in people. • She looks down upon. • She judges Prince Morocco on the color of his skin.

Do you think Jessica will be happy with Lorenzo? Why or why not?

• Lorenzo loves Jessica for who she is. • This may lead to the key of happiness.

Why is the messenger so favorable in his description of Bassanio? What is Portia's response to the messenger?

• The messenger is impressed by Bassanio's fancy gifts and polite greeting. • Portia tells the messenger to stop praising him because she does not want him to be to good to be true. • They are off to see who this dynamic character is.

What do the two men say about the nature of love? What view of love does Gratiano take? What kind of boyfriend do you think he would be?

• The two men say that the same things that causes you love causes you pain. • Both of them believe that when you are first in love time goes by very quickly. • A married couple who have been together forever time goes by slower. • The same thing that causes you love can cause you pain. • The chase of perusing someone to date in a relationship is more exciting then when you actually get into the relationship. • He is using a simile here. (a ship) • He like pursuing relationships but he doesn't like being in relationships.

Describe Shylock. What stereotypical characteristics do you notice in the way Shakespeare's words present Shylock's character? What do you see that defies stereotypes?

• The way he sticks to Jewish law with dietary restrictions. • Automatically hates all Christians. • His stinginess with money. • Very self absorbed • Shakespeare shows Shylocks humanity. Shylock is hurt by the way Christians treat him.

Why is the loss of the ring even more agonizing to Shylock?

• The wealth of the ring works on 2 levels . • Works on the level of it being expensive $. And the sentimentality of it is also very important to him. • Jessica is sneaky she is acting like her father. • Makes Jessica a very round character.

How has the relationship between Jessica and Launcelot changed since Launcelot became Bassanio's servant and not Shylock's? Has his change in master changed his personality? Explain.

• There relationship hasn't changed much since his time with Shylock. • He still uses word play and still speaks his mind. • Launcelot seems to be more willing to work and seems to be a better servant to his new masters.

What reaction do the Venetians have towards Shylock's grief?

• They call him that Jew dog. • They are happy that Shylock is in a bad situation. They don't really care.

What comparisons does Antonio make concerning Bassanio's arguing with Shylock?

• You can't change a person's nature.

What does Jessica give Launcelot?

• A letter for Lorenzo who seems to be having a secret love affair with her.

What are Shylock's terms of the loan? He says he grants it in terms of a "merry sport" (l.142). Is he joking or serious? How does Antonio take it? How does Bassanio?

• A pound of flesh will be taken off if he doesn't repay on the day agreed upon. • Satire. • Shakespeare mocks usury. • He is not joking about taking a chunk of Antonio's skin. • He hates Christians. • Wants to embarrass Antonio. • Antonio accepts the loan right away. • Antonio is confident about paying the loan because he is rich. • Bassanio takes it seriously. • Satrie: mockery of people and social institution. Shakespeare uses satire to mock the practice of usary. • Comparison: Charging extremely high interest rates is almost exactly like "giving a pound of flesh." Or giving a part of yourself because of how impossible it is to pay back the loan.

Why does Solanio think the Duke will forgive the forfeiture? Why doesn't Antonio?

• Antonio believes that if the duke does not in force the law it would "threaten the security of all foreign merchants in Venice." • If the law doesn't step in and say u have to pay back his contract then other merchants may not get paid. • Salonio believes that the duke will never allow such an outrages contract to be enforced.

How does Shylock's loan to Antonio differ from Antonio's loan to Bassanio?

• Antonio is lenient with Bassanio but Shylock is serious. • Antonio is satisfied with helping someone while Shylock receives the satisfaction of embarrassing Antonio or when he ends up receiving more money.

What impression do you get about Antonio's and Bassanio's relationship based on Salerino's description of their parting?

• Antonio only really focuses on wanting the best for Bassanio. • He is giving and giving and giving and seeks nothing from it.

How does Antonio react to the charges against him? How does he reconcile that apparent hypocrisy? Why does he say this is even more reason to grant the loan?

• Antonio says he will do this again, but he tells Shylock to lend him the money as an enemy not a friend. • When you lend the money to a friend they would be lenient. • Enemy it would be harsh.

Why does Gratiano want to go with Bassanio to Belmont?

• Bassanios main goal is to marry Portia. • Gratiano wants to marry a women of his own. • People in Belmont have much wealth and Gratiano wants to experience living the life of luxury.

Why are Gratiano and Salarino anxious?

• Because Lorenzo is late to get to the Jews house. • They don't want to be late and keep Jessica waiting.

Bassanio invites Shylock to eat with Antonio and him, but Shylock refuses. What reasons does he give? Why does he seem so bitter all at once? What underlying rancor is there?

• Because of Shylock's religious restrictions he not allowed to eat pork. • Because Antonio was so mean to him in past which makes him bitter. • Underlying problem: Stereotypes towards Jews.

How does Venice differ from Belmont?

• Belmont is high social class then Venice is. Nerissa says people who have money seem to be sad.

What similarities are there between Launcelot and Gobbo's relationship and Jessica and Shylock's? What are the differences you can see this far?

• Both children are not treated well by their father at some point in there life. • Both tried to trick there fathers to get away from them. • Shylock is symbolically blind by not seeing what Jessica wants, Gobo is physically blind and can not tell initially its his son.

What terms does Bassanio give him in order to go? Under what terms does Gratiano agree?

• Don't be loud or rude. • He can't be so wild, he has to act serious. • Other wise he will blow his chances with getting with Portia. • Gratiano says "I will be respectful but not the night before we leave." • He says he may curse once in a while.

Why does Bassanio set his sights on Portia? What stands in his way? How does he plan to overcome those barriers?

• He asks Antonio to give him more money so Bassanio can risk it and go on his trip. He tells Antonio he will pay it back or get even more money. • Antonio and Bassanio have an interesting friendship because Antonio is willing to do anything for his best friend without guarantee. • Bassanio uses a metaphor of an arrow to describe his plan.

How does Shylock perceive himself as a master and a father? Give evidence from the text to support your answer.

• He doesn't care about Jessica's feelings. Shylock believes he is doing all the right things by his servants and his daughter. • Shylock thinks that he treats both Jessica and Launcelot very well, like they are lucky to be around them. • He acts like a father to both of the them when he states "you always loved to tell me I couldn't do anything without being told." This shows that Shylock thinks he is doing the best thing for Launcelot and Jessica.

What is Antonio's mood going into the trial? How does this compare with his mood in I, i? Why do you think this is?

• He doesn't feel sorry for himself and wants to take the punishment. • He does express great sorrow. • Were showing a comparison of why he's sad. He's sad in the beginning of the story because he doesn't know himself. But here his sadness is coming from the fact that he knows he will be found guilty.

Why is it such a crisis for Shylock that his daughter converted and married a Christian?

• He feels like his daughter is bringing shame on him. • He's ashamed of his daughter. Thinking of the shame she brought him(Her daughter is converting to be a Christian) To Shylock Christians are his sworn enemies.

What rumor does Salerino hear about Antonio's ships?

• He hard from a French man that the vinitian ship was wrecked in a channel. • Example on page 95-Salerino jumps to conclusion and things its Antonio's ship.

Shylock directly confronts Antonio regarding the way Antonio has treated Shylock in the past. What wrongs has Antonio committed against Shylock?

• He has called him a heathen, dirty dog and spit on Shylocks Jewish clothes.

Although he has condemned usury in the past, Antonio doesn't need much convincing to go into debt for Bassanio. Why? What would he get out of granting him the loan?

• He is a very generous person. Antonio is more interested in friendship than he does in money. He would get more money from Bossanio if his plan would work.

Based on how Shylock has been treated by Christians, is it wrong for him to want revenge? If positions were reversed, would Antonio demand fulfillment of the bond according to the terms that were set?

• He is going behind people's backs to get revenge. • A Jew should have the right to seek revenge because the Christians treated them wrong. • Antonio wouldn't demand the pound of flesh. He doesn't really care about the money. He lends Bassanio money and doesn't seek anything in return.

How does Portia first encounter Bassanio? What kind of social status does he have?

• He is politically connected. • Involved with Rich Soldiers. • Visited his father. • Even though he has a high social class he is in so much debt he shouldn't be were he is.

What has Bassanio come to tell Antonio?

• He tells Anonio there is a girl he wants to go on a trip to see a girl but he has so much debt to pay off that he can't afford the trip. He owes must of his debt to Antonio.

Why does Launcelot use wordplay as humor? What effect does his humor have?

• He uses wordplay to joke around with people. He jokes with his master to build a friendly relationship with him. • This is supposed to be another example of farce. • Because of the intensity of the climax Shakespeare wants to lighten the mood.

What does Antonio get from his relationship with Bassanio?

• He wants to see him succeed. -Friendship

Which does Shylock miss more: Jessica or his money? How would his grief and anger affect the way he talks about the losses?

• He wishes his daughter were dead with the Jewels that she stole. • All the grief and anger he is having has a stronger affect by the way he talks. • Shylock is an unmerciful character. • Shylock is more concerned that Jessica spent 80 ducats then Jessica never coming back again.

What do Jessica and Lorenzo think of Portia? Why is their opinion important enough for Shakespeare to show?

• Her personality is like no one else's. • She thinks that Bassanio is very lucky to have her. • We learned that Portia can change her ways regarding racism.

Shylock does a risk analysis of Antonio's ability to repay the loan in 11.13-26. What are the risks? What does Shylock say outweighs those risks for him? Would this be enough for you to lend him the money?

• His ships may not do well. • There are to many things that can go wrong while his money is on the line. • The risks include Antonios many ships that can get in trouble. • Antonio is still very wealthy anyway. • His desire to be rich out ways the risks in his situation.

Portia gives Bassanio the ring with a warning, and Bassanio accepts the ring with his own pledge. How is this contract or bond similar to and different from the one made in Venice? What significance did rings have in Elizabethan England? Do they have the same significance today?

• If he looses the ring she has the right to be mad at him and there love will be doomed. • The ring represents commitment. • The day he will take his ring off he will die. • The 2 contracts are similar because if Antonio doesn't pay back Shylock he will die. • One is made out of love and the other is made out of hate. • They make themselves to be a contract or a promise and a serious commitment or a serious promise. • Some people don't take it seriously for a variety of reasons.

Much of this play has to do with Christian vs. Jewish standards of morality. What takes precedence in Venetian law, where commerce is king?

• If the city doesn't have laws that protect the merchants the cost will go down. • It supports business. • The Venetian law is better.

Why does Shylock say at the end of the scene that he is glad Launcelot is leaving?

• In Lancelot's perception Shylock is a lazy servant. • He's a huge eater. • He's slow as a slow snail when he works. • He sleeps all day so he is leaving. • He knows that Bassanio is poor and wants him to spend the money.

Solanio reports that Shylock calls out for "Justice! The law" (l.17), and Salerio acknowledges that the Duke knows about Jessica's running off with Lorenzo. What benefit could arise from the involvement of the law in this situation?

• Involving the law can possibly help Shylock when the criminal is caught.

Examine the end rhymes of Portia's song as well as the images it includes. How might these be construed as hints?

• It rhymed with lead (red, shad, head) • Ding Dong Bell, Bells were made out of lead during that time period which helped pushed Bassanio towards the lead box. • All these hints are made to push Bassanio in the direction of the Lead Box.

Look at the "welcome" given to Jessica (ll.218 and 237). How does she try to fit into Belmont society? What will life be like for her?

• It seems that all of the friends are openly welcomed. • She gets a very brief hello. • She tries to jump into there conversation and she is trying to stick up for Antonio in this situation but really everyone else ignores her. • She is always going to judged and ignored from where she originally came from. • She doesn't care that he doesn't have the money. • She's more impressed that he cares more about his friend. • It doesn't seem to affect her. • She is impressed that he came clean. It shows that he is a loyal and honest character.

What "compliment" is Launcelot trying to give Jessica? What is ironic about Launcelot's speech in lines 10-13?

• It's ironic that she's a sweet Jew but a beautiful Pagan. • Verbal Irony is used. • He's using Verbal irony because he's dumb (doesn't know what a Pagan is) • The compliment Launcelot gives to Jessica is that she is beautiful and she does not believe like the other Jews believe. • He is saying that she is worthy marrying a Christian.

Why the new emphasis on music (l.43)?

• It's supposed to express emotion. • Expresses the emotion of the seriousness in this situation. • The song is giving hints. • The song that Portia wanted to play had helped Bassanio pick the correct box.

How much of her running away is related to her oppressive father, and how much is related to her faith? What evidence do you have for your argument?

• Its her fathers behavior in society that makes her so ashamed to be a Jew. • They make fun of her faith. • Launcelot likes Jessica.

When Old Gobbo enters and Launcelot recognizes, him, why doesn't Launcelot reveal himself to his father? What is the purpose in hiding his identity, even briefly?

• Launcelot doesn't reveal himself to his father to trick him and he wants to see if his father will recognize him. • This moment represents a farce. • He wants to show how blind Old Gobbo really is. • This is a moment of comedic relief for the audience.

What is Launcelot's debate about?

• Launcelot starts this scene with sililo que. • He is clearly the servent of Shylock and he is debating if he should run away from his master. • He wants to run away because he is being starved and not treated nicely by his master. • His conscience is preventing him from running away. He is using any paradoxes to show his contradictions.

How does Morocco's mind work, that is, what do his words say about who he is? Based on his reasoning, what is his opinion of Portia? Where do his priorities lie?

• Lead box: "He who choses me must give and risk all he has." • Morocco thinks the box is threatening. He believes Portia is worth more then the lead box. • He is referring to social class. • Silver Box: "he who chooses me will get as much as he deserves" • He believes he deserves him. If Morocco says he doesn't deserve this box he is under estimating himself. (page 89) • Gold Box: "He who choses me will get what many men want" • He is saying everyone wants Portia and goes to travel all over the word for her. • Morocco choses the gold chest based on Portia's wealth. • Morocco's priorities are social class and wealth. • (page 91) many men desire wealth and gold but lose their souls along the way. The tombs are made of gold. Poem is saying what you seek is gold but you have Gold tombs with dead people.

What plan does Bassanio have to pay Antonio back?

• Marry Portia, get her money, pay Antonio back, Bassanio believes Portia likes him.

Compare Bassanio's logic in selection with Morocco's and Aragon's. How does his elimination process differ from theirs? How does his description of the world also describe himself? Would he have been able to choose without Portia's hints or encouragement? Why or why not?

• Morocco focused on social class. • Bassanio focused on what's on the inside. • This is an example of situational irony. • He is professing that there is always something deeper yet he himself is faking whom he really is, going back to our theme.

Where does racism show up?

• Most characters in the play react to others based on stereotypes. Even the "good" characters. • This separates/divides people in general.

What does she tell Lorenzo that she and Nerissa will do? What is their actual plan?

• Nerissa and Portia are locking themselves away in a monastery. • A monastery is where nuns or priests live. • She is locking herself in prayer. In actuality Portia and Nerissa plan to dress up like men to see if they can help Antonio. • She is going to dress up like a male lawyer to see if she can help Antonio and Bassanio. • She is going to dress up like a man and help out the situation (looks may be deceiving play a part here.

How does Portia and Nerissa's relationship differ from Antonio and Bassanio's? How is it similar? Look at the way they speak. How does Shakespeare show differences in their personalities and social stature through dialogue?

• Nerissa is more of an assistant for Portia then Antonio and Bassino. Nerissa and Antonio both want the best for their counterpart. • Nerissa speaks very properly reflecting upper class. • Portia is more positive despite being upset about trying to find someone. • Her father is still helping her find someone even though he has passed away.

What appeals does Portia make in petitioning Shylock to have mercy? What effect do these appeals have on Shylock?

• Nobody gives mercy because he has to, people show mercy because of the benefits. • Mercy lesses twice. It blesses the person who gives and blesses the person who receives. • It doesn't have any affect on him, Shylock still wants his penalty.

Once Antonio enters, Shylock's aside gives us insight into why he dislikes Anontio? How would his feelings reflect the political positions Jews held in Elizabethan society? How would his attitude towards the merchant influence his risk analysis?

• Political positions Jews held in society was very low. • It would be bad for him to forgive Antonio because of his reputation in the Jewish community. • Shylock sees an opportunity to embarrass him/best Antonio. • If Shylock gives Antonio the money he could catch Antonio in a trap.

Why would Portia even consider helping Antonio?

• Portia decides to help Antonio because he is Bassanio's friend which means they must be similar men. • Portia seems to value friendship in her life.

How is Portia equipped to portray a man?

• Portia is also good at being deceivable.

What is Portia's reaction to Morocco? Based on her previous comments to Nerissa, do you believe her? Why or why not?

• Portia's reaction is that the way someone looks is not the way to her heart. • However in the past she was judgmental of others and made racist remarks about the prince before they spoke.

What is Shylock's initial reaction to Launcelot's leaving his service?

• Shakespeare is showing us how looks can be deceiving. (goes back to the theme) • Shylock claims that Launcelot will see a difference with working for him and working for Bassanio. • Shylock is telling Launcelot he has a better gig working for him then he does for Bassanio. • Launcelot wont be able to eat as much sleep as much and wear his clothes.

How does Portia feel about her deceased father's method of selecting a husband for her? So far, how successful has it been in eliminating inappropriate suitors?

• She doesn't like how her father is choosing who she marries.

What can you tell about Portia's attitude towards Aargon? What text clues do you have to support this?

• She has him take an oath. • She doesn't want the prince of Aargon to win. • She's teasing Aargon with the fact that he picked the wrong box.

What does Nerissa's comment mean (ll.81-2)? What do you make of her character thus far?

• She is a very big believer in faith. • Nerissa is being sarcastic through the use of verbal irony. Page 105 • Of all the characters in the play Nerissa is the most laid back and thinks that chance will let it happen. • Nerissa and Portia are dramatic foils of one another. • Dramatic irony is used. • Bassanio and Antonio would be good examples of dramatic Irony as well.

Notice how careful Portia is with her words. Why do you think this is? What does this indicate about her intelligence?

• She is a very clever and crafty young women. • She knows what to do to get what she wants. • She messes up the life of the prince that she doesn't like. • She says that if the Prince choses incorrectly he not only wont win Portia's heart but he wont be able to marry any woman ever again.

Why is Jessica so ashamed to be a Jew?

• She is ashamed by her fathers behavior because he represents Jewish people. • She is ashamed to be a Jew because she can not marry Lorenzo, she would have to convert instead. (Jew to Christian)

What is her plan?

• She is going to dress up as a page(a male servant) and escort Lorenzo as his torchbearer.

What does Jessica's letter say?

• She lays out the plan to escape from shylocks house.

What does Portia's speech about their disguises (ll.60-78) say about her opinion of men?

• She says that men ram about there youth and talk about fights. • She thinks that men are very arrogant when it comes to love. • She also implies that they lie and are un trust worthy. • She seems men as immature.

How is Portia's demeanor with Bassanio different from that with her other suitors? What new side of Portia are we seeing?

• She wants Bassanio to win! Shes even willing to break the oath she has and tell him what box. • Appearances can be deceiving. • We as an audience in this moment have trouble understanding where Portia is telling the truth and where Portia is not telling the truth.

Why does Shylock say he will accept Bassanio's invitation?

• Shylock believes they are flattering him. • He wants to feast of the Christians.

Is Shylock a villain or a victim of persecution?

• Shylock is a victim of Persecution because the Christians have treated him wrong. • No reason to spit or call someone a dirty dog because of his or her religion. • Jessica has no regard for his feelings.

Why does Shylock channel his grief over Jessica's leaving into anger at Antonio?

• Shylock is able to channel his anger because he has control of Antonio. • He's spending a lot of money to try and find Jessica. • He sent friends to try and find her or hear about her. • Shylock is upset that he's loosing his daughter and his money and he can't control it. • Example on page 117 Shylock is preparing the Police officer for the worst, he wants to arrest Antonio and give him the worst.

Shylocks love of money is undeniable. Why does Shylock tell the story of Jacob and Laban? How does Shylock interpret the story? How does Antonio? Review Genesis 30 and determine if there is a distinctly "Christian" as opposed to a "Jewish" interpretation. Which does the play seem to support?

• Shylock says profit is a blessing as long as you don't steal it. He presents this story in order to show the benefit of profits. Shylock mentions that profit is a blessing. • Antonio's interpretation is that any extra profit comes from God not from man.

What does it mean when Shylock says, "Antonio is a good man"(1.12)? How does Bassanio take his meaning? What distinction does this show between the two men in terms of their priorities or states of mind?

• Shylock thinks he is a good man because he has money. • He is looking at it from a business perspective. • Bassanio takes it to mean Antonio is a good friend or person. • Shylocks priority is business and money first, while Bassanio's priority is friendship.

Why does Shylock insist on the punishment for forfeiting the bond?

• Shylock wants revenge because Antonio believes Shylock hates him because he gives money to people who can not pay Shylock back.

Why does Launcelot want to leave Shylock's service? How do his comments affect our perceptions about Shylock?

• Shylock was unfair to Launcelot. • Shylock doesn't even give Launcelot nice clothes to wear. • Shylock would starve Launcelot. • The Jews are cheap. • It shows that Shylock is selfish. • This scene shows that Shylock does have some kind of evil quality to him because he treats other people poorly.

What does Solanio report that he heard Shylock say? Do you think Solanio is an accurate reporter? Why or why not?

• Solanio reports that he over heard Shylock saying he lost his daughter. • He lost his ducats (money). • He lost Jewelry. • Solanio is saying he's a crazy person. • He's more upset that his money is gone and that his Jewelry is gone. • Earlier scenes represent dramatic irony leading up to act 2 scene 8.

Why does Bassanio accept Launcelot as his servant so quickly? Can he afford a servant?

• That's probably why he accepts Launcelot so quickly. • He tells Launcelot that he is poor, but even though he is poor he tells him to get a nice uniform. • This tells you that Bassanio is very generous. • Bassanio shows his carelessness with his money that he should be using on his trip. • Shylock is a materialistic person. • Bassanio is a good person.

Look at the circumstances under which Bassanio has come to court Portia. Is he the type of man Portia's father would have chosen for her? Does he have an unfair advantage in her hints?

• The 2 of them shouldn't be together because it wasn't determined by faith. • They're both lying to each other. • His speech about what's going on the outside is against Portia's judgmental nature. • Its ironic that he is also faking it. He is presenting himself as someone he is not.

Examine Morocco's opening lines. What issues does he address?

• The Prince of Morocco addresses Portia's racisim. • He tries to prove he is just like any man. (page. 43) • He tells her he would change his skin color just so Portia will think of him.

How do those in the courtroom react to Shylock? How would you describe their behavior? How is their behavior similar to and different from behavior towards him in the streets of Venice? Find evidence from the text for your comparison.

• The duke is trying to be retinol with Shylock, he's trying to talk him out of it. • The duke tries to appeal to Shylocks sense of mercy. • Overall the duke treats him with respect. • They are very cruel and call him many names, they also argue with him. • Overall with the people who are disrespecting him he still has his case and to obey the law.

Antonio quips that the devil can cite scripture for his own purpose (I, iii, l.95). How does the scriptural debate between Launcelot and Jessica serve each character's purpose? This debate has the potential to explode the harmony of Belmont. How does Shakespeare diffuse this?

• The spiritual debate between Jessica and Launcelot is whether or not Jessica is becoming a Christian is a good thing for her soul. • This is a breaking free from her fathers sins. (Jessica) • Launcelot worries about the price of poor. • The way Shakespeare defuses this situation is through comic relief.

Review Bassanio's speech in I, i, ll.161-176. How is Lorenzo's love for Jessica different from Bassanio's love for Portia? How are they the same?

• There love is similar because they both try to over come challenges to get to there lover. • Bassanio's challenge is not having enough money to get to her. • Lorenzo's challenge is Shylock standing in the way between them, this is due to religious differences. • Example on page 83. • Jessica is ready to go the extra mile for Lorenzo. • She is willing to dress up like a boy to get away from her father to see Lorenzo.

What does Jessica's cross-dressing have in common with Portia and Nerissa's? What purpose does each serve?

• They do it to help the people they love. • Portia and Nerissa need to escape Belmont without being noticed. • Men are more accepted in society then women are. • The way to get to places and get more information is to dress up like a man.

What news do Gratiano and Nerissa have? What bet do they make with Bassanio and Portia?

• They fell in love like bassanio and Portia did and they want to get married. • There bet is that they will have a son before Bassanio and Portia do.

Antonio seems to have it all. Why, then, is Antonio so sad? Why doesn't he know the cause of his sadness? What guesses do Solanio and Salerio have about the causes of his depression? What lifts his depression?

• They guess he is in love, in a bad mood, or having financial problems. He feels he doesn't know himself anymore. He becomes happy when his friends come. (Bassanio and his friends)

How is others' treatment of their slaves comparable to Shylock's treatment of his 'pound of flesh,' according to Shylock? How does this argument test Venetian law?

• This argument tests the validity of Venetian law. • The Christians did not treat their slaves well and because the slaves are expensive and the pound of flesh is expensive then why cant he do anything with his expensive pound of flesh. • Validity actually means truth. • The argument tests whether the Venetian law is true or not.

What are some themes that arise in The Merchant Of Venice?

- Appearances can be deceiving: cant trust anyone in the play - Racism: evident even in good people

What are the Dramatic Foils' from The Merchant Of Venice?

- Portia's dramatic foil is Nerissa - Antonio's dramatic foil is Shylock and Bassanio

Scottish Lord

Doesn't defend himself.


Don't speak same language.

A character who by contrast helps to accentuate another characters opposite personality.

Dramatic Foil

Saxony's Nephew

Drunk all the time.

Count Palentine

Frowns all the time.

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APUSH Exam #2 : ch. 6 through 10

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Ch. 5- Analyzing Vulnerability Scans

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The New Seven Wonders of the World

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Chapter 6: Texas statutes and rules pertaining to life and health insurance

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ICP/head injury NCLEX style questions

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ARE SS 3- Structural Fundamentals

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1 - ¿Cómo son? Write a sentence describing each subject using the appropriate adjective in parentheses. Follow the model. Modelo: (gordo, delgada) Lidia: Lidia es delgada. el novio de Olga: El novio de Olga es gordo.

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