MG 302 Chapter 1

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In total quality management, a company that is checking to see how the best companies in the industry do things is engaged in _____.


The authors of this editorial suggest that: -rapid expansion is necessary for quality control -quality control is enhanced by rapid expansion -quality control is necessary for rapid expansion -rapid expansion gets in the way of quality control

rapid expansion gets in the way of quality control

technical skills

the understanding and proficiency in the performance of specific tasks

As part of its _____ initiative, East African Growers in Kenya used kaizen to dramatically increase the efficiency of its flower-packing facility, reducing throughput time and waste.

total quality management

Total Quality Management (TQM)

total quality management focuses on managing the total organization to deliver better quality to customers, moved to the forefront in helping US managers deal with global competition. The approach infuses high-quality values throughout every activity within a company, with frontline workers intimately involved in the process. Four significant element of quality management are employee involvement, focus on the customer, benchmarking, and continuous improvement

administrative principles approach

Another major subfield within the classical perspective that focuses on the total organization rather than the productivity of the individual worker. The major contributor to this approach was Henri Fayol (1841-1925), a French mining engineer

To improve speed to a market and eliminate waste, KCA built highly automated central distribution systems in Sydney and Millicent, Australia, and high-velocity regional distribution centers in Sydney and Adelaide. It also renovated existing facilities. Social Media Customer Relationship Management Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management

systems thinking

Systems thinking is the ability to see both the distinct elements of a system or situation and the complex and changing interaction among these elements

The Vice President of HR meets with two employees who had a physical altercation last week. Informational Interpersonal Decisional



figurehead, leader, liaison

arising from the Hawthorne studies in the early 1920s, the _____ suggests that employees perform better when their managers treat them better

human relations movement

becoming a manager means a profound transformation in the way people think of themselves, called personal _____, which includes letting go of deeply held attitudes and habits and learning new ways of thinking


social media programs

include company online community pages, social media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn, microblogging platforms such as Twitter and China's Weibo, and company online forums.

A manager of a local restaurant attends local chamber of commerce meetings. Informational Interpersonal Decisional


Supply Chain Management

managing the sequence of suppliers and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers


monitor, disseminator, spokesperson

social media

social media is a group of internet-based applications that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content

An organization has distinct elements, and these elements interact in ever-changing ways. _____ is the ability to analyze both the elements and their interactions.

systems thinking

Here, Max is explaining what Rebecca needs to do to drive a bulldozer. Max is relying on his _____ skills to operate the machinery effectively during the training session.


Which of the following techniques should your friend use? -each day will be full of surprises, so don't try to plan ahead -time spent writing a to-do list is time you could spend getting work done -give each task your complete focus, as though you're shining a spotlight on it -give tasks labels based on the consequences for not doing them

-give each task your complete focus, as though you're shining a spotlight on it -give tasks labels based on the consequences for not doing them

Achievement: 1) With Fritz Roethlisberger, he conducted the Relay Assembly Test Room experiments at the Hawthorne Electric Plant. 2) This individual used Maslow's works as the basis for his own work defining two different types of managers.

1) Elton Mayo 2) Douglas McGregor

Humanistic Perspective

Emphasizes the importance of understanding human behaviors, needs, and attitudes in the workplace, as well as social interactions and group processes. There are three primary subfields based on the humanistic perspective: the human relations movement, the human resources perspective, and the behavioral sciences approach

Management Principles: 1) overseeing work 2) accomplishing tasks 3) managing relationships 4) leading 5) designing

From traditional approach to new competencies: 1) controller to enabler 2) supervising individuals to leading teams 3) conflict and competition to collaboration 4) autocratic to empower, sometimes bossless 5) maintaining stability to mobilizing for change

Which of the management theorists attending the dinner developed a chart that showed timelines for various parts of a project as bar graphs? Mary Parker Follett Henry Gantt Chester Barnard Henri Fayol

Henry Gantt

You carefully analyze the sales figures of each employee and compare the employee's salary with the amount of merchandise sold. You find that Rachel and Rebecca sell 80% of your merchandise, but Rafael is being paid almost twice the amount they receive. You decide to fire Rafael. Classical Management Theory Humanistic Management Theory Management Science

Management Science

management science

Management science, also referred to as the quantitative perspective, provided a way to address those problems. This view is distinguished for its application of mathematics, statistics, and other quantitative techniques to management decision making and problem solving

Hawthorne Studies

Observation that employee motivation is affected as much or more by recognition and show of concern, as it is by improvements in their work conditions. Observed by the US productivity researcher George Elton Mayo (1810-1949), during 1927 to 1933 at the Hawthorne (Illinois) plant of Western Electric

Which of the following management theorists did not attend the dinner? Lillian Gilbreth Max Weber Frederick Taylor Peter Senge

Peter Senge

organizational effectiveness

Providing a product or service that customers value


Refers to financial managers and others who make decisions based primarily on complex quantitative analysis

Quantitative Techniques

The use of mathematics, statistics, and computer technology to facilitate management decision making

The expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or rest. The average human being does not inherently dislike work.

Theory Y

The "father of total quality management"

W. Edwards Deming

When a returning customer visits Amazon's website, they will see suggested purchases based on what the customer previously bought or searched for on Amazon's website. This is an example of _____, which allows Amazon to personalize the customer experience as well as collect and manage large amounts of customer data.

a Customer Relationship Management system

Today's workplace is changing. Managers are less likely to adopt_____ leadership style. Now managers are more likely to create a _____ work environment

a command and control flexible

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

a model for managing a company's interactions with current and future customers


the attainment of organizational goals by using resources in an efficient and effective manner


the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources


the degree to which the organization achieves a stated goal

Researchers who study total quality management have criticized a number of things about the technique and the way it is implemented in corporations today. Which of the following criticisms might be responsible for the problems Hyundai encountered with its steering system? -implementing total quality management may consume resources that would otherwise be directed toward production of goods/services -benchmarking best practices in other organizations may reduce true innovation -workers may be asked to make suggestions for improvement, but their suggestions may not be implemented -total quality management may focus workers so intently on one part of the process that other parts of the process are ignored or neglected

-implementing total quality management may consume resources that would otherwise be directed toward production of goods/services -workers may be asked to make suggestions for improvement, but their suggestions may not be implemented -total quality management may focus workers so intently on one part of the process that other parts of the process are ignored or neglected

Level of skill required graph: What can management researchers infer based on this study? -business skills are more important than interpersonal skills for all levels of managers -when moving from a junior to a senior management position, managers should focus on improving their technical skills -the need for all four types of skills rises as management levels rise -the difference between the levels of skills needed for a junior manager versus senior managers is greatest for business and strategic skills

-the need for all four types of skills rises as management levels rise -the difference between the levels of skills needed for a junior manager versus senior managers is greatest for business and strategic skills

Management Functions: 1) planning 2) organizing 3) leading 4) controlling

1) select goals and ways to attain them 2) assign responsibility for task accomplishment 3) use influence to motivate employees 4) monitor activities and maker corrections Resources: human, financial, raw materials, tech, info Performance: attain goals, products, services, efficiency, effectiveness

bureaucratic organizations approach

A systematic approach developed in Europe that looked at the organization as a whole, a subfield within the classical perspective. Max Weber (1864-1920), a German theorist, introduced most of the concepts on bureaucratic organizations

You notice that when customers have too many choices, they are less likely to make a decision about what to buy, so you tell all of your employees to bring out only three things at one time. In addition, you start to pay your employees a commission for every item that they sell. Classical Management Theory Humanistic Management Theory Management Science

Classical Management Theory

contingency view

Contingency means that one thing depends on other things and a manager's response to a situation depends on identifying key contingencies in an organizational situation

As 3M's product portfolio became more complicated, employees had a harder time answering questions about products, so the company implemented a software solution to make product knowledge more readily available through a corporate intranet. Social Media Customer Relationship Management Supply Chain Management

Customer relationship management

You believe that employees really like their work and want to do well at it. You try to take advantage of your employees' imagination and creativity, and you put them in charge of creating a new advertising program for the store. Classical Management Theory Humanistic Management Theory Management Science

Humanistic Management Theory

Build several small one-on-one rooms at one end of the lobby where first-time dogs and owners can spend time getting to know a camp counselor and asking questions before the dog is checked in to the day care center. More efficient More effective High Performance

More effective

Provide customers with a mobile app that lets them click to send a message that they are en route to pick up their dog, as well as see their invoice and click to pay it with the credit card on file. More efficient More effective High Performance

More efficient

Scientific Management

Scientifically determined jobs and management practices as the way to improve efficiency and labor productivity

Increasingly, CEOs are building their companies' brands through personal online participation, including through wide distribution of blog posts, and in this way they are allowing consumers to gain trust in the person running the business rather than an impersonal brand. Social Media Customer Relationship Management Supply Chain Management

Social media

Behavioral Sciences Approach

The behavioral sciences approach draws from psychology, sociology, and other social sciences to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting

conceptual skills

The cognitive ability to see the organization as a whole and the relationships among its parts


The concept that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The organization must be managed as a whole.

Human Relations Movement

The human relations movement was based on the idea that truly effective control comes from within the individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control

human resources perspective

The human resources perspective maintained an interest in worker participation and considerate leadership but shifted the emphasis to consider the daily tasks that people perform. The human resources perspective combines prescriptions for design of job tasks with theories of motivation

informal organization

The informal organization occurs in all formal organizations and includes cliques, informal networks, and naturally occurring social groupings

human relations

The study of how people interact with one another

Because of the human characteristic of dislike for work, most people must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives.

Theory X

classical perspective

This perspective contains three subfields, each with a slightly different emphasis: scientific management, bureaucratic organizations, and administrative principles

Dominant Management Perspective: a) contingency view b) total quality management (TQM) c) classical perspective d) technology-driven workplace e) management science persepective (order them)

Timeline Order: a) 3 b) 4 c) 1 d) 5 e) 2

From Individual Identity: 1) specialist, performs specific tasks 2) gets things done through own efforts 3) an individual actor 4) works relatively independently

To Manager Identity: 1) generalist, coordinates diverse tasks 2) gets things done through others 3) a network builder 4) works in highly interdependent manner


a set of expectations for a manager's behavior


a set of interrelated elements or parts that function as a whole to achieve a common purpose

Millennials have different value than members of previous generations. They are especially motivated by managers who are friendly and give them lots of feedback. They also want opportunities to learn new skills and be entrepreneurial. This is an example of _____ change that impacts how managers can best achieve organizational objectives.

a social


a social entity that is goal directed and deliberately structured

Management Perspective: "Try reorganizing your company. Make sure that all of the employees who are doing one kind of work report to the same manager. When companies have unity of direction, they are more efficient."

administrative principles

Management Perspective: "W.B., you've owned the company for a long time, but have you ever considered hiring a professional manager to oversee day-to-day operations? Professional managers can help make sure that your company follows rational, impersonal rules, which will help you to increase efficiency."

bureaucratic management

Put forward by Max Weber, the _____ approach to management focuses on designing organizations with formal lines of authority and standard operating procedures to promote efficiency.

bureaucratic organization

dow chemical CEO andrew liveris checks financial reports to see whether dow has met its financial goals for the quarter planning organizing leading controlling


"If I want to offer a member rewards program to dog owners who use our facility regularly and seek feedback from those who use it once and never come back, what tool should I be looking at?" -customer relationship management system -supply chain management system -social media program

customer relationship management system

Candance makes sure that employees write up issues involving dogs or customers in a log book so that when new employees come on shift, they can get up to speed on any ongoing concerns. Making sure employees have info they need to perform their jobs is part of the _____ role of management, which falls under the _____ component.

disseminator informational

The roles of _____ are critical for managers in nonprofit organizations

leader, spokesperson, and resource allocator

Mary is a baker who makes the most beautiful and delicious cakes in town. Unfortunately, her cakes are also very expensive because for every finished cake she produces, she throws away three cakes that aren't just right. What is the best way to describe Mary's work? neither effective nor efficient both effective and efficient efficient but not effective effective but not efficient

effective but not efficient


entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, negotiator

If those skills make up the majority of the skills he needs on the job, Max is probably a _____.

first-line manager

people in the engineering, marketing, and operations departments were angry at each other, and to stop the finger-pointing, the CEO had to use her _____ skills


Keisha, public relations manager for the American Red Cross, does radio and newspaper interviews to share the Red Cross' message with the public. Informational Interpersonal Decisional


george steinbrenner transferred his passion for winning to everyone in the new york yankees organization. he is famously quoted as saying, "winning is the most important thing in my life, after breathing. breathing first, winning next." planning organizing leading controlling


the activities that managers like the _____ include controlling subordinates, handling paperwork, and managing time pressures


Empowerment E-Business

less aware more aware

To adapt to being a manager, Candace has had to get things done by working _____.

more through others

Hawthorne effect

observation that employee motivation is affected as much as or more by recognition and show of concern, as it is by improvements in their work conditions. Observed by the US productivity researchers George Elton Mayo (1810-1949), during 1927 to 1933 at the Hawthorne (IL) plant of Western Electric

Enesto Leon, a Domino's Pizza manager, creates a schedule to determine which employees will be working on New Year's Eve. planning organizing leading controlling



parts of a system that depend on one another for their functioning

thanks to your family's excellent planning, the reunion achieves high _____. No one is stressed out or exhausted, spending came in under budget, and everyone had a good time.


Rosie O'Neill and Josh Resnick are the cofounders of Sugarfina. They met through, and, as Resnick says, "Like any two type-A people do on a date, we started brainstorming business ideas." planning organizing leading controlling


Management Perspective: "The best way to increase your workers' productivity is to carefully study their movements. Figure out the fastest way to get the job done correctly, then train all of the employees to do it that same way."

scientific management

when conducting studies, researchers need to be careful of _____, or the possibility that their active participation with study participants can influence the data

the Hawthorne effect


the amount of resources- raw materials, money, and people- used to produce a desired volume of output

The industrial manufacturing firm Colfax has made a series of acquisitions, growing rapidly from revenues of $700 million to $4.6 billion. This business seems to have a bright future. Why might CEO Steve Simms read books or watch documentaries about the history of management? -the analysis of other organizations' mistakes can help one avoid repeating them -he can document how other companies have succeeded and do exactly what they did to ensure Colfax continues its success -there are many ways to manage successfully, no matter what the current business environment is like, so he can find an approach from the many that have been used over the years that suits him

the analysis of other organizations' mistakes can help one avoid repeating them


the continuous process of measuring products, services, and practices against the toughest competitors or those companies recognized as industry leaders to identify areas for improvement

In a small business that is seeking to innovate in its products and services as well as internal processes, a manager is more likely to focus on _____ and less likely to emphasize the informational roles of monitor and disseminator.

the decisional role of entrepreneur

Broadly, _____ emphasizes the importance of people in the organization.

the humanistic perspective

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